I LJ m VTaf Ww 'Tyw l ac '0 i Jj' y bAAJ till ML M. VOL. IV ALBANY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY JUNE 3, 1891. NO 22 Conrad Mover, -PKOI-KIKT'.; 01'. STAR 2UKURY Comer Broadalbin and First Sts., DlOAl.KK IN uni-l t rulls, rien FrutlN, obnwt, Hun!? Coflee, Etc., (KPIlfll Mt-HIN, Q".tMiNivttrf . tgf HtlfH. i'teniH, Tea. Etc, ' v . wytlilng that I kept In . nn ii i T Tand grocery ore. Higher! e rket p 'raid tor ' 1 I. KINDS uf PRODUCE. ' Albany IRONWORKS Munufttcturtirri or 1EAM ENGINES CRIST AND SAW V1ILL MACHINERY IRON FRONTS W ALL CF HEAVY m LIGHT WORK, IK IRON iiND GRASS CAST) 'ICS. Special attention ifaM o uh of trm'J hi nor wiring l P&Wns Mado on Short Notiut RedCrowaMills ROM, LAMINA & C!).. raoPR'S TKW PROCESS 'LOUS UrKItlOR rOK Msff'.ll a:id baeerii unst. KEST STORAGE FACILITIES. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON. 1890, 18Q1. virt Term Opened September lotfc. 1ROO A full corps of Instructor, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Counws or study nrranafld to meet tb And of all grades of students. ' S fecial tuatKcmtnti offered lo sludcnli from abroad. HF.V. ELSF.KT K t'ONOIT - -8 Foftmiliei Si Irving, H.rterial Embalming Dons Scientli ically. Permanently cured wfthout Cuttlnjr, nurninij rr DU latins- A verfevlly naiiiiewt treatment and a guaron teed cure In every' no matter how lonR- standing;. This treatment, for Hlrictil-e, ot Dr ItoxeU's.is ths gr.-atest discovery known to miielr. It dissolves m completely removes the Stricture without annoy 1 or pain to the patient, DISEASES OF MEN! Pecullnrlo tholrSex, nl not iirnper to mm. hn, Inclu.tlnir " lHcte IiiflrmitlM ami Weok- neirneH which they would ihrink Inmi discloslnff to their (Miiily nhvuli-Un, iermiielitly cured 111 lem time than wai ever known to Metlieme Lefore,nylr ixell'a "New System ol Treatment." II rejuvenate. he aenlto-unr arv oreanr ami make, weak men St roni When posBihle.'lt la alwaya heat to call lor personal i.-.inn i.iial evnmination. Itut those ho cannot po"!'1 call, should writs, atatinn tlielr 9 rully. Meillcinssantny man or .. ., .. ...... Iree tr ei)Bur, hi all parts ol Ike Pacillc Coa. Athlreaa, . AVm. A. Koxell, 51. D. i Pnnl l lprnrr. riirll.nrt. Mreit.n. Corner Firat nd l'ii:.tre.t,ov.r"tlortliid National Bank. City Kestanrant. ITirinir hopn pntirelv tffmoilelcil. thin oW ami popular rfitnirnl will lit' mailn tirPt- c!a u every ro-ii'Ct. Tlio pulilio iwn iwr-.l me.iia nl ail lir.t-.ra for only .'" oi-nti'. I'.voryllup ntat una iu.iai;.i I'riva'a li ixfa. (jtcr lu evury styli'. Hwi.j'r"' FCiHAY i ?.iASO, -. ' '::i:r .'! 'l !'.. AMpm'k i li.-i-'l -. i ' h wo m.'.i u. io;'.iliHlj(ir'v ; livi a ....! HELPS, Job Printer, 1st. St. Albany -FUNERAL DmECTORS- STRICTURE SPRING WAGONS. Our Stock of Spring Wagons is the Largest and Most Complete on the Pacific Coast, and Comprises all the Leading Styles of FOURFPKING . PASSENGKll WAGONS. SCROLL SPRING "HANDY WAGONS," 'TAYLOR' OR THREE SPRING WAGONS, HALF-SPRING WAGONS, EX- PRKSS AND DEL1VKRY WAG ONS, SPKCIAL PARCEL DELIVERY 'WAGONS, ONE-HORSE We Guarantca Our Tthioles tha Best, Considered, Sreoial Catalogues and Price List Bailed Free on Application Staver & Walker, NEW MARKET BLOCK, ; HLEATH -IS WEALTH ! 1 f- - fc ' ' "i r !!t. E.C. WEST'S Jftrve sr.d Tirsiii Treatment a ifimrnntoul bim-ciHc for HMtria, 1iizziii-,bs, Omvul Hi nun, ' s, Nervous XoiraliA, lleniladio, Nervous I'rimtrutt-ni cfcineil by tne u! oi aici-riol ir uiscco. WakIuIi)H, Mental Denresftr.n, 3f tuning of tlie brail?, re-ulliny in iiiscuity anil Ua!iTi to m)n dtrcai iddenih. preinat'ire old aco. barreitncsa. f( It. i,v.isei Iiy over-fxt-rlion of the hwin Each ir, '.H'titMii-i one month's tnatincnt. 'l a uix 3r aix b-, a . for Bviit by until prejmiil on receipt o price. WE OUWIAXTEB SIX BOXE3TO CVRE ANY case. Witliac-h or-ltr receive! by us fornix boxt. ac(!omni)iul with tj.i, we will sen J the nrcnaseronr writt n yiiiirantt'e to refund the money if the treat ment doc not vffcft a cure. Guarantees nueil only by J. A. Cu!ntniii, DrvgigiHt, lole uent, Albany, Or, What is Castoria is Dr. Suttiucl Pitcher's prescrintioii r'ji- Iiifiints and Cliildrcn. It costaias neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic r.uhstance. It is n lmrmlcsa Fubstitnto for Paregoric, Irops, Soothiiij; Syrups, ami Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its Guarantee- is thhly years uso by Millions of Mothers. Castoria'destroys Worms and allny3 fevcrisJitioss. C:itoria prevents vomitinj; Sour Curd, cures DIarrhfca, m:d AViutl Colic. Castoria- relievos tcetliini? troubies, euros constipation and flatulency. Castoria nssii:iilate3 the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, jjlvin: healthy and n.ttural bleep. Ca-;-toriu is th-J Chlhlrea's Iauae!:a tho Mother's Friend. Casiorin. "Catorll In an rl.-i'!. '.it t. . dron. Mothers h '.vo r. p.-:ue ui.1. : - i: good eti'ita tipou tlit'l- cbii.lr. n." V. O. f. o-nor,,.. J.- .. . 'C.Vri I :. i' ' ' I trtucli I inn IK-'I "-:,;-- !- 1 ' ' ' : ; I f.ir di-;l.nit w'.i'-iiir.oliiTwilic nii . ir.ton-st "f IVlr rhZ.it, p. .- I '-'- ": a -.1.1 of :" Tia-'' ' '" -n-nwair.-s- ; do?troylnj;lli- ir l.nc l cm- ', hrf-.-ir.j. ; i . .". j morphinis .U.trs ynir en.1 oiii'-r hvri'.'i oi-r.ta doi-.n lli'ir thro-.l.'. thcr.-io- ! .' j them to prciaa: lire criivos." Iin. J.V. KiNC- T.o". t.'"i ay, An;. I Xbo Centaur Company, 'ii BUSINESS WAGONS.ONE. HORSE IRON AXLE WAGONS, .ETC. It Will Pay All Patties Wasting fPPJNG WAGONS OF ANY ESCRIPTION TO CALL Ul'ON OH CORRESPOND WITH US. Our Prices the Lowest Quality PORTLAND, OREGON, . AGENTS ALBANY, OREGON. CRY OF MILLIONS OH, BHCKl OTOP IT NOW, COON IT W11L BE TOO LATC. T have been troubled mnny year with disease of the kidneys una nave tried many different remedies aud havr aatixht aid from different physicians without relief. About the 15th of Apri' I was stifTerinff from a very violent attack that almost prostrated me in nrh a manner that I was bent over. When I at dowu it was almost imjiossiblc for me o Kct i;p nlone, or to put on mv clothes, win? kind I'rovitlence sent lr. Henley, with t- UKlvCON KIUNKY TUA, to my bolel. 1 immediately commenced usirjr the tea. It had an almost I'limculius effect, and to the aston- ifihrutut of all the puesti at the hotel, n a few uays,l nis nappy to state, Liat I was a new man. I wil recommend the tea to all afflicted! as I have Lccn. C. A, TIJPPER, lYoprietor Occidental Hotel, bauta KoBa, Cal. II USES "WhiisyiiiiWail" UU I CUHLS i ai r-1 r-rr Castoria. :iai:- t.-dt-i-'-' ,:vi liirt'iitiiyri (.. ri:.. ;. f..vt-r iijHiu L'M:l-r. i; AM.--I r-. f-viT.f. v. n I. . in-, m I) -: D'iurray Sli-eot, Kcw Yori City. THE f 1 A J, 1 E1DMHI1 Highest of all in Leavening Power. AE5CUUTELY PURE WOltTU COXMllEKIXO. P. M. French keeps railroad time. New cro&ra cheeae just ieceived at Conrad Smoke the celebrated Uavan 1 filled 5 cent cigar at Julius Joseph's, A large stock of wall paper, with lata de signs, at Fort mi Her t Irving's, just received. Have you seeo those parlor suits that T Hrinit boa just received? Iney are nice. Great reduction am jo' furnishing oods for the next 30 days at W F Read's. J W Bentley, boat boot and shoe makeiiu city, toree doors north of Democrat etiice Wasniug, 50c a dczco. mending for men free,at Mrs Kings.j'iat east of the Democrat oihce. Will & Stark have just received a lame and el en a nt stock of i Ivor ware, watchef, etc. never before 'quailed 10 thia city. W Aehiaon & Co handle trie celebrated Portland cement walls for cemetery lots. These walls can be furnished at half the cost of any other aud are far superior. Brighten up your old rubbers and old shoes aud make them look as good as duw with Wolff's Aem Waterproof Polish. For sale at Siniuel E Young's. Dr M II EUii, physician and surgeon, Albiny, Oregon. Calls maid In city or country. Ladies can do thoirahoppioc in San Fran cisco without visiting tbo city, and without extra commiiMon. Mm K J Birrowi IJjr chasing agcut, 1G09 Grove St, Oakland, A a"o care for the silualty -mbit: Dr Liviui:ton' Aclidot,-for .'ruiil ennea. will cure an ease of the liuuor nabit in Irom ten to thirty days, from the irodcral tt driuker to the drntilatd. The Autiiloto cn lie ipvcu in f cap of coffee, ivitbnnt Ihf knowleilue of the person taking? it. The Antidote will not injure the healtn in any way. Mi.mtfaotured l.ythe Livincaton Chemic;l Co., Forllaod, Oregon cr trom J A Cummiug, ol ageBt Alhauy. WriF.r.KTO GtST Them. When wanting n organ' or plana cull on G L IJlackman a-Iic -e vou :an sclvc.t from a first clacs to. Ri llable end Ainu the Snnie. Frendretn'spilla are the oldest, safest and he bl od purifier and purt;itlve known. They are purely vccaoiei tnereioie narm leea. They nr. alwatlie aatneand always produce the same effect. Other purgatives require increased doses end finally ctaso act ing altogether. A course ot one or two of Brandreth's pi-la taken each night is a posi tive cnlo for constipation, headache and all rjilious disorders. It you cant fane them plain get them suar coated. Kemcmber Paisley & Smilev, IViato Just anivod full lino of l.nliea, chil dreus, tneli'4 and In y's foot woar at O W Simpson's, which will be sold at bottom prices. In the Sritixo. A tine line of Blazer jackets for spring wear, in manydesigns, just received by (j W Simpson. Also a large stock of the popular self pening corsets. PROPOSALS FOR BRIDGE AT AL BAKY, OREGON. Notice is hereby given that tho Com mon Council ofthecitv of Albany. Ore- tzoi. wil reoo'.ve WMle-l bid forth lui d Imzof a hridiso acroxa thov.Mam ot'e ilvor fiosu tho north linn of First atreot at the I unction ol'saiil Iira Ktrpec with (. alapooia 8trM, to tne norm huo oi said river, in nccoruancn wun mepianH. vneoiflcations nnd muvc now on Ale in 1 no onice oi tne i.econwir w inn rny oi Albany; Haul briiJ(i lo bo laiw loot in leniith. an-! 2D fet wide in tho clear nnd C"iniKteri of t.ixi;ii)pHni-, the approach- & to lie roHpnf tivtv 3 feet nnrl K4S fcot in length nnd 20 toe, wide; Ktieh bid may aUo be Accompanied with plum, nml i-ppci flections oftlie bl-Mer, w!iih will be ootiM.terd bv th council. Uius v be received for an all tlof'l t.rlde. and must be accompanied by drawing sliow inir man nd eW-Ta.lonsol both Mibptruc1 tu re and auDer.strncturi : diagram of a'm-pca (or np in nl dinvimit Jei liH.flnd full up oi(lcati..n of the lifter al nnd wnrkniiini.i. ot the dtailn of Mich briifit Ii i inuMt bo.li ed with the he erler ff hard t-ilv f.n or Wfnre the hou of t.'clork pin i.f th 27'h dnv -.f Junor iNlil. and nnrn he HcrompHiil; d by corli iUdfhce1 fur five ( er nf-iu i the uic.unt ottliebid Til- nuiitrueior t wlmin iIim eontrKC't ir.Ay lu a vi-r-'i l will b reoiirod ( ! i f Titr inttt w r.t'er. lU'ict'ii'fii! hik: cruet, n d toj vty f f i-.m- r .siifii S Hun y In i r"'t pi ii ( I- :f..n:i n i I ' 1 I- V i: II ( j 'I Jin r.uii'.f i! hcret'V I'i:ir- : t i i - it, L'-'U. lsri N .r H llrf nrlfr r t i ei" .-,(:.. Mav.lS'.h, I'U i:nt. v. i f A:b.i 1. - . IT. S. Gov't Report, Aug. ij, iSJj, Baking IIKOWM4VILLE. Fourth oi Julv celebration at Browns ville. Mrs P Hounds and five cMldren, of Moline, III, arrived here last Friday, in tending to make this her home in the future. Her husband will soon follow. Mrs R is a daughter of Mr John Cush- man, oi this pluce. Pioneer picnic on 'Wednesday. O P Coshow will be 00 years old on the 4th oi July, Ilo bsvs he supposes that is the reason we want to celebrate in Buch grand style. Mrs W B Smith is quite Bick nt this writing. A Eoodlv number of our citizens re membered the dead on decoration day by attending to their graves. We should visit the city of the dead oftener. Pr O B Reese went to Gold Hill on professional business, one day last week, in answer to a ti-lcgnun. Mrs J .M Jaeger and eon went to The Dalles in answer to a telegram stating that her father, Mr Stone, was not ex pected to live, and on Thursday Mr J. left for the same place to attend the fun eral of Mr Ktone. The old and the young are going. Tausetlt Grunge Ileuia; Tangent grange is still flourishing. Applications continuo to come in right along. Many seem to be taking an ac tive interest in grange work. If a per son is of a social turn, the grange is the grange is the place for hint; if they wit-h to educate themselves it is also good, tor experience teaches us what we cannot learn otherwise, ana hero we urni it. We expect to have a good time nt our social, to take place on the evening of June 12th, at o:ao o'clock. All are in vited, tor there will be ample room tor all who wish to come. The ladies are especially invited to bring their baskets w ith them. We hold a called meeting on June 11, at 2 o'c'ock, to confer degrees, and will also arrange the building for the eocial on the morning oi the lull. The editors of the Pkmocrat are cor dially invited to meet with us. HKPORTEIt. Tangent, June 2nd, 1S01. Sound Advice. It pays to get tl. best: even Shakespeare admitted that. In this connection it may be remnrked that W R Graham has iust received nn elegant line of suitings for the spring and summer, never surpassed in an Aiuany market. Thev are tho best to be ob tained, as an inspection will show, and Mr Graham is prepared to make them up in the latest style with a skill his long experience has enabled him to be master oi. French Tunny Warcr. wafers are a mire and safe ir cm. kindsof female troubles ar.i. wn. The for a remoi all obstructions to the mom-1 period no matter what the cause. Tt are jv iiwhat every woman neea ,ai can be ned with safety. For sale t tb Livingstone Chemical" Co., also fron sole agent, J A Gumming, druvjriV. Bi berg buck, A Ibanv, Oregon. Kt'iiloE) Adhesive P.ilve for cuts brnines. 2.r ant pnri'ill. Konton'tj "Sea Linn .Silvr Polish,' coon per bix. nl Y i diii)c Phototcraphern A -any tirna. N have bought all thenfativt made by , Oark and W II (..reen ood tip to 1 nt.li. llSSO. Dunlicatfo can be bod from hum nly of us at rednutd lat-'f. Wo have also ahont 1S.II0O ncuativeri made by our- Helve, from whict dti'.icu.tiM enn be had at like ia:es. we carry tbeoo j full line "i vmni i.f tli in Biato aiid do enlnnif d work at t rates f')r i.rbt clan wmk- V e shall be ples: d to s-e ton nt our Mthiio ui rrim F.PxtisMor t( M.'is.t iVn pto . i.t f 'MM .. .lili Vr , n-r bl-t . 4 pi". -- Man. : mi.Vi.i fELEGRAPHIO NEWS A Dak.u Hurricane. Watektow.n, S D, lune 3 This after. noon about 3:30, a hurricane appeared in this vicinity and passed just by ine edge of the city, demolishing some out-buildings and de tro)ing everytning movable. The path of the storm was about 100 feet wide. Five miles northwest several houses were wrecked, and at Waverly,' twelve miles away, much damage was done. O P Chandler and son were in a barn when it was blown down and were painfully injured. Three people were killed at Hazel, and the storm is said to have been very severe in that vicini'y. No other fatalities are yet heard of. Heavy rain and hail followed the storm, and the damage in. ccunty altogether is probatdy heavy. Volns Bon n mil, London, June 2. The Irish census shows a total population of 4,706,163, of whom 2,- 317,07b are males. 1 his shows a decrease in population of 468,674 since the last census. This result hs caused some surprise, show g as it does that notwithstanding the condi tion has impraved in some respects, the , country continues to lose population. It is' the first census in this century that has shown the population of Ireland below the 5,000,000 mark. In 1801 the figures were 5,305,456, over 600,000 more than the present population. A Bad linn. Arlington, Or., June 3 About mid night Friday W E Miller, proprietor of the Arlington restaurant, one of tha first settlers in this country, whilst under the influence of liquor attempted to strangle bis wife, she suc ceeded in freeing herself and stayed the night with a neighbor. On returning she found he had decamped, taking with him all the available cash, $60. Mrs Miller has made applicatioa for a divorce. Burglars Everywhere, LutiKNE, June 3. Burglars have been do ing considerable mischief here of late, Thurs day morning, after a quiet hunt, Deputy hherill Cromer, caught two ot them in a house in the western part of the city, and brought them in. They were tried today and bound over to t.'ie next term of court. Monster Tree for Chicago, Seattle, June 2. A Washington yellow fir was cut in King county and forwardrd to day by rail to be exhibited in Chicago. Its length is 113 feet, 51x53 inches across the butt and it is 441 years old, reckoned by the rings. It Is to be called the "beattle. Change of Bnttnnl. Notice is hereby s'veith&t iulior A Ourrett have so;d to K J Lnnla ths.r entire business, coods, ware, oeroh-jn- dio, book aoeoaiUs. tixture, otc. Parties indebted tofeani tlrm wilt pleano call and settle at once witu i J ijanulnj to wnoui all accounts are pava'i.n. AH ouutanding indobtedne.-iA will ha acttlod by Mueller A Garrett",. MUKLLKR fc O ARRET Tt E J LANNINOi Albany, May 25. i81H. The DKMrcKAT will exchange a dowiaft machioe of any make desired, except one or two, fur tome oak rub wood and part cash; or will consider other propusitioud by aay cne dcuirirj a new im chine. W. F. Kesd ktepathe best assortment ol ancy gocda in town. We injure aguuot tramps. TowwhESD & Wilson. O je half doiltr nduction od every pair of Lud ow's Hoo shops. A ftOod lina of them atS E Young's. Bay your groceries of Parker Bro'- When Baby was sick, wo gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castori. t'.xrltrnicat Rnne hiph in Albauy at 'oflmy ft Ma- son s drug steiv cer system Uuiioer, as everybtidv is osti-g it for ('Atarrh of the Stomach, Dysn?psia CobstipaitoD end Im- poro t'lofxt. i ry fell your irirnaa about it ns it must posu-. swonitrful mfnts whrn a'l speak well of i. k Kovellle In Jarhrts. I lmve received n email assortment of novelties in Indies spring jackets, made in the latest pry-lea of lilaers and Reef ers, in cheviot, diagoi.nl nnd woruted. I expect to carry n full line of thetv KorxJe, :ih well ns all the lop. ling styles in Ladies Capes, beni'.etl, crochet and in cloth. Orders taken for ppecial ei-es ami siyles. Sam'l K Yuumu. In all diseases pi the stoniacl-, liver and kidneys, ue. to tl-e exclusion of all other medicines, Na tire's own rvtued, Pfnndei'a Omj;cn Jtlood Pnniier Hon 'I fftotT Ilrftitc Ynu nr - Itrady, I ai.t cuUrlv en n loci jouruuy. rt fully bpp rtiiit lu aay, ii v. ii ti tin-1 1 aval Mch tut -1: n't tors' I' ll a! ( f njj.i- izer. pnp 1t"M' ? 3 oa r.:o M'co ll.il till Hit's .M-h ii:'t' n rUT ef d IS. MM, 's and .l.ol ' M lilt ... (. . vot al ' i i -i f . I . fit in ' "- ' f IU( Ii .:.v,,,.p. ciM'ked ,1 by , '(r.iril.intB i:-iv n-r ti- nl .pnr.l v... tl rti.-t..- I ah. rd .1,1, i-'ilV I'.'lt-d :lt i,,. mi ii-i i-li.d by tin- biltcrs, a iui.-tiia to tin urr.a-.inm. , i ahd ii f ii nia. I hl. Ii rM-i (tiv: It tirul. rr