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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1891)
IE fuhilstaart Try day In lb week si wpl Munday. WIT.S k HITTING, Editor, and Prop'ri. Entered at the Pout OHloa itt Albany,. Or egou, as second c'asa mull matter. TtESU A V.. .......... JIM! t. 1891. CITT OFFICIAL PAPER. IXJCAL, BEOORD. AdilUlanal biilioi 4tk rait. . Kaon the Mink. Geo W Harris and brother arrived In 'Albany laat evening from the Santiam wines. The latter is a resident of Co'.orado, and has simply been prospecting. He is highly pleased with the outlook, and anticipates a biff future lor me mines, rue tormer is in the employ of the Albany Mining Mill ing l.o. anu orouKiil aown witli Inui some large specimens of ore for the com pany's new ollice, Bomo concentrates to ueeciibiua auiciLrrt hiiu euiiie crusuea rock to be sent off for assav. The out look continues to brighten. The Albany mill ii running daily, doing considerable in a small way. When the new mill is put in results will be obtained on a large scale that will insure the mines as a permanent institution of a paying char acter, it win ue tne purpose Hereafter to keep on hand at the Albany office speci mens of the mines as thev are developed that will keep our citizens posted about mem. The Tax Question. The Oregon State Grange, at the annual session just closed at Hlllsbfra, adopted a resolution appointing Hon R P Boise, of Salem, Hon I Voorhees, of Woodburn, and Hon R A Irvine, of Albany, a cammittee to formulate a bill on assessment and taxa tion and report Mot later than September 1st to the executive committee of State Grange, and the executive committee was instructed to print and send copies to each sub-grnnge in the state for consider ation, and their action to be reported to the next annual session of the Ktate Grange nt Albanv, and the bill as formu lated and adopted by the Grange will then be submitted to the people during thp next political campaign . and to the next session of. the legislature. Sugges tions ore requested from farmers and others interested in this subject. Ad dress communications to the chairman of tpe committee. By order of the Oregon , State Grange. W M Hillearv, secretary. ; 1 Sociktv Flection. At the regular meeting of Safety lodge No 13, A O U W, held Wednesday evening, the following offices were elected for the term com mencing July, 18111. .T A Hyman, M W, . L K Cirav, Foreman, W K Keily, Overseer, T J Stites, Recorder, E A Parker, Financier, A Savior, Receiver, A H Martin, Guide, M Cowan, Insrde Watchman, John Knntz, Outside Watchman, A H Martin, Trustee, Dra J L Hill and G W Maston ical Examiners. , Med- A Surgical Operation. This forenoon n very delicate and skillful operation was porfornied by Dr Maston, assisted by Urs Davis and Kelly, at the residence of Hon L II Montanye, in the removal of a ten pound overvarion tumor fromMrsAuriila Combs, of Eugene. Mrs Combs is doing as well as can be expected, with fair prospects of recovery. , Basket Social. Tangent Grangj will give a basket social in the Tangent warehouse, Juns 12th, at 8 p in. The program will consist of singing and speaking. A cake will be given to the prettiest lady, and an excellent pie to the liomli,cst man. Girls look your best; boys, look your worst. Col. Rain's second lecture at the Opera House Thursday night should be attendee by a packed house, ft Is only on rare oc casions that a man of his eloquence and reputation is heard in our city. Col. IJ.iln is brought here at considerable expense on the part of the W C T V who should bo liberally supported in their eliorts to furnish our citizens with a first-class lect urer. Salems B & L A. The directors of the Salem Building and Loan association met last night at the office of the secretary and loaned $4000 at eighty-one months' in terest Insdvance.and $200 at fifty months. They ordered Hie secretary to notify the bondsmen of all borrowers with their houses unfinished to see that they arc finished at once. Statesman. Died. II K Schooling died at the in sane asylum on Int Saturday, May 30, at the age of 60 years.' He was a pioneer, coming to Oregon with his brother Hon J 1' Schooling in early days. New Carpets. A B Mclhvaln has ne of the largest and Dest selected lines f carpets in the city, embracing all new patterns and designs, and as he has made a great reduction In prices It will be to the advantage buyers -to tall and inject his stoc and prices before pur haslng. Get a Bicycle. The New Mail Is one f the finest bicycles manufactured. It has no superior. OhHng & Wilson, with Stewarl & Sox are ai,ent, whore these lcycles may he seen . At Foktmillkr & I-mxa's !5f dozen window shades, just received. A targe and elegant stock of 10th ccn ttry bedroom sets. A la'ge ill eiiolcj lot of carpci.", mnnv de-m. Laimki (K'.mii I'm. I have a vny la-gi .tv -k o' . less eoo h, in noil.' Js t v fl ing in ioi f c-n $1.23 to jl 0i p !r. Trey aie ir-.i loof l'.:ao ; -rv p. a 11-rl. v OiCJi E "ojhu. Don't forget, Paisley A.S nilty, Printer. SO) I1L AND FCBaONAL, Dr E O Hyde, of Sdo, Is In the city. E C Searls has been In Portland a day or two on business. Mr Sumuel Smeail, of Corvaltis, was in the city today. Bishop Becker passed through Albany this noon going south. Miss Kittle Green is in the city the guest 01 Mrs u woolen. Mr Ed C Roberts and famlty ot Leban on precinct, are in the city. Mr W Rice the well known commercial tourlst.formerly of Scio, is in the city. Mrs J W Shumate, of Eugene, Is In the city the guest of her sister Mrs Jos Klein Mrs Levi West and daughter arrived in Albany this noon from the Sound, where they have been residing during the past winter. Mavor Canterbury, of RedUid, Cal. ar rived in Albany yesterday for a vl-lt of a week or!wo among his former fellow citi zens. Prof W N Hull, formerly professor in the agricultural college, has been elected first assistant teacher in the Washington state normal school at Ellensburg. Thos VanScov has resigned ss president of the Willamette University. It Is ex pected that he will travel a vear and then appear as chancellor of the Portland Uni versity, X IV Deyoe.'V E Baker and Mr Newton returned this afternoon from a trip to Goose Lake after an absense of a week, about two days being spent at the Lake. They caught 400 troui, and brought home part of them. Kishlng was a ycrv enjoy ab!e pastime there. A Hackleman and Geo Knox will leave tomorrow for Crook county with ITO head of cattle, going by wav of the Lebanon Wagon road. Mr Knox expects to oe gone about three weeks, while Mr Hackleman will remain longer. Carhinoton. This morning's Sa'.em Statesman comes out in a plainly spoken article, declaring the Carrington Grand Opera Company a "grand bilk," and setting down on the troup in pretty se vere language. Warner & Cranor only dcsirinir to uivetlie pub'ic first class at tractions, telegraphed Carrington at Kuuene to cancel tho Albany date. The following dispatch was received: Cannot cancel. Statesman prosecuted for libelous slander. Salem audience well pleased. Tell your people perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Tarty writing notice to tho Statesman not at our perfonnanco at all. Company will arrive at Albany tomorrow nogn. A It CAKItlNCJTOS. As a result the entertainment will be given as advertised, and our people can use their own judgment about attending. Among other things the Statesman says The company was composed ot 0 people, and they are going to play next at Al- 1 I .....1 M..MinniiiHa Irham t hev should receive a.very cold reception In justice to Miss Abuie Carrington, it should bo state I that she has a really tine voice and so has one of the male support, Mr Geo W Travemers, but the balance of the performers are very "punk." When the Statesman adver tises a Brand opera for Salem again, it will know that it is a grand opera. Crook Corornr. Eastern buyers have boimlit 80.000 pounds of wool at Pendle ton recently, they having pad 15 cents a pouna ior it. Mac Sommerville is expected here in a few days with 400 yearling and two-year oiu u eoioot steers, ne is tuning uiein to the south fork of John Day. Jerry Schooling arrived hero Sunday from llarrisburg, coming by way of the McKenzie route. Snow extended about five miles each side o! the summit when he crossed. Frank Wheeler arrived here from Al banr last Thursday. He will remain with us only a few days. Columbus Rend, of Benton county. readied Willow creek with bis band of cattle last week. Mr Rend brought the cattle from the Willamette valley by way of the Santiam route. Mrs W H Peck, of Havstacks, while coining to town Inst Monday, encounter ed an army of grasshoppers extending along the ' road for a distance of four miles, mat west 01 rine. xne nop- pers were very numerous, almost rover - .. ,1 Tl,.,,. rn trnvolm.r towards tho Havstacks country, ana the farmers of that section nre alarmed at the prospect of having their crops des troyed by the hoppers. Oclioco Review. Kings Dauqiiters. Following is the program for the entertainment to be uiven bv the Kings Daughters this even ing at tho M E Church. Admission, 10 cents. , Song by class, "Welcome." Song by clas?. "Raise your Hands.' Recitation, "The Little Maid who was Sick." Alvrtlo Chamberlain. Duet, "I will Shine for God," Elma Parker and Jefsie Clilton. Recitation, "Three Kisses," Ethel Crowder. Solo. Edna Miller. Recitation, "The Aged Prisoner,"Miss lannieAkin. Song, "Home Sweet Home," by class. Recitation, "The Collier's Dying Child," Lotie Brown. Duet, "Fair as the Morning," Edith Chiswell ana Maud lltilburt. Recitation, "Billy's Rose," Edith Ran kin. Solo. "Bury mo Under the Roses," Lilhe rarrell. Rpcitation,"The Worn Penny, "Norma MeClain. Song, "Farmtr's Song," by class. Solo. "Allie Ray," Miss Maud Crosby Recitation, "A Law Agin' It," Miss Winnie Chamberlin. Song, "There is a Fountain," by class. Gravite Under Albany. In blasting for a sewer in front of the residence of J V Anderson, a fine specimen of granite was urcovered. Perhaps there is a granite quarry underneath,thongli Ihere has never before been any noticeable inuications 01 such a formation. Right to the Point. Allen Hros. do their own delivering, promptly and ca'e fully. rrcsh pen, strawberries, cabbages, etc., just rczclved at Alien Bros. To get '-e h produce, f'ul etc., al ways call at Allen I-ros, ,e are mn!iog a big drive on 1 U . elopes, Paisles" & Smilei. The Salem Journal is prodding the parasites who do business in Salem and udvertise in papers published outside the city. Such people are no more good to a town than a delinquent tax list. The Astorian. A man, a woman and child have been In the cltv on a professional begging tr'p Reports from different parts of the valley indicate that they are the worst kind of dead beats, though, many are touched by the appearance of the woman and child and assist them. The election in Portland, East Port land and Albina yesterday was an im mense victory in tlie interest of progress and public spirit. The mossbacks were completely ''snowed under." For con solidation, Portland, 7,K!5; East Port land, 1,823; Albina. 1,138. Total, 10.12U Against Portland, 054; East Portland, 2tW; Albina, 402. Total, 1,714. A vote so emphatic as to make the result prac tically unanimous. The first election under the new charter will occur June 21. FKBN RlDliB. lis Bonus, Timber, aawoillls. People aad Pleasures. May 31st, 1891. We have been a week in this section ot Linn county, among the eawmills.log ging camps and stock farms, and find it a pleasant place to spend one's vacation. Here one lias good trout, fishing and bunting, plenty of good substantial food and lots of genuine fun-loving people. Fern Ridge, as this particular locality is called, is about 10 miles northeast of Lebanon, 7 miles southeast ol Scio and almost due east ot Albany about 20 miles. The Ridge" is covered with timber, brush, fern and splendid stock farms. Grain grows to perfection in the good soil found here. Fine tirubar abounds here and along the numerous streams, among which are Crahtree, Beaver and Roaring River. Located on the above named streams are no less than five steam sawmills and twoshinele mills.all within a radius of five miles. Clark Bros.Down ing Bros and Cyrus ocl'itchford have just erected new twain mills in some of as fine timber as ever stood on end. These mills all find a ready market for these nrnductfl in Lebanon. Scio. Albanv and tho surrounding country at very good figures. Lacomb. the nostofiice of this neigh borhood, consists of a small general store and a blacksmith shop. Mr Wm Tur nidge is the postmaster anil merchant. The source of supplies is Scio and Albany. Stock do splendidly here and need very little feed during the winter, finding shelter and browse among the heavy timber. Prospects for fruit and grain was sever better than this season. The fruit trees are benditur almost to the ground. and we find wi'd berries in great abundance and of excellent flavor. "Bie eirla" are also very plentiful this year anil ol splendid quality, being stout and healthy. Most of them can handle an ax or plow equal to a man. And when it comes to cooking, they are surely "in it." Excellent fishing is found in all the mountain streams. Hunting is good and game very plenty. A cougar was killed at Clark's Mill about a week ago and was said to have been a very large one, A picnic is to be held near Lacomb on Saturday. Tune Gth; which promises to be a splendid alfair. An extensive pro gram, consisting of speeches, races, games, etc., and a basket dinner, has been com pleted, jiveryoouy i luvitcu luanciiu, Society here is very good, the people being all honest, hard-working farmers, who know bow to appreciate fun. Having snent an eniovable week here among the woods and mountains we feel ready to return to our daily vocation of "jerking antimony" with a renewed vigor and a feeling that our vacation has been well spent. P- The angel of death has again yisiled our community and taken from us one ol our most aicmuie irnni menus. 111 Mary Eva Farrrar departed this life on the morning of May -'(Sth at 1 :20 o'clock. Eva was born in Lane county, uregon, Anril 11th. 18011. At the time or her death was 23 years, 1 month and 17 days of age. She came to tins county with her fathcr.Charlts I' the spring of 1880. and was married to Robert II rarrnr, in -Noveuiwr, lona. in me uii of 1S85 she with hir husband went to Eastern Oregon, where they remained until the summer of 1851), when they re turned to this county, whero they could enjoy the advantages of school and church, fche united with tho U P rhurch at this place in 1SS0, of which she lias been a consistent member ever since. Although deprived of church privileges while in Eastern Oregon, her example commanded respect, and it can be truly said of her, "she had not a known ene my." bhe leaves a busband and tbrt-c small children to mourn her loss. And again the dark angel has been among us, tins time an aged niotuer. Mrs Kehekah Brown departed tins Ule on May 31st, at the hour of i o'clock, aged I) years, mrs Brow n with ner aged husband came among us in the fall of 188!) from Missouri, and have lived to gether liftv-ix years. She leavei a large family, St which one eon nnd three daughters were with her Ht her death. .Mrs Brown was a true christian mother, had been a member ot the U 1' church from infancy and was prepared to meet the summons when it came. AMicrs. Anew lino cf wtndi.w siiidot from 50 cents to $1 30 each enmp e r, at Simuel h Youna's. rJaf Baking Used in Millions of Homes -40 Years the Standard. HOME AMU AnUOtD County Court ootivoans in Albany tomorrow. Crawford A Paiton now havo at their gallery the largest and finest eolleotiea of stersopticoo views ever gotten out m the Northwest. J nere 1 do liner scenery in the world, as these views ifiiiokly deaou trate. A good sized audience greeted Jarbeau last evening. A yory liughsbla entortaiu ment was presented, almost one solid laogb, liesiues a moderate amount of sight seeing Several of the troupe are eomediaos of con siderable grnius. Uulln & Dawson, druggists Fiaogroeeries atCoun Si lleudriesou'a. Best assortment of teas in town it C E Brownell's. Setd oats for sale byW W Crawford, at lallinsn. Kenton's "Sea Lion ISilver Polish," 25 cents per box. A fine line of orookery ware at Coon & UeDdrlcssu s. , Good ventilated and sun 'lighted bath roo ns at Vureck's. Shaying, IS cents, at Viereek'a shop Closed on Suudays. Fresh vegetables ana berries every morn iig Brownell's. Drick delicious ioe cold soda water at C E Brownell's. A large assortment of garden seeds on sale at CE Brownell's. Bargains in choice grooeriea' can always be secured ot Allen tsros.. r ubidiock. E W Aohison &Co are selling monoraints at Portland prices. Kenton's Adhesive Balre for euts and braises. 25 cents per roll . Golden opportunities are wasted every day by not tradiog with C E Broaaell. 'Mustache dying dene on short notice with the renowned German instantaneous dye, it" Visreck s. At Viereek'a shsving and haircutting par Io:s, ladies and childreu's hair cutting a spethlty. See W F Read a line of dress gocda and silks before buying elsewhere. Just lec9ived a line invoioft of birbor's sappliw diroct ittn Philsdeloma. by L Vieteck . At tho coi ner of Bioadalbin andjlst street you will find C E Biownell slways the lead in I he grocery business. For bargains in monuments, hoadstones etc, go to E VV Achison&C'o.Albany.Oregon Fresh bread, cakes, pies, etc, everyday st tho Deltnonico restaurant. Leive your orders. Keep it in your ir.ind that Allen Broa pro oso keeping the kind of groceries the public niands. Their stock is a tine one. Harihurt & Edri?. ofEncene, ara in tho city to introduce tho Pacific Washing Ma chine invented by Williams ft Bunch.of thai city. It is highly endorsed by the leading citizens of that place. Ladies of Albany are requested to take their washing to tho o'iice of Hurlburt & FJ-is, next door to Overman & Hunter's sn.ldla and harness shnn, to test the merit of the Pasifio Washing Machine. Come at onoe. TUG tiOLIIKS BtZ.tAB, Has a large and complete line ot goods, dolls, doll buggies, boys' wagons. ve ocipedes and many other goods which i7nl in make una complete assortment, besides a complete line of lamps of every description. China crockery, fancy decorated ware, giaHsware, uiru cugco, nlimh o-ondn. such as albums, toilet sets, autograph books, scrap books, children's ABC picture dooks, ana nu guouo mi are carried in a Bazaar store, including Roger Bros. 1847 silverware. We wish to call the attention of the public in par ticular to the Golden Rule pri "tmkijii powder and tea, put up express. ---this trade, which gives the best of satis faction, as is attested by the hundreds who have used both the tea and baking powder ever since introduced by tbe Golden Rule Bazaar. Each package of tea and can of backing.powder draws a prize in the shape ot a line piece of glass ware. Be sure to call, when in Albany, at the Golden Rule Bazaar, as you will be sure to find what you wcat, and will be shown over the store afid be treated kindly by my clerk, Mr. Miller. My goodB are all mnrked in plain figures so as not to deceive anyone, and I have but one price to all. J tail's GltADNVOU! . Have You a Wifb and ten children ; have yott any children ; are you an old j ba(.n(;ior7 wbatever you are you can not do better than by buying your groceries. produce ami baked goods ot l'ai iter Bros. You want to save money and at the same time get good groceries, then call on them. You will get lirst-Hasa treat ment and first-class goods Their baked iroods are made in an experienced man- I ner, and include a large variety ot eatu- D'Vl, Lack Cuktains In great variety from 5 els. to $9 a pair. These goods are I sought from rew York jonners direct and cannot be excelled for quality, style and price. Samuel E Young, Wall Papkr, etc. I have just received anew line of wall paper and decornliors. Have more than douulcd mv facilities for Handling them, and will keep a much larger atock. Wall paper nnd border to natch. Beauties, and much cheaper than vcr before. Pamukl E Youno. Tit A UK AT THE OM RELIABLE GROCERY STORE of C E riROWNELl, God gcds, low prices snd honest tre.V- tneltt. COME ONE COMB ALL Tin Ciiami'Ions Whoever the cham pions are in tho base ball field when It cornea to groceries and produce Conn & HendriCBon will not be knocked out. They keep a large and fresh stock, and tneir prices are as low as the lowest. Fresh vegetables, fruits, and all the standard groceries always on hand. Whoever buys of tliom always makes a gooo strike. --s New SrhlNo Gaons I keep a full line of spring and summer dress gools, in wash fsniics, prints, ginghsins, seersuckers, tti. 1 have also a net hne of summer plaids, be sides other novelties in hiees a'jd all wool SI'ltlDgS. SiMI'EL E lOl'NC. QTATE OF OREGON. LAND DEPARTMENT. Salksi, Oregon, June 1, 1891. The board of commissioners for the sals of scbool and 1 niveraity lands and for the investment of the funds arising therefrom or the fltats of Oregon, hereby Invite soa I fed application) to purchase the following described lands, to wlu Al) cf the donation laDd claim situated in sections 15, 18, 21 and 22, In Township 12 South Rango 1 (Vest, known and describe! on tbe goven.merjt survevaas the donation land olalm of John W Moore and wife, being Notification No 2ft09. aay ing therefrom 18 acres sold to Jacob Newman. containing 30u acres. Also begin nlng 10 chains west of the northeast corner of tbe northwest quarter ot'seotion 21. in Tp 12 South Range 1 West, running thence east 80 chains; thence south 40 chains; s hence west 80 chains; thonce north 40 chain to tbe place of beginning containing 120 acres, all situated Id Linn county, state of Oregon, and ontaining in all 418 acrea more or less. Application!" will be opened at a regular meeting of said board to be linld Tuesday the 14th day of Julv. 1891. 2 o'clock. p m. The right to reject any and all bids iv reserved Dy tne Doard NAPOLEON DAVIS. Clerk of the Board. ALBANY OPERA HOUSE. WARNER ot CRANOR L -sees snd llsnagers Cne Night, Wednesday, Jun 3rd. THE RENOWNED I MM GRAND OPERA, CAEKINGTON. Hiss WMU MM, Th" Favorite CONTRALTO Mr. CHRISTIAN I MARTENS, The Eminent Norwegian BARITONE ASSOLUTO Sic. HORACE BOLINI, The Characr Italte an BARITNE BUFFO Mr. EUGENE KAETOER, Accompanist and BASSO CANCANTE. Mr. EDWIN M. SHONERT, America s most versa, le PIANO VIRTUOSO. U . 4SIL PTETSON, Famous Russian BASSO PROFUN DO. And the Great English Tenore Robutv, KW GEO W TRAVESsNER. R. e edsr.ts, Sl.tO, Will & Link's Music Store. ALLEN Wholesale ; CIGARS, TOBACCO, AND KINDS, IN. LARGE OR IN THEIR i?linn Block, We are the People Who carry the most complete line of Hard ware, Stoves, Ranges " etc., in the market. MATTHEWS & WASHBURN. :F. L. KENTON,:- -Dealer in- GROCERIES Near the Post Office, Elerlrlrll Combined Wlln Surgical an Hrillral Treatment Pertoliu Wouderla turei ..r Uarrln W Washing! Hlreet, Portland. Or., Pi stents lira FollowiHgi SALEM, Or., May 11, '91. Dr Dairin Ilea.-Sir: In reply to your favor asking for statement of my cure of catarrh, which you performed three years ago, will aay I am cured and the cure re mains permanent, afisr suffering from the dlaigreeablesnd loathsome affliction eight years. My wile was alio cured by you or diseases ,wcullsr to her sex. E. ANDERSON. Polypus anil Cancer Cured! FERRTf DALE.Polk Go, Mar 25, Dr Darrln Sir: I am baopv to aav Tour electrloaud medical home treatment has bren succetsnil In my cato. IbL 'e had polypus in the nrse for years and you cured it. Mrs J M Decky of Sheri dan, Or.,wbo conau lied you.rejolcea In a perfect oursof a scrofulous and cancerous gtowth In her mouth and cheek. If thla will do any aood publish it. Yours giutafuily, MILT JONES. Cross Era Cared la On Ml ante. Dear Dr Dan'n: I was glad to bear' rom you. Aly eyes are doing ntoely and are perfectly straight and do not bother me at all. I am very mnoh pleased with the treatment and not many people can tell which ey it was. xoor nue mend, t sYaoasr. LAGRANDE, NOTICE. 1 havs this day made arrangement with Messrs Knapp, Burrell Company cf Al banv, to furnish all patrons with eering binders. Please oall on them and g yonr lers at onoe. Also arrangeme a are mads with them for everything in e farm linplenr ot line, including binding tw ine. Albs , ur., May 30th, isai. Mart Moxet financial A t and a fine stock s generally, as well ns jewelry , Watches clocks, etc., at F. French's. .ITSTOOJLi. 200,000 lionnds of wool a.-td.fcr which the hutiat Turret price will be paid by A. Sender', sp.nt, wno may le found at the stors ot P. Coheu. CITY RECORDERS NOTICE OF EQUALIZATION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEH THAT the common council of the city or Aloan-. (.i-er-nL; wi'l alt as a Hoard oi Eoc kt tne Council Cliatnberi in said citv, on Wednesday, tbe 10th day of June 1891, ai tb hour of two o'ol cek p- m oi sata day, ror ine purpose oi equal ising and cerrect'ng tbs assessment of sain oity, for the year 1891. By order of the council made May 2d, 1891. Dated at Albany. Oregon, May 28, 1891. N J Hemto.-s, K,-aorder of the city of Albany. ' '"jwt 4ilSr!J BROTHERS, Retail Grocers, CHOICE FRUITS OF ACL. SMALL QUANTITIES,. GEASON. ALBANY, OREGON Albany, Oregon