I44.U WOL. IV AL13ANY, OREGON, TUESDAY JUNE 2, 1891. NO 21 - - . Conrad Mover. jjTAtt 2IAKISIIY 0prn3P Broadalbia and First Sts., s-DHAI.Klt iN- Uuut'tl rruiIB, ( iiuiieil Mt-ntK, iiisTcr, 4rM..isMttKrt;-v rlen FriillH. V cgciuMes.. 'obiicoe. 1 it r i fugnr Np', Colle. T, Elc Hits., Tprvthinu tlmt IS kr.il In t..t. I a v Vna grocery oro. Uighaet 4 rket p 'l aid for .U1L KINDS o? PRODUCE. Albany Matiufttcturprs c 1EAM ENGINES CRIST m SAW ; MILL MACHINERY lEIQf. I-KONTS S WJ ALL KIHDS OF HEAVY I AMD LIGHT WORK, Irl I fROH AND GRASS CASTINGS. ; J 'peoiKl attention jairt o - iirinR tl da of mnnhfrioM y. Patterns Mado on Short Notice 1 r 'RedCrownMills SOM, LAXMXfl & C., I lOPIVS, f(KW FLODtt SUTEH10E fOK rAMIMO and cauei'j ase. REST STORAGE FACILITIES. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON. 1890, 1891. first Tertu Opened September loir, Istw. A full oorps of Instructors. mart-inm ppiriiTiPin nrrnanv virtooiuru., obir.Kiinu, Liiciiitni ': COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. CouranR ot tuf.y nrranurod to tn!ttb nod of all grades of students, CI.... I 1- JB I I - .J .. -..t. from abroad. RKV, KLBEKT N OSDIT - j- Fnrtmilier -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Arterial Embalming Dons Scientil Ically. Permanently cured wfthnut Cuttinjr, Burning or Di kiln p. A perfectly p&iiileM treatment and a guaran teed cure in every ;i-no, no matter how Inn; standir;. This treatment, for Ktrlctii-e, ol Or Boxell' , is the ar Tatest discovery known to mtaicire. Itdissolvvt ad completely removes the Stricture- without an any- i or nain to the patient. DISEASES OF MEN! Peculiar to their Sex, an 1 not proper to name here, including all th:se dcllemte Infirmities and Weak nesses, which they would shrink from disclosing to their family physician, permanently cured In less time than was ever known to Medicine before, by Dr Sixell's "New bystctn of Troatment." Itrcjuvenatei he aenlto-nnrary organs and makes weak men stronir When piissihle, it it always best to call lor personal limitation and ipeelal examination. Hut those ho cannot possibly call, should writs, itatinj their nue fully, MedielntMiitby mall or express, sealed, tree from exposure, W all parts of the Paoitlo Coast. AildrefiB, Wm. A. Iloxell, BI. D. l Pnnl ! Iprrr. Pnrllan. re(. Corner Fint and Pin.stroetfjoverjl'ortlaiid Ktioul B.nlt. City Itestanrant. t iving been entirely remodeled, thii old and popular reetuiraat will be mdo timt- elan n every rennect. Tho pablio will In jiven (iood meal, at all boar, for only 25 oent,. h.TerthinK neat and attractive, Private boxes. ' Oyatera In every style. FOSHAY & MASON, -nniuu aru aeuik- l?rugistsand Booksellers Ai- ii ta for John B. Alden'a piDillraltona, bIMi wi wyll at publieher'e prima vritl. Hjreailtltir' ALBANY. KKU P HELPS, Job Printer, Ist.St.ES Albany STRICTURE SPRING WAGONS. Our Stock of Spring Wagons is the Largest and Most Complete on the Pacific Coast, and Comprises all the Leading Styles of MM' I! KpuiXO PASSKNOKll WACONS, SCROLL SPRING "HANDY WAUONS," 'TAYLOK' OR I'll I! KK SPRING WAGONS, HAf.K KP!NG WAGONS, EX- PRKSs AND DELIVERY 'WAG ONS, SFECTAL PARCEL DELIVERY WAGONS, ONE-HORSE Wb GuwanteB Our TtliolBS tha Best, Ccusidoroa. Special Catalogues and Price List Bailed Free on Application Slaver & NEW MARKET BLOCK, AVIS HLEATH IS WEALTH! DR. E. C. WEST'S Nerve r.d Tin'm Trcntiuent imtniTituPil sut'ciilc fur KvKtciia. IlizzuiitRfl. t'.invid smiis, Ki's, Nurxms S'fcuiiiljna, iieHifaclie, 'Nervous I'rohtrali'iu caused by the wtm of nlctui or loliacco, WuV-luliK'cit, Mrntal lVn,viii it, K'fl-niiij; :f Ihv dt-cav mltli!iii, I'jvir.iitiire 0I1I nw, bii'-imw l"ft tf . i.tM'i-pu iiv over-'.'xyrMnii 01 me rmn Each t. H'H'aliis unj it?inth'a trtutinuiit, il a trr or six bo f-r sjiit liy mail jtrujiaii on rcuf ipt o price. WE OIj'a RANTEK BIX ItOXKS TO Ct'RE ANY raw. Vt'tilittiidi onler recciveti bv U3 (r iv hoxin, si-i-ouijiitiicl vkitli $,', wo will suid tlie purohaier our wriucti jru.irnnu in remrui me motie" ulna trtni-oientdit-ti not t fleet a i-uro. Ctinrantts tiueil o;iIy h-J. A. Cummiii, irujfil, eole BcitL, Albauy. Dr. MeWiMkWillWMfWIMWta.'WM MiiZiS ' A kotk'ing 'else, j Castoria Is Dr. Rrti'.mel Plfchur's prosoriptloii for InCi!it and Cblldren. It contains neither Oiiiuni, Morpliino nor other Narcotic siiTistauco. Ii is n harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' uso by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allaya fevcrishncss. CiiNtoWa prevents vomiting Pour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and 'Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilate tho food, restitutes tho stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas torla Is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castoria Is an excellent mcdiclno for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly tcM luo of lu good effect upon their children.'1 Da. 0. C. Ofloocn, Lowell, Mass. " Castoria Is tho best remedy for cblldrea of which I am acquainted. I hope tho day la cot far distant when mothers will consider tho real Interest of their children, and use Castoria In stead of the various quack nostrums which aro destroying their loved ones, by forclnjoplum. morphine, toothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sendhig them to premature graves. Do. J. F. KntcnxLoa, Conway, Ark. Tho Centaur Company, TO BUSINESS WACONS.ONE. HORSE IRON AXLE WAGONS, ETC. It Win, Pav All Fattii-s Wanting 5PP.ING WAGONS OF ANY ESCRIPT.'ON TO CALL UPON OR CORRESPOND WITH US. Oar Prices tlie Lorat Quality Waller, PORTLAND, OREGON, . AGES 'I'M j ALBANY, OREGOi 7HE CRV O? MILLIONS if" OH, BKCKl STOP IT NOW, SOON IT VIIL DC TOO LATZ. I have been troubled many rears trilh disease cf the kidneys hiki have tried many different remedies and hac scuifrht aid from different physician without relief. About the 15th of Apri I was suilerinjr from a very violent attack that almost prostrated me in ftuch a manner tin.t 1 was ocni over. When T at down it was almost impossible lor me to get i.p nlune, or to put on my clothes, whe kii:J Providence sent Dr. Henley, with t OKr.UUN 1 1-.A, 10 my -) t!.fi tea. It had an almost mii'.iLulous c-lfcct, and to the nston ihint.t'.tofalUhe quests at the hotel, in a frw days, I oia aappr to stale, tlict I was a new man. ' willM- Cr rccoi:i!nei:l the tea to all aultctcdi I a l liuvc Leea. G. A. TUPPER, I'roprictor Occidcntr.1 Hotel, tMQta Mosa. Cal. IS Castoria, H Castoria Is so well adiptr,! to eMMren that t recommend it superior toany prescription known to me.'1 IT. A. AnCTHtn, ?L !., Ill So. OifnM St., IlrooUlyn, K. Y. " Our phynlelans lu Iho chiWron'3 d-.pnrt-meut have spoken highly of their oxpt-ri-enco In their outsido pmctico withCutoria, nnd although we only have amorg onr n-.edicol sur-pliea what ta known as rcfrilar products, yet wo are free to confess thut tho merita of Castoria has won lu to look with favor upon It.11 Uxitko nosm-il, DlsprxciRT, IkMton, ala&s.. Auxx C Sitrrn. Prti., Murray Street, New Torts City. 1 1 Highest of aB in Learening Power.-. WORTH COIYfilUEUISG. F. M. Freucb kocp railroad ttpiu Kw cream cheose juafe received at Conrad Meyers. i Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 cent agar at Julias Joseph's, Alarestock of wall paper, with lata de signs, at Fortmiller t Irviug'saat received. Iluvo yoa seen those parlor suits that T Brink has juat received? Thoy are nice. Grot reduction 'nmen's furnishing goods for the next 30 da ya at W F Read's. J W Ben t ley, best boot and shoo niftkerJiD city, ih r ho doors north of Democrat otlice. Wasnlnjr, f0o a rinzeu. mendiD? for men free,at Mrs Kiugij, juut east of the Democrat otlice, Will&Stnrk hive lu it received a la ice and eluant stock of kilverware, watches, oto. Dover bet oro equalled in tins city. W Achison & Co handle toe celebrated Portland cement walls for cemetery lots. 1 bese wails ccn )e iuruihed at hall the cost of any other and are far superior. Brii-htn ut your old rubbers and old bboes and make to em look as tood as ntw wilh WolnsAcme Wateraroof 1 cash. I'or saloatS imuel Young's. Dr M II Ellis, i-hysicifto and surgeon. Albany, Urozoa. Calls maug la citv or country. Ladios can do thair shoppiua in San Fran cisco without visitini; the city, and without extra commission. Misi 15 J Barro.74 r choaiL agent, 1G39 Urnye St, Oa.lt Ian3( 4 A sae rare for ths whisky Habit: Dr LiviDsstoc's Antido:,- for iirun! emiea will cure any case ot the liquur okbit iD trom ten to thirty davs, fnm tiio u odernl e riuker to the drnukcrd. The Antidote cjb be fiiv.n in t cep of cofleo witiiwut th ktowledKe of tlie person taking it. 1i;e i'.iit:ilite wiii ant injur, tli. heaitn in any wsy. Mi.uufaetn.-ed by the Livincntou Chemieat Co., Portland, Oregon cr from J A Curnraio, role ayet.t AlbsDy. VVukreto GbtTiiim. When wanting organ or piana cr.U onuL biackman ffkt -c vcu Kt:i scii o.t fro.n n first ctr.S' tuc. ReZlable sml Always the Hsiue. rrftndietrrpi':li are llie o'dsAt, KarVct and best 11 od purifier nnd puri;Atlve known. They tir purely vr-gecab:!., therefore harrn-l-e. They tr. alwa.Bthe utne r.nd always prodece tho snme eff.ct. Uher paruntivea require increjjscd does ,nd linally ceaso act ing altogether. A Connie of one or two of Brandroth's piils taken each nil:t is a posi tive cute for constipation, heaiUcho arid all bilious dicoi-dei?. If yen caut 1!,o them pikiu get them sujiar coated. . Kcmetnber Paisley & Smilev, L'.-hito - lut anivod a full line of lidien ohil- dreDP, meii'x nnd bny'a txt wear at G W Simpaon , which will bo sold at b.jttom prices. Is the Si'itisu. A line line of Blrtzer jackets for epring wonr. in many designs, jnst received by G Vv' .Sijnpson. Also ft larjte s:ock oi tne popular sen- penuip; corsets. PROPOSALS F03 BRIDGE AT AL BANY, ORECOH. Nntlco is hereby irlven that tho Com. mon Council oftbouit) of Albany. t)re trorj, wi I retioivo nm-ilod bids for the bullultttr .11 n Ijriduo acrrisH the wtiintn ot'o liver fioiii t!t: nurtli linn of First Btrr-ot Ht ll.o iuneti'ni of tl-l Firxl street with CnUponia street, to tlie north sido of said river, in aecordr.nr'1 with theptHns, vpftRific-Atlons and siiie now nti'Iilo in II19 ntlic-e of the Ilecoider oft he city of Allmny; said bridgo to bo l!5-0 lot-tin lAiixtli.und 20 fuet wido in Ilia olear nnd C"-mpov)d of six tti)spnne; the appriweh' s to bo repe.ctivoiy 3 0 fent and 345 feet in Ipiiftlh and 21) ffco'. wide; '.i'.-h bid icny also bfl accompanied with pinna nnd peei lira! Ions of 1)10 bidder, which will be considered by the eounnil. J!lds will bo received for an all -trel bridge, and must bo aoffl nipntiiod by drawing khow intr Dlann 'lid tdhvullniisot both substruc tnro and an m rfct rut-turf-: diatrram of stresses for spAn nf dilferent long hs.and full if cilit.ntloii ol tho tnatr Hi slid workmanship of the iImhIIs of such brlt!u IIkis must lu fl ed with the Kt order of ,ald city on or before ths bou of 1 o'clock pin of (he -t'h dv if Juner 1S01, and must, bo sramiif Him d by cerli, fitdehf.ck for live per twin of tho amount ot tlie bid. Tim oniitraotor to whom the contract ta.iy be awarded will be required to t-ntsr n ns wi t e i atrieeinom ami uontmrt. nud to give bond to tho c'ty of Albany In double, tno allinoin l-'0 con tract tirlre for the construe' lou of such brtditi). and for tho fithl'nl and all let perform, nee of the contract In ail Its terms, conditions and ileuils. Work mu!t In comuioi tied witnin if) days from execution ofcontri.ct. Mid li oilnplcted to the peil'oct sat'stsc'lnn of l!io otigirmi r In t-lirce. t f 1 lie, work and enlist ruction of said brldgo and of the. Cit. t'litlticil. tin or before tho 1-t dnv of I-eeemlx-r. 1801. Hitls wtil )m ounltc.'v otx-nt-d on the 2"tl. ilav o: Jum. lftDI, at thi '.'ouncil t'hsmhor In the t-ltv ol Albm.y, bttwten tii. hums of 2 Hiid 4 o'clock p 211 of sub! Cl-iV. 'I h Council h'.roby reserve tho right to r- i-ct. ntiv nt'd ad Inns. I'ub'islio-') y order of .lio Council mail.i May -8 I1. ls'Jl N. J. HKNT'iV. lirrorder ot the ciiy of Albany Albany, ur.. May lath, 1M. 17. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, SENATOR CIIILTON'S SOUND W'OItDS. Governor Hog, of Texas, appears to have discovered a jewel In the Hon. Horace Chilton, the young democrat whom he appointed to the senatorial va- cancy made by the resignation ol Mr Reagan. In a speech at Tyler the other day Senator Chilton used the following strong language In regard to the sub- treasury scheme: , "Concerning this scheme, my own duty is plain; The constitution of my country Is against it. The platform of tlie demo cratic party is against It, Economy, bus iness judment.gcod old cornfield common sense,the expeiience of the past, the hopes of the future, 'he unanimous warnings of our greet statesmen, all stand In its way. If all these barriers should ever be broken down, if folly should ever rule the bead and desperation fold the ballot of this country, and a trial should bs given to that scheme, our farmers will find that beyond the depths of their present hardship lliere Is a still deeper depth in the misfortunes of the cor.uilion produced by the collap'e of ths sub-treasiirv. It comes now to perplex the counsels of the people, to divide the organized and exultatit forces which In a few years at most will bring the country back to the incasjre and equity of the plan of the fathers where Lgriculture led all other In terests in profit, importance and ir.depe- pendence. "And it is (.aid that ti e managers of this scheme will force the den.ocratic party to lend to it !he Indorsement of irs great name. In oilier words, that they will tipture the de-tiocratlc party and pervtrt it. This secnis to be the 6etl!ed policy of the sub treasury leaders in Texas. Let them try. The democratic party in Texas has already spoken. I believe it will speak again In the same steady tones of vigor and resolu tion. The test men In Texas, the bet farmers, the bett mechanics, the best merchants, the best representatives of every profession, make up the democratic partv, and when its voice rises ftom the school'nouscs and village meetings in the campaign of 1892, it will have In It no tremor of uncertainty or retreat ,but it will swell and consolidate Into a determined negative as grand and as broad as Texas herself." Sound Advice. It pays to get tlie best; even Shakespeare admitted that. In this connection it may bo remarked that W K Giuliani lias just received an elegant line of suitings for the spring and summer, never surpassed in an Albany market. Tiiev are the best to be ob tnined, ns an inspection will show, and Mr Graham is prepared to make tiicm up in the latest stylo with n skill his long experience has enabled bim to be master of. French Tnnsy nnrers. wafers are a sure and safe f" cm. klndsof female troubler. ar.c all obstructions to the mom . 1 no matter what the cause. Tl The for a remo period are ji 11 what everv woman neuo , al . can be iscd with safetv. For sale L tli Livingstone Chemical Co., also Iron sole ajent, J A Cumming, druggist, Bii berg bck, A Ibanv, Oregon. Vi i.dlngPhotograpliers A any Oregtia. H a li.wa l,inijl,l-..11 t.V.Anf.,fttiv, smsdr, ViV L W dark and W 11 (iroonoooif up to Nov 15th, 1S89. Duplicates can be had from him uiilv of us at reduced latcs. Wo have also about 18,1)00 netattve made by our selves, from whick duplicate, van be had at HLeia.es. We carry the on iy tun una 01 viewi i this state aud do enlargf d work at lowett rtea for first class work. Weshsll be pleased to seo yon at our Studio in Froman's black, tioxt door to Masonie i'rn.plo. Atbaay starxet. Wiiewl I.V ")t-48.i ItuUr-ao pins. rgfts-ibt Hay 10,06 M lt.t. PotAtoe--' ota per blb rw; -on r.ot,2! to Sf Torx-bMe nor lh una'-He-on-hams.lI slioitlilera 7 eidM rrt lOeperlli. K"iottr6.i5 per bbl. blckfK- 4 pr. itltl Fs bran, .t)r' tborts, 2i mid)iin,y. m '6 fELEGRAPHIC NEWS A Fire al lluutluxtun. Huntington. Or, June 1. A serious con- dagation visited tlie city shortly after 12 o'clock this noon. The fire startid in the barn ol Uenhofter St Cropper, butchers, quick ly consuming it and their meat market and setting tire to the Chinee store of Chung Lou, tne uweiunt? nouse 01 oeorge uanlap, black smith, and also the new Commercial hotel, owned by liurnham & Williams, completely tiesiroying uiem. w nen ti.e nre reached Filer's general merchandise store it was check ed by that cement building fram crossing the stree'., therebp saving the upper end of town. The estimated damages are about $10,000; no insurance, the cause of tlie lire is unknown, Heats I'ulilorntn. Constantinople, June 1 A party of brigands near Tchereski yesterday placed ob structions across the railroad track and de railed the Eastern express. They found several German and English tourists among the passengers. One of them was a banker of berlin, 1 he brigands demanded S.10.000 as a ransom for the captives, and Chancellor von Caprivi telegraphed the German ambassrdor here authorizing him to advance the amount. The remaining passengers were despoiled ot their belongings and then ieft alone. The place where tlie act of drigandag occurred lies between this city and Adrianople. ; Big Wanes, Ellensiiurcii, June I A man named Tweet came in tins morning from Sauk, bringing fifty nine ounces of gold, lh; result of three days work with a hand mortar. . The gold i worth about 815 50 per ounce, or over 900 for the lump, 't his yi:lc was secured with a ve y limited quantity of water. The Tlie find created considerable talk about town From Tweet s description of the ground from' which the gold was taken many believe a mother lode has been found. A movement is already on foot to secure this specimen for the the world's fair, - roolhb lovers, Galena, III June 1. Two youthful lovers, Miss Ida Townsend and Elmer Fos:er, living in Rush township, this countv, committed suicide last nigiit. They had been out for a drive and returned late in tlie evening. The girls mother entered the room to call her Ihis morning, and found both dead. The young man was on the bed and the girl on the floor, 'o which she iiad fallen in her npony They had taken strychnine. The girl's fattier is wealthy, und Foster was a farm hand. It is said rhe parents opposed their union. Enterprise on top. Cheney, Wash June 1 .The town tonight ii jubilant over the result of the city election held today. Ths non-progressive element weie badly defeated, although t!iy did some hard work, lion D F Percital was re elect ed mayor over Dr Turner by a vote of three :o one. The old council were re-eiecled in full. The streets are crowded, unvils and cannons are being boomed and enlhusiaim runs high. Even Ontftieal Combine- Akron, O June 1 Incorporation papers were filed at Columbus today" for the Con solidated Oatmeal Company, wieh capital s.ock ol ?3, 500, 000. Al! tlie oatmeal mills of the country are tn'ii brought under one man agement. C'iianrce ef EstiHlneHS. Notice is heraby give i tli-tt VCuolbr dfc Garrett have sold to Ii J fjinatn: tlio,r entire business, good, wa-os, namh-iti-dise, book accounts, fixcut-04, ete. P.rtles indebtod to said tirtn wilt pieaiu null and settle ntonca with EJ Lauriing to wuoua ail accounts are pnva'ii. All ottutHiidiDK Indebtedness w ill bo sc-ltled by Mueller A (iurrelt, MUBLLKH At IxAKRETT, E J Lannino. Albany, May 25, aoD t. The Dcmockat wiii exchauge a .awing inauhhie of any uni'tu desirni, except one or two. for some oait grub wood and part cash; or will consider utlmr prop-a sitiouj by any iuio det-iriug a rew inrtcliitiu. W. K. Keiid keet4 tno bust-1 assortment ot anuy geeds '.'i ro-.vn. Wo iu".ure atsiunt tr.in,v-s. . T0WS.KND it WlLSOX. Otie half dollar nduutiou .-.n everv Hair of I.ndiws tine liios. A p,0!sl lira of them at8 K Y'lUng's. buy your groiri -s of Parkir p.ri When Baby was sick, wo gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, sho cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. Kxellement F.uns high in Albany at H'oiliuy ft Ma son's drug aturu , tr System Builder, aa everybody in nsiig it for I'.t.rrl, nf the Stomach, Dyspe)e.ia CotisiiniuD and Im pure Klood. Trv , tell yonr friends snout it ae it innst pomiv swondrful merit. hen al speak well of 1. rVovetltcs la Jacket. I have received a small assortment ol novelties in Indies spring jackets, made in the latest styles of Blazers anil Reef ers, in chtviot, dingonnl nnd worsted. I expect to curry n full line of these goods, as well ns nil (be ler. Jing styles in Lndica ('apes, l?ni!e,l, crochet tind in cloth. Orders taken for rpecir.l sizes and styles. Sam'l K Youno. Irit.1! (bsfsa. 01 the stmnael-, liver and i.idi e a, s. totl-o fxclti.i'io (-1 .11 ntler r p.'ieinsa. Nai-re. own irn.e-h, PfuLder'a Orrgcn Blood Tur t'er