li111 T'7 ALB AN 5T, OREGON, MONDAY JUNE 1, 18911 NO 20 VAJWJJ Willi- I VOL. IV I 1 Conrad Mover. flMuar Eroailalbm and First Sta.t fJKAl.hK IN- uard rruiln, rle C'rnilN. obitcc. iugr s'ofler. 4 Mil .tXriftl-f, l.eurvikr.-. K'.t '", 4'lKiti h. Tea. Etc., etc.. TArvthlnur that kont In L.n J., T1 f and grocery ora. Ulglieel fl'J. KJHSS PRODUCE. Albany I -Manufacturers of tlEAM ENGINES CRIST AND SAW y ILL MACHINERY RaHrH0..T3 I AW) ALL KIMS CF HEAVY J AHQ LIGHT WORK, IH 1 IRQM km BRASS ? SJVSTIKCS. 'ipeclal attention M o . pairing. U Jdsof inachinoM FaUnrns Made on Short Notict Red CrownMills EON, LAXXIJJS & Cr. I HOPP.'H. A Alili BAKERS USK. "EST STORAGE FACILITIES. ALBANY ODLIBOTATS- INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON 1B90, 1391. tint Term Opened sicetub iafc, isso. A lull corps of Instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIEHTIFIC, LITERARY COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses) ot study arranged to tb' i oil of all grades of students. , S fecial inducements offered to stuienti I from abroad. X WtY. F.I.BEKT H COJfDIf I hMli & Ining, I -FUNERAL DIRECTORS Arterial Embalming Dons Scientll ically. STRICTURE ! Ferniaiiontly cured without Cutting, nurnlnfr D! kttnir. A perfectly pninletifi tret mailt and a guaran teed enra In oven- 3ise, no matter how loti(r standi-. This trealmout, rr Htricluo, of lr Koxoll' the Kr-Htcst illscorery known W meaiclro. It dissolve nd completely rcinovcs the Stricture without annoy- ; -1 orpnin to tho.pftticnt. DISEASES OF MEN! Peculiar to th'jlr Sox, an i not prnpor to nanw horn, Includiilff all IhztQ delicate Infirmities and Weak HesM, which thoy would ahrink from iliclcltir to their fmily phyalcian, permanently cured lu lew tiuio than waa ever known to Modieine before, by br j 3oxcU'!i"Now Svntcm otTroalmenu" ItrejuvcnatM y he ttenito-urtrary oriransaiid makes weak men stronjr Vt When possible, it is always best to call lor personal . mnsulution and social examination. Hut those flio cannot poasiblr call, should write, statin their K fully. Medicine ssnt by mail or expreia, sosle.1, V ,se from exposure, to all parts of the Partus Coaat. ' Address, Win. A. Boxell, M. D. ft Tniil n lapcDuiry, Purlland, OrfRon. Corner n1 ?'nt troet,vr',lortlaud I National Bank. City Hestaurant. $ Having been entirely remodeled, thii old U1 popular restaurant will be made firftt hsa. n every respeot. The publio will ht Rlvon good meals at all hours for only 26 eajnte. Evervthinx neat And ftttrootivo. Private Oysters in evdry style. FOSHAY & MASON, ' rotiuti a urraiii- Druggists and Booksellers Air.-' te for John D. Alden'a putillcatJone, rblrb Wb soil at publishor' prloo wltb j ALBANY. OKKUOft PHELPS, Job Printer, Ist.St.S Albany SPRING WAGONS. Our Stock of Spring Wagons is the Largest and Moat Completo cn the Pacific Coast, and Comprises all the Leading Styles of I'OU 1USPKINO PASSEXGEU WAGONS, KCP.OLL SPRING "HANDY WAUOXS," 'TAYLOR' on tii;i;i: spmxG wagons, HALF-SPRIKG WAGONS, EX PRKSS AND DELIVERY WAG- ONS, SPECIAL PARCEL DELIVERY MVACiONS, ONE-HORSE Wa CuirantBB Our VtMoles the Best, Our Pric33 the Lowest Quality Considered, Spssial Catalogues and Price List Mailed Free on Application Staver & Walker, NEW MARKET BLOCK, W. C. MM & 00., nneiacManrnnuc BLEATH iS WEALTH !! iv- nr.. r, . 'J. hkm-s jserve and Hrm Treitinftit Hioiin, Ki , Nvrvims KtiiralL'ia. lfecilache. 'Kvrvc.m caiwe.l by (lie use of alohul or tobneen, WaJtrfuhiuKB, Mental ).ipriNstn. S -ftcnitn; of tlio Binir . rc-uHiny in insi'tiity nnd it,Titiij( t'. iintr, ittcat 'id dun. It, jir.iiiiotnro ol'l bttrrcunei, b(in ni rci T.i'nc.i uy uver-exertmn ot tho hrmii cr six bci. -a tor aunt by imil proimiU ou ruueipt o we nuARANTrn six nnxES to ciirr aw case. Witlnjali onter received by us for nix boxes, ii.miti( ainiM nun win semi 1110 purtimacrour wriffjiy;jim.K'o 10 reiunu tne money 11 tlie treat tient dotn not effect a cure. Guarantees Issued only by J. A, Cu mining, Druytfiht, tyJe atfuut, Albany, Or, mxssj.ii wiaBCTiEBZswMZ-a Castoria is Ir. S.uikicI Pitclior'n i7CMi'2tlem for Iiifuits r.nil Cliildrou. It contains noitlior Oiiti!:s, Jlorphino ncr other Narcotic substance. It is ft harmless 8tiltr,(Ui;o for Paregoric, Props, Soothing Syni;s, ami Castor Oil. It is ricasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' nso hy Hillions of 3Itthers. Castoria destroys Worms antl allays fcvcriHlincs3. Castoria prevents voiuitin Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea ami AVitid Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep Cas toria is tho Children's Panaceathe Mother's Friend Castoria. ' Castoria Is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers bare repeatedly told mo of its good effect upon their children.11 Da. O. C. OsaooD, Lowell, Mass. Castoria Is tho beat remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I bono the d.17 Is r.ot far distant when mothers will const Jer the real Interest of their children, and xtse Castoria In stead of thevarlousquack nostrums which aro destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to prematura graves." Dr. J. F. KixcHatLOB, Conway, Ark, The Centnnr Company, 77 U US I NESS W A GONS.ONE. HORSE IUON AXLE WAGONS, ETC. It Will Pay All Pattiks Wanting 1 SPRING WAGONS OF ANY ESCR1PTION TO CALL UPON OK CORRESPOND WITH US. PORTLAND, OREGON, ALBANY, OREGON. the cry of millions OH, TTV BHCK! STOP IT NOW. SOON IT WIIL BE TOO LATC. I hnve ben troubled many years with disease of the kidneys ana have tried many different tetiieiiies and havr Rou;nt aid from different physiciani. without relief. About the 15th of Apri.' I was suffering from a very violent attack that almost prostrated me in such a manner tiKit I wnt bent over. V7hrn I st (lowii it was nlmfw impossible for me to Ret i p alone, or to put c:i mv clothes, whe kind' I'rovi'lence sent Dr. Jlenley, with tl. wki;uum kiukkv lr,A, to my hotel. I immediately commenced twin.? the ten. It had an almost mirnailouH effect, and to the aston- lehiatut of all the Ruests at the hotel, in a iew nys,i am finppj to state, mat 1 was a new man. 1 wil' recommend the tea to all afflicted ft? i iiuvc been. G. A. TUPPK3, proprietor Occidental Hotel, banta Mosa, Cal. "WhilflYnnWait" Ht IT riiorc . KM NOTHING ELSE, ffl is Castoria. " Coitor!a lit so well adapted to children that I recommend ittusuperiorujanyprascrlption known to me. IT. A. Aitcnsn, H. D., Ill Go. Oxfmil St., Oruoklyu, X Y. " Our physicians lu tin chiJ lron's derart mcnt bavo spoken Jib'hly of thc:r c::pn-l enco in their outlOe practice with f'toiia, and tl thou 5' 1 ro only havo oinon? our medical supplies what Is know;, as roul;. products, yet we are free to confer that tho merits of Caatoria has won 11s to look wilU favor mn it." United Ilosrrratt ind PinrT,Kiun7, Boston, Ilf.s'j. Atxas C. Surra, TVes., Murray Street, Now York CKy. 1 i 1 3 Highest of all In Lessening Power. ABSCUUTEiy PURE F. M. Frooch keeps railroarl time. litw cream cheese just leceived at Conrad Meyer. Smoke the calibrated Havana filled 5 cent oigarat Juliua Juueph'a, Alarms stock of wall paper, with late de signs, at Fortmiller t Irving '6,just rocoived Ilave you seen those parlor suits that T DnuK nosjusc received 7 They are Dice. Great relunioa nawn'i farnUhiitu oods for the noxt 30 days at W K Uead's. J W Bentley, best boot aud shoe makerJiD oity, three doors north of Dkmockat o.noo. Wanning, GOo a dozen, mending for men Mrs Kings, j-ist east of the Democrat office. Will & Stark have just received a large and elegant stock of kilverware, watchetr, etc, never bfctoro rqnalled in this city. E W Aclii&on & Co handle the culoLrated Portland cement vails for cemetery lots. These walla can be furnished at hnlf tlte C02t of any other and arc far superior. Brighten up your old rubbers and old shoes and mako them look as rood as n w with. WohT'sAome Waterproof relish. Fur sale at Samuel E Youns's. Dr M II E!iU. i.l)3Cau end' snreOu, Albany, Oregon. Calls mala lu citv or country. 1 Ladira JAnd.) thoirshoppiut! in Sin Fran cisco without visiting the city, and without extra commUaion. Miss B J fJirrows U jr chasing ageut, 16J3 Grove St, OikbJ, . A " com for th? wlii-jky itabi. Pi Liricciton'a Antidote fr i iunl ennets wtJl cure any ease of the liquor in from tec to thirty days, from the u odtraU driuker tc the drsuLard. The Antidote cm be given in i ea a of coffee wiLbnut th knowledge wf the person taking it. The Antidote will act injure the healtn in any way. Mi nufactured by the Livingston Chemict.1 Co., Portland, (rto;i cr froan J A Cumming, .ole agtMit Allanv. Whereto G:t.t Them. When wanting n or; or piar.a call on G L Kbckmsn vhc 'e vou can stlrt from a first class tOc. Kcllnlilo nntl Always the Smite. IlrmdretrTa pills are the oldest, snfpst at;d best hi od purifier and purgative known They ore puruly veae table, therefore harm less. They ar alwaslhe an me and always protluco the same eflect. )thr purctives rrjmro inoreatfd ooms tnd finally cease act ing altoiethcr. A course of one or two of firandreth's pills taken each Light is a fugi tive culo for constipation, hrwlncho and all r-iUfus disorder?. If you cant take them plain get them sugar coated. Kemeinber Paisley Smilcv, P.'i:ite Juat anived a full line of I (dig, chil dren p, ronH and boy's foot wear at G VV Simp!t)n', which will be sold at button, price. In the Si'itiNa. A line lino of liliuer ifli;ktR for Rnrintr n-pjir. in innnvilosiirns. jimt received by G V Simpson. Also a larujc siock 01 mo popular ecu oeninic corsets. PROPOSALS FOR BRIDCE AT AL BANY, OREGOII. Notlco Is hereby given that the Com mon Council of thecit of Albany. Ore gon, wi'l rpcoiva ae.lel bid for tho bulbil"!! of a brkKro acros the Willam et'e river fiom tlienorth line of First street t tl.o junction ol'saii FiMt atre'. with Cftlapoo'la fetrcet, to tlio r.orih sido of said river, in accordance with the plan, .'pneifientlona and hiiivcc now on tile in H19 1. dice of the lloooider of tho city of Albnn; eaid bridge to bo I'&'li) ieet in len:tli,nnd 2:) feet wide in the clear and composed of Hix(G)!-pnn; lite npproach-s to be respectively 3 0 feet ami a-ifi feet in length and 20 feet wide nucIi bid tuny uNo bo aceompnniod wilh pianu antt poeirlcAiioiiB of the biifdr. which will tw considered by the council. Bida will 1)0 recefved for an all teel bridge, and must be acer.mpanicd by tirawinK show" Ing plans -nd eleTationsof both frubstruc ture and superstructure; diagraiu of stresses for sptna of different long liH.and full rprcification or tho muter nl and Wfirkmannhip of (he (letailn of huoIi bridge 111. I n niui.t lie fl ed with the K e or.ter of Kaid city on or beforo the h j u of I o'clock pm of the 2Tih day of Jnner 1801. and must be accompanied by certi, lifd check for live per cent of the amount, ol tho bid. The contraotor to whom the contract iam be awarded will be required ;o enter into a written siireeinem aim uonlract, nnd to Ri-e bond to iho c;ty of Albany In double the amount of tt-o con tract p'rice for the conatruciion of such bridge, and for the faithful and eti let perform .nee of the contract In all Its term, conditlona and detail. 'Vork mutt be commenced wilnln 1:0 days from execution of contract, and re completed to the peifcrt Halist'aciloii ?f the engineer in charuotf the work end crintlnictton of eald limine and of the Oltv Council, on or bofnro the lt day of December, Ihlll. Miiln will be publicly opened on the 27tl. day or June, IHU1, at the Council t.'hamber lu the city of Albany, between tho hours of 2 and 4 o'clock p m of sold dav. 'J lie t.'ouucil hereby roscrvo tho rlht to r,-ct any and nil lllda. I'ub'l.hed by order of fh Council mad.t Mi 20. h, 18IU N. J. FIFNTnV, llerorder rl the el'y of Albany. Albany, Or. May Wilh, lf'Jl. - . U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889, Every manufacturer of oatmeal In Ohio will contribute liberally to the expenses of McKhilev's campaign if that gentleman be bold enough to run for governor this fall. The Utile Plon-Plon gave these petted manufacturers an increase of 20 per cent protection by bis new tariff. But the re ports of the treasury shorvtbat the exports of oatmeal for 1S90 were more than ten times as heavy as the imports, the figures being: Imports, 2,372, 106 pounds; exports, 25,60,322 pounds. It would tax even the ingenuity of McKirley to demonstrate the necessity of a tariff for the protection of manufacturerc who thus export more than ten times as much as U imported of theli product. Of course it is evicent that foreign buyers of Ue oatmeal produced In this country pay less for their supplies of this article thnn protected Americans. Cut that does not trouble McKinlev, lie Is looking out for the gentlemen who yield fat at the h;nd of the frier, :iF. (KILDE KILE BAZA.4U, Una a forge n"J completo line of goods, dolls, (loll buggies, boys' wagons, ve ocipedes ami many ctlicr goods which besides a complete line of lamps of every description. China crockery, fancy decorated ware, glassware, bird cages, plusli cootls, Buili as albums, toilet sets, autograph bookii, scrap books, children's ABC jiicture books, and all goods that arc can icu in a uuuui dluiv, inuiuuui Roger Ilros. 1S47 silverware. We wish to call tlio attention of the public in par ticular to the (ioklen Rule prize baking powder and tea, put up expressly for this trade, which gives the best of satis faction, as is attested by the hundreds who have used lioth the tea nnd baking' powder ever since introduced by the (olden Rulo I'nzaar. Kach package of tea and can of backingpowder draws a prize in the shape of a hue piece of glass ware, lie sure to call, when in Albany, at the- Golden Hnlo Bazaar, you will be sure to nnd what you wait, ami win be shown over the store nnd bo treated kindly bv mv clerk, Mr. Miller. My goods are nil marked in plain figures so as not to deceive anyone, and I have but one price to nil. Jt'Liis GnADWoui.. Sound Advice. It pays to get the best; even Shakespeare admitted that. In this connection it may be remarked that W R (irabani has juat received an elegant line of suitings for the spring and summer, never surpassed in an Albany market. Thev are the best to be ob tained, as an inspection will show, and Mr (iraham is prepared to make them up in the latest style with n skill his long experience l,as enauiea nun 10 dp mueter of. Frcnea. Tnny liafers. The. wafers are a ure and safe t' for a kindsof female troublca ar.i CIS. remo all obstructions to the inon period no matter what Ihe cause. 1 " I. 1.1 ni 1 th are ji 11 what every woman neca-, can be lsed with safety. For sale L Livingstone Chemical Co., also Iron sole agent, J A Cumming, druggist, Bi berg byck, A Ibarv, Oregon. V i dint; Photographers A any Oregon. V n have bout'bt all tnenccativi t made by L W Oiirk nnd W M Greenwood up to Nov uth. 18JbU. Duplicates can be bad from hem only of us at reduced late. We have also About 18,000 negative mde by our- dvt. from whick duulicutes can be had at like We carry the on-y full line nf view 1 ti this state aud do enlart d work at lowei t rtes for tirst clan work . V e shall be deaaed to see von at our Studio in From an s block, aextdoor to Masonic fe tuple. 8RILOHrt VITALIZE! ia what vna need bit Orttntipati", Lmm t Aupetitc, Dix- sin can, and all sywptoim eDjupepia. I'rice 10 and 70 eei.u per oc,uio. SHILOirSCURE will immediately re lieve Croup, Whooping Cough aed Urouchitin, f onay ot Mason; agent. Aisxtay Marcei. Wheml 15 1 (atn-4Sv Iltifir-20(t prte. fg-16r Hi t-10,00 W ll.M. PntetoH'fltnj pr bstaeet Porlw-6!e pw lrt Umtsa Haeona hemIU Rboulrlern 7 (I Ard lOfiprlb. rtloiir6.lTi per hbl. 'iick6iw-4.Wierii. villi l-sl bran, per v shortri, U.L middiim-, Z. "H -y- 1 1 1 1 TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Thuuiler alorui al MrMin avllle. McMinnville, Or Ma 31. A terrific thunder norm visited this section last evening. lasting an hour. A giant fir in the wetter part of the town was struck by lightening, and set on fire. It is tiill bmiitne todav. Th electric light wires were itruck, anj carried the shock a mile into the station, exploding at the generator like the re- oi of a gun. It deranged the plant so much that t le city was in uarancss ior uie nigru. .1 nere was no wiml anil the drenching rain sdded to the aueauy luxuriant growth of vegetation. Beront. Broke. New York, May 31. Two world's records weie broken yesterday at the meeting of the Inter-Collegiate Association at Berkeley. I. II Carey, of Princeton rart 220 yaitls in 2Ijbf seconds, world's record 23; and II L Williams of Vale, ran 1 50 yards in 1 5 seconds, world's record 16 seconds. Five inter-collegiate ' records were broken: One hundred yards run by L II Carey, of Princeton, in 10 seconds. 440 yards run by G 13 Shatluck, of Amherst, in 40 seconds; pole vault, by E D Ryder, of Vs'.e, 10 feet 7a inches; running high jump, bv W R Fearing, Harvard, 6 feet, and run ning broad jump, by Victor Mapes, 22 feet IiX inches. Base Ball. Portland, May 31. The game between. the Salcms and the Staver & Walker, team at the Oaks yesterday, broke up in a row. In the sixth inning when the score was 6 to 1 in fr.vor of the Portland boys, Stanley, of the Salems, batied the ball over the fence. Um pire James Sinnot tossed tlie pitcher a ball which had previously been in play, but the ' Salems demanded a-tcw ball which the um pire wtuld not give tliem. They claimed the ball the umpire gave them was water soaked. Tbey reluscd to continue the game, and the umpire gave the game to the heme team by the score of o to o. fllettlt,iii;4s Ottawa, May 31' tit John Macdonald's condition is practically uncliangej since last evening, except that his vital powers seem to be gradually weakening. Touching refer ences to the dying premier were made in all the churches, bolli Catholic and Protestant, this morning. Hon iJarid Mills M P, a prominent liberal and an authority on const! '.utional law, gives it as his cpinion that in event of Sir John's death, the cabinti ministers would not have to resign and appeal to the people before accepting ofilce under a new chief, la anvcttug Anniversary Johnstown, May 31. Tonay being ihe second anniversary of the Johnstown flood, the people of this city were left alone with their mournihg. the several ttiousanb visitors of yesterday having departed. Hundreds spent the entire day in Gran.-! View cemetery, beside the graves of their dead, which had been strewn with flowers. As four o'clock op prooched, the fatal hour wlten two years ago the wave swept away the city, Mayor Rose aunoJiiced the moment and hundreds of mourners cngagtd in silent prayer. ititiiiftc t.r liitMiiicsa. Notire in herjbv civen th it ualler A Garrett have sold to K J Ij'-nnin? the.r Fiitiro nusiness, poow, waros, noroh in-'!!-, book aecnmiU. fixture.-, otc. Parties indol ted to haid firm will plenso call and vetile at onca with K J I.aauing to whom i) HcaottntH aro pava!e. All nuti tan rtiiiK indebtedness lli be BUtied by MtiHilHr A Oarrett. lUKI.r.KH a Uahrkit, K J Lanmno Albany, May 25, i8l. The Democrat wiil exnhantie a ttowinii in ichtne of any make de-iir except one or two, for some oak yrub wood and utrt etah: or will consider other proposition by any fine uuturiujj & new uiacniue. W. F. Ued kf.vpH ihe bcht assortment of. ancy gncda in town. We injure ayuiift tramps. 'JOWSSENO & WlLSOK. Orie half dollur rrduution on evry pair of Ludli-w'a Hum hop. A oodJ liiib nf them a.S IS Yfinntr'a. Buy your groceries of Parker Bin When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she bad Children, she gave them Caatoraa. V.xrlieuiciil Runs biffb in Albany at Kotdinv & Ma. von's drug aUirw tr8yt?m Builder, a everybody in osifR it for Catarrh, nf the btoirach, Uynrpsia Conatipation and Im pnre Mlood. Try tell voor frieods bout it as it moat eii.awon'!trful merits when ad speak well of 1. FOR DVKPKI'MA unrl ivMr - "-... fnn hV iirltstA iinaMtif!. . .hu I f Shilohjit Vitalixer. It never fails to cure. Xurrltlr In Jnrkcta. I lmve received a small assortment of novelties in Indies spring jackets, made in the latest styles of Masters nnd Reef ers, in cheviot, diagonal and worsted. I expect to carry a full line of these goods, us well as all the ler Jing styles in lndies . Capes, beat' d, crochet and in cloth. Orders taken or epecinl sizes and styles. eAM I. IOUNO. In all dtKppaen nt the at'Mnach, liver and .idl)e8. Uff, to the exolti'iou of alt other c.riicin"S. Na!!'' u leiiiedx, Plunder's Op'cn Blood ionlitr