3SBEE I ! I 11 '! 3E gaily democrat IX MF.HOKY OI Miss Laura EluviiiH, who died ill Tangent, May 20th, 1SU1, aged 17 years, 2 inontliB and 3 J.its. Hurling, since you went away, Windows fall across my way; Fad ilavs into montlm have grown, Months into long years have llowu ; And our house is not tho same, Where we love to speak your name, Whore the shadows round me creep, Parting since you went to sleep. T.itllo flowers are blooming atill, Hv the clear and shady rill ; Those in life you loved so well Ktill are blooming in the dull. Other eyes their beauties spy, Other hands in kindness vie i fjovinglv your memory keep, DarlingYmce you went to sleep. Ih our faith shut out by tears, faith to look beyond these years? When the mists have rolled away, Dawning into perfect day. Wo shall know as we are known, When this night of doubt has ilown ; Wake no more to watch and w eep, IMrling, when we too shall sleep. Otie Kniuhtex. ' Albany, Or,5Iay2Sth, 1S91. Penrcdt Laura you have left us. And vour loss how deep we feel; Ciod it is who has iercft na And Ho w ill our sorrows heal. Just one week s;mo she has left us, Oh, how lonely now are we. Hut we knuw she's gone above us To a lmppitr place tnan we. Oh how seems tho days to loiter, Since no more her form w e see, No more hear her gentle laughter, No more hear her songs of glee. Our hearts seem near to breaking, As we lav her things away ; Fee her dresses here are hanging, Here her shoes and stockings lay. Oh how can v. e stand the trial, Father help us now to bear them ; We aie praying, hoping, ever trying To resign ourselves to Thee. Lulie Kkigutls. Albany, Or , May 23th, 1891. 'Just arme-l a full li:;o of ludieo. cbtl drcna, n.cu'a hfy'a foot wear at G W SimpaonV, which will ho cold at bottom prico. CHOU1V WHOOl-iNU COOOH tnd Uronckitii ir.imeil.atsiy relieved by Shiloh'n Cure. K.ir;' CsliVj, Cu.as, It;'.! ue.ua, bfoncrmtfl, K -in Ti: '.i . f..:n:i. bia'. cu-" niVclion of tlie Throat. L:ir y3 FAIR IVAiiKsSa- rurlli' Scull 1'', fr'ol V.ai.t r.ic Y.'orM, lie HuI Uare the Uu.'lu. 4U-Gt TrtXe. Klierilf Scott proposes to make it warm for delinquent tax payer unless they settleut mice. The following notice has been puhliehed several weeks; but it does not work as cllectively as it should : Hyir:cr t l the County Court I am dl revti d tol'tucc tho collection of all taxes standing iim a'.d n tho asstMsrrent rolls of this county. If such (oxen are not paid liMnccliaioly I shall proceed to levy upon mid f:i l property of Oo!lmtienla to make ml e.tcn 1 mean )ii-lr.8. M. SCOTT. Sheriff of I.inu county Sow he proposes to enforce the'collec tion of all unpaid taxea, which, though not tl.cplcasanti'Nt business in the w orld, musl be done. Pelingucntsslioiildcomc to time and pay up, thereby avoiding legal proceedings, as provided by the laws of Oregon. This is positively the last call. Look out for the explosion of the bomb. The Women's Temperance riililisliing Association. Kv on hn J nl for tilt a full lino of Suppio for 'hniieninu Worker, itu'ltnling ltHk, LsafleM, V.tv., suitftttls for every of lufpl TutniHirAnco Work. PublithM Tho UNION SIGNAL, Th fliifBt tnnirnnco : litcrarr i.ipr in ikt tountr.r. Nil one ran iff.ird to rfi without tlii valnaltlu jipcr. l'Klt'K-$l in) per year In hi cotitrltnttorA nr among tlia bent writer in both litmiiaphtrea. The OAK AND IVY LEAF, ftfpiiptr fr YMir.7 Vtr lo, mik fr ita pur loae, IMtH'K - -Jj i'enti r fwr The YOUNG CRUSADER, : i Clillorcn. Sem! f.r mnpi. lalinnl T'iiMrnncc I.)on, Frogrftm for il lay ami DUitr r.'Horiiiiniiiiii, Wend for CnUlrvriMMt Tnot, tA M or-1ri, tu W1KNH Tl-.M PKIHNi 'K IT ttl.lSIHNU AMOlM ATltiN,ll USalw Strit,C'hiw, 111. St IfiTU It. ,3 lower There is a gentle Dyspopsia. man at Malden-on- Uie-Hudson, N. Y., named Captain A. G. Pareis, who has written us a letter iu which it is evident that he has made up hi? mind concerning some things, and this is what he says: "I have used your preparation called August Flower in my family for seven or eight years. It is con stantly in my house, and we consider it the best remedy for Indigestion, and Constipation we Indigostlon. have ever used ot known. My wife is troubled with Dyspepsia, and at times suffers very much after eating. The August Flower, however, re lieves the difficulty. My wife fre queutly says to me when I am going to town, 'We are out Constipation of August Flower, and I think you had better get another bottle.' I am also troubled with Indigestion, and when ever I am, I take one or two tea spoonfuls before eating, for a day or two, and all trouble is removed." Q Judgas of tho horse liava given It at Ihoir opinion, that Titus, Bluuiuerg'a blicli Percherou stallion, stp.r.ds at the heed in his eiaso. lie U in the hands of Mr C Burrows, a.i elUoinit and esper iouced horviman, who will pive hi patrons overy p-jKsiblo artontion. Yitua will mika tho S'jas'j.-iof JS91, Mondays and Tuesdays at Jefferson; WednesJa;s tnd Tuursdayi at Ski-; Fiidays and Saturdays at Albany. .vfr Ulumborg Ih a!a o,vnor of the .-'iftnda'-d bred Irot'lnj horse, Alwood Krtiezi, (So 2Sj3 v,-ho cau be saon ut tho Mnole of Trites Urns. 'Ihe f oc or this horso ara Ir-.ige and fine forinod, uuo only need piop-r dovelopmeiit to sliowipoed. SHULTZ BEOS,, Prcprietors. i.oop a full Iir. &f au als of nil kind !n a cod plt.c0, onu.p)t-tf;Iv jiro- T-U&LVa, Job Printer, 1st. St C-f- Aioany f,."i;v:J " i k.-i';r.r Vj tot ;. itc'I AY'. if 'lh'joi:ly (..:(; reiTif'tf lot Z-gz ni?rn c.a or Whiten. v'H-V THF.Evn,sO'.ti:y!fMp? to till p;itT"rcr. 'V V. K. A. JjJ, IH'ATi-k. J'V UT 4 SAVED A riSK k, ArtltM Pouiuy Wanted. All kin1j of poultry, alive or dromed at the Wiilnmolto V-icking t:omimny'8 ttoi. Alhanv. Ortr,r.. ALBANY NURSERIES a tT & HAVE ON HAND at our winery TV on the CorvallW road, ono-haif nilo from town, as tine r lot of fruit rocs of all lclnda as can ho found any rhere on the coast. If you contemplate plantlr.tc ttcas it will pay yon to ree our tcf-k nd urt our prices. Catalogue free HVMAN BROWSEI.L. 3500 Reward i V'K !! j-'" I":" rr,rt rrfH f-T fiitj rnv ft f.lTff (.m-. ii t, !)'' P'l. Sick Iipwt4'lir. lii:lltrtUti. Cnn i t.'; .ii .-r i"'i.vpne ve cMiiit rure wun Wcet't fyi-i.ii.io i.ivt i-plll, wlion tlio dirtH-Mnnri ftrpptrtctly vi'i. Tin v ftro piirJy Virlil!)l, rd never M to jrlve i.tit !!', 'tinn. 8,i(far,'.iri"i l.nrtr tune, " ntft' H pntH. Iltwftr of i'u'infrfiUi ir to rcntnt ir.nn'.tfiftKt-cd ualjr try JuilM i- WEST CUJt?A.SY. CUILAUO. ILi J A Ovmntni, Atrnt 1 Revere House: ILBANY, OREGON 31IAS. PFEIFFEK PROPRIETOR. FUMd un In dmUclaiw at;l. T.blc miDllnd with the boot In lb. DiRiket, Hlo. loeplnttprtmont. Sarapl. room" or oomtnercaii ir.ve.era. ASSICNEE'S NOTICE. OS THB 29TB DAY OF MAHOH, 1391, R Becker, of Shedil, Linn Co., OrtiRcn, made an .salenmont for the bn fit of hla aroditnrs. The undersisnod la (he dul j appointed andiualinedatalRtifl of aald hecker'a eaUle; All Barsona having okaima attain at the said Decker are berets notified to preabtit them to the undoralKned, vorllled aa required by law, within three month from the dale hereof atnheitd, l.lnn county, Oregon. Dated April 2, 1901. joux w. ruon. n. C. ATaox, Aaaianee, auj rer its.gma. (4 S) Al PROFESSIONAL CARDS. TU. Hl.llUl.il . K. WEATIIEKI'OJSD, . ir.M i.lvI1', in All uourtt of the UW. IHllcol-Flliul block, Alli.uy, Orftfou. y It. ICILY KIT. All-,niy t L i.iJ S ..licltor In Ctaincory. Coltc ti..iia tntuto un ull t ntH. lammsll"W on ! or.Ue termi Albnuy. Orctfon. pi CO. '. V. KIKUT, va itu.mev t I.iw. B .Mdt.ir In U:in-ty, Proctor In Ailmlrality uui Now -y I'aMUi. t Will ircllco In all torllrcjoii. Olllrrl -1'iuiit ro-mi ovar li.nk ol Otegon, Albany, i:;n- Attorney ut 1m". Olllri'i-ln tho Slrilian block Uiwtair.. Albany. Urctcon. D.K AttortlttJ t UW. Ulll :M,1 .U-V ill a I v.iv wmu i)rcon; ex:t!)t tint i-.ii.ni curl of l.iim cmnlv. All UUSt'ieM Will riVdIt V i-iimiimii .v umi..i. axiixi -Oda Fullow' Ttfui.il , Atlany, Or. J.X Attornoy at Lw, anl Notary PuliUe. Albany J-K. J. I-. HI LI., rbvcic'iKn -m,I Sorrcdii. OITICT! Corner irimi'an J Ferry strel., A'uniy, un.n'u:L Physician aiJ Kur'ooti. Oi'TICHOpitosite lb DuuixKATotEco, Albany, Orcfft. and SJ'V-wi. 0s F'('E-I:ott.iirj in tho S; "wt b'o-'t; i'y b fi)j'i- lit Vi oilioo Jay or JJIt. C, A. WH1TKKY, V"vl'ian and Sif-f. Cfa-Juva c' Oi'evntj Mj 1 i-.i Co' 0j' "-" o c C;-v. l)U,-em ui W(ri;".i a ttjuxlrl y. Or'C V.-J..'n b'j 't, 'bi 'y.O-cjo i FII5ST WATIOSAI, OF ALBANY, ORLOOI, Prbniilcnt Tics Frttiiidtit Cashier.... LKVN .t, E.VOL.S'. .....E, W. J,AriOlUJi ACCOUNTS KEPT BUbiott to tiheck. fUOHT EXCHikiiiiK an J ivl raj'bi traiufcr, i M Jio'v iork, Sau Franc'ico, tlucago aiM rnur."(i ' CO XSOTXONS tIAORcn iMon'nSe te.-na. J. Ii. YOVXQ K, W, LAKUPOM 0- EMX CO. TVATIA El J OF ALBANY, OfthOOV. CAFITAL STOCK 500,0TO. Presl l-nt J COWAM, Viuo-Presidont J M KALHToN. C sMor GEO R CtlAMUKULAIN, Aietiaanicr it a aicjiuhulu. Prrctopji. J L Cowan. JM lulitin. Ooo K C;.aher.Am, V S Ladi, Vf U tf.';.a, J A Craw h-r4 aud 0 A ArchiboM. THAtrSAf JTH a ej;ie.-iil bfci.lili'ff bv.t ineid. DUAWyiUli'l J!ttA-''o on i.'ti.v Y.,rk, SftU l Pctl.r !, Orcein. LOAN MO.VEY on aowowd aecur'.ty HECEITE depositii suhct chctt. BAWK. OP OSEX. I AL3AKY, OREGON, Cap t It. 1 : Preaiknt . , Vtae-treudal CaahtT H FUEKP.IU .. E J f.AV.iNi; J.T W BLAIJ Transits a 'encal bank in? basints;: Kx:!iaijfe buu'bt and Bold on all ll.o priiivi;'.! oltiei in the Un:U;.l Statcii a'.j on Eii,;Ianl, KuU.oI. Franco and Ovrtnany. Collections made at all accosilblo poii.li on favor able terniB, IritcrantaUovped o.i tlmo dopoaHi, B INIi OF ftC IO, SCIO, OKEOOiV. President Vice- President Cashier J S M;mr.ia Jnrr Mtkhh O a Mat John Gaines D! RECTO MI E Goins, II Bryant Does a goneral banklntr and exchmpe bufltntis. Hitrht drafts issued on Albany, Portland and San Francisco. PORTLAND NAVINCilH iJANK, OF PORTLAND, OKEOON. Paid up capital Surplus aud proflu $2flO,000 CU.OOO Intcrefit allowed on sa rings deposits as follows: On ordinary saviiiirbooks pur cent per annum. On term snvinir books 6 per cant per annum. On certificates of dopusil. For three months A per ennt perannum: ror hix monins ti icr OBllt per annum: For it)!ve months t.pr cent per annum; KA.l iir.Kiiil, I'ft'sulent I). P. THOMl'SOS Vice-president. tl. C, SrilATrO.V. Cashierj ANTED saiismeni Loral Rnil TrfiTclins A rood chance! Don't miin it! Vou need no cap ital to represent a rcliahlo firm that war rants nursery ntock flrst-claas nnd true to name. WOHK ALL THE YEAR, and food pay weekly to enervctlo men, Apply quick, statins acre. Xi. Xa. 1W .3T Ac O NnrKfrymeu. r nrwi ami ;ecimeii, hi ruul, Mian, (This house Is responsible.) Permanently cured w fthout Cuttlntr. Bumlnr or Dl. ltlnff, A verfoctly palnlctw treatment and a KUaran ted cure in every 3e. no matter how lonjr gtandinir. Tliia treatment, for Stricture, of T)r B-nell's ,ls the arr-teel diKovery Known o meoiclne. It dissolve) nil completely remove the Stricture without annoy t or rain to the patient. DISEASES OF MEN! recufiar to tneirHex, anl not proper to name here, iacludioe all tltae delicate Ititlnalliei and Woak nwitd. which they would atirink from discloalnjr to their family pliyeician, permanently cured in lena timo than wadovcrknown to Medicin before, by lr 3oxell'a "New System of Treatment," It rejuvenate hp enKo-urirary organ and makes weak men strong Whan possible, it is always bot to call lor personal matitltAtion and special etmination. I'.oi ihnu ho cannot possibly call, should write, stating their e frilly. Me-llcine sent by mail or ei press, sealed, free from exposure, to all parts of ths TaciQc Coast. Win. A. Boxiill, M. I). l r.al n l,irn..irT, Horllaml. Orrtoa. uornnnni ami rtr.f trcot,i)Tcr:rortliid STRICTURE deal Estate s Loan Broken Onice.-IULTIMOKE KKK'IC, P;dnir a raueral Iniuiance liiislnesa, I'artte MirinK insurance wlll'i'o wt.ll U) uu them. AOKNT8 FOR- Aftiiu litstiruiico foiiiiniiiy, luoorpora d cbnrtr prputual. l.nH.tit paid In ;y jo laDHnllnn Ina. Cuitipiiny, of I.ondoi, Kncland iuhms paia over is,wut W. Aurlrun Fire lus. 4'uiiiuiny( of Phttade phi. Ork,'iiuzt'.i 15i0. t'u.'l MiU, J.OJ-'.o'.'U. , (aid, $H',r.lK,;.'tW. Ctilnidhln Vim A Marino In. Cmiipauy, 1 irtliiid, Or. Aiwets, '0U187ii.(iJ. Thisw.utie Orv'oii'. bt'Kt colli Allies. EAST AMD-SOUTH, r VIA Southern Pacific Route STTASTA LINE. Ex re Trains leave Portland Daily S'-u-di 7;lhr. M.l Lv 10 'Ji f Ml Lv 10:1.H m Ar North Porilaml Aihtmy San KrAiiciaco Ar !)::t5 am Lv tirii A h aku vain, atop only at folK.winir sLition nurlli of Koflmr. Kt Portland, Oregon City, Wotni. oun. Salem, Albany, Tatisreni, hho.ld, Jlalscy. liar iitburg, JuucUun City, Irvin, Ku,'cue. ROSLBL'KQ UML, DAILT. t;'M A U Lv l::'J'.tpu I Lv fciJm Ar Tort land Albany l(jHt,d)iirj Ar 4:00 pm Lv V2:) M Lv I 0-;2Qa m ALBAtV LOCAl DAILT SXUarT HfNIUY) Lv Portland Albany Ar 1 1) ;00 a k Lv 6:00 a m 00 P M LB8AN0.N BRANCH, 2:S(J r M I Lv 3:? Pa Ac 7::-'1a m Lv l;2ii I Ar Albany Leanon Albany Lebanon rtr I y:25 a M Lv 6: to A u Ar I 4:.'r m Lv 3:40 p M PULLMAN EjJFFET SLEEPEES. Tourist Sleeping Gars, IMr Accauimxli:iia or Krrnncl.) In.. Pn.srn Kcm. nllacticl In l:,rra Tralna. rtV.t Sliln l.lvl .loii. BJ.TU EE.H I'WIIU.Vl) Al t OUVALLIS. Ma:l :mis daht (KxoojttSuiiuay,) Si . M I Lv S:'.0 r u Ar l''irtatni C,rvali!d KXPtlUUITtAIX DAILT KxC3pt Sutl,U' . 4ilru I L7 2 ,u Ar PiirtUuil M-Mitmville Ar I ::0 A H I.r I .' i.'- a u ri?lirongfli Ticlcetw To alt pohitd east, mm SOUTH. ffi fu.i Informatio.i regard Jiir rates, toif-a, o:i company Aent ut&I iny oCKIlLKH Mana'or Aks'IO. F. ana I. At- YAQUINA BAY ROUTil. 0:6gG Pacific Railroad. o Creson EovelopniGiitj IVs Stnainsps, Hort Line to uUftrsiia. Finit-cl-3 throiiph tinwnnr nd rr:ht li e fvom Port. an a nnU all po.nte u tii V.'iiiarn(,t& Valioy to pik! from tiaii Boata mnfea c.o?fi connootion at Atbon wit'a trains oi tha Oregon 1'j'jUIo Kp.Hroad TI5JSSCIIEUOM8. exwnt H'.nd.) V-'vo Alijany V,:11 y. w,ji..vivo Y:.(jUin, 7:'0 A,M f.f it-. C.irvalll, l:C3p. M.il.cavo f.irvailit.lO:3&A.ii rrlfa Yiuirka, 1:3 F. n.( Arnve Albany, 11:1b A. M O. & 0. trultm conneot ni Albany and CorvhUls. Tho al0V6 trfiini connfif't ftl yr.oulna with tb OroEon Hevelonmcint CVmipany's Line of H'oamsliip.i batwoa vaquiua anu nan r mncisco, SAILIKU DATES . FROM YAWUNA. Willamette Valley, Juno 4th; 13th; 22ml. FR0 MAN rHAMCmcO Wlitaxttte Valley, May 31st ; June Oth ; lath ; 7lh. Tho CompAnv .rvrvoH tho ritrnt to thanee sailing date vtbout notion. N. S, aHonpern lrom rortlnna and W Ulnrrjette Valley noinU can make loho connoctlon with the trains ot" tho Yunnina ronto at Albonv or CorTalliH. anil if cltm- :ined tonftn FranciKCO shonUl arrnntoto ri ve at 2: oauina tue evening ucioie uatc tTiLenxrr aa Frght rtitc alirayn th LOWCAl. Per iofernvaion annly UAH Chiwnan, Froiirlit and ftiakit At eat, Albany, . C. IIOVI Ii, u. r. arn y, Airen . CerTal.lt, Fi ll ClIILLF.D Bottoms. - tho - BEST - Wheeled - Plow - on - Earth. Are For Sale ;by HMii'BiuM - mm WHOLC3ALC MmMl Elsl SCLf !W,i FDt VSlllfS!! m liGSIii-HM IDAHO Foil Til5 BUCKEYi r;0W':R -1ND REAPER. ttts4 tiwm ar.J cp'a'.t f t;u.n Miichiajs tl;r.t civ : Tho Clout ZiIrHlv ana Succsst.f'.d ComS'.RCf.f: i::1 Throablae tn 1 "U'ia'ai C-r-.W c --r Cl7.;t-.f.t'.-i. BUCKEYE FVJcTirSE-OINDERS. jtTTlie Kat'iro t!n.t .ih.m TbU :truonluiaryhwintii w.d i- !..; , oyot known. W. U .mj two t,- Its tl. I" .-..(. 1 1: evil 1 1 neit Ji: !) I ;'' DUflUiiiJillili I'.'Lv;' rll.iJUO, Car-iJcei. i'hsctsBi;, Toping BUCK-30ARDS, FOUtl-SriHtf. UODGES-HA'VES HEADER". N0030 'ANV31V WILL -Nullrc ntir Ci' T "Bl l. A'. ilASiKililll J 15 AUK 11 & eyaf ye aw siERion dp.ills .rx fm AND SEtDEFJ. krT$$'$$ Music vose & son rzixr" (sIlBtlll IlKt (MIflEf h u S;)t!nil j. Ayonta fnr tho Now ZYonie, I-Ililrltle II. nl oi-.Mr Sowing Macbius, Su'i)iiR for all liib!H of Sowing M:uluro. V Kusirtl iur ctiMcmtrs intcrt-htn uml uaramcu salUfHciioii, "We nlKo curry n'fnll RSAorin.fUl r Uuxle und Iu-ttc Kuoli. Cor. Socoud and Ferry Bts., (Somi forcaiaicBuc.) Albany, Or. s s of delco, ONECO isstiiinlHrd by all rulu, and wiw a trottL-r at fciwy uge. He ift the only hors4' in tho North wusi to till I bo rujUtrim't:tri of tho triple lest of J'nli Kroe, rorfuriiiuiico and iTi.jjcny, except bU airu, Altaiiivtut, and h i n;rt-ivi:d llio t-rown two y t'iira yimiuft r. He v.-ill bo ktnt tho cnniinifujtu'oJi nl homo MnitlnyrJ unu 1 uustliivs at Albiinv hktnrouyti. lavs. Ha!emTliurHila8 and Fridays, and al- iwea io Kcrvu marts ati.W, to iiifure. M'iK.NltlllT llltOtJ. -PATRONIZE HOME IHSTITUTIOHS." m FARMERS & MERCHANTS INSURANCE tl Albany, Oregon. W F READ, President. .T O WRITSM.N. Secretary. J Jj COWAN, Troasuror. Geo F SIMPSON, Vice President. DI UEGTOIl-"- JLCowon, Geo F Simpson, vV F Kpail, I'r 1. Fo'ov, M Sternberg, J W Barm. J K V eaibertora, l N Strahiin, J .( Wrltsmun. ALSO OlhTKKT AdtS'TS FOIt Oakland Homo Innumnre Co, Oakland. Cnl. Tradors, Chicago.I"' Auiori:an, Pliiiadi-lphia, fix. Phojnlx, London, Knuland, Norwich Uuinn, London, Enu London .t Lanchashire, Ijndon, Enir. Gunrdinn, London, Knp. Man choatcr, Manchester. Kn'and. Caltnlonlan, Kill.ibnrK. Kcot'and. Weschemor, New York. CMLY STRICTLY INSURANCE OFFICE IN ALBAM " a! 11! i Tarai faar Caraer Wllh C tirilai Ik Flaw anl r lha SllTCIIKTT. Sc LEWIS CJO. R ia.ily OIUEM IN fma Farm lasMsery. .uf co:.li..fl!i-.. TIlouv ,-,V: of f.-.nr.D,-, , 'h - !'::.'. t 1 t'o Mii'if itc..i v1 l'nitt, rninrliird ip. u. - -u '-..1 t;.e !y i..Vrn.t. .!.! nollr 1'uruv ftml I . il'i:tii I'md.-r -bout ucaijt X . .." iw?r. (vfe.;:'-:'"t: 'M30VNVW 'nV3Hl 3 a LINK, Ll.l nf rianos- f Tlis most n.iptilur pinoamoiigthoworM'i l ram.;u8 ti:ilU. CO. tiViVHu'ia'n.i u"i"rityl1'1 "i""'; -St 3L 2:29 1-2. ALTAOO, Uw )ixr oi l rocunt til, ton of AItiiioLt,t3t and ili;,!! Anal 2:S.r, lvll: bo kept it Corvalli3 MondijiuJ , Tuifidjjs snd tbart of tli j weik it boa Ti nil, $35 to linen, duo when nan h known to bs withW or removed from Ih cuuntrv. s Will bo irlad loibo S. ;.r-,V stock any tareurf ,1t a; -tV: Bunlay, Kxtra Hardened Stnl Bottoms. A 'f A. 0 " Hp M 5a Z la S ft O Dealers, "T7