I V. VOL. IV ALBANY. OREGON TIIUHSDAY. MAY 2S, 1891. NO 17 Albany MnnufHotiireru of IE AM ENCINES GRIST AND SAW WILL MACHINERY IRQHmONTS AWO ALL KIMS OF HEAVY AHO LICHT WORK, IK IRON AMD BRASS CASTINGS. ipental (ttnntinn jaM o . pnirlnic ill tU of maohinor PaUrrns Made on Short Notice HedCrownMills SOU. LANNINO & C.. l?.0PR'S. PROCESS rUIUll SlTKUlOK rOK FAMK.tB AND Bill KIM 'IHK. WEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Conrad Mever. 8TA11 liAKEUY Cnmor BroadalMn sal first St-s., DEAI.ISK IN iuu1 I'rmH, (uufi! Mcl, iHwre, rn"5nHvarf. riei I'ruilM, fegetixMvK, lobuoco, fiKSTM, Collar, Toa, Klc Klc. ' . . 'erytlihin Hint 18 kopt In Hi v ocd fcrocery cro. UlglieM & rkst p 'f aid for Hiving been entirely romodeled. this old and nnnular restaurant wiii bo made first- USD n viv rninnit. Tho mihl.C will I t given good meals ac all hours for only 0 cents. very thing neat; ana attractive. Private boxes, Oysters in eviry style. FOSHAY i MASON, L3'-ALB AMU HRTAlb- 0ru2,sissand Booksellftra. Ami 't for John B. Aldon'B pi'llcalJona, Dipli wb mvll at publislior'n prices witt MtyjceaiLU' ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON- 18SO, 1S91. Vlrnt Term Opened September 1011'. 1S90. A lull corps of Instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL GLASSES. Courses ot study arranged to meettb" nml of all grades of studonts, S fecial tnaucemcntt offered to students from abroad. ItF.V, KLBEUT N CONHIT ACADEMY -OF Our Lady of Perpetual Help, ALBANY, ' OREGON Conducted by the SisttLi f St, Benedict Tuition in select day school ranges from f5 to ?10. For terms or Boarding Soli ol or sny prticclars apply ntlhe nrjd aduss Sister 8uper'ores -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Arterial Embalming Done Soiontil lcally. Rtmi aifuilr nf nH 'nnttm n th V ey, and lbs most reaf iaie prices, botb n u Boiling. 1 nave uu umiu Ml !Tju FUHNITURE, STOVES, TINWARE TRUNKS, BOOKS, PIUTURES CLOCKS, CROCKERY, ETC., ETC. i''.r west of S E Tfonng's oif stor L. C97TLEi3 SPRING WAGONS. Our Stock of Spring Wagons is the Largest and Most Complete on tho Pacific Coast, and Comprises all the Leading Styles of KU1USFRIN0 PASS-ENGKIl waoons, sci:or,L spring "HANDY AVA;ONS," 'TAYLOR' OH THREE SPRIXU WAGONS, HALF-SPRING WAGONS, EX- PHKSS AND DELIVERY WAG ONS, SPECIAL PARCEL DELIVERY WAGONS, ONE-HORSE We Guarantee Our Vbhiclca tlio M, Ccnsidorocl. Special Catalogues and Price List i'aiijil Free on Application Maw S I alto, NEW MARKET BLOCK, .5 W. C. DAv KMvTH !S WKAFiTHMrHE cry cf millions 1R. E.C. WEST'3 Ktrve ar.U Prain Trent nier.t a L'Uariuitoccl rint'CiM: for llvstfri.u UizzitiftM. (J'H,vul ninriH, Fl 8, Norynus Neura'tfia, llenctticho, Nervous l'niHtnitliiii cauod tiy tho use r.( ulcohol or tobacco. WiivlUMicsa, AU'lltal lre'rc:'"-1, rV'U?T,msr nl tlic lirab', ru-ultin;( In ina-niiy aim ici"iin:r tt niiirr , i K, i.r:uiiHcu hy over-cverii-m of Urn pram jt hix Ik for $ sunt by 111:1:! jiropiUU 011 rotTitt f prico, WE OUnANTKR SIX HOXK3 TO CURE ANY caao, Withvavli order recti' ml by uu for mx boxes, aoeoiiipniiiC'l with i, wo will mitid tha purchasur our written imtantoe to refund the money it the treat mfiiitdin'A not effect a euro. Guiirantcio isHued only oj j.A, tutmiHiu, iJruirgiBt, solo aont, Albany, nr, M&rZzzrm&k mimkm PJ M -G. L, BLACKflAI5- LEADING ALBANX iUGS. MEDICINES and get BORE POWER ana use elie wwick TTrftn our Nnw Ilhintrated Cntnloj-im of 1X31. THE LEFFEL WATER WUEEL& '&TVmr:FIt'rgKr' - The New York C. B. R. Store Is the Place to Buy Their Field Thver Shoes. McParlandlBlock, ABLAN . BUSINESS WA00N8.ONE. HORSE IRON AXLE WAGONS, ETC. It Will Pay All Pattus Wanting SPRING WAGONS OF ANY DESCRIPTION TO CALL UPON Oil (.OKRKSPON1) WITH U.S. Our Prices t'aa Lowest Quality PORTLAND, OREGON, , AKEStS ALBANY, OREGON. CH, 7V OKOKl STOP IT NOW, COON IT WIIL DC TOO LATE. &i U I have bn troubled many years with ' A J T disense of the kidneys and have tried I many tliiicrcnt ifmwiiS aim r.av TJ. ' 1 ffuiiKtit aid from ditlerent piiysiciai V Ik' 1 without relief. About Hie isih of Atri' I was Bufitrinj? from a very iolent nttuck that alm9St proMn.tJd rue in such a manner t'i.;i 1 wss i;Miiover. Wlicn I at down it was almost impyssibk' lor me to get i.p ttlone, or to put ou my clutht-s, wl;c OKKGOX KIDNIiY TKA, to my hotel. I imiucdiaU-ly convmcncvil 'j.i:;r lh? tea. It bad en almobt iniii-iiluust cilect, and to the aston ishmftt of all ihe K,,ests at the hotel, :n a few uayii.I am bappr to Mate, ti;it I wns a new man. will: recommend the tea to till of.llctedj an 1 huv'.' Let 11. G. A. TUrPUR, i'roprietor OccKIeatal Hotel, "xiuta i'.ufia, Oil. "While YouWait," BUI lUHLb NOTHING ELSE; DRUGGIST OEEGOIT ENGINE CO. CPRIKGFIELD, 0.i U.S.A. atMatmtJw""i iw-iwwmiiwi.iw.... v I 9 Highest of all in Lessening Power. y&soi&rai pwm P. M. Prnnrl, ko., rilrn(i tim. I 17!w cream clicoaa iuiit rcotivcl at Conrad Meyers. Smoke thn celebrated Havana filled 5 cent iiar at Julius Joseph's. A Ur'e stock of wall paper, with lr.todc sipoH, at Fortmiller t Irving's,jiist received. Have you seen those parlor suits that T "riuk bus just received? Thoy are nice. Groat re'l'jntion nman', furuiHhing oods for the next 30 days at W F Read's. J W Hentley, best boot and shoe mclterJiD iity, tbrfo dookn north of Democrat office. WasiMiK, 50o a dozen, mending for men fne,at Mrs Kinjje.j'iftt east of tho Dkjiochat office Vi!!&Htark bavo just reeeived a large and elenant stock of nilverware, watches, etc. never betore qualled-in thia city. E W Achison t Co handle tne celebrated Portland cement walls for ;emctery lots. These walls can be furuished at haif the co-jt of any other acd are far superior. lirichten up your old rubbers and old ihoe3 ancl make them look as cood as new with Wolff's Aema Wateruroof X'oliah. For sale at S.tmuel E Young's. Dr M II Kllta, Dhvaicim and surgeon, Albany, Oregon. Calls inado la cit or country . Ladioa oando their shopping in San Fran cisco without visiting tho city, and without extra comtnijifn. Miss K .1 Barrow, 'jr cha'iing ageut, 1609 Urove Sc.Oikland, , THE ;oui: mi; liiz.i.tit, Has a largo and complete lino o( goods, dolls, doll buggies, boys' wagons, ve ocipedes and many other goods which gol to makeun a complete assortment, besides a complete line of lamps of every description. China crockery, fancy decorated ware, glassware, bird cages, plush goods, such a9 albums, toilet sets, nntnonmli books, scrat) books, children's ABC picture books, and all goods that are carried in a Bazaar store, including Rn-'T Bros. 1S47 silverware. AVe wish to call the attention of the public in par ticular to the Golden Rule prize baking powder and tea, put up expressly for tiiis t-ade, which gives the best of satis faction, as is attested by the hundreds who have used both the tea and baking powder ever since introduced by tho Golden Rule Bazaar. Kach package of tea and can of backing; powder draws a prize in the shape of a fine piece of glass ware. Be sure to call, when in Albany, at the Golden Rule Bazaar, pj you will be sure to find what you wt.it, and will be shown over the store and be trented kindlv bv mv clerk. Mr. Miller. My goods are all marked in plain figures so as not to deceive anyone, and I have but one price to all. K i diig IMiotograiiber- A any Ovetcoa. AVo have bought all thencgatm t made by L V Oark and W H Greenwood up to Nov lHh, 1SS9. Duplicates can be had from hem onlv of ua at reduced tates. We have uIbo about 18,000 tieativea made by our Beiven, from whick duplicates can be had at like l-aiea. We carry the on-y fl! line of vi-i f this state and no eularctd work at lowett rates for tlrst ulasa work. We shall Vie pleaat-d to seo you at ourbtumo in f roman s blauk, neztdoor to aiasoaio lempm. KxrtU'itK'nk Rnni hiyh in Alb my "t. lo h-.y & Ma son's Am vi i'ur; - rr Syf'ni Hnil.br, 1-1 everhoflr h titiitH it. to ' '.itai-t b cf thr Ptomafh, DynrifpisiH CotMtJ-nrli unil In; Lure HJnod. Try : frii:d! ahnut it us it must f ' efcou krtal i. rit- whuD a I fpak well r l. Toil DVSt'KlIA ud ivf.r (Vnt'aint von huve a urintH mrHntee mi every bottV i.f Shilob Viuliai r. it ntvui faiU to oure, Foluy & Matnn, n'jfint-. SliTLOFI'S VITAL1ZKR is what vu need f.u Cithtiparnn( Lock ot Appetite, 7, ue k, and all hm.io'oi:h nf;DHpcipi.t. I'nce 10 anrt 75 cent- f-v hnr.tb' SHIl.OirS CUKK will immediately ro lieveCroup.Wlioopitii Cough aod Bronchitis, Fohay tL Mason; ants. Sf.EEPLKrtS NlGtifS. mnde minersble hy that terrible e-uh. Shiloh'iCnro is the Remedy b r ymi, X '-Jim l Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. IT. S. Gov't Report, Aug. ij, tiSy A F rench physician has discovered that the cause of aitlcular rheumatism is to be found in a specific micro-organism. Tills microb Dr riordas has isolated and culli vatcd, and has injected It into a carotid artery of a rabbit. The effect of such in jections Is observed in, inflammation of the lining of the heart, accompanied by vege tation upon the valves. SorND Advice. It pays to get the best; even SUakespenro admitted that. In this connection it mav be remarked that W R Grnbam lias iust received an elegant line of BiiitingBfor the epringand summer, never surpassed in an Albany market. They are the best to bo ob tained, as an inspection will show, and Mr Graham is prepared to make them np in the latest Btyle with a skill his long experience I.U3 cnauiea nun to ue master ot. Farm for Knle, I have for sale 100 acres of the finest farming land in the state. All In a high state of cultivation, no build ings, but baa abeautful building loca tion. Eight miles from Albany, two miles from Tangent, on the 8 r R It. Terms and price reason able. Call and see me on Second street, opposite Dku ochat oitiee. JJn. G. VI. Maston. In all Or.capes oi th stomach, liver nr.d :idneVN, nn to the exclusion of nil other .'dicin-s, Nature's owo remedy, l'f'lsidr'a Jn'gcn Blood l'urilier At the oa wi'l -id in ' i Remember Paisley & Smilev, Print ers Wanted, to bitn $10,000 on good fann security, io the nnxt thirty dayi. Money ready, Take it v. hile von can (;etif . " S N Steele &Co. CROUi', WHOOPING COUGH" and Brom'hiti immedi'tlely relieved bv Shiloh'a Cure. WHY WILL YOU wnah when SMlr-Vs Cure vill give bnmediate relief. Vrice 10 centP, 00 ceots und . foshay jjflson, if.tit3. Mrs Schmidt invites, all the fund) in iti Albany to corny and try h;r splendid ice ereini, lt emits a dish, ft cciits nr cnimrt ti. First -street, ni posite the Lidies Bazaar. Parties supplied with ice cream at 45 cents a quart ; by the psuon, 40 cents a tjUart. Cloaks at cortt at W F Read's HT LOU'S COUGH and Concumption Curt is sold by us on a'irvrt-itoe. It cures cotitamptinn. J'03hay Mason, ageu Just arrived a full line of ladies, chit drVns, trtf-u's hi d bey's foot wear ot G W Simpson's, which will be sold at bottom ptiees. French Tnnay Wulrs. Tha for a remov period wafers are a cure and safer klndsof female troubles an -VP all obstructions to the mom 1 no mp.tter wlint the cause. Tt x 1 1 what every woman necu , ni 1 are 11 ha wed with safety. For sale t th Llvln-Uone Chemical Co., also fron v sole a prM, J A Cumminp, drupght Hi bergbjjck, Albanv, Oregon. WILL YOU SUFFKfl with DyspeptU and Livr C"UHi ddt ? Hhiloh s VUftliz;r u: (a't"Rd to cure you. Albany Mareei. nt-t-48,1 II. -for- 21 pi ir, FV' irr Hav -10,00 to 18.00. PotVtoo" '0 t pr h"tKiP Rmtf.-on fW.2H to 8" Purk-5Ko perlr- ureft-ea. Bac:na tattiUc shonldnrfl "0 sides 9o Ard lftc por lb. Flonr-5.26 per bb), thickens 4.C0 por dn?.. Mill Feed bran, i'rO.Wtpor tou shorta, 2'J. mlddlitu. Airvr '0 jn Bale TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Itarbiiur's Hunlerer. The following dispatch was received from Butte City, Mont, last evening; Bltte, Mont, May 27. Detectives Barry and Griffin will leave by the alC train for Portland with the tAO men, Martin and Will iams, arres'itd for the murder of W M Barbour in Fort land, April 16. Barry traced then in this direction on ihe Union Pacific, by a dia mond ring, belonging to Barbour, which one of the pair wore, and which was observed by trainmen. Jsarrv rouni litem doing time 111 jtil when he arrived here, for vagrancy, and when their time was up he ami Detective Griflin place t them undr arrest for this crime There is no question 'm what the men under arrest arc the right ones, and the chances are that the murder of Barbour wU be avengtd. An Or I-con Cyclone. Arlington, May 27 At 2 30 p m yester day a cyclone of unpuralelled severity coming from the south struck this sown, completely 1 demolishing several buildings and seriously damaging many others. The large general merchandise store of DS Sprintte collapsed under the full force of the terrific gale, bury in the ruins Mr Sprintle his wife nnd N R Baird, of Fairhavtn, Wash, who happened to be in the store at the time. They were ex tricated af;er considerable difficulty, when it wns discovered that Mrs Sprintle was injured internally. Mr Baird has smtained severe in juries to his head and back. Mr Sprintle fortunately escaped with a lew bruies, but is considerably shaken. The large building used as a skating rink and opera house, owned by L O Ralston, is in ruins. This is the worst cyclone known to have occurred in this section of the country. It is feared that con siderable damage has been done throughout tne country. tSeemlne llila (east Washington .May 27, Although Post-mnster-gene-al Wanamaker will not discuss the San Francisco postoffice site he is always nious to talk about his Pacific coast trip. In an interview he said: I thought I knew something of the growing countries before I set my face toward the set ting sun. but I found before I got ta San Diego, that the west was doing more than I conceived, Before we got on tho Union Pa cific road to return and after we had spun around Washington state I was amazed. The west muM have better mail faciliiies, faster mailt more ol them and better postoffice facilities. How quickly they mike a big city in the wess, with fine buildings, large factories and beautiful streets and all that r or tains to a motroplis! There arc no signs of hord times out therd. Everything is progress and enter prise. What nerqe the people show, what profit their real estate )i-ldsl Mr Wanamnker has been booming the west and the Pacific coast ih this manner evjry day since his return Rronght to Llfc Seatti.e, May 27. IL-nry Henke, an 11 year-old boy, fell out of'n dugout inio the ba today ana sanu iieiore ncip could reach nun. A Ur being under the water at least five min utes be was. tished out apparently dead- He was Tolled over a barrel until he showed sirms of returning consciousness. Physicians were summoned who then took charge of him and after working several hours succeeded in saving his life. Wood Wanted. Those who wish to supply us with wood on subscription should deliver it a once. Oak. ash or body fir taken. The. DeM'icuat wiii exehanct a sewing mnchiao of any make dcflird, except nneor two. tor some oak crur wood anti part eaahi or will consider oth'.-r propoaition.1 by any one desiring a new machitie. W. ?. Re nl keeps the heht assortment of aucy grctie n town. A trentJc Arivifii hire, 7 vesre old and po' d traveler. I' t ao eheait. lunuira of 8 A llulin, driifJuiftc. We ir.turo aua.iL ft iramjis Towssenu & Wii,.on, The bcht loit C( Ibe in the city M (1110d Mover . A 8re curw for the wluky n.-.bit: Dr I.iviriyntMi's Artidore fur rum cunesa will !ire sdv cane of the liquor ohir in tr-m ten to ttdrty iluyp, from tlio tr od rat drinker to tlttj drnriVnrd. Tho Autido'e c n be yiven in 1 tup of rf-fTee without tlv ki oledje of the person takifu it. Tito A nt'ote wii)ot injnratbe hcnlcn in iny wr.y. M; iinfsotared '.y the l.ivinu'stfin Chemieil Co., Pnrt'and, Oregon rr from J A Cummin, ' itgtht Albany For Isnie back, or Piue rhest, use fM oh Porous Plaster. Price, S3 cents. WfiKRK to GstTiirm. When wanting "11 organ or niana call 0:1 G L Blaokman A-ht e you ran sert from a first class to... ttrllahlr unit Aitiaja the flame. Prandreth's pills irc th oldest, safest and h.'ht bl od punfu-r .Hid purifrttivti known. They ore purely vegetable, trrerefore harm leu. They ar alwftstbj sme and slwaps nrodnce the shtuo iflVnt, J'tber pur-tivea rtfiuire inorerfed dnifs rnd Hnally ccaoeaot inn altnjether. A roifra of one m two of lirandreth's vt'ls tflsf-n erh right is a pesi tivecuiofor const ipwtii.i:, hr-rdache .r.d all r,iH us disorders. If yt n cant lake them p'.atti get them sn,!ar coated. 8H1LOH S CATAPBH RKMKDY a tioMiive cuie for f'ntnnh Pipbtheiia nnd Csnker-Mcuth, F shsj & Mascr, attents. A NASA1 INJKCTCR fna with each hoit'e f bhit' h a Cutnrih Beinedy. Price CO eei t. FiisAi JVlnhOit, auor.t Oue (m'.f d- Lr r duct ion on every rair of I.udVw tin - hhot-s. A good line of them atS K Voai-.t' 1