w I'.'- ill jrHl ! ; I ' S ii if li '(Si;, i I f.'j ,! ! -4. . f II : h J : HI: ! ". .' t '! it i ! : i is it i ' ' B 8 ! : - i !; ,;;f ; m -J ' .t5 . i ! , r f ? ; .-si 3 ' Ml . 3 . f. SttUy democrat No man finds out how hard his wife to please until he begins to build a house If mothers could die (or their children no man's life would be In danger wbil his mother lived. The devil considers It a good dav's work when he can get the clurch to tplittin hairs on questions ot theology. Mr Blaine is a very lucky politician, When he hasn't a great Internationa' question on his hands to attract public at 1 tentlon to him hs has eouty toes on his leet. Mr Gallagher of Ohio has been cowhid Ing a Miss Foster. There appears to have been not onegallent Ohloanpresent to cry 'Let her go Gallgher". Dont place all of your confidence In one friend. He might run off with it and then you would not have any confidence to 'put in anybody else. McKioleyites still point to the free trade features of the late bill as its crowning glory, Tackle one of them and he will point you to the price of sugar. C B Lewis, so widely knon as "M QuiJ.'i of the Detroit Free Tress, has joined the fortes of the New York World. Mr Lewis, in hi peculiar way, is without question among the brightest and mot original of our American humorists. FEDEKALi AND STATE Sl'l'KEMACY The supreme court of the United states has just handed down an important dec! s'.on timely in more ways than one, b; cause it distinctly defines the line which scperates federal from state supremacy. It is sound democratic doctrine, and for eign critics of the American Federation as well rs domestic oowards who are uncon. sclously centrallzers will both be profited by reading it. A writ of error can led a Texas murder case into the United slates supreme court It was claimed that t!ie penal code of criminal procedure in the state of Texas was not properly enacted under the con stitution of Texas; that error was iutroduc. ed In the trial by defects in the indictment, by the admission of improper evidence and by alleged disqualification of a juror. Chief Justice Fuller, who delivers the finding of the federal court, asserts a the fundamental law by which all such appeal must be determined that the state courts of Texas alone can determine whether state statutes are in accord with the state constitution, that to give the United States supreme court jurisdiction to review a state court because of tl.e denial by the state court of any rltfht, title, privilege or immunity claimed under the constitution, or any treaty or statute of the United States, it must appear on the record that such title, right, privilege or immunity jras speclr'ly s-t up and claimed at the proper time and in ;he proper way ; that the decision of the stale courts as to what are the state taws Is blndlhg upon the federal courts, and that the federal court cannot inquire into '.he validity of the Tens code. This excludes from the consideration of the federal court all questions presented to it in the appeal. This decision, although'directed at a given cause, is general in effect and unchangeable in principle. The constitution of the United states distinctly asserts the supremacy of the state in all its own affairs; in all affairs not in volving the United States, and defines the jurisdiction of the United Sistes when its authority is involved. It cannot he too often asserted for the benefit of foreigners and cen tralize that this is a federation of sovereign stntes. A notable display of the products of Amerl' can industry at the recent I'rotective Tariff League banquet was the glassware and croclj rjr. The glasses (rem which the guens drank their wine, the dishes from which the) ate their fish, roasts, vegetables, etc, were all of American manufacture. Yet. while the League was festively celebrating these proofs of the blessedness ff the tariff, the potters of New Jersey were on strike against a reduction ol 22 per cent in their wages. Beet Seed Fkkk. Call at the Dkmo crat otliceand get some government beet seed free, for experiment. Viltnoin's Im proved, is the name of it. If this county can raise a fine suuar beet nrolitidv. It may mean eventually a good deal for it. Will farmers try It and report as requested. WHY WILL YOU louvh when Shiloh's Cure will give Immediate relief. Trice 10 cents, SO cents and $1. Foshay k Mason ;onts. Don't forgat, I'aiilny cVSiniley, Frintora. alaley fe Smiley, Ths Printers, Fllna Bloa NEW ADVEUnSHMEXIS. 1JROKES3IONAL N'JRSK - Inquire u the 'O'nsr of Fif Ii and Baker a. reels of Mra K Campbell. OR SALE CHEAP.-A (rood bam will be aold cheap, to be removed to make room lor another build iuir. Iuquire or ut j r Wallace. A Fine Ati.ah. MrsTult, of this city, lias bhcnvn us the latest revised edition of Cram's Atl"s for wlik'h she is now canvassing. This is a book of 2'.'8 piics. Among the new features are SI limps of the 31 principal cities of llio U.S. The maps of the eevem". states ami foreign countries are enlarged and perfected. A brief history of political parties since the formation of the government. The sta tistical tables nlone are worth the price of the book, llerewc have an outline of the life of each presiilent, (late of elec tion, time of service, with date and place of birth and death, important inventions, exemption laws, inteiesl laws, religious denominations, railroad milage, highest mountains, longest rivers ami many ntlier tables too nuinerous to mention. Taken altogether it is a most valuable publica tion and should lie in the hands of every family. Minify to Loan. We have plenty of money to loan on real ctate security, on two to five years time. Call on us at our office, opposite the Severe house. llUKKMAR S KRNKV, New Milmnkky SroKR. Mrs C W Clark has opened a mllllr.irv store In the Stratum Block, wlih Mrs" Sherman as manager, and has a lare and stylish stock of freih goods In stock. Ilcr "goods are already opened tor inspection, and she In vites'the ladles of Albany to ca'l and In spect them. New Sprino Goods. I am now re ceiving 'nV first invoices of spring novel . ties In wash godds, ptints, tiingham, seer suckers, etc., 1 have aUo just received a newllncof all wool summer plaids and beiges, Sami-kl K Youxii. Dkess Makini;. Work neatly done and sa'lRfation guaranteed. Kooms at Mrs J E Carter's, corner Kailroaii and Filth streets. Aiu.ua IK'ukhaht. STRAY NOTICE A bay horsfl A about 4 or 5 veara old. branded on left hip. and has been at the plaee ot the uoderaigued in Sweet Home foramonth owner will call and take mm nway ana pay expenses. Jkrky Sum. WANTED. To btiv notes and rtort ttaeea H E Noble. Portland. Or. room 18, Concord block, 2d street. MONEY TO LOAN. In small and large amounta, from six months to rive yeais, on good Albany and Linn ountv real estntn. Call on or addrt ss W E McPberson, First St., Alhuny, Or. EOOMH TO LET. Furnished or un furnished. Inquire at this oflice. L.E. PLAIN'S COLUMN, mm A are DOW ready for pring trado h he largest and best selected stock of Clothing that Avill bo shown in the county this season. All varieties of styles and patterns to pleasethe most fastidious. We have many fine makes ncluding A Thomp?ou,statiosGr s,pnrlland,Or RANTED. Place to do gneral house 1 "vorn, ieava wora si mo JJmnocrat oluce. 117" ANTED, A ro-TiON-I!y the nn. f T dersigneu, to look alter win bu iie-s of a store or warehouse, having many pist yearj nxiierlenen ac euoU labors 1 leel sa:islirl mat I can givj general sausiacinn at very iiindrate an'-s. Kkfkkkncbs Anv of the first ettlers in and around Albany. . .mil, to: liEACU. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION. "VfOTICIO IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT -L the directors of school district No 5 Linn county, Oregon, will set us a beard of equalization at the offige of the clerk of said district, which intth, foal estate oflice of Hurkhartt Keoney, in Albany, Oregon, on Fiiday, May 29, 1891, at tha hour of 4 o'clock, p m of said day, for the purpose of exnminirjg, correcting and eqaiizing the kS -scssment roll of said district for the year 1891. All persons intrested are hereby notified to be present and make their desires known, or file a written statement of the some with the clerk rf said distriot oa or before asid du. Done by order of the board of directors ot sain uisirict. Dated May 16th, 1891. C. G. BURKHART, District Clerk. h'J SwH'rlj YEGET BIE PANACEA KEfAREO FROM sws ;sue riLKtssii t .STHE CURE OF AND ALL OTHER DISEASES ARISINO rROM A DISORDERED STATE orTKE STOMACH Oa AN INACTIVE LIVER. FOR SAI.B- BV ALU DRUGGISTS a GENERAL DEALERS. iLBANT FURNITURE CI ll Ju! rccrivrl a lar;.-e Invoice ( new deii;ns in HOW DO YOU DO? There Is uojdoubt Hint - rs'is.w- Stoek of SILVKHWAItK, ooiiKlstliiB of spoons. knivoH, lorkH,friiitrtlKhfs,olc, gold and silver watchex, Jowtd y, ito, In the largest and bnta In the city, mid by fur the betevrr brought to AI.1IANY. PRICES the Most Reasonable. Call and See the GOODS. V iilorli k hw bimlf Embracing nil tbo latest Novcltiw s in Dr OSS Goods, I I Y DICUti STOItK,' c PfeilTer Block, -:- Albany Stand & Cusick, rROFRlITORB, -DSALIRS IX Drugs, Mediclnrs, (linilcaly, nr.cj and Toilet Articles, Sponges. Ilrushes. Perfumery, School 'Hooks, and Artists Supplies. I'll) HlciitiiK' iiroMcripiiuim cure- Inlly CGiupoundrd. TWO ilfKN AND ONE BOY FOUND DEAD;!! Roth in WOOLKN and WASH FAliMlC; -To The Ladies.- I Make a Specialty of Ladi03 Underwear, in K lviiuiKD and Muslin. My Pkices aro tie LOWEST and my Coodh tho Best. Am sole r gout for the Celebrated Y. S. F. HOSIERY, Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely fast, and Free from Poison : To The Men: Call and Look at My values in Furnishing' -:- Goods! J lmve n Largo Stock r.i. tiio I.ov.cst Piic-a evi r olb-rt'il ir. trie Ysllej. Thou vtq .have tho full lino of mens', youths' and boys' clothing in tho Albany Woolen AHlls goods, that we specially recommend to the public for trial, The largest stock of Mens' Shoes in the city, including many celebrated makes, Hals, from Stetson's best down to a two bit straw. Cannot enumerate Furn ishing Goods every de partment full. during Wiiita Shades autl Curtains, nJ now anil buullful pstttnii In Wall Paper WITH Elegant Borders to Hatch. pretttMt I 5i50c. SHADE ! ALBANY :OR. WRITSMAN & HULBERT BROS,, Real Estate Agents I'.irms and Ranches fi r sale. Also city hrnf.orry m Alhau and t'l.ryallis. Have used cash this j'ear tight times east and can offer genuine bar gains in all my departments, Tho merchant tailoring department, under charco of Mr. E. A. Schifller, is well stocked with suitimrs of latest patterns, l'irst-class work guaranteed. It will puv lal- rons ol tailor slions to see x goods and get prices. L. E. BLAIN. While trying to Crowd theii WAY INTO DEY0 & FRORflAft BROS Store, where they alwajis have on hand the largest Stock south of Portland, of the latest Improved Kitten and Shot Guns; an Immense stock of Fishing Tackle of every description; Ttnts, Hammocks, camp Chairs and thousands of ether things too numerous to mention in connection with the Store, and one oi he best workmen in the State to do any ma au Kinas oi worK. Come one, Come a. No rouble to ihow goods. "Small profit and quick nir.' U oui motto. J. A. CummiDg. 1 cai ry a fir wt'Rr ai and l.'i cx ,11 iinii ol' tlni w ;:l l-n-iKiwnl I!ll()AlIII!A.I) goods, iineiiel tinti-Ii. t-ir'- ii'uck i f KMiiitoniKiuKS and I'LOUXCIN'oa, Cfd tlii. AJIuii.Y i." tho lit'it tradin;; point in Ori'gon. Wall Paper Drugs, Iaint, Oils ALBANY, PAISLEY & SMILEY. ho!onrtle;r.-alprs in-" Vim - ard - CIGARS, Albany Orngon Hs1W I'fivrntf, nml Tmdp-Mnrku oMnlnofl. nul all Tat cut hii-iiic-s ctindtictcil for Morlrrnfo Fops, Our OKics is Opposite U. S. P.itent Office. Mia we run venire patent iu leeu timotlian tiiorfl rnnoie from WiwliitiL'ton. hend mndfl, drawiti-r or phnto,, with dcfrrln tion. We O'lvlfie, If j.atentahlti nr not, frco it chnrr. Our fee not due till patent If cerurod. A Pinohlct. "How to Obtain Patents" with namo? rartt;'l ciicM InyuiirBtatu, cuunty.tjr luttu, lent free. AiHrej, C.A.SNOW&CO. Opposits Patent Oiflce. WashLnqlon. ). C. ONION SEED Grown From Hr Icrted Bulba; "' iie.i jM-r n.fi m Hid Wtthemfle'd j (() Yflln louvers .,, W hilt I'..r.ujnl 2 In rumparinr prices picwe remomber tint above Untalldtit liiclu.lo rottTAUi!. Hive Our Ned n Trial. rnirrRpnndence mlk'ttcd. TRUMBULL - & - BEEDE Seed?, Trees, Bullis tad Plants, 41!V-4?1. HnihimeSI.SAh FrfttiHcrn i-il'Mciitlon tins p-r. ANTKD Tho unilorsltinnd war.la to buy Chinese DhwuHiit n. llrliiR them to tho srncery More it VI. w He has received a largo and choice 6tock of spring Drei Goods, new stjes and shades. Wash fabrics, consisting' ginghams, seersuckers, sateens and chamhre. A completi assortment of white goods, flouncings, hosiery, corsets gloves, ladies and children's shoes. Clothing for the sprinj trade. A largo and complete assortment for men am youth's. Hoots, shoes, hats, caps and furnishing goods, am if you want tho hestj bargains you will have to call on him ALLEN un-ini i YV 11UL1 BROTHERS, RETAIL Gft UJj s CIGAKS, TOBACCO, AD KIND??. IW LARGE OR Flinn Elock. CHOICE FRUITS OF Atl SMALL QUANTITIES, rr: Tt-xis season. -:- ALBANY, OREGON JaS . CS. 23 fll wm mm c-j- t "r tht Illiuiibi'rK'M I'lock, 3VC Ll IIHIII 'mi i n ii I jES IES Xm SS A IV D FIRST-CLASS COOPS, Reasonable 1 1 Prices, o .A. complete line c Oon h Furnishing9 Albany, Oregon. amnnamBi Albany Cigar Factory, J. Joseiin, -:- Proprietor. WHOLESALE & BETAH Only White 1 abor Employe Kentoo. v 3 JOHN. . j' 'ii