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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1891)
ton. of Intelligent resident, of the ..ate. ol I J. BLAIN'S COLUMN. IXTEliKSTINli FIGl'ltES. The printed list of the members-elect of the next house furnishes some Interesting figures and deductions. The list Is un official but accurate. Of the 332 member there are 237 democrats,87 republ'.cans,and 8 members of the Farmer's Alliance who sill not go into either party caucus. There are other members In southern states who were elected on the Alliance platform.but on democratic tickets, and they will vote on all party questions with the democrats. Gleaning the list by states It appears that there arc of the 44 states no less than 16 with solid democratic delegations and 13 more where the majority of the delega tion is democratic. There are 10 states with solid republican delegations and 2 with republican majorities. Of the re gaining 3 states 1 have Allllauce majori ties, while In the 1 remaining state, Min nesota, there are 3 democrats 1 republican and 1 Alliance man, so that the delegation on a vote Is democratic. Summing up, the democrats control the vote of 30 states the republicans of 12, the Alliance of 3; total 44. There are, then, 16 solid demo cratic delegations and 10 republican. The iC solid democratic delegations In clude a membership of 106 j the sclld re publican delegation a total membership of 15. The frightful disparity lies In the fact that of the 10 solid republican delegations 7 of them are mining camps, or republi can emergency states. Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, North Dakota, Oregon, Wash ington and Wyoming have 1 member each who Is a solid republican. By these states the republicans control the senate. There remain 3 solid states, of which 2, South Dakota and Vermont, have 3 members each, and the state of Maine, with Messrs. Reed, Boutelle, Dlngley and Milliken,has a solid delegation of 4. These latter were elected, It will be remembered, a few months before the popular uprising. The solid democratic states are big and sub stantial. Missouri alone has 14, almost as many as the entire force of the solid re publican commonwealths. The others are Alabama, S; Arkansas, 5; Georgia, 10; Louisiana, 6; Maryland, 6; Mississippi, 7; South Carolina, 7; Texas, 11 ; Virginia, 10; West Virginia, 4; besides such pickings as Florida, New Hampshire and Rhode Island, with 3 each, and 1 each from Del aware and Montana, where the republican spirit was willing, but the flesh was evi dently weak. In the 13 states where the democrats have majorities In the delegations there are In all 115 democrats and 47 republicans, a net democratic majority of 6S. In the 3 republican states there are 33 republicans and 13 democrats, a net majority of 10. Here again the democrats controls, with the exception of Pennsylvania, all of the large delegations. The states stand; Illi nois, 14 to 6; Indiana, 11 to 2; Kentucky, 10 to 1; Massachusetts, 7 to 5; Michigan, 8 to 3 j New York, 23 to 11; North Caro lina, 7 to 1 ; Ohio 14 to 7; Tennessee, 8 to 3; Wisconsin, 8 to ij Connecticut, 3 to 1 ; Iowa, 6 to 5, New Jersey, 3 to 3. The re publican delegations are Pennsylvania, 18 to 10, and California, 4 to 3. Of the re maining states there arc In Kansas 5 Alli ance men to 2 republicans, and in Ne braska 3 Alliance men to 1 democrat. Giving the Alliance these 2 states, while in Minnesota, as already slated, there being 3 democrats, I republican and I Alliance man, the control of the delegation is with the democarts. This 1 the way the house will stand: Democrats Solid delegations, 16; ma jority delegations, 14; total, 30. Republican Solid delegations, 10; ma jority delegations, 2; total, 12. Alliance Solid delegations, o; majori ty delegations, 2; total, 2. Cn a division by states on any question, therefsre, the democrats would carry the vote by 30 to 12, or a majority of 18. It is not out of the range of the possible that such a question may arise in the next house. That question would be the most Important In the history of this country. It wou'd be the question of the next presi dent of the United States. It seems al most certain that the Farmers' Alliance, or a section of that organization, will place a candidate for the presidency In the field Who that may be no one can guess. It certainly can' be Senator Stanford cf California If he wants It. Willi the present strength of the Alliance and Senator Stanford's enormous attributes for an en ergetic campaign, it Is not Impossible that the Alliance may win electoral votes enough not to elect Senator Stanford, but to prevent either the democratic or the re. publican candidate from obtaining a ma jority of the Electorial College. In that case the constitution, by article 12, pro vides that the election shall be thrown In to tne houss of representatives. Thai would mean the fifty-second congress, and the full Importance of the fact that demo crats control thirty delegations out of the forty-four, Is teen when It Is remembered that the constitution provides that the vote shall be taken by slates, and each state, no matter how small Its delegation, shall have one vote, to that if the Alliance should elect so many electors that neither the republicans nor the democrats could cast a majority vote of the entire college, the next president would be a democrat. On this vote nlllhc Stales would meet on a common level, lurithe 50,000 whiles, blacks half-bree.l, inongtcls, Chinese and Indians of the Nevada mining cfttni i mould be at powerful in tlectln-j a prcillcnt as tlie mill.. Ohio and Texas. Mrj Bartine of Nevada would be as big a man as Roswell P Flower and his thirty three colleagues. So big Is the democratic majoiity, even on the unit vote by statu, that they could elect the president, even if not a single republican was present . The constitution provides that there shall be present a quorum consisting of a member or members from two thirds of the states, so that with their Ihiity states the dem ocrats could legitimately elect 'he president without the attendance of a single republican. The deep interest which bath the democratic and the republican party take in the alliance entrance into the field of n itional politics can therefore be very easily understood. There is a French family in Biddeford, Me, which consists of husband, wife, and fourteen children, all young. The father works in the cotton-mills for very moderate wages; on ac count of the numerous family the mother has never been able to do any other than house work and it has only l-eea a few years since the oldest of the children were able to work Yet this large family has not only been reared upon the wages of the father, but today the mother, who has been the financier of the household, has $4000 in the bank. Mr Harrison must not think that he is do ing all the handshaking that is oeing r'one in this country. Mr Cleveland shook hands with 2,000 people at bis Buffalo receptiou. Tennyson is said to make $30,000 out of his poetry. He makes dollars out of it when ethers can't make sense. Beet Seed Free. Call at the Demo crat office and get some government beet seed free, for experiment. Vilmoin's Im proved, is the name of it. If this county can raise a fine sugar beet prolificly, it may mean eventually a good deal for it. Will farmers try ft and report as requested. Don't forget, Puisley &;Smiley, Printers, alsley & Smiley, The Printers, Fl'.nn Bloc NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MONEY TO LOAN. In nmail and Inree amounts, from six months to five .veaiA, on good Albany t.nd Linn county real estate. Call on or adilreafs W E McPheraon, First St., Albany, Or. OOMS TO LKT. Furnished or uc furnished. Inquire at this office A GENTS WANTED. Address Stuart XyL ct Thompso j, stationer , Portland, Or. B'S7"ANTED.PIace to do (roneral house T "York, Leave word at the Democrat oil ice. WANTED, A FOtlTtON.-By the nn. dnrsigned, to look alter the b 11 si. nets of a store or warehouse, having many past years nxperienca at such labors I foel satisfied that I can plve general satisfaction at very moderate wanes. References Any of the first settlers In and around Albany. MILTON BEACH. TO DELINQUENT TAXPAYERS. By order of the County Court I am dl reeled to force the collection of all taxes standing unpaid cn the assessment rolls of this counly. If such taxes are not paid iuimiidiaiely I shall proceed to levy upon and sell .be property of delinquents so mass couetuon. mean ouciness. M. SCOTT. Sheriff of Llun county BOARD OF EQUALIZATION. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT -Li tho directors of school district No 5 Linn county, Oregon, will set nn a board of equalization at the ollico of the clork of said district, which i at tht. real estate office of Hurkhartit Kecnev, in Albany, Oro,;on, on Friday, May 29, 1S01. at the hour of 4 o'clock, p m of said day, for the purpose of examining, correcting and eqalizing tlie -sessment roll of said district fur the year 1N91. All persons interested are hereby notified to be ptesentand make thfir desire known, or lilo a written statement of thu some with the oleik of mil district on or before said date. Done by order of tho board cf directors of Raid district. ItaUU .May 16th, IS!)!. C. G. BUftKHAUT, District Clerk. FARM FOR SALE. Afhrr.iof 52Sac-esof land 2'4 mi'ps .est. of Minors HMtion on (UO.IU1, All fenced, 13i) a;rw in cultivation. 8j noio siasho.l. good houso and barn iind shed lor stool:, well wat-mitl, ttoml, younu; orchard li.irirrr n kinds Irillt Good grain farm, Piontv liil -r. CilAKLhS WETZEL. jjLBANT EOMTOFiE Cj II aa jut rotclvcil lape invoice of now designs In f inflow Shades and Curtains, an J new an,l beautiful pattern In Wall Paper Elegant Ecrto to Match. ttjSOc. SHADE prettiest ALBANY :OR. WMTS2AH & HULBEB.T EROS,, Real Estate Agents Farms and Ranches for sale. Also city urnperty in Albu m:d Coryallis. W'fj are now ready for Spring tratlo 'h ho largest and Lest selected stock of Clothing that will be shown in the county this season. All varieties of styles and patterns to please the most fastidious. Wo have many fine makes including Then we have the full line of mens', youths' and boys' clothing in tho Albany Woole Mills goods, that we specially recommend to the public for trial, The largest stock of Mens' Shoes in the city, including many celebrated makes, Hals, from Stetson's best down to a two bit straw. Cannot enumerate Furn ishing Goods every de partment full. Have used cash this year during tight times east and can offer genuine bar gains in all my departments, Tho merchant tailoring department, under charge of Mr. E. A. Schifiler, is well stocked with suitings of latest patterns. First-class work guaranteed. It will pay pat rons of tailor shops to see goods and get prices. L. K. BLAJN. mm There is 110 doubt I hat ni: w Stock of SILVERWARE, consisting- of ipoons, knives, forks, rrult dishes, e'e, gold and silver watuhex, Inwel v, eto, is the largest and best iu the city, mid by far tho host ever brought to ALI1AKY. PRICES h8 Most Reasonable. Call and See the GOODS. c ll'Y DRl'C NTOKE, Pfeiffer Block, Albany Staid & Cusick, -DKALCnS IX- Drugs, Medicines, C l:in.!rn), Fancy aud Toilet Arliclos, Sponges. Brushes, Perfumery, School Hooks, and Artists' Supplies. riijsieiiiiiK' irN'riptlun care fully -cmiiouiilcS. TWO MEN ANb ONE BOY FOUND DEAD!! While trying to Crowd theii WAV INTO DEYQE & FRQPJJO BROS Store, where they alw.-us have on hand the largest Stock south of Portland, of the latest improved Killcs and Shot Guns; an immense stock of Fishing Tackle of every description; Tents, Hammocks, Camp Chairs and thousands of other things too numerous to mention Shop in connection with the Store, and one ol .he best workmen In the State to do any md ad kinds of work. Come one, Come al. No rouble to ihow goods. "Small profit and quick il" is oui motto. J. A. Ci.nim.ii5g. Drugrei, l?ints. Oils Glass, JL2tc3 paisley & smiley, '.VholesaleDoalers in "C3ACCG - apd - CIGAR! Alttauy, Orison l im-nts. nnl Trade-Murks obtained, ami all Tat eut liiHm'n cimilneted for Moderate f pss. Our Olfics Is Oppaslts U.S. Patent Ollice. andwccanpciire p.itent inlceHt;mctliantlioae Ik uiI motl.-l, drawing or phnlo.. wllh drsrrlp t'tm. V 0 aclvlo. If :lvntn!l (r not, froo it clnrj-o. dnr fee not duo till lutrnt Ik pemrrd. A PnmoMet, "How to Obtain 1'iitcntis" with. ;" "fiu-tird tllortj !n your State, cuuuty.or town, cunt free. Address, C.A.SNOWt&CO. Orpcsits Tatcnt OSiee. Washlr.jtoa. D. 0. mm seed Grown From ftrlccttd Bnlb; lrlv ll. IHT n,llM I! t ctherntic d j Yciln linvcm ; Whi to PoniiKil h 2 In piii;inrinir prirt p'ertat rcmcii.bcr Hint aborc imirUiotig Include I'mtaur, Uice Onr Nerd n Trial. C-wt flpot.ilcnce 1!.citetl, TRUMBULL - & - BEEBE lKinr.T, urowkm and dralrrk in Seed?, Trees, Bulbs and Plants, 41-I2t, SiruumcSt, ftxu Francisco. 'XM' ntlon lli ijer. t . ANTKIi Thn undoraiutiet wards ? to Imy PhlnrMJ dirannt pees. Itrirg the m 10 thu grr.ierv storo if 1'L Keiiloo, W 8 JOHN. Paper !i hi is if Hi Embracing all tho Dress Both in WOOLEN -To The I Make a Specialty of Ladies Underwear, in Ksn Ribbed and Muslin. My Prices aro tie LOWEST and my Goods tho Best. Am sole? gout l'or tho Celebrated . S. F. HOSIERY, Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely fast, and Free from Poison.. : To The Men Call and Look at My values in Furnishing Goods, I havn h Lari;H Stock at tho Lowest Prices evnr ollorwl U the Valley. I 1 cairy 1. ,11 iino of tho worM-rpnowed RKOADI for wearoi finish. Largo stoclt of K.MimoiDKUIK t-.tid hp cm ced tha' A'hany u tho best trailing oi mil tr,"". "rj Mr W. HE". 1EZJE5 1 1 II $ in ll,t Ho has received a largo and choice stock of spring Dress Goods, new sty1 es and shades. Wash fabrics, consisting of ginghams, seersuckers, sateens and chambre. A complete assortment of white goods, flouncings, hosiery, corsets, gloves, ladies and children's shoes. Clothing for the spring trade. A large and complete assortment for men and youth's. Boots, shoes, hats, if you want the best; bargains ALLii'N SROTH'SHiS, Wholesale retail Grocers, CIGARS, TOBACCO, AMD KIND;?, Hi LAKG5: OR IN Y5-;eiR Flinn Block. AKMstOrailMrrrinnKiviiiiPLiP V,'W.1Tr S3. C3- 3ESak,3ES.3Cali Ilinubers't Ulock, -: latest Novelties in Goods, and WASH FABRIC?, Ladies,- BKOADHEA.D gootla, unexcelled L..l,.nii,LMMfr ITtAitvnu-r.. .l int in Oregon, caps and furnishing goods, and you will have to call on him, CHOJCE FRUITS OF ALL SMALL. UANTSTISS, SEASON. :- ALBANY, OREGON snssiHSHtnswssHMS J, U1 FIRST-CLASS CCODSj. RoasouaMB . i Prices, 0 in4n une oi any Cigar Factory, BETAU tfOnly White 1 ahor Employea m 1 5 m