YOL. IV ALBANY, OREGON MONDAY. MAY 18, 1891. NO 9 Albany IRONWORKS MHiiufaoturprw rr- 1EAM ENGINES CRIST AND SAW U.LLMACHIKE8Y IRON tKGNTS w all kims of heavy m LIGHT WORK, IN IRON MID BRASS CASTINGS. ipMltl attention aid o t pairing ll ds of tiiachuiori PaUxrns Made on Short Notict Red CrownMills gOM, LANNIXtf & C .. VHOPiVS. MW PROCE33 FLOUR BCTl'KlOIi fON PAXIMK AIIO BAKE ItS THE. REST STORAGF FACILITIES. City Hcstaurantt Hiving been entirely remodeled, this old aud popular ruutaurant will bo made tirst clasa u every respect,- Tho public will It given good inuah at all hours fur only 25 cents. Everything ueat and attractive. Private boxed. Oysters lu evtiry style. ACADEMY -OF Our Laily of Perpetual Help, ALBANY, - - - OREGON Conducted by the Slatuj f St, Benedict Tuition in aolect dAy school range from 1 5 to $10. For terms of Boarding Sohcol or any prtlcrlars apply at the A:v or jd adeNH Sister fcJupe-rlore FartmiKer & Irving. -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Arterial Embalming Dons Scientil lcally. Conrad Mever. PROPIUKTCX OF. STAR BAKERY Cntner BroadalMn and First Sts., -DEAIER IN tuued Fruits,. Cminert JSpuIk, aHwre, (J-wcnuHnri-, rieii Fruit. VegctaliACH, Tobacco, Cignts, Sugar Kp'tt , Coflec, Tea. Klo Etc., " . 'erythlng that la kept In - rod ii. vn Ynd grocery ore. HlgheH nrkstp 'raid for AIL KINDS oF PRODUCE. hi WET Store. Best ntock or 2nd f& ,'oods In tbe V iey, And the mont reantf Lie prloee, both Ui b aelliDg. i hve on band ll k'tiu. FURNITURE, STOVES, TINWARE TRUNKS, BOOKS, PICTURES CLOCKS, CROCKERY, ETC., ETC. door want of S E TTonnu'. on inr I. COTTUfcB FOSHAY & MASON, - VVLS'.Atl AMU HHTAUf - druggists and Booksellers Affei.to for John B. Alden' piAillcationB, blob wb publisher price with 4tBAf9V. OlteUON the lefitifnc reme-if . onorrhra A trt, 'Ihaonh- rr.m remflv for I lrencoprbfTBorWhitea J tirewribu nana feci Hfo in rrcommeauins it Qhe'vi"!'. to nil sunrors. i BoIO br lirniffcrJaU. T.iJiAK A CMirk, Aa-enu Pouilxy Wanted. Ahkin?H of njultrv. Bllve or drewert at tho WIllATiietto Kicking Company's 6 Turtw"? V OUCIUM s PRING WAGONS. Our Stock of Spring Wagons is on the Pacific Coast, Leading FOUK.SPUING PASSKXCElt WAGONS, scitorx SPUING "HANDY WAGONS," 'TAYLOR' OR THREE SPEING WAGONS. 1IALF-SPR1NG WAGONS, EX PRESS AND DELIVERY WAG- UNS, bPECIAL PARCEL DELIVERY ' WAKONS. OXR.nOTlSE Giwanteo Dur Vehicles the Best, Our Prices tie Lowest Quality Considered, Sjecial Catalogues and Price List Mailed Free on Application Staver & Walker, NEW MARKET BLOCK, f.j "5k U Cf DR. E. C. WEST'S Nftrve ar.it Prnin Trtntmoitt a tfiiratec J mi-cillc fr.r llycteria, Di7ZMifi9, Ciinvul sioiiH, Fi , Nervous Nourultfia, Hcntiuuhe, Nervous Pmrft ration c"tHi by tbe use of alcnh-ii or tobacii. Waktul nef. Mental Depression, Stiftoninp of the limin ru1linsr In insanity ami lealhi(r to misery, ilfca: ildili, prtinnture nlJ see, barreinittw. loss n( K. i i.cnmwl hy over-excrtiun ol t lio hraui Ench I nm tain one month'a treatment, $1 a hox or x bc. fur $, sent by 1111H prejiaiii on roieit o prico. WB OITARANTEB SIX BOXES TO CURE ANY caeo. Withuaob order received by us for nix boxen, accomrmniuil with 8-, wo will neiid the imrolianer our writ tj-11 L-iintftntee to mfiind tlie tnonev if the treat ment tines not effect n euro. Guarantees ftisuetl only by J. A. Cuimnliu, Druggist, sole acent, Albany, Or, LEADING DRUGS. iVIEDlCliiES IV. If. EJHVIIO HI W IPS SML Wa$8KR BUT CURES - 3 HLKAT IS WEALTH ! TRYjlFFFEL"ML diYd get MORE POWER 5 and use LESS WATER TVrite for oar New Illn.trntod Catalogue of 1HD1. THE LEFFEL WATER WHEEL&EHGIMECO.SFRINGFIELD.O.. U.S.A. The New York C.B1 Store Is the Piace to Buy, - FOOTWEAR TEY Their tho Largest and Most Ccmpleto and Comprises all the Styles of INESS W A GO N 8,ON E. HORSE IRON AXLE WAGONS, ETC. It Will Pay All Patties Wantixo &PING WAGONS OF ANY DESCRIPTION TO CALL UPON OK CORRESPOND WITH US. PORTLAND, OREGON, , AGBXTK ALBANY, OREGON. the cry orm-Lioraa -ij.t" OUT, BKCKI STOP IT NOW, SOON IT WML BE TOO LATE. I hrvc been troubled manv vci can vrtlh disease of the kidneys snd lw ttvc tnetl inanv ditTerent remedies and havr sought aid from different physiciau without relief. AVwut the lUli'uf Apn? I was sulTcrina: from n very violent attack that almost prostrated mc in Eucn a manner inui i w is ircni tivcr. When I Bl iJowii it was almost impossible iur me to kcI i.p R!one, or to put on iny clothe, wiie kitnl I'ruvidence Rent Dr. Hculcy, willi OKliGON KIDXKV TKA, to my hotel. I immediately commenced usinjx the ten. It had an almost miraculous eficct, and to the astou ishmtut of all the guests at the hotel, in a few duys.I am liappr to slate, that I was a new tuuu. . will, recommend the tea to ull sf.lic'.cdl a 1 liuv-; been. C. A. TtJPPEtt, iTojrietor Occidental Hotel, auta Kosa. Cal. DRUGGIST OEEGON STAT IQUARY &C ? Field Thycr Shoes. McFarlnncl Block, ABLANj'. Highest of aS in Lcsreiiing Power.-. woutbi coN-ui:iti(j. F. M.French keeps railroad ticie. tlew cream cheese just ieceived at Col red Meyers. Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 cent cigar at Julius Joseph's. A large stock of wall paper, with late de signs, at Fort miller k Irviug's.just received. Have yon scon thoso parlor suits that T drink baa just received? J licy are nic. Great reduction 'ii men's furnishing oods for the next 30 days at W F Head's. J W Ucntloy, best boot and shoe maker;io city, three doors north of Democrat office. Wasting, 50c a dozen, mending for men free,at Mrs Kiogn, just cast of the Democrat office. "Will & Stark havo jtiifc received alaryo and elepart ntock of til ver ware, watches, etc never betore quailed in this city. E W Achison & Co handle tne celebrated Portland cemont vails for cemetery lots, Fbeoe walls can be furnished at half the cost of any other and are far superior. Brighten up your old rubbers and old bhocs and make them look as good as nw with Wolff's Acme Wateruroof Poiish, For ealeatSsmuel Young's. Pr M II Ellis, thysician end eurgcon, Albany, Oregon. Calls made in citj or country. i Ladies can do their shopping in Ran Fran cisco without visiting tr ocity. end without extra commisEiion. Miss E J JUrrowi . r chasirg ageut, lb'69 Grove St, Oakland, . iitiii: (iOLur.x r.riv. i;ziak, Has a large and complete line of goods, dolls, doll buggies, boys' wagons. ve ocipedes and many other goods which col to make up a complete assortment, besides a complete line of - lamps of everv description. (Jlnna crockery, lancy decorated ware, classware, bird cages, nlush goods. Bitch as allmms, toilet Bets, autograph books, scrap books, children's A B C riicture books, and all goods that are carried in a Bazaar store, including Roger Bros. 1847 silverware, we wibIi to call the attention of the public in par ticular to the Cioklen Rule prize baking powder and ten, put up expressly for this fade, which gives the best of satis faction, as is attested by the hundreds who have used both the tea and baking powder ever since introduced by the (iolden Rule Bazaar. Each package of ten and can of backing powder draws a prize in the shape of a line piece of glass ware. Be sure to call, when in Albany, at the Golden Rule Bazaar, ifl you will be sure to find what you want, and will bo shown over the store and lie treated kindly by my clerk, Mr. MHlcr. My goods are all marked in plain figures so as nut to deceive anyone, and I have but one price to all. Ji'Lius Gkadwohi. lii ding Photographer A ' any Oregon. Wo have bouutit all tliomgativi i mule by L W O.rk ml W II (Jrcen.iord up to Nov 15th, 1S80. Duplicatu can be fc.id from hum only of u t roduend latee. Wo hav also aliiiot 18,000 negative made by onr nelvea, from whicV duplicates cao lie had at UUeta.t-s. We carry tho od.v full lioe of viewi f thia atale and d enlarged woik at lowtit rte for lint clana work. V. o hall be pleated to ee yoo at onr Stndio in Fioinan't bleek, uoztdoor to Alaaonic lenipio. Kxcltriucut Rtina liiah in Albany tt f'o.h.v & W aon'a drug ator. i r Hvrtem Builder, aa evervlmay ia aain it for (' i the -. 1. T"l f. ..... . .i. n ..il Im, OLfim.t:u, iji.tj..ii. .wfn. i . pure Hood. Try . ) tell yunr iri.ndt . about it aa it niaat dm.'Ii iarlu I monw whea a l rpoak well of i. SIULOH'S VITALIZSR it lt von need fm (onaiipatiun, Lo ct Appatitc, Dii-zine-j, and all avninnm of Djpepi). I rice ID and 72 anl per bottl. SHILOH'S CURE will immediately re lipve Cnmp, Whooping Cough rd Bronchitis. Fo hav A: Mason; aufnts. Sl.EICI'l.ESS NIUH l'S. mirlo miserable by that terrible cough. fhilnh'jCure U the Uomf liv f"r yi 11. Fur lm back, r r.ii 1 neet. use Sniloh Poioiik I'U.ttr. Price. '.'5 crolii. A3 f 2 Sing lRiPowden- Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1SS5, John A Dllllon, who, for the last eight years, has been managing editor of the St Louis Dhpatch has gone to New Vork to assume editorial management of the Nc York Wo-hh vice John A Cockerel, re signed. It now looks like Governor Campbell would be renominated for governor of Ohio easily, II is e!ectir n is by no rue inn certain unless his paity shall stop Its bickerings, McKinley will be his opponent. Lieutenant Governor Jones, Roswell Flower and Speaker Sheehan are leading can didates for governor of New York. Congress man A J Camming of that state says if Flower shall be nnminated he will be elected by 30, 000 majority. The democrats of Kentuckcy in their state convention, lately held, resolved in favor of free coinage of silver. But with great good sense they declare that the tariff question is the paramount issue overshadowing the silver and all other questions. Farm Tor Hale I have for sale 1G0 acres of the finest farming land in the stale. All In a biirh state of cultivation, no build ings, but has a beautful building loca tion. Eight miles from Albany, two miles from Tangent, on Ihe 8 P R B. Terms and price reason able. Call an d see me on Sjoaad streat, oopnae una OCItAT OffiCC UK. U. W. MAST ON. New Spring Goods. I am now re-.elvl-.igmy first Invoices of spring novel ties in wash coous. piints eiiiehains, seer tuckers, etc., 1 have also just received a new line rl all wool summer plaids and beiges. Samuel E Young WHY WILL l'OU :ou2h when Shilnh's Cure will erivo Immediate relief. Price 10 cent, 50 cents aad 1. rosnay s, aiason, aent W7T.L YOU SUFFER with Dyspepsia and Livr Onmp'aint ! Shiloh . Vltalizur n guaranteed to cure you. We injure against tramps. Towsj-end ft Wilson. The best roast cutlVo in the city at Cuniad Meyer s. Itcllniile nml Atwuya the name. Prandreln's pills are the oldest, safest arid best bl od puiitW and purgative known. They aro purely vegetable, trierohve harm le. They or al as the same and always produce the SUD'0 1 feet. Other purgatives ri'iiuire increased doses end finally oease act ing altogether. A ooui-bu of one ot two of Urandreth'a pills taken cich tight is a posi tive cuie for constipatiiui, headache and all bili. us disorders. If yu caut take them plain get them sugar coaled. SH1L0HS CATARRH REMEDY nodiive cure for Catarrh. Diphtheria aud Cankel-Moulh. Foshay & JUson, agents. A N&SAI INJECTOR frea with each hoit'i-'f bhiloha Catarili Remedy. Price 50 cents. Fonay& Ma"u, aw-.u Cloaka at cn.t at W F Read'. At the corner d Broailalbin and 1st trtot you will lind C K Bronoll alwaya the lead iu the grocery badnns. Albany MarKet. Vncl-87i natu 45.1 Ritri.r 20s prih. ', r-pgi15' Ha -10,00 to 18.00, "nt'a'oei fin Kr i.if.'l' Boef-on foot, 2' to ?nr por H .( -a Bscriia hnins He ahnul'lnra 7o aide fl Aid liw por lb. Hour 6.36 pe' 'bl. blcbena 4 U0 per dot. Kill I'eod bran, 5.0 por ton short, 2'-. nlddliniM, 2t. I'hsf " TELEGHAPHIC NEWS Opal Mines. IIei nf.k, Or May 16 Levi Shancr, the discoverer of Morrow's opal mine,, which are now creating so much excitement in this locality arrived from Spokane last evening. Mis team and out lit, in rharge of Otis and John Shancr respectively, son and brother of Levi, pre ceeiled him overland, and they are now ready to luny develop uieir claims, The entire mountain in Ihe vicinity of the Shancr pros pect is now taken up, and many nice speci mens of odoI have been found at some distance from theoriginal discovery. Negroes Hired. Portland, May 17. A dispatch from Se attle psintcd yesterday morning, stated ia regard to the train -load of negro laborers ibout to arrive and to take the places of white lauorers at ine orean Improvement Com pany's coal mine at Franklin. Ihat Mr C J Smith, general manager of the company, said that the company had determined to rid them selves ol the necessity ol bowing to every caprice of labor unions, and that the negroes would be put in Ihe mines and protected there. mi oiuuu gives b. ineir reason not opposition to unions, but the unsteadiness of the men under the system. At Aeapnfeo Washington, May 17. Xo infonnatron has been received at the navy department re garding the movements of Ihe Rata, nor have any further orders been sent to the Charleston directing her future movements. The only telegram receivec today was one from Cap tain Keniy. saying the Charleston "was still at Acapulco, taking in coal, and that nothing had been heard or seen of the Itaia. The Es- meretda is alsa in port, and has been refused coal by the Mexican authorities. Tonight the Charleston will again start after the Rata. loYantry rallea ont Washington, N C May 17. The light infantry was called out at 2 o'clock this morn ing to dispurse a crowd ol negroes who had gathered near the jail for the purpose of re leasing Kit liugginr, an omnibus dnaer, who yesterday ran over and killed a little white boy. Upon hearing the military alarm '.he negroes immediately dispersed. Fifteen negroes were arrested and every one was found to have a pistol in his posession. The infan try is under arma all night, but further service will not be needed. A Falal Oescrnston Spokane, May 16. "Professor" Rountree, an amatour balloon ascensionist, attempted to maKe a trip to the moon this alternonn, from the Rond house, after tl-e ball game. The balloon struck a po3t at the corner of Ihe building, knockingithe prolessol out of the parachute. He sujtained injuries from which he his since died. The , r. It. B. Portland, May 17. The annual report of C P Huntington, president of the Southern Pacific, for 1S90, ol which a brief synopsis was recently made public, shows that the tolal mileage ol the system is 6525 miles, an in creasi of 173 miles over the preceeding year, the average number of miles operated was 6953 Novelties In Jackets. I have received a small assortment of novelties in ladies spring jackets, made in the latest styles of Blazers and Reef ers, in cheviot, diagonal and worsted. I expect to carry a full line of these goods, an well as all the lep.Jing styles in Ladies Capes, beaded, crochet and in cloth. Orders taken for special sues and styles. Sam'l E Young. The Democrat wiil exchange a scrrinK machine of any make doidnd, except one or two, foreouiftoalE grub wood and part cash; or will coosidir other propositions by aDy one desiring u new tnachiue. Money to JLuau, We have plenty of money to loan on real einle security, on two to five years time. Call on us r.t our office, opposite th v evere houfce. HURKIf ART S EE.NET. Tut arrived fnll tiit ot laHte chil 1 font weat itOW I10 sold at bottom dieDP, men's ain Ify' i5imiou's,;hich will (irice.1. CROUP. WHOOHNG COUGH en1 BrtriH'liit; immediately relievcUiy Shiloh'st Cure. CATAURK CURED, health fan n w hresth Mcnretl.liy Shi'hV Catarrh Peme!y. I'rtco Mi cents. INhssU lnieutor tte ro- slay & Mwnn, seots. FIIILOH'S COUfiH and Connn.ninn Cur is sold lis on n nain --.tpe. It rorefl oitiian,)tion. r 01 liny 00 A!fftcu, sgeu frenrli Tuny Wafers, wafers are a sure and snfe for a remo klndaoi female troubles ar. w'!' all obstructions to the mou 1 no inciter what the cause. It period are ji nwhai evcrv woman neeo , can be ihed with safety. For sale l th Livingstone Chemical Co also fron 11 sole agent. J A Cummin, drusit', Bi bergb.Kk, A Ibnrv. Oregon. A ue Care for in whisky iahit; Jr LivincvtonV Artidota for tun- enries will core any ca?o of the lhpjT ' rbit in trm t"n to thirty ditvs, fmni the n m!i raft driuker to the drunkard. Th? Atitidne cn he ffivco in 1 cap of c'iTt-e with"iit th- krowlvdge of thf i-4Mfn takitv i. Tlie ntrdnte will not iiijarf thr hHn in ny . Mi nnfaeturrd l.yth Livini'ston Clinnieil 'o , IVrtUr.d, Ors,on rrfrcin.) A Cnmtnitic olp acht Alhsi.y FOR DVSPKI'flA rid iver Ccmpla'nk y hi havo a tnt fit viijip nte 011 -vi r l-ot .1 of hil't'-f Vitnlia r. It nrvor fil to cu-e. tn. toiP. Albany. ()rcf:cr..