VOL. IV ALBANY, OREGON SATURDAY. MAY 1G, 1801. NO S Albany DN WORKS M'tuulactmors r' 1EAM EHS.HES GiilSf AUO SAW ItSLL MACHINERY IRON N10KTS AM ALL K!,V0S OF HEAVY AND LIGHT VOflK, IN irgn m mm CASTINGS. .pedal attention jalrt o . oelrltig ll daol'muohluort PsJiw.is Made on Short Notice id mever. FROPltimvil OK. STAll BAKEttY Coi-iior Broadalbin and First 8ta.a -DEAI.EU IN tuned Vrnila, rleit FrnllH, I'obacco, . t'oflce. CDnri lrle&l, fueusware. Vegetable)), C'lgarH, S'cXH, Tea, Etc., Etc,, ft;.. lf.l Torythlng thai IB kept In u son yand grooory oro. Highest J rfcet p raid for dl!.K)KPSuf B'JiStieE. 2nd Say Store, Beat Riock or 2nd IT ;oods n the Va iey, and tlio most renstf mie prices, both la b selling, L have cm hand k2Uj FUfiHITuBE, STOVES, TINWARE TRUNKS. BOOKS, FUTURES CLOCKS, C83CXF.RY, ETC., ETC. dairwestofS E 'Yonnfr's oif.nt.ote I. CQTTUEB City Restaurant. Having been entirely remodeled, this old and popular restaurant viil be made tirsfc claaH u every respect. The publio will be given good meal at all hours for only 25 cents. Everything neat and attractive. Private boxes. Oysters in every style. HEALTH IS WEALTH! PH. K. C. WEST'S Nerve and Tlraln Treatment a iruarfintoetl flppciflc fr Hysteria, DizzmtBS, Couvul bIoiib, Kl's, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Norvous Pnwt ration cauwd by tho use of alcohol or tobacco, WakffulneM, Mental Depression, S-.rUiii.iijr of tlio Bniia. reiultlnif in insanity and leading to misery, Decay '.ndiluaih, premature old oo, barrenness. Iohs of Pe. i i, caused by ovur-exertitm of the brain Ench bo.i con tat ns one month's treatment, 31 a box or six Uoxjs for $3, sunt by mail prepaid on rocelpt o price, WE fJUAUANTEK SIX BOXES TO CURE ANY ease. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied with 8.1, wo will send the purchaser our written (ruaranteo to refund the money if the treat ment dues not e0ect a euro. GuaratiKes Issued only by J. A. Cuunnliu. Druest, sole axo-it, Albany, Or, ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. ON THE 28TH DAY OF MARCH, 1891, V. Beokcir, of Shodd, Linn Co., Oregon, matin n assignment for the bun fit of his creditors. Tho undesigned 18 the duly appointed and qualified assignee ot said Becker's estate. All pursons having daiini wriilriBt the said Booker are hereby notified to urea nt tliera 10 the undersigned, verified as required by law, within three months from toe dale hereof at Shedd, Linn county, Oregon. Dated April 2, J 89 1. JOHN W. PUGH. H. C. Watson, Asslcnee. Atty for AsslRiiee. (4 3,' FOSHAY & MASON, HruidstsaDd Booksellers Ati tM Tor John H. Aldon' ptjUjIicafions, 4lBAW Y OKEQ Tiijr O It RfknowlodfrMj tlio lefldlnff remedy fov Oonorrhirs, A Ult. TUe only sate reme'ly for LencorrhipaorWhites. I prescribe it and fcfll rafu in remmmendluBit MT.15l.iUD Jk (THICK, Acmt $500 Reward ! Vt: wi!l t.fl-.. t!ifl nhoTrt rpwnnl trr anr or I.!T "ti:i..i;il, I)yp'la,SlcIt lleiMlnclie, lndliio.tlt.n. Vr M.rt .hinilvrrl'i:l. rhrn tli dlrMtliins aro.trti'tlr i.liiinl with. Ti.cy ftro purely Vcifrtublo, Rr.d n.w -ltt..r!v..a!.ra..ii.,ti. fjinrrt'oiited Ltinre txi.on. -n;a a font.. Il.wnr of lotuiu-rtolt ui'l ii .to (.ettntno man'jfartnnwl only lif I liunvi 1 1 ailAin U&rf (im Butatnrc. 5! o Our Stock of Spring Wagons is cn the Pacific Coast, Leading rOUK-KIMUNO PA WAGONS, KCiiOJ.L "HANDY V,'A(.;ONS KNGER SPRING 'TAYLOR' WAGONS, OR Til I? EE SPRING HALF-SPUING WAGOX.S, EX PRESS AND DELIVERY Vv'AG- ONS, SPECIAL PARCEL Wa Gmranteo Our YbMclcs tlio Post. Our Pricss the Lowest Qnality Considered. Special Catalogues and Fries List Mailed Free cn Ippliuatitnr Staver & Walker, NEW MARKET BLOCK, PORTLAND, W. R DAVIS & CO., ALBANY, OREGON. I'fei I m "VfiiiteYoaWaiC I Ki'mrlWOTi BUT CURES " M PornjatiC'itly cured without Cutting, riumtnjr i r Di lating. A arfictly paiuleHs treatment and a Ktmnui tootl cure In every 3ro, no tnattflrhow lone; Ftal.ilirK This trcttttnunt, i'or Strietu-e, o( I)r Uoxcli's.is tho fr nto.t cltwcovory known to rueuicino. Udlsnolvts nd completely removes the Stricture withoutunnoy' 1 or pivlli 10 me patient. Peculiar to their Sex, an t not proper to name lu ro, iliciudinir all lliceti delicate lnfirmitioft and Weak iioytfOM, Mt.lch they would ehrink J'rotn dluloeinj,' to their family phynician, pcrinanently cured in loft ti me t him wns ever known to Mcdluino l-efc ro, by Pr ioxeli'd "N SjHtem of Treatniont." Hrejuvcnates he ionito-iinrary orana and ma ken weak iiicnstronj; When possible, it in ahvan beat to call iur peroonal toiiftiitation and ppecial exauiination. But those vhu cannot wisibly call, Bhoiild write, statin)? their .Arictuliy. aieuicme sens oy innii or exiireit! bimiwi, tree from exuoeure, to all parts ot thj Pacifte t'utt, Add'eRs, Wiu.A.Boxcll, M. D. St 5'nul l Supcntnry. PortliHMl. reon. Unvner rirnt ami rtr,e8tr(:eu.;ovci;i-oiii.iuu iSntitnal Bank LEADING SSlEFFEL": and get MORE POWER - ancs use n.s:ao vmicn tfrli. rif our Now Illuatrated Catnloscuo of 1801. THE LEFFEL WATER WHEEL&EMGINE CO. SPRINGFIELOOUtKSA The New Yor Is tho Place to Buy TEY the Largest and Most Complete and Comprises all the Styles of JJhLlVERy WAGONS, 0XE-H0RSE BUSINESS WAG0X8.ONE. HORSE IRON AXLE WAGONS, ETC. It Will Pay All Patties Wasting SIRING WAGONS OP ANY DESCRIPTION TO CALL UPON Oil CORRESPOND WITH US. OREGON, 1ME CRY OF MILUOKS, -f t OH. 2HIY B?SCrI trrop it how, GO&n IT WML BE TOO LATE. disense of the kidneys and have tried tlVVi many diLferent remediea anI havr sought aid from diiTerent physicfon without relief. About the 15th of Apri? I v.n3 siifierinfr from (i very violent r.ttt.cU that almost prostrated me in en cn a manner uini 1 was oent over. Vhcn I at down it was almost impossible for me f.n wl Lp nlone, or to put on my cluthen, whe' kiiui l'lovidtuce sent lr. Henley, witli t OK KG ON KIDXKV TJiA, to my hLU-l, I imuiedintely caianienced mitif, the tea. It had nn almost miraculous effect, and to the aston ishmtnt of all the Kuetts at the hotel, in a tvw days, I am bnpp; to slate, that I was a new xuoii. win; recommend the tea to all alHictcd' US I Lav: Uen. G. A. TtirPISR, Proprietor Occidental Hotel. Santa Kosa, Cal. DRUGGI OEEGOIT i AH U.B.R. Store KcFarlasd Elcclr, ABLAN nihejt of all io Leaguing Powers itTHK i;omi:n bi lk bazaar, Has a 'large and complete line of goods, dolls, doll buggies, boys' wagons, ve ocipedes and many other goods which gol to make up a complete assortment, besides a complete line of lamps ot every description. China crockery, fancy decorated ware, Klasswaro, bird caRu;-, plush goods, such as albums, toilet sets, autograph books, scrap books, children's A i tj picture books, and an goods tnat are carried in a Bazaar store, including Roger liros. 1847 silverware. We wish to call the attention of the public in par ticular to the Golden Rule prize baking powder and tea, put up expressly, for this trado, which gives the best of satis faction, as is attested by the hundreds who have used lioth the tea and baking powder ever since introduced by the Golden Rule liazaar. Each package of tea and can of backing powder draws a prize in tho shape of a line piece of glass ware. Be sure to call, when in Albany, at the Golden Rule Bazaar, so yon will be sure to find what you want, and will be shown over the store and be treated kindly by my clerk, Mr. Miller. My goods are all marked in plain figures so as not to deceive anyone, and I have but one price to all. Jt'Lit's Gbadwohi.. worth co:vi!.KrxG. F. M. French keeps railroad time, liew cream cheese just received at Cor.md Meyers. Smoke the celebrated Kpvana filled 5 cent oipixat Julius Joseph r. A large stock of wall paper, with late de signs, at FurtmiiW k living's, just received. Have you seen thoe parlor fiuils that T Drink h.ia just received ? They are nice. Great reduction inmon'u furaUhiug yoods for the nest 30 days at W F Reads. J W Beutley, beet boot and shoe mahorjiu city, thre doors uorfch ot democrat omce Waan'riK, GOe a dozen, mending fur men froeit Mrs Kings, just eawt of the LEMOCRAT c 11100. Will & Stork have jnit rowived ft t-'.rE;e and eleua:t atock of bilverware, watchts, etc. never beiore iquallod m tui3 city. E W Achison h Co handle tun oeltibrated I'ortland ccntent wnllfl for :e.nHWsy lo ' Thoso walls cm ha furuisht-d at half the ciwt of any other and are far auperior. Brighten up your oid rubhera nd old fchoes r,nd muUo tltem look a" ""'od as nw with Wolff'a Amo Waterproof Piiuh. Fur sale at Samuel E Younifs. Dr M 11 E!!w, uhysieian r.nd rureon, Albany, Oreou . Calls mado la city or country. Latin can do their chopping in K.r. Frw; -cieco withouc virjltinf! tl; city, ar.d witlioat extra comtniwim. Mi K .' Bnrv w jt chat:i'i;Rexsi. 1GG0 Orov St. OAlas-d, . :vy to Liirui. Wc have plenty of money to loan on real estate security, on two to five yearn time. Call on us at our office, opposite th c ieverc Ijouh'. Bt'ltKIIAKT CeIENKY. V.. dinp PhotKraphew A any ?rer,on. W e have bought alUhem gAtivf t made by h W dark and W H drear ..coil up toflov 15th. lSS'J. Duplicated can be bad from hem only of ns at reduced i rites, o have also about 18,000 nepativtM, made by oar selved. from whicX duDiicales cat? be had t iil;e ia;ts. Wo carry th on y ful I lmo of viewi f this state and do eulargf d work at loweit rtes for tlrnc clao work. V. shall be ileased to see von at our Studio in lroman s bhtck, nexfcdoor to Ma ecru a IYn.ple. A big cue in prices on ladies Dont.i!a bta iu all ttylfB for tho m-xt 30 da-at KxclieDiem Rani hiitk in Alb.uy Fohi.y Sc Ms. oil's i!:im siorJ i t-r 8str.-in Builder, at nveryla-iU is ig it f' l't"'i nf tho Stna:h, T))riii t Coi.ntil wins and Im pure MimiI. Try : ti ll your trieu.ls ab'iul it it mast ymr, svim-.Ui ful nifcritn wlitn a 1 rpiak wh! of i. SH1LOIFS VITALIZKR i what vo ii.nl fi (.'nn.tipHtioB, Lot AppntiW. U !tie, inl a!l symptnma of;Dysiipis. I'rice 10 and 7 5 cents per bottle. A3 J r SJ 1 iv .vJD Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, iJSg, The bigtwt freah water fishes, tho ar- apaima, of the Amazon in -South Araorioa, which ;rows to atx foot in length, has teeth and its tongue, so that tho latter resembles the ill and is need as Buch. Some kinds of trout have the name peculiarity. Fishes that swallow their prey entire have their tseth so supported on flexible bases as to betid backward, but not forward, in order thrtt their victims shall not escape after they have been seized. John A Cockerel a ho for some years has been editor of the New York World has re signed, and it is said that he will become the editor of a new morning paper soon to be started in New York city. The Oregontan suggests thst it is probable that Wm R Hearst proprietor of the San Francisco Examiner will furnish the money for '.he new paper. Two years ago," says the Pittsburg dis patch (rep), "the trouble was to find means for getting the money Out of the treasury, and now there is doubt whether the hut $54,000 000 of the 4 per cents can be met at ma turity. That is a sufficient measure of con - giesional extravagance, without heavy drafts on the imagination of democratic organs to make matters appear worse. The influeuce cf food upon the formation of carbonic acid has been made a matter of study in France, and it has been found out that during the first hour after a meal the quantity cf carbonic acid exhaled increases till it reaches a maximum, three or four hours after the meal, when it falls off again. Plenty of fresh air is desirable one to three hours after a meal. Utltnble and Always the Same. Frandroth'a pills are the oldest, safest and best hi od puritifcc aud purgative kuown. Thcv r-ro tmretv.jflfea'etable, therefore harm- lew. They 1.111 a the same aud always produce tho imoie cftuct. Other purgatives require ir.crojted dores sr.d hiially cease act ing a!tocther. A conrro of ODe or two of Brandroth's piUa taken each night is a posi tive cute for constipation, headache rnd ad bilious dieordera. If you cant take them plain get them fcujar coaTed. SHILOH'S CATAKUH KEMEDY a positive ;ure for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker-Mouth. Foshay & Mason, acuts. SI1IL0IVS CUBE will immediately r tii!v Civup.VVhoopinRCouah and Bronchitis. Fo.hay Sz Mason; ncota. WHY WILL YOU io(jh when Shiloh'a Cure vill give immena.M relief. Price 10 Ctfits 60 cnla and $1. Foshay & Mason, KLEFiPLESS NIGflTS. made miserablo bv ihai torril.li' 'jou'-h. Shiloh'jCuro is the Keuu'dy for yi-u. l-'nr lame back Porous Piftfier, , or tv.uc c iitt. nae Sri' oh s Prii-e, T crnte. A N 4SA1 INJECTOR fre with each hoi.tle f&hiloha i'ot;irrh 'Jtemedy. Price 50 cento, Fnhayc Maeoo, aijer.ts Cloaks at cna at W F Rao" At the corner ut Broadalbin and 1st yon will find C 2 BroviH-U always , . . rbuitie. trept the The Deucckat wiil exchange a iewinit machine of any make deird, except one or two. foromeoak vub wood and partcaah; or will consider nthnr prop'.iiitionj by any one dtfliriiig a new innchine. Wile-Hi-87.1 Oat-5.i. Bimr-20u pr ti, Ftr 15' Hav-!0,00 to lS.Ot), Pot'wi 'fl etii pur tallfll Boef-on ft.ot,2'. to V PurSt - bjfo per - .trr.. Hue n hninii lie abouiilHr. 7o utile Cn Art! lftfMwrlb. IHour 5.35 pir bbl, '"hlcketwi 4 00 per dtn. Food bran, M.OOpM ton' flhorto, 2 (bor "0. owden TELEGRAPHIC NEWS The Ureal Uatlroader. Union, Or May 1$. Yesierday Dr JB Mahatia, president and manager of the Single Kail and Saddle Car Railroad Company, of this city, arrived in the ;it after an .!,..,. of several months in the east in the inteaest. 01 1 ne new system ol railroads. A meeting of the honrd o directors was held last night andtodap, at which the manager showed that the system had been greatly improved since leaving here for Washington, where he went lo secure patents on the invention Four patento, covering the entire system havo been secured, and at a meeting last night were formally turned over to the company. Oregon will Build It. Portland, May 15 The Unied States attorney goneral having decided against the expenditure of the money of the national govesnment for the construction of a tempo rary portage around tie Cascades, the state of Oregon has decided to build. At a meet ing 01 the board ot portage commissioners ap pointhd by by the legislature at Salem, yes terday, the conditions imposed by tie tecre tary of war were accepted, and the clerk was instructed to notny Major liandbury, of the United States enlhn-cr corps immediately and to telegraph the action of the board to Senator Dolpb at Washington. Just Like Prize Fighters. Denver, May 15. After the performance was over last nigh John L Sullivan, who Is playing in the city, went out to have a time with the boys. He wound up in Murphy's exchange where he met fat Allen a Colorado pugiliit. He asked him if he thought he could fight and without waiting a reply proceeded to "do up" Allen ill the most annroved stvle The men were seperated, but not before Allen had been knocked down twice. Sullivan was taken home by friends. Will not be t'nusht San Francisco, May 15 An officer of the Omaha makes a statement of some interest io connection with the possible movement of the Itata. He says that the Itala took on sufficient coal at San Diego to carry her to Chili, and thert is no reason, therefore, why she should out in any port short of Cbili. A Cabinet Itumor Washilgton, May 16. A rumor which Las rrorethan the ordinary credibilitv in such matters, says that Senator Edmunds will be made minister to England and that Robert T Lincoln, now in that petition, will be made secretary of war. farm fur Sale. I have for sali ICO acres of the finest farming land in the state. All In a high state of cultivation, no build ings, but has abeautful building loca tion. Eitfht miles from Albany, two miles from Tangent, on the SPUR. Terms and price reason able. Call and see me on Second street, oipoiitj l)s it ocitAT oflice. Dit. G. W. M iaro.s. WILL YOU SUFFER with Ty?popsi and Livu: Complaint? Shiloh'a Vttahaer is filial a teed to cure yon. We injure ayiuat tramps. Town send & Wilson. Th bott roitbt ct ffte in the city at Com ad Mviyt r s. Jut arrived a fnil line of ladic chil dreui, men'fi and boy'n fout wear at G W Simpfjoti't. which will l e sold at bottom priuca. CROUP, Flrontihitis Cure. WHOOPINd COUCH and irniued.a'.cly relieved by Shiloh'a CATAKRU CURED, health fand we breath aecurftd.by Shilch'a Catnrrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Ii.jeutor free. Fo shry & Maaoo, apents. f HILOIt'S COUOF1 ar.d Cotumption Ourr it sold by nn a t.'Hatncte. It caret oob:aiptiort. Foshay & Mason, r;pn PreHrh Tun; Wafer Tho for a rcmot wafers arc a tnre and snfe i - 11 si kindsof female troubles ar. v! all obstructions to the inoiv l- no mr-tter what the cause. Ii period are jt 11 what every woman neec , can b i.ed with saf'ctv. For sale t th LI vine stone Chemical Co., also fron it sole agent, J A Gumming, druggist, Bii berg b;ck, A ibanv, Oregon. A u"e corn for thu uhiiky 'mint; Dr Lirinuston'a Arttdotfor run! t -unvtn will cure auy naso ot the liquor ' t.w in ! ten to thirty days, from the u ontratc drtikr to (he drunkard. The Antidme onn he fiivn in 1 cup of coffee without th kltowlt-dge of ho peraon taking iv. 1 he f it!dot wul not itijnrn the health in any way. Mhiiufaoturd Ly the Livingston Cru-micl Co., Portland, Orofoii cr from J A Cummiug, ol ogeet Albany. I)a'l siT Kcfore Ynu are Ready, Pa.ttculr y (m a hn: journey, ile fully p cpareti. 1 cn cannot ne, permit ns to say, urleMjou are nccompatiird with tbetravel- m and ton. tut a " aac mcchtn. .'Joucters Siotnftm Bit to:', most jt-nial of appo izim. acclimattrerj aud prorvrtors of diMlioo, Aifcinrt atakicltneav, ni&laria, crami and coucs bt gotten of bwlly ooked or unvthol Home fotu and brae kith water, nervouDctt,, tuctetsMtd by It vet, chronic biliou. tiarnd coiifttipatioii, ttit li.ttpra in a snverpicn pr wntivo. It irrpnrta a ralUh for food notal tocother to vur UU., and prevent ft from disagree nig with rn. Never wan thie rneh aoapital thine forths unfortunAto 1: . upr-p-tie who stands in drd f the hef.t cpohvcI meal. Stomuhio ttonVte cang.d ly ill prepared viands aboard fhir-, ov. s'.f!i.tnlHtta and rations hastily bolted at railwnv fes tauratits, ii "oon tonif hed by the HitSora, wi tch ivre a quietus also to rluun aann, kidney troubles and itst irnia. ' Jul S C. WT3f Oua.MMT, CUICAUO. li. J A Inuimloj, Asrnli