ii Hi T' I i ' - ! ww" " 1 " 1 " "".y.-"- T i- i " " " few jg: & WILSON, lIS1 MM 10 iww wisjlil , '. ' ,i Win Titus and VmHadden have open- W. ! Si ;' ; j i. !! i II Hi ' i ' ' 'hi ' i' , !.i i i t '! 3 May 13, 1891. Win Titus and Wm Hadden have open ed a butcher mop nt this place in con nection with their vagon. Win Hammer moved upon Mr Mc- I.ain'8 placo tho first ol the week, and oxpccis to ruiiium muiu un uuiuii-f Mr llenson ii lmildinii a photoarapl: onllurv in connection with tho hotel and expects to have it ready in a week or eo when the people of t'uia vicinity will le funnelled lirst-clasj work at a reasonable price. Jim Berry lias koiio to Green Piiein to take charge oi the log miming ucpntt' incut ot the company. lion O H Irvine, of Albany, passed tbrouj;h this place on TucjJay, on bia Muhama, ou Ugal business. Ceo McLain has returned from Coe and reports evervthim all ( K, but the pcuple are nutting rather anxious for the iun evois t uuiaiviiv u nun.. v..', NiivcSli.: ta Jai'Ift. 1 have received a f-mall assortment of novelties in lames unnnir jackets, maiic in the latest styles oi li;azers ana Keel' n.n iii rheviot.' diagonal and worsted. 1 expect to cr.rrv a full line of these goods, as veil as all the lea-Jinn styles in Ladies Cades, beaded, envntt and in cicm. OideiB taken for spi eial sizes and styles, Bam'l K Yoi'.vo. TcaclicrV kxauilmulou. Notice Is hereby given that the regular public examination of teachers, for Linn county, win ti;Ke place in wiuany, com mencing on Wednesday, May 27th, at i o'clock p in, and continue until Friday noon, May 29th. AM teachers must posi. lively be present at tiie time of commence ment as no one w ill be admitted to the examination who is not so present. G F Ri ssei.l, C3, School Sup;. New Spring Goons. I am now re (.eiviug mv first invoices of spring novel -ties in wash ocds, prints, ginghams, seer tuckers, etc., 1 have also just received a new line beiges. rf all wool 6jminer plaids and SAMt'KL E Youno. ill IIWI I III I 1 mi 1 mi II M. III ! ,1 1 M I WW pi! "f'tm t Coughs, Colt!3, Inlluonra, DroncM!!?, 1 hoarseness. iVhoop.no Coi'ch.Crou)). J-Ore llucrt. Asthma, cml ever atactica o thi Throat. Lwicsfind thest, incIiidi.iK ConsmnDtion. TLc Vi'oidCii's TcKpcrancc Pa'ilisLiiig Asxocialioi!. KrcK on IianJ ami fur s:o x full !!tie of Supples fur Ti'ir.erHiue urkurj, ititimiiiiz iiot!i, LcxfloU, t'.t-., EiiiiaMo fur cwry 'l iie of ttcbjujl IVijH-rajice Work. i'uMishes The UNION SIGNAL, The flnrst tttnr-erancc and literary raper Id th ci.iintry. Nuojiu can slfonl to do wilh.cjj, t)n valuable papur. I'Klt.'K 1 tXjor yca'f in udai'co. I:t ci.utrtbtit'.i nro xi.uiif,' tlio (est v rilers hi buh luiUiihi-licti. The OAK AND IVY LEAF, B ft paper for Yoniig Pi li. TlTcttl for Its pa. pjac, I'iilCii -o cuiitb per year. The YOUNG CRUSADER, For Dyspepsia. A. Bclkuiger, Propr., Stove Foun dry, Montagny, Quebec, writes: "I Lave used .A ttgust Flower for Dys pepsia. It jave me Rreat relief. I recommend it to u!l Dyspeptics as a very ood r.;uiy,!y." Ed. Kcrgcrou, General Dealer, Lauzon, Levis, Quc'.jcc, writes: "I have used August Flower with the best possible results lor Dyspepsia. C. A. BaiTiugtiiii, Engineer and General Smith, Sydney, Australia, writes: "August Flower iias effected a complete cure in my case. It act ed like a miracle." Geo. Ga'.es, Corinth. Miss. .writes: " I consider vour August Flower the best remedy in the world for Dys pepsia. I was almost dead with that disease, but used several bottles of August Flower, and now con sider myself a well man. I sincerely recommend this medicine to suffer ing humanity the world over." G. C. GKEEX, Sole Manufacturer, Woodbury, Xcw Jtrsey, U. S. A. Ath.ni at U" ."J S iltcUor in Chnii.rry. " 1M- in, ii, .tou.i.ll nit. Lmiia nurtulnl on w" uvMv wim. Albany, llrv'tfon. ro. .w. WRICIIT. .CUiriu v ..1 B. K.'H.t 111 ISivi -.Ty, IT.K-l.ir lii A.ln.in.'Mv ui.,1 . 1'Jl.l.o. Will yrMlK U '" .'i,;. 1 in ilu irinll t-v.lri f .uri fi.ri'rr-.i-'i. i:i.i'i -r.'uf. r ...M. Hank i'i V-:' - Judges of tbo horso hava ulven it as tboir opinion, tliat Titus, lilumbera's black Pereherou stallion, stands at tbe bead in his claso. He is in tho hands of MrC E Barrows, an efficient and exper ienced horseman, who will pive his patrons overy passible attention. Titua will m-ka tho sja;u of 1891, Mondavs and Tuosdays at j6ft'eMon; Avednosilajs and Thursdays at bci.; Fii.Iays and Satnrdays at Albany. Mr rsiumhi'rg is alio ownor of the slandaid brod trotllnir horHO, Alwood Breez", (NoiiSO?), who can bo seen at tho stable of Ti lies Urns. The got of ti.h. horse a:e lart;o and fine formed, anci . :!y need propfr devolopniei.t to show j;ivo;i. n ii I i v. (I -AlbAiiy. UiVtf. -lu tin' H:r.tli;m tilnck D. ttinia, at I,pv, Will Kin.-.I.v In u 1 t'uu itmrMu. On -"H,'v'vpt iho . iij -"'ti-t il limn ciiniiy. A.l lui-iim-H will rrcmo pPirni't rniati..n. I?U4I Oild Follow ' Tuiiit'li', AUa:ij'. Or. J. J. WlHTXfilf, Attonu'y at Liw( N'try Public. I)"' J. L. HILL, Koi-ry bircoUt AUmu, Oreuii. -C ir.iur M-'irst ai'J 0 riivnUlail it'll Sir;jo:i. ort'lCE Ui:'mikkat t.tlco, Allnny, Oregon. JTK. IV. H, DAVIS, Physician ind Sunffin. OKFIL'E Ujisuiri Strahmi l'o-lc ; Mvv h) t uuil at lti o:tl-.9 tithU Albany, Ufcffon. ;i tho by or TTkU. G, A. WIIITXEY, JL i'iivslcian a'l Sar ' -m. Or.JiiUocl Uj'lu.ue Mo J leal Oitl to. No a Yirk City. Din-i'-H of w.mion HiKilalty. UFFlCli Frmn block, Albany, Greg""' Heal Estate s Loan Brxker OJKcei BATjTIMOHM BKICK. 1oi))r a c no r;il ikttin' inuuiaiicc wl 11 i' will to ten tl..: AllKNTH Rn Act nit Iiiii rail rf I'uiuitiuir, lti.'onmrcJ iinri r ii utiinl. 1 h y.vnl iu 70 y Ut.Hiil. AdrtitU.J'.lH'-.'.Tlf'.lH:, i;-lrtblirlu-.l 1SV1. fat.H:.!, i.f l.oti'lon, l'nirhiiil :.'i.oo;i,..J. 'I'ottil Auiri fraii Klrr Inn. 4'uiiiinii.r, PliiU.lc j.V.i Itrktmir-' il 110. t jljU uals, tfJ,(ilJ,U.0 I'olMTiiMn Hrr i Marlnr Iiih. 4';intptiny I' trLlun.I, Or. An:'cU, $J.J,a;'2,0'J. Tli U iii (Hie Oiv.'iin'ii bi st coiniuiiioi. EAST A?JD-SOUTH, VIA Southern Pacific Route SHASTA LINK. Exrcu Train, leave P.irtlmul Daily Embracing all the latest Novelties in "ess Goods, Southj W.lbx u I Ar Portland Albtiuy H.'.n Krincisco Nrth Ar m M ATuvo tmin.H Htup only at followim; ht:itnn tt imrtti l KuHt'imrg, hiiit I urt'aml, )roj:in t'ity, W.j.mI riurn, Salem, Albany. Tan utiiit, Sli.xltl, llulaty. liar itburf, Junction City, lruu-, Kujfcno, ROKKflL'KO MAIL, DAILY. rtt AH I LV li':lr ( Lv VlOrn Ar Portland Albany K-jm.-l.unr Ar 4:i) fh Lv I 4! 0 a at A LB ANT LKAL( CAILT K XL APT STSDAV) TIUST NATIOKAIa BAKU, ; OF ALBANY, OKECON, Preal.ltnt Vic rrciiJcn, Oauhior I,FMNN' S. K, V. LAXUUU.N U ACTED SHS!! Foi Children. S.t.j f'Tsami ics. O- Bibte Radi:is, llesmmlve Keaiiinif. ' funday Sc1m1 Tci:i(-cr.u.. e I. ssm Pn'.-ann lur SjwciAl mjy hiiu iniiur i'.:iiuruiiiiiu;iiin, iRTScnrl for rutiliii-ucs itml Tcnii", nml nl I onion, tu ATI ON, mi La fUlio Street, t'tilcuo, III. RAW AS BEEF-STEAii Buby'B Fearful SufTertng from SUiu Disease CovorinR Kntlro Body Cured by Cut 1c urn. MV babv wan tnkan vorr lrV vlin h fno'ith old, and In a few days Ix'irui breakhnf cut. e:n:ioytMi twth of tho hom.; doctors, ami thev Ciinil do no tiling fyr hlm. lhn wo cut fur tu- Dfit uocior ia &AIOD tuplds, Alton., and ho do:- wccki, and bo fr.i worse all tho Hun-; and then I took him in iJiicWnn, to a doctnr ielionttuncliiHpcni in to ektn diitcnM-A, ri 1 ,- then ha (tot wnrwtl:r.n f ever. Then 1 tnMnv liuabandwehdd U iif'r try tho O'THTii.t KicintniKS aiiT v: fro.'s "kit 2S 1101 ll,IT ""y W'' t they would no ntiv (r-ioil, but In lcf tl. ii two mnniha from ttc Hmi betria gtrlnir them to blin wm oniir. 7 Mid not a iot on him. lln Imir t 1 .-r Cwln5 rlrft nff, nnd wo thought ho w..,:l. hi x.w ba b.iliLhi'iwlud. Thcro was not a ipot tn kii wiiolo body, (arj, and li.-ad, only lin nun ntt l , Imt what wm in raw ii ltvf.M;tk. Ho jvt., tli t waa not anything but bnnoa, mn4 no w.nu !k Co.:! 1 raise neither hand nr ln-id. Mm. FUAX& ItAIililiTT, Wtnfitfld, Mich. 1 is Cuticura Resolvent i'V.o ne- blond ntifl Pkln rnrlflor, nnd rra(.Mt . -Hi. t K.niioili.'K, H.miihc tlu IiIimmI of all inn. . m a.i 1 n.i.KuinuMfii-mcnio, and tbu- rcinnvi-. .ri'-, v. lit io t.'tlii Tin, Rn-nt !n c-nc, '.: 1 ha HoAP, un fx iuisae .n b--a;iUii-T, t 1 ;i..'iiind iiMlp, and r.'H iro t!i'h i':r. TIiim . :: ha it:::::i!n4curpi-vry ftM'cic of iic-N -ii w. n!y, J :'ii( Iy, nu l hl.itchy HKin.m l-., 1 iiiw.m.,Mf I .Min jiiiiij.i.n it. f.-nifnU,' l y t. oc, wli -n tlu K v. phj nltLrw f..il. It.- Lnrnl anil TrnvrlliiT. A rronil clmnc! lion'tmUsit! You need no cap iial to represent a reliable Arm thit war rants nurH-ry Un.-k first-class and true to II lino. WUKK ALL T1IK YKAH -vn-l Cood pay wct'kly to cr.erft:c men. Anplv fMiik, statin- m 3Ci- X- IVC Xis.5:r Sr O O Nnrupryuiei. iN :md Sccdincn. ! i'aul, 31 luii. (TltU huUhc fa rtp3nsiL-le.) Fortmilier Si frvina, if.: :v' ft1 -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Artorial Emb2.Iniiujr Dona ScientJl Ically. mANSAOTS A OENI'.HALfca.ilii-.inMlncM. ACCOILNTM K K PT aubluLt to check. WIGHT F.Xi'IIANiiK a:id Ud Tajibic trirwlcr, vbl Hew York, eau trsmcuca, caicigo an-A niuumi tOXCm0N9 HADE on favorable terma. II1H.ICTOKH. j. E. TOfNO K, V.", LASClMiM L LL4.S, L. tLCiN llDTAifJ P . Sax. LI.Jf CO. NATIOSTAI IUXK, OF AMI Ah Y OKKUO.N, CAPITAL STOCK ei00,0f0. President J h COWAN, ict'-frimetit .....1 m kalmu, ?-KhUr Geo E CHAM HKKLAIN, Ast Cashier O A Ai;CUULU. I kfxtcr.1, J L CAwan. JM KaUton. C!co E Chamlwrlain, W S Ia 1J. W II UoUra, J A Cra Curd and O A Archibukl. TRANSACTS a tfmion!bi.nk:i;tr bufiricss. DRAW hiO ))KA "j'.-J on Kw York, Can ill Pi-',.' 1 '. ircyn, LOAN MON'3Vm apiovd aocurity HSl.ElVKdcpoeiU subject check. AXit op orsKo. ALBANY, OEEOON. Cupll.tl, Prcai'lont , Vice-Pruiddunl,. Cashi'T ,...n I'MKnitux .. K J hANMNU ....Jay '.V libAIN TrnnBictH a irsns-nl banking buTlncn: Kxcbiit'') Ixiurbt ainl fco!d on all thn jirifvlpn! cities i'i the Tnid Stalcjj also 0:1 En.; laud, inland, Franee and 'l-.TL.Tny. CollcctiotiHtnu lc at all aoce3iiL!o p iiuts on favur ablu turm.-, ltitero: ull'i'ved 0.1 time dfipuiti. B AK5 OF XV109 CIO, OICKGON. Prchi!cnt Vice- President . Cuuliicr H J S Morrin, II Uryant DiKr.crcp.?: E Culm, J ft MriRRts , Jbff Mvrrh OS Mat .bihn Gaines P O Smith. S2ULTS BROS,, Proprietors. Vvop a full lino of nxwts of nil kind !n a wiol pluci. mmplfitnly pro tected: and lilwavs frm'ti. ALBANY NURSERIES IVE HAVE ON HAND nt our mirxery on tbe Corvallis road, one-half nlle from town, aa fine lot of frail tociK of all kinds as oan be found any hore on tho coast. If you contemplate jlaiitlnp- trees It will pay yon to ee onr lock end get our pilcee. Catalogue flee. H VMAN BROWNELL. HELPS. Job Printer, J st. St. Albany ill! .-viTyvrbere. Prb'e, CfTirrnA, ."toe.; 5t,t- ; lr (lVt.nt, Prcp.irvd liy tlie I'nTTr :-i ami ('.ik s! t. ('jiu'miATnix, )tfn. :' f.Ki-l for " il 1 w to Cure ltlnod IMmv. UBYS .4 H':in nd Henip p-.iriui'.l it ly fi rn uiA tfoAi. At.f 'd brantir, 'lull ty p:.- RHEUMATIC PAINS Tp our itilnr.lrf bfCudi'iirit An' I. :iiil ". i"! r r Ji.-v rli' tini.ili " . ,! !dr.-v, cb-i.t. :i:. I :mm. uUr .. .1 .l.si-f.t . IVi.vfa;u. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON. 1890, 1891. rim I Term Opened September I (Mir, tftoo. A lull corps of Instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Couriw. 01 ftudy arraneod 10 uieuitb' loit of a'.l grades of students, Special uittuccmtnli ojertit to stitdrnh from abrcaj. BIT. EtBl.ttT X ONDIT Pouift? Wanted. Aliklniln of p.Miltr, nllrd or dredsod at the Willamette Kicking Couany'a Atoit, Albany. OrfiKGL. D001 a ronor.il bankin-r and exohnsre buninM. Siirlit drafti issued on A) tuny, Portland and San t'raucitico. 1OKTI.Ar HI VI NGN B.IXK, OF PORTLAND. OHBOoM. Piid up capltil 2W,000 Surplus snil proAts 611,000 Interest .Itoweil on Ml rings deceits as follows: Onordinary nivinvs nooks ....4 percent per annum. On term savings books .....ft per cent per annam. un certmcales ol deposit; Per three months 4pereent perannnm: For sis months . 5 per eent per annnni! for twelve month. ft por eent tier annum; RANK liEKL'M, President B. P. THOM PSD5 Vice-President. U. C, STRATTON. famlsn '1 r m I iwml 2:"H r I I'.v- r it 7::uia m I I'..rtlai:.l A1I..I.I- A r 1 :'K A K I.v t:0 A v LBHAXON CHAfCII. All'any Lebanon Alkuiy l,ulm:'in I.v Ar I.v U:-"i A II S. Id AM A:'liV II : M r m FULLMJ Toiu'ist Sleeping Cai's, tor Acronimntliitinti iff Herontl-'lnai I'iinmcd Kent. allac.it-'il tu CxprtftitTruluit. 1r-1 HMr falvl-lM. ICHHI;V rOK)LAM AMI lOMVALLlai, Maii, ;baikdaiit (Except Sanuay,) Dir Mi.rtlarid C irvailis Doth inWOOLI'N nnd WAoII FAliliTC, -To The Ladies,- T Make a Specially of L.ac-ies Undervvep.r, jn llir.DKD and Musi.i.v. My Piucks are ito LOWEST and my Goons tlio I.est. Am solargunt for tlio Co'.:bratetl T.S.F.H0SIEBT, Guaranteed ptainlets, Warranted absolutely fast, and Free from Poison : To The Men Call and Look at My values in Furnishing u n I have h Laro Stock at tlie Lnnrtat Prices ever ollorerj ii. tlio YaiUj lcHiryu ill lisiu of t!i worl l-ii'iioiTBd BIIOA UIIKAL) gooiK, uocit f.irwi-hriA Tn.iali. Lrn iitonlc i f Emuroidekies and KLonKcixos. anil lo cot cod lbt A'liany in llm linst tiadin" (Mint in Oregon. BATKKS IkAIN 1.ULY (Kxci Lv IVriluiid MuMhinviilo Ar 1 ::o a m i. 45 A f HI P K 2 rn T til point EAST, SSSITH. foi fin, Infortiiatio.i rcvnrdlii); ratts, Lvr.r.p, on C'Mi.nnnv Ak'uut at Al'Mi.y . '.. r.OKIILKU r. P. ROOKIfS Manner Atis't ii. k and P. YAQUINA ROUTE. Qreson Pacific Railroad, T K, KOt,., t;crci.. r. Orog-in BevolopmenS Po's Rtsamors, Sthoa't fiJnii to CaSirrnia. Firjtclass through nasHonnr p. ml roJ'.'hll'Pofrom I'ortliiii'J und nil jininln n t.'io WiMamett V"y.!loy to p. ml from Nun fATjciaoo, CrI. Bo;,!h umkoclosfe iiounnclion at Albn v;:h train-Hof theOro jn Fanitic Jtailrond TIME SOUKnUl.R. exeeot Sitndayn.) eva Albany 15:20 P. m, Ncav Corvailis 1:03 p. y . Arr) Vauina, r. n. Lnvo Yaiuina, 7:n0A,H bnavu C"rvallii,10::i.rf a,M Arrive Albany, 11:13 a. ii O. C. trains conu&ct at Alhanynnd Corvailis. Tho abova trains connect at Vaauinawith tlio Oregon Doveionment Uompany's Line of SUutinships lifltwflon aqumaanu Man rranciHCo. AILIC4 DATES . FROM TAQUXA. WUlameUe Valley, May 7th; 16th; 21th; 3Ht. FROM HA!f FRANCISCO W iiUmttte ValleT, May ird ; 12th : 20th ; 28th. to ACADEMY OF Our Lady of Perpetual Help. ALBANY, - - - OREGON Conducted by the Slalus f St. Benedict Tuition in select diy school rangesfrom V to $10. Fortermi o' Boarding School or an. prticclars apply at the A-a '.emv orjd ariesa Sister Superiors.. Revere House: 1LBANY, OREGON DIIAS. PFEIFFER rftOPRIETOR. FUted tin In tlraU'lass style. Tables supplied with tbe bet In the market, Nice aloepine anauments. Htm pie room, or commercial travelers. EedCrownMills SOM, LANXIXG & t!).. VSOPR'S- n rRociM? ruiDR hctkrior roa 'avii.is AMD SAItBRS ?DS, REST STORAGE FACILITIES. The Com pAa v t-ifMvea tho nrrtit ihanpe sailing tlatea v't,uout notice. v. B. rasfienirors from Portland and dTHlamotte Valley noinU can mako ciowe (oaneotion with the traina of the Yaouina roate at Albany or Corvailis, ami if den lined to San Francisco should arrange to rrlvfl at aauina tbe evening belore t'ate f aaiiin ATaMeaxfr an Frttht ratri always the Lwent Por lafermiUon apply to A R Chapman, Profirlit and Tlckat Airnt, Albany, C. . HtH.I Ii. u. t . mrn r. Agon , C'rval.if. . 'iiixoicu :ii:i.i. -I E. jE3 O DELOO. ONKCO Is standard y nil ruUn, and wivs a irotttr ut tm-rv aifo. He i the only burae in tlm Nurthwust tu till tho ri:jiiir.tiifiili ut tlictnpl.-to.tt of lVdi '.Twi, I'urfurinaiicu ami rr'icii, txci.pt liu tiro, Aitainont, and lit rooi'ivtd i ho ituhii two year younger. Ho will be krpt tlio pf .in iritc ttototm at liniiit) Mvinj;tvs and 'i'uv'Mlnjs l AlblltlV tj-atlll.l.-tJM, lrdtH.-ndriif Wt.JiiLrt "lavs, .S;i!umThurMla8 t and lr id a vs. ui.d al-Ktwi-d to tfurvu man a .it ?'), to iimuru. , .M.:KMCiIIT lUlOS. u M. .... .. II? 2291-2. AI.TAC!, WSJ, year old r.cor. aon of Altunoo: and Shri A' 1:3, wil bi Curvallis Mondr Ta.siUyi ni ti of tlio week it : Tnii 4, to i: duo w lie ii but known to be r or removed fn: country. Will lie ffWtri jntook any djn Hunday, HeKMGUTtJ PATHDNIZE HOME INSTITUTIONS. & Allmnj, Drcxoii. W ! Ki'.Aii, PrcKldmi:. J O WRITSMW. Srcrct.irr.1 J u lUWAii, Treasurer. Cro F SIM WON, Vice Frmidant. muKcrous-' J L Cowan, Goo FSIinpscn, iV V V.om, I'r L Fo'ey, M Sternbere, J W BarJ J Iv WoBiliortoro, K S Strahan, J O Writsiuan, AI.SU DlSTlilllT AIJENTS FOR Oakland Ifomo Tnsuranoe Cn, Oakland, Cal. Traders, CLicuKO.Tii. umiiiniii, riumciBipiMR, t'a. i'lunnlx, j.oniion, ivimiana, Norwich Uninn, London, !'""(? London ,fc Lanchanhlre, Loridon, Kur. (iuardiim, London, UnR. Mun clieHlor, Manchcvtr Knglaud. ('alcdonlau, Kdi.iburg. Kcotiaiul. Weiichoslor, Now York. ONLY STRICTLY INSURANCE OFFICE IN ALBANY. - It you want the be and most durable fun ture that ia raanufactul Hod in tho city goto THOMAS BRINK'S Full Chilled Bottoms. Extra Hardened Std Tarni a quarc orarr With u S to i 2.- c z g U e "3 - 2 E i m i in . - run- - out I.iniv- ih tlnw a... .r tv. a Bottoms. 1 " r -5 Are - the - BEST - Wheeled - Plow - on - Earth. I'orSale ly MITCHELL & LEWIS 0O.,.'Aibanyt r' Tr'r,.7 5" -I