uliiUl evry lay lu tbo week x- UTES & XUTTIXfi, Ed iton mid Prop'rs. tered atthn Post omcn at Albany, Or. egoll, an H60OMU umir. until itnu'ir. Ikiiiav .....MAI' 13, IHIII, CUV OFFICIAL PAPER. LOOAIj iihcoud. AiI.IIIIomiiI l.'r;iM on 41 U Page. Why Don't Tiikv Acvkit? Probably he only reason tbo Albany bun") bull .',,1. tin or not accepting the challenge lj ji,c .inns m lenroi iiclcnt. llie i.iiiiib 3 COinp"11'11 :l,llrM.V IU HHIll iiHiyi'lf- id the Aloany imnw imii linn nullum ..l tin-in nlay ball or quit hlulling. ihtniiger Cowan shobld cither play his fiiL'ii or take them oil' the diamond. The Hiiiuinew) men of Albany have been sun- lorting them to play all clnba in T.inn I .iiiiitv if not outside clubs ; and tliev Jnhould either p!av ball or crawl out of their uniforms una give ail tneir oeloiig iiiira to tlie I. inns. Tlio business men of Allttiiv have responded generously to the support of the Albany club and expect then: to piny null nun maintain llieir distinction as tbe lirat nine. A SlTPOKTKK OK A. Ii. B. Ci.ni. Back I'kom Kumoi-k. Capt Clmdwicli and Albert Kay, of tbo P.ay, were in the i itv tot av on their way to l'ort and. Mr Kay recently returned from a trip to the Kastand Kurope. while gone selling 125 Viiiiuina lots to people even in France and Germany. Ho found that nearly everywhere people knew about aquina Liny who never bail beard of Snlcin. Ku- igeiic ana Albany, owing to uh being tne terminus ni tbe iiregon l'aeinc. mis ail. and the men who have it so far lavo dono moro to advertise this part of Ircgon than any other single thin net not appreciated by many. To Scrvky Kii.etz. Mr J A Warner, ,f Albany, arrived here on Monday rain, leaving on Tuesday morning for he Wletz reservation, where ho goes to irvey the Inuds specially allotted to tbe iilians. Mr Warner is the right man ight place, as bo surveyed a large por- of this country lor the government ars ago, and is familiar with it from lie Alsea northward. Ho is an excel lent surveyor. Toledo Post. At the Bav. Every house in.Xewport B said to be occupied, not a vacant house being found in the city, except on Nye creek. ' A few weeks ago a very bad boy enter ed two or three of the Albany cottages and stole and smashed things generally. He also did up Mrs Cook's cottage, breaking things and stealing a number Cf articles. Two in One Family. Mrs Ida Driver, if Brownsville, has brought a divorce uit against her husband, .las w Driver, the defendant is a Bonof the well-known Rev I D Driver. A daughter of Rev fcriver also has a divorce suit to be dis posed of in the next circut court, making two cases in one family. Van Hurrahs! Th) 4th of July will 1)0 celebrated at Newport in grand style kith Hon John Caplee, one ot Oregon's fnost elequent and graceful speakers, as trator of the day. The state teachers' kssociatinn will meet at the same place In June 30th and hold until the 4th of Duly. 'Ror. Post. Patriarch's Attention I A special meeting of Orgeara Fncamnment, No 5, I O O F. will le held Saturday evening, May 1, at 8 o'clock sharp. Let every i'atnarch be present. (jno VY WRimir, Senior Warden What's Left. That is the name of hew minimclaim in the Calapoola mines, each side of Poorman mine. J P Wolfe, icator. Located May 8, iSoi. filed play 13. A Tiiikf Arrested. -A man passing along by P Cohen's store this afternoon picket up a pair ot overalls on oispjay ana carried them, off but John Hoffman" with 'lie "high of a beagle" saw him and carried hi.ii off to the cily jail. SritAwnEiiHiES and Ciierhiks. -The fin est berries and cherries in the city were reileived by Mueller & (jurrett, the lead ing grocers. Don't fail to secure some tor your Sunday dinner. Steambr Arrival. The steamer Wil lamette Valley arrived at Yaqnin. this morning at 0:30 and tlio freight was iran-ierrcd to tne ireigni mm win oo Drought in tonight. New Carpets. A II Mcllwaln has "ne of the largest nnd Best selected lines "f carpets in the cily, embracing all new patterns ahd designs, and as he has made a great reduction in prices it will be to the 'uvantage ot cwpel Duyers- to (an anu "lectins slock and prices oelore pur- asing. For Sale. One nair of white rats. 'uquire at this offlcs. W. F, Read keepa ihe heat aaaortmont of ancy gocda io town. Don't forget, Paisley & Smiley, Printers'. Lacs Curtain In great variety from S eta. to So a pair. Thene goods are bought from New York jotber direct pnd cannot be excelled for quality, lyle and price, Samuel t Young, Remember Paisley & Smilcv, Printers Anew Hne of window shade." from CO tints to $1 Ou each comp e'.e, at dtmiiel K 'oUDg't. Fresh hresd, cskes, pies, rsto.. every dy t the Delmonioo resUuraot. Leave yon r rders. Keep it iu yonr mind that Allen Brot pro "e keeping the kind of groofrios ths public lands. Their stock is a liue one. Sno. A few days ago we were bIiowii aoiiiu pen work by tieo L Sutherland that equals if not surpasses anything we mve seen in that line tor a lone tune. The work consists of a tribute of respect ot tlio Masonic lrateriiity ot tins city to tne lute wiiiinin l yrue.anu tne cony was prepared ny Mr hutiierianu at their in stance to bo presented to Mrs Marimret Cvrus, the widdtv of (their departed lirothur. the souvenir covers a full sheet of cardboard and is embellished with Musonic emblems, figures, etu., done ex- clusively with the pen. Tuesday was a red letter dav in Re corder Hhelton'e court in this citv. At 1 ) in 1'. J Haley was brought before his Minor, charged with calling A I Houston vilo and obscene names. The charge was not sustained and tlio accused was liberated. About half paHt 3 o'clock a row occurred in S M Daniel's store be tween O Keilling and a I'ortliuib jew mm led Metzgur. The difficulty grew out of a former dillVrcuce between them in Portland, and Mr Herding proceeded to as he stated it, renew his acquaintance Willi mftzifar. lhecoiiiplaining witness covereit with gore looked as though he bail been rather roughly dealt with. .Mr .-erllmg wat lined 5 and costs, amountin; to T7. Press. Lkhanon. U M Wcstlall has sold the Sweet Home stage line to Win. Caroli-ers, Mr Carothcrs made his hihuil trip Mon day. Dr V P Mat-:hett, formerly of this piace. is now located in Wallace, Idaho where he has full charge of the miners union hospital. l?r Matchetl r.as risen rapidly in his fprofesslo.i since he began practice a little over a year ago. The "Ori-fs" acknowledged that they were badly" b;atcn In the ball game last salurt'ay. llieir ueieat. is aunouicu io nine different causes. To hear the players. iudivlduallv, record their exploits on inn occasion vou would conclude that the "Greys" were Invincible. The Sodavllle spring lias been greatly improved of late, we have drunk ot H waters and know whereof we speak. The enternrUhig citizens of tbe town are build ing good walks, will build a shady retreat within the enclosure and will be prepared to entertain visitors light royally Ihl summer Express. Bake Ball A meeting of the Mascot Rn Ball club will lie held at tbe store of Mueller & Uarrctt tonight at 8:30 o'clock. The Albany club has received an ap plication from Hlauson, the pitcher just released from the Spokanes, to play with Albany ; hut Albany is not in a position to pay oig salaries mm nu sign him A game of ball is being arranged be tween a picked nine of Albany with the Corvallis club for next Sunday at the latter city. Yesterday the Salem club beat the Chemawa nine 12 to 4. Time of game, 1 :45. At the end of live innings the score w as 3 to 1. In the Lehanon Albany game to mor row afternoon watch the fonl flags. An Idea. "Turn that wrapping paper the other side out," said a lady in a dry goods store, as the clerk wai putting up hpr nnrchnse in a nrinted wrapping pa per. I don't want to oe a wanting u vertisement for your Btore. I read the papers, as all intelligent people ought to do, and I think that in them is the place to advertise your uusiness. insieau oi asking your customers to carry your sign around with each purchase of goods g and tell the people through the pa pers what vou nave to sen anu now you sell it." Ex. As a matter of fact such merchants alio use the papers. A man has a right to advertise in different ways, though, of course the newspaper is the best medium. Will Advertise Them. The Eugene fiimrd savs : "The Lane County Pomo na Grange recently resolved that the list of delinquent taxpayers snouia oe puu linl.o.l and nnnninted a committee to meet the commissioners' court and ask for the publication. The committee per (nrmfid the duty assigned them and the court made the order. The delinquent list riiim fiack to 1885. The names of taxpayers delinquent for that year will i,a n,ildialipd in the Eneene newspapers next week and the week thereafter, with tho amounts due the county. The suc ceeding vears will be published in the order in which they come two ifsucs each. RimiT to the Point. Allen Bros, do their own delivering, promptly and care fully. Fresh peas, strawberries, cabbages, etc., just received at Allen Bros. To get fresh produce, fruit, etc., al ways call at Allen Bros. rhe Building & Loan Assooii'tion meets at the Oregon'auk tonight. Sot ND Advice. It pays to get the best; even Shakespeare admitted that. In this connection it may be remarked that W R tiraham has just received an elegant line of suitings for the spring and mimmnr. never surpassed in an Albany market. They are the best to he ol- tained, rb nn inspection will show, and Mr fimhnni is prepared to make them up in the latest style with a skill his long experience baa enabled him to be master of. Rev G B Dnwla". of Diytod Washington, editor of the Baptist Sentinel, publihed at that plnoe, will preach at Oak Oreek Baptist ohurch, "even miles aou'.h of this city next Sunday morning. Tin publio are oordially invited. Wanted, to loan $40,000 on good farm security, in the next thirty days. Monoy mdv Take it while J on can get it, reart' 3 N Stekle iSCo. Hoarders Waster, for table and ono room. Inquire at Democrat ouice. In all diseases oi the stomach, liver and Liflnnus. ne. to tho exclusion of all other medicin's, Natnre's own remedy, Plunder's Oregen Blood Purifier. sislry ft Smiley, The Printers, Flln n I!cc A gentle driving horse, 7 years old and goml traveler, ffr aale cheap. Inquire of S A Hulin, drnggiet. Georgia Reed's Comedians tonight. iai ami rinsov.f, CJ Dltton Is In the city. Mrs Pr W II Davis went to llarrlihui.fr to-day on a visit. Mrs John Mynian and Mrs Wiles re. turned litis noon from Portland. Chas Warner anil wife nf X, m n,a In the city, the guests of Mr (ieo Warner. W K l.ee, of function, was in thn fitv yesterday on a visit to his brother, C 0 IJCV. J " trawioru returned last evening t I "I f , ... oiu i urimini, w iicio ho took several prominent scenes. Judge S.rahan krrivi d this nnon from rendition, where Circuit Court has been n session for a wivk or two. Mr and Mrs Al Wolverton. of Snokane returned to Albany yesterday bv way of the river from a visit with Poik county II IUIIU4 . Albany should have a lawn tennis club. A city that can produce five bae ball clubs ought to be able to stand one lawn tennis lub. Mrs Goidsworthv, who left this citv Sat urday morning tor Mine'-al roint. Wis conslu, telegraphs tnat she arrived in good doppe vestcruay morning. I W Hazelton went to the mines vester- .lay, with a large supply of provisions for me mines, 1 he results ot the lnsl clean up will bi watched with interest. L Viereck anil family returned yestcr lay from a trip through Polk and Yam hill counties, visiting most of the lead ing cities in those counties. Thev report a ueiigiuiui experience. Rev T J Wilson has retired from the real cstnto business in Albany and will devote bis time to his fruit farm in the country, residing in Albany, though Tonight the fonng Peoples Society of the Baptist church will hold a social, when reports will be beard Irom dele gates to the State convention. Miss Sadie Cohen leaves to-morrow for Portland to resume her studies In short hand in Holmes Business Colleje. MIsb Sadie Is becoming quite proficient and re ported Harrison's speech In this city with ease. A mtcting of the Christian Endeavor Societies of tho city will be held at the U P church, tonight at 7:30 o'clock, to hear the report of the committee on con stitution, and make arrangements for permanent work. Judge M L Pipes, of Corvallis, was In the city this forenoon on his way home from Empire Citv, Coo county. He re- potts work progressing on the gradin of the new railroad there. Already several suits have been begun to condemn righ of way there. Miss Susie Martin, who has been at tending school here the past winter, left on last night's overland for her home at Ashland. A surprise lareweu party was given tier last evening by ner young friends, at tbe home of Mr m ti Allen A pleasant evening is reported. A reception was tendered Rev A J Mc- Leod, the new pastor of the Congrega tional church, last evening. An excel lent repast of ice cream, cake and hot coffee, such as the ladies of that church are experts in preparing, was served. In case of permanent arrangements Rev McLeod's family will move to Albany also. Mr Albert Bond was in the city to-day, and while here attended to some business before Recorder Henton, having becom slightly intoxicated or more so. It will be rememberer1 that an order was issued awhile ago for the city saloon keepei not tfv sell him liquor. Mr Bond states that they did not ; that he got it In the country. A Fine Atlas. Mrs Talt, of this city. has shown us the latest revised edition of Cram's Atlas for which Bhe is now canvassing. This is a book of 298 pages. Among the new features are SI maps of the 31 principal cities of the U. 8. The maps of the severa. states and foreig countries are enlarged and perfected. . brief history of political parties since the formation of the government. The sta tistical tables alone are worth tho price of the book. Here we have an outline of the life of each president, date of elec tion, time of sendee, with date and place of birth and death, important inventions exemption laws, inteiest laws, religious denominations, railroad milage, Inghes mountains, longest sivers and many other tallies too numerous to mention. Taken altogether it is a most valuable publica tion nnd should be in Hie hands of every Tamil-, 1'n.Ksir ential PARTIES, and all Kinds of narties and people, w-ould do well to buy their (jroeriies and Produce of Conn & Hcndricson, who carry first class stock of tile best and freshest in the market, and, an examination of their prices will also prove, the cherpest. Prompt attention, good goods and full weight is their rule. Have You a Wifk and ten children ; have yon any children ; are j'ou an old bachelor? Whatever you are you can not do better than by buying your groceries, produce nnd baked goods bi I'ai ker llroo. You want to tave money and at the same time get good groceries, then call on them, ion will get first-clans treat ment and flrst-claas goods Their baked goods are made in nn experienced man ner, nnd include a large variety of eata bles. Avoid the Rush. Call early at Muel ler & Garrett's each day and buy the leader to be given to the cash trade of thin vitv. money Is king. We Intend to sell bargains for cash. Mueller jc Garrett. At Fortmii.i.er fSt Irvino's 150 dozen window shades, just received. A large and elegant stock of KHh cen turv bedroom sets. A large and choice lot of carpets, ninny fin? demgns. Wall Papi'.r.ktc. I have just received a new line of wall paper nnd decorations. Have more than duuLlcd mv facilities for handllntr them, nnd will keep a much larger stock. Wall paper and border to match. Ileautles, and mucn cheaper man vcr before. Samuel h. Youno. One half dflNr reduction on every pair c.f Ludlow's line tihoe. A good liue ol tliem at S E Young's. Moro than any other agricultural in dustry just now Linn county needs tlio establishment and development ol small ruit farms. This should be mado an issue. There aro ntoido who will have their ends examined bv itinerant phrenolo gists, paying $1 therefor to see what is in tbcni, who cannot lie iniiiiccu to pay their newspaper, grocery and meat inns. What they need is to have their pockets exaiiiuieu anu men oruereu jniiuvu up. A family arrived here from Iowa last week wno bad shipped a car toau oi goods and prepaid thu freight charges. The car is now held at Portland for $100 additional freight charge. The reason is the car, when shipped, was billed at 20,000 pounds but when wmghed was found to contain lio.OUO ooundx. and the charges are on the extra jj.tou pounus- Eugene Register. I M McCollum. formerly of Junction Citv. but now editor of the (lervais Star, recently published an article regarding the lynching of Hunt by soldiers at Walla walla, and stated that mosr oi tne u soldiers are low bred and vicious, lie has received word from the "vigilance committee" of Vancouver. Wash., that he must retract his statement and apolo- gire or they will ' do him up." Freouentlv neonle come to Albany with clienp John stocks ot goods, open a store, scatter a few 0x8 posters around in the mud, shunning the newspaper offices like poison, and in a week or two begin growling about the city being dead, and they didn't do so back east. In a month or two alter having soiu fiu worm oi goods a week, they slinks the dust of the city off their feet, with a face a mile long ana leave cursing the town. This is also the experience at hatem, Eugene and Corvallis. Following is the program for tho Y. M C. A. convention of tho Pacific North west, in Albany next week: FRIIlAY, MAY 22. Opening session. 12:30. Welcome re ception. Devotional exercise, theme, The lear Before i s." Organization, Reports from associations and unorgan i.ed towns. "How to get the best lie- suits from our Gospel Work," 1) a liuter bnuffh. General Secretary. Astoria. "The Physical Department of our Work," II A Townsend, fhysical uirector.i'oruanu. Evening Bession. held at Opera House, 7:30. Ptaise service, II W oung, Gen eral Secretary, Albany. AddresseB,"The Young Men of Western Oregon." "Their Relation to the Future of tbe State," Mr I A Dunimett. Traveling Secretary "Their Relation to the Future of the Church." Rev T F. Clapp, Portland. "What the Young Men's Christian Asso ciation Proposes to do for Them," Noel ri Jacks, uenerai ecretary,rornanu. (SATURDAY, MAY 23. Morning session, 0 :00. Devotional ex ercises, J M Batcheller, East Portland, "Uusiness Management of the Associa tion. C L Stratton.McMinnville, "Bible Class Work," A D Soper, General Secre tnrv. East Portland. Innovations, "Young Men's Era," A D Soper. "Sec retarial Institute," N II Jacks. "Cor responding Members," J A Dummett. Collation. Afternoon session. 2:00. Bible read ing. J A Dummett. "Woman's Part iu Young Men's Christian Association Vv ork,"Mrs J A Dummett. "Ideal Com mittee Work." Mr Wallace McCamant, Portland. "Extension Work."N H Jacks, Portland. Question Drawer, conducted by the Traveling Secretary ,J A uummett. Evening session, held in opera house, 7 :30, Praise service, conducted by N II Jacks. Address, Prof II Allen Shorey. Gymnastic exhibition, conducted by II ATownsend, physical directou, Portland, assisted by members of the Portland Y MCA gymnasium. SUNDAY, MAY 24. 9 am. Fellowship meeting. 3 p m Meeting for men only Meeting for wo men. 7 :.W, Mass meeting, held in opera 1 A.l.l nna i..vn..,nii nvn..ntnn liuusu. luiiivDavs uuu imcnvii vavh-iscb In the Siting. A tino line of Blazer jackets for spring wear, in many design?, ;ust received by u w Minpson. AIko a large s.ocK ot inu popular s'.n- pening corsets. Dress Making. Work neatly done and rvalirdntlon guaranteed. Rooms at M-s J E CartcrV corner Railroad and Fifth streets. Adki.ia Uuhkhakt. AVe nro making a big drive on It'nvcloptg, Paisley &, SAtibEV. Gogsei;krrie3 Wanted. I will pay 1.'. cent sper pound for Gooseberries suitable for can ning purposes. Sam'l. E. Youxo, Apt Salem ('.liming Co. i Steamer Arrivals ! Cauliflower, Cabbage, Celery, : Rhubarb, Oranges, Rtraw berrics, Cherries, Dryed ', Beef, Comb Honey, String lienns, Sugar Peas, Str'n'd Honey. All o! the above in fine condition, to lie sold at the lowest cash figures at : Mueller & Carrelt.Casli Croc'rs PAISLEY & SMILEY. Wholesale Dealers In" IdCCO - apd - Albany, Orxftoit IIOMK AI ARItOAU B & L A tonight. Tho Capitol tburing mills t Slem. Idle so long, are to be started up. Dr W II Davis was railed to Harris- burg yesterday on medical business. A J Achisnn has opened a fruit and cigar stand npi-osito tho Kuss llouje. Rieht soldiers have deserted from Walla Walla gamson, probably murdcrora of If unt. Tho Georgia Reed comedians hare been nfferiug uur citizens a week of fun, with good houses every nigh?: A gun olub is being organized to Albany, and a tenm of Alliaav'i best stints will be at the Stfte tournament at Salem on Mav22od and 23nl. Tho ltscordor's oSco la being generally imuroved with paper and paint. Keoordor ilentort, who has served tho city faithfully for so lungr is enti led to neat quarters. Al) members of the Woman's Felief Corps urit requested to be present at tho regnlur meoting on Saturday the bth, at 2-30 p m, to assist in the. arraiga-oeats for Memorial day and eveuing. A Hacklemap has let the contract for tho orectloo of a rfsidence in the grove near his place. Jt would tie a great thing for Albany if this grove wero made a park and street oars run to it. Why uot. MUb Townsend, running a store in tho Strihan building, opposite tho Blilinhorg Block, is retiring from business, and tomor row Auctioned L'louoy will offer for alo her goods. The Portland physicians hve demon strated that Koch's lympn is no looger aa xpcriment wlieo used under favorable con ditions. Two permanent -cores have been ifeoted with tho lymph treatment in the St Vincent. hospital, and that is more than the Portland ptnaiciansever anticipated or nad reaaon to ezpeot. There were two tiro alarms last evening in quick succersion, tho first for a small blaze in Harlan Hulhert's barn at Gth and Jackson streets, easily extinguished with buckets cf water, and the aecoud for a fire in the wood shed in the rear of the Journal office, next to tho ahed ia which a firo stsrted Wednesday night. Both evidently the work cf a lire Lug. A Wheeler, proprietor of the Sprwgfiold saw mill a, is sending out from two to tour car loads of lumber to his A lbany and Salem lumber yards daily: besides this lie has his hands full in looking after his logging cam p. in the river. Mr Wheeler has put in i Hftv-horeo power boiitr and engine.-Spring' field Gazette. Hulla & Damon, druggists. Bay your groceries ofParker Bro' Fiaejgrocpries at Conn & Hendricson's. Best assortment cf teas in town at C E Brownell's. Seed oats for sale by W W Crawford, at Tallman. Kenton's "Sea Lion Silver Polish." 25 cents per box. A tine line cf crookerv ware at Conn & Hendricsou's. I Good ventilated and suo lighted bath rooms at Vireck'e. Shayiogi 15 cents, at Viereck's shop Closed ou Sundays. Ladies for your Oxfoid ties go where they keep a complete line at Klein's. A largo OAsnrtment of garden seeds on sale at C Brownell's. Bargains in choice groceries can always be secured of Alien Bros,.Flinn Block. E W Acbison &Co are, selling monuments at Portland prices . KeDton'n Adhesive Salve for cuts and bruises. 25 cents per roll. Golden opportunities am wasted every day by not trading with C G Browne U. M attache dying dene on short notice with the renowned German instantaneous dye, st Viereck's. At Viereck's shaving and hairrutting par leu , ladies and children's hair cutting a specialty. See W F Read's line of dress gocds and suns oeiore buying eieewuere. Just received a fiao invoice of barber's supplies direct friin Philadnlpnia, by L Viereck . For bargains in monument, headstones etc., go to K W Achison&Co.Albany.Oregon ALLEN Wholesale CiGARS, TOBACCO, AND KINDS, IN LARGE OR IN THEEfft Plinn Block, -:F. L Dealer in GROCERIES Near the Post Office, We are the People Who carry the most complete of Hard- . . ware,5 Stoves, flanges, etc., in the market. MATTHEWS & WASHBURN. DISCHARGE EARS. Drs Darrin Submits the Following Extract of a Utter From & Grateful Patient. ' Tillamook, Or, May 7. Dr Darrin Dear Kin Your letter ask Ing my condition, received. Would say that my discharging oar of yr ars' standing Iihk healed and ia entirely well, thanks to vour treatment," Yours truly. A. LETCHER, Mr Letcher H In th Jewelry business In Tillamook, and one of the aolid men of tho piace, and ono whose word oin bo rolled on- Dr Dan In treats with electricity and medicine all curable chronlo, acuto and private dlteasea, blood taints, loss or failing manhood, nervotiadiibillty.efrocta cf errors, or excesses in old or young, loss of memory, diseases caused by mercury in the improper treatment of pi ivate diseases, anu never published in the papors. Office "0'A Washington at., Portland. Or. Honrs 9 A. M. to 8 P. M., dally. Kxamination free and confidential, question bUnks and circulars sent gratia to any address; patients cured at home at ter one visit to the doctor's cfllce. Medi cines Kent to any address without tbe doctor's name appearing. FIXE DRESSED CHICKENS 1 1 at : JIueller it Garrett. j ALBANY :OR. WRITSMN & HULBSET BROS,, Real Estate Agents Firmt tnd Ranches foriale. Also city broerty in Albaor , and Coryalhs. J. A. Cumming, Wall Paper, Drngrsj Iaints, Oils Glass, 13to., ALBANY, -:- OREGON. and a fine stock' SPECTACLES generally, as well as jewelry, 'Watclirt clocks, etc., at F. M. French's, JJ OREUG, TAILOR Suits made and repairing dono to older. Between Third I nd Fourth, on Lyon at retail Grocers, CHOICE FRUITS OF A-t SMALL QUANTITIES, SEASON. ALBANY, OREGfOST KENTON, :--- Albany, Oregon A.