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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1891)
Jj7ry uy tu the week x HAW 1. MM, OFFICIAL I'A'EU. IffTING. Eilitor nd Prop'rs. ,iha Post OHles Bt Allwnv, Or Hi"" . - ........ iiCAI. HKCOIU). Mil . Bill Loral on 4th Pmc ill.. The Linn Hnse Hull C'ul), McMillan, niannirer, offer to piny ny Base i;iuu ill some lime iv .'isv ior ?oj u Bum anu one .mis balls, chest nrotector.cati'li tnnil uiits, or the Li'lmnon.CIor- Mascnts for S5J a snlo. It is .J that tlio moiifv. it the came 1 hctwcen Albanv ulnlia. will eo putting seats on the hall grounds rally improving wie same. Ling will compose the nine for bin nase imu emu, mm:i. is n mid not exclusively, a cry chin: tK.c; l! Dickinson, M'lo, p; Air of the forks, 1st l: Mr Lew Kierec-k, 2ndb; F K McMillan, j it operator, Snl l; Mr Mason, If: Mr (Inborn, Scio, c f : Albert irg, rl; Harry liarr, b s. treniBg while praiitieing Jack catcher of the Albanies, had a iail torn off by an up and down, ind outside curve drop thrown by e. It will be sometime bctore tall again. HIM HI AXIS PI.HHO.ML. V I. Such and wife are in the city. Hon T J lilack, ol IIulBey, is in the ity. Charles 1'arkes, of Tacoina, is in the city on ii vixit with frivndB. 1 C Currie, who has been ill for some time, in on the streets HKiiin. N rl Siandlsb und K N Thompson, of Brownsville, are In the city today. Minn Sadie Cohen, who ban been in Tort land several months, in in the city visitiii)! frieiiuH. J G tiros, of Waterloo, was in the city this fmenoon. Accorllni to the Leban on paper, Mr Gross offers his hotel for sale. Mr Geo Turrell. the shoe drummer, of Sin Francisco, father of lite Turrell Hros. formerly of Albuny, has been in the city a day or two. Kalsion Cox returned on Monday lust from u three weeks' visit to New York Philadelphia and other parts of the Knst. Mr Cox wears his accustomed smile having evidently accomplished the ob ject of bis visit, lie is convinced thai Oregon is all right. Corvallis Gazette. The State Sabbath School convention of the llaptist church I In session it Oregon City. Those preent f-om Albany are Rev 0 W Hill, Fred Dawson and wife, Misses Annie Eoshav and Es'.her Warner, who went vesierdav. and Mr U 11 Hart, who went this noon, with guitar in hand to assist in the musical part oi me con vention. County is booming generally. thanon Express says: "Since Iome has a diulv mail in addition presa ollice. Hodaville has a tel- ine to this place, Waterloo is to fvoolen mill and possibly a motor Mtcomb is increasing in poputn- I prosperity, and ia strong in tne lieinir connected with the out- jrld by means of a railroad, it no i tiu inhabitant" o: i.acouiuto eleplione line to Lebanon and by itliin hniline distunce of the town there is no danger of your (stripped by ambitious rivals." In New Oiilkass. A member of the Salem Statesman force lias a letter from W W Kkl.inor. aeetit of the S Tat Piilem written at New Orleans. Anril 30th, in which he says: "Unclosed I send you a momontn from this nlace in the shape of a piece of oak cut by myself from the tree upon which one of the 'Dagoes' waB banged. Ibis tree was originally over a foot in diameter. Isow it is not over lou or five inches. Everybody takea some nl it for relico. The hinin Dost has been tnken to Chicago. The bagos arc keep ing very quiet. I have been trying to find rarkinson to shake with bun. we visited the tomb of Jelferson Davis. He in buried at Metaric cemetery, located near the citv. It is the home of the Confederate dead, and many beautiful monuments mark their last resting place." Wanamaker's briifht remarks crnn not wherever ho went. In Portland he re ferred to the "little town of Salem on the boundary of the state." 4515, you know. Where was Albany about then if Salem was on the boundary. , The Seattle prtpcri run every thino- Into base ball. The Telegram snvs,compariscns are said to be "odoriferous,'1 as It wrre, but candor compels the statement that Deacon winamarrr made a line rhetorical base hi'. Ile.tcd strife over local matters lsa mis fortune to any city. It is to be hoped that the bridge question be settled with as little ot It as possib.e, the good of Albany as a whole being the main object in view and not particular localities. The Uncle Tom's Cabin company will appear at Mnalrs opera bouse to-night, An accident Happened to the tent while at Pendleton compelling its being left behind lor repair. walla walla Males- man. When at Albany about one zephyr would have knocked out the whole rot ten concern. The Albanv Democrat calls the Slates. man "the biggcBt liar in Oregon on its city's population." This calls for a tight bctwecD the democrat ana me dales man's citv editor. We suggest cold boiled potatoes at a hundred paces. Statesman. Our remark was simply reciprocity, which we practice. If a paper hits us we hit it on the same cheek. A duel with the live editor of the Statesman is hereby accepted: hut we decline anything in the eating line as the weapon. Albany claims to have a strong' ball team who are anxious to cross bats with the Salem or Corvallis team. Corva'.lie bus a nine who boast of what they can do. Pendleton iB making an attempt to organize a team to enter the league. It is claimed the material is in tl.e city to put a nine in the field who will give the city fame for its players. Some are in quiring what Salem is doing. Salem is all right and will be beard from in time. The Salem team won the victories of the valley last year and can do it again. The McMinvilles and the Dallas nines will be in the field again this season. Hall games will soon be heard from all quar ters. Salem journal. n's Freight. The H V agent at reports the following business citv during April: Total No ight received, 12(i, consisting of lowing articles: Lath, 10 tone. 0, lumber, 20, paper mill niachin- misccilaneous merchandise, ia. In tons forwarded, 491, consisting illowing articles : Wheat, 3!H tons, i!4, sand iiu, nay, iu, grape root, iscellancoKs merchandise, tons received and forwarded. xclusive of the above figures, the fcy shipped from this Btation for other stations lor inemseives, z locomotive Viood. iijuent Taxes. Linn is not the untv with a largo delinquent tax iccording to the Kegister ijtne is the list: From Sheriff Noland's Innual report, just completed, we a .i - . m. f i ine ioi lowing: ino delinquent II tor 1885 is JB.Wo.U5; tor isms. f; for 1837, 3508.10; for 1888, ; tor lSSil, tl8,170.'i5 ; total, Z7, The cash on hand is $8221.31;. Cnor Piiobperth. In its reportof crop prospects from different parts of the state the Oregonian gives thelollowing: "The condition of crops in Linn county up to the present baa never been better, and the outlook is flattering for a bountiful yield of grain. Reports from various parts of the county show that recent prolonged rainB have flooded some fields of growing grain From thiacauseslight damage lias ueen tune 10 wneai, un iow lands, but should fair weather follow soon the damage will not be appreciable. Over an average acreage has been sown, and present prospects arc that tho crop of 18U1 in Linn county will be heavy. Presicential parties, and all Kinds of parties and people, would do well to buy their Groceries and Produce of Conn & Hendricson, who carry first class stock of the best and freshest in the rr.arket, and, an examination ot their prices will also provf!, the cheapest. rrompi attention, good goods and full weight is their rule. le. Yesterday R Veal and others Oregon Land Co, agents. Bold to riggs, recently of Polk county, two ear the Christian ciiurch. being northeast corner therefrom, for Mr Griggs will build a residence le namo this summer, and make y liia home. Kewarii ! The citizens of Cor will nav three hundred and fifty wears ior me arrest, anu conviction person or persons who entered J M s store on the night ot May otn ened the sale. Signed, Manv Ci- A IIOMUU OI inn uootu vtaa by Marshal Hoffman today. it Paper, etc. I have just rei cived r line of wall naner and dcoratiors, more man doubled mv iaciimes ior "iK Ihern. and will keep a much lock. Wall paper and border lleauties. and much cheaper iha 're. Samuel E Young. Notice. Mr P J Linorte givts notice that on and after Monday next lie will be his ahuii prepared to reoelve ornois lor boots and shots of the lst quality and made strictly to order. Repairing ot all kinds doim promptly. First Street, three doors east of Uavere Home. A young newspaper man, who last Rnrinir found himself in Whitman coun ty, Wash., 500 miles from the base of his auppiies and "broke," hired out to a farmer. He was set to plowing with a pair of horses, but both man and beast being new to the business the furrows looked as if tliev were the result of an earthquake rather than of deBifcn, bo crooked and zigzag were they. At the close of tho day the farmer rather testily criticised the job. The newspaper man felt that bis doom was sealed, but must ered uo courage to reply : "I know the rowa ara rather crooked. but the sun was extremely hot today and it warped them." The answer turned away the farmer's wrath, and instead of being dis charged the newcomer was given a much easier and pleasanter job and is now the farmer's son-in law HOMR AMD AUKOAD Wj will hav a bridge. East Albany baa a case of the measles. The Marshal of Junction get $40 a month. The Dailt Democrat begins its fourth year io good health. Keen the taot in vour mind that we are to htve a bridge at Albany. The Peak Sisters gave an ente. taiowent at Oakland, Oregon, a few dayj ago. A gentle driving horse. 7 yeara old and good traveler, for sale cheap, luquire of S a nuiiD, druggist. The bodv of W M Barbour, murdered at Portland, will be aent hick tu his old home at London, Ontario. The Junction City Pilot has teen sold to Albert H Moore, and will not be conaolidat- cd with the Hatrisburg piper. Let eveiy member of the Y M C A bo preeeut at the meeting in the new rooms to night at o o clock. Important. The Ozford Minuette that Is creating such a furor in the E&rt will he taught at the dancing school Saturday evening. The Will'mctte at this city is 13 feet bove low watar mark, the recent raina having aent the snow from the wountains into the valley at a rapid rate. The Congregations 1 S S of Corvallis will cive a picnic excursion to Halatead next Saturday. The train will bs at Albany at V:4o a m, and leave lUUtead at 4 p m The WRCof Albany are getting up an entertainment which piomiaea to be a local treat, ine program will eontani a varuty of features to please the public taste. Prof Buck, of Eugene, is organizing I choir in Springtield. Mr Buck thoroughly understands his business, and under hia in structions the choir ill adya'eos rapidly, npringnouj vhzvm. The Willamette Uidveroty Band of 3a- lemlffivcs an excursion to Albany tomcrrow. d will be nere about i o clock. Meet them at the wharf. A motion to purchase a fire alarm avstem for balem was lost at the meeting of th City Council last evening, so Albany and a!em will be in the same boat. Seattle raised $2800 for the presidf nt'a reception, that was about S300 an honr for each henr of the preiident'a vUlt. Taeo ma paid $750 au hour for each of the two hours tne president was there. the largest salmon caught this seaeoD was netted vestcrrlav in Michell & Co'a rish wheels, eat of this city, and measured 3 feet 9 inches, and weighed 50 pounds. It can be seen at C F Laaer's provision store. The Dalles T M. Dallas is consoled in the following man- nor: Dallas is to be visited by President and Mrs Harrison cext Thursday. Cher rington photographed them at Salem tho cthi-r day and will have the photos aa nat ural as life on exhibition here next Thursday. Georgia Reed's Comedians will be in Al bany next Monday evening. For partlulais see tomorrow's Democrat. Th West Shore, of Portland should be revived by meu who kuow how to run such a journal. Newspapers, like any other con cern should be ran within pcopie meant. Several little incidents transpired to mar the Dltraaure uf the nresideutial nartv iu Or egon, but tho-!- rude portrait sketches of ita uiemberswhiuh appeaiid id a number of the liapera after their departure, ere the most ur.klnceat cute of all, lhe ladle of the party will De-vtr forgite us fcr those. Ga zette. wo in n coviiir.Kiu. F. M. French keia railroad time. -lea- oreain cheese just received at Cotirad Meyer6. Have you ecco thore parlor anita that T Brink, has just received ? They are nice. Great reduction tntnen's furnishing goods for the next 30 days at W F Read'a. J W Bentlry. beat boot and shoe tnakerin t7, iLree doors north of Democrat olHce. Wasning. 50o a dozen, mending for men fire,at Mra King,jiist eabt of the Democrat effice. Will&Sto'k bnvej ist received a large and elecant stock of ilverware, watches, eto., never bctore quailed in this oity. E W Achison ft Co hacdle tne celebrated Portland cement walls for cemetery lota. These walla cau be furnished at half the cost of any other and fur superior. Brighten up your old rubbers and old shoes and make tbrm look as good as cew with Wolff'a Acme Watert.roof Pthah. Fcr sale at Samuel E Young's. The ONLY place in the ty where East ern tickets can be purchaa is of W. L. Jester, rt the Southern Pacific Co'a ticket Ilbahy FDMTOBE l Has just received a large Invoice ot new designs In WMow SMes anil Curtains, tmd new and beautiful patterns In Wail Paper Elegant Eorclera to Match. FR1YATE WORDS FOR fl'OJIES. Theem'nent and successful byslcian. Drs Darrin, bave discovered and perfect ed a ayslem of electrlctreatment that has ciu-ed a revolution in the treatment of female diseases. Wberevpr their treat ment is tested auu known It baa dene away w-ith nearly all dosing with naus eous drugs and surgical operations wber6by eo many previous lives hsvar ben lost. Aa a dlaoove.y. it ranks wlta Harvey's discovery of the circulation of the blood. It baa proved In more than a. thousand oass of the worst kind lobe a positive cure for the lollowing female diseases: Ovarian tumors, polvpus ' ulceration and dropsy of womb, inflam mation, congestion and falling of womb, luccorrho?, painful and suppressed neiislruation, flooding, frequout urina tion, bearing down pains, backache, headacke. backing cough, melancholy, absence of ambl'ion or desire to live, or in tact, any complaint having Its origin In a dlsorded state of the generative and and aecoinpsnylng organs; whether from contagions diseases, hereditary, accident; tight lacing, miscarriage or other causes. T'elr method of treatment is harmless, pleasant and mild. t Is applied directly to the womb without tho useofinstru ments; can be applied by the patients thomsalves. thus securing correct local treatment at borne, and lis application ia easy and simple. I s curative action ou the inflamed, congealed and ulcerated parts is immediate. Dm liarrln reirain from making publlo the names ofhun dreds of ladies who have been restored to oalth. with due deieroccetotue delicacy of tbelr afflictions. Dr Par. to treats with electricity and medicine all curable chronic, acute and private diseases, blood taints, loss or falling manh ocii, ntrvons debillty.effecU ct errors, or exceages n urn ur ytiuuK, less or memory, uiseases onusu vy mercury in the improper treatment of pi ivate diseases, and never pub. ihed in the papers Office 70X Washington L, Portland. Or. Uours A. M. to 8 P. M., dally. rCxsminatlon free and confidential, question blanks and circulars sent gratia -to azy address; patients cured at home I te,r one visit to the doctor's office. MedU eines Kent to any address without the doctor's name appearing. We have the best and prettiest ii the market. Novelties In Jackets. I have received a small assortment of novelties in ladies spring jackets, made in tho latpst stvles of Blazers and Reef ers, in cheviot, diagonal and worsted. I exnect to carry a full line of these goods, as well as all the leading styles in Ladies Capes, beaded, crocbet and in ciowi. Urders tasen ior special etzes anu a.yiee. OA ML lOUSO. New Millinrry Stork. MrsCJW Clark has opened a milllr.try store in the Strahan Block, with Mis Sherman as manager, and has a large and stylish stock of fresh goods In stock. Her goods are Irpodv opened for inspection, and she In vites the ladies of Albany to ca'l and In spect them. Nkw- Pprino Goons. I am now re- .tfivi.ig my first invoices of spring novel ties In wash goods, piints, eiugbams, seer suckers, etc., 1 have also just r:celved a new line, cf all wool s-'inmcr plaids and beiges. Samuel h youno Don't forget, Paisley & Smiley, Printers. m a Dress Making. Work neatly done and sallsfation guaranteed. Rooms at M-s I E Carter s, corner Kauroau ana Fifth streets. all Men by these presents that 'orris & Diount, have just received ot mill feed and flour, wlilcn we '11 cheap for cash, Elceslor Roller "our .i.ic per sack. Plenty of middlings and chop for sale, and de d free of chrrge Inside of city. Morris iY Blount. At FortmilA:r & IbvinuV. UK1 dozen window eliadea, just received. A large and elegant stock of Kith cen tury bedroom sets. A large and choice lot of carpets, many fin? designs. Lace Curtains In great variety from 75 cts. to $9 a pair. These goods are bought from New York jonbers direct and cannot be excelled for quality, style and price. Samuel li 1 ouxo. Teschers Examination. Notice Is hereby given that the regular public examination ot teacners, ior iinn county, will take place In Albany, com mpncinr on Wednesday. May 27th, nt I o'clock p m, and conilnue until Friday noon, Mav 20th. All teachers must posi. lively be present at the lime of commence ment as no one will be admitted to thi examination who is not so present. (i F Russell, Co. School Supc. The Leaders. if there is anything good wnntctl in the way of fruits, vege- i. i u nrno e or ia.icv Kiuvtuw, i,.nva find iust what you want at Mueller & Uarreirs, me cuan grocers. toe Pprino. A line line of Blazer !s for spring wear, in ninnydesigns, wived oy u w Mmpson. ha large stock of the popular self--ll corsets. "in the Rush. Call early at Muel- Garrett's each day and buy the r to be given to the cast, trade of this uonev is kinir. We intend to sell "ns for cash. Mueller & Garrett. fresh milk cows wanted at o A Uross, at the Depot hotel. -e m "-L Make Romr Howl, The spring pa being o .-le In opening up, anr1 -. -vcrsiocked In ladles Uxlord lies r. " ,OT lhe next Jo davs, sell Ihern '.' reduced prices. We mean jus wc say. 'all and get prices. We over jo different styles to select from "os. exclusive shoe store. . W..I.J to loan $40,000 on good farm ''' ' ..... ... J SI ..., in- in the next tniny uays. kwusi ready, Take it while you can get it, MY WIFE Insists on huving her groceries, produce and baked goods, of Parker Bros. She saj'Bit well-known 'act that all goods are as represented and no IIUAinuU! That all goods purchased of tliein are fresh ami oi tne oisi qu.uuy io uc oe- ired. In all diseases OI the stomach, liver and Li.lnxva. nsr. to the i Xclm urn of all otrer medicinrs, Natnro'a own lenicily, Plunder's Orrgen Blood runner Ucincmber;raisley & Smiley, Printers -. Wnm, ;ood fir wood delivered to anv part of Allny, for only 3 a cord r orders at P W Spinks' lumber yard. For Rent. A new, hard finished dwelling house In eastern P" Inouire ot to is. ai v road street. Fort Sale. One pair of white rats. Inquire at tins oince. Good Work, Low Prices, Paisley & Smiley, Boarders Wanted, for table and one room. Inquire at hekqcka. A big cot in prices on ladies Dongola ,Sie. in all stvles fMthi next 33 dasat Kltln Hros. We mean basiness. Wo are ranking a big drive on Envelopes, Paisley & oMILEy, Hulla & DawBou, druegista. Buy your groccrwaof Parker Bro Fi3egroceries at Conn & Heodricson a. Best assort me cit of teas in town at C E Browoell's. Seed oata for sale by W W Crawford, at Tall man. Kenton's "Sea Lion Silver Polish," 25 cents per box. A fine Hue cf crockery ware at Conn & Heudricsou's. Good ventilated and sun lighted bath roo ns at Vioreck's. Shavinfi'i 15 cents, at Viereck's shop Closed on Sundas. Ladies for yonr Oxfoid ties go where they keep a complete line at Kleiii's. A lartr assortment of carden seeds en site as orownells. Bargains in choice groceries can always be secured ot Alien Hros,, Jinn Block. Some fine Rnrbank potatoes for. seed t jr sale by J V Pipe. E W Achison &Co are selling monument at Portland prices. Kenton'n Adhesive Salve for cuts ml bruises. 25 cents per roll. Golden opportunities aro wasted every diy by not trad'ng with u is lirownen M attache dvioff done on short notice wiih the renowned German instantaneous dye, at Viereck a. At Viereck's shaving and haircutting par- ladies and cnildron a hair cutting specialty. Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 cent cigar at Julius Joseph s. A larce stock of wall paper, with Jatede aigrjs, at Fortmiller t Irviug'sjust received. Si V F Read a line of dreas gocds ana lillts before buying ;cUe where. Just received a fine invoice of harbor'. noplioB tiireut trm l'flUa(Jlpt.ia, by Viei eck. Dr M H Eilis, phvsician and anrgcon, Albany, Oregon. Calls made ia cit country. For baraairts in monument. hcaCt-tires eto.,i;oto K vv AchiaoR.x(o,Aibany,lregon One half dollir reduction on every pa Ludlow's fion shoes A good line ot 8 E Young f. Freeh broad, cake, pie, etc., everyday at the Dilmomco restaurant. Lieive you df ra. Keen it in vour mind that Allen Ban pro- ptie keeping the kind of groceries thd public mands. Their strck is a line one. l.fldion oan d their shoDDinff in San Fran cisco without visiting tbo city, and without extra commission. Miss h J Harrow ; . v chaaing eyent, Grove St.Oiklana, t ;i5.tSHHDE Wall Paper Drxigrs, Xaintw, Oils Glass, Eta., ALBANY, J. A. Cammisg. FIXE DRESSED CHICKOS MUELLEK & GAEEKTT. OREGON. Custom - C We have on liond st all limes bay, oats, and chop', and wi 1 Sell in quail tlty to suit. Also wieat bought and sold. Farmers, bring us yonr wheat, oats an 1 hay. Highest cash price paid. Morris & Blount, mer First and Baker strwtt and ft fine stock of SPECTACLES generally, as well us jewelry, Watche clocks, etc., at F. M. French's, JJ GBEiiO, T L O E. Suits made and repairing done to older. Between 1 bird I nd Fourth, ou Lyon St. ALBANY IOR. WRITSMAN & HTJLBEET BEOS,, , Real Estate Agents Fnruie and Ranchca for sale. Also eity broperty in Albanr and Coryallis. ALLEN WHOLESALE BROTHERS, retail Grocers, CIGARS, TOBACCO, AND CHOICE FRUITS OF ACt KINDS, IN LARGE.' OR SMALL QUANTITIES, IN THEIR SEASON. Flinn Block, :- ALBANY, OREGON Paisley t Smiley, The Printers, Fllnn tlock "AltlMEll. PALTIMORE UYLAND. At the Cook l.oiel, Salem, Vedneday, May 6, 1S01. O u Baltimore, oi oficer, unn numli. and Lurcna Bvland, ot tVood- hum. 'Marlon county. The newly married rnunle wl.l make their iuture home at Spicer. They have the Dsmocrats best wishes lor long ine ana prosperity. IIIKI). CHURCHILL. Friday morning, May Hlli, lsl, oi consumption. Mr Wm II Churchill, altera lingering the ni ko venra. Mr Churchill recently went to Arizonift for the benefit of Ins health, but received no benefit. Ho was a pioneer of 1833, .from Iowa, and was a man of excellent character, highly rc- ..wtecl bv all. Ho resiuen six nines sonthenst of Albany. and fourchiliiren. Ho leaves a wife The Women's Temperance Publishing Association. Keep on hand nnd for tale a full line of Supples for Etc., unliable (or every phane of (loepfll Temperance Work. FubHshei The UNION SIGNAL, The flifrt temperance end literary raper In the Citnntrv. Nnone can fTorrt to do without thi luble paper. PKICB 1 OOper ear in kI knee. te contrtbuton are amono; the bent writer in both heiutspherea. The OAK AND IVY LEAF, 1 1 a paper for Tntinfr People, line veiled for its pur-p-jee. I'RICE 24 cenU pr year. The YOUNG CRUSADER, Fat Children. Send for nmplee. Bible Reading. Renonlre RcaOlniT". 'SumUjr Scho-il Temperance LenoiiR, ProKram for4 Special Day and Other fc.iienaitim.jnie, Vnnornl nervicefl will be held tomorrow, I riTd fr rlori. i i.d Tmn, . nd all order, tu i : " ""wi, fl.A HPceased will bo buried ":,?:?r"r r" ... l.-.J LWthfl hrtt'ftHlCrimCnV HI"-'' ' " " , ini I m r....n , VY , T. ""n i-i.. I it...-- - ---sa i a LADIES BAZAAR. Is the Leading inery arid Fancy Goods Stoie of Albany, Th.. r.rrv nil lhe l atest Stvles and Novelties In the Millinery line, and a complete stock of Ladles and Children's Furnishing Roods, and ready-made oarinrnts. Goods the best, and prices the lowest. Call and be convinced. D Goods the best, and pri FIRST STREET, FROMAN BLOCK. :F. L KENTON,:-- Dealer in- GROCERIES JTpny tho Post Office. !PAlbanv. Orer?on