n CSS 1 ' Aft g rivfirf'W f0 Li i m um if m i n i i ri i v j r.a i i r - i - v. a u n f, m 11 J VOL. Ill ALBANY. OKKCOX THUESDAY. MAY T, 1891. NO 312 Conrad Maver. -i,i,.o,kikti,j uc- IT Alt HAEtKin jotuor Broailalbm anil First Sis., OHAI.KK IN uiit-il Frusta, ruunm t:.n,i. rleii Frulln. I'getulr'ri.. otlMCCO, OglllM, Sugar Sn'f h, loflrr. Tea. Ktc lle.. . . Teryltilng that in kil In .. Kon , va nnd grocry oro. lUsheM irkotp (aid for J.K.NDSvf PRODUCE. Albany it t Manufacturer n' 1AM ENGINES CRIST ASJQ SAW . ILLMACHIKEAY IRON l-KONTS AMD ALL KIMS OF HEAVY ANO LICHT WORK, IN IRON AND CRASS CASTINGS. ftnftotitl attention jfaM o ( paJrlna U h .1,. e tin umuiuutir1 Patterns Made on Short Notice eat n'.oek or 2t,d K-V !oods III the Va f, mid Hie. inoit rmisf iaie pricen, both wiling, i have oq band .WiliTURE, STOVES, TINWARE ? TRUNKS. BOOKS, PICTURES ' CLOCKS, CROCKERY, t ETC., ETC. ' tfo.r west of S K Ynimc'M oh finrt L. COTTLCiB My llestaarantt Having boen entirely remodeled, this o'd id popular restaurant' will be made first Ms u every respect. The public will ht ten good meals at nil hours for only fl ts. Everything neat and attractive, .irate boxes. ystcr8 in cviry style. WANTED I.ftrnl nnil TrnTclllitf A (fnod clinncu! Don't hiUh it! You need tm (M Hal to rejirt-sciit a rclitililtf linn tint war rant imr-crv "lock Hrttt-claM iiul true tu l .oi. U'lll't,' All. Till.'. VKAI! ii ii.l 4d pay wi'fkty in ci.errctii; tn:. Aoplv tni-tct in w. X. IE. M A. "ST 9bOO rMryiiuii. Flin.s and scctliiit n. M I'iiuI, inn. (This humo in rt'i;oiinil.le.) Fartmiller & Irving, TUNEKAL DIRECTORS terial Embalming Dona Soientil Bcally. e are prepared to furnish your postors fc 118111, In the be.it style. Also an.vother prlr.tlnn desired. i E. C. PHELPS, Book and Job Printer, JTTwoedale Illock ovor Wells Kargo A Co'a Expresa ufllv. LBANY OREGON. pity Meat Market. J SHULTZ BROS,, Proprietors. iKnep a full line of meats of all kind J in a cool place, completely pro ? tocted: and always frestt. Albany nurseries 5 VTEHAVEON IIANDatoi.r nurKPrv on vhe CorvHlll roat. ono-bnit hlle from town, as lire a lot of fruit tees of all kinds as nan bo round any rhire on the cisst. If yon conirmplnte pantlnc trees It n l',1 pay yon to ten otir i r1 fd r i t pili (. siali jii-e fe "TMAS BKOWNKM.. j hi gar Store. mm, SPRING WAGONS. 0r Slock of Spring Wagons is en tho Pacific Coast, Loading U M'lilNG P.I-K.V(J1.; V. Ai.ONN, Kf.'IIOI.Ij SPKIXO "HANDY VAJONS," 'TAYl.OU' It TIIIIKi: KPIJXd WAOOXS ilAI.K-SPIil.Na VVAGO.VS, EX- PltKSS AXI) DELIVKU Y AVAO OSS, SPECIAL PARCEL DE..iVEaY "vAGON0x7n0E8E Guranle3 Our VtMclcs the Pest. Our Trices t!i3 Lowast Quality Cpnsidcrefl. Sjecial Catalogues and Price List Mailed Free on fpplkitioir Stave? a Walker, NEW MARKET BLOCK, W. C. DAVES & CO j Porinaiicntly currrl wftlimit Ctitthifr, liumlnj; cr 1I Utinjf. A vi'l fi t'lly (minify trttin i)t nl ii miarun teed cure hi ovcry 3; ne. no natter hnwr loiii; Htandii jf. Ttiistrentmeiil, for S'.rirlu o. of lr i;-jM'll'n.i8 iho ST" 'Unt fHwo.'fry known l moilicire. It dicsDhtu nd completolv roinovca th Strict UH' witliouttiim.)- 1 or pain to the patk'nt. DISEASES OF fuEN! IVi;iiliar to tluirScx, un I not pnipi-rto ttnma hvr, iliduiiinir nl tli.au iluticale I nnnni tics' anil Weal. fiettMj, which tliey wmilo bliHtik frmii tli-tli-riiinc to their fniniiy jililrinn, iii.rniiitti-iiUy rurcit in If" tiiiiu tlitMi whh ever Itiuivn to McHii iuo l.cforo, hy I r J4xcH'h'Nuw Sst(i!ii of Treat meiit. It rejuveniiten ); ireiilto-urir ary iiritiisaiul nuikow wo,ik men mrontr Wlion io4riilil.it Is alwayH lii-ft to call !r (u rMiiiirtl onsulUtion miJ Pjieciiil examiiiHtioii. Hut iliffc ho i-aouot iMtisililv call, kIimuIi! writo.etatiiitfO'tir mm: fully. Mulk-nto sent by mail or fxprc. rjttl, ' true frm cxtwirc, to all parts of tho I'aviAu (Joitht. A.l.l'cfis, ! Win. A. Boxoll, M. D. Ml mm iJHicU'iHr.v. Portland. rccDif. Corner Kirt ami 1'ire stroctsj iveijl'oitlind i In uti in.il Batik I STRICTURE TRY a" IJWIIEEL and get mORE POWER and use LESS WATER VrUo for our Nw Illustrated Cntnluirua ot 1K01. THE LEFFEL WATER WHEEL & ENGINE CO. SPRIflGFIELD.O., U.S.A. LEADING DRUGGIST AT,:i3A-3S"5r OTJEGJ-OOSr DRUGS, MEDICINES STA1I0HARY &C The New Yoi m Is the Place to Buy, FOOTWEAR Their Field Tliyer Shoes. Mcarland Block, ABbAN. tho Largest and Most Complete and Comprises all the Styles of SIX ESS W A GOS,OXE. HORSE ir.ox AXLE WAGONS, ETC. IrAYii.i. Pay All Pattirs Wanting SPUING WAGONS OF ANY DESCRIPTION TO CALL UPON OK C'ORPiESFOND WITH US. PORTLAND, OREGON, . A UK VIS ALBANY, OREGON. AMY WA.VSR iJi k nts I a (1 I Us WliiifsYoEiWairy BUT CURES NOTHING ELSE. THE CRY OF MILLIONS OH. STOP IT NOW, SOON IT WIIL BE TOO LATE. I haveVcrn tronlilwl man wears with disease nf the kidneys nnj Iiave tried manv dulerent remedies and h.iv fioiis'iit nid from diiierent phvsiciar wiihuut relief. Alwtit the i.Mh of Apri" I was siillv-rinir from n very violent cttaclc that almost prostrated me ia RU ll 0 manner t:l..t Iwjs oeiitover. V. iicn I at down it was nlmc.-t itnpo.-ihlc lor me to fct i p alone, or to put on tnv clothes, wlit? kind Providence fetit Ir. JItnlf-v, with t OKIvOON' KIIJNIiY Tl-A, to my hotel. I immcdintely cojmnenced uninjr tlw lea. It had an almost piiii.culoiiH ttrect, mid to the asum ishint'it of all the K1cs,ta at t!u iutel, iu a lew d.iVK.I nm bappr 1j b'-ate. tiiat I wna o new man. - wili recuni:ne:id t;ie tea to all ni..:cet ' C. A. TrrrKR, l'upriclor Accidental Hotel . taina Koaa, Lai. k C. B. R. Store Highest of all in Learening Power.-. t rowder -ABSOLUTEliy PU9E the i.ol:i: ihik ntz.tAit, Una a lartie and complcto line of poods, dolls, doll buggies,' boys' wagons, ve ocipedes and many other goods which gol to make up a compleie assortment, besides a complete line of lamps of every description. China crockery, fancy decorated ware, glassware, bird cages, plush goods, audi as albums, toilet sets. autograph books, scrap books, children's A ii C picture books, and all goods that are carried in a lSnzaur store, including Roger Ilros. 1847 silverware. AVe wish to call tho attention of the public in par ticular to the (iolden Rule prize baking powder and tea, put up expressly for this t-ade, which gives the best of satis faction, as is attested by the hundreds who have used liotn the tea and naking powder ever since introduced by the Golden Rule llazaar. Each package of tea and can of backing powder draws a prize in the shape of a line piece of glass ware, lie sure to call, when in Albany, at the Golden Rule liuzaar, ss you will bo sure to lind w hat you wait, and will be shown over the store and lie treated kindly by my clerk, Mr. Miller. Jly goods are all marked in plain figures so as not to deceive anyone, and I have but one price to all. Ji l'hs Gradwoim. Money in Luau We have plenty of money to loan on real estate security, on two to five years time. Call on lis at o ur office, oppose Ihu evere house. liUBKH BT 5 EENEY. Juft arricd a full drttns, men1 and Wy' Kinipbon's, which will uncus. line of ladiea. chiJ- foot weni at i W bo sold at bottom Krlinlile and Almiy Hie S inir. Prandrctn" pills arc the oldpt, wft and hese bl od putilifaf and purtcativn known They are purely vegc cable, tnerefo'O harm-les-. They ir al the a.ime and nlwiy produce tho satre cthct. ''ther purgative rroitiro incri -cl iIom s end liiiuily ccae acr in a!toz!her. A cotio of one ni two of Hrandreth'a pi'ls taken etch ni'ht is a yo&' ttvecure for constipti'-n, liFad u ho m fell riljfiua dtfordir. If you cant taUo them plain get them suar oateil. SHII.OH-S CATAKKH HEM EDY a r-odiivA ctuc for Catarrh, piphthrria fcnd Canker-Month. F.hay SMawn, ajet.tJt. SIIILOH'S CUKE will immo liiitely rt lievp Croup, Whooping Conijli ard Hrfi.ctiii;.; Koihay& Mnoii; acnlH. WHY WILL YOU -louah when ShiJi.h'a Cure will giv linnifdiate rclif. Vritv 10 cpntp, 50 cent uid 1 . Fhay Masou, ajento. SLEEI'LKSS NIC. ITS. mmlo wiwrshle by that terrible cough. MiiMi'jCute i the Ut-imdy for yi u. Kor Initio back, r Pomtu l'lu-ur. Price, f rr.f. nao Stnloli s 0 Ut'tttC, A N&SAI INJECTOR free wilh each hmtle fbhd.dn Catarrh Remedy. Price DO cents. FooiiayS: Mason, auanta letter Lift. Frdlntviril n the list i f bttr-r iv nininiiH' m ti,M t.-irt nllirio nr. AlhiMtv. l.inn cminty. Oren"n, Slav (i, 1SU1. I'l-n-ims Oi.lliriu for tiel.e U-tti:rs milit piv.j th dato thev v etc advertMed. vluch Malaift Archar', m V T Anderfun, C T Be'iiwri, A K Urvaii. H E Cu'ruii, Diniel llritcoll, Jnse)h Egltl, P.i Fol , fieo Hiih', Etniy H s.iry, Marv Jtmktii, las M Johnoti . N C Newn an, I has Or hort-e, 2, Mrs I'etty I'.icil, 2. A E Syi he'f, J I) Ti.lm.... ,2. Mr li'iT Vet i on, ii.o O Vd. K E Alvin. I .tcoli .-ii titircoht, II IVlteii.-n, 2. Tho. I 'itw..!. Mm Eiimcfi L Cui'.ico .l.thn El.lem.ili. r c Etnn, Win Oo ldl.il?, I) M Haitinur, Krniik Hamlin, (.hrifpi"'' J"hn., ) C Mi -Karluni', .lc.h N'Tih, K't'tiM llaincy, M-s N.-rK Smith, Wni I Sinirn, Mum Mi'V Ti'iliutie. ,liih K Vi e, V J Vi.d.l.'. T. MOSTF.1TH P. M. NOTICE GF FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTU K IS IIKREHY tUVT.S TIIAT THK t'N-l-riiiitl, jwliuinmtrjlrix of .he c-tale "f Mr tin W-ni, leeael. In ll'd h-r fl'l eo.imt in lh r.ftlr Ilia Piimttv eli'l-lc lor l.ll.tl eollTIt V .Op ffott. mnl the J'fiiff .( the c-m'tv ccirt. ot l'l e.'iintv, hi flxnl the tuli ihr it Vnv. i:Utat the In mi of I n '.!.:. in. f..r thr heiirii jf of ohjwtlunw, ff tmy, to iltl c- rintiit "il further rettk-ii't lit "I until eMui-1. Thii tin irti .lay uf A.rH, 1KU. HA HAH 1, LI'I'Kn . K. WRATiiMwiin, A'lm in-Mtrix Aii fur A.lmiuMrnlrix. (4-1") KOTICZ OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. V''ll K IS lir.lir.ltV (ilVKN T- Al.l WHOM i ittinvo.neiTii.ili.il the m. Irtfi'il n.l'iii'ii tr.ttH f il.o c'wii ft .la ..h K..er. ti- en-e-l, hm iih-l her flt . ttnt il Hf. i i t)i. omiitv ur "t V liH ef,lii'-V. Oit ... . Bl.'l Uit tlej-l'f.'.-f iiMlo.urt h.w flel 1hei;:hihv..f Jiri. H'M, at 111-h-i'trnf 10 i.Vli-ek. in f wul iliv.lftr Hie henri .if nf nil .il j-eiifii" tw vl liiinl avv nut, mul Il.o Mfttle inettt ef ih attit'. thin 1st iU.V (if Ma), 1S.H AW STOVI.H. W K HiiiVrr, Ailmimtrrix. Attorney. " U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, iSSj, m tt LWXCKST DAY. The fcolstititial, or longest day, Is with us, r.ot far from fifteen hours long,and the farther north we go toward the Artie Circle, the longer the day. Up at Stock holm and St Petersburg!!, eighteen or nineteen degrees farther north than Chica go and Boston, the &un, on the 22nd of June, will be eighteen and a half hours aboi e the horUion. Consequently th; nifcht in those cities will be but five and a half hours in length, the sun setting there about a quarter past nine o'clock, and rUing a quarter before three. Also, by reason of the great obliquity of the sun's path, he will dip, at setting, but slightly beneath the horizon, so that the twilight will be visible during most of the brief nhjht. A few degrees north of Stockholm, near the head of the Gulf of Bothnia, is a hill from w hose sum mit the sun, on this night, will not disappear at all, but will be seen setting iradually ftom the western skies apparently nearei the horizon as it ap proaches the due northern point, when it wtlLseem just to touch the carth,and then, as it passes the northern point, It will be gin to nscenc agait. eastward on its lorg circuit of twenty-four hour. To the spectator upon th?t hill the sun will seem to take no res; on this height. We insure again at tramp TOWX&END & WlL-OS. Hear in Minmj. That Conn Allendric son keep a hrst-clans stock of groceries produce, etc. That thov do their own work. Consequently their expenses are light, And they can pell at bottom prices. Large nilee and small profits. Courteous treatment to customers. Jtest goods i the market,. And the frenhest in the different de partments, Arc the rules Ihey go by. A sue cam for the wlmky -tabit; l)r Li vi nuston's Aftidoto for l run! enness will cure any case of the liquor rahit in from ten to thiity dav?, fnm the no derail- driuker to the drunkard. The Autidnte c:'n he jriven in i cup of ci.(Tfo without th knowledge ol tliH pen-on takinji it. The e.uthlota will not injuro flip healtn in any way. Mt-nufHctureil l.y tho LiviDsrat.on Chemicul Co., Portland, Oreyon cr from J A Cummins, idle agent Albany. FOil UYSl'EI'SIA nnd iver Complaint you have a t-rinte jninrntefl on very bottle of Shiloh' Vitiliz-r. It nftver fails to cure. Fo-hayA: Maoo, K"ntH. CKOUP, WII001 iNt; COUGH r.d Broui'hitis :muedia'ely rolieve.t hy Shilnh's Cure. Th- brst roust ei lh e in the city at CotMiid Muyrr a. -a V. i ding Photogrni'liers A any .!. nave liouiibr nil thonr gativti made liy I, W lrk af.d W II Greocond up to N'nv l.-.th 1SS. Dnnliratra can be h'l from hoin "! of n at reduei d iat. We hvi .i.A.h..ni iqiKul n..ttivi.i mdr bv our- rim, from which duplicates en be had t like i f". We oiry thK i;n.y lull una ni viewi ' f this nuto ami du enlargi d work al loweit ritoB for llrnt clasn work. V, e shall bt pleaseil to sea yon at our Studio in Froman block, -lextdoorto Mntouio IVti.ple. SHIl.OH'S VITAI.IZKR i" h v need ! i Oimtipatiou, Low 't Appe'ite, I'iz-j.irc-, "nd all i.iitnn) nf I)tiepi i. I rice III mid 7; ceiils per bottli- A n w line i f w indii'.' h'lo from SO vnts I" $1 fiO oali coinplttn. t Samuel E Voun.'. . For '"A larts r.irdetp.oinlly fi- o.ll'onl oall on Kni p, Burn ll Co.. St corner f First and Ell.wo-th itrrtt., AHnny. Oi. Allir.uy Jiarael. Vtiel-85e. t ir.t' 4r.- rtu'ior 20: pr in, FgffB 15t Hay 10,00 to 18.00. VuntoOT .(I eta per buabol-nnBf-onroot,2', to Sc pnrk b'Ao por lb. Uroaaed. Raccna bKiii,llc .lioulilora 7o altlrsa 9o rd irwpcrlb. K!oiir-5.2f. per hbl. blcknna-4 00 por riot. Ill) I-owlbran. '.O.OOpor Ion .liortM. 2-. mhlilllin-o, 21 ' '"mi TELEGRAPHIC NEWS A Loudon HraknlloB, I.oeox, May 6 Ednmd II A'erncy, M P. for Xoith Duckingham, afier a nreliminarv examination at the Uow-rcet noli-e rourt April 30, win held for trial, but immediately lelc.neil giving bail in the amount nf Ste ' 000 lor his appearance to answer the charee ot hiring instigated the procuration of Die young lady governes., Mis! Nelly Brackett, for immoral urposcs. The sensation of the day is the enicnccof Cap-aln Hope Verner. It is :he grratest disgrace the Knglish aristoc racy lias encountered in this century, for the Veiney's although ennobUd within the centuiy are ot ancient Recent among the landed gentry, are distinctl connected with the Calverts, of Maryland. Hlrurk bjr Lightning. Salem May 6. Today at I o'clock a light ning and thunder storm occurred, lasting about three minutes. Flash lightning struck a large f.r tree near Lake Lat ish, four milel from l'..e city, tearing ihe bark off irom top to bottom. John Asseiu standing about thirty feet from Ihe trse, received a bad shock, knock- .. uiK mm enseicss. lie could not speak for half an hoor, but recovered and is all right. He was walking along the road at Ihe time. It is the first occurrence of this kind that ever happened in the valley. Was I. KlllConla. - New York. May 6. Inspector Byrnes has arrested a lunatic, who expressed his intention of killing Jay Gould unless bough; off. His name is Charles A Dixon, and he comes from 1'ueblo, lol. Inspector Byrnes wot sent for yesterday and informed by Ur Munn, Gould's physician, that Dixon had corre to him wish a letter of introduction from a Pueblo firm. He told Munn he was a member of an organiza tion known as 'Christ's Followers," and had been made a deputy I y the arch council to kill Gould, A Itunaway ArelUenl McMinnville, May 6. Mrs Thomas Ow ens was thrown from from her buggy and re cei'ed serious injuries, Her horse became (rightened at a passing bicycle, ind whirling around, upset the buggy and dragged her some distance, bruising her face; breaking her thumb ana otherwise injuring her. Ihe horse ran until the buggy and harness were demolished. Mrs Owens is the wile ot an old pioneer, a well-to do farmer living near here. A Tevns i'loob. El Taso, May 6, The Rio Grande con tinues to rise. The low part of Ihe citi, fronting on the river, is already under water. About fif:y Mexican families have been com pelled to ieave Iheir homes' weich ere under water, ft is believed the flood will do great damage to the orchards, vineyarcj and farm3 iu the valley below. In the Si'iuxo. A line line of Blazer jackets for spring wear, in many designs, just received by ti W Simpson. Also a large s:ock ot tlio popular self- oening corsets. Soi'Nu Advice. It pays to get the best; even Shakespeare admitted that. In this connection it may be remarked that W It Graham has iust received an elegant line of suitings for the spring and summer, never stirpusseu in an Albany market. They are the best to he ob tained, as nn inspection will show, and Mr Graham is prepared to make them tip in the latest stylo with n skill his long experience has enabled him to be masler of. Farm rur fine. I have for sale 180 acres of the finest farming land in the state. All In a high state of cultivation, no build ings, but has abeautful buil'ling loca tion. Eight miles from Albany, two miles from Tangent, on Ihe H 1' K R. TerniB and price reason able. Call an d see me on Second street, opposite D.5 u ocrat office. Hk. (i. AV. Mahtos. At tho corner i-l Bn.adnibin si.d 1st etrcet yoa will lind G E Bn ' nrll alunyn :n Ihe lend in the grocery budix'?. W, ', Head knpi.ihe brut Ritsortnicnt ol . nuy gord ii town. Tb Df.mitrat will mcbsree a ewinp mielitoe of any n-ako desir.-d, eNcept oi;enr two. for ponie n.ik t'rub ood"d purr, flash; or h ii rontiid.r olhi-rptopt s.itii.ru by any Ohf delirium a new inhtrhtne. WILT, YOU SUFFEP. with Py.peptla sod bivr cVmpluint? Sfiiloh's VitRlizor ii giiaianteed to cure yon. Whereto GetTiiem. When wanting organ or ttiara rnll on G L. Blacktiinn A-hc 'e you can seUet from a fimt clans to. " Kelteuenl Ruin hiith in Allmiy - I'o.loiv & Ma son's drug slor i n SFt(-m Builder, M. everyhorlv is Itsiig il. foi-f'.lfinl. nf the Stomach, Pynnopsia. Cot.stiiiniii.n mid Im pure lJlooil. Try it, ml till jour trienrla about it as it must pons s won ' rfu I noiriU when ad rpeak well nf I. CATAHRH CITKKI. heillhtm weet breath secured, by .Shllcn'sl'nt.nh Beinedy. Price M cenl.. N;.ssl Irjector fr.e-. Fo -shay & Mason, agents. SIIILOII'S COUHII nd Coii-oiiiption Curt is sold by u"on ayiiB-.i itpi'. It rure. coniuniption. Koiilin.v & Mttmn, ayeiitu. Frrnel Tan.y Marers waters are o Mire and sife i rifl. kir.i'sof female trouble: ar.. i!1 all obstrticiir n. to the tr.eit.. ) no mcttcr whut ine cause, ti it what evt-rv woman necc a' led wilh aafrly. Frr wile l ll1 iionc Cheniicai Co., also frorf r ent, J A Cunnning, drnggl., Bi txk, A Ibarv, Oregon. The for a remo period are it can be Llvinr. sole ni, berg b it