:' ! fi t I Uatlti democrat U utnlitluj 1 nncr. Mrs 13 F Troutman, of Shedd, gave a dinner parly on Saturday, May and 91., in honor of her husband's 67th birthday. Only the relatives and a few friends w-tre Invited, all of Mr Troutman's children be ing present. The dinner, prepared by Mm Troutman and her daughters was excellent, the roast turkey and other good things set before the assembled Quests, vanishing like mUt before the sun. Mr Troutman was declared the best looking man present. Afer dinner came music, and a general good time was had. Mr Troutman was the recipient of sev eral nice presants. Following is the list of names of those present: R II "Wright and wife.F M Johnston and ianiily, l ) Coopcr,antI wito.Mrs a cooper, W Poland and wife, Mrs M Looney and family, Palouse Wash., Mr Poren, W Bennett, 1) li Troutman and fatrilv, Leb anon, MifL Knrrow, Lebanon,! K Trout man and family, Albany, D I Jscm and fatnilv, Halsev August Flower" I'HOFESSIONA I CA IWS. WKATHEKFOMII, Fit. WKATIIEK -.IHCST NATIOK.il, HANK, Vt AI.IIAMY, OKKOON, ('re.ldonl 'ic I'maideiit , latlilor..... Alhiriwv itt Law. Will pnn'tl.'e In M miull ul 111. .taw. .Mllrel -Flliin block. Albany, Orotfuii. What Is It For? This is the query per iietually on your little boy's lips. And he is no worse than the biff- Ker, older, balder-heail-ed boys. Life is an interrogation point. "What is it for?" we con tinually cry from the cradle to the grave. So with this little introduc tory sermon we turn and ask: "What is August V lowkr for ?" As easily answered as askeil : It is tor Dys pepsia. It is a special remedy for tue ijiomaeu aim j,iver. .Nothing more tnan tins ; but tuis brmitul. We believe August Flower cures Dyspepsia. We know it will. We have reasons for knowing it. Twenty years ago it started in a small country town. To-day it has an honored place in every city and country store, possesses one of the largest 'manu facturintr nlants in the cnmitrv nml Koticb to Fahmeks. Wanted nt once sells everywhere. Why is this? The VT7- K. HILYKl, V . 4tt..ni'-v l law .ml S ilkl! r In rhamnry. Collee u.hih mti.lv tin nil i-i'iil. I. Mii llof.null tin fav orable Una. Albany, OrvKim. m E(. IV. WKIUIIT, I, Attnrtievat Law. Sili. ll ir In l'lianer, rnwlur In 1. 111 ir. iv .u.l N.ilarv 'I1TI U'. II III I'raeiiey III Ull iiuirtauf thia miit.i ami In ibe I lnt.il blaU'R emirl. Iiirllnvii'i. OI!l.'rt -Kronl rjui, over Hank ol Otetpui, A.bany, ivu. I, I'l.INN h, K.YtU'MI K. W. I.AMil'ON rHANSAITX A (lKSKHALhanknni bualn.-a. Atl'ol'NTH KKIT mibjoit Livliwk. BIUMT KXl'IIANlil. ami ul raplilo traindrr, I.I Now Vera, Kan FraneLeo, I'liieagu ami I' illuml reityi. CXILECTION! UAHKuu ta.urablo leni n. DlHucmKa ... K. Yoi'Nil K, I'.', l.jKaDii. L X Buu, I.. Klirk Kuward V . t.ix. chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, dried iruiss, turner, egns, ana all kinds of farm produce, for which I will pay the high est price in cash or in exchangefor goods. If. W. t-Lni-soN, Albany, Oregon reason is as simple as a child's thought. It is honest, does one thing, and does it ritrht alomr it cures Dyspepsia. fi G. G. GKEEX, Sule ManTr,Voodbtirv,.YJ. pUDr Covht, Colds, Influenza, Bronchitis, L uTii-O Hcarseness, Whooping Cough, Croun, Sore Throat, .Sthna, and every affection of the Throat, Lungs .".nd Chest, inclutiir.e Consumption. Speedy iiuduciiuuixcn:. licuuiue siiud J, Z'iVA." shemffs SALE. In (he Circuit Court of Jie State of Oregon for the Counti of Linn. KKAPF, EUKRKI.I, & CO , ) Plaintiffs, vs. I E. Beckir, E S Be:Ve'. and C J H S:ewiilt ami E F Sox, part - ners, doing busiccna ucdur the firm came and etvlvof btuwart I & Hoy, Iicftiidauts. J "VyOIICE IS 11EKEEY GIVEN THAT '' virtuu ct nil nccation and order nt Xl tale, duly i-Mit.i out of the bvc- & WILSON, Real Estate s Loan Broken Ofliee. BALTIMOKE BRICK. Dnine a general Inntfinco IupIiicpb, Tartlef jEinnx insurai;i(j wi't o wtil lo etc thmn. AiiKSTS FOR Aelitu Insurance ronijtnr, Incortwra od rtiincr periKjiini. li-tw p;nj in 7U vo I tunrdlnn In. Ciiinpnny, nf tmdna, F.n-flanil t-tabhshtd H'rl. t,)i(il;il, i;"i.OUJ,frJO. 'I'ul fir lMsVH jiaid over ?i,OjU,i0. Iiitfrlrnn FlrcliM. 'mpnnr, f n.iladelfhia. Colnmliin Fire t Karlne ln. fimipany. o 1 rtliind, ()r. Axtt4, rVw '.tiJ. Tli.a it ono of OreK'-ii'd b'.Ht c. mi panics. 1ft. Atl.inuy at Ijiw. Olll'Vt -In t!i Slrjhm Mock u)iUir. Aiiuy, Ohvoii, D. it s. ein keu'KS, l-r.i.'tiii fit a'l t)m ci'urtm( imiy "itrt of l.inri ci'iiit'. Ail tiuil".t will rtveivo n-ni.t attention, litlct't llild Folluwa' Albany, tr. Attorney at Li. Wi f-'tl'i'll, l'MVit till) T J- 99 Attorney at Li', anl X-JUry I'Ltlilic, Alliany ,K. J. Ii. 1IITL, I'liyrk-ian and Siirceon, oKr'lC'E -fur;wr ' Kitl anj Furry KtruvtM, AUany, OrunroiL '.ivHifian a-i. Siir'em. OFFIfH-(iiii,it.i Hi UKMir.-UAT ott je, Albany, OrL-ifuii. I INN TO. l l II, II A li, li OK AL1IANY, DIIKIION, CAPITAL MiK'K (l(kM. Piwkl-nt j , cow."!. 1 !' ITnuiKiit J Ji K M.vi'uN. ' kll',r io K 'IIAMIIKIII.MN. Awl Caahwr u A AIH lllllOI.il. IK-Mii,-J . fWaii. J M ItalMoii, ll.o K ChaiiilH.rlaih, W H L,.., W II U.il.ia, J A fra (urtl amltl A AriliibuM. TKAN8ACTS awnrral bankliiL' biiHlnemi. UKAWSHIII'l UKAH'Soii Now Y..rk. Hall vi I i'i'II.i I, ; Onui.n. LOAM MONKYun biiiiV"iJ .crurlly HK(.ICl:tlt'iu.ita utiwt tlm.. -"""wmi 8 4SK OF OI(i:.l. Ai.HANY, nit mm: iil-lliil, 1'riniiK-iit Vint- rifkiilunt Ca!ii-r ... II F MI HKII.I. .. K J I A.N M Nil J.v IILAIN Tnumnrtii a trne-ul luiiikhii- hualnru: hu'liaiiKV lauiKlit ami hi.IiI nil all Iho iirliiihiiil hum in tliti I'liittnl Sliitn.t itl..i..n I'.... I .....i Fraiim' anil IIitmihiiv. " ' ( iiIliH-tliitiM Iiiaili at nil ...... .n.ti. ....i........ IiiUtcI alloaiHl o.i time ki.wit.i. JIy Spring slock now CM,.liKTF, " . tlio hU,Ht N.,v,l,i,.s n1'ml,raci'M D Goods D" W. II, IHVIS, Physician anJ Sur-fenn. OFFU'K -lwtairj In the Stratum block; Miy hu tumid at hi ollluo day or ni'lit. Albany, Oregon. a.k or nvio9 I Brio, OltKOON. IV.ailint Canliiur M J S M 'tin in ... Ir.rv M tf hh o Uat J 3 M.-rrii, 11 JJrvant MRKiTOIUi: i: (.ioin. John '.ainca 1' U .Smith. . A. WHITNEY, I'hvsldan anj Sur.' inii. llnada-ilu of llitlovus M I leal t'ol.iv. Now Y.irk cilv. l;j.-.i,e. .( 'nmii a iwclaliy. OKKIiK Kr ilu in blink, Albany, Orcnnli. Pouiiiy Wanted. All kliidn or p-mltrv, Mvo or dronsod at tlio VVillmjn!u. Kukinu; C'oinpaiiy'ii ritotv, AlbHiiy. Oriifoc. ,..'!'"'. oihtiI hmikbir ami oviliviiro biialnxn JU'lil uralta mm. I ,. Albiii), l'rll.i,a ali'l tiau iJOI'.TI.AM) NlVIV;s ItiXH. OF POHTI.AN1I. IIIIKOO.".. Paid ut rajiltal SurpliH anil jirollta unir.cd voutt, iu the above et'litled auit Kill, on HEALTH 13 WEALTH ! l!.in.!ii . t!ie .SCi liny r June, lxI, at the court liouso duo-, in the city of Al liaov, Liun count, Oregon, as the hcoi of 1 o'clock, p m, o ju.id diy, eell at public auction, forcaih in ha:.d, to the highest Did der, the real property dc-si rilicd in said exe cution and order .miIc aa follow., to wit: Lot 12 in Hock tline' (3) iu the town of Pl cdrt, iu the county of l.inn and atate of Oregon, avo and nm.t tnntv l"f)i foot eff the caat end of ta.i.1 which kaa been ueetlea to Jl t Heart. Itie proceeds ariUDu from tns aa!e cf said real property to be opplipd as follows riltsr, lo the pay...ent of the coats and ontrcea ot nir-knn; s t:d silo. SiX'OSl) the payment ot the c.iat and di-burm-menta 01 taict ui taxer. at .:!.! 15, and the sum oi attorneys lets. Ihikd, Tn the pay meet oi piriintirl a claim, nm..untinx to trie eum oi iuj with iiit,cst thereon fron tho 10th day tf March, 1S91, at tho rate of ten per coni per igi.an ; and the surplus, any, altur the pyuienta above-named i made, bo applied lo tho payment of $"0 an attorneys fte m favor of the defendant!. bliwart ic Sex. and tho balance, il any, be viiimci ra ine noce relerred to in s:a exe ,i ,p,,,ir ix orewari .y SOX am against l ho defei.daiit, K lieeter. ol October i nn, iskiu. tor tho sum of CM47 50. J.'.ted this 4th day of Mv, 1SIM. ' M. SCOTT. l" S .Sheriff of l.inn county, Oregon, i v'J - . . ' 1 U-j'iiViJ.; RAW AS BEEF-STEAK Baby's Fearful Suffering from Skin uiseose covering Kntlro Boly Cured by Cutlcuro. Mj baby wan Uken Terr Helc when ho WM thrre rnoiilhs old, and m a few l7a Wip.ii brekinK ou" U v omployod both of ilic homo doctors, au-l th, y ouM do nothing for hTm. Thon we sent for the . ... mwu jmu.um, -jiicu.. onu bo d w-ri-a Bim for t.o wct-Ki, ana bo f, worw ftll tho tiin and thro I took hit: j-ickxm, to a ri. k no niicnnn CHpf ' v to kia (lif)eiiHi-r, run'l wicn ue gcitwoicctl: ever. Thrn 1 totdniv nuNiiona we hail try tho fi-Tin hi uiu uvi uuve ury hk they would do an (rood, but In Iff th. ''",? w o Kivtnirthrm to nlm he wan on tin . mm not a upol oil nun. IMf linlr ! v C'Mll rlirht off, and vro thought hu w. i.-d ul v i , h bo bahldipwlod. Thoro wiim not a fit hu . hol.- body, f;.-o, and ln-ad.only bin .; ,-i d lJl wh.tt km an r.-iw nn lui-f.fak. t....,r 1 1 r - w:m not anytliina but Imtn-n, and co .ak iu co.iid mine nlthir hand imr ln-ad. Mas. Fit AJ K IIAKUETT, nnfnld, Mljh. Guticura Resolvent n.iw blood anil PMn Pnrltlcr, and arealrr r' imr Ui'in.-.ll. H, eleaiiKea tbo bloixl ol nil hi.i,.,, i. ""I l"'ion' leiueiit, mid thus reiunvc . ,... il-', wllllo i;iTH TIU, tho preat akin cir, , I'llA Soap, an oxiitiUto ekln beautiliiT, I. , ' nI,t' ..-alp, and rentnrc the hair. 'i'lu.. I' n tka UKMr.lilRfl eurorverv aMeieacf Id l.ii , ir iiivr. wnly, pimply, and lilntrliy akin, prul-i. tn--I ll.,viK,., In, in pliuplea to aiTofHl:!,' ii.ji i:n:y to agu, wh.-ii tllu bent lliyliiui,4 tail. f , 1 ov.-rywh"r. Prli-o, rnirrna, aoc.; i Hl-'oLVtsr, l. l-rei.mil by the l'..Titii ' ' I'llK IIl l. CilHI'ilHATIilM, llr.t.in. I. .-Semi for " llo to Cure llluud 1Iii.,m ..." )i i)'C PM" Hralp pnriQed and laiil'in .1 l .ul O I'.v I't rut hu tfoan. Al-auluUdv mire. A ru t lutjoAP. AliiMilutely )i RHEUMATIC I'fliNS Tnon" minute M.of nil, ,ir An'l i 'H I'lift- r n-livvm rh-ni,i;,i: ri. . ; . i , I idry, rhprt, and nuacukir DIE. C.C. WEST'S N"er-e and Brain Trtatmei.t .-uji-iT..utf,i pi'tuii.-i.ir iivt-icria. Dizziness. fJonvui xi.1113, 1 i.e. Avr.-oiH N,iirai-fi.i, Headache, Ktrvnua rnisvr.i in causci ny tlic Upu of alc.lml or tobacco. .ua7iJiir.--5, .utiuai icnrcsHion, ni.n-friiin-if t,i the ulu. H.-MIUITI-,' in insatutv ami leatlirnf t r.iipcrv il. cay -oiidcavh, premature old a-je, barrenness. na 'm it;-, i i rauscii ny over-t'xcriirm tt thy Pram r.ich l.t ;oiitainq ono nionth-a treatniont, 61 a box ar nix bCkis 1-r nut by mail propailou roccipt o WE ('. t..R AXTEK SIX l.(XF TO CfUG AXY caj. With cacti order received bv ti f..r .iv accimpaiiiul with we will nend tho purcha-icr our written jruaratiteo to refund tho nrney il tlie tro.it. l " ,t eitwei a eure. i.uaranieei IsmucU only by J. A. Cummin, Dru -;-fit, soiu a-ent, Albanj, Or. mm . IS 1 ' fit 3 EAST AND-SOUTH, VIA Sout ern Pacific Route SHASTA I.INL:. Ex.nrc.8 Trains leave Portland Dally South I j Nr, Purtla.id Ar U:15 a M Ainaiiy Lv San Kran-.-isco Lv I y-ijo v u Aooie I'aius tn!i ciily at fullowin statiims mirth r.ii I ortiaiiil, iiruirun l ilv. Wmid I'ln.ono U'l.ouo Ititeivatallnwed on Kaihis deeiwlt, a Mluwa' Oiinniiiiary aaiin.-. I, ..ka ....4 K-reeiit per aiinmn Oil term BaMnir, b ...k, Kir M air umuiu'. I In ii'rtiik'Bti', nl deHiit; f."rtlle ml" 4 per nut per annum' '" ;nob. ,.,,,; tor Iwc.te niontb. ti p,,r ,.L.M, ,.r ,.,,, I Kit A N K IIKKIM. Pre.iclent II. P. TMOMI SON- Vi.'.'rei,li,t. II. U, Sl'llATIo.V. (.ailiierj ress Iiolh in WOOI.KN and WA.qi KAliiac -To The Ladies,- Mnko a Sie-ialty of Lac"ies Underwear i s. Kibuf.I) and .Mi-.sMx. My I'ihcks arc the LOWES and my (ioons t!.0 J'kst. Am mhtgm for Iho ('floliratod Y. S. E HOSIERY Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely ' fast, and Frwj from Poison :To The Men: Call and Look at My values in Finishing -:- Gooc I liiiviu UrgP Stock at th.. !.,,. st Piic, ov. r ollered ii. tteT,: 7:011". t. Lv l'jrJip I Lv lu:ir.a li I Ar df Knaetmrif. uuni, na.em, Albany. TuiiotiI, Shu.lil, llal.ey. liar .ouuijj, .uueiiuit l.iy, Ir.lnx, r.ilrfelie. aOMKBi aO MAIL, PAILV. I i'i P..rt:aiid Ar 4:00 t M ....'.r ,bir Aioany l.v l'ii'HI u lloaehun; Lv I li riO a :Wr Ar ALBANY L0CAL( OAILV KACRl'T HTNIIAY) :OT r a Lv 00 m I A.- Portland Alliany LSIIANO.I BRANCH. Ar 'j;no a N l.v 5:00 A M ':5:r I 3 '25 r a I 7:30 A v 9:22 A a Albany Lliinnii Albany Lebaiinn 'J:2r.A U 8:111 a u 4'.-2r ii 3:40 r m PULLMAN DUfFET SLEEPERS. Tou)'ist Sleopinff Cars. Tor Acromiii(ii)ii4H.ti of trrnnd.CIa. raaarn ncra, HiiHrnrii la t.x(reaaTratiia. Aral ffde l.lvlulon. itKT.TtKV t'olti'l.tM) A.i lOItVAtllS. Mail :.ain daui (Except ftjnoay,) i A H LV fiir'.Jaml Ar I 5:311 r u M' u Ar Ourvallis Lv 12:5: axrasaHTCAiN daily (KxeptSunday. 40P M I 2 FM P-.i-tland MeMinn villa I :20 A a I 5.45 A V rrkroup;li rTicliots To all points EAST, AfJ3 SOUTH. Koi fuii inrormatio.i retrardlna rates, naps, a on Company Agent at Albany , 'I. OKIII.K1I K P. ROOKRS Vlai,at-er Ass't U. F. and I. Air Judyos of tuo boiso liava civon If o their opinion, that Titus, BlumborR'H black Percheron stallion, stantls at the iiei'mmns clasc. lie U in the hands of air u p. linrrows, an efficient and oxnnr lonitu norseman, who will glvo his patrons every passible attention. Tltna will miko the season or 1891, Mondays and Tuesdays at Jelferson; Nvcdnosdavs ana Thursdays at Sci ; Fridays and Saturdays at Albany. Mr niumberp; is also owner of th atanda'd bred trottlnir liorse. Alvi.a Breezj, (No 2305), who can bo seen at the stable of Trlles Bros. 1 he cot of this horse are large and line formed, and only ncuu proper development to show rpeed, ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. OX THE 2STII DAY OP M.nCH. 1891, K Heckor. of Shml.l. t in,, V-i ' Kronen, made an asslKnmont for the ben lit 01 his creditors. The undorsicned is tho duly nppolnlod and qualified assignee ol said liockor's estate. All psrsons having Claims szainst tho aal.l innt,.. ... hereby notified to present them to the undersigned, vcrlllod as requited bv law witlilrt threo months from th. Hat. w. iiiv.ii., Loin! uiiiiiuy, wreiTOll. Dated April 2, S1. JUH w. rUGH, Assignee. II. C. Watson, Ally for Assl (ineo. H 3) FOSHAY & MASON, VIOLR.;,! AMB aaTAIl, druggists asid Booksellers Agvi tsror John B. Alden'a publications, ulch we siyiat publislior's prioos witi -auagoiuinrtr ALBANY. OICKOOR YAQUINA BAY ROUTE. o Oregon Pacific Railroad, T B, HOCIi, Iterrlvor. o Oregon Development To's Steamers, Short Line to C'lilirornla. rirsi-oiass tnrougb oassonirBr mil reight lino from Portland and all points ii tue wiiiamette vauoy to anil irom Nan r ranciaco, v;ai. Boats make ol sf connnctlon nt Alhnn with trains of the Oregon Pacific Railroad TIME SrirEDUI.B. Le.ve Allianv 15:2') p. u, Leave Corvalll. l:H3p. if. ArrlraYaqulna, 1:35 p. y. HELPS, Job Printer, Ist.St.KrJo Albanu aS lt!r fi li ntVnnwlPfljrcd tho Ir-nrlini? rt?n'iiy fo1 f-OOorrfiia A- 4loC. ihuon.y m.io n'ino.ijf tot Lcnc-orrhiiaor Whites. I tres'tiiA.- it and twl mft' til nn.rnnuniiiltini ir Ultl.Ten:. dti:iKiti,01Bria A. J. BKINIIK. M. D., I '' I Al I 11. IJ, PJOtnl Il'-liuirlui. iw.-"-jh' ant I'lt.i'i; Ci.uu. M' t.V.tltO .1 I Sl K, A2enl I cai ry h tor wear a and be coi ,11 lino of tlm ...inl-wi,,,,,! lilt' )A I'lIKAD goD'i,J uiiimi. i.nro,' si.icif ot I'.uimiiiiiKitiKH and Kwcxcimi ccd tl-i'. A'l.a, y U tlin l,i..,t Ir.dino pit ; Oregon. 84 -: IEE r nriv "i NV.Ct 1.; r u-cr lIl'H. Coil' X f nun in;;, Ayrnt ONF.i' O U r-faii.Unl ty all rukn, and hii a tr..ti..r mt ro-rr w. lie it the .inly huro m thu North weti to till the rc(tiirejiH-itU of tliu triide ti-ht d l,di ifroe, I'crliiniiaiKi; and rri'-ffny, tx.-eiit lii aire, AltaiiKii.t, ami li i n-tei-iid l h erown two years jouncr. Ho will Iki kept H C'liiin-j nt h'linu MwndnjH and Tiu-t-davM t Albany ritiinla', li-depumleitr Wf.lnep, davw, Ka!cnr'liurHdaH and Friday, ami u-lwi-il to nerve mart atF..i, to insure. MiiKN'NjHT HUMS. 2 O O.. S . 1: ku :!!.,- OF DELCO , 2:29K ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREOON. 18QO, 1831. Vlrat Term Ojicueil September loti' , sn A full corps of iiistrucUirs, CLASSICAL, SClENTsFIC, LITERARY :G?f1?f!ERG!AL AND KCRMAL CLASSES. Courses ot studv arrantrnil in ,,,...f it., led of a'.l grades of students. Special tuauccmcnli ojirrett to students from abroad. Ri:V. ELItKRT V ( OVDIT except Simdaya.) L..,ve Yaotniia. 7:00 Iiave C'nrvalli,, 10:35. ,M ivrnve Aioaiiy, litis . O.otC. trains connect at Albanv and oorvallls. The abovo trains connect at imuina witn tue Oregon Development i".uiii,jr-i, uiuo in nujamsmps between in'juiiia ana nan rranrisco. NAIMNO PATHS . PrtOM TAQIMKA. Willaractlo Valley, May 7tli; lfllh ; 54lh ; sit. PROM ,A1 PRANCt.CO W lllamttto Valley, May aril ; 12th 1 20th ; Isth. ine lompanv oxorvos the right to lunuKo sawing oaios w tnout notice. . B. Passengers from Portland and Willamette Valley points can make close aonnecti on with the trains of the Yaquina uuuiiu viuau.v or v orviuiis, and If dos 4ned lo San Francisco should arrange to rrlve at Yaaulna the evoning before date r sailing trPaMengrr an Freght rule, alwnja the Lowest. For Information amilvtoA Rnh.nm.ii v..ii. . Ticket Avent, Albany, '.:. II oY I I, O. F. ard P. Ann . C'arval.ls. ACADEMY -OF Our Lady of Perpetual Help, ALBANY, - - - OREGON Conducted by the Slstti f St. Benedict t . i.n in TOlctdiiy school ranges from po to ?I0, For terms o' Boarding School or snv prticclars apply nt the Aca lemv nrdd idesB Ulster NuporioroM. PATR3NIZE HOME WSTITOTIONS. THE FK k MERCHANTS ISSOiWfl Alliaiij', ri'!;oii. W V IIKAI', I'royldoitt. .j o WliITSMN. Seen j I. CO A AN, Treasnif r. (ii o F SIM 11 'N, Vice Presidinl J I. Cowan, Oco F SiTimsi n. tv J 14 w oatlif rloro, K N Strulinn, niitKCTolP--' F l ead, I r I. lVrcv, M SlornlKirg, JffM A iitstnali. AbSO JUSMIICT AIIKN'IS TIKI enklanil Ilimie TnsuiatKo Co, Oaklmitl. ChI. Traders, Ci'iWIJ Aiiiorlcan, Phlindflphia, I'n I'hifnlx, Lnnilon, KnglanJ, Norwich Union, I.indon, Knu l.oi ilnii .k Ijin-'hasliire, liondon, Knjr. Huitnin, nondon, Kng. Man chester, Mancbcst. r Ki giHiul. Cnludonlan, Fdi.ibtirg. Scot 'nnil. Wi.si:hes!or, rcw lork. ONLY STRICTLY INSURANCE OFFICE IN ALBANY. - BXtt SB R R179. m n n rrrvn ra tm tm. .-m CIIUBIITBRnr I ( ., 1.1 r"1 If you want me lilnni! most durable w- tu re that ismanu cd in tlie city goto THOMAS BRINK'S Full Chilled Bottoms. MJUN Tnrm a Hquare 'onrr Willi Extra Hardened s t Bottoms. 8. J 0 3 Are m i in. m H HI i ft B IB" H MbB B u I H M 19 I I II H Baa Stt tU nil! K HBUi'ivyia i iiiii i ul ma ' . I a. asHiraca, w a v I i a. OUt lilfilltCT .llC IMll.V lllll nl .... . -.na. nil the - BEST IWheeled - Plnw - on - Earth- Fr Sal by IlTCIICr.T. & ijEWIS CO., Albany. '