There ii a shortage of 2,000,000 Imsliolt iu the wheat crop of South Australia and Now Zealand' The oora crop of 1890 ii reported to be the mallest of nine yeara, the reduction bting about thirty per oent. The peroontiife of io&anity existing among farmen nivee is greater thin that ol any other clast. The oiuie of thU 'peculiar oir oumstanoe lies iu hard work, aolitude and lack of recreathr and society. It ii laid that every telegraph pole in the remote country district of Norway hat to be continually watched on account of the bears. These animals have a mania for c'imbiog the pales and sitting on the cross beams, sway ing backward and forward until the pole finally falls down , Sir Blaine will doubtless find It hard work to persuade the Mexicans that they should enter Into a treaty with us. Thev buy certain goods of American manufact ure at from 25 to 50 per cent, less than we do now. TI1K (iUVKIINOlCS SPEECH, Harrison dislikes a cheap coat, but he has no aversion to a cheap railroad trip. The journey across the country which he Is now taking will cost the Pennsylvania railroad company $iSj,ooo, but it wont cost him a cent. "When the democrats went out of power the government had a surplus of $100, 000,000. After two ears of republican rule the administration organ Is only able to announce that "Uncle Sam will worry through" by raking together his small change and securing an extension on ma turing obligations. - The contrast Is la-tructive. Experiments with strawberries Indicate that pollen bearing Is an exhauslve process, and that large yields of fruit as a rule ma be expected from those varieties which produce pollen so sparingly that a small proportion of other varieties producing pollen abuntantly must be planted with them In order to insure a full crop. The legislature of Michigan has passed a law providing that presidential electors shall be elected by congressional districts, one for each of the twelve districts and two by the state at large. This will about evenly divide the electors of that state between the democrats and republican. The democrats wid probab ly carry seven and the republicans five districts and the two electors at large. McHale, the able Minnesota legislator who was the father of the anti-tights bill, Is said to be the most utterly crushed man in the United States, excepting, perhaps, Mr Ingalls. The people of his own state, of every sex and condition In life, have apparently conspired to make life a burden to him, and they have suceeded .to a re markable degree. He does not dare to tie his horse to a hitchlng-post but some fellows come along and Incase the animal's legs In old trousers. When the girls meet him on the street they giggle. If he orders a meal in a restaurant the chicken's legs will be brought to him wrapped in paper. And so It goes. His mail is believed to be driving him into an early grave. Not long ago Gen. Clarkson demonstra ted that the republican party lacked an In fluential and widely read press. He proved that the democratic newaprpers and the Independent with democratic ten dencies faroutumbered the republican and independent-republican press. He has just told the republican parly leaders In New England that they lack young men, and that the sons of the founders of repub. licanlsm there are cither acting with the democratic party, or at least they are not actively supporting the republican party. This is both a warning and an indictment. A party which lacks an influential press and young, progressive men has a fatal cause of dissolutionjind is threatened with quick destruction. No home-grown wool being sold abroad, and the imports being too small to dominate the market, the home price is fixed by domes tic competition, without regard either to the foreign price or to the duty. Orrgonian This will be surprising to those republi can wool growers who hive been reading for years in the Oregoniiu and other republican papers that a big tari IF on wool gavo them better prices. Hut this is "the uiual thin?; in bolstering up one corner of the high-tariff iniquity, tliev have to tnko Out A prop of sophistry and miiTpreentutiun from another comer. 'telegram, Bcpublicin d-f jndo a of "protectionism" everywhere ate finding themsclvos buffeted at every comer by the htted 'freo traders' who continually point out these inconsisten cies and sophistries which uniformly crop oat at every efTart made to defend the robber tariff schoino. 31AKK IT KCilOOli T.VI. Now that the supreme court has decided the wagon-road appropriations to be unconstitu tional, the question arise: What will become of that 5 per cent fund arising from the sale of public lands? Oregon City Enttrfrise, Section 2, Article 8, ofjthe constitution of ihe state provides that the 5 percent fund shall be a part of the irreducible school fund ol the state if congress shall consent to it. Let us ask the consent of congress. The people of the whole state would then receive the benefit cf it, and not those of one or two localities. In tiik Si-bino. A lino line of lllnzer jackets for pnring wear, in mnnydcaigna, just received by U W Simpson. Also a largo stock of the popular selt pening corsets. Governor Pennoyer'e speech at Salem welcoming the president and party was model of genuine courtesy and unaffected hospitable greeting. All that he said came freely as the chief executive officer of the state, but It came spontaneously as well from his personal good nature. We give below an extract: Mr President: On behalf of the people of the state of Oregon,! do, as Its chlet ex ecutive officer, extend tovou, the president of the United States, a most cordial wel come. The freedom of the whole state Is yours. Upon this occasion all party cm ferences are forgotten, and the citizens of our state hail your presence here, as tm thronged assemblage well attests, Willi sincere greetings. And even nature itself appears to be in full accord with the sen timents of our people, for In valley and upon mountain side spring has just now hung Its leafy banners as if to bid you welcome here. We were gratified when we learned of vour Intended visit, and It has afforded us unfeigned pleasure to hear of the hearty demonstrations that have been accorded ycu In all tne pontons 01 our common country which you have visited We sincerely regret that you could not have prolonged your stav within our borders in order to visit other portions of theistate not embraced in your Itinerary, as suring you that you would have received in all localities, from the mountains to the sea, the most hospitable greetings of our yeomanry. Mr rresiuent, tne people 01 mis com monwealth, congratulate vou upon the feeling of nation&l amitv everwhere mani fested upon your journey, and it is their earnest prayer that the spirit of concord now happily existing among the people ot the whole country may remain undisturbed throughout the remainder of your admin istration and for unnumbered, cycles yet to come. I A-ain, 1 assure you that Oegon extends to you a generous, heartfelt welcome. L. E.BLAIN'S COLUMN, ADDITIhm - m 11 TO THE Spring trade NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 Iff AN'TED..-riace to do Sdtie'ra'l house f 1 work. In a family of two or four. Leave word at the Democrat ofllje. i GENTS WANTED. Address Stuart J fe ThomaHOa.stati.aers, Portland, Or. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. -The part nership heretofore existing betweon A Straney and O Naglsy, in th livery business in Albany, Oregon, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. A Stratify will continue the businessat the old stand and assume all debts owing by the Ann and collect all accounts due the firm. Aprill, 18U. A.STRANEY, . NAGI.JtY. NOTICE TO CONTRACTOK". Notice is horeby given that lids will be received for a new school hnue for Dist No 24, of Lino count r, Oregon, up to the evening of May 4tn. Dids willb opened 011 May 5th at 2 pm. Plans and specifications may be found at the drug store of O L Blsckmau Th1 fight to reject any or all bids is reserved. Sea led bids may be mailed to G L Rcece, e'erk of Dist No 2 1, Albany, Oregon, DISSOLUTION NOTICE The part nership heretofore existing between F Engols and W H Ileadly, in the painting and paper banging business, has this day been dissoWeu by mutual oon sent, F Engols retiring. The business will he carried on by W H Hesdly, who will pay all debts owing by the fl-m and collect all outstanding accounts due too firm, W H HrSADLEY. F EN'UOLS. Dated April 13th, 1891. TO DELINQUENT TAXPAYERS. By order of the County Court I am di rected toforco the collection of all taxes standing nnpaid on the assessment rolls of this county. If such taxes are not paid immndialely I shall proceed to levy upon and sell .he property of delinquents to make collection. 1 mean business. M. SCOTT. Sheriff of Linn county. STOCKHOLDER'S MEETIKC. "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ll there will bean annual rr.evt ing o the stockholders of tho Albany Woolen Mills Company, held at thoir office in Albany, Oregon, on Tuesday the 12th day of Mav, 1891. at the hour of l o'clock p m of said dny, for the purpose o. elect ing four direotors to serve for one yeoar and the tnsautlon of snob other but nnss as may legally come before such moot J. P. GALBRAITH, Socrotary FAEM FOR SALE. A farm of 123 acres of land 2J4 mPps -est. of Millers Station on o. A C. K K, All fonccd, 13t) a?res in cultivation. 3D aeies slavhoil. good house and barn nd shed lor stock, well wat-rod. good, young orchard bearing all kinds Iruit Good grain farm. Plenty tlrobnr. CUARLKS WETZEL. ec?c PHOTOGRAPHER, ('Ml- .n 1 .,.1 I' .. I . . 1 . QTJl'KKIOK work, guaranteed In ever' 1 imi'icii 01 lite art. IKnlmiilnir c all klndu a specialty PAISLEY & SMILEY, Wholesale Dealers In I - ard !- CIGARS, A I tinny. OrftBon EedCrownMills S0M, liANXIXO & O.. I OPR'S, sw n-ocn sftkrior roK umii.h AND BAKERS 78K. REST STORAGF FACILITIES. Revere House; ILBANY, . . ORECCW 311 AS. PFEIFFEI! WWPRIETOR. fittoii ur In Ilrsuolium style. Tables rytiplied with the bent In the market Kloe sleeping apartments. Nam pi 0 room or comtuitruial travelers. We aro now ready; for h lie largest and best selected stock of Clothing that will bo shown in tho county this season. All varieties of styles and patterns to please the most fastidious. Wo have many fine makes including 'rheii wo have the full line of mens', youths' and boys' clothing in the Albany Woolen Mills goods, thatwe specially recommend to the public for trial, The largest stock of Mens' Shoes in the city, including many celebrated makes, Hats, from Stetson's best down to a two bit straw. Cannot enumerate Furn ishing Goods every de partment full. dun ng Have used cash this year tight times ,east and can offer genuine bar gains in all my departments, The merchant tailoring department, under charge of Mr. E. A. Schiflier, is well slocked with suitings of latest patterns. First-class work guaranteed. It Avill pay pat rons of tailor shops to see goods and get prices. Ii. E. BLAIN. n PARK 2 TOWN OF LEBANON . . a . .. 1 1 1 m J? T IT This Eeautmn Aaaitioa zo iuwh jj laouimon is wow, for fchaEWm, Plnppfl nn t.llfi Mavltfit.. n.t. A1IuTl!n. Prices to Suit the Times, and Terms to Suit the People, IMWMagaWMaMaMMMHMHaMMHnHa Wo would much nrefor that al who wUh to i.urchaso lots in this atMiiim. and personally inspect the grounds and learn lor themselves tho many and varied ni""" i il ' 1 . J . . 1 1 . . . 1 1 1 . 1 . 1 1 ? . n i,ithi,,i,n1 !.. .. 1 1 " UUVftTL iV u r;.r....u you will discover Tliin canal will tfive steady work to Imiiilrwl, . 1 1 null tnill-Hiti'S for ninny iiiiiiiufiu-tiirU'H uml tl,B V thiH mill other lulvuntiiKi-H will bu n ci'tv ul limn i.?1'" V i,,"-7.v;pIy ""'"''v'1."" i-puition J W; j" A I;.(I,IHK puprr null ih now completed and J? Wim tlterin this July 1st. 1 a 'a ""k 'U tages this addition presents to tho public. the followin facts: Lebanon bits 11 population of 150(1. tine hundred nnd twenty-live new substantial liotisrii were built lierc dtirinii the year. The Lebanon nnd Sniitiiiiii t'anitl Cimipaiiy hits Wen incorporated, and work will W(iin tlterenn US eoou uh the tiecest-iiry preliminaries can W arranged. -3STOW FOB TEE 23 It lies along tho route of tho Lebanon and Santiam Canal It is platted with wide level avenues; planted with most beautify young shade trees each lot fully largo enough for a comfortable residence, and each has a natural drainage' We sell 110 lots that aro unsuitable for building purposes, ami give a cWar title to each lot This addition joins the beautiful Isabella l'ark from which it tWivoK its name and which will afford to residents in the addition beautiful recreation grounds. All lots are fG feet front and from 202 to 185 feet deep. T.i:rr THIS FACT lilZ ltKC12MHl3IlI2Ii 3885?" The prico of all these lots will bo advanced 25 per cent, after May 15tli.J nils propiTiy nui uu eiiunii iu jiurucH ufPiini); n purt'iifihi y . J, E. & H. Y. Kirkpatrick Or by Peterson & Garland, Lebanon, Or. There is uo'di ul t ILat II . l I NEW Stock of SILVERWARE. Oonfiietlnii of Hjons. knives, fork", fruit dinbes, etc, gold and ailver watcher. Jowel y, etc, la the largest and best in the city, and by far tbe boat evor brought to Albany. PRICES the Most Reasonable. Call and See the GOODS. You'd Better :M Call on Die Albiny rurnltiire Co.. Baltlmo block, fur FURNITURE of klmli. t-f Tho rtocV is largo ami completo, Theyaisot-l gsT fcavcilnc liitesof baby cairts;cfl, car- T?i g ff peti, wall paper, and many ttt t&noycit'iQV, all for ia'e at bortrotk prices. Ji TWO MEN AND ONE BOY FOUND DEAD!! While trying to Crowd theii Cnvi. WW. tUpxi nliv.uft hnvH nn lianil the lnr'acst Stock south of l'ortland, of tt. l'al..K linnrnvpfl RillpR nncl Shot Guns; an immense stock of Fishing laCKie OI CVCry ULBLI l'tlUll , AIILIt, Hammocks, Camp Chairs and thousands of other tilings too numerous to mention X&emir Shop in connection with the Store, and one ol .he hest workmen In the State to do any Hid ail kinds of work. Come one, Come al. No rouble to ihow goods. "Small profit and quick nW Is oui motto. lie has received a largo and choice stock of spring Drea Goods, new sty'os and shades. Wash fabrics, consisting ginghams, seersuckers, sateens and chanibre. A completi assortment of white goods, flouncings, hosiery, corsets, gloves, ladies and children's shoes. Clothing for the spring trade. A large and complete assortment for menaal youth's. Moots, shoes, hats, caps and furnishing goods, and if you want the best, bargains you will have to call on him, Bonis ! w 0 G-IVE Bliunbci'K'N IJlock, FIRST-CLASS COOPS, ReasonablaTilrices. 0 .A. complete line ot GontH lvirnishing8 lAlbany, Oregon. WILL. & LINK, usic - Dealers, - Tioflrc (Mir Mfl ofriiiiios- J. IUUKU & CO. TA'":1111-" VOSK & SON s?jsrfvi I'nlnfC iiikI l:.irliliir ,Whm; Proof Orsnns, (iiiitnrM, Violin NiiihII InM titK'iilH a Nueclall y. ARents for tho Sew Home. I:l!rll 15. anil oiher Powlmr Mscblnti. Supplies lor all kiixln ol Sow'rtu Maahlncui. WeRtwrdour cuMoriujrn liitcri'stti and Kuaranifo PRtlitlitctlon. We nlro rarry a full a-norlmrtit nr MiihIc anil Dlusle llnoks. Cor. Second and Ferry ets., (sond for cataicgue.) Albany, V' f . ( 1 1 1 1 'I - 1 1 1 Ii ' i fl f t 1 1 ro 1 1 1 tl f 1 1 1'.r Ii (r 1 1 1. .iil.i ( I II 1 1 I II I ( 1,1 II ltd 'J I It I III. CustoiVL-Chqpping, Wa have cn hand at all II mew hay, oats, and chop, and wl'l sell in qiinu tity to suit. Also W.':oat bought and sold. r - . ......... ,.n juu, ni,P.I, IJOfal an J hay. Highest cash price paid. Morrla & Blount, Corner First and Baker itreoti STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. NOTTCK IS I1EI5KBY (JIVKN i ll T (ha annual inefllng (,f ihfi Kioik ho'd r. of the Ailwn v KKrrncrx (?o, wl'l oe held at tha otiieo of Mild (Minpi!' , In Alhanv, Orngon. on May lftth, IHIIl.ut 1 o'clock, p m. ntKAid day." for thn purposn of electing spven (7) olrpctorw. to irv the ensuing year and the tranctii.n of alien other liusli.esa as mnv proporly enrno hefoni said montlna. Douo by or tier of I ha hoard of dirtctniH. M II. WIMiH, Attest: P. n. Maksiki.u 1'reslilont. Serelary. AEbanv Cigar Fact f, J. Jmitn. -i- rropritfir WHOLESALE & BETAU Only White ' abor Eniplog ALBANY :OR. WRITSMAN & HULBERT BEOS.. Real Estate Agents Farm, and lUnche. Ior; AUo eity broperty m A'b'" ana vu " 6 montns oin, in . in Albany (Trand fleldr. If any uport wmitaa good dog now Is J' '.UH, write to . n. Oiegon, for further information.