HaUy democrat A IU'.mokist. Ex-recorior Arthur Spauldlng, o Corvallis, U a humorist of considerable ability, and 13 11 1 Nye will have to look to hi laurels. In wrltlni; from l'rescott, Arionia, to the Times, he aav.. '.Tl...r.. ld tl.o ..1... .....1.... - ..... vr,..,.-. ...lltvc tl I'U ture we must not forget. It Is the scor- !,. II.. I.. ... .!..!. .1 . . . . r.w... ,.o is ,un. uuu aiturp, auu litl'l- ttlril. Vol u-hnn l..t ........... 1.- il.. ... - - -I ........ i.v ..J USUUIV does eo without any preliminaries, and he xnv-yn icnur o; ins way until you feel as if you needed rest anil entire cna.ioje or scene, we shot a large (jrav icorpio), with false teeth and red whiskers the other tlav 1 Ii f.! I nmiiu lint-.! ... ground, still' il is thought that the bullet 1-I11...1 1.1... c-..: . , .. . ........ null. oi-ienuue investigation proved that the bullet entered the iivena of auxiliary organ., near the abnormal duplex or. tile gang plank of the superfic ial gazetteer of the tcbble, and it had blown the bull-wheel higher than Oilrcn's kite. It was a horrible death. A man hates like sin to gaze on such a scene. The Ight causes the fluttering brain to flutar.d lint right along i.i goou order." "The new dutv on tin has not yet gone Into effect but its anticipatory influence has been to reduce the price of tin plate ye-y materially ."Uiego.iiaii. M lth great ease the Uretoni,: makes it appear that taking the duty from an arti cle makes that aifxle cheaper and putting the duty on an article makes it cheaper. Vou pays your money and takes vour price, "German SvruD" rl L MY WIFE Insists on buying her groo-riee. produce ...... luM-u goons, 01 rarKer i;ros. he says it I.S A well-known 'act that all good3 are as tjjiv-seuieu HI1U no HU.unri.' That nil rMiMl.nnn.1 , .1 7 v (.uimaacu ui uiem are iresli mid of the bist quality to be se- Here isau incident from the South just after tin- Grippe hail visited thai country. " 1 a farmer, one of those who have to rise early ami work 1: !.' At tin. lu,riiiti;i.,T f w " '"S"""' inter I was on,a trip to the Citv of Vickslmrg, Miss, .where I got well uieueueu in a snower ot ram. J Went home mid iv.Tmnnn nffnrt, .wr.,1 With a (lrv. Iini'l.-itur rnmvli 'IM.l- grew worse every day, until I hail to seek relief. 1 consulted )r. Dixon who has since died, and lie told me to eeta hot tit- of Syrup. Meantime my cough crew worse ami worse and then the Grippe ca:;ie along and I caught that alsc1 verv severelw Mv iMtnlitin n..-... compelled me to do .something. I fot Ivrn lir.lt!.. cif i"V.e,,.o., c. ..... t! r - -J.'i vjvii.mii inuiji. II began using them, and before takitn; ' much of the sirmul liotil, r n.n'J entirely clear of the Cough that had Lung to me so long, the Grippe, and all its bad effects. I felt tip-top and Lave felt that way ever ciuce." I'icticrJ.Ukials, Jr., Cayuga, llit-.es Co., Miss. TOWNSEND & WILSON, Heal s!a!s ! Loan Bmtai Olllt-e. HALTIMOHK PK1C1C lMtiir N ciiixntl Inuiinnr luioitiom, l'nrtlft Ifcllllitf illMUHiit'L' will t ii will lu Iti- it: t in. I AUK.N'I'S nut - 1 Affu.i limirmife 'iiiiiiinr, liu'm-pura til I t-liart iui'utii:il. I.- ttii hi 7u u j iii!,'Kul. A-.wt(t,i'.i,rst),7i :,(;.(, ! Cuiirdliin In. 4 ttitttttifiv "f l."iiti.ii, KNylmi.l I JMiililinii. IS I. C.i;iit, j.i.(tti,iH'i. Tuiol Urv It's Ad i .imvr ;'S,tMl,K0. .tllH'l'Ifiiti l ire law. 'oitip:ni v, '-f !Miltit.l.,liin, illVHIli.!v.l IMll. (.il, lt,,i, i'.'.Oi.'.lilr.l. .',.. ( ilniiiht:i Mr a Vliifliir lu. iiitanr o I' ii-t or. A -!ti',;j..ij. Tii,. i4 ,;uu ,4 1.1 It ST NATION. I' HXIt, 1 OK ALBANY, OHKCION, Brealiltml View I'rmiitiviit , vtuiiitir I. FI.1NN S, K.YOl'Ntl ,..K, W. LANUl O.N THANSAtTM A (tKNKKAMiuikliii l'tuluw At 4 UllNJH KKI'I ttUl.Jttl Utvlivt li. HKJHT KXCHANtlK nl tvt rt)lito trtii-Irr, K U Nww York, ban t'rsiicUcu, I'IiIuho kntl 4" itaiivl riVii. COKLKirriDNir dAIKoti Uoriit)lttloni.g. , K. Yoi'MU K, W, IiA NUDUM L K liLAl, L. r'LINS Kl)WKU I . i)X. 1 . HOMMliH, I i OF A I. HAM, OKI.OllN. IVllHl.i, lit 1 ii't rrt'uidt'Ht. . . kit cr AtraHiUT II HKcr.iitu -. I tli inilioi i.'iiu, W CAPITAL M'iH'K Jlini.tKht. 1 M It.M.SI'i.N. if.it K I II VMIll'lIl.llV U A AlU'illiiOl.l), I it.i an. I il A AMiiltot.l. THANSA(TS,.i..)iul l.tnkln,. Mn.tr,. I'KA W .Sit J HI II I. I- l.s n yelk Hii H 1 ' In : I LOAN MONKY.m m Hir':r(-V UK i-ivi; ,,1-mh a.t .I ., 3 9 Al.li.i'. v. i.n u?i Special W. F REAL. My Sprina slock now Comi.,.,tk f,,,,,,,, . tlu, latest NovHlit-s in '"H Letter Li.ni . Following is the hat of hiUm remainina in the uot ntH. t. Air...... I OreRoa, April -29, 1S91. fernou. calliuc fr i.cici,Lora muai give ilia date on which they were ailvcrcistd. Ballard, W S B.,l,er, Mrs V H bcurley, Mrs tir (iivuz, Mrs F M Huelt , Nicholaa L I. Mott, W'm Keal, Mahel I: ibtrtsoo, J II Worsnick, C X S. TuojirsoN", P. M. km r.'torES-no.vA l c.i .7a J. K. U"K.iTlIKIt'OH, Attwnerat l.iw. Will nrt.-tim in n'l mum ot th, iiu-j!. Mlllrri-Fliiiii ulo-k. Alli.tiv im. .iW"-: . "Willi Ul.lll. Pro.ii. t. nl Vi.'e-l'i'.niil.-iit.. tn-r il K ui:i:i:ii.i K .1 I "w 1 J.r W I.1.AIN inill.-tl :i ImhIJ,;.; I,,,.,,,..,.; c.N.-. iiilli,. I ,,.i s.au-, ,.u , Ksu:i.l, Ir, la'l r..iu-.-n..i.. ,...t.. .'i ..n - .:i.i. .. ... . . .. ....... u. . iv ;uia uii ta.or jMtcitsl all.Kc ).i time .l. ;...sli, IJt.VKm'MK), y it. niLVKi', Att..my at U ,n 1 S .ll .ivir in Chinocrr. Cutler. Ui.innu.ta on all , Mt. l..mfii,.Liat',.t on hv orjl.lu u-niu. Albany. Ort'-Hi. Cm EO. Y. WniGIIT, Attorney ,t t.a, S .ticifor In c:nn-cry. Proctor In e.iin,.i(ihiiate and in llio'l'niu-.l Niatea ourls . io ' o-"nni.rjiiBinivur uvilc of WAT.S1V. Atlornt-v at ism..... -n n.n t.-.i t.i . ... uimaira. Alljiny, urc-ni. nURF 9r,s' Colds. InflL-ema, BroncMIH fo7e Throat. Ait rerdeve'ry'SSnffi To mat. Urns and Chest, including Consumption, aufcdy and urraaacat. Genuine signed " I. But'.,." i!a VEGE1 SLE PANACEA nL"fliiLIJ I MUM AND ALL OTHER DISEASE DISORDEREDSTATEoftheSTOMACH ft B AM INACTIVE LIVEF?. DSUSGtSTS & GENERAL DEALERS J. J. WIllTXKY, Attorney at Law, anl Notary TuMis. Allany Attornoyatl.iar. Will praollea In a'l the. eonrtiol A l'TJ"; Mrv$ lh" .'' "-""y e.nrt ot Linn county. .-. i l L- o .,. ; v I'1'""!'. n.iuiHion. tiinret Odd rellowa' Toui,il.', Albany, Or. Judges of the horso bays civen it na their opinion, that Titus, Jiluml.arK'H u.hck i-ereaeroa stallion, sIriuIs nt the lieed in Ills elase. Ho U in tlm Mr C E lUrroi.i, aa olliciont and oxper- lencta Horseman, who will l-Iv 1,1, ratrons every pjss-ible attention. Titus will mike the sj.isoii of ls-jl, Montlavs ana i iiesaays a; Jein.rsui; AveiincsUa8 ana Thursdays at C.Tval!i:-j Kridajsanil Saturdays at Alliany. Mr Jllumborrr t m.- nu-n. ,i. ttanda'd bred trotting linrse, Alwood Urcez ', (NoSSSJ). who can be hnnn al tl.A stable of Ttilts Ercs. 'Jhe Ket or this hor.-o are lariru and fmn f, .rilin.1. nt.il r... I. need proper devolopiiiei.t to show (peed. Pl.cl,.l.. I . Ufcxtx-iUToifco, Albany, Oroifuu. I) R. W. il, DAVIW. PhvKifi'in t..1 t,,-. r.fi-,..r. .... Mnluu. l,;ock; 5,..y Ctoundat S'S e'dV "b-l't. Albany, On-jron. ' r KsrATK FOKt.AU5.-I liave a a, a larui ot iiu hi.tb.. nhar l.n.-u-n ..ot.u.. - .w "I."!!", in nines from A.biny. AH in ctiltlvatiou. Fair iiuiimu "in ui - v.... .....o. lor Htor and domestic pr.rpesni. Fine oak gr . Afsoaiioiiieriariu 01 l'JB acres, t h re. . :.es rro 11 Lieuan.-sn, All in cuitivatl Fair 'louse, ijooil water, lioth i- wbnai 1a ms. Also house ami twe .uts on Fifth ana j. uurson Mireets, a. tinny. For fmth er particulars call on . Uiiiphrey.Ceutci precinct, or m- llowitt dk Irvine. Albany, oil A UMl'HKKY. rronMcnt tire- rrvid.'iil . faultier J S M .rri,, II Lryant MiiKfr-iin: t: (ioii.a. ..... J K M.-naia JKrr Muk. UI Mat John Cities I o Smith. riool n ,....,r.l l .... .... . . . -. ' ..a.iMi.if .n.i pi-...t.'n Inn i.h. Ulit drain isailvd on Alb.ii., forlland ai.d San )OICTI.lM. SIVlvcs A.H. L ok roiiri.AMi. oimiio.M. lMd up eapilal Surplua and irolll, 'Ki,nnn (ill uoo Intcreat allow.l .m -. ,; .. i. ... Onor.liiiarv aiv o .. .... L. . tHictrtiriratfi i( tUjHtsit. For thrritiiiiiittliri . . . .r.ix .......il,,.:: : ;'zr:z ; . tor te:vt month-. n ..... ....... ..... ..... H:.K Itl.M M. l're.i.l.-nt l. f. TIII1M1S..N- Vi,n..-re,iJ,nt. 11. C, M ll.Vrril.V. Caanier. IS V, A. WHITNEY, IM.VKl.Inn ....I U.. o-..l V'.r v- ."raJIn.wl"l is-ilcvue Met ..in . ii . ...mli! .. Ult oi4r:ntn ot aoinena f)eellly. Or'FICE -Frmun bloek, Albany, lireson. JJR. J. I.. II1U Wiyclcian and Snrire..!,. OI'FH'E Comer First and lerry aireets, Albany, Oregon. nna HORSEMEN. Wenro prepared to f.irnisli yr,ur postors fiil(-91,in the best style. Al.o anyot!ierprlr,tin(r desired. E. 0. PHELPS, Book and Job Printer, "TveedAlo Itlock over Welln Fargo A Co's Express efllce. ALBANY -.- OREGON. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON. 1890, 1891. MratTcnu Opcncil September Kilt, man. A full corps of instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY :GMMRC!AL AND NORMAL CLASSES. ,n!wT!? llUdy, Brr,""-"'1 W meet tb md of nil grades of students. Special luaiimncnt ojernl to si mien! , from abroad. ner. f.liii:ut m coxi.it ACADK3IY -OF Oar Lady of Perpetual Help, ftLDAMY, - - r OREGOW ConJncted by the Sisu. . fst. lienedlct fsToilo" ,,Qle"u!a-'"ichool mnKesfroni For tortus or U.Mr.linK Sch -ol cir nnv pr.l.irlarsRj p.y at ,), A ur ,Z adesHSiMor St:perifrns IT T3 TTTB ID-RAT. METJTCTWF It routes Ihc t.ivr nn.l K'uln.-vy :in.l Stoin:n-li, .nr.- 11. .i.l.o h. . Ivsi.-. vi,lt ,ro iit-s an Apiiv M 0 Store. IlZAl ftfootf nr 9...I ..n. . , , , - - iuuun in me va .07, nnil the most reaf ,, prices botn "l k'..iu i have ou band FURNITURE, STOVES, TINWARE 'R'JNXS. BOOKS, PICTURES CLOCKS, CRCiCKFRY, ETC., ETC. do.ir west of S K Young's oil- more L. fiOTTLItB EedCrownMills "a rRo.;R::i.i.ot-K rrRioa ik rAni..n ANO BAKRKS JH. REST STORAGE ACIHTrES. EAST AND-SOUTH, 3out ern Pacifls Hout9 SHASTA JalNi:. Kvprusj Trams leave Portland bail, .-JLv r..rlla, Ar;!..;:, a w " V' All"" Lv( :. ll):ltiAaAr San Fr tn-d,,,, Lv I 1 , nu , D ress Uoocls liolh inAVOOI.KN and WA.MI KAlinrc ' -To The Ladies,- Mnko a ptrialty (.r Lar'ies JadercixY n -Kn:i'.Ki) ami .Mi-.si.ix. My I'kk'ks aio il0 LiXmj and my Cumi tho liiwr. Am sohj .nl '' Ar tliy C'ulcbralvd Y. S.F.HOSIEEI Cuarantoed Htainloss, Warranto.! al.s..lut..lv fiint, and Kreo from",, J nf h,.i .. - l- 1 . - . ,,,II,,w"'af "lutiuiiH H.irtli r K-iHBtmr. h,it r.irt:tin. . Ortvuii ritv U'...Hi . '"is, i-.ukuiiu, ROHKHI RO MAIL, IiAILV. i: Hi a u I I..- r a M.v WJPK Ar I'r.nlaii.l Allmnv ItiMflnirtr Arj 4:onpa l.v l-J:0ll h l.v 1 il ;-jri a 11 ALBANY l..ic it.( DAILV KX-'alT STX1I.IT) :l)0 P W I l.v 00 p M A.- r..n'laii.r Allianr LaitANO.N PKA.S'.II, Ar (1 :00 A K l.v 5:il'l A u Allo.lTy Lfli'tiion Alliany l.elr.tn. in ' I I': tT. A U bv 8:4il a a Ar I 4:-'i;p . l.v I :40 p s 2:'Wip a I l,v J r I Ar 7:-Wa I l.v Kari A a Ar PliLLMAh BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sloenincy nors " . ..v.. r.irvi( iriiliiN. IIITHII V 1-oitlLl.M. AM. ...ItHLLls, JlAIl .isAlll(KwpttSuiiaay.) wia a l.v i...;... r 2:10 PM Ar C..r-.;.'i;i. : To The Men : Call and Look at My values in Furnishing -:- G oods I have h LarKe Stock lit the livi,.,t Piic-a ev. r oCcre.l i, ,o Tale), lcairyi. ill li:i of tlio w,ii!.1-i,.,ai ,1 P.!: 1 A III 1 1.' A .... i. .... """" K ' "i undcti!t; lor wears lii.ih.li. Lirif -sto,:!; ,-f K-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.., ,, . nl bo cot ceil l,.4. A'bnuy U tl, bea t trailin;; point in 0reon. WILL & LINK, M usic - Dealers, :llrp our I I.I nrriaiina II. I lI I laT.l'IS f T,"""n popular pinoamonghewoiliH i'l.l lalilill, I lanioiu l'lanlstM, i J. ISA UK Si & co.cS',t,t:i;r m m s w x i hi mo innrKot, Hlaf-o nn.l Karl.nir ,.POor rK,lw, vlolill, ,oJ nillllll 1IIKIIII1....IM .. a.. .....l-i... AKoiiUfortlie Now .io. Kl.Irl.l Bl. and oilier Kewiiip Maclilnti. Sui plios f,,r til kih.lH ( .s-8Wi Ma.,llm. We guard our cuHtoiiK-rn iiiterihta nn.l (jiiiiraiiieo Hatisfaction. We Al.n ri.rrv n l.ii . . ... . ........iiii in iitt.i,. ,! Jiuale Hooka. Cor. Second and Ferry sta., (-'oiid for catalogue.) Albany, Or. Ar I .r.::;n p a !.v I 12:03 pa RAW AS BEEF-STEAK Baby's Fearful Suffering from Sklu Disease Covering Kntlro Uody Cured by Cutlcura. month, old. ami l f .1." :? ".'" WM lltr.-j W. cniptoyccl both of llia ioii JZZ" .',',',f a'.", cottlit do nolliin, for him. Thon w , " k-- doctor in Baton liapid., -Mich., and li'i j,," .or. il oltn f. . t.. , xpiiioihtai OA11.T (Exc-nt Sunday. v : . . ..'::ri!".'!. Ar i .:;o a z m n: ..'-.mum mo i.v r,.4r, t Tlirouji.-k Tickets EAST. AHe"'lS0'JTJ'. K"o,"r"nl"'"r'"a"" rtt':,r'l.l"a rate., mat,.. . -. OKIILEII K 'i. nol.,.. Wanaitcr Wt O. K. and I". A PAT1.0NIZE HOME INSTITUTIONS. THE FARMS & MERCHANTS INSURANCE CI AltHnj, Oregon. W F KKAP. r'-sl,,,,,!. f) w,Tsjf AN Seerctsrr. lj luAANi ireasiiror. flio F SI.MI'SON, Vice rresidant. I- IIIRKCTOH-S- J I. Cowan, c;oo F Ninipv.n. IV y t, ..,), Pr I. Foloy, M Stornlierir, J W Baradt, J K emhertrtrti. it Mieui..... i . . va,-. i.u...a.. , III -ALSO IIS'n:i(T iiirvr. vtr t'Rn land Homo InHiirnnro Co, OakUncl. Cat. rtuiMrj'-Hii, I'd i.auei pi, in, Pa Norwich Union, L'jiulon, Knu Used ovcrxiTlicro. ill a' olllnlifor.5. Revore House: ILBAN'Y, OREGON 3HAS I'FEIFFKi: IT.Ol'iUETOR. itBd tin In rlmi-clas atvlo. ThIiIm Sor1.ielr,llh "e" mJrkS Srrnrsre",1:: 8imp,e '"u" CiCy Restaurant. Hiving beon entirely remodeled, tin's old and popular reatanranti wiil be made tirat oloaa n every rojpeet.. Tho ptil.lio will bt liven good mcala at all l, i ... - not. v iJ 'oi .niiutf lie at: iirt tf Private boxo. Oyatera in every atyle. in? ANTED SALESMEN! ram. nivry nCrJ.fVX, , " ". 11 '.i. I Or; V r. A It. an.l ...... wee,,, w, enervll,. nie.i. Apple .,.,i7-k .lalliia a,re. Xa. la. IVt A.TaT ori ' Miraeryoieii, H.ul.1, n, I a Ilia niiUw la rda...nit.t v week-, nnil wornu all tho tin,, and then i took ii: -1 : J:ifkKn, to a d-( i. who iiliundHOHjM- j;,, to nKin cliciinp., i,r. thcniio pot on, ih:: evor. 'J iicnl t l : i . fa Hi bond Ui.!i:i; i ...i. ' try tho ft tii i i; lP.MPIllV-4 Kin did not imvQ a'-ty s:C', . XJS. did not iKivoa'.yi: (rood, hi, tin Ic.'riih v veil, and not a .pot on him. Ilh ln.ir I,. . .; I . i.linl,, body, fneo, and head, onlv In. i,.,!. . , , ei lint what u. , r,.v . Iieef-.tena. (i I !- WMnotnnythltiii lint hon.-., anj ao , J , could nd.o neiiher hand In.r .,.. illia. FltA-NK b.vmtKTT, Nrinlleld, Mi.h. Cutlcura Resolvent and SI:I Pnrlller.nnd .rre:,., , Humor I... in. .In.,,,, !,., tlu I,!,,,,, ,; ,,,' to- and ."l.on,,.,,enl.,, tl,. re , , I V , ; :,mi".a P" 11.'!'" "'at akin er ' i. -. I, una hoai. on ex,,,iillo akin tiennUll.-r. , . I i , .i.ln and ai-nlp, nnd re.toro tin, hair. 'Int. , - n. i-a ItHMF.ip., eure every p,-l,,r,f i',,;! ' .. 'I. i...-aly,,,l,,,y,, l.lolehypkln, .e , , i i i.l diaeaaea, from .imil,a perofiil . " i. I ...u..-y w aso, Klt.-u tho l.enl Jihy-lclana Ul'. ;'! 7M7hr,v.rri"'. rTerm, Me.; So, r ..-Send for "How to Curo lllood l', . . ""iPV'C kln and He.-.lp pnrllled and lv,ti i - 'J I Q l y l in, i ua Soap.. AlwlMMy r,'. RIlii'JMATIC Pfl:S I Miliiul.-ll,,. Cn.i, urn A. r r. 1.. v, a r:. -.:.i;.li.- , "-. e'i .. ,. ,, . . YAQUIXA J)AY KOUTH. Oregon Pacific Railroad, I., HOC.;, Itcrclvrr. Oragoii Development ro's Steamers. Sln.rt Line to !.IiiVr.iin. ,2tfte! tlirough passotiKer end n f w!!?from Vn"i d all pointe Boala maite elont connection at A! ban vUn tralnsoftlie OreKon 1'aelflc Hailrond TIME Sl.'liKIIUM:. ev to...., ' se.ve Aiii.1. ir...,. .. .. Uavecorval I. ,:,; J'l, ..! '"'SN .?-),, arr... Yuln,, .VCffl iMupnfx, TiOiidon. Knslamf, lain 11' III , IIK-IIA-IIIIC) : 'I'tiumii, ijmiiioii. iMi. man- , .'.r.ML.x-.-i.-r r.i hiki. l aiftdonian, iirtii.ibiir. Soot'nnd. Wesch osier, Now York. -ONLY STRICTLY INSURANCE OFFICE 111 ALBANY. - Albany Cigar Fact yf J. Jswpn. -: Proprietor. WHOLESALE & RHTflll Only VVhke 1 abor Empfojeo nl?,'1"'""' t Albanvan,! - - -, . l inilCIHt'O, The New York C. B. R. Store Is the Place to Buy rnoM TAnratn. Willamatlo Valley, March ath : loihi SMh. 'K'M H PHAXeiai-Q Wll;tntt. Valley M .rel, 3rd; 10th, Jlrt. 30l- v n - mum nntien. aonneei I.m. Vni . ,T ' .mftk "oe roni... a i..." aauina rtilnir ""'""'"K ""'ore tato U.F. ar.tr t Corval.lt, FOOTWEAR. TEY Their Field TJiycr Shoes. McFarland Block, ABLAN?. 8. pante Kill. tatton lulnu: rem Villi 1 1