PJkMi KB AHEAD. Republican! generally are alarmed at the course oi Ex-go v. Foraker ft Cincin nati. Their fear U. that he will not be content with Ignoring the president, but that In his keen desire to make Mr Blaine the candidate he will Imperil the party's chances In Ohio this fall. Major Mckin ley Is standing In great danger and knows It. Foraker has at heart no sort of sym pathy, It Is believed, with the movement to make McKinley the candidate for gov ernor. He sees, of course, how prominent success In the race would make McKinley In the national convention next year,in the event of some mishap to the president's aspirations for renomlnation. The feeling here, therefore,! that Foraker would pre fer seeing somebody else nominated. No man undertakes to guarantee Fora leer's sincere support in case McKinley should be nominated. On the contrary, the republicans fear that in such an event Foraker would either sulk in his tent or secretly betray the ticket. The republican hope of success In Ohio has all along been based on the supposed unpopularity of Gov. Campbell In Cincinnati, but Cincin nati Is Foraker's home and his Influence with his party is almoil supreme. Should McKinley, as the republican candidate, suffer there because of Foroker' opposi tion, the threatened democratic loss In Hamilton county would be fully offset. Foraker's antipathy to the president Is natural enough. The two men were never In accord. In the distribution of Ohio patronJge the president ignored the gov ernor. Mr btierman and Major McKin ley were consulted instead. Even Major Butterworth was occasionally allowed a voice 1 awarding a prize, but Foraker never. In booming Mr Elaine for the first place on the national ticket next year, It Is un derstood here that Foraker is booming himself for second place. It is regarded as one of the few points of weakness in Mr Blaine's prospective candidacy for the presidency that hii name should be coupled with that of Foraker. But it is so coupled everywhere. If Major McKinley should be nominated for governor of Ohio, his platform will be his tariff bill. Reciprocity, if he can dic tate, will cut no figure in the state cam paign. The issue, therefore, will be drawn between him and Mr Blaine almost as sharply as between him and his democrat ic opponent. Would Foraker, it is asked -under such circumstances yield McKinley an unqualified support? The opinion here is that he would not, and the republican anxiety growing out of the situation is very great and undisguised. CONFESSES ALL. For example, the Imports of woolens In the months trom ivoveinocr 10 rcmu ary Inclusive, at all ports and at New Vnrli In Mnrrh were onlr 111 .tiOO' against $19,611,537 last year, a decrease of 7.2I7,47 or 37 Per celu- vrrgommm. This proves just what the Pkmockat has been saying all the while, that is, thai the McKinley bill was formed In the Inter. est of eastern manufacturers. This de crease in Importations Is due to the enor mous Increase of duties that McKinley made on woolen goods. This heavy tax on woolen goods, such as the poor wear, as well as the rich, com pels every American consumer to wear cheap shoddy goods of which the markets are over crowded all the time. Gov. Fennoyer has sent a teleram to President Harrison at San Francisco say ing a hearty reception awaits him in Or- gon. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I TASTED. Plaoe to do general house T T work, in a family of two or four. Leave word at the Democrat oflice. GENTS WANTED Address Ntuart L A Tbompni,stationers,Portland,Or. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The part nership heretofore existing between F Engols and W li lieadly, in the painting and paper hanging business, ha this day been dissolved by mutual oon tent, K Kniiols retiring. I he business will he carried on by W H Ileidiv. who wil' nay all debts nwinc by the ft 111 and I vuiiuui an uuiaitiuuiii itu mm one 1116 nrm, w n hkai.iley. Paled April I3ih, 18;t, L.E. PLAIN'S COLUMN Hermann sends a word of warning to the republicans of Oregon to be alive to the interests of his party in this state in the next presidential campaign. He thinks that while the state Is reliably republican yet there is much dissatisfaction among the people and his party will be held recponsi. ble for this dissatisfaction. This warning is simply an entreaty to republicans to have nothing to do with the farmers alli ance in this state. The scheme of repub llcans all over the country Is to keep these men from gcing Into the alliance. Her mann evidently favors Blaine for the pres idency. Every republican politician in the cou.itry who fears the alliance, and who would sacrifice something to conclll ate it, favors Blaine for the succession. Notwithstanding the boast telegraphed all over the country the other day that there were over $250,000,000 In the Uniten States treasury, the fact remiius that we are on the eve of a deploted treasury iud the govern ment will soon be financially embarrassed There are something like $50,000 000 of 41 per ceut bonds that come duo September 1st and the treasurer will have no mousy to pay them. Compare the condition of things with that under Cleveland and taxpayers will be presented with an object lessoa that will fully impress thetn with the inexcusable extravagance of the Billion Dollar Congress. The Oregonian says: "Good crops this year and good prices for them means the reelection of a republican administration in 1S92." This shows the estimate whiih republican leaders place upon the Intelli gence and common sense of the farming class. They rely on being able to make the farmers believe that good crops come as a necessary consequence of the republi can party's being In power. But the time has passed when such silly nonsense can be imposed UXn the farmer. DISSOLUTION NOTICE.-The pirc nership heretofore existing bet wren A Strauey and O Nauley, In lbs livery business in Albany. Oregon, la iliia dav dissolved by mutual consent. A Strani v will continue the business at the old sten'.i and assume all debts owing by the firm and collect all accounts due llin firm April 1, 1SU. A.STRANKY, e. KAGI.HY. NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR". Notice is hereby given thst hids will he receivod for a new sshoo'. houio for Dlt o 24, of Linn county, Oreirnn. uj to the evening ot My 4'.h. Bids will b opened on May 5th at 2 p in. Piana anil ;.peeifictions may be found at the rlruir store of G L Blackmail. Tin right to reject any or all Dins Is rosorveil. Sealed bids may he mailed to Q L Heeoe, o'ork of Di.it No 21, Albany, Oregon, T7OR SALE CHEAP. -Pointer punnv. A o niDnlbs old; is the makini, of a grana neiudr. 11 any sport in Albany warns a gooa aoz now is your chance. Writo to . 8. Cameron. Corvallis, uiegon, ior uirmermiorination. TO DELINQUENT TAXPAYERS. By order of the County Court I am dl. reeled to force the collection of all taxes standing unpaid cn the assessment rolls or tuls county. It such taxes are not paid iinmodialoly I shall Dmceed to levy upon and sell he property of delinquents 10 mass collection. 1 mean Business. M. SCOTT. Sheriff of Liun county. "We are now ready for Springjtrade fh ho largest and best selected stock of Clothing that will bo shown in the county this season. All varieties of styles and patterns to please the most fastidious. Wo have many fine makes including STOCKHOLDER'S MEETING. rOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1.1 there will bean annual rae-'t ing o the stockholders of the Albany Woolen Mills Company, held at their oflice in Albany, Oregon, on Tuesday tbe 12th day of May, 1891. at the hour of i o'clock p m of ald day. for the purpose o. elect ing four directors to serve for one yeesr andtbet-ansaotionofsiichothsr bus. ansa as may legally come before such man J. P. OALBRAITH, Secretary One thing Is sure. The republican who favors McKinleyism can not,ln conscience, favor Blainelsm. Either he will hate the one, and love the other, or else he will hold to the one and despise the other. He can not support free trade, (reciprocity,) and protectionism at the same time. A S Hall, president of the farmer's alli ance of Missouri, says he is utterly op posed to the third party movement. The highest Inhabited place in the world is Galera, a railway village In Peru, 15, 635 feet above the earih. Choice grades of Air er lean wheat In England are about forty cents per bushel higher now than a year ago. It Is said the great Anaconda mine In Montana has b 1 sold to the Rothchllds for $15,000,000, STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. NOTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN THAT the annual meeting of the stock holders of the Albany Farmers Co, will be held at the oflice of said coinpsnv, in Albany. Oregon, on May 19th, ISM, at 1 o'clock, p m. otsaid day. for the purpose of electing seven (7) oi rectors, to serve the ensuing year and the transaction of such other business as mav properly cnin before sH iiiantiner. Done by or derof the board of direot'irs. M U. W(LD3, At est: P. B. Makhhw,!,, President. Seretary. FARM FOE. SALE. Afar-nof S2Sacresof land 2'- miles .est of Millers Station on O. A C. K It. All fenced, 13') aires in enltivntloii. 80 scies Hlaslm.l. good houss and barn Mid shwl lor stock, well wat th-I. goo I, young orchard bari-ig all kinds Iruit. Good gram 1 inn. I'.ontv timber. CHAKLhS WKTZEr.. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. ON T1IK 2sriT DAY OF MARCH. 1891. M Iteckor. of Shedd, Linn Co.; Oregon, made an assignment for the ben fit of his creditor". The undersigned is the duly appointed and qualified acsiguee ot said Decker's enisle. All psrsons having c.ainn against the said Becker ar liorel.s notified to presttit them 10 tho undorsigned, verified as requited t v law, within three months from the dale hereof at Shedd, l.inn county, Oregon. Dated April 2, 18F1. JOHN W. PUG II, H.C.Watson, Asslnnee. Atty for Asslgneo. (4 3 Then we havo the full line of mens', youths' and boys' clothing in the Albany Woole" Mills goods, thatwe specially recommend to the public for trial, The largest stock of MftJiB Shoes in the city, including many celebrated makes, Hats, from Stetson's best down to a two bit straw. Cannot enumerate Furn ishing Goods every de partment full. Have used cash this year during tight times , east and can offer genuine bar gains in all my departments, The merchant tailoring department, under charge of Mr. E. A. Schiffler, is well stocked with suitings of latest patterns. First-class work guaranteed. It will pay pat rons of tailor shops to see goods and get prices. L. E. BLAIN. PARK -- ADDITION v TO THE 1 1 :4TOWN OF LEBANON This Beautiful Addition to the Town of Lebanon is Now, for the Firt ti.. Placed on the M arket, at m 1 1B Prices to Suit the Times, and Terms to Suit the People, to mirchnso lot in 1 1 nLllt; n -iiiuii, wuuiu com m tor themselves the many and varied adva F,y a personal inspection you will discow, We would much prefer that al who wisli and personally inspect the grounds ami lear tages tliis addition presents to tno puunc the followin facts: Lebanon tins a population of 1500. One hundred and twenty-live new eiibstuntiiil houses were built here during the year. Tho lA'bniiun anil Sniitiitiii Canal Company lias been incorporated, and work will begin thereon ns booh as the necessary preliminaries can be arranged. discove This canal will give steady work to hundred,, and tilth msli null-sites for many uiantifacturieB, and the towa-i this and other advantages will lie a city of AtsjO inliibib It has nearly doubled its population in the last year A fcl'iO.UHO paper mill is now completed and tork'.nn begun therm this July 1st. ' 'n -IDTOW FOR THE- X3a,3E&3EC: -o- ADDITION. It lies along the route of tho Lebanon and Santiam Canal. It is platted witlt wide level avenues; planted with most beautifu young shado trw; each lot fully largo enough for a comfortable residence, ami each hasl a natural drains W e sell no lots that are unsuitable tor buiMing purposes, and give a clear title to each k This addition ioins the beautiful Isabella l'ark from which it derives its name an which will afford to residents in tho addition beautiful recreation grounds. All 1'its are (( feet front ami from ZSl to 18.) leet deep. LIST THIS FACT It lOEKMIIISItlSn: The price of all these lots will bo advanced 25 per cent, after May loth." This property will bo sliown to parties desiring to pureliiiKC 1y PAISLEY. & SMILEY. -Wholesale Dealers In - ard - CIGARS, Albany, Omrou FOSHAY & MASON, - T10LSUIS AMD HlYAlb imiagistsand Booksellers Am. ts for John B. AMen's publications! "-b'rh wt-gla! publisher's prices witb -Ugait.r ALBANY. OKGWUK J. E. & H. Y. Kirkpatrick Or by Petersen & Garland, Lebanon, Or. HOW DO YOU DO? Thcro is tio doubt that k mm :v i: w Stock of SILVEKWARK. consisting of .ipoons. knivos, forks, fruit dishes, e'e, gold and silver watches, Jowel y, etc, is the largest and besi in the city, and by far the best ever brought to Albany. PRICES the Most Reasonable. Call and See the GOODS. You'd Better 3$ Call on the Albany Furniture Co., BaUimor block, lor FURNITURE of kinds. tThe stock is largo fund complete. They alsovl t4T l.avcflno lines of .aby catrisfccF, car-. Trt t':f pots, wall jiaper, ami natiy J'novcltlcf, all fur sa'c at bcdroik prices. & TWO MEN. AND ONE BOY FOUND DEAD!! Wllilo trying to Crowd theii DEY0E & FrMImTbSIOS Store, where they alwns have on hand the largest Stuck feouth of Vortland, of the latent i in proved Killes and Shot Guns; an immense Mock of Fishing Tackle of every description; Tents, Mammocks, Camp Chair and thousands of other things too numerous to mention Xttein,ix Kliop in connection with the Store, and one of .he best workmen In the State to do any tnd ail kinds of work. Come one, Come al. No rouble to ihow ioGds. "Small profit nnd quick mi" Is out motto. Ii Hi S I1 i in St . & 'ft' 4m lie has received a largo and choico stock of spring Dr: Goods, new styles and shades. Wash fabrics, consist; ginghams, seersuckers, sateens and chainbre. A compl assortment of white- goods, flouncings, hosiery, cow: gloves, ladies and children's shoes. Clothing for tliesja trade. A largo and complete assortment for men: youth's. Boots, shoes, hats, caps and fur wishing goods, t .... if you want the best , bargains you will have to call only -: F. L. KENTON, :- Dealer in GROCERIES Near the Post Office, Albany, Oregot 11 LADIES BAZAAR Is the Lending and Fancy Goods Store of. They carry all the I nicst Stvles anil Novelties In the Milliner)' 11"' a complete ut'orli of Ladies mm' Children' Furnishing l?0'? IIICIHfl. UUUU9 II 1C ULl, illlU JMlLfn IIIU v - - urucni cTimrT ... t?T?OTVTAN BL I -1- J. V J J- U AllLilj -L. m . BROTHERS, 1JORFENT. 1 In H' fl n a trie dorce, lh to liiili 9 f I. Ver il.rt ei irfr ol lil(8ill hit) 1 1 rt Mi K i lu CusioMjoppi, Wo hiivo cm Imntl at nil llmm bty, ontfl, and ch"-.-4 aril wl'l sell In qiifiii IHy to "int. Alto wcat bought and Mild. "Farmer, bring im your wheat, ot an J hay. HiIihhI cash price paid. Morris &. Blount, Corner Flnt and Hn'Kor utrecti WHOLESALE 3 RETAIL in T UUU U V CIGARS, TOBACCO, AND CHOICE FRU'. 0FAU, iARS, TOBACCO, AND CHOICE VixiES, KINDS, INiLARGE'JOR SMALL nUANT'" IN THEIR '.SEASON. Flinn Block, -: : We are the People Who carry the most complete lino of Hard ware, Stoves, Ranges, etc., in tho mflr MATTHEWS & WASHBUB1-