VOL. Ill ALBANY, OllEGON THURSDAY. AHUL 30, 1891. jT0 30G Conrad Mover, iiior Croaduitin and First, Sts.. r-liil.HK IN (inert S'rtnlM, I Joi C-'rttUi Codec Elc iliiifi Jlcr.i., tic. Terylhinn t!mt In kcipl In .. Kn r "fund (tracery cro. 11!k1i61 it p aid for SPRING WAGONS. 0::r Si :d cf Spring Wagons is tiio Lnrgost and Most Complete on the Pacific Coast, and Comprises all the Leading Styles cf 1 V1 !' I'1 I l'A KNi; Kit Albany Mantifucturors of ;AM ENGINES CRIST ASJD SAW M MACHINERY IRON hKONTS m ALL KINDS OF HEAVY hm LIGHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS ipectftl attention jalil ds of marhiuer o t retiring tt PftUrrns Made on Short Notice SALTH IS WEALTH! m Ufti is v v . s'i:oi.i, pit: no ' 1 Y V .' :;.NS ,' -i Vi.oi;' Oil I l!!-KK .-T!'.!.Ni V.'ACON'S, II 1 l.i' S'!!I.; WACOX-s, J:X- PUKSi AND DKUYKRV WAG- O.VS, SPKCIAL PAKCKL DKUVEItY WAGONS,' ONK-HOKSB BUSINESS WAGONS.OXE. HORSE H.OX AXLK WACONR, ETC. It Will Pay Am- Fattii-s Wanting SPUING WAGONS OF ANY DK.SCUIP110N TO CALL UPON Oil COHKESPOND WITH US. Wo Guarantee Cur VtMcles the Eest, Our Prices the Lowest Quality DonsiflBrei Sjiesial Catalogues and Fries Liss Hailed Free on fpplkation- Staver & I alto NEW MARKET BLOCK, PORTLAND, OREGON, , lUKKl'S ALBANY, OREGON. DR. E.C. WEST'S Ncrvo and Drain Trtatiner.t nianintflrti njiecific for Hysteria, Dizziw.-a, (Joiiwil ms, Fits, Nervous Neuralyia, liea'tat-he, Nervous vstrattou cautwl hy tho use of alch' or lohacot, akvfulnwM, Mental DepruHHimi, 8.lt.niti of thu i): renultliiK hi inanity and leaiUnu to misery, xAf MHlilvath, pri't nature old age, barrennesi. lutta PCv i .taufcil by overexertion of the hram Sh bt w. tains ono mniith's treatment, $1 a lx ix box a lor $., sent by mail prepaid on receipt o . E GUARANTEE SIX BOXES TO CURB ANY Willi each order received hy us for bix boxes, Mpanied with $ we will hpiiii tlie purchaser our ten frunrantce u refund the money if the treat 4 docs not effect a cure. titviraniccs humed only . A. Cummin, Urn'idt, nolo aent, Albany, Or, LB ANY NURSERIES TE II AVE ON HANDftt our nursery 'j on vlio Ccrvallis roail, one-half 4 from town, as fine lot of Trull ofallklndH us can ho found, any fe on the coaat. ir you contemplate i(in(r treos it V, pay you to fce'our I r.inl cct our jirlces. Calalojjuo fice. II VMAS 4 BROV.'NELL. W. G. DAVIS a CO., h m H JWf "While You Wait," I AM &VfbfSl BUT CURES S P'-mir.iicntlv ciir':il vfthi'uf (.'iiltlny, Itijrnlns: rr Hi-lating-. A f erlecily ntihlens tu;itniciit :md it i;uaran Ufd cure in every hc, no uatter Imw hyng fiai'ili jr. This trt'ntTiiKiil, fur Strict u c, if I'r Ilo.wirn.is the if ateet disco.i'ry known to nu'tiicit(-. It tli-sohcn nd cmipieu h' roni'ivin U:o Stricture withuutaunoj- l or i J'.in to the pnticiit. Fortmil'.Ef k Irvine. tfA w OFMEMI 1'oeuliar to MieirHfX, an t not )irojn'rtf iinide her, itlclinlinir all ih.Ko dellcute Inlirniitics mid Wenk riches, w.'.'.cli t'Mv wi iilii tdiilnk frmn diM-Jusinif to tlttir f iiiii-y phyi inn, KTinamntiy cured in I est? time tl.iin n"st ever kno.vn to Jlt-dicitie hefre, by Or .lost ell's "New Svft'.in "i Treiiinu'iii." Iiifjmtji.iiteh iiiiimiiiK-unt ury orKaiiKandii'UkvD weak UKiiMrntiir When pimMlrle, it i& a'w.i ln:nt to call lor pcrnnul :ii!Mill;Uiim and r-petlfil exaiiumitioii. Imt Uhuk vho cannot p-nw-ibly erttl, slmoid write, wtalitt their tfc fully. Mu'Iumiiu (itit by mail r exprc"!, ncaUtl, irue from exposure, to all parti of the i'iivilic Cojoit. Alld-CMK, Win. A. IJjxoII, M. I). uul lb iii)''iiirv. r(litmJ. ttrrcun. Corner i' irt ami I'ti o utrrettt, oviil'ortiUin FUNERAL DIRECTORS lal Embalminp; Dona Scientil 'y- 1HULTZ BROS,, Proprietors. B a full line of moats or all kind I a cool plcc, coinplHtsly pro. toctod: and ul v.nvs f- DNEY TO LOAN. In small and lartre amounln, from ix months to ream, on eooii Albany and Linn ly rml mlate. Call on or adnr.sa v il'hcrson, 1 irt St.. Alhany, Or. iHELPS, Job Printer, lst.St.E,'i,'rr..,'o Albany fiTnftDAYP.XI I utN Btrtctara. tho lrntHmr remedy lo' TUo only mio reiriPdy for iieucorriin'anTtt rmen. t urcstTitM? it ana feol itrJoiiT tT wife in rewnimouAlLrigit 'ritfcvwsCwlw"'" to all auiTorrri. I nai.imiTi.a JUi A. J. blONEH. M. D.. itmi:i .1 n mi !, tcnii Pouiiiy. Wanted. of poultry, ftllvn tr Hienffcd ANY WEAK MAN Who In luffcrlng. either in his mind or body, from the injurious or weakening effects of his own ignorant follies, abuse and excesm can ne ijuicitiy " uvruiiri iH-iitly currd. Pirs free (sea letll. DJ AA 4Tlilrd St. exi)crlenco In curingFrivate, HIikmI, Ktr- " vous anu "Kin i7incn(teH, nnwu -aj. Reliable Remedies sent privately to any address. OH, 7SY BKGKI STOP IT NOW, EODN IT WIIL BE TOO LATE. I have l?een troubled many vears with disease of the kidneys and have tried many different remedies ami hav Bout;lit aid from different physician wilbout relief. Alioiitthe 15th of Apri: I vva sutlu-inir from n verv violent otLick tliat almost prostrated me ia such a manner tu.it I was 1ent over. Vviicn I at down it was almost impossible for me (o ni:t i p nluiie, or to put on my clothes, wlie tind i'rovidence pent Dr. Henley, witii t OXWION K1UNKY TKA, to my hotel. I immediately commenced fi?in& Un" tea. It had nn almost mirticiilouH i-lfcct, and to the aMon ifchnunt of nil the K-sts at the hotel, in a few davs.I nm Uamu to ttate. that I was a new man. will' as J La.c U:cu. G. A. TUPPKR, 1 ro;rictr Occidental Hotel. 1 $5 Howard S r.vj: i;t- rnr'wri : "-pi T ; u n i'ti, i'- :vtH-i.;.:: ;;i:vi.r i ..... r.T ,,f .Ir-ff e.tt.m t'-.-f r-:l,V VUH V. d if Ivi nla i:xl it, c. .1; Mi -..i.ii.T.fit :"':i- ' ,..;.-: .... t,y 1 .1 At fill rt o I F8aSJ-CLaSi5 GOODS, fijT G-IVE Illunibcrs's liloek. Reasonablo : : Prices. .A. comilitj line of " en liiniirshiiigH CALL. j J JAlbaiiy, Oregon. Highest of all ia Learming Power.-. V. S. Cov't Report, Aug. 17, 1883, AESOlWTElSf P-OTRE LEADING DRUGGIST OKEGON ALBANY DRUGS, MEDICINES STAT IQNARV &C UOK1E1 siij:jtiM;. t "A CMK.ltOAT.' P. M. French keupa railroad tinif. j Haw cream cheese just received at Com ad Meyers. Have yon neon those parlor sui'a tl at T Brink has juat received ? They are nice. (ireit retluction tnmcn's furnishiug toods for tha next 30 days at W F Kad. W Ben May, Itest hoot and shoe mnketltn city, thrfe doors north of Democrat ollice. Vasnint', flOc a dnzen, mending for men freo,at Mrs Kins, just east of the Democrat office. Will & Stark have jnt received a large and elecant stock of lilvarw-ire, watchts, etc., never botore equalled in this city. E W Achison & Co handle tne celebrated Portland cement w.ills for cemetery lots. These walls can he furnished at half the cost of any other and ant tar superior. Bright en np ynnr old rubbers and old bhoea and make them took a (food as n-w with VVolffa Acme Wateruroof I'clifh. (For sale at hmnuel xl lounqe. ninMiTiinci II you want the best and most durable furni jV " turp tliat i nianufacUi' Ea ffit-l in the cay go to THOMAS BRINK'S THE ;OLDt;X RILE IttZAtK. Has a llarjro and complete line of goods, dolls, doll bugiHCslioys' wnjsons, ve ociiedca and many other goodg which dol to make up a coinblete assortment, besides a complete line of lamps of every description. China crockery, fancy decorated ware, ulassware, bird caj;eH, nlush eootlfi. snch as albums, toilet sets, autoprapli books, scrap books, children's A 15 C mcture books, and all cooda that are carried in a Bazaar store, including) itojjer iros. io-t Biiverwurc. v wish to call the attention of the public in par ticular to the (iolden Rule prize baking powder and tea, put up expressly for this t-ade, which gives the best of patis faction, as is attested by the hundreds who have used both the tea and baking powder ever since introduced by the tiolden Rule liazaar. Each package of tea and can of backing.powder draws a prize in the shape of a line piece of glass ware, lie sure to call, when in Alhany, at the Golden Rule Bazaar, yon will be sure to lind what you wc.it, and will lrfi shown over the store and be treated kindlv bv mv clerk. Mr. Miller. My goods are all marked in plain ligures so as not to deceive anyone, and I have but one price to all. J I'LH S liUADWOIII. But men persist in iudtzing other men by the way they look when they are done up in Dtmjies. it tlie wrappings are coarse. the human bundle within is considered Aorthles. President Harrison gave ex pression to this popular delusion when lie said, 'A cheap coat makes a cheap man." iast roriiand :.rrs.. -Ic Kin ley, Reed anc1 all other orthodox protection! its teach the same doctrine. But the experience of every consumer in the country contradicts it. Every man who earns a living for himself and family hy the sweat of his face wants a cheap coat when he purchases one for himself or any member of his family. Not cheap in the sense of worthtesaness but cheap in the true economic sense of the word, that Is, he would prefer to pay the lesser than the greater pries fur the same coat. As every body knows the labor people of the country are compelled through sheer force of necessity to wear cheap coats, and it can not be regarded as otherwise than an insult to tell them that their lcheap coats make them cheap men." Notice to Faumeks. Wanted at once chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, dried fruits, nutter, eggs, mid ail kinds 01 larm produce, for which I will pay the high est price in cash or in exchangelor goods. b. W. bl.MI'HON, AiO'iiy, wregou Congressman Wilson, of West Virginia, is organizing democratic clubs at Spokane, Seattle and other points In Washington. He will probably make a tour in Oregon. There is a difference of only twentp-two square miles between tlie areas of Eng land and Iowa. WHY WILL YOU lough when ShiloVs Cure feill give immediate relief. Price 10 ceutp, AO cetits aud $1. Foshay & MasoD, iti-eiii!-. At the corner of Rrnadalbio and 1st street you will iind C K Jirowutll always m the lead iu the grocery buines?. A new line f window shades from 50 jents to $1.50 each complete, at Samuel E TJKLEGRAPHI0 NEWS R me Hiiwi. Kome, April 29. SiBnor Imbrianl, who tlirred up a row with ex I'rcmier Crispi. a few weeks ago, create;! another gieat uproar in the c'latnlicr of ilcpjiies toHiy, He charged the Italian yovernmrnt with permitting the African slave Irac'e ID he carne.l on unenlv anil also asserted that thtrtv-live pirk tnLn from former owners, under the pretext of res cuini; them from sl.ivcry, had heen distributed nniontf Italian army officers. Premier Kudini protested again. t such accusaiions without proof md the minister of war declared he wouid not remain in the housi unlers the charge wawithdran. Such a tumult en sued that the silting had to Ire suspended. F.tul Acrl.lcnt The Dali.es, April 29 Mrs Tucker, wife of I)r G F Tucker, of this city, daughter of Rev Sperry of Brow nsville. met with nn ac cident while fishing on Mil creek yesterday afternoon. Her body was found in the creek hy IJr Tucker, life bring already extinct. It is supposed that she fell from the bank, strik ing a rock in mid-stream, as the water is thal lo and there is a slight contusion over the leu temple. An ArrulHl War 4'otutna. r ARIS, April 29. A serious feeling of alarm prevails in official circles here at the possibil iiyui an anaicmsr omoreaK tl'e 1st of May. As the result the military and police authori ties are taking the most extreme precautions and making every preparation) possible to effectually meet and and promptly suppress any disorder. Several violent anarchist man: . festos, intended to incite the soldiers compris ing the garrison of Paris and its neighborhood to revolt, have been recently circulated by the anarchists. .Ilarkliam Coming;. Sax Francisco, April 29. An evening paper says: The governor's staff have secured tw o cars ar d are w ailice lor orders froTi Ad jutant General Allen to attach them to the presidential train. It is their intention, if the govcreor decides to icrompany the president 10 Oregon line, to continue clear into Fort land w ith him and piescnt him there to Mayor DcLasnmutt. A Bis Deal. New York, April 29. The Recorder saysr The report that J B Haggin has sold the fa mous Anaconda copper mines to the Rotlis childs lor $25,000,000 has been generally credited among metal men in this city. It is said that Piesident Keyser.of the Baltimore Copper Company, will sail for Europe next Wednesday to complete negotiations. Jlnnler near Baker Cllj. Baker City, April 29. A homicide oc curred yesterday morning at Gold Hill mine, eleven miles from thiscity, in which II E Dell was killed by S J Fore, who is charged wilh mcrder by tt.c coroner's jury . The murderer is still at large. The difficulty arose over claim jumping indulged in hy Dell. Boakdkks Wanted, for table and one room. Inquire at Democrat office. Paisley & Smiley, The Printers, Fllnn Block Jift Kniicd a full line of ladiea. chil dren, men1 and bey's foot wear at G W SinipMiii's, uhit'.li wilt be sold at bottom prices. Anuie Firmin, with the Firmin-Jack Dra matic 'ompuy,is tha ludy who created the pait of Mercy Merrick ia Wilkie Collius gnat (irarna, "Tbr;ow Magdalene." SHILOH'S VITAUZER ia Mhat von need foi Couattpatiou, boss nt AppstUf, Diz ziness, and all s .iip'oriii" of Dbp'pi . Trice 10 and "5 cents per bottle. . We injure agunpt :rmu- Town.-i:;d i. Wilson. The for a remo period are ii cifk t'renrh Tansy 11 a f era. wnfers are a nure and silct kir.dsof female troubles ar.. 'v'!' all obstructions to the mor. 1 no m-ttLr what the cause. It 11 what every woman neco , at jean be med with safety. For sale I th ! Livingstone Chemical Co also fron The best roat celUe in the city at C m.vj sole agent, J A Cumming, druggie, Di. Moyer a. berg b uck, A lhanv, Oregon. A sn'e enro fr tho Kinky mhit. I)r jvinustuo'a Antidote for run: etuicrss wi!l cure any eise of the liquor -n?li in from tT to thirty day, trotn the u otUTatt; drinker So the dmiiknrd. The Antidote o 11 ho i veil in i cup m e.fFeft ith"nt th" knowledge of the perfou tkini ii. The Antidote will not injure the Imiltn in any way. Manufactured hy tho Livingston Chemicil Co., Portland, (.)rego:t cr from J A dimming, fcolo agent Albany. Mimey to Lit.-ui. We have plenty of money to loan on rer.l estate security, on Iwo to live years time. Call on us at our office, opposite th : Tvere house. ItLRKIIAHT 5 .RF.NEV. FOil DYSPEPSIA and -iver (Vmplaiut vou have a ?rint guarantee on every bottle of Shdih a Vitaliz T. It never fails to cure. Foihay & Mason, agents. CROUP, WHOOI IN'U COUGH and Hrondutis iminedialely relieved by Shiloh's Cure. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, m.to miserable by that terrible cough. Miil'ili' : Cure w the Utinedy fir y u. For hiine hack, or av -heat, uko Sr.iloh Porous l'laur. Price, 25 cents. CATAKRH CURED, health (and weet breath necured,by Shilr h's Catarrh Uome.ly. prirp fiO cent. Nasil Injs:tor free. Fo shay X Mason, agenta. frHII.OH'S COUGH and Coiinmptiou Cnr infold y nann a ina a itee . It cures cr.iu I'i'Moit. Foih:ty & Maaon, agenta, W t:kke to C1 2T Them. When wanting n organ or idara call on ( L I.lackman aIk e ou :xn cUct from a firRt class to.. F.xellemenl RuiiK hitfh in Albany Fo-hav & Ma nn'.. dniir u.r nr Svtt-m Itwiiilt-r, hp every Im"!- it ii i for Catarrh the Mtmnflrh. Dv-Tierirt. (. o"Tinf-ttnn and lm nura Hhidl. Trv it i d y.ur friemls aouf it it inut poas won4.cifol i'irit wli-'li a I tMak well of i. X 4SAI INJECI'tJll fr.e with enr.h i., ,r. i vbimh a Ct:trrh RemMv. Price fiO cents.'" Foin iy& Mason, autit.t-. V i i'Iiiic Pliotojsniphern A any 'recon. W t nave bought nil f hem yativt i made by , VV .'irk and W II jree. ood up t4 Nov loth. l.LS9. Duplicates can he l ad from 1-ntii nnv of nn at reduced lates. " e nave also alKt 18,000 uevstivex made by onr velveH, from which duplicates ear bo had at llkoiuf . u e carry the i.n.y Tun line oi viewi i f this state and do etiUrtvrt il work at loweit r ti-.a for t'.ist claan work. V e shall he pleased to nee yon at our Studio in Fromau's block, nxt door to Masonic leu.pie. W. F. Road keeps the best assortment of fancy gi cub in town. li.Snr.Or Itinf alTrrl Ihr KUlurjs Are am ng the moi formidable known, I)i :.btte, P.rij;hl'a disease, Rayel and olher eompbdna of the urinary organs are not or dinardy enred in cvere ce, hut they ntai fe aveittd by timely meditation. A useful itio.ulant of the minary elands has ever be n for. nd in Hoatettor'a Jlnmtth Bitter. medicine whkh not on'y afforda the rtq uifito atimnhis when they Income inactive, hut trcroaet-n their vigor and secretive pow er. Hy i.icroiMiu: tho activity of the kidneys and hlridd-r, thi mhdicino has the addition al elTrct of exrolhnff from the blo.id impur ities which it is the peculiar oftice of thee orifans to eliminate and pass on. .neiut teM is also a rnniier and strenthenpr of the hnwrlft, an invmorator of the stoma n,at:u a mat chit as remedy for biliousness and fever and spue. It Eout.t cruets a tendency to pre-iii-itnie deev. itid sutteini and comforts the ,sed anpintirm 4'rninis f tlie Muscles t ared. John I Wood. of Stratford, Out., was cured of cramn in the le;a by wearing All cock 'a Porous PluHtem. Mr Wood aya: '!St.r.io three moiithe atl I was taken very hick with severe pain in tho ruiali of back ovei the kidneys. The pain waa excruaiat iuf;. I applied an Alicock'a Porous Planter ovt r the affected region and had rolif ahnost within an hour. At the same time, in con junction with this trouble, 1 had very gre nervous disturbance, alleotiub; my les wit cramps so I could teariely sleep. Mneiiu with Ruch aucueM with my hack I ap plied plasUr under the knee on each lg, nodi time days was completely cured, and have uever b-jcu troubled in either way since." The ONLY place in tho ty where East ern tickt ta can bo purchas is of W. L. Jester, at thu' Southern Pacific Co'a ticket oftice SHILOH'S CUKE will immediately re lieve Cmup, Whooping Cough ard Bronchitis. Fodiay & Mason; nv-nta. SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY positive cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria and C-inker-Mouth, Fushaj A Mast n, agents. WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspepsia and Livir Complaint ? Stuloh'a Yitalizer i gumantred to cut m y.iii. For mnd carts mri f p cially fo stallinna call on Knipp, Rnrrell A Co., at corner of Fir.t nod ElKworth streetp, Alhany, Or. Ti e Dfmcckat will fxehaLpe a ewinry machine of any make deir?c, except one or two, for some oak prub wood and part cash; or w ill consider other propositions by any one itcsirin a uew mitchine. expel the imj nritiea in the b'ood' and pivtf utrenth to the system befoie the effects of wiiriii ..eather ate fvlt, uce Pfunder'a Ortfto! Bhud Purifier. AilH.ur Martlet. WnoHl-P.ic "hta. 43- ' Hntif- Vw itt. For- U Hy-10,)0 to IS.On. PntatoB-- O'-f1 btishl Roef on ft tU, '1M o Sc A,-pIc OOcccUt" por hu, Pork - 5e per U .tioaaed. Beccna hnin lie ehouiHem 7o aides He Ard lOrperlh. Flour4.2fi per Idil. Chickens 8 (K) por dox. Mill Feed bran, 14.00 per ton hortf, 16. mlddilnirfl, 20 chor- ?o.