Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, April 29, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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    fuhiisbed every day in tbe week x-
L Sunday.
1TES i NUTTING, Editors and Prop'n.
Ltaroil at the Post Ollloe Ht Albany. Or-
pgon, as aoooud o'axs mull matter.
addlll.nal Locals on 41b Pnge.
1 (iKKAT Bl'IIKMK. If tlie following
kn the Corvullis Times is true, tlie
len goods men are not the worst peo-
i in the worm : An enterprising churn
1)1 (gent is said to be milking a good
tiL' on the east side of the river onpo-
tCorvallis. lie manages to sell his
liines to a number of housewives for
0 and goes on to the next neighbor-
id canvassing. In a few davs he re-
kis to where he has sold first and finds
I victims glad to part with their ma
nes for $2 50 each. These he takes
C. All In .... ... u r.n Tl.n
fepented and he makes good wages,
jle, to use liis own language he "keeps
money in the country."
Pound Advice. It pays to get the
ft; even Shakespeare admitted that
this connection it may be remarked
( tv K urnnam has just received an
jut line of suitings for the spring and
inicr, never surpassed in an A I ban v
fket. They nro the best to be ob-
k?d, as an inspection will show, and
Urnham is prepared to make them
in the latcBt style with a skill his
f experience has enabled him to be
Iter of.
Till Stoi- a Moment. Last evening
for Cowan, on Ins return from I'ort
I, received the following dispatch
a the presidential party : "The pres
tt directs me to say that it will afford
i much pleasure to accept your kind
tntion of the 25th inst, to visit Al
y, and, if our schedule will permit,
ingements will be mado for a short
, Ucp W Boyd, in charge,"
MM 11, AMI tlKMOVAl,,
C K Hawkins was in Portland vontnnlnv
on business.
W It oml R (lints, of Crnwfordsvllle.are
In the cltv.
Ex Sheriff Smallmin was In the cltv
this forenoon .
A F Hamilton, of Sweet Home, was Ir.
the city to.ilay.
License was issued todav for the mar
riage of l'ete Kcttleson and llcrthu M
U B Halght went to the front cn the O
P thlt morning on business.
Mrs 1. 1. Davis and daughter went to
Harnsburg this noon on a visit.
Mrs E L Tower and son, of Browns
ville, are in the city visiting friends.
Miss Amelia May, the popular daughter
01 Air bam May, of ilarriKburg, has been
in Albany a couple days visiting friend.
A party at the home of Dr W H Davis
last evening was greatly enjoyed by a
number of friends. A deliglitful evening
was passed.
Mr Ed Power, of Halsey, was in the
citytouav. He recently returned from
Whatcom, where be has been working
several months. Ills brother, frank
Power, a graduate of the Albany College.
is working in an abstractor's office at
that city.
Mrs. Saltmarsh and daughter, Miss
Bessie, leave to morrow for Portland,
which they will make their future home.
Last evening a large number of their
friends tendered them a surprise party at
the residence of Mr. B. F. I'urdoin. An
evening full of enjoyment was passed. A
nice lunch of cofTee, sandwiches, ice cream
and cake was served- Mrs. Saltmarsh
and daughter will take with them the
bcHt wishes of many of our citizens. The
following were present : Mrs Saltmarsh,
Bessie Saltmarsh, Rev Priciiard, Wm
Fortmiller and wife, Mrs Crawford, Mrs
Bentley, Mrs Farrell, Mrs Palmer, Mrs
Purdom, Frank Purdom and wife, Mre
RalBton, Mrs Kiefer, Mrs Noel, Mrs
Richards, Mrs Rideout, Mrs Smead, Mrs
Andcson, Mrs ltoyce, Frank Wood and
wife, Roliert Crosby and wife, Ja Craw
ford and wife, Mrs Moist, Mr Wyman
midwife, Mrs Jones, Mrs Oustcilioudt,
Mrs VanCleve, Mrs Mack, Mrs Althouse,
lack WarnerJohnny and Harry Palmer,
Fred Fortmiller. Jna F Hail. Misses Helen
Crawford, Lizzie Farrell, Lillieand May
niueotu, ixmcinua t arweil, miss Weber,
Miss Brown, Cary and Lillie Crawford,
Lillian Farrell. Lilly Wvmnn. T-nt.tfi "Mil
ler, Emma Jones, Lillie Ousterhoudtjoey
Ralston, Clem Jones, Roy Saltmarsh,
Charlie Palmer, llattie Graf. Bert Van
f oimil ruo m:din.h.
Tuesday evening, April 28.
Present Recorder. Mnraiml K,. .,,..,.
tendent of streets, and Couni-ihiien
French, Tubler, Burkhart and (iarrett.
In the absence of the Mayor Council-
man uurxuari. was elected .Mayor protein.
The followine bills were nnli.r..,l nni.l -
lolin r-climecr, 5; W H Bair, $80.75; B
iu Huston .V uo, 5.W; TIiob Brink, $5;
Stewart Sox.3: Hewitt A Irvinn tino-
loo Stimpson, 17.50; Mr King, $8.76:
iVIasnn iV Nrrnin. .1)11 (IU . 11.......
$1 ; C E House, $7 ; E T Hughes, $5 W desired'
GT.I'pcouie io the luaane asylum anil Sim
iu tlio peniti'utiary.
Aa excursion uartv from Sa!um will hin
ii.T... .. .. .
niuany nvxt aaiuraay,
Tho SheriH'a sale, rubllnhd on the fourth
pau'i will l.o fuuiid to ba of lutHraat til m&nv
of our citizoiu.
A dramatio treat, John Jack aa old money
peuuy la inimitable, and Miaa Kirmin aa
Jane Uhiyd, the factoiy girl, all that can
(Circuit Ciurt clows t--day after
i of twornaatCurvalli.
A McClain, $(K); John (ones, $70; Smith
iv n nufuu, oi i oriiana,
In matter of petition of W W Crowder
and others lor grading Oth street. Mont
gomery to Jellerson, parties interested
were directed to on near at the next
Liat Sal.bath McMah
at Lebanon. A hall name waa ulaved. a
Lebanon nine besting the ciroua men, two
prizi lighta were iuduljji-d in and a big time
had uenerally.
Prof W J Kicharda with the Kirmin-Jack
meeting and show cause why work should I tatheenmpoaerof IheExpoaitioa march
not be done. I which s pleaaed Lioeratti that he had it
Further time was granted on petitions rohMtted for thirty -three pieces and thus
to remove obstruction at foot of Lron Me""K1 t0 tn f-rtland pu'-lw.
street and to Btraighten Salem road. Also I cnild ' Mr T P Hackleman, of
on matter of recommendations for street I Owneao, Mich., aged abou fon- yeara, who
Jets a Controlling Interest. Mr
iradwhol who sold half of his Second
eet lot yesterday shows that his con
snce In Albany la greater than ever by
-day buying 53 gharet of stock, cf N H
,len in the Opera House company, pay-
f 13 per ctnt above par for the same.
,r ijraawtioi now owns a controlling In
rest; but the interesta of other stockhold-
will continue to be taken care of.
' First St. Sale Yesterday J S
Snelle and wife sold to XV Blaln the
rty occupied by John horn jr., on
I Street, consisting of 35 feet front, and
0 feet on the alley in the rear,- Con
Ktion $4300. This is a good purchase,
la a property which promises to In
le .n value.
(tift Received. The Albany Base
Club have received a fine $30 outfiit
I San Francisco, consisting of half a
II balls and bats, a mask, breast shield,
s, score books, etc The boys will
a training to-ntght, practicing on the
ge ground ftr awhile. A challenge
cen received from the Cor vail is club
r!ll be accepted. ,
' .
Iection of Officers. The WCTU
t elected tho following officers to
I the ensuing year: Mrs K F Sox
ie-clected President; Mrs J HTown
I Cor. Secretary ; Mrs S A McCal-
tec. Secretary; Mrs John Althouse,
p - -.
III Make Rome Howl. The spring
n bein so In opening up, anri
I overstocked in ladles Oxford ties
rill for the next 30 days, sell theru at
w reduced prices. We mean just
we say. Call and get prices. We
lover 30 different styles to select from,
lein liros. exclusive shoe store.
Albany has four weekly papers, two
monthlies and two dailies. Who tays we
are not in it.
A proposition has been received by the
Hoard ox irade irom tne empire rurm-
ture- Company of Clackamas for the re
moval of the plant to Albany. Does Al
bany wish to do any thing in this line.
The salary list of Fiance has some funny
features, the president draws $130,000
a year for his services and as much more
tor nts nousenoid ana traveling expenses,
while cabinet officers get but $3000 a year
with X residence rent free.. The same amall
saiaiy goes to tne i.nie justice ot tne
highest court In 'he land.
The Salem Statesman, the leading re
publican paper of Oregon, says: The two
Portland dailies have kicked up a great
sensation over what Governor Pennoyer is
said to have said about the proper official
etiquette between a president and a gov
ernor. It was a very amall mat'.er to start
with, and the big tuss over It is simply in
accordance with the avowed business of
the new editor of the Telegram in Oregon,
viz , to "raise hell and sell newspapers.
1 Millinery Store. Mrs C W
has opened a mllllr.t-ry store In the
pn Block, with Mrs Sherman as
Iger. and has a lame and stylish stock
iml goods in stock. Her goods are
Pv oncned for Insnection. and she in
plie ladies of Albany to ca't and in-
e are making a big drive on
Slopes, Paisley & Smiley.
tea Curtains in great variety from
i. 10 $9 a pair, inese goods arc
frt from New York jonbers direct
fcannot be excelled for duality, style
RENT. A new. hard finished
ling houe In eastern part of the city.
pro 01 m k. m tarter. th and Ka 1-
BPRiNo hoods. 1 am now re-
lig my first Invoices of sprlne novel
11 wasn goods, prints, elnghams, seer
rs, etc., 1 nave also lust received
ineoi an wool summer plaids and
rriCE. AH persons indebted to
bpson & Overman will please call
seme, mr inompson naviig re
from the business it is desired to
e up all old accounts.
member Paisley & Smiley, Printers,
ab in Mind. That Conn A Ilendriiv
Ncp a first-class stock of groceries
fat they do their own work.
riisvquenuy ineir expenses are light.
r mey can sen at noltnm nrirpa.
!rge iiales and small profits,
urteous treatment to customers.
t goods in the market.
P" the freshest in tlie different de
New Cabpets. A B Mcllwain has
one of the largest and Dest selected lines
of carpets in the city, embracing all new
patterns and designs, and as he has made
a great reduction in prices 11 win dc to tne
advantage of carpet buyers to call and
Inspect his stock and price before purchasing.
The committee on fire and water asked
for further time on matter of cistern at
3rd and Jackson streets and of horses for
steamers They recommended that four
cisterns oe cleaned instead of cemented
at present, BDd also recommended that a
committee be appointed to confer with
Wm M Hoag in reference to Duttinc in a
more complete system of water mains
anu nyorants. un motion report was
adopted. K M French, W H Garrett and
Chief Engineer Stewart a-ere appointed
committee recommended.
Superintendent of streets made a large
numour 01 recommendations tor side
walk and other improvements, in
cluding cleaning of streets and alleys.
Streets, l- irst street, Washington to
Lyon, side streets Ferry to Lvon. be
tween First and Second streets, and all
alleys wero ordered cleaned, former in
five days, latter in ten days. Kouiain-
der of report referred.
Petition of J G Crawford and ors asked
that grade along WateT Btreet, Main to
Harrison, be lowered and that eame be
ordered graded. On motion granted, and
ordinances ordered amended to conform
to order.
Ordinance 207 regulating taxation of
dogs, etc, was read third time and passed
On motion a pound master was elected.
Mr Frank Tritea was unanimously
1 lie chairman of the committee on
streets made several recommendations, to
ue considered.
The matter of a city iail was referred to
the committee on health and police.
The matter of a fire alarm system was
discussed and referred to committee on
fire and, water and Chief Engineer.
i'ennty 8 8 Convention,
The County Sabbath School Conven
tion met this afternoon at the M E
church. Following was the program
Devotional exercises, by Rev J F Stew
art. Address ot welcome, by Kev t.
Meminger. Kesponse, by Kev isrunlc,
Appointment of committees. Secretary's
report. Normal work, by Rev G W Hill.
General discussion, by superintendents
and others.
The program this evening will be:
Song service, by Prof W H Lee. Ad
dress, "Teachers, their Qualifications
and Duties," by Rev H S Shangle. Ad
dress, "Soul Winning," by Rev M M
Tomorrow the exercises will begin at
9 0 clock. Program, Devotional exer
cises, by Supt Morris, of Scio. Duties of
Superintendents, by Dr G W Gray.
General discussion, leaders, A J Adams
and W 8 Thompson. Personal work of a
teacher, Kev K R Prichard. General
discussion, leaders, Dr O C Awbrey and
tl Koscoe. .
Afternoon session Devotional exer
cises, by Rev S G Irvine, D D. Singing
in Sunday schools, by II M ifoung.
General discussion. Helps their use
mid abuse, by Rev G S Hanleiter. Gen
eral discussion, rrimary teaching, by
.Mrs Kev u nson. ueneral discussion
Evening Session Song service, C H
Hnrt. Address Attendance, Rev T P
Boyd. Address, Rev A M Acheson.
At Fortmiller A Irving's. 15P dozen
window shades, just received.
A large and elegant stock 01 lotn cen
tury bedroom sets.
A large ami choice lot 01 carpets, many
Bni designs.
Get a Bicycle. If you want the best
safety bicycle in the market, not sur
passed by even tneLoiumoia or victor,
call on Ohling & Wilson, at Stewart
Sox's, and get a eel uruiser, without
any fancy prices, in fact remarkably low
considering the quality. Full ball bear
ing, splendidly made
Kpmemher that the Firmio. Jack iTrrtriatic
Coinp-vny play hare on Friday evtning next,
May 1st.
Good Work, Low Prices, Paisley Ac Smiley.
Cloaks at coat at W F Read's
Tickets for ALL eastern
ANY route, for sale by W.
the S Ptinketoffle.
points, ovet
L. Joator, at
Cheap Wood. Good fir wood delivered
to any part of Albany, for only $3 a cord
Leave orders at 1' W Spir.ks'dumber
For road carta made specially fo atalliona
call on Knsnp, Bnrrell k Co., at corner of
First and Kllsworth streets, Albany, Or.
The Democrat will exchange a scwinp
machine of any make desirfd, except one or
two. for some oaK (irub wood and part oasn;
or will consider other propoaitiona by any
one desiring a new machine.
letter List.
Following is the liat n( letters remaining
in the post office at Albany, Linn county,
Oregon, April 29, 1891. Persons oallina for
these letters mnat give the date on which
thev were adverttaed.
died at the home of its pareota about five
monmeago, waa brouuht to Albany last
evening anu boned thta atterooon in the
family lot in the city cemetery.
Cole Rainwater, who recently returned
from California. -roa Keilev. Bert Scrinel!
and a Hopper young man were arreated
to-day for disturbing a religious meeting
being held on Sunday aorbaa the river.which
cooaiated in attacking a man they were
''.mad u during aerv.oea, JLbey were be -ing
tried ' thia afternoon before a Benton
county justice, and it is hoped will receive
the justice they evidently deserve.
jHulin & Dawson, drupgiata.
Boy your groceries of Parker Bro
Fiaegroceriea at Conn & Hendricaon'a.
Best assortment of teas in town at C E
Brown ell's. ... . ..
8eed oatl for sale by W W Crawford, at
Kenton's "Sea Lion Silver Polish-." 25
oents per box.
Good ventilated and sun lighted bath
roo ns at Vicreck .
Shayinsr, 15 cents, at Yiereck'a ahop
Closed on Sundaa.
Ladies for yonr Oxfoid ties go where they
keep a complete line at Klein a.
A large assortment of garden seeds on
sale at Hrownell a.
Bargains in choice groceries can always
be ((cured 01 Allen liros.,timn Block.
Some fine Rurbauk potatoes for teed
for sale by J V Pipe.
E W Acliison &Co are telling monuments
at Portland prices.
Kenton'a Adhesive Salve for cuts and
bruises. 25 cents per roll.
210.000 atill left to loan on good farm se
curity by S N Steel & Co.
Golden opportunities are wasted every
day by not tradDg with C E Brownell.
Mustache dying dene on short notice with
the renowned German instantaneous dye, at
Viersck s.
At Yiereck'a shaving and haircutting par
lors, ladies and children's hair cutting a
Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 6 cent
oigarat Julius Josephs.
A large stock of wall paper, with late de
signs, at nortmiuer s xrving s,jast receivea.
See W F Read's line of dress gocds and
silka before buying elsewhere.
Just received a fine invoice of barber's
supplies direct from Philadelphia, by L
Dr M H Ellis, physician and surgeon,
Albany, Oregon. Calls made In city
A fine stock of lace curtains for 93 oents
to$10 to auit the customer, at r ortmiler s
One half dollar reduotion on every pair o
Ludlow's fine shoes. A good line of them
S E Young s.
Keen it iu vour mind that Allen Bros pro
oae Keeping tne mod 01 groceries ine puou-
mauds, ln-iir stuok la a Una one.
For bargains in monuments, headstones
e to., go to E W Achison&Co,Albany,Oregon
Fresh bread, cakes, pies, etc, everyday
at the Delmonico restaurant. Leave your
Ladies can do their ihooDing in San Fran
oisco without visiting tbe city, and without
extra commission. Miss K J Barrows c
chasing ageut, 1609 Groye St, Oakland,
T.lntcn Paine. Milium. Onrmn, rl,..,.
matlxm all h a life In dlflernt parts of the
system, enlarged liver and diseased
kidneys, restori-u to health.
Miss Konlile Lundo. 14? South V tr
street, Portland; numbness In feet and
limbs, severe pain In the head and blend.
ing of the nose, restored,
1) J Graham's child. Snrlnfleld. Ora-
painfully afllicted with pranulated oon.
juuctivltUR, complicated with ulcers of
tne eytuaus ror nine months; cured.
J A Llndaoy. news azent on the OR
N Co, residence 810 O street, Portland;
consumption, bronchitis and catarrh,
cured and gained fifteen pounds.
David Ross' son. Woodland. Wuh-
painful bip disease, bad to be carried to
the doctor's cilice, cured. Mr Ross has a
daughter rotlding at tbe Merchants' hotel.
rvnisuu, aum oau ue reiereu to.
Dr Dartln treats with electrleltv emit
medicine all curable chronic, acute
and private direama, blood taints, loss or
falling manhood, nervous debility, effects
ot errors, or excesses In old or young,
loss of memory, diseases caused bv
mercury in the Improper treatment of
private diseases, and never tmb.iabed in
tbe papers. Office 70H Washington St.,
Portland. Or. Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M.,
dally. .Examination free and confidential,
question. blanks and circulars sent gratis
toa-y address; patients cured at home
after one visit to the doctor's office. Medi
cines Kent to any address without the
doctor's name appearing. 1
Pfeiffer Block,
; California
Ms anil VesBtaDles
Stahard, & Cusick,
Drugs," Medicines, Chemicals, Fanoy
and Toilet Articles.Sponges.Brnsbea.
Perfumery, School Books, and
Artists' Supplies.
Physicians' preaerlptluns care
fully compounded. .
:"' J. A Camming.
Wall Paper,
Drugs, PaintH, Oils
Ola-sts, Etc.,
Suits made to order. Location, bstween
Third rod Fourth, on Lyon streot
Pouiiiy Wanted,
All kinds or poultry, alive or dressed
at tbe Willamette Packing Conifiany's
stole, Albany. Oregcr.-
Novellles In Jackets.
I have received a small assortment of
novelties in Indies spring jackets, made
in the latest styles of HIuzith and Reef
ers, in cheviot, diagonal and worsted. I
expect to carrv a full line of these goods,
as well as all the leading styles in Ladies
Capes, Headed, crochet and 111 clotn.
Orders taken for special sizes and styles.
BAM'I. tj iounci.
.TTANTED., Place to do general house
t T work, in a family or two or four,
Leave word at tbe Democrat omce
Insists on buying' her groceries, produce
and baked goods, 01 ramer isros.
says it
. IS A
well-known fact that all goods are
represented and no
That nil goods purchased of them arc
fresh and of the bist quality to be se
WARNER A CKANOR, Lessens and Managers
Friday Evening, Maj 1st, 1891,
Real Estate Agents
Farmi and Kanohei for tale.
Also eity property in Albaov
and Coryallii.
gag tK3t-"-i II afrit .
and a fine stock
generally, as well as jewelry , Watches
'clocks, etc., at
F. M. French's,
- s-TVOULiU AM KBTAlfc '
Druggists and Booksellers,
Agei.ts for John B. Alden'a publications,
which we ntil at publisher's prices with
War is Declared, not by Italy but by
T. L. Wallace & Co,,
Im tiik SrniNo A tine line of Blazer
jackets for spring wear, in ninny designs,
iust received bv ti W Simpson.
A ISO a large stock Of the popular self-
pening corsets.
Don't forget, Paisley & t-'miley, Printors.
Annie Fii'min, .
John Jack,
And Company,
in a bill of loaittmato drama, olasslo comedy, and
clean farce, with
From Ned tlarrlfran'a New York Theatre,
ma;uie:mi-kpiiv'8 home,
taking in tub town,
Lits's Rapsodles No 2, by Pro! W 1 Richard's.
Ballard, W 8
Orurley. Mrs Peter
Huctt, Nicholas L
Ileal, Mabel
Woriwick, C N
Boher, Mrs W E
(liven, Mrs F M
Ia Mott, Wm
Robertson, J R
BOOXE TURNER. In Sweet Home,
on April 2."th, 1801, at the residence of J
II Preston, bv Rev Thos Yost, Mr I A
Itoone and Julia A Turner, both of Sweet
I fume.
HI El).
BALLARD. On April 27th, in Col
ville, Wash, Mrs Dr J E Ballard. Mrs
Ballard was for many venrs, and until
recently, a resident of Lebanon, where
Dr Ballard died in 1883. She came to
Oregon with her husband in 1H.'2, beside
whosi remains In the Lebanon cemetery
her body will be laid to rest. Mrs Bal
lard was a woman'of ettimablc'character.
She leaves five children, MrsO C Hackle
man and Mrs Prof R N Wright, of lba-
nnn ; Mrs J B Slater, of Colville ; Dr Frank i
oii.nF.RT'8 "n AT iPTA "
mytholoKical play, f I J A IJ A 1 ill A.
filiate. Ihs-statue, ANNIE FlltHIN
Prirmalion Chrysos, a mtirar art patron,
.... ... JOHN JACK
Bonmcaults pathello eomtdy
The Lawyer and Factory Girl.
Fun on a Ranch,
A Musical Frc Comtlj.
f-jrnox p1n nw opn t Wlil A Link's; tteterved
oots, 76 cnts ; UtnsrsJ AdmissloD, W MiiU.
S0' and a d8l,K"lcr not J A
r I
Have now displayed in their store the tioert and Urseat stock cf Spriojr
Clothing and Furnishing Goods ever before bro'jght to Albany. All
Goods were selected with tbe greatest care aid embrace all the latest
Styles and Spring Novelties.
By our great closing out sale during January and FeDruary we succeeded
cleaning out nearly all winter clothing, aud we greet- you sgaia this
spting aa ue did last fall, with a new, clean utock. latest styles
and lowest prices.
WAP m imn prices!
We carry a line of highly tailored clothing, and have hundreds of fine
tailor made in Us which wc guarantee) in everv respect, to be far super
ior in tit, style and workmanship to theuit that you generally have made
by your ..erchant tailor, and the prices aro from CO to 75 per cent
Q cheaper.
We defy any merchant tailor to beat our styles, fit and finish of gocds.
All vou bic men, short fat meu, stout men, long and slim men, and all
othr people who never have been aMa to get a ready made suit to fit,
should utfll and examine our matntnothstock before you loave your meas
ure with some merchrnt tailot, for we make a (specialty of such goods
and can fit any man in any kind of a auit 1
We carry tb.3 rolo Urate J
War on fitgn Prices,
The rrlccftof thee fine tailor
made aulis range from $14 to
tjli5. Our i toe k of men' but.
news milt is iinmenaf. and the
ftrlcen from $7 60 to $14. A f ill
ine of Albany Wivii.-n mill
goods tor men, btys t children
War on High Prices,
Our boys and children's de
rmrtmnntft are onmulole. Latent
ntylepprhiK hata A targe and fine dross Mine, and Lave the kole
fine awiortment or silk rind
negligee aulrts for spring aud
summer wear.
I M (hananj P
1- -j-.W kmiKJiSLifii
War on High Prices.
agtncy for this city. Jfl
War on High Prices,
I the best 12.90 shoe In.
the market. Try It Jti
ptT'Every boy who pureha;ea
his spring suit of ns will b
riresented with a Spanldlna;'
esgue base ball and bat,.
The Birthplace of Great and Honest
the rules they go by.
Ft TnoMPaox, P, M. marri