1 UulUisliod every day lu liio woek ex ml Sunday. jlTESi JiUTTIXIi, Editor and Prop'rs, l,tored at tho Pout Olllce at Albany, Or egOllf SB HUUUHU limn luaiiw. AI'lilL ft, IH9I, Cr7 OFFICIAL. PAPER. LOCAL. UKCOllIX Additional Loral ou 41b Vvt'jfi, A Base Ball Club. Lwt evening i k-.se bait emu was orgamzcu in i:m cry , be known as the "Albany Base Ball lnb." William Cowan was elected Man. ferer. and wiinam weiun, captain, iwr Helen win eeieci a nine iron, me p layers f the city, which will probably be about Ike this:" Alex Rennle, cutr.hcr.Mr Welch, ftitchcr, Mr Morgan, ot Morgan tiros., than go pitcher and tie I iter, Vun Vilson, ion stop, ,u ii:oofett, jack Mniiey and crcv oung on the bates Mr Kietzky tl Harry Barr in the held. This will make attrone club. .Uutrucllce together nd circumstances may change the make- jiol it materially. bp of it I A Dr. Jklicate Operation . Last even- r Dr G W Maston, assisted by Dr W II Davis performed a tracheotomy on the three ycarnkl t!niiyhti-t of Mr NeclamUlv ng In tlie Third Ward. The operation was performed to relieve the child of mem braneous croup. After the operation the Child was hr mediately relieved of being jphocked to death by the windpipe filling up with membrane. Ihe operation consists Ot opening the windpipe ana inserting a lube for that purpose. The child U doing Well at this w riting. lilt UUHH.t: HKKTIU. ., Mish Giuffin. Tho WCTU Hall was literally packed last evening, on tlio oc casion of Minn Lucia II (iritiin's appear' aneo liero. Mihs drillm wan heard in ten or eleven selections, displaying a vcr n tile talent and wonderful powers an an impersonator, that beimr her forte. She is particularly strong in her children's parts. Alnsic was lurnished by the Lol lege orchestra, which 19 always good. ;.'!: m m-m A Black Eyk. An Albany business man carries a black eve, ft privilege some times enjoyed by most men, said to have been secured in a festive game of pedro. If he had not been restrained it is proba ble there would have been at least one Other black cye,for he is a shoulder striker. Postponement. Dancing school will be held Mondnv evening of next week in stead of Thursday evening of this week. H J Hopkins ; Wanted A girl to do general hjuse work; call on Mrs Price, corner Fourth , and Ellsworth street, Albany, Or, Wall Paper, etc. I have just received anew line of wall paper and decorations, Have more than doubled mv facilities for handling them, and will keep a much arger stock. Wall paper and border to match. Beauties, and much cheaper than ever before. Samuel E Young. The county court, citizens committee ami council committee, met at the court house, this afternoon, with a large number of citizens. Judge IHiickbuni culled the meeting to order, w hen the report of Olaf It l'ihl, civil engineer, was rend, chow iug so plainly the situation and tho proper locution of a bridge here. thut 110 rcarfonuhlo citizen can oppose it. The substance of the report is as follows: Averngn stage water at Cullapooia street, 100 feet, gradually contracting to Kllsworth, where it n ouu, and about sumo to ) 1' bridge. The cliuiinel runs closo to south bank of river at Kllsworth. while nt lalapooia it is in the center nearly; at Kllsworth the distance from notli line to hirst street is Jou, at t'ulapooia, 700 feet, over double. High water ir-ark uliove sea level is 134 feet. There must be 40 feet clear between high wuter and bridge. The elevation would have to tio 177 feet ubove sea level. At Ellsworth it is ISO feet, at Ferry, 137, at Calnpooia, 13'J. At Kllsworth the grade would be 1 in 8.5, at Ferry, 1 in 10, but at t'ulapooia it would be 1 in l'J. That 1 in 16 should be the ninxium is gener ally conceded. "Therefore," he sayB "1 am compelled to report mat Vaiapooia street is tlio one posssible location for the high bridge." For a draw bridge the channel span might be thirty feet lower, which would make a site eligible anywhere from Ellsworth to O 1' bridgo, without any choice from nn engineering standpoint. The foundations would be good at any site. At Culapooia it could be made nerfectiv secure bv rinrapping. A well built combination bridge is good for thirty years before wooden members re nnire removal. A steel bridge will hist an indefinite time. Ho recommended for high bridge one through span of 300 feet, over channel, two deck spang, on south side of channel, of iftH) and UiU leet, thice deck spans on north side of channel of 2B0. 2!0 and 110 feet. Total 1320 feet : approaches, 300 feet on south bunk, 345 on north bank, 1!MI5 feet in all. Cost of steel bridge $!M),700,combination, .(,ouu. A draw hridue at Kllsworth would re quire a draw span of 325 feet, two 70 foot .spans on goutti siue, aim two spaim uu north side of 250 and 80 feet ; 705 feet in all, and approaches, making uuo leet, Cost, (a,00U. riuustructures 10 oe cyl inder concrete piers, resting on grillage supported by piles cut oil" close to bed of river, to lie protected by guards and rip rap; 20 feet in clear for bridge and f..,.t. fur sidewalk. Class C lias been adopted for proportioning members, be inirneventv pounds per square foot for spans of 100 feet, sixty pounds for 100 to am feet, fiftv nouiids for 200 to 300 feet. These plans have been made to conform . 1 f: tl..n.ll.... A IO BUggeHUOlia liy AUUJ JUluuuiiiJi companving plans explain the above more fully. The committee met in secret session, when a motion was made that the re commendation for a high bridge be adopted. Avotowas taken.resulting as follows: Aye uownn, jaoier, iuusvou, Youne. Blackburn. Ircnch. No Coop er, Rumbaugh, iarrett,.Burkhart,Haw- kins, llacweman. inose voting no are in favor of a draw bridge at Kllsworth street. There being a tie the committee diourned to meet at the County Court rooms at o ciock io-iiigni.,wiieii mimci action will be taken. Let the majority rule, and all cood citizens abide by the result. A bridge is what is wanted, and the matter of location should not be al lowed to defeat it. Bi:HI-lVM4L HTATeilEVT. Peml animnl report of the county clerk of Linn couu.tr, stiito of Oregon, showing tho amount and number of claims allow ed by the county court of said county, ior wnut anoweu, amount ot warruntB ilrawn, and amount of warrants out standing and unpaid, from tho 1st day of oeiooer, iiy.ni, 10 me aist nay 01 March, loui, uoiu inclusive. ACCOINTH AI.LOWKD. County Judge, salarv and fees. . t 600 treasurer, salary 4'.r.l 08 Clerk, fees 1407 24 Sheriir, fees, &c 1128 45 Commissioners p'rdicm 138 Ace't of Assessor 1410 School Superintend and Kchool? 072 35 Coroner 13 Hist Attorney 270 Paupers 950 10 Koadsand Bridges 13,513 48 Courthouse and tail .... 354 65 Stationary and Printing. 440 80 Insane 106 20 Incidental Expenses Fuel Ill Witnesses ill Crini Cases 79 85 Petit Jurors 822 69 Grand Jurors 107 60 Witness1 before G'd J'ry. 100 80 Baliffs Elections V ir will' and Surveying Koads 110 Rood Supervisors 1635 82 Sundries 417 15 Preliminary Examinat'n S41 30 Total amount claims allowed and drawn $25,471 35 Ol'TSTASPISa warrants cnpaid. Outstanding unpaid county war rants on the 21et day of March. 1891, drawing interest to dote of publication $31 1 Estimated interest accrued thereon 20 Outstanding county warrants in hands of county clerk not called for March 31st. 1891 694 45 Total amount of unpaid county warrants . Interest State or Oregon,) County of Linn, ) I, N. P. Payne, county .$905 45 20 II (1MB ASO lllltOAl) Mr W S iJickens died kt his home in the Forks ot the Santiam last evvDin !. Parti culars not secured. Mr Chai r foiffur, of the Revere Houie, is making arrangements to add another story to the brick occupied by Coun & lleudrieson. On account of rain the drill announced for this evening has been &ivca up. Chief hnuinrei Mtwart hus been reqtietel to cud 20 tiru hata to Portland for the Harri son reception paiade. Huliu St Diwaon, druirgist. Hed atliuel house shoes at Klein's. Buy your grocery's of Parker Bro9 Piae groceries at Coon & HfLdricaon'a. Tho best $3 shoa for men at Searla shoe store. Best assortment of teas in town at C E Browneil's, Setd oats for salo bv W W Crawford, at lallman, Klein's $2 ladies control button ahoe takes the leud. A line of the ltott atvle lace shoea for la nes at Kleiu . Kenton's "Sea Lion Silver Polish," 25 0.nt3 per box. Good wmti'ated and sun lighted bath roo ns at Vunck s. Shayiuir, 15 cents, at Viereck's shop Closed on Sundays, Ladies for your Oxford ties go where they keep a complete lino at Klein a, A large assortment of srarden seeds on sale at Cb Brownell s. Bargains in choice erocriea can alway bs secured of Allen Bros,. Flinn Block. Some Roe Bnrbank potatoes for seed for sale by J V Pipe. E W Achison &Co are selling monuments at Portland prices Kenton's Adhesive Salve for cuts and bruises. 25 centa per roll. 810.000 still left to lorn on good farm ae curitybySNS;ecl&Co. The finest line of $3 shoes for men ever shown in Albany at Searls shoe store. The large eilt boot tells you where Klein Bros exclusive boot and shoe store is Jocatctl. Golden opportunities are wasted every day by not trsumg with u is rJrowneil, Mustache Jving done on short notice with the renowned German instantaneous dye, at Viereck s At Viereck's shaving and haircutting par- New Cure for Consumption and Bronchitis by Electr!city--A Young Lady of this City Treatod and Cured by tho Subtile Agency. Editob Omiciosian: Permit me to sny through your valuble paper nhat Iir Darrln has done for me. For th" past seven veaM I have been Heriouily aflliet ed with brenchitia and hoary cough, which developed into an organio aiiectton of the right lung. All treatments failed to cure me, until two mouths ago. when 1 ennmenceu treatment oy e:eciricuy, under Dr Darrln's Bupervirton. Now I am cured and rejoice in roriect in health andean be seen at 133s Washington street, room 85, Porttaud, K. v. UUl'jaLl'. clerk of tbe imtv nf T.inn. staitft of Oreaon. do here by certify that the foregoing is a true and lorn, ladies and children's haircutting correct Btatement 01 tne uuiuuer u 1 specialty. amount of claims allowed by tne county court of said county, for the six montliB CllUlllg OH IIIC OIBb UJ icn-, "1 on wnnt account tne same were ftiiuntuj and the amount of warrants drawn, and t nf warrants outstanding and unpaid as the same appear on the records of my office and in my official custody. Witness my band and the J mm. I seal of the county court of - . said county this 8th day of April, A V 18'Ji. ih. sr. rAiiiii, County Clerk. Another Car Load. Fortmlller & Irving have just received another car load of furniture from the east, embracing some of the finest goods ever brought to Oregon, Including a fine variety of parlor sets up bolstered in Wilton rug, elegant bed room sets, novelties In stands, rockers, chairs, stc. Their stock is always a splendid one to select from, but It was never better than ow. Bear in Mind. That Conn & Hendric son keep a first-class stock of groceries produce, etc. That thev do their own work. Consequently their expenses are light, Ana tney can sen at ooitom prices. Large roles and small profits. Courteous treatment to customers. Best goods in the market, And the freshest in the different de partments, Are the rules they go by. New Carpets. A B Mcllwaln has one of the largest and Dest selected lines of carpets In thecily, embracing all new patterns and designs, and as he has made a great reduction in prices it will be to the advantage of carpet buyers to tall and inspect his stock and prices before pur- cnasing. Lace Curtains In great variety from 75 cts. to $9 a pair. These goods are bought from New York jonbers direct and cannot be excelled for quality, style and price. Samuel b Young, For Rent. A new, hard finished dwellino- house In ras'.ern part of the city Inquire of Ed R M Carter, 4th and Rail road street. New Sprino Goods. I am now re ceiving mv first Invoices of spring novel ties in wash goods, prints, ginghams, seer suckers, etc.. I have also iust received t new line ri all wool summer plaids and beiges, Samuel b young. m Notice. All persons indebted to Thompson & Overman will please call and settle. Mr Thorn oson havtag re tired from the business it is desired to lettle up all old accounts. Good Work, Low Prices, Paisley A Smiley, Patronize Paisley Smi'ey, OurJPrintets A new line of window shades from erntatnfl .&O each complete, at Samuel Young's. Letter List. Following is the list of letters remaining in the Dost ofliee at Albany, Linn county. Oregon, April 22, 1891. Persona calling for these letters must give ths date on which they Were advertised. Chapman, Mr F C Carrel!, R L McDewitt, J Morris, L M Martin, A U Withor, John R. Thompson, P, M. ROU 11 AND PEUSOXAl. Edward O Wltman. agent for the Mu tual Life Insurance Co., ol New York, is In the city. D C Schell went to Junction and J B Cougill to Shedd, today,both looking after building contracts. Mr Orville Waggoner, son of Hon Geo Waggoner, was In the city today on his way Irom rortiana 10 sown America, where he goes to buy land. Col. Lovell. nf the 2nd Regiment, passed through Albany yesteray for Newport, to see about holding tne annual encampment there. I S Antonelle came up from Portland last evening. Mr Antonelle was recently In Mexico, where he had a big contract. The prevailing price for laborers there was about 40 cents a day. Na-XT Saturday. Alba Heywcod, the greatest Impersonator today on the Amer ican staee. and his Peerless Concert com- oanv have come and gone. t.ast nignt they p'ayed before the footlights of Giant's opera nouseio as appreciative an viuihumi.c as ever assembled in that hall, and there were on I v a few vacant seats. It was crand show from benlnnhig to end the iinnersonalions 01 mr neywoou were simply excellent,especlally In "Wah-Sing," n which ne cieany ana pcriecuy imper sonates the Chinese laundryman, ana "losiah Allen's wife." His critical parodv on "The Raven," dressed up and drunk, cannot be equaled tor originality and hu mor. He is a show within ntmseit ine violin and flute playing of Miss Annie Miller and Dewey Heywood were mar velous and showed them to be bom artists. The program was grandly rendered Albuquerque citizen. ji vptra iiuusc Saturday night. Farm for sale Semi-annual statement of the county treasurer of Linn county, Oregon, for the six months ending on tha 81st day of March, A V lo'Jl, 01 money receiveu aim at tne paid out, Irom whom receiveu ana irom 1 or(jer. what source, ana on wnat account piu out: GENERAL SCHOOL AMOUNTS RECEIVED FUND. FUND Amount nn hand from last reDort S 319 a 11)97 1 AmniintH ree'd from 1890 taxes 37,778 09 32.40U jo KineB 160 Licenses 'd 85 Delinquent tax 564 20 Other sources 43 95 . $39,777 04 $34,302 86 AMOUNTS paid out. Amount paid out on county warrants. .$35,324 36 Amount paid out on ochnnl annerinten iiuv 41 Smoks the celebrated Havana filled 5 cent eigarat Julius Joseph's. A larce stock of wall paper, with late de signs, at Fortmiller & Irving's,just reecived See W F Read'a Hue of dress gocda and silks before buymg elsewhere. Just received a fine invoice of barber'i supplies direct from Philadelpnia, by Vieiecic. Dr M H Ellis, ihyeician and surgeon, Albany, Oregon. Calls made in citj country. Keen it in vour mind that Allen Bros pro ose keeping the kind of groosries the publi- niinus. Lawr s..e is a line one. For bargains in monuments, headstones etc, go to E W Aehisonfe Co, Albany.Oregon Fresh bread, cakes, pies, etc., everyday Uelmouico restaurant, ieave your IT. QITY DKl'O STORE, Pfeiffer Block, Albany E, Mini, a Mwtde, Tesllncs la Ibe Em earr f Electric Treatment. l'DtTon Orkqonian: For a year prior to com ni under Dr Damn's biectrlo and medical treatment 1 nau neen gradually lousing my health fiom various causes, I wan troubled with nervous dehiiity. aleeplexsness, etc. Dr ')arrin hae cured ma so 1 ihoi as well a) ever 111 my iue, Refer to ire at 145 G street, Portl mil. My friend Mr McGrew. of the above address, was also cured by I)r Darrin. Dr Dar:ln trets with electricity and medicine all curable chrunio, aouto and private diseases, blood tuintu, losHor railing mannoon, ncrvoueceijiiiiy,euecis el errors, or oxcosecs n old or yoi.ng, loss of memory, diseases caused by mercury in the improper treatment ot pilvate uiueaseH. uud r.vr pub.islied In me papers vimco iu mmuhkihu m. Portland. Or. Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. daily. -Kxumination free and confidential question bU"ks and circulars rent gratis to a-v auuress; rauenm curni hi. n-iin aiif,r one visit to the doctor's tlnce. Medi, ernes tent to any address without tbe doctor's name appearing. STOCKHOLDER'S KEETISC. "VTOTICE IS IIKKKBY OIVKiS THAT I T there will bean annual meeting oy hp stockholders of the Albany Woolen Mills Company, held at iheir onice in Albany. Oreuon. on Tuesday, the 11 (av of May, 1891. at the hour of I o'clock p m of said day. for the purpose o. e lect ine foor directors to serve lor one, Tear and tbe transaction of sueh othtr but uess as mr.y legally come ueiore buoIi mno. ng. J. P. GA J-itSKArlri, Ktoretary Stand Si Cusick, Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Fancy and Toilet Arllcles.Sponges. Brushes. Perfumery, School .Books, and Artists' Supplies. I'byBleinns' prescription, care- frilly compounded. J. A. CamraiBg. Wall Paper, Drug's, I'aints. Oils Glass, Etc., ALBANY, OREGON. and a fine stock I7OH BENT. E.ther roncfflces or resl deuce, the building of Ii Verick.neni corner of Bicadalbin and Third streeia. DISSOLUTION NOTICE -The part nership heretofoio existing between A Stranev and O Nauloy. in the livery business in Aloany. Oregon, U this day dissolved by mutual consent. A Stranf y will nontinun the business at the old stand and assume all debts owing by tbe firm and collect all accounts aue tne mm. April 1, 1891. A . Nl HA Mil m. NAGLSY. For road carts made specially for stallions oillonKnspp, Burrell ft Co., atcornorof First and Kllsworth streets, Albany, Or. Ladies can do their shopping in San Fran cisco without visiting the city, and without extra commission. Miss E J Barrows 2 r- chasing agent, 16G9 Grove St, Oakland, The Democrat will exchange a sewing machine of any make desired, except one or two. for some oak srub wood and part cash; or will consider other propositions by any one desiring a new machine. dents' warrants. $36,324 36 $1697 71 State of Oregon,) Countv of linn,) I. W. E. Curl, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct state ment ot tne amounts receiveu, paiu uui and remaining on hand, in the county treasu ry of said county for the six months ending on the 31st day of March, 1891. Witness my hand this 8th day of April, 1891. VV. j. tuitu County Treasurer. MY WIFE Insists on buying 'her groceries, produce ana baked gooas, 01 l amer urns, ene says it, la A well-known fact that all goods are as represented ana no HUMBUG 1 That all goods purchased of them are fresh and 01 tne Dost quality to be se cured. KODAVILLK NEWTS FARM FOR SALE. A farm of 128 acres of land 2X miles .eat of Millers Station on O. fcC. KR All fenced, 130 aeres in cultivation. 30 scies slashed, good house and barn and ahed tor stock, well watered. Rood, young orchard bearing all kinds Irult, Good grain farm. Plenty timber. UUAK1.I13 WttliCEL. I hare for sale 160 acres of the finest farming land in the state. All In a high state of cultivation, no build ings, but has abeautful building loca tion. Eight miles from Albany, two miles from Tangent, on the S P R B, Terms and price reason able. Call and ee me on Second street, opposite Dkm ocrat office. Dr. G. w. Maston. novelties la Jackets. I have received a small assortment of novelties in ladies spring jsckcis, maue in the latest styles ot mazers ana neei ... in nhovint. diagonal and worsted. 1 expect to carry a full line of these goods, as well as all the leiling styles in Ladies Capes, beaded, crochet and In cloth. Orders taken for special eir.es and styles. Sam'lE Voi'no. At ths comer of Broadslbin si,d 1st street you will find C U Brownell always la Ibe Icsd'iu the grocery business. Messrs Peery & Terhune are making some important changes in their large livery stable on Main strect,one of which is a bran new front. Now for some new sidcwnlks and im proved Btreets. Prof W W Crawford hos been employ ed to teach the band. Mr Crawford is an old and experienced band man and the boys are prouu 01 tneir icacner. Eev and Mrs Bashor will start east on the 27th inst. Mr B. goes as a represen tative of til's Dunkard church.tlie conven tion of which convenes in Maryland some time in May. Mrs B. will visit many friends and relatives during the trip. The Soda Literary Society closed on Saturday evening last, after a successful series of meetings since last fall. It is now laid on the table till next uctooer. Peonle have beeun to come in already in tim snrintF and we hear of some fami lies that will move to town soon. We are expecting a great number of people here during this summer and fall, as the resorting here increases rapidly irom year to year. A cornet hand has been organized in our little citv. consisting of ten pieces. Those who are resolved on becoming musical are : II D Klum, James Pound, Will Pound. Joe Hatinert. Ala Parrisli, Everett Parrish, Will Smith, Lawrence Peery and Louis Baraee. The boys have their instruments here, nil paid for, a good teacher employed, and, in fact.they mean business. We predict that Soda ville will have a good band. Yes, they will play this summer on the streets. On the 19, Inst, to Ihe wife of G W Mo Elhoes, a daughter all well. ALBANY OPERA HOUSE. WARNER & CRANOR, Lessees snd Managsrs Saturday Kmiag, April 25th. IALBA HEYWOOD i PEERLESS CONCERT COMPANY, J O O CD- i V Rj vO Pure Fresh Fun anil Elegant Musis: A Program of Hu ronrous slid FatAetic Costumed Impersooallons, Chericter snd Teplesl Sonrs. And Operatic Gems. O As full cl funny features as the sky full of stars. Endorsed by Press, Tulpit and I'UDIIC. aTGrand open air concert on the uay 01 periorumucc. We in-.ure agfcinst trampe. Towxsind & Wilson. fa-Reserved Easts St Will 4 Link's. -SEE SMALL BILLS Cheap Wood. Good fir wood delivered I . yard. Visiting Cards, to styles, Paisley Smiley small an . - .... ui ninv ami i i 1 1 i nve vei, " "- . r county real esta. Call on or aanr. 1 E Mcpherson, First St., Albany, Or. .i 111.--.. r. ti . onr.1 I niu iTV TO T.oaN. In Leave orders at P W Spir.W lumber M largo amount, from six months . to SPECTACLES generally, as well as jewelry, Watchea "clocks, etc., at P. HI. French's. ALBANY :OR. WR1TSMN & HULBERT BEOS.. Real Estate- Agents Farms and Ranohes for sale. Also city broperty in Albao and Coryallis. War is Declared, not by Italy but by T. L. Wallace & Co., -THE- LEADING CLOTHIERS $ in CD o D IS o ft D U a r I O CD P W ALBANY. WAR ON HICH PRICESI Have now displayed in their store the 6oest and largest stock of Spring Clothing and Furnishing Goods ever before brought to Albany. All Goods were selected with the greatest oare ard embrace all the latest 8tyles and Spring Novelties. WAR ON HICH PRICES! By onr great closing out sale during January and February we succeeded oleauing cot nearly all winter ulothiog, and we sreot yen again this spiing as w did last fall, with a new, clean stock, latest styles and lowest prices. WAR ON HICH PRICES! Wt carry a line of highly tailored olothipg, and have hundreds of fine tailor made suits which we gnaiantee in every respect, to be far super ior in fit, stylo snd workmtnship to theuit that you generally have made by your u.erchant tailor, and the prices are from 50 to 75 per cent h ,p r WAR ON HICH PRICES! Wedefy any meiohant tailoi to heat onr atyles. fit end finish of goods. All von big men, short fat men, stout meo, long and slim men, and all other people who never have been ahla to get a ready made suit to fit, should call and examine our mammothatook before you leave your meas ure with some morohrnt tailoi, for we make a specialty of such goods acd can fit any man in any kind of a auit We carry th3 ee'ebrated War on High Prices, Tht i risen of these fine tailor made sulis rang- from 114 to $26. Our stock of men's hiil neBSSiiitHis immenitx. and ihe prloe from 7 60 to $14. A full line of Albany woolen mill goods lor men, buys ciiUren War on High Prion. Our boys and children's de- . . . umt.ldll. 1 .nlt style aprliiR hata A large and fine dreas shoe, and Have the sole fine assortment or Bilk and negligee snlrta for spring aud summer wear. P. 1 Me DS U CD o p o ct- ct-p War on High Prices. agency for tbls city. War on High Prices, Ta the best $2.99 shoe Inaf tbe matkot. Try it Jt "Every boy who purchase bis spring Biilt of u will be presented with a Ppanlding'e foague bsse ball and bat.sf o o o o T. L. WALLACE & CO., The Birthplace of Homst Bargains.