"k"S'll VOL. Ill " jj ALliAHYOEKGQjf WEDNESDAY. APRIL 22, 1891. US, Conrad Msver. Tiirir,i ,. r i;jiIC: I I -paopwOTra Uftfc , D TT7 11 W Power u & M RePrt. Au 7. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS STAR UAKEJ1Y I U Ksrn LOWjJsp :1a, uan:t!;. brllliatur. I In. al I ay,0. f I iry. nratll, .vviyxvx U1 KK III fill If . til vi t. Ar II lUfA Hni a a w a i r.-a jot .obs s .n m m uu sm Da p k n .sS"SiT i 3 w5?. viAU On rawer Broadalbin and First Sts., -I)EAI,EK IN Miuetl B-'ruilM, laHwre, rlen Fi-iiIIm, obiivno, (agar 1'oflee, Kto t'uuiie.l Meii,, ((necumiiiri-, .'egeiiiMch, ClglU'M, tip'rin, Tea, Etc.. Terylhing tlwt in kopt In . ku j va Tand grooerr oro. nir.1,1 'jo r.Kobp 'iaiuior Albany Manufacturers of- 1EAM ENGINES GRIST AND SAW VILL MACHINERY IROHrKONTS WD ALL KINDS OF HEAVY AND LICHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. fnflctal attention sh o i miring ll u 01 inacmnorc PaWns Made on Short Notice NEW MARKET BLOCK, PORTLAND - . Allf. IIL'lliMl-iif.. pq ' iW,mr-,w IA THE NOKTHUKST FOR Plows of Every Description t nOMPBNtvi! J. I. CASE ife,8 i?w.,ir., Timber Plows, Side Hill How, Wed Bel Hows, SEE SULKY AND GANG PLOWS. ALBANY NURSERIES I V"E HAVE ON HAND at our nurRory T on ibe Ccrvallls road, ouo-half nile from town, as lino a let of fruit frees ofallkiniia an oan bo found any where on the coa.t. IT you contomplate planting trees Ii wi'.l pay you to ten our took and pet our prices. Calalcguc fice II v MAN a BROWNELL. UUAIi ESTATH FOK &ALE.-I have a farm ot zvi Hcr, near lowson i depot, on the l.arrow Gauge, 10 miles -' from Albany. AH In cultivatlot'. Fair bouse and bai - ..a.,,, for atoo. and domestic ptirpesoi. Fine oak gr , Alsoanotherfurui ot ILiSacrea, threr 1 t.fg rrooi Lebanon, All in ciiltivatl-. Fair blouse. lood water. H01I1 r : wheat larms. Also house and twt .uts on Fifth and Jofforsnn stroots, Ahiviy, For furlh er particulars call on A. (Jmphroy.C'ontm product, or o Hewitt A Irvine. Albany. KIl A UMPHKEY. Best stock ofL't.d ier roods in ihn V icy. and the uiont roa-sl iaie nrics. both 'J' b aelling. L have on band FUilNITUUE, STOVES, THWAHE TRUilKS, BOOKS, PICTURES CLOCKS, CS5CKFRY, ETC., ETC. fo.w west of 8 E Young's olf stor W-uw ef the soi,; All doa....nd faralu ti ii't. tffJT tago to wnte to u. fr t,r.d p.ic. before purcn'. el e" ! with lie, while fifing a larger and more varied twjk to Beloct from than nny otlier lirm on tlio l'aeilin inai We carry the Lnrgos! and Most ComploU Stock on the Piflo Coat of Blacbinepy-s-aml-:- Vehicles -:- f-:-Every-:-Description "r niiuoeiie and Price Llsl. . AGENTS j ALBANY, OREGON. W. C. DAVIS & CO iStJH p I! FT? 3 Brni I !Sg m ANY vviasiga nielli "While You Wait, NOTHING ELSE, Foitmiller & Irving, -FUNERAL DIUECTOItS. Arterial Embalming Dona Soietitil lcally. ACADEMY OF Our Lady of Perpotual Help, ALBANY, - - OREGON Conducted by the Kisltn f St, Benedict Tuition tn select day school ranges from 15 to 10. Forterma of Boarding School or any prtlcclars apply at tho Aca'.etnv or id", adesa Slater 8uperiorea JritToftDAVS.I CV a.u. Sulstat. Ul THFEvlNsCsEyinrf tho lonrilncr rcmniy fo' Jonorrhf A UU 2 ho only muo remedy (ot IenroprhPor White I prescribe it Dt foI Mfe in rfcnmmendlng it A.J. HTONKR. M. D., 80M hy Iriiirvf3U9. J T.IMARD A riSU K, Agrnt S. W. Paisley, Albany, Ongoa -WHOLESALE DEALER.IN- TobiQ33 and Cipn. CTiiHE ! Pcrmaiientfv cnrixl ufih.,,, t. . win, a I . i . V":" " toed cure in every 3-no. no mui r lcn naiidir ' ."!.""?:'""" '"r."eiu o. ol lr lluxi' 1'n.U r aicst uncoyury known to nicilidno. It ili,solvm Poc ill jrtoi.ieirScx.iinl not proper to name her-, iDeliidwir all tli-.Mi dulicato lnllrniitle mid Weak! ami , nl.kh rhey would shrink Irom diwleslnir lo tlil-ir family pliy.leiaii, perni imnllv cured ill Ii,!, timelluii wan ever knuirn to Medicine I eli.rc bypr 3oxell a "New System of Treatment." Il rejuvenates lie seiillo-uni aryoritaliBand inakea irc.k men iitrulw lien fusible, it is alwaja l.et to call l,.r pcraoiial nmsultatioii and upceial usin.inntion. IHit thoe Hio eaimot possil.ly e,, si Id wilto, Halinit lllcir mac fully. Medleine sent hy mail or express, main! . . . li'"n"i w " I'ltiin tu ui 1'Heinet oii.l, Add reus, Wm. A. Rasell, 31. D. " J. . ru i, "recoil. loner mt nn.l l'li e strcetnoveljl'oiliutul itaili.'pm ri.nl:. ANY WEAK MAN i oi3Bnuerinjf. either la h!n mind or IxMly, from tho lujurious or weukeiilnir i nfTer.Jl fit hlanirn li: i ..uii' iiAcKiii w: iunnij Him XTlua noiitly cured. TaiHird free (-aed). Dp (T5nlo Third st. wii VU," Portland, r. ..u ib uiu ikktut niis nai oo years rxKriciie) In cnrlngrriTftU-, Mood, .. "iimini inpi'tmep. nio to-day. Reliable Remedies sent privately to any address. IkWisieaiir tsnnot tie successfully traveled wUlv- Out good health. To rearh iwnnOS ... am. COvetDd DOsltlon In llln ro,,,l.. .1 ..... possesion Bn, cperallon of all the fao ullics kind nituro has eadomd us with. Thesa ccr.dlllons cannot exist unless the laical bslnj Is In perfect working . . i , Hi. is impassion nnon the mr and spleen are torpid, thusobstract. 1.13 the secretions, causing Indlgestioi ai-o c:pcp::a, wl!.-i all of their acccre. panjlng l:orror8. OH. HENLEY'S Sngliy - DandeiiM Tcnlc K;erls a tp - ino Infimnca over the liver, excites It healthy action, resolves Its cliron.'c engorgements, and promotes the secretions ; cures Indlgostion and ccnstl pat'on, sharpens the appellle, tones a i W the enllro system, and makes Ufa worth ABSOUUTELY PURE jnsur Tlie n.alln. i..,:i.i! i,.... inn i.. i ",m ,oan associa- Vt.u LeJ. 1-i,n y.200anl 1 I , t i uj iuoiiins interest In (i.r '"BHWtions nro better - - ,.so wrtufc lurniiyuouy nHu en lrJlA '-n'oye who .. uuicmiH uo BO, itemizcr TlieWnlh, Voii e,. . . o uiuiemniui ms oown to iinancial matters as follows : The ..umn mis oiten Deen asked of late tlio reasons for the present strincency in i..r ' ,u mis locality we C." """.iMnjii oongeuall the banks and loon f, ,,,,.,,,; m i .1 ...vo V.1UBVI UOtVIl upon any more accommodation to their customers. Our neonle bml l,.on .,, H1!! 'oit,3 'u't extent at till nulla Wa la lifinW ; i i?i?i I and l,ther Pr"Perty iu cities l ke .Seattle, and when the Hurry came they were lomlod nn o,i .i. t n- " . ' "a niu Hume state of aflairs obtained on tho Sound '.utrv ufm linn . n ... ..nl I ..1 i.i i r uniuuu, so nave to hold on for a while. As fl rpof .. it ...o.iy ma iiiiercsieu in tne Ulimtlllll rOHOrvnt... l.l- , 11 " r.wvn MU pilUIISU tlie following from the Walla Walla Un ion: irom Pendleton word comes that. te sale of reservation lands bv auction isranidlv loir.nnrn.-..n . . y ....i.iii,K iuiu int.. worst kind of a furco nnd that sceminclv thi whole business was in tho lmmU of sharks. Pendleton lias always been noted on tli nl. ;.!;.... ..i i .. , . Info,. .V." "1 "f t'llOSP VVUVS OI OIIIOIllllK. nn. were not nlirav. i. . combination of Just such an element are runnino f ia In,!.,. .: i . , . , ,7 iiiiuii ittim saie u manna agency to suit themselves. lllCV llftVO n T.r.ri..f lln I l i . , r.i..vvii3,u lilt, IU11US O be oilered, and whenever a piece of land i,n.ii u.i-vuisii 10 outain.tlie combination will outbid the independent bidder, rnnnin, : i , . , ... r1 " v; up to u prom otive hguro. The land will lie knocked uonii ionic combination bidder. The land biivimr L.n ,.1.1 t ... c,,i ullv B auction is declared finished for the day, and the uaiersua. me Duitler, nerhaos not desiring to pay such a price, and the land is et an hi- il..fnlt i . ... .... again nt auction in the morning and the w.i.umuuuii uiuuer is at band to buv it at the appraised value, which is usually about twenty-live percent of the reiil value. NO SliCEAMNU N(V. By the constitution of the state of Ohio it "do tho duty of the aovercor. eot..n of state and sudilor to make a legislative apportionment f r members of tho senate and astembly of that state, immediately following the taking of the census. Th. r,nnn ;. . democrat and the other two are republi cans. The two republicans have fixed nn . moet outrageous gerrymander, one that will require the democrats to carry tha .tat v. 60,000 majority in order to secure a minrl in the legislature. There seems to be a disposition among a few democrats in that stato to cqueal.- But thev need not Th. should remember the democratic gerry manderof the congressional districts last j ear. We further notice a disoosition amono republican, to taoUl-ze democrats for squeal ing. They need not. Their gerrymanders n that state in tunes past are more . out Danffrrous Business! Seattle, April zi. -Without doubt the greatest steamboat race that Puget sound ever witnessed occurred today between the livers Grcyhoundand llaiSey (Jalze,,, .he course leinglrom I .coma to Seattle and return In the lust hal of Hie course from Tacoma to Seattle, the Gakert led ia the race hy fuTly lenglh,, but both steamers touched their re specuve docks at almost the same moment. Inthe secondhalfnfthe course, to Tacoma hey Greyhound acquired the lead, held it all he way and arrived v, ' greatest excitement, ahead of the Galzer'" T ;.6 iiiuusouic rival a lull minute and a ball. A HeTengciul Judge. Tort Tow.nsend, Wash. Anril 2r At... a month ago City-Macistmte Kh . n... r. i Sao by Judge Sachs for contempt of court, , , "Me 'u King me court not 10 sneak to him. Alii,., r, . had an order made that Judge Rhode should rk ....n.,:., o, me contempt. Nothing more was done about the mailer till today, when Khode ae&in innnrMi :n ... Sachs refused to allow Rhode to argue until he" should purge himself of the old contempt. Hot words Dassed htwn ih. -.i r-5 i;m- i- . ...s..i, uuu ier s time a lively scene was imminent. Rhode ...iniiy iciirCU. Hade Fortunes. San Francisco, April 2 i Th h; piice has brought corresDomlinr.lv nr. --r its to -California operators who had iude- merit tnonna nn.l . i P nave .o ouy before the boom came. In this market George W Mc Near. ndmitleillv il,. i.: . ;...;i. u u ,-," "" i-aiiiorma ssaiJ to be ahead of the most. His nrofits rag.,n.even than that perpetrated b, tbi 1 IIJK,,-, democrats last year. Both parties in Ohio Peserit lime. Next to McXer come Starr hsvo b.in a, nntr,.n.n...i .. . -0, the orcat millino firm. Th.;. sa.dlo have been nearly Soco.ooc. Next comes V ilham Dresboch. Mr Uresbach made about S2SO.OOO in wheat charters before the oig loom came. havo been as outrageously mean as it was possible for them to be. No squealiig ,thea from either sid. V. e:,vi'i il tee I and il.. . if Rfr T v .i li.-.v 'mn. Cm;. wiih ut.,:j u ..ni.;-;iy .1 A l ururmnu. Agent f'riiinps of t'.te HimcIcs I nrctl. John I Woo.l, of Stratford. Out., wan cured of cram . a in the !e3 hv wc-ann All cnck'fl P'ircus l'!a-tero. Mr Woml sayii: 'Som throe monthn an I w.13 tauen very ck with Rrcra puin in the rniall nf hck over the kill log. 1 appiifd :.r. Allcoek'. i'or.ina Pinter over the r.liicied region ami had reli- f almost within an hour. At the same time, lu con junction with thin trouble, 1 hid very grunt nervous disturbance, i ff .c'.in.. my l-n. with cramps so I oon'd irar.-ely sierp." M. otin with tuch (iieces itli mv luck I ap rli'd plaster under tbe kiue ou e..ch leg, nnd iu three dnvs nt eompletelv cure.l, and have never beli troubled in eitho." wav sinco " The liabilities of McKinley Mitchell of Gervais are fiS.OOO and bis assets noini nnl. A few years ago he started a little store with smnll capital and lots of pluck. Ho lias worked bard for several years during which bis .amine. I..,. l. ...... .n on the wrong side of the ledger. Mr McKinley is a first-rate goer, but not bavinu a trovornor. Iio linn v.,n nir.i. track into the ditch, a wreck. Business tact is absolutely necessary to the suc cess of any enterprise. Oregon City Courier. ' WOSt-II! CnVsl IH.ItlVG. P. M. French keeps railroad time.. a.oiv cream cheene just received at'CoLrad Meyerf. Ilavej-on seen tlio-e parlor suits that T liriuk ban just received ? They are nice. Greilt reduction ininnn. fiifnlulxn.. . for tho nctt SO ileys nt W F Ri-ad's. I W Beutlov. hest boot and shoe cit.7, ihw door north of T'emocrat otlico. frf-e.at Mm Kincn. itist init nf th iicuAeii office. Will & Stark h.ivft .not rf, PW:.A . l.rr.n I eic, never orore i quailed in this city. fc W Achisrin ft Vo handle toe celehntcd j Fhepe walls cin he furnished at half the cost i of any otlW and ar far superior. nritchir-n up f-nr old rubhrri nnd old (hoes and make thorn look an rood s nt-w with Wolff's A"mp Watemroof I.lit?h. For Ralo at Sjinu tl E Young's. The old sij le. FnES.vo.AprU 21. -Gylyeater Tiradoand Francisco Olivea fought a dud yesteaday at Cantua canyon, eighty milea from Fresno. Uhvea was killed uml Tin.ln hn i rested and taken U Frcano. Tha men owned adjoining sections of land and had numerous disuutea abnit tmally agreed that the next time they gIli H out- Uotn we armed wilh rev.vlvr. n.i j - . buuiuieueeu liriog at each other at a dli tance of forty jards? -j v.w in -uu ut r,wouty yards Ttrado ssut a bullet through Olivea neck. Montana Elections. Uelesa, Apiil 21. Follrenoits from th. Montana municipal elections show th. - publicans have coptured every city in which party hues wero drawn except iu Butte where the democrats elected tile mavor and! a majority of the couueii. i;WI ,1 K'tllAAii mmm s mm IJlunibor:'s Block. HHST-CLftSS GOODS, PtCascna!)l3Ti : Prices, .A. complete line HVE E Jh. CALL. t2 -:- 'Albany, Oregon. WHY WILL YOU ooagh when Shiloh'a Cure will rivo Immcl;:.!., ralir ,n cents, 60 cents and SI. Foshay' k Mason. agents. Fxrlfentcnt Runs hinli in ,ll...ov .. Fo-hsv & M. nn'a drug slnr: t er Svktem Builder, ns everybody n nii g it fi.i Cntnrrh of the Stiiniach. Oyni.cpaia. Coniietion nnd Ln puro I'looil. Trv it i rid . H vmir frieud about it as it must, t.o.i. won i rful nKTtlii when a 1 peak well of n. FOIt DYSl'Kl'.-IA mid iv.e I'n In:... VOI1 have R l.ril.l.. .nr.i.i.w. .... , l.....t of Shilobj, Vif iIizt. It never fail, to cure. roshayte Mason, c;oiits. Bo.Minnns Waxtuii. for table nnil one room, liiuuire at Dt unro i r nm..o Paisley & Emiley.Tiio Printers, ntnn Slock LEADING DRUGGIST DRUCS.iliEDlGlMES STATIONARY &C lv79 ts3 If Vnil V.-nnf iha haeit v " i.sai uiu UVOI and most durable furni turp that is manufaotu'- jed in the citj' go to THOMAS BRINK'S French Tnii..vt Wnl ers wafers nre a sure and mfc kfndsof female trou'ilct. at. all obstructions lo the inor. no tn-ltor what the cause. 1 Muhnt rVrri' u'ilm,n iwnr. can be imxI with safety. For sale t Llvinr.slone Chemical' Co., also Iron sole Of. ent, J A Ciiinming, druggb', lb bcrghiick. A Ibarv. Oregon. The for a rcmot period are n rill. Tho best ro, t c l. o in Iho city at ConiaJ .-vi r . tijis ;oi.r. km.k ittziAi:. Has a ! large nnd complete line of goods, dolls, doll buggies, boys' wagons, ve ocipedes nnd many other goods which gol to makeup a complete assortment, besides a complete line of lamps of ei-pri'ileoi.Hnlif.11 fl.i,,.. ..r...l..r.. ...... ........... .v,,,. , i. iiu., i.iue decorated ware, glassware, bird cages, piusii goons, siit-it as alliums, toilet sels nnlmirnr.1. l,..l.-Q o... 1. 1-.. l.IT.l ..... ...... ri.j. I'wunn, V llllUlVIl P A 15 C picture books, ami nil goods that me can-icu in n iuaar siore, inciutung itoger isros. IH47 silverware. We wish in coll tlio ntf.mtimi llw, ....Ml. tictilnr to tbe Golden Utile prize baking powder anu ten, put up expressly for this fade, which gives the best of satis faction, as is attested by tlio hundreds who nave used nom me tea aim baking powder ever since introduced by the uiiiin ii kiiio liazaar. j.itcli pnekage of ten and oan of backing powder draws a prize in t ne sn.ipe ol a line piece ot glnss- Witrn. IV Hiiro lo on II tchon in All.n,., at the Golden Rule I'.azaar, ?s you will be sure to find what you wa.it, and will he shown over the store and be treated kitldlv llV IllV nlfirLr Mr Millr... ,t.. irnlunrnnll tiiiicL.n.l '. ..).. it. I!....-., r" ,...,. in ;.imii iillllln nil as not to deceive anyone, and I have but one price to all. Jn.ius GiiAiiwom.. Notice to Fakmeks. Wnnted ot. one. chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, dried eggs, anu an Kinds ot farm produce, for which I will n,.v ... est prico in ensb or in (.vM,,,.,.,i. goods. B. W. ShlPsov. Albmy, Oregon SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable hy hat te-rnble cough. Shilnh'sCure is tbe ' Uoinedy for you. Just arrived a full line of ladies, chil dren,., meu'K od hoy's foot wear at G W Siiiip.nu's, which will bo sold at bottom pricus. Where to Get Them When wanting n organ or niar.a call on G L Hlackn.an hc c you i:an sel. ct from a first class to.. ("HILOH'S COUGH Cun is sold by tiHiiu a gm coniunjptioii. Keslmy A; snd Cousumption na'.tee. It cures Mcaon, agents, For Iiiiito back, or Porous bluiur. 1'ii .:ie (best, nto Shlloh I e, celity. CATARRH CUUKD. health ad Wect breath secuied.liy Slnli n's Catarrh Remedy. Price CO cents. Nasal Injector free Fo shay .V Mason, agents. The ONLY place in the ty where East ern liet.etn e.ni l.o i.ni..lin. i. r w Jis'ir, at the Southern PaciHc Co's ticket olli..o SHILOH'SCIIirE ill lieve Croun.Whooiiine t 'ini.ib .i,l P.rn.,nh..:. Fo.hay m; .laoll; ociu's. RIIILOd S CATARRH REMEDY & pit:ive euro for Cmarih. Dipbtheiia ar.d 1-i'i.lir.y c. .Mason, agent.. Canker-Mouth. A n cum for Hi,, whisky mint; I)r Livinestoti'a Artidnle for inn ii.ne will enrv sr.v os.o of the lionnr bil in imni ten to tlib IV iImvs. fn-m tb i, ,Mi. .1.1..L.. the drunkard. The Antidote o n be oivnn in i cup of coffee wilb. nt th knowledge f the t-eiori takiiic il. Th. .'iitl.lnt ulli nn injure the hfsltn in sny wv. Mr.iuifactured by the Living. i.. ii Cliemie.il f'n . Portl.nrf Oreyoo rr from J A Ciiinming, sole arnt Albany. CHOITP. wtinfirTvc roiTntr ..j Rroi chitis ilnmedtaS lv relioeeil bv .Sbil..b,. Cure. ' linjf Pliotoxrniiliern A any !ret;on. M-fl have hmi (flit-all thcmgativi e made by L W Clark and W II Greei o.d up to Nov 15th, 1SSU. Dupliuitea cn be had from hem only of us at reduoed in ton, Wq have also about 18,000 negative. made by our selves, from which duplicates can be had at lib-a. i. Wa onrre tks.j-.n w full t viewi ii this state and do enlargi d work at loweit r-tos for first class work. VVe shall be nlnasind tn stas. rnn f mi SJn.1 A i V -r. m... block! next door to Mssonio IVmple. a narai i.ipnmn tr. ...u hnitle f fehiloh Catarrh lietnedy. 1'ricc HQ emits. rnnavtY Mason, aaents V. V. fluid kina'tha hokt fHfinrfmani Af fancy gocds in town. WILL YOU 8UFFKU w th Dy-petsia d Liv-r Onmn-aint ? Hlntnli'a V'.tsml.-- .' .tl'iaiantce.t to curt you. 1 O O F. Albany Loage No 4 holds fta regular meeting Wednesday evening of each week. Visiting brothers are cordially nvited to attend. W M'.. S0.1 atv 45,-. BiMir 2ic pr iti, Trim- 15r Hny IO.OOlto 18.00, Potatoes 60 eta per buahal Boef on foot, '1 to Sr. Apploa 00 cents pr bu, Pork 5o per U iiroawd. Bacons bamllc ahonldera 7c aldna 9o . Jl.rl IIL. m IK Ha... al Ot . fbiokons S OO por dot. 4iu reed bran, u.uoper ton anona, i, middiinn, SW. Chert. SO.