Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, April 21, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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    i:tIM4 L SO. 09,
An ordinance to pro v Lie for the pre
vention and removal ot nuisances and to
punibh those who allow or maintain them
and to provide how the costs and expenses
of abating such nuisances shall be collect
ed and paid, and to define what bhall con
stitute a nuisance within the limits of the
city of Alburn.
The people of the city of Albany do or
dain as follows:
Section i. No butcher or other person
shall kill or slaughter within the city
limits, anv animal or animals, i he flesh of
w hich is Intended to be sold or offered for
sale; and no person shall keep In any yard,
pen or cortal, within the city limits any
sheo, beeves, bwlne or other animals, for
sale or to be slaughtered for a longer
period than three cays.
Section 2. No person or per ions shall
cast or leave or keep in, or adjoining any
street, lai.e, alley, square or public place,
or,(n any yard, lot, block or premises, with
in the cltv limits, or, in the Willamette
river between the east boundary of the
city and the west boundary thereof, or, in
the t nlaixMiia creek at any point where
said city abuts upon said oeek, any bones,
putiid, unsound, unwholesome or refuse
beef or meat of any animal, w hether sailed
or otherwise, or any hides 01 skins of any
kind, or the whole or pat t of any dead an
imal or fish, or an stagnant or impure
water or unsound, putrid, or unwholesome
substance or the oftaI,;arbaegoi the offen
sive part of any animal or animals,
Skction 3. No person or persons shall
permit, or suffer to accumulate, in or upon
any yard, lot, place or premises, or, upon
any street, alley,or sidtwalk adjacent to or
abutting upon" any lot, block, place or
premises, owned controlled or occupied by
him or them, or for which he or they may
be agent or agents within the city limits,
any stagnant or impure water, refuse veg
etables, decayed or decaying substances,
garbage, manure or filth of any kind, nor
suffer such lot, yard, place or premises to
be or remain in such condition as to cause,
produce or create any no'some or offensive
smell or atmosphere, or, thereby to be, be
come or cause or create a public ruisance:
provided that no rerson shall be prosecuied
for a violation of this Section, unless such
violation shall continue for 5 daysjaf'er lie
orjihev have received the notice provided
3n Section 7 of this ordinance.
Section 4. No person whoistheov n
er or occupant or in the control of, or, the
agent for any house, store, buijdi.igor
premises, in the city of Albany,to which a
privy or water close', shall be "attached or
belong or appertains, shall use or keep the
same in such a condition or manner as to
cause a noisome or offensive smell to
arise therefcrm so as to become a nuit ance.
SEcrioN 5. It shall be unlawful for any
person or peiscns to construct or cause to
be constructed, or used, any privy or cess
pool under any sidewalk In front of or ad
joining any property owned or occupied
by him or them; and every day such per
son or persons shall use or permit to be
used, such privy or cesspool, after receiv
ing the notice provided for in Section 7, of
this ordinance, shall be deemed a new and
separate offense and violation of this or
dinance. :
Section 6. Whenever in 'the opinion 1
of the committee on Are and water, and the
t Chief Knfjineer, (or a majority of them.)
any buildup, structure or awning, within
the city limits, shall become so much in
jured by liie, decay, or, on account of de
fective material used in the construction
thereof, or from any other cause, as to be
dangerous to surrounding property, or in
danger of falling down, the same shall be
deemed a nuisance and shall be by them
so declared, and thev shall forthwith file
such declaration with the Recorder, jvho
shall forthwith thereafter furnish to the
marshal a certified copy of such declara
tion, to be served by him upon the owner
of such property, or his authorized agent
in case the owner thereof is absent from
the city or cannct be found therein. And
any owner of such property or building,
or, in case of the absence of such owner
from the city, his authorized agent, who
shall neglect or refuse to remove or re
pair such butldin, structure or awning for
two days after being ordered so to do by
the marshal shall be redeemed guilty of a
misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof
before the City Recorder, shall be fined
$5 nor more than if 00 or be hnprisonedin
the city jail not less than 2 days nor more
than 50 day ; and each day that such
building, awning, or structure shall so
stand, after inch convicMon, shall be
deeemed a new and separate offense.
Section 7. Whenever the marshal
shall be informed of the existence within
the city limits of any nuisance prohibited
by Sections 3 and 4 of this ordinance, he
shall Immediately make, or cause to be
m: de, an examination of the yard, lot,
street, alley, sidewalk, place or premises
on which it is charged that such nui
sance is suffered or permitted, and it a
nuisance Is fiiund to exist thereon, or to
exist upon any street, sidewalk or gutter
adjacent to or abutting upon anv such
yard, lot. place or premises.unless It shall be
necessary in order to finite such nuisance
to fill up or drain the property on which
the same Is Mtuatcd, he shall forthwith
give or cauc to be given, to either owner,
agent or orcupant of such yard, lot, place
or premises,or to all of them, a notice to re
move or abate suclVnuisnncc within 5 d.ivs
from the service flf hucIi notice up.m such
owner, aent or occupant, and if uch nui sance
is not removed at ilic end of 5 days
from tne service of such notice on such
owner, occupant or agent, the marshal
fhall cause hueh owner, occuoant of ot
agent to be arrested for suffering or per
mitting such nuisance to exist, and if lie or
they shall he convicted before the Recorder
therefor, the marshM shall at once there
after cause tiie same to be removed, and
he shall be and he i hereby authorized
to remove any and ali obstruction that it
may in hii judgment be necessary to re
move in order to reach and remove or
.abate such nub-.ince. The expense of the
removal of any Mich nuisance by (he
marshal shall he paid by the city in
the tut. Instance, but in ca ? the author or
continui r of such nuisance it the owner
or occrpani of the property whereon such
imparl' e txi-ts the expense of the removal
tln ieof bl.all he taxed to such owner or oc
cupant rt a part of the eou and expenses
in such cause and ho recovered bv the
city from mu!i owner nr occupant not I lied
ns q cin before provided. The Recorder
hall li-x such ki'Ih and expense n soon
- as they an: a-crtaiiitd, if such coN
and expenses me t t pi. Id, when taxed
against Mich or occupant, within $
davs after the taxing thereof, the Recorder
shall forthwith thereafter enter a state
ment of such costs and expenses on the
book if city liens; such statement shall
contain the following matters in relation
to the removal and aWUement of such
1. A particular description of the tract
of land u hereon Mich nuisance existed
3, The amount of the "0U and dis
bursements of the arrest and conviction of
th? author or conthiuer of such nuisance
X The name of the owner and occu
pant of the land whereon such nuisance
4. The amount of the costs and ex
penses of the removal ot sucn nuisance by
the marshal.
From tl.e date of the entry of such state
ment on the book of cltv liens, such costs.
disbursements and expenses shall be and
constitute a lien on or ag linst the tract of
land described in such statement and such
lien shall be enforced against such land in
the same manner as provided in the char
ter of said citv and the ordinances thereof
for the enforcement of liens on real
property in said city for street huptove
ments. "
Six HON S. Whenever the coru.inUee 01
health and police shall mil tint any sim-nunl
water exists cn any lot or lots, block or block
within the limits of the ci'.y of Albany I.) siuh
an extent as to he a nuisance or to cuhmei
tiie health of the cairns of said city residing
Oi p.isHn within the vicinity w here such
stiginnt water is situ.ite l ant! tha' m OMet
10 remove the same horn s'ldi hrvl, it is nec
essary to fill up 01 drain the same, said com
mittee shall report such f.ict in wilting to the
council at their next Hireling, together wi:h a
.iesciiption of the ..amis upon which such so
nant water is situated, the o.wier or owners of
such property together wi:!i their estimate oi
the nuts and expense of m.'.umg s.icn iu or
drain. Thereupon if the council shall adopt
such rpporl, they shall declare ny ordinance
that such stagnant water is a miUance and
that a necessity for such till or drain ex Lit, a::d
state in such ovdinanie the reason 3 thereior.
immediately thereafter the iccoider sli:i!l de
liver certilied copies ot such or;!: nance, Uecur-
the necessity 101 such ti.l or tliatn to
nuifhal, who shall fuithwith serve the ov.nci
Or owners ui such land or his or their r.ivnt
... ...... w. . . . ........
at the sime time notify such oner Pc Dunes
hi j or their agent o. agents to till or dr.'.: a s;u.h
prim :(: within a tiiiiC specified in feuch notice,
which said time shall he by t'.; cr.irui!.
in tl.e ordinance, dec'iatin t r.ccc.-s.iy f:
such till or dram, and it such owne- orov-ners
11s or their agent or agents shall fail or refuse
to make such fill or diuin within the tmu so
fixed by the council, which Urns shail nut be
less than live days, then the committee on
health, and police shall let the contract for
such work to the lowest bidder alter first giv
ing five days notice posted in three public
places in the city, of the time and place of let
ting the contract far such work. lVl.en the
contract is fet the work shall be done under ine
direction of the committee on health and po
lice, and it shall be the duty of the superin
tendent of streets to see that such work is
finished as rapidly as possible. When such
work is finished, the costs and expenses there
of shall be immediately entered by the recor
der in the book of city liens in the same man
ner as provided in the charter and ordinances
for entering liens for street improvements,
and such entry shall constitute a lien against
all of the lamia upon which such stagnant
water existed, and such lien shall be enfurced
against such property in like manner and with
like ettect as a l:en lor street improvements.
section Q. All accumulations in or upon
any yard, lot, place or premises or upon any
street, sidewalk or alley adjacent to or anuti
ing upon any lot, block, place or premises
wi.hin the limits of the city of Albany, of any
stagnant or impure water, refuse vegetables,
decayed or decaying substances, garbage,
manure or filth of any kind, from which a
noisome or offensive smell or atmosphere shall
arise, and all buildings, structures and awn
ings within said city limits, which shall become
so much injured by fire, decay, or on account '
of defective material used in the construction
thereof, or from any other cause, as to be
dangerous to surrounding property, or in dan
ger of falling, and all privies belonging to or
appertaining to any house, store, building or
premises in said city, which are or shall be
kept in such condition or manner as to cause a
noisome or offensive smell or atmosphere to
arise therefrom or to be offensive to decency
in any manner, are hereby defined to be
Section 10. If any person or ptrsonsjshall
vio'ate any of the provisions of this ordinance
he or they shall be deemtd guilty of a mis
demeanor, and upon conviction thereof be
fore the recorder, shall be fined not less tbnn
5 nor more than 100. or imprisoned in the
city jail not less than 2 days nor more than 50
days, or by both such fine and imprisonment
at the discretion of the court, and in all case
of conviction under this nrdiuance the costs
of the rase, together with the costs of remov
ing or abating the nuisance, fhall be taxed
against the defendant
section II. All ordinances and parts of
ordinances in conflict herewith arc hereby
section 12. This ordinance shall be in full
force and effect from and after live days from
its approval bv the mayor.
Passed the council April 14 1S91.
Approved April 16 1S91 .
t r;i:v;s wanikiv acIiIp-m smart
2 A limn i-o.i,,Iiirt!.niil,l.T.
MOXKY TO I.OAN.-In Knmil and
lsree nmonnln, from ix months to
fivH . on .joil Altmnv l I,inn
pniinl.r rmil ntitt- Call on nrnMrritH VV
K Mul'licrinn, Flint St., Alhany, Or.
DtSHOTJTiON' NOnrE.-HiB rart
iirrhip heretofore rxinHnu br-tuppn
!' Kimula and W H Head y, in tli
pntntiiifr and pa r i.ikIiik bnsinen. Im,
tin day twit diHm'iTml ly mutual con
i-nt, V Knuols rilriin!. the limine,,
will 1.0 .urrlcd 011 by W It, w.'io
wil pay all dulita owing by the fl 'inaKl
nr.Pt ot all onutnndinis Renminbi duo tlio
!alcil April 13tli, 18'.l.
.i. Iho aniiiial mcelliiK of Dm sumk
hold r of Hi? Albany Knrmi r-i Co, will
im In-Ill at the olltiio of aald onmpnnv,
All.anv, tm-Kon. on May !th, IX'.M, itt 1
n'ciliK'k, p in. olsaid day, for tlm put ) oe
of i koiinit ficviin (T) olrrwlora, to aorv
tlm onuliiK yoar and tbo tran.vafiiion ol
anuli otlmr busli.rxa rh may propnrly
I Miii iiiuHiiim. none by or
lor of ilm board of directoia,
m. ii. wtr.ns,
I .t:eb!: P. B. ArAKi.L, l'residcnt.
lio largopt
AVi aro now rcailv
bpring 1 ratio ' Mi
and Lost selected stock til
Clothing that will be shown
in the county this season.
All varieties
id patterns to
most fastidious.
of styles
please the
Wo have many fine makes
Then wo have the full
lino of mens', youths' and
boys' clothing in the Albany
Woole" rills goods
specially recommend to the
public for trial,
Tho largest stock of Mens'
Shoes in tho city, including
many celebrated makes,
Hats, from Stetson's best
down to a two bit straw.
Cannot enumerate Furn
ishing t Goods every de
partment full.
Have used cash thisyear
during tight times j,east
and can od'er genuine bar
gains in all my departments,
L. E. 13 LA IN.
This Beautiful Addition to the Town of Lebanon is Now, for the First Tim.
f llltvU KJ1A ' w w, vww
Prices to Suit the Times, and Terms to Suit the People,
We would much prefer that al' who wisl
and personally inspect tlio tirounds ami le
tages tliis addition presents to tho public.
the followin lads:
l.i'lianon linn a population of iriiKl.
Olio liumlri'd ami twiMity-livo new BiilMtantial Iioiihi i)
hiti" luiilt lu-ro diirinu" tlio yr:ir.
The l-i'liiiiion unit Saiiti.iin I 'anal t'onipiiny liaa leiu
inrorporaU'il, and work w ill Infill tlirri'on itn coon aa
tlio ni'i'i'SHiii'V pri'liininai iin can lie itrraiijii'il.
to purchase lota in this addition, would (w
urn lor themselyes tho many and varied advail.
r,y a personal inspection you win discover
Tliin i-anal w ill h'ivo htiauly work to lniiiilrnln, mnl
nifli inMl-nitia (or ninny inaniifartiiriin, and the tuun-lt
this and otlier advanla'H will lie a city of SlHK) iiihiiliiimu
It luiH m-arly dniilileil itrt populiit irm in the last vear.
A $I."iO,inm paper mill in now eompletiit and wutk VillU
lie;;iui tlieiin llii July Int.
It lies along the route of the Lebanon and Fantiam Canal.
It is nhittmi willi wide level avenues: planted with most beautiful young sliado trees:
each lot fullv lame eiioiuih for a comfortable residence, and each has a natural tlraina;e.
. . . c . 1 .A i ?il . i l ,'.
e sell no lots that are unsuitable lor lnuliiing purposes, aim gte a near jute totacn m.
This addition ioins the beautiful Isabella Park from which it derives its name and
which will all'ord to residents in the addition beautiful recreation grounds.
All bis are ('(' feet front and from 2-2 to 1K." feet diep.
11,1 vr THIS I'ACT 15I-: ItKMUMimitKI):
The price of all these lots will be advanced 2." per cent, after May 15th."JJ
This property will le tliowu to j avtien disiiini: Vo puieliaHu liy
J . tEi. 8 jdia "Ti Ji
Or by Petersen & Gd.rlr.nd, Lebanon, Or.
....... m mmm&m
u nv: c as v- is it v v;heB6
Thtie is no tli. nt t ti nt
iv i: w
Stock of SILVERWAKE. conKlktlrc of
spoons, knivex, forkit, fruit (HkIiph, etc.
gold and llver ivatcliei. jowol y,
etc, is I lie lar)-Hst and lieM in V
the city, and l yfarlho
beat over tiroiiKit
to Aliiany.
PRICES the Most Reasonable.
Call and See the GOODS.
Youd Better
Call on Uio Albany Furniture Co., Baltimore
Mock, (or
t8 The tock 1 laro and complete. They alao'C-l
t-T aro fine Nik. a of i baity carriFgcf , car- ti-i
tiV pets, wall pajicr, and anny VI
tfaTnoyoltlcF, oil (or sa'o at tcdrock pricM.tJi
While trying to Crowd theii
Store, where they aluins have on hand
thf largest Stock bouth of Portland, of
the latest Improved Rilk-s and Shot
Guns; an immense Rtock of Fishing
iackle o! every description; lents,
Hammocks, Camp Chairs and thousands
of ether things too numerous to mention U
tn connection with the Store, and one of
he best workmen in .(lie Mate to do any
uu! ail kinds of work.
Come on', Come al. No rouble to
ihow jtoedfl. "Small profit pnd quick
at"" Is out motto.
0 8
Ho has received a lartro and choice Btock of sjiring Dre-
Goods, new sty'cs and shades. Wash fahrics, consisting ol
jiincrhanis, seersuckers, sateens and chamhre. A compleif
assortment of white goods, (louncinirs, hosiery, corsete
doves, ladies and children's shoes. Clothing for the sprit!
trade. A large and complete assortment for menu!
youth's. Boots, shoes, hats, caps and furnishing goods, ai
if you want tho host bargains you will have to call on hin
We are the People
Who carry the most complete lino of Hard
ware, Stoves, flanges, etc., in the market.
f, r Sriv nil nriilFdriv St. All rnv. Ol
81' I'KHlOK work. KimrnRtnnal In t v.r'
bw.Hi oftlia nrl. ,Irl;oliiiL-inir t
All lllivtll llf l.lllllPV nil. -a .I.
nt Iho WilUiimtin 1'irkinn I'ouipRiiy's
Mill U illllltllv. TCtfI..
Flinn Block,
-:F. L. KENTON,:-
-Dealer in-
Near the Post Office,
Albany, Oregon
-Is the I-eading-
Milliner and Fancy Goods Store of Albany,
They carry
a complete utork
f nil the l atest Styles ai'd Novcltlen In the Jl. ! 1 1 1 " eJ rill" ' rnao
ork ol I.ailicnnaChllclrcn' Furnishing "" ""i-incto-
garments. tjooils the hciit, and priccn the lowest. rCK
FIUST STltlOET, :- -:- FllOMAN