Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, April 14, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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    SrTbTl.hed ert.-y day lu the week x-
t Hunrtay.
'1TES I NUTTING, Kit Hon and Prop'ri.
terml atthe Pnnt mil at Albany, Or
egon, M V--- .......
..AFKIL.I4, IRtl,
TiikV W kick Divorced. Last night
Jmut II o'clock Mr I', li Komlnll wiih nr
tcd on the charge of lewd cohabitation
iitti iUm Kendall, neo iH'Hhio rpninht.
c as taken Ixdore JiiHtico 1 1 iiiiidIi rev
held n liot cliincc court on li iH front
fcrch nml livlil the defendant under $11X1
0DIIOH to nipciirIor examination. 1 lie
fcso i like thin: At Hie hist Circuit
Jonrt a divorce was obtained between
jr iinil Mm Kendall, dit-nnlviuu their
urrincc contrnet. Kvcn at tlie time
(lit beforo, it iH nahl they were living to-
Ether. The Ii:moci:at ih informed t hut
rw Kendall giippiiHed the cane hail been
pupped anil tiiat it wiih a genuine recon-
iliation; but ail the time the divorce
it was going ahead. They continued
A reside together tin man ami wife. We
(nderHtand the proceeding are brought
it the instigation of the defendant's
tpntlier. Mm l'rater.
IThecaso wan net for 10 o'clock this
Burning; but on account of the defend
Bit'H a'torney being in Corvallifl was ad
filmed until 3 o'clock to-morrow.
1 Hkcomino A Million aiki:. Albany
people will he glad to know of the good
fortune of a former Albany young man
who is atout to become a millionaire in
the following easy way ncrording to the
Oehoco Review: M E llrlnk and Krank
Poindcxter, while on 1 lie I leschutei last
Week, each located a homestead of ifm
teres near the proposed crossing of the O
P when Devchu'.cs City" or "Nichols
We,'' whichever it is named, becomes
second Spokane Fall, these gentlemen
expect to become millionaires fiom Un
file of their leal estate.
,, ,. -, i
''. Ktu: IIi:atiis. v in J Herroii. .
I known in Alla'iv. !; d at S.ih :n i
Monday, at the i!!:e oflo year-", lie came ;
to Oregon in !S.". .'aioi'.-i Ih-n'on, n
brother, w.'is a li -i ii-nt of Ailnuv fin- ':
nvtnv vc.-OH. i!iil U'l- :!t o:-.f tune Sh,-rifti
of tin co'iiitv. ' tii (;'!'i'-n v.':ih mm ot"
the h.'st kiiow:i 1 ;'istin----i men in tlie val
ley and hi. death wi.l he regretted by
Mr C (Iridilh, a pioneer of l,.")''', also
died at tbatcitv, oa Saturdav, at tlie age
of 81 years and 1 1 mouths.
To WollK l'OIt Al.llANY.
f tlie Hoard of Trade Ik
-At a meeting
id last evening,
n recoinmenilation of the committee
eretofore aiipoiiitid, who had received
and opened live or six propositions, Mr
J M Southerd was selected to represent
Albany at Portland for three months, in
jorder to work with immigrants coming
-:to )re;on from tlie Fast. A subscription
Vwill lie raised for the purpose and to Ee
cure printed matter to be used by him.
I Ahotiikr Caii Load. Fortmiller &
ilrving have just received anDther car load
f of furniture from the east, embracing same
In! tl. w..l. - I Ut .n t
including a tine variety cf parlor pets up
i bolstered In Wilton rug, elegant bed room
sets, novelties in stands, rockers, chairs,
elc. Their stock is always a splendid one
o select from, but it was never better than
The PitEsiiYTHKY of the Willamette
will meet for its regular spring nieetini;
at the First Presbyterian church of this
city to-night The sermon will lie
preached by Rev F II Gwynne. The
business sessions will be continued to
morrow from i) a. ni. to 12 ui. and from
! p. in. to 5 p. in.
Tie Contract Let. A contract for
making 25,000 ties has been let to a man
at Mill Citv, and yesterday he wns at that
place seeming help to till the contract.
u lieu this is completed he has the asur
ance of another contract of like dimensions.
A Watch Found. Saturday night at
the fire Mr William Shields found a watcli
and chain near the burning building. Mi
Shields was one of the lirst ones ll'.ere,
tinning the wntcn just as he got east of the
ouuuing. vviiu lost it r
Wall Paper, kic. I have just received
a new line of wall paper and decoraliors.
Have more than doubled mv facilities for
handling them, and will keep a much
larger stock. Wall paper and border to
maicn. Ueautles. and much cheaper than
ever Detore. Hamuel E Young,
Lack Curtains in great variety from
75 cts. to $9 a pair. These goods are
nought from New 1 ork jobbers direct
and ennnot be excelled for cpinHtV, style
ana price, Samuel fc. Youso.
Notice. All persons indebted to
Thompson & Overman will please call
and settle. Mr Thompson having re
tired from tlie business it is desired to
settle up all old accounts.
Kept Busy.'- W R Graham, the mer
chant tailor, started to decorate his win
dows; but the rush at his shop was too
great hence their incomplete appenrancc.
He reports a live spring and big de
mand for bis fine lini of Imported and
domestic suitings.
New Millinery Store. Mrs C W
Clark has nprned n millinery store In the
olrahpn IJlock, with airs aiierman as
manager, and V - a laree and stylish stock
of fresh p,oods in niock. Her goods are
already opened for inspection, Mid she In
vites the Indies o! Albany to c.'l and In
spect them.
Wasted. In respectable family, suit
o- rooms suiinoie lor omce aim ncii room.
Please ipply at St Charles Motel for II J
Thorn; ton.
Mr Scott May, of the Sclo Bank, is In
the city.
M A Miller, of Lebanon, was in the
city this forenoon.
Mayor I' II D'Arcy, ol Salem, went to
Oorvallis thin noon,
J W Ilentley returned today from a
business trip to Independence.
Capt Harry Clark, a well known
"dead shot" diutniner, lias been in the
SG Irvine, President of the Newport
and Cape Foulwtather R R Co., was in
the city today on business.
E J McCaiiHtland. of Salem, returned
from a trip to Mill City last evening, und
went to halem on the noon train.
Messrs John Chance, Win C RiggH and
II M Koljcrts. of Crawfordsville, were in
the city today, proving tip on home
J 8 Van Winkle, of Albany, visited
relatives' and friends in this city this
week and returned to Albany Wednes
dav. Kilverton Appeal.
Miss Lotna Henton, daughter of the
city recorder, is visiting with her uncle
n K lenslinr'. wash, having accompan
ied Mrs K W Landon that far on her
eastern trip.
Yesterday was the twenty-second nn
niverarv of the marriage of Mr and Mrs
K M Kedlield. A niimlier of their friends
knowing of the fact, got lip a celebration
of their own, surprised tlie happy couple
at their pleasant home on Calapooia
street, and run things for several hours
in a becoming manner, (lamea were
plaved and there was music of a high
order, not the least of which was an or
iginal song bv Mr J F I'.ackensto, on bis
trip across the plains, sung with spirit
and melndv, and enthusiastically en
cored. A lino lunch, extemporaneously
gotten up, was served. Thoso present
were Mr and Mrs C W Sears, Mr and
Mrs K N Condit, Kev K R Prichard, IXi
Clark. J F liackensto. Mis Klin Merrill,
Mrs I I) Conn, Mrs Van Horn and
laughters. Mr and Mrs J M Irving and
laughter, Mr nml Mra John Althouse.
I'rof and Mrs, Mr and Mra C. K
Urownell, Miss Frnnkie Hopkins, Miss
Mice Moses. Mrs Tims Monteith. Miss
Tiny Monteith, N T Monro, W C Twee
dale, Miss Flora Kcdfield.
UEtl. rSTATR stLrs.
A il w i:leniiin to J (i Craw ford.lots
It. I. I I 111. and fvae lots 4, o.lll
hi H. li's.'ird A. Albany
.Mr,..,,.,, .ll,n -banco. N
i.. s v. 'or pee I' 1 1. S R 1 w
r (J l-'inli y et Sk to vV C P.igns.
acres in 1) I-C of RC
l inley
s;t., ,.f I ir,,im fo Ir.hll ('banco. S
1.; S w ir see l' M,h 1'- 1 v.
F Touch to Catharine! iooeh,lots
l:i, 14, and lots 3, 4, bl 1, li's
A, iiellburn
I'aniel I'.ridgesrt ux to A l- dooch,
lots X, -1. li's A, Miclllalt'll
1 :o
I) Sbelton et. ux to.A l t,ooch,lotd
II. 14. ill Sl.ellhuni
F.lijah , 'shorn to F. Storrs I'.arrows
Pin acres nun ii.i- k 1
J M Wilev et ux to J I) Walton, V.
int in lots 7. 8. bl Jo.l.el.anon.
IIC Klippcs etux to J M Wiley,
lots 7, 8, bl 20, Lebanon
Frances A SerCing and litis t Win
M Moore. 1,0 acres 111 i) ! Oot
Aliimn Moore.
Green ami Mary. I Heard to Ames t
Serlnng, 7j.21 in sec . 4,
tp It), S R2w
Green Heard et ux to W 31 .Moore,
170 acres in DLC ot Almon
Mary J Heard and bus to Frances
A Sertllllg, iO.zi acres in seea
33, 34, tp 10, S R 2 w
j M Ralston et ux to J D Walton,
lot 5. bl 23. in It's A, Leb
A Ilacklenian to II A Irvine.lots 1,
2. 7. 8. b 3. H's 4th A.Albany
0V Williams to W II Shepherd,
I) L C of Henry vv niiainstquit
J II CrookB et ux to .1 II Warren,
Ii7(i acres in sees 01, o-, vp 10.
S II 1 w
J B Couev to Sa'.han Needhani.'JS
acres in tn 12. S R 4 w
J R Cartwright et nx to Mary Pet
ers, )i acre in Harrisburg. . . .
Tub Coming Cihcts. The New United
Monster Shows will bo with us at Al
bany on Friday. April 24th. From nil
accounts this Mammoth Combination
with its wonderful alaxy of arecic tal
ent and ponders from wonderland will
witli itsMvent here, mark an epocli irr
tlie history of our town. It is by far the
greatest circus in the universe, and our
citizens, botli near and far, should feel
sneciallv favored by its coining. One
feature alone of its many attractions,
Queen Jumbo, is enough to arouse the
curiosity and attention of everybody
within tiftv miles. The presence of the
largest animal in the history of the
world, and that a living, breathin,inoy
ina. mountain of flesh, is sufficient to
turtle the sluggish blood of the most
inert aiming us. See advertisement
elsewhere in our columns.
Good Work, Low Prices. Paisley & Smiley
Bkar in Mink. That Conn et Ilendric
son keep a lirat-class stock of groceries
produce, etc.
1 hat tney uo ineir own worn.
Consequently their expenses are light,
And they can sell at bottom prices.
Large nnles and small profits.
Courteous treatment to customers,
licst goods in the market,
And the freshest in tlie diUerent de
partments, Aro the rules they go by.
New Sprin" Goons. 1 am now re
.elvl.ig my first Invoices of spring novel
ties in wash goods, piints, gingKims, seer
suckers, etc., 1 have also just received a
newllnerf all wool s'jir.mcr plaids and
t;e,,L., Sami ki. li Youso.
Patr nizs l:aiile3 Smi!oy, 'iiirPrinters
HoAitiiFRs Wantkii, for table anil one
room. Inquire at Dlmocuai office.
r&Inloy & galley. The Printers, Fllnn Block
Cioiks at cost at W F Read's
A 30 foot lot on Pike avenue, between
Sixth and Seventh street. sold a few davs
ago for (lOUOa front foot, at Scuttle.
The boys will stoo iumninti on trains
going through Albany. The next olfenae
win iuko mem before the Kecorder.
This is Albany's year for celebrating
the 4th ol July, and it will no doubt be
none, arrangements ueuiK made at the
proper time.
McKinley Mitchell, the merchant of
Cervais, undaunted by his recent busi
ness failure, is about to take unto himself
a wife. Tue Star anuouires his engage
ment to Miss Huttie Scheier, of San
Advertising, like buying goods, is a
business, and the merchant should dis
play the same enterprise in tins branch.
Do not bite at uncertainties. Deul with
established houses of standing.
The following item leads us to believe
that The Dalles must be a back wood city
The T. M. says: "A new safety bicycle
was in operation in this city this morn
inir. and the bovs followed the inanipii
lalor us thev would a circus." Albany
is full of eufetv bicycles. Clue linn alone
rides three of tliem.
Tbo City Council meets to-night. A
number of new ordinances will be passed,
There is talk of making a curfew ordi
nance nrovide for all youths under a cer
tain age being on" the streets at 8 o'clock.
This would ha going to extremes, and
while it might be a good thing for tlie
bovs' moral welfare it nrobablv could
not be enforced after tl.e matter cooled
down. 8::i0 or 9 o'clock would be more
reasonable. Then ring the curfew bell
and enforce it.
Tlie proposition to have a man in Port
land two or three niontbs to work for
I. inn county is a good one. As it is even
Portland oeoote take nains to send new
comers to the Sound rather than to the
W illamette, an undisputed fact, and a
shameful one. If that city bad worked
lor Oregon the way it has lor wnsmng
ton this state would now contain mud
the laiL-est net illation. It is high time
that Albany und l.inn countv did some
One of the editors of the Salem Journal
is entitled to become a gramrcr more than
many editors, lie says: "the agricul
tural editor ol tlie Journal expects to Iv
able to talk from experience soon, lie
las under cultivation 200 grap-j vines
ten acres of fruit trees : land cultivated
to 0 acres potatoes : 4 acres of other crops
ill ol wlnrli relieves Hint lrom me snspi
inn of being altogether a side-walk agr
ciilturist tor political etl'ect. He is also
propagating nOOO grape cuttings suitable
lor Oregon itirms ami Homes aru len 01
the newest and ten latest varieties of
Turin fur fia!e.
I have for pale IliO acres of the finest
farniiiiK land in the state. All in a
high stale oj cultivation, no build
ing., but bus a beautiful building loca
tion. Kight miles from Mlinnv, two
miles from Tangent, on the S P R 11.
Terms ami price reasonable. Call and
see me on Second street, opposite Dem
ocrat ollice. Ih:. ti. V. JIaston.
vrllicH In Juekrts.
I have received a small assortment of
novelties ill ladies spring jackets, made
in the latest styles of Hliizers and Reef
ers, in cheviot, diagonal and worsted. I
expect to carry a full lino of these goods,
as well as all the le?.Jing styles in Ladies
Capes, beaded, crochet tind in cloth.
Orders taken for special sizes and styles.
Insists on buying her groceries, produce
and baked goods, ot 1'arKer jiros,
says it
is A
well-known 'act that all goods are as
represented and no
That nil coods purchased of them are
fresh and of tno uist quality to ue se
Notice to Contractors, Sealed bids
will be received lit the store of Stewart &
Sox up to o a m April lij.iSyi, for the con
siruction of the Lnitetl I'rtsbyierlan
church, cor. cth and vashington streets,
Albany, Or. 1 he committee reset ve tlie
light to reject any nnd all bids.
Albany, March 31, E Y Sox,
Chairman of Coin
Wanted. A steady boy, 13 to 17 years
of age. to learn tlie baker and confec
tionary trade, (lood home. (Jail at or
write 10 Pioneer liakery, Corvnllis.
expel the impurities in the Wnnil and
give strength to the tystem befiitc lh" effects
nf warm ..either aio felt, una l''under's
Oregon Blood I urltur.
A Cue stock nf laco curtains for Me!'
ti.$10 to suit tho customer, at r orttniler At
trvirg s.
CLKElv-CLAYTON. At the residence
of Mr L li Kein. in Roseburg, on April
lith, 181(1, Mr Hugh Cleek, tho popular
barber, witli Mr I'.rown, and Miss Jessie
Clavton, of Roschurg, Rev G W Miller
officiating. Tho happy couple will make
Albany their Home.
Tuesday morning, April 14th, 18!)1, in
tho county clerks office, by George
Humphrey, Ksq, Mr John liurnett nnd
Miss Mary ilockcnuury, uoiu 01 Miei
1)1 KI).
McNRIPK. At Oakville, on Monday,
April l.ilh, 1891, Mrs W It Meliridc, B-ed
iibniit 73 years. Mrs Melirido was one
of the early settlers of l.inn countv. She
was a member of tho U I' clmrcli, and
leaves a good record as a Christian wo
man, wife and mother. There will be
many to mourn her loss.
Funeral seivicjs will occur at Wilinm
etto church U morrow at 10 a m.
lluliu St Dawson, diupgiits.
Buy your groceri-a'ofParker Br
Fbe groceries stC'ouu it lUudricsonV
The best $3 shod fur nii-u at Searls shue
Seed ot fur sale by W W Crawford, at
Ronton'. "Sea Lion Silyer PolUh." 2J
ceuta jier box.
Smoke the celebrated Havana filled 5 otut
oigar at Julius Joseph's,
A lsrgs stock of wall uaixjr, with late de
signs, at Furtmiller Irviug's.just received
See W K Road's line of dress gocds and
silks before buying elsewhere.
Bargains in choice groceries' oan always
be accun-a of Allen mcs,. ruau Uiock.
Siiinc fine Mnrbauk potatoes for. seed
for sale by J V Pipe.
K W Acbisou &C'o aro selling inonaincots
at Portland prices.
Kenton' Adhesive Sitvo fur cuts snd
bruises. 25 cents per ri.ll .
810,000 itdl left to loan on good farm se
curity by S X Sieel UCo.
We injure as; tramps.
TowKsiND & Wilson.
The fine st lino (if 83 shuts for int:n tver
shown in Albiuy atSearls shoe storo.
For bargains in nionnient-i, headftonea
eto.,gotor. VV AehniuLjci-o.AiL-any.lJrcgou
Fresh bre.-id, cakes, picb, etc., everyday
ut the Didmotiito rostaurnnt. Leave yuur
A new line of window thailc from 50
cents to$1.50 each compl-!tc-. j.t 8aruai-l K
Bourd and IccYing by tha day or week at
Mrs A 1- L-iintis, oa Lvun stre. t, botweeu
2nd and 3rd.
For rfiad carts made snsciaily fo" italiioris
call ou Kmi.n, P.arrell ft Co., at. corner of
rirst aud Ellsworth streets, Albany, Or.
Ladies ean do tlitir shopr-ing in San Fran
cisco without vititing tbo city, atd uitneut
extra cemtnh&ion. MUs E J fiarrosrs j'z-
chaeiug rgeut, 1GG0 Orove St, Oakland
The Democrat will exchange a sewing
macliiDO ol any make deir;d, except one or
two. for some 0.1k grub wood and part cash;
or will criDs:dtr other proptsilions by any
one desiring a cew machine.
The bids fur braiding the U P Church
will be opened tc-mrrow and thi ejatraci
Tbo ir.nnth'y meot iugrif the Iluilding &
Loan a-'jociAJioa ix-'airj Friday eyuin at
7 :30 o'clock at tin: eluca of tha Orison Sink.
' Uncle Tom's Cl -in to-nLdifc in tho bii;
whita tent on tl.a puhiio fc.'iusrs ia friiit ol
the Ctiurt Hourc
Ths dedicaiinn of llii revr K ef P. Hill,
in tho'ic l i e-:, Thui.d.ty
night, and pr.i niM 3 to 1)2 a v.-ry r.ii'jir
Tlie eoronri'i ::; r; i l V.?.z J.,ha Curtis,
the ex-li:tm-,. nr.; e, ;n,fou;l -i-.aa to 1
lanil, emu; to liii I'tn'li ;r.i:n io::.3 uiilinnv.'a
McD T.-dd k Shsh-n hive tuitlnvlt a fiee
ice clic-t f -r Ib'i.iy I'.rcdera,
prove a great ci' dulin;
!U 1 1 "-
nier in li ia;;ess.
Mr .Tohn Mojp.n. uho n:i t v ith a lULa
way rcenieiit r.tar Mil. 1,1 t. le.v .1; s aen.we
are eUd tn know, v:t i;ut ai ' ally ini'iied
as at lirf,t rei.Oit-d. (li s nF 113 thoiiuuTs
uasiujiircd seme, l.ut f .'itunatcly was not
Ye3Unlay ftiice was adderl to Fir:it street
life by n inerchunt chasing a fat duck
into a competitor's stoie. while today a dnj
tiuht svusttic oiT.ti r 01 attraction, ono of the
Uncle Ton. blonl hounds beta'.; tha winner
of a quick st.
Mrs. C. D. Stuart, of 400 Hoyci St, writes, "I,
have for years bad spells of Indigestion and dis
persla, and tried nearly everything. Finally X
tookaTvcU known Snrsaparlllo. It caused pim
ples to break outou my face wl:hout helping mo.
Hearing that Joy's Veetablo fcarsapnrllla did
not contain mineral, and might act dilTerently,
I sent for it. The pimples disappo.ired Immedi
ately, and I had no mofo rotarns of tho old
fpelli." Although nhavo was written a year
ifto, Mrs. Stuart now attests the porraiiRcncy of Ita
etlccts. Says she takes an occassional doso to
upprcss a symptom of return and that sho has
perfect'l over )wt o!l troublo.
At & Ikvinq's. 150 dozen
window shades, iust received.
A lnrye and elegant etock of 10th cen
tury bedroom sets.
A lnrre and choice lot of carpets, many
fins deuigns.
A Big White Tent!
Now Laugh to Think of it,
Then Cry With Joy,!
McFaflfiefl's Maminotli Pavilion
Doiie Uncle Tom's CaMn
Will ftppntr umtor cuitu on the arirt hoil.e nn.ii.rei
wila .company nf player, pnrt-f nlly gclcctU
forthuir .b'.lity tn (111 Hie rvquir
merit, of the pUy.
2 Topsys, 2 Marks,
2 loiikevr. 2 Mutos.
4 Illooil Hounds, 2 litland Ponies
tt Juhileo pii'cer., 12 Musicians
15 Pcrforoiers,
Two errs ef special sosnory, a company
oi a.i pnopto A poem oi taiiirnier
and tears. endorsed bv pul.
pit, preiNsand public.
at 12 o'clock, rain or shine,
7Itemomber the dsts and place.
Court House Spars, Tuesday ipril 14 '.
Ktlitor O eironiaD: I cciutnwMil El
trio nd hnme Iro.tinent with Dr Oarriu
November 4. for Kirl ncrTOm debility.
dyMpsU aikI heart trouble. Ax the time
I commenced I wsi pot able to do any kind
ot Ubor, but now 1 am able to di urettv
rooo tlaya work. 1 have reoeived jjreat 1
teueut from ut Uarnn new mode of cure.
HooiDB thin card will be beueficial to othra
(imilarly fll:oted I t(ive my name publicly.
liockafor i, jVasb,
More Elertrlc C nrra by Ur llarrtu.
Geo Sclinilth, Antoria; d ttfnefaH cured.
Kev J K Ccenour. yoitlantl. Or: rkio
d it-ease cured.
Mifcs MagKie Sjrjhpeht, LaGrundo, Or,
crfHS yt)d. cured.
irac jnompann. I .b Center, Wash,
deafneHs, cured in live minute
w T Binkley. Contralia, Wash; tclatlc
rbenmaliHin. iKtoreo.
J '1 (jeorge, Uieneden, WahIi. chronic
rhfuuiitism five years, cured.
Mm Mary A Joi.nson. McMlnnville,
Or, deafneKH many yeM, restored.
C F iMaybew. J 83, I t. Poitiaud, Or;
rbeumtism in its worn form, cured.
Henry Von liolma. Sandy Or! cancer
of tl e ne and cuuirh, cuivd.
Dr Dir. la treat curable chronic, acuto
and privitte dUcai-fR. blw d, 1oh or
faiunx mnnhoou, n. rvmih ilebility.ciTi'CU
vi nrriTH, r cxueHsc-H n old or yiirni;,
J"ss of memory, (jIeriNCH catised by
liiercurv In the inmniiH r trrnltnpnt nf
inivate diHeasca. uud never iub ished in
the l aners otlico 7nW VRsbii uton M.,
Portland. lr. Hhuh Q A. M. to P. M..
daily, ivxtunhiaiioii free and coufidvniial,
"luehtion bl-i' ka and circulara Ftnt yiaiis
loay addrosM, pailniiiH curtd at home
a. ler one Vibit to the doctor cfiico.
Is the SiMUNO. A line line of Blazer
jackets for spring wear, in ninny designs,
just received by (j W Hiinpson.
Also a large stock of the popular self
pening corsets.
Tic! ets for ALf. eivti-rn points, ovel
ANY mute, lor side bv W. L. Jeiter. at
the S P ticket oSio.
Olio half dollar reduction on ( vi-rv pair o
Ledlnw's tine slioio A i:iH-ii lire ef tl cin
a S E Vonnu's.
Kcp it
fife kecpirir the kind of rrctrios the mli!i
mstds, Th-ir atcc'; : a line one
Visiting CarE, CO ctylca, riley f; Siv.ll cy
ill vit
YVo huve i i
I sr.l
r;; Minis l,.iy,
I rn 1 111 Odin
Wi l At b'llljtilt
'"tl, at-'d cir j.
t:'.y to suit,
nnd sol j.
fJ-FarnierH, bl intr us xr ur v.-ceitt. oat
an J hay. ili'tlust ensii priey taiii.
IMorria & Blount,
Corner First ar.d IS-ikor pfrintj
War i Declared,
3 I
Have now displayed in their Btoro tho hnent and larceBt stock cf Spring
Clothing nnd Goods ever before brought to Albany. All
Goods were selected with the greatest care ai d embrace all the latest
Styles and SpriDg Novelties.
By our great closintf out ml during January Mid February we succeeded
cleaning out nearly nil whiter cJothiny, and we Lrte yen Spain this
spiing as ue did lat fall, with ft new, cltrn Htoib, latest styles
and lowest prices.
ivas m man pmsssz
W carry a line of liifiMy tmlorcd clutlr.ntr, and have hundreds of fine
tailor made suits uiiich wx1 f.'ontantee in every rpbjtct, to he far super
ior in fit, style and wori.nh.mlip to the uit that cu pr.crally have made
by your merchant tailor, and the prices ere from oO to 75 percent
We defy any nierchaut ti.itoi to bent our styles, fit ?nd finish of gcods.
All You hie men, short fat men, stout men, long and alim men, aud all
oth-r people w ho nevr have been aHa to p-t a reidy made tuit to fit,
should uail aud examine our mammoth stock before you leave your meas
ure with some mcK'hrtit taitut, fur we make a specialty of such goods
and can litany mu in any kind of a suit
We carry the oo!obrated
war on Eign Prices,
Tho iric'Hof tiie-se fine tllor
madu Ktilia rnng-t frnin $14 to
$115. Our r,tork uf iik ii' bu
iifjHS suitf i3 immmi". ami 'he
prlceN from f7 60 to $H. A 1.; M
lino of 'Albany wont, n mill
goods for men, b?y a c IMrou
War 01 High Prices.
Our boys and children's tlo
rartint-nt fire complnto, litewt
atyle vprint; hats
fine RHorunent
A larfro and
NHK otnl
npttliif.'e aoirti for spring and
fcuminer wear,
War on High Prices,
MA. p:x). p
Tlie Birthplace of (treat and Hont-sV
Pfeiffer Block,
Stanard & Cusick,
Drugs," Medicines, Cbfmlcale, Fancy
nd Toilet Articles, Hponges, Brushes.
Perfumery, School Books, and
Artrsts' Supplies.
IliicIniiN iirenvrfptluns care
fully ecnipounded.
J. A. Cuinmicff.
Frvigr, I'aints, Oils,
and a Cue stock
generally, S3 well as jcweliy, 'Watclies
"clucks, etc., at
Cot S't' nd iinilr('TivM, AH any, Oi
UP.KKKHI Wf-rk. cuarrrteed in ever
brHfli t't'U h tu sKniai cine c
1 ail kiik:h a spr.uny,
net by Italy but by
p fine dros ahoe. and liuve the cole
agrncy for tlila city. g)'
War on High Prices, tr
fa the hrt (2.09 short intf
tho market. Try it
f5fTEvery 1kv who pnrcha?
his uprlnff suit of ti will be
prpf-entod with a MpiMlnR'
loBgue b-ne ball and but,
Wl 3G8 1 Mm