itilti Democrat. LhhMl every Uy in tue Hk ex- ES XUTTIMJ, Biliton and Prop'r. L i.iiI.b l'mt Oltle at Albany. Or Em, as second o'h inil uiHtlnr. b.V. ..PI(IL 3. IHOI, CITV OFFICIAL PAPER. LOCAL. HKCOUI). 10. l-ast Saturday tlio cflVutH of the fediHpoHcu ol ill puhlic outrry. iu Mooro of this rity nrciilt'iitly 'lis- h!i'U n irtm mst miiiusiv whom the ler wns ho near ins eyes that ho was iivly powder burncil. idicntioiiH are that three good two- hricks will bo erected in the burned iet on the west sido of Main Htreut the coming summer. (ieo IIoiiiIuiwiii aii'l Mil's Mamie . her sister, who is a student of the mouth Normal sehool, mailu a short to re.ntives in this city yesterday. IiihIi IfiuiHaker lias leased i W I'll il- fiirm fur the period of fivo years, Friday ho moved his household its to the farm from this city, lie f sold his property ill this city to Mr Ilips, wlio will occupy it lis a resi le. .durgo petition was forwarded to the pid assistant postmaster general lust day, asking that Scio should he one le olliceB to ho supplied hy tho new il route to go into effect next Monday Hie Oregon racitic Ironi Albany east- Ithetimo of death Iiloonior liilvcu pearly 11) years old, and was gener r well liked by bis friends and ao intances. The family seems to lie aer an unfortunate one. Of six chil a but two are now living. Two died t sickness, and another was so severe- Darned that death ensued. Press. -f -I ' An Army op Eijitors, What has All iny done. Without any warning all if m editors of the surrounding country rarmcd in upon Albany today, ami the ty has been at their mercy. "Mr Alex ider, of the Lebanon Express, Mr C cDonald, of the Anti-Albany bridge Imes, of Brownsville, Mr F L l)ugger,of e Scio Press, the family of the editor of ie News of Halsey and Courier of Harris, irg, and Editor 'Lyons, of the Stayton lmef, were all in the city, which added the Albany ink s'ingers made an arm y "public opinion representatives". Jiib.vt. Today we arc able to quote it at 75 cents. About 15,000 bushels sold out of the Tangent warehouse feat price, leaving the warehotiso prac JJy empty. Only about 0000 bushels lain in the Albany warehouse. t tt iiik Spring A. line line of Blazer lets for spring wear, in many designs, received by (i W Simpson. Also a largo Btock of the popular self ajiiiiss corsets. bLar is Mind. That Conn & llendric 1 keep a first-class stock of groceries Jucc, etc. ftuit they do their own work, fcnsequcntly their expenses are light, llnd they can sell at lwttotn prices, iiflrire les and small nrofits. jourtcous treatment to customers. jest goods in the market, bid tho freshest in tho different le- fcnients, Ire the rules they go by. otice to Contractors. Scaled bids be received at the store of Stewart & up to 9 a m April S, 1891, for the con lotion of the United Presbyterian ireb, cor. 5th and Vvashington streets. any, Or. The committee r;seivc the pt to icject any and all bids. many, March 31, h t Sox, Chairman of Coin, r foRTMM.i.KR & Ikvixo'h. 150 dozen low shades, just received, large and elegant stock of 10th cen- ly beilrooin sets. large and choice lot of carnets. manv I designs. hr.w Mii.i.isi'RY Store. Mrs C W j- ---.... ..rv.. v.. J rin?n Block, with Mis Sherman as fcnager, and has a large andstylbh s'tcek iresti poods In tock. Her goods arc 'cady opened lor Inspec!ion, and she In- the ladles o' Albany to c.vl and In ct them. New Si'rino Goons. I am now re- ivi-.ig my first Invoices of spring novel r in wash goods, punts, ginghams, seer ickcrs, etc.. i have also hist received J wllnerf all wool svminer plaids and :ses, Samuel l 1 ouno. Wanted. A steady boy, 15 to 17 years ige. to learn the baker and confec- 1'inary trade. (!nod home. Call at or ( rite to Pioneer lhikcry, Corvnllis. aPKiNo Millinery. Ida M Urush has Jpencd the finest selection of millinery urougni 10 Aioaav anu prices the rn'et. Will he pleased to show goods at '"- time. Millinery l' the Ilium 'trg UIOCK. Hoarders Wanted, for table and one 'Kim, Innuire at Democrat office. Nnvrlllcs In Jurkels. i liave received a small assortment of "velties in ladies spring jackets, made me latest styles of Blazers anil Reef- r"i in c'..eviot, diagonal and worsted. !pect to enrrv a full lino of these goods. '" well as nil the le".Iing styles in Ijnlies 1 Spes. headed, frnrhpt nn.l in ninth bui til ami i-i:khol, Editor Duggcr, of the Scio Press. Is in the el'y. lr tiiiiss. o! Wootlburu. is in the citv on business. Mrs Ira Phelps and child, of Halsey, aro in the city, the guests of Mr K C Phelps. 1 Ion Jeff Mcvcrs will leave in a few day on a trip east, going to Washington Cliy among o:ner place. Mr lid Schmeer left this morning for Crook county, by way of The Dalles, to loo it utter ins stock interests there. () P Coslnw and wife, of rirownsville were in the city today on their way homt troin tsaicm. Mr John O tioltra, of Portland, is in the cltv, called here t)V the dangerous Illness of his father. Min 'lei'.niie Kirkpatrlck and Miss Maud Kalstin were Mrs Louie Kalstonof Albany, the lirst ot the week Lebanon Epress. Mr W L Jester, S P agent, lins accepted the agency ol ine ! lueliiv anu v-asu,ni Ci., of New York, Tiavelers should tuk out u policy in it. A 1! Woodin and If A Wurner arrived intliecity ve.itenbiy from the Snntiain iiiiiips. eomini' bv wiiv of Sweet Home. Mr Woodin is very enthusiastic over the prospects there Knecht & Meiser. recencllv of Olyinpia, Wali , hive arrived in the city'with their families, and will open a dry goods store in the Senders building opposite Mewarl .t Sox's. Tiiev come well spoken of as business men, end lor the purpcseol mak ing this city their home. I)r lohn A OeiHendoifer returned this morning from St Louis, where ho has just graduated from the Marion Sims Mdical CoMege, with high honors, re- il,i. ui-i-onil nrize for general ex- i-cllciH-e in a cla b of iiftv. an unexpected honor, as lie was not aware of there be ing any prizes, and had made no extra effort in tin. matter. The Doctor return ed bv wav of tbo H. P., first visiting l.'h.ri.ln mid other Southern Btates. lie will locate at Ashland with Dr I II Hall, and the Dbmocrat unhesitatingly recom mends bin. to the people of that city nsa reliable voung man, with remarkably bright prospects. -ss m MISFIT The foolkiller needn't come to Albany iimt vet. Our citizens didn't Lite at the ieirv auction enollL'h to hurt, and this morning the outfit departed for other fields. "The emptiest kettle makes the most noise," is an old saying, which a teacher tells us sometimes applies to participants in teachers institutes; but there are hardly any in the present institute Hon J P Wager, formei editor of the Pendleton E. O., will walk across the enntinpnt. hpuinninir at Astoria April 15. delivering lectures on the way. Wonder what Wager lias Been eating. There are four inconsolable fellows in the citv iail. savs an Oregon Ex.. as an example of human nature, and their complaints are many and long drawn out. They want air, fire in the stove, and more food. One is troubled with nervous prostration, another with cold feet, and still another witli a wart on his nose. After they have worked on the streets a few days, they will undoubtedly feel more comfortable and contentcd. Tho Dkmochat is informed oy an old citizen that a well-known contractor, on account of serious trouble with a mem ber of the Citv Council, lias applied lor a passport to France, and that we may look for a declaration of war at nny time between Albany and France. Fortifica tionn are being raised on Perriwinkle creek, and preparations are being made for an active campaign. Albany Odd Fellows who were in Leb- non Inst week will sippreciate the follow- ng Ly "Oregon traveler in me express: Twas In the City of Canals," The place to us so dear: Some friends came o er trom Alhany, And Brownsville too, 1 heai. Thev had a "little" supper Of oysters eld and rare Fiftv cents was a'l it cost; This was the Bill of fare A bowl of crackers hard and dry, Thev staved right In your throat; A soup plate there before you sat Like a Mississippi Doat. Two oysters In the center swam Amid the milkev whey, And wavelet-, lolif d from side to sidu Like a wild gooie at play. To our sister ei'.y you will go, And will not go alone; Perbaps jou'll get your oysters raw Just like you do at home. i:i:al fstiti: s iLi:. David Peebtcr et ux to Nancy B Llltz, lots o,b,l)l ft, K'P A,Leti..j 1UTO li Keiini etttx to h in Milium, acres sec u, tp 13, SKI w . . . 330 Harriett Briggs and bus to RA Rninpr. trustee, lols w, il, hi 3. Hnrrisbiirg 500 Strander Froinan, referee,to Sarah M Shields, lots I, and Irac lot 3, hi I-, and other tracts in E A, Albany 4755 i W liana to I'rniiK r-mitn, r, nan of N K or sec tp k -i w aw Rachel Thompson to R N Thomp son. 1011.80 acres, sec 18, tp 13, S R 1 w 550 r, C Chcrrv et al to Wtn Richards, et al. parcel in bl 1 fl, E A 3000 R A Ramnv to Harriett Ilriggs.lols 3. 0. 7.'l0. hi 5. Harrisburg.... 800 (I V. SiiiL' sherilf, to Peter S-hlosser.iot 7, ll 15, Albany.. 1C0 IT S .i Inbn Cleland.S w ar sec 25, to 12. S R 3 w Patent O A C R RCo to Alice M Church, ot hnlf N K or sec 31. tp (1.8 R 2 K ... 200 nnmii'n to Win Btn-ge.E half N V. nr sec .S R '.' K. . . . 200 11,815 Tot il f or year. .275,714 VUHing Cards, 50 itylei. Paisley U Smiley, Tickitfo ALL Mt-m tioints.ovir "rders taken for special sizes and styles. ANY r. ute. for silo by W.i'.. Joitir, it i iii:ii'a iVHirri i Till IlKIMV AKTIillNOON. The subject of ti nancy was opened by Prof Truelove, of Shedd, and eiiused Mine discussion me discussion, il live discussion was indulged in on the subject of school exhibitions, closed by ProfCondit. in exhibition of geographical mans from the lirownsville public schools at tracted considerable attention. . THURSDAY KVKN1NO. Again the opera house was nackod to overllowing, long octore the exercises began. Some iiuo orchestra musiu was furnished by tho college orchestra. An instrumental trio and song without words, by the Misses Kiehurds and Wil liatn Kichards, was a briglitatfair. Two songs bv tho Apollo club, on tho pro gram, were gems ol vocal music. 1 he address bv President lirownson, of McMinnville college, on "Arnold of Kugliy ami Wavlandof llrown," was an elaborate and able historical elbirt. A violin and piuno duet by 11 J Hopkins urn daughter, enultcd "vmth ol the Mountain," met with great favor. Miss Mice Moses, ol the college, was beard in a recitation, well rendered ill her popu lar manner. dumb boll drill bv school boys showed thorough drill and was a pretty exercise. .Mrs llurnev Howe, ol lirowns ville, was heard in a recitation, display ing fair talent. the song by Miss (.race ltilev, ol Crawfordsville, was one of the best things of the evening. Miss Kiley lias a re markably fine voice, well controlled Miss tiraco Love, of the nub'.ic schools was heard iu a recitation, well received. Tho audience w. a verv appreciative one, every piece on the program being encored, and all but one responded to, that ol .Miss Love. MOUSING BIISNION. Friday, April 3, 18111. Institute met at 9 o'clock. Prof Mc- Court, of California, explained his sys tem 3f teaching the metre system, dec mills, and weights and measures, by menus ot blocko. Mr P.arzee made a motion that the in stitute pass resolutions endorsing his methods. Institute voted ill favor of the motion. Ueinarks were made by Miss Uray, Mr Michenor, Mr Barzee and Mr llrown. Return certificates were distributed and teaclierB enrolled Prof Michenor read an interesting pa per on tiie topic of the "Common School Ilvdrn " lln snoke in favor of eraded country schools, and pointed out the de fects of the present unsystematic worK in our country schools. Kenjarka were made bv Sunt Kussell, Mrs Lambson Mr Brown, Profa Walker and Van Kcov. All snoke in favor of graded work. Prof Van Scoy, of Jefferson, read an able caper on Phvsiology and Hygiene. Mrs Wilson, of Albany, made an ear nest appeal to the teachers to lend a helping hand in 'aiding the WCIU, and the mothers, in comhating the ev influences which surround the children of our homes. Prof Walker read an instructive paper on the topic, "bubiect vs Predicate." Miscellaneous questions were answer ed by tne teachers. afternoon session, Prof Wright, of Lebanon, read an in foresting paper on, "Do our Public Schools meet the reasonable wants of the Community in regard to teaching Morals and Manners, Mrs tirubbs. of Salem, read a paper on the subject of "Reading Circles and School Journals." The Btiject was discussed by Prof Con dit, followed i by a lengthy explanation of the workings of the state reading cir cle, by Prof llorner, of Roseburg. Following is tho program for tonight at the opera house : Recitation, Mrs M R Brown, Turner. Song, Pupils of the Kindergarten. Address, J M Powell, State Normal School. Clarinet solo, "Coinin' thro' the Rye," Win Richards. Apollo club. Address, J B Horner, Roseburg. Reading, Miss Ames, Wil'nmette uni versity. tan drill, (by request). Apollo club. THE VOLUK. K1XB UtZiAK, Has a 'large and complete line of goods, dolls, doll buggies,Mxys' wagons, ve ocipedes and many other goods which gol to make up a complete assortment, besides a complete line of lamps of every description. China crockery, fancy decorated ware, glassware, turn cages, plush goods, such as albums, toilet sets, autograph books, scrap books, children's ABO picture books, and nil goods that are carried in a Bazaar store, including Roger Bros. 1847 silverware, we wish to call the attention of the public in par ticular to the tiolden Rule prize baking powder and tea, put up expressly for this t-ado, which gives tlic best of satis faction, as is attested by the hundreds who have used Dotn tne tea ana mining powder ever since introduced by the tiolden Rule Bazaar. Each package of tea and can of backing powder draws a prize in the shape ol a line piece 01 glass ware, lie sure to call, when in Albany, at the Ciolden Rule Bazaar, s you will be sure to lind w hat yon, and will be shown over the store nnd lie treated kindly by my clerk, Mr. Miller. My roods are "all marked in nlain fiuures so as not to deceive anyone, and I have but one price to all. J 1 1.11 S URADWOHI-. Lost. At the Opera House last even ing, a iireast pin. riniier win e re warded by leaving it at Julius Joseph s. Kr-n it in vour n.inil that Allen Broi i.rn mo keeping tun Kind ot irrocyriei 1119 p'liiu innim. Thoir i-'iwx is a line ono Letter List. Foll.twiru1 is the list of tatter remainina in th? Dwt ollim t Albany, I.inn county, Oreuori. April 2,181)1. Persons callin7 for tl-fsu l.)ttM mnit Dive tne date D hich tliev wero ailvertincd. John Armtrorg, Kiley C Case, flurry II Cr.sici. Adam ('""liing, fjconard Haas, Mrs Lizzie Moppin, Mr Chandler, Albert Clemens, Miss O-n P..rr, Kl-j.hM Hanson, Mrs V W Martin, .lames Mnlrehill (2) Edward Robertson, Emm Rutherford, Mrs Margaret Sears. R. Tuoiirso.f, p, M. DIME AU AHUOAU Huliu Si DiW4uu, druggists. Bay your groccrim of Parker Bro' Fiae groceries at Conn U 1 IendricsoQ'f , Pieplant roo'.i fur sale by J II Tuwasend. Mcu's box at ctt at the Kaw York C B R store. White shirts at cost at th New York C B It store Gents underwear at costlat tho NewlYoik C B It store. "Red School Housft" slice at Klein linn. Si;o Rtticlo rsa a new enturunse. Modil Dairy, on tho etlitcrial p;e. Smoke tlt cclnbratod Havana filled 5 cant ciar at Julius JoatphV A liryp stock of wall pauer. with latede- ioi, at For t in i Her 1: Irving sjuat received. Iliulmat mark tt price piid fur et'izi at th New York C. B. H. Store. Seo W K Hoad'a lino of dreni gocda ard silks before buying eltto where. BaiL'aiiiM in choice irocriob1 can alwava be secured of Allen liros,. Fliuu block. E W Aoltinou AiC'o are Belling motiumcnta at rortland prices. SI 0,000 still k'ftto Inuri on trood farm se curity by S N Steel & Co. Kow for a free brilLo and a niir of Red fichoul House hoeft,tU latter at kltiin Bro?, It la a Net. The Ued School Ifouse hce can he had riyht here in town at Klein Bros. For bargains in mnnnnipnts headRtonca etc, (jo to K W Achison& Co,Albany,Oregon The aisti- Pnvvman conferpuco of tlx Evangelical church is in eeaatoa at Lafay etto. Yon never have cold feet if yon wear the Hed School Home" ahoo keit at Klein 0WH. Three well broke oxen. each girting seven feet, for sale. Call on Knox llaicht, at Peoria. Board and lodging by the day or week at Mrs A L Lamba, on Lvon street, between 2nd and .3rd. Crawford & Paxton took some fino viewii of the teachers yesterday, which can be se cured at tnetr gallery. Albany plasterers pet their supply of sand by the car load from Lebanon. Thore is considerable trade in tins commodity. Ladies can do their shopping in San Fran cisco without visitine the citv. and withou extra commission. Miss E J Iirrrowet jHjr- cnaa:ng agent, lUb'J Oroye St.UaklandsOul, Who does not remember the old red schoo house of his youthful day? And who will soon forpet the Ked School House shoe if he onco wears a pair of them. Kept by Klein uros. A gentleman from Lebanon info:ms the Democrat that Mr OA Cheney will also start a farmers alliance paper at that citv with one of his plants recently received here trom fan ota. Watch for G W Simpson's new adver tisement to-morrow, lie has a large ani fine line of spring coeds, and the public will find it to their advantage to keep track of the bargains to be secured at nis store. Yesterday a shaft broke in at he Woolen Mills, compelling the mills to atop work un til a new one can be built, which will be several davs. As the mi 'J was working nighti as well as days to meet their flood of orders the accident was very untimely The Social Sessions Dramatic Company one of the largest and best on the road, will nlav in Albany the last ot the month Night US," by local talent of Salem, will be here id a woek or two, on a liver excursion and will present their drama, which made a big hit in Salem. Judge DRN Blackburn, whose card ap pears elsewhere, will o-Dtinuo to be found hi his former ofiice io the Odd Fellows build ing, prepared to attend to legal business en trusted to him. The Tudge has been in practice here a long time-and has built up a reputation as a reliable lawyer, who may be depended on to give all business prompt and careful attention. Farm for Sale. I have for sale 1G0 acres of the finest farming land in the state. All In a high 'state of cultivation, no build ings, but has a beautiful building loca tion. Eight miles from Albany, two miles from Tangent, on the S P R R. Terms and price reasonable. Call and see me on Second street, opposite Dkm ochat office. Dk. G. W. Maston. MY WIFE Insists on buying her groceries, produce and baked goods, of Parker Bros. She says it IS A well-known fact that nil goods are os represented and no HUMBUG! That all goods purchased of them are iresti nnd ot the Uist quality to ue se cured. Rark Barcains. 30 doz men's latin dried white shirts at 50 cts worth $1 00 tofl 23. 10 doz men's unlaundricd white shirts at 40 cts worth 75 etc to $1 00. 30 doz four-in-hand tie at 2d cts worth 60 cts to 75 cts. A few dava only. Pale commences to day and for a few days only at the above prices, at G W .Simpson's. jalsley & Szillcy.The Printers, Fllnn Block AW . 'llW tlKHLI n lfILHK. vNiJspss?-. USE IT! it Ta.TTrn ttitc A'L MreDTCTwre.. It rotic- thr t.ivw nnd Kidni-v nntl Stottvirh, purs Il-iiil.iili-. Iv.! mtl!i- on Appo site, Puntv.-s lh Ir-v-irc W00J, untl JTiVesjro Wenfr Strong.. Cscd oreiTWhcro. 61 '1ttlo)IiforS. FINE DRESSED CHICKENS AT MUKLLEIl & GARHETT. woitiii cosiii:itiKj. F. M. French keeps railroad time. Hew oreain cheeue juat received at Conrad Meyers. Have you seen those parlor suits that T Brink ha just received! They are nice. Great reduction inmn's fumuhiug go.-ds for the next 30 days at W F Road's. 1 W Bent lev. beat hoot and ahoe maker in city, three door north of Democrat oiKce. Wanning. 50c a dozen, mending for men free,at Mrs Kings, just east of the Democrat olhoe. Will & Stark have Just received a large nd elegant stock ot tilverware, watches, etc, never betore t quailed in this city. E W Achison & Co handle tne celebrated 'ortland cement walla for cemetery lota. rhese walls can be furnished at half the coat of any other and are far superior. Brighten up Your old rubbers and old shoes and make them took aa good as new with Wolff's Anm Waterproof Polish. For aaleat Smiuol E Young's. Patrrnire Paisley & Snii'ey, Our Printers Munrr lo Lan, Wis bave plenty of money to loan on real estate gecurity, on two to five years time. Call on us at our office, opposite th'i 'evere house. llCRKHART d vKP.NET. MAKItlK!). I'lIILUPS-MOURIS. Thursday eve ning at 6 p m, at tbo rcsidenco of Sir (ieo Harris, this city, by Hev Jas F Stewart, Mr M T Vlullips and Miss Ku jiliemia Morris, both of this county. Thev left today for their home in the eastern part of the county, where Mr Phillips is teaching school, llieir many friends best wishes follow them. 1IUKN. THRALL. On March 28, 1S91, in Al bany, to the wife of E Thrall, formerly of the Albany public schools, a girl. Cart Mlller.of Mendocino City, raeltnron':h 8. F. recently. Ho favii. " Joy's VCricttiblo tsur paparllla eutlrel cured his liver aud i-iduoy trouble," ttob't T. Parry AMlstant Snyverlntendent Pull man Palace Car Company, while lu Crtlifomla lastiumiuer. did not tutter with hln usual sick hen dac lies. HeKaveJoy'iVeKetabloSarMioarllla aa Uie pruventiut; agcut. John M. Cot Hvoi at 735 Turk St., S. F. Ho Vied to bo atllicted with Ki' ic ht-tulachei. Ho had otio attack tho day ho commenced taking Joy'g Vepetablu bori.ui.ari 11a, but uouo aiucc. They are doue. C. A. Bushncll, of the Murphy PuiMIrtr, Market St.. 8. V., fcHnerolwlth iudigcstiou aud dyspepsia In its wort form for yciirs, till Joy' Vegetable arsaparti!n came to bis relief. He now recomueuds it to everybody similarly af flicted. Mrs. Dr. J. H. Mason, of No. 1053 MarVet Bt, 8, whose trouble wag chronic biliousness, ayaof Joy'a Vegetablo Barsapartlla, "itt action on the liver and kidueys ia decided and I am Steadily improving. A. W. Posrart is ft wholesale shoe manufactu rer, at 765 MiBiion 6L, 8. . He sayi," Joy's Vee table Barsapartlla has given him entire relief from his Indication and dyspepsia." Dli. ABORN, AT rORTLAXD IM1L JULY 5TH. DR. A BORN. Fourth and Morruon streets Portlan d. Oregon, the mostaucceBsful pi V'B- cian on ou the American continent for the speed v, ooaitivt, absolute and permanent cure for LUtarrh of the Head, Asthma, Bronchitis. Pneumonia and Consumption, Twenty-tive years auocesful practice. Tnfitantftnnona relief and Ttermanent cures often effected upon first consultation. Or. A horn, bv h original, modern, scien tific method, eiTtcls Speedy and radical cures of the most ob- Bimaie am mug siauuiug vuuos nf Nasal Catarrh. Ozena. Deafnes. Die- charges from the Kirs, Asthm, B oncliitis and Consumption. Also Stomach Dinorders. Bilious Colic, Gall Stones aud Jaundice. He- t, Liver. Kidnev. Bladder and Nervous Affections: Dieoises nf Men. Also all ailmeuts peculiar to women. Dr. Abfirn can he conaulteu from now until July 5. when he leaves for Europe. Note Hometreatmont.secnrely packel; t by express to anv iarc of the Pacific Coast and Territories for these who cannot yoseibly call in person. pORSALE OH EXf,'llAN(E. I will foil die-in for l cah. or cxehanite tor a iro.rti (run, a trocxi nmt 3iwli' Machine. Call s the Uuhb hotiw. J. II. HUWAKU. ANY WEAK MAN Whf. la fTnrln'T. 1thOF In hid mind or body, from tho Injurious or wcaketilin? effects of hta own ignoniot foil lei, mtiuae runtlycur" '!. Papers freo (scalo'l). L9Tn XOlGm Portlnnd,4r. ThU n1l Tww-tj.p has had 3(1 vrnra' exiKjricnce In ctiringPriTato, H11 Ner- Reliable Remedies te nprlv ate 1 y tojVJ1!???. 2i II LADIES BAZAAR. Is the Leading illiiieiy and Fancy Goods Store of Albany, They carry nil the Latest Styles and Novelties In the Millinery line, and" a complete stork of Ladies and Children's Furnishing goods, and ready-made garments. Goods the best, i.nd prices the lowest. Call and be convinced. FIRST STRRK.T, -:F. L. KENTON,:- Dealer In GROCERIES. ffear the Post Office, ELECTRICAL SCIENCE, There la no Mncle remedial tatnt known to the nif dlt ml world which oan ful nil no nany rfqitrementH in the treat -nieut of df0HPH an thn aoientiflo appliea tionof eieclrity. It io rne of the m out powerful a (rents in nnture for evil aa well aa good It ia trm ; vet it ia capabltf of being mo pfrfw tly controlled aa to produce the moMt desirable remtlts however divernirted the oondltiono, Tiie huccewfiil electrician must not only nnrierstanrl the atructtire and functions of the var ouH parts of the body, but he mufd alfo he lamillar with th effect of el'ctricily upon evorv part nf the body, whether in a dUoaed or natural condit ion. Dr Darrin haamade theitudyot elec trical ac'ence specialty for many years, ard the results of his new methods of application are'ORntoiiishinpU beneficial as to i,)ve renewed courage ttheafllicted public. We give below a lew names that can be referred to; John H Douahtery, Roche Harbor, Wft'-h. Ifvdrocole entirely cured and removed bv one oporaiion of five minutes. Mrs H A. NVootlcn's pir . 64 Co' u .Tibia , Portland. Nervous debility and malarial fevAraurt iliTharinff car; restored. Wm Altnow, Jfrr-wsey, urant county, Or, Catarrhal denftiess and rinRin in the ears fortwenty yfr; perfectly cured. MraSW Metri;er (iresham. Oregon, Py-nrepoia, liver complaint, and pain In til stomfch 23 years; restored. Mrs C Mneerson, Merchxnt'rf hotel, Portland, HhfumatiHm neuralgia and femate complsiut, cured permanently one vear airo. w t upie, Mpatco. e n, i,.ver ana kidney cumplsict and dyspepsia, also df3fness aud whole system run down, cured. WHimm Little, Seattle, Wash. .Pain in his chest nf over eicht rears Mandlntr. entirely cured by electro rragntlo treat men i. J V snanele, 8unnvview, Orecon. Heart disease, palpitation, kidney and liver complaints, cured. Br Darrla treats curable chronic, acute and private dt eases, blood taints, losa or failing manhood, nervous debility, effects ct error, or excesses in old or youno;, joss or memory, diseases caused Dy mercury in the improper treatment or piivate diseases, unci never published in the papers. Office 70 Washington St., Portland, or. Hours V A. M. lo b P. MM daily. Kxamination free and confidential. question blanks and circulars sent gratia to a?y aaure&s, patients cure a at nome alter one visit to the doctor's cfllce. EHILOH'S COUGrf snd Cooiumption Cun is sold by nsou agaaiaatre. It can. contnmption. Foshsy & Mssod, .gents, ITY DRIO STORE, Pfeiffer Block, Albany Stanaid k Cusick. PsoruxTOM: DEALERS 15 Drugs," Mediclrifd, Cbemlrals, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Sponges. Brushes. PerfuDiery, School Books, and Arllsls' Supplies. I'hynlcinnH' prcMurlptions tally compounded. and a fine Btock generally, as Jwcll na jewelry, Watches 'cloi'kB, etc., at BOB. BOWMAN, The 0M-Tim Painter I'ftopie ivMiInK first c'.am work should koo tif in or ienve ordeia nt Julius Urf dwolil'.-. Uuldt o Hu'o Bazaar. FltOMAN BLOCK. & SSiLM mmm. .Albany, Oregon ' w yy.' I7l.i-.-.-.;.. I. V.I li U lUiniti III W ls-' uvrf