Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, March 31, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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    published every uay in the week ex
bi Suu.lsy.
HTES i SUTTIJIO, Ed ilort and Prop'n.
Lioroil attha Pout OITioe at Allianv. Or-
bgou, as second ulan mull nmttur.
..mauiiiui, ixoi.
flA GOOD AL'DIKNCK greeted llio UljJC
licne Iroup last evening In lliulr preten
tion of liarnes of New York. In the last
to acts particularly some masterly acting
Bini; none, rn&s liaise displaying wontfer
II t-nlus as Mariana, the jjirl.
Ir Kent I nomas is a comedian of much
tril, and received a double encore on his
nc; uut as iir names ot iew York, n':-
nling to the sfjry, he is hardly the cast.
Il-s Klla Damaria was as
tenid Charms and Mrs Keene made a
Linninu Lady Chartris. The icmainder
I the cast ts as strong.
ritooK County. C T Ilovnton. of
kmp Creek, wiih in town Snntlnv. lie
iys tluit out liix hand of 2700 sheep lie
u no loan wimiever during tnu paxt
iWr. Dunn, of Nevada, lias lwuttlit
nothing over 5000 head of stock Hlieep
this county and expects to start with
in for Nevada alrout the lirst of May.
understand that Mr. Dunn wants
out 2000 nioro sheep. Review.
Tiie Inktitutk. The district teachers
Istitutc convenes at the opera house to
feht at 7 :0 o'clock. The program will
ausint of several pieces of music hy the
lollcge orchestra, address of welcome by
layor Cowan, responso by Prof W J
leynolds, a marching song by class of
mall girls of Albany Public school, lec
ture by J K N Hell.
Wheat. Another rise is reported and
the high wnter mark, 72 cents, is report
ed today, with a very uncertain tendency.
About 20,000 bushels remain unsold at
Albany and Tangent, mostly at the latter
place. The local buyers have about
90,000 bushels on hand, which we under
stand will be unloaded within it few
'Notice to Contractors. Sealed bid6
will be received at the store of Stewart &
Sox up to 9 a m April iS,iSji, for the con
truction of the United Presbyterian
church, cor. 5th nnd Vvashlngton streets,
Albany, Or. The committee rsseive the
right to reject any and all bids.
Albany, March 31, E F Sox,
Chairman of Com.
f-! Tub III, W II Goltra and William
Cowan have the lagrippe. The wife of
Ir Kd Huston, of the Farmer) and
erchants Insurance Company, is lying
leriousty ill at nor homo in this city.
t Miss Candis Conn has the lagrippe.
i Mr It F Ashby has been confined to
his home several days with a severe case
01 lagrippe.
$ New Millinery Stork. Mrs C W
'Clark has opened a millinery store In the
-olrahen Mock, with Mrs Sherman
manager, and has a laroe andstvllsh stock
pi fresh Roods in stock. Her goods are
already opened for inspection, nnd she in
wiles the ladies of Albany to ca'l and in
spect them.
The B. or T. A special meeting of the
board of trade will be held at the Council
Chamber)! tonight to consider the matter
ot sending a man to Portland to meet
immigrants. All meml)ers and inter-
estedcitizens are requested to be present.
Be is Fashion. "As good be out of the
world as out of fashion," once s aid a fa
mous man. If you would be in fashion
call on Mr E A Scliilller, in L E lilnin's
tailoring department, nnd hnve him
measure vou for ft seasonable suit. A
large and line assortment of suitings for
spring have arrivcd.embracing the latest
patterns, ollering an elegant display to
select from. In the springa young man's
fancy always turns to a new suit of
clothes, and Mr Scliilller is ready to dress
you up in a manner that will please the
most lastidious.
Bear in Mind. That Conn A Hendric-
son keep a lirst-class stock of groceries
produce, etc.
t hat they do their own work,
Consequently their expenses are light,
And they can sell nt lrottom prices.
Large niles and small profits.
Courteous treatment to customers.
Best goorls 111 the market,
And the freshest in tho different de
Are the rules the go by.
Fiiom now until April 1st you can buy
.1 pai' of $3 50 Imperial Dorey kid shoes
or .(. a genuine hand-sewed $4 1x1 nex
iable solo shoe at $4, and the best brand
ol Imperial kid and all other winter
foods nt a liko reduction, as we mtint
make room for our largo spring stock,
which is daily arriving at Klein Bros
exclusive troot and shoe store.
Sprino Millinery. Ida M Drush has
opened 'the finest selection of millinery
ever brought to Albady and prices the
lowest, win dc p:easea 10 snow goods at
any time, millinery rartors,ln the lilum
berg Block.
For Sale. $500 to $100001 household
furniture in exchange for Improved real
estate. Inquire at oitice ot
Oreoon Land Co
January 3Jnd, 1891.
At Fortmii.lkr A Ikviso'b. 150 dozen
window shades, iust received.
A large anil elegant stock of Kith cen
tury bedroom sets.
A large and choice lot of carpets, many
line designs.
Visiting Cards, SO styles, Palaloy & Smlloy.
FOR DYSPKl'SIA ncd ivor Complaint
yon hav a ririnte piMi-antetinn r very liottlo
t ftruloh Vitihs-r. It never fails to care,
Foshay Si Muoo, agents.
iniM'iL ritoi .:ii;h.
Monday evening, March 30.
Present Mayor, Kccorder, City Attor
ney, Street Commissioner, ami Council
men French, Hawkins, Tabler,Uurkhrt,
Smith and Garrett.
The committee on ways and means
asked for further lime on the petition of
Foshuy & Muson mid ors for the pur
chase of the ferry franchise, and was
granted until Saturday night, when the
matter will bo considered at a special
Petition of J G Crawford and ors asked
that Water street lie graded Sherman to
Harrison and that sidewalk bebuiiton
north side of street between said streets.
Ordinance 205 providing for prevention
of fires, etc.. limiting amount of coal oil
kept at one place to 200 gallons, gasolire
10 gallons, naphtliii 10 gallons. Head
twice nnd committed.
Ordinance 206 declaring a person guilty
of misdemeanor allow ing poultry to run
at large, providing fur a hue ot $0 to --U.
Head three times and passed unani
mously. Ordinance 207 creating office of street
superintendent of Albany, nnd uroviding
lor grading 01 streets, construction, re
pairing of sidewalks, directs. sewcr.H, al
leys, etc., and creating a lien for the ex
pense thereof on the properly in case the
work is dono by the city. P.cad twice
and referred.
The Itocorder was directed toadvertise
for bids for a sever at Sth and Uth streets
On motion the following petition was
ordered published in the city papers:
To the honorable mayor and city coun
cil of tho city of Albany, Oregon: We
tho undersigned, residents and tax
payers of the city of Albany, most re
spectfully ask your honorable body, for
the purpose of expediting the building
of n bridge across the Willaminctto liver
at Albany mid securing the completion
thereof during the present year, to pur
chase the franchise and ferrv of the Al
bany ferry Company at such price nnd
on such terms as your honorable body
may deem just nnd proper, but not at a
sum exceeding $3000, and this only upon
the condition that tho owners of said
ferry shall do all in their power to pro
cure the construction of said bridge dur
ing the present year, and that said bridge
shall be completed within twelve months
from the 1st day of April (Signed.)
Fosbay & Mason, First National Hank,
E W I-angdon cashier, 1) li Moutietb,
G F Simpson, Isom, Lanning& Co., K
J Lanning, John Isom, L E lSInin, L
Flinn. A llnekleman. S E Young. Stew
art & Sox, Linn County National Hank
bv Geo X Chambcrlin cashier, Geo E
Chainbcrlin, W F Head, C Meyer, Bank
of Oregon by II F Merrill president, II
F Merrill, H A Irvine, N II Allen, John
Whmeer, Jason wuceier, j j uransm,
W II Goltrn, V L Vance, J K Weather
ford' I O Writsman. Farmers and Mer-
ebnnts Insurance Co. Price & Kobson,
George W Hochstedler, isugar rine uoor
ana iuinner to ny J a Vinson uooi
keeper, Ed Zevss. W C Cassell, Chas E
Wo verton. LC Marshall. B 8 Straban,
J J Duhruille, P Cohen, Curran A: Mon-
tieth, U J Stuart, Hopkins rsroa, aiarx
Hulburt, Harlan Hulburt, Pete Biley, J
P Galbratth. Klein Bros. Parker Bros
Chas Pfeiffer.I F Conn.Geo L Blackmail,
E L Thompson, Thompson & Overman-,
(i W Maston. F M Kedtield, William
Fortmillcr, Crawford & Paxton, II Bry
itr.iL rsTATi: silks.
II Spencer to VV I) Abe!, lots 7, 8,
bl 2, Highland Grove 100
W C Twecdale et ux to Mary A
Garretson,lots 2, 3, li, bl 25. . . 100
Lucy C Fletcher et al to B M Flet
cher, all int in 100 acres in sec
30. tp 15, S B 3 w 1500
J Wassom to (i F P.urkhnrt.lots 1,
2, 3, 4, 5, li, bl 1, W'3 A,Leb. . 530
E W Beardslev et ux to E G Beards-
ley, lot 1,1)1 4, l"s S A, Albany 175
A I) Knox, P 1 Duncan et ux toj
1) Parsons, 1-6 int in E half of
DLCofM Payne 1200
Lenora V Creed to E htorrs Mar
rows, 40 acres in 1) L C of
David Clnvpool $ 1
O & C B B Co' to B Warner, half
N E qr sec 33,tp 0,8 E 5 E 200
B Warner to Mary Warner, w Halt
NKqrsec33.tpft.SR IE.... 200
L B Carter et ux to E Storrs Bar
rows.40 acres in 1) L C of Da
vid Claypool 1
J B Kirkpa'tricketux toCR Love
all, lots 4, 5, (I, 7, II, 12, bl 2,
nnd lots 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, bl 3,
K's A, Lebanon OUU
G HJonesnnd Frnnkio Jones to D
C Abel, lot 4, bl 1, J'splat of
Highland Grove
Jas W Miller ctux toC H Hunt, lot
7 blk 2, Shelburn 30
S M Gentry ctux to Chris Hard
man, 12 neres in D L C of
lonathan Wassom C00
Jan Kesteretux to John Deniiv.Jn
interest in E K SW i see 23
12 w 3
Jas Kester etux to Dan'l Sturte-
vant. 10-02 acres, 12 w 2 5.11
T J McCulloch ct al to I J War
ner, 50 acres 111 1) L C of Yal-
lace Ctisliman 1025
T J McCulloch et al to W II Cush-
ninn, 70 acres, 11 w 4 100
Total sales $7543
Mrs Dr E L Iivlr.e, of Portland, is in
the city.
Prof McElroy Is In the city ready for the
Institute work
J F Kerns, of Stayton, a former rest
dent of Albany, is in the city.
Mr G W Simpson is homo from a trip
to Pendleton. He reports the woods full
of intended purchasers ol tmatilla lands,
the sale of which begins tomorrow.
Mrs Kellogg, recently of Oakland, Cal,
In Albnnv yesterday and will
make her home with her brother, Mr
Frank Wood.
Cclerv, Fresh Asparagus,
Young Onions, Rhubarb,
Cabbairc and Turnip Greens,
New Turnips, Choice Lettuce
Paw his, 11. irse Radish,
French Pens, French Beans,
Mn.lirnnn.s. Sauer Kraut,
Fresh Eggs and Butter, In
himrlsnee all of the above nice and
fresh at Mueller it Gairett's, the leading
Some one has learned that according to
the newspapers General l)eblli:y is the
greatest General of the ago.
A man at Silverton lias Invented an
incubator which should prove a fortune
to him. He packs a barrel full of eggs
and sets the hen on the bung hole, all
the eggs hatching. -Next.
The people ofTuscon, Arizona, by a
public subscription, buy 8000 copies of
their local paper every month for the
purpose of sending it abroad, and, in ad
dition, pay 200 a month for "write ups"
of their city. Tamar, Colorado, pavs
$200") for a pamphlet.and 1500 for"write
ups" in the I oral press, 1 he Monitor 01
Fort Scott, paid $7000 for talk
ing up the advantages of that city.
Mr E A Heath, editor of the Harney
Press, lias been held to answer bv United
Slates Commissioner Cardwell. on a
charge of sending indecent literature
through the mails. He has been re
utiircd to give Itonds in the sum of $000
'or his appearance. Tho indecent litera
ture is comprised in some two or three
paragraphs and some doggerel poetry
PiibliMhed 111 the Press, and the com
plaint was made by J Eiubiell, to whom
some of the stun relerreu. Journa..
The mailer of the city buying the ferry
franchise bus been the exciting topic of
conversation on the streets today. A
monstrance will be circulated against the
petition, and will be largely signed. I he
council will consider the matter Saturday
evening, and if they reject the petition, as
thev niubabiv will, as well as we can
judge of the public pulse they will gener
ally be sustained. The enthusiasm over
the proposition to build the bridge is sreod-
ily increasing, and the sentiment is as
nearly universal as it can be In such a
nattei. It is safe to say that under no
circumstances will anv one be found to put
even a straw in front of so important
movement to the prosperity of Albany.
ALU ANY llltllX.K AMU FEltitY.
The attention of the public is called to
following affidavit as bearing upon rum
ors mentioned therein:
State of Oki:gon
County of
I, 1). B. Monteitli, being
duly sworn say, on my oath,
l.nn T sold ir v interest 111 the
Albanv ferrv, to J V Cusick he paid me
therelor, $4500; that I did not then or at
any other tune, nintte any agreement, or
have any unuerstanuing uirecuy or m
dirpctlv. with Mr CuBick. or with any
one on his behalf, to refund or pay to
bun any portion ot said $4jju, or any
amount of money or consideration of any
kind, nature or description, wnatever, in
case a bridge should be built across the
Willamette river at Atuany, or on any
other conditions; and I further say that
there was no understanding either ex-
nrpssed or ininlied. either to the above
effect, or of a like nature or import, be
tween Mr Cusick and myself.
The sale of my interest in the Albany
lerry to jir cusick w as an Birauiuiu un
conditional sale, without any reserva
tions or understanding, whatever, ex
pressed or implied. He took my interest
in the ferrv: I took tho money; that
wnn nil.
The rumors that are being circulated
on the streets of Albany that the pro-
nosed nnrchase of the Albany terry, by
the city, is in my interest, are without
any foundation in fact, and ore aosorute-K-
fnlaa nml untrue, and those who cir
culate them do me a great injustice. I
make and publish this affidavit because
of such rumors, and to correct the erron
eous impression which they naturally
make. Signed D. B. Mostkitii.
Subscribed and sworn to be
fore mo this 31st day of March,
1801. T. L. Wallace.
Notary Public.
Insists on buying her groceries, produce
and baked goods, of Parker Bros. She
says it
19 A
well-known 'act that all goods arc as
represented and no
That nil goods purchased of thein are
fresh and of tho bist quality to be se
Novelties In Jnekets.
I have received a small assortment of
novelties in ladies spring jackets, made
in the latest styles of Blazers and Keef
ers, in cheviot, diagonal and worsted. I
expect to carry a full lino of these goods,
as well as all the leading styles in Ladies
Capes, bonded, crochet and in cloth.
Orders taken for special sizes and styles.
Sam'l E Yolno.
Farm for Dale.
I have for sale 100 acres of the finest
farming land in the state. All Inn
hiirh stato of cultivation, no build
ings, but has n beautiful building loca
tion. Eight miles from Albany, two
milna from Taniront. on 1 tic S P B B.
Terms and price reasonable, ('all and
see ine on Second street, opposite I)i:m
ocbat office. Hn. U. W. Maston.
. Bicycles ! Wait for Fred T Merrill's
catalog, out in a few days. Over 400
fine ball bearing, hollow frame, warrant
ed steel bicycles, from ."5 up. Cash or
installments. Tvpe writers, canoes,
skates, etc.,in'fitock,and bought, sold and
1 ... n-r u- 1.: . . . !..
exenangea. rr "iisniiigi.uiiBiievi,i.ori
land, Or.
Cheap Wood. Good fir wood delivered
to any part of Albany, for only 3 a cord
Leave orders at P W Spir.ks' lumber
B vbk B.vnoAiNs. 30 doz men's Inun
dried white shirts at 50 cts worth $1 00
to f I 21.
10 doz men's unlntindried white shirts
nt 40 cts worth 75 cts to $1 00.
30 doz four-in-hand tie at 25 cts worth
fill cts to 75 cts.
A few days only. Pale commences to
day and for a few days only nt the above
prices, at u w rjimpsou a.
jaislcy ft Smiley, The Printers, Fllnn Block
Hulin & Diwson, druggists.
Buy your grocerin of Prker Bro'
Next Suudsy w ill be Piaster.
Fiae groceries at Conn & lli-odricson's.
Pieplant roots for sale hy J H Townsend
Mill's sox at cct at tho I.'iiar York C B It
Cents gloves at cost at the New York C
u it store.
Whito shirts at cost at the New York C
B It store.
Cents underwear at cost at the New x ork
C B It store.
The celebrated "Bed School House" shoe
at hltlo Bros.
Pants and overalls at cost at tha New
York C B P.storo.
Wheat h G24 cents at Tub Dillet and 72
cents at Alli.iuy. See.
Smoke the celebrated I'sv.-.ria filled 5 cent
cigar at Julius Joseph's.
Ihe Ailisnv Iron AVo-ks ora doing two
large -os tor aalern hrrns.
A large stock of wall paper, with late de
signs, at Fortmiller t Irving's,just received.
Highest msr-ket price DidfXr etgs at the
new loru u. H. It. store.
See W F Head's hue of dresj gocds and
suss oetoro ouymg elsewhere.
Bargains in choice groceries? can always
De secured ol A'len liroi,. t-hnn Block.
E W Aehison &Co are selling monntntnts
at roruaua prices.
$10,000 still left to Insn on good farm se
curity hy 8 N Steel A: Co.
Xow for a freo hridgo an.Ia pir of Red
&enooi tioaso shoes.tho latter at Klein Broa,
It Is a f ict. The Red School Hoase shoe
can bo had right here in town at Klein Bros
For bargains in monamc-nts, heanVtonea
etc., go to K W Achison&Co,Ali.any, Oregon
Yoa never have cold feet if you wear the
'Bed School Honse" shoe kept at KleiD
Three well broke oxen. each oirting seven
feet, for salo. Call oa Knox Haunt, at
Board and lodgiug by tho day or week at
Mrs A L Lambs, on Lvon street, between
2nd and 3rd.
To-night F Company will show what
they can do in the esting Hue at tho ex
pense of tho new Captain, Goo E Chamber
lain, at the JJelmonico restaurant.
Mr Best, tno artist, desires to announce
that his clsss days are Monday and Tuesday
of etch week. Anyone wishing to see him
should call on these days as be is teaching
at caiem the rest 01 the week.
Ladies can do their shopping in San Fran
cisco without visiting the city, and without
extra commission. Miss c. J Barrows. Pur
chasing agent, KJC9 Groye St, Oakland, Cal.
Who does not remember the old red school
house of his youthfnl days? And who will
soon forget the lied School House shoe If h
onoo wears a pair of them. Kept by Klein
Last evening Policeman Lee had a lively
chase tor a tram 0 who had nren begging
bat he canvUi ed the fellow, and a few day
in the calibooae outfit to satisfy him with
a residence lo Albany.
The ballad singing by Jaa G Clark at the
Christian church last evening was greatly
enjoyed. The audience was delighted with
the maryeltonsly sweet voino of the singer,
and showed their appreciation in an entnu-
siastio manner.
Fame is a singular thing. The news-'
uaoera hsve disoovered that Dr Koch, tho
great consumption curist with lymph, has a
brother-in-law linng in Southern Indiana.
The b.-i.-l. Is in the penitentiary for steal
ing a watch.
When it comes to a fight or a foot race
Aetotia is in it. Fity we can'c put some of
tho same enerrrv into some of our subcidy
raisers that tho local sports display. It took
two hours to raise 817,000 for the Ilall-Fitz-simmons
mill more than was raised in two
months for the saw mrll. Astorian.
The Teachers Instltut?.
The following is the program of the
Teachers's Instltuse for tomorrow:'
morning session 9:30 o'clock.
Special discussions.
School urgamzation ana Management.
Methods of Conducting Recitations.
Modern History Methods of Teaching.
Teachers' Examinations.
General discussions.
Whispering; or, No Whispering.
The Question of Corporal Punishment.
aetf.rnoon session 1 :3-o'clock.
Special discussions.
school JJiscipline.
The Relative Importance of Parent and
Teacher in the Formation of the Child's
Logical methods of Teaching Geography
Oral Instruction in Primary Schools.
General discussions.
General Information in the School
Reviews and Examinations-What and
The S. O. Corbkt. Imparts u most
graceful shnpc, becuring comfort and ele
gance. Every corgft has the aelf-opening
clasps. These c'asps.simplc in construction,
nave double the strength of the ordinary
clasps, can be hooked and unhooked in the
usual manner, and have the great advant
age in the eae w'.ih which they can be un
hooked, by merely pulling the string, and
the corset will open like a flash. These
clasps are so constructed that they will al
ways stay se :urcly fastened until the string
is pullei'. Any feeling of distress or ois
comfoi t from exertion, or any other cause,
can thus be Instuntly relieved without dis
robing, allowing healhful action of the
body, to the great cemfort of the wearer,
G W Simpson,
Sale Agent,
Draw their own Sight Draftg
on London, Paris, Frank-fort-on-the-lUain,
and! all Principal Points in
vroltlll t'ONDIDEimu.
F. M. French keeps railroad time.
xlew cream oheese iust leoeived at Conrad
Have you seen thwo uartor suits that T
Briuk has just reoeived? They are nice.
Great reduction inina'i's furnishing itokIs
for the next 30 days at W F Bead's.
J W Bentlcy, best hoot and shoe maker in
oit7, three doors north of Democrat oitice.
Wosulng, 503 a dezen. mending for men
free,at Mrs Kings.just east of the Democrat
Will & Stark have just received a large
and elcuant atnek of tilverwaro, watcher,
etc, never before .quailed in this city.
F. W Aehison k Co handle tne celebrated
Portland cement walls for cemetery lots.
rhese walls can bo furnished at half the cost
of any other arid am far superior.
Brighten up your old rubbers and old
shoea sud makothem look as good as new
with Wolff s Aims Watororoof Polish. For
saleatSdmuel h Youug s.
Has a largo nnd complete, lino of
goods, dolls, doll buggies, boys' wagons,
ve ocipedes and many other goods which
gol to make up a complete assortment,
besides a complete line of lamns of
every description. China crockery, fancy
decorated ware, glassware, bird cages,
plush goods, such as albums, toilet 6ets.
autograph books, scrap books, children's
ABC picture books, and all goods that
are carried in n Bazaar store, including
Koger liros. 147 silverware. We wish
to call the attention of the public in par
ticular to the Golden Bule prize baking
powder and tea, put up expressly for
this t'ude, which gives the liest of satis
faction, as is attested by the hundreds
who nave used notn the tea and baking
powder ever since introduced by the
Golden Bule Bnzaar. Each package of
tea and can of backing powder draws a
prize in the shape of a line piece ot glass
ware, lie Bure to call, when in Albany,
at the Golden Bule Bazaar, at vou will
be sure to lind what you waot, and will
be shown over the store and tie treated
kindly bv my clerk. Mr. Miller. My
goods are all marked in plain figures so
as not to deceive anyone, and I have but
one price to all.
J nil's Gradwoiik
BILYEU. On Monday evening, March
30, 1S01, from the effects of a gun shot re
ceived on Sunday March 29, Mr Bloomer
Bllveu. son of lohn Hilveu. aie-i about
eighteen 3 ears.
6EO. a. tvunsEn.
Geo. A. Werner, the well known book engraver,
Of Bl California SL, 8. F., writes to the Edwin W.
Joy Co., that his wife has been taking Jojr's Veg
etable BarsaparUla for months tor liver trouble
and Indigestion with splendid results. He says,
"we have found It lnvaluablo for keeping the
system regulated. It divides the load with a
dyspepslsl stomach and replaces the distressing
sense ot fulness and oppression with a feeling
of ease and relief. It la a perfect liver and bowel
regulator. We have both been taking it sor
months. It la food to have handy."
T)R. A BORN - Fourth and Morrison streets
Portland, Oregon, the most successful pi ys
eian on oa the American continent for the
speedy, positive, absolute and permanent
euro for Catarrh of tho Head, Asthma,
Bronchitis. Pneumonia and Consumption
Twenty-tivo years successful practice.
TnRtnnt.annmiR relief and permanent
onres otcen enectea upon nrst consul lauoa,
Dr. Ahorn, hy his original, modern, tcien-
tilio method, cilecfH
Spoedy and radical onroa of tho mast ob-
of Nainl Catarrh, Ozena, Deofnesp, Ditr
chirks from the Kara, As'Jimt( B oitchitts
and Consumption.
Also Stomach Disorders, PI lions Colic,
fiill S ton oa and J&'jnriice, Huir, Livur,
Kiadov, Bladder nnd Nervous Affections
Diseases of Mu. Also all ailments peculiar
to women.
Dr. Ab'irn cau be consulted from now
until July 5. when h Itsaves for Europe,
Note. Home treatinent.securelv packed,
e't by express to any part of the Pacihc
Coast acq. ierntone tor tiiose who cannot
yoseibly call io person.
Is the Lending
illlnety and Fancy
They carry oil the Latest Styles and Novelties In the Millinery line, and
a complete siork of Ladies ana Children's Furnishing (roods, and ready-made
garments. Goods the best, and prices the lowest. Call and be convinced.
Scaler in
Near the Post Office,
There is no slna-le remedial int
known to the mtdteal world which can
nunii no many requirements In the treat,
nieut of diseases as the solentlno appliaa.
Hon of eleotrlty. It is one of tho most
powerful agents In nature for evil as well
as good It Is true; yet I. is capable of being
so perfectly controlled as to produce the
most desirable results however diversified
the conditions.
The ucoeiu.rul electrician must not only
understand the structure and function
of the var.ous parts of tho body, hut he
must also lie familiar with tha ti'nt nf
elf ctriciiy upon every part of tho boriy,
whether In a disoa-iod or natural condit
ion. Dr Darrin has made thettudyot elec
trical science a specialty for many years,
and the rjsulta of Ids new methods of
appl'catlon are so astonishingly beneficial
as to i,lve renewed courage titheiflllcted
We give below a few names that can
be referred to-.
John B Doughtory, Roche Harbor,
Wtili,-Hydrocele entirely cured and
removed by one operation of five minutes,
Mrs b A Wooden' gin. C4 Columbia st,
Portland, Nervous debility and malarial
fever and discharging oar; restored.
Win Altnnw, Drewaey, Orant county,
Or, Catarrhal deafness and ringing in
the ears fortwenty yeni; perfectly cured.
Mra 8 W Mc-tzge-r. Grosham, Oregon,
Dyenepsia, liver complaint, and pain in
in.. HLuuiMuti d yea?; reirorea.
Mrs C MHgecsoD, Merchant'.) hotel,
Portland, Hhenmatisni, neuralgia and
femalo complaint, cured permanently one
year ago.
w t uple, Heatco. vash, Ijivor and
kidney cjinplsfnt and dyspepsia, also
deafness and whole syMetn run down,
William Little). Seattle. Wash .Pain
In his ccest of over eight years standing,
entirely cured by electro n.pgn?llo treat
J V Sharigle. Sunn vv lew. Orerron
Heart disease, palpitation, kidney and
liver complaints, cured.
Dr Dan in treats curable chronic, acute
and private diieasen. biood taints, loss or
failing manhood, nervous debility, effects
cl errors, or excesses in old or'young,
loss of memory, diftettses caused by
mercury in the improper treatment of
private diseases, and never pub.ished ia
the papers. Otlice '0'A Washington at.,
Portland. Or. Hours tf A. M. to 8 P. M.,
daily. Examination free and confidential,
question blanks and circulars sent gratia
to any address, patients cured at home
alter one visit to the doctor's office.
Pfeiffer Block,
Stanard & Cusick,
DruRS," Medicines, Cuemleala, Fancy
and TnUot Articles, Sponges. Brushes.
Perfumery, School Books, and
AriUls' Supplies.
Phyicinnrs' prescriptions
fully er.mponiMlccl.
Inquiro of W W Crawford, Tallman,
and a fine stock
generally, as Jwell ns jewchy, Watches
clocks, etc., at
V. M. Frencb's.
The Old-Time Painter
People wishins first class work should
Keo him or leave orders st Julius
Orndwolil'f, Oolden hi 11 le Bazaar.
Goods Store of Albany,
Albany, Oregon