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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1891)
Corvalmv. R I! Gibson purchased Inst Saturday from John Smith Ills one' qnarter interest in the ltenton County Flouring Mills, payinir therefor 7,50O. The mill has done a good business, ever inre it started up, and is eonslduted one of the best pieces of property in Corvallis today. Circuit court is in session at Roscburg and tne next place will ue Uorvullm. Prosecuting nttorney Condon is having trouble witii ins eyes ana is in sn Francisco having them treated. J V Hamilton was appointed to the position out ne toon very sick, ana now Mr is Treble is tilling the responsible ollice. Geo Waggoner ib forming a syndicate to purchase his place about IS miles south ot tins city, containing ow acres, and engage extensively in fruit raising, The company is nearly formed and it is the intention to plant 100 acres in prune trees this full and another hundred in a year from then. They also expect to plant several acres in small fruit. Times. Harrisblrc Adolph Sendera has rc. tjrned from l'orlland. We understand that he will visit Germany in a few weeks, The Sleamer Iloag came up Tuesdav and took away about 2,500 bushfls of po tatoes, recently sold by Ur 11 A Uavls. The same boat came up again Wednesday and Thursday morning it left with a load of w heat taken from I'pmeyer i; lirlgg' warehouse. M E Iliarn has leased one of the best locations in the cltv, Mr Sabins building just cast of the bank, and Is having the same repaired a fitted up. As 60on as the building is ready Mr Hearn, who is a wed qualified business man, will put in a stock of general merchandise. Counea. THE ;oLIK atllX B.4ZA.i&, Has a largo and complete lino of goods, dolls, doll buggies,boys' wagons ve ocipedes nnd many other goods which col to make up a complete assortment. besides a complete line of lamps of every description, l liina crockery, fancy decorated ware, glassware, bird cages, plush goods, such as alliums, toilet Bets, autograph books, scrap hooks, children's ABC picture books, and all goods that are carried in a Bazaar store, including Koger isros. iw silverware, we wish to call the attention of the public in par ticular to the Golden Rule prize baking powder and tea, put up expressly for this t'ade, which gives the best of satis faction, as is attested by the hundreds who have used lioth the tea and baking powder ever since introduced by the Uoluen Kino Hazaar. inch package of tea and can of backing powder draws a prize in the shape of a line piece of glass ware, lie sure to call, when m Albanv, at the Golden Rule liazaar, as you will be sure to find what you wcat, and will be shown over the store and be treated kindly by my clerk, Mr. Miller. Mv goods are all marked in plain figures so as not to deceive anyone, und 1 have bui one price to all. Ji'Livs Gbaqwoui.. Aiur.ny starrer. Wnot-:o-Oats-60.-. Butter 333 pi iu. Fggs-20: Hay 10,00;to 18.00, Potatoes 60 e.y v.- h'luol Boor on foot, 2S' to Sc. Apples-GO cant per Im, Fork-5e per If .iro-w .i Eaccnft huns, Uc should m 7c stdiis 9e i.ard JOcperiti. Iflour. 4.'- per oil. I'lilckenfi 3 00 por dm,. ' ill Fws'l-bran, ll.'.'U per i.x. short". Id. middlin-r-i, CO CUBES Cougfis, Colo's, Inflticrvta, Droretilltc, Sare throat, Asthma, tir.d every Affectum of the Throat, Lungs nnd Chest, inclndinji Consumption. fctcedy Uii-icnnccul. Genuine .ii,ned-',J. JJ'UtU." if ANTED saiESM1 Lorn I nnd Trnvrllnz- A (rood clinncui iJnii'i miss it: ion itcctl nucf.p Hal to represent a relialile firm tint war rant b nurycryitock flrst-clasa nnd true tn tianio. WO UK ALL TUB YKA It. nnd pood pay weUy To eiicrvrtic nn'ii. Apply M"i-'k, Uthift k. X. Xa. JXXj.HcT Sr OO, ?!ir-rryiiiou, Flm-isls and SfiMlmeti. l ruui. .11IOU viiib uuuav ia rvspuuwun.; Revere House: tLSANY. 3HAS. PFEIFFEH 1'ROPRIETOR. F'ttod 11 n In tirst-iiL-iss stv!. Tables idpplleil with the lwt in t!io mmkot. Mlra sloeplngaiiartmonts. Runplo lnonv er commsruinl "traveloro. ALBANY ICR. WRITS'lAN & EULBSR1? BROS,. Real Estate Agents F.trmv and lUnchet for ka.u. Also city broferty in Aiba-if nnd Corya'.lii. HORSEMEN We aro prepared to furnish your posters fc 1 1891, In the style. Also anyothor printing desired. E. G. PHELPS, Book and Job Printer, "Twesdale Block over Wells Fargo & Co'a Express ufllce. ALBANY -: OREGON. fin J?. ;. ; .1., ' y Br KNJOY Bidh t!io im-tliotl uml resulls wlie;. Syrup of Fi) is Inlit n ; it is pleasant mid refresliinj to tlio (asto, n:id acU rreiitlyyet piomptly 011 tlie Ki.lncys, hiver and Bowels, clentises tiio sys tem clU'Ctually, dispels colds, lioad utiles anil fevers nml cures l::iUitiml fonstipation. fymp of'Fi;;s is the only rcmcily of ita kind cvir if 'iee.1, jilraiing to t'uo tasto nini no cfjitable to thn 6tomacli, prompt ia iis nction oud truly beucfiiial in its f'.f'ects, its many excellent qualities conimoiHl ii to all. It is for salo in Wo r.i:d SI bottles by r.H leading v: urACTi'srrj only Tire CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. s,;v n,ujc:s"!r. cai, icj.s'.iu. ky. i;:v rssx. h.r mam Pernwnontly cured wfthout Cuttlnar. Burning or Itti'ijf. A nerfectiy painltw troatuiout and a guaran teed cure in overv 2w. no matter how lout.' atninliti Tlijs treatment, (or S'.rictu e, of Or Uoxolt's , ig the itst discovery known to medicine. It dit.o1vun ua completely removes the Stncturo without annoy 1 ur pain to the patient. DISEASES OF MEN! Ptwiliar to their Sex. an 1 not tironertr. ninm hop including all those duIicaU Infirmities and Weak neges, which they would shrink from diwlosinj-'to their family phvician. Derininetitlv cured in less umeimn was ever kiiovh to Jlerficino l-cfore, by lr Boxell'i "New System of Treatment. It rejuvenates the fieiiito-unr ary organs and makes wek men struntr Whua posiibly. it is alwavii beit to call for nersonuJ cnnsultatiun and special examination, but those who cannot poftttiblv call, sliould write, statinir llieir caieiuiiy. jicmcine sent ty man or express, sealed, freu from ex pud u re, to all parti of the Pacific Coast, A'lurtis, Wm. A. Boxcll. M. D. t Piinl n lpeanry. I'tii-tUml, iireaon. CoraerFint and PinestrootsiivciLVrtUod A pamphlet of information andaiy-jiu11" TfVvBtnictof the laws, showing UowtoAKf jrf!i Obtain Patents, Caveats, TradqfilV -TEv Marks, CopyriehU, tent 1rtt.K. J-W V-V. iddrm MUNN A CO.yfaf . f??iiv3til Broadway. ZfJC C'aTe.itB, nnd Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat cat butint-?B conducted for Moderate Fees, Our Office is Opposite U. S. Pi tent Ollice. andweennecrure patent in leaatiino than those remote from Washington. Head model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, If patentable or not, free ol charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A Pamahlet, "How to Obtain Patents," with names ofactird clients in your State, county, or town. Bent free. Address, O.A.SMOW&CO. Opposite Patent Office. Wuhinrton, P.C. ALBAHY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON. 1890, 1S91. rJr-tt Term Opened Sepwai'jcr lotl: 1893- A full corps of iiiNirucUrs, CLASSICAL, SCIHfiTlFIC, LITERARY CQrfl&lEF.CIAL AHD NORMAL CLASSES. Conrs or tndy nrramtoil to mct tlv in J of all praden of studonts. S fecial ojcrcl to sluiicntl from abroad. ULV. r.LSF.IlT N I'OMIIT mm V:l 1 1 1 atcAutii: vncr ne rH&: best. I), M. Fekkv U. to n I'.I'jitralcd, Descriptive and Priced SEED ANNUAU For 1 091 wi.l be mal'cri hhtb o all aiDlicant. and to lait ttatoii'i ! .ufctomer. It i belter than ver. i Lvcrv person uinR tiaratnt J-htvtr er hit Id St f fit, should nend for it. Address D. M. FERRY & CO. -i DKTROIT, MICH. Larcent Seedsmen in the wn Foitrailier & Irvine- EAST AND-SOUTH, Sout em Pacific Route SHASTA LINE. Ereu Train. 1'urtl.nd 1U; Ift 31 P II j hi 101.' A I Ar Kirtland S&n Fmiclieo Nrh ArU S5 l train, ytoi, unlv tt (ulluwltlir .Utitilll north uf Kiburi;. Kul rortlauj, lrei:on City, WimnI- inirn, saicin, Aiiny, Taiikruut, nnouu, ii.ivvj. - treai'Ka iiail, pailt. r(fiu i i.v U:!0m l.v lyOm lAr l'rtl&iii Albany Kniicburir Ar 4:n0r L I 0 SO 1 11 ALBANY LOCAL( DAILY RACAPX STMIAV) s9i p i Ly p m Ar Tort land Albany Ar 1 1) ;n0 a N Ly I 6:00 A II LBHANOM taAMll. p H I Ly ,fij p u I Ar Albany &fij p u I Ar Lebanon 71.10 A M Lv Albany ttfi a II Ar Lvbanon Ar :if. I,y 8.40 A a Ar I 4:Jp a Ly I 3:40 p ii PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Far Afcouitnm,ti ol Mrrnml-C'laiis msB ers, atluciieltu Cxiirru Trnlits. yVil Hide MvUliHi. IILTHKF.X roilTLAM A1 COKVALL1M. SI ail raih da ill (Cxoopt Buiiasy,) 80 A M I Lv 2:10 f u I Ar Hurt land Curvullii Ar P v Lv li:55 ru -ernes TiAis dailt (Esc.'t!. Sunday, 411 r M I Lt Fortian I Ar I "r.'O A 2 FH I Ar M..Miiiiiille .y 6.4ft A H Tli ro u li T i c lt c t w To all points EAST, AND SOUTH. Fi Imi information rcnarding rates, mtpi, ooCompany Ak'cnt at AlViiiy, i. , OKliLKll E P. ROOEltS Uaner 4us't O. F. and P. Ar THE YAQUINA 8011 PIE gon IoveIopaiout Coicpfany'n Sto:d; bhip Ltno. 225 EXILES SH03TER. 20 mms less imz sun by any other reuta. Firxt-elasa tbroufth rasi!eii(rr-r pod 'ralhtlinsfrom I'orilacd snd r.ll jioiale a the Willtmotf Valloy to and from San Kancisco, Cal. BoatH Eiako closo connection at Alban !t)i trtJnii of thoOrogou Pacific Railroad T I', MOUU, Uerclvcr. J.K.WEATHERFORD. TIOKNE'V AT LAW ALBANY. OUEtlUN Special AnnounceiEri W It BILYKU, ATTOltNEY AT IjAW And Solicitor in Chancerji ALBANY. OKEGO. Oollootloua promptly uaileoiiallpoliit oaaauanotiHtail on uaaouablntHruiH. , R. K BLACKBURN, OKO. W. WUIIIIIT, (LACKBURN & WRIGHT, Attorneys at. Law, V ,11 i-iutioa i i til th Courts of thi cato. l'rimpt ttt!iti4iu tjivan t all buat- OlKiwOhl Pullowa) Tiniipl Allmy 0 .3. C. VUflTSajJ, Attorney at Law, ALBANY -:- OREGON, onice In the Mniliuu Ulork. .J, J. Vll'KITWEY," ArtoiuBj And Gounsellor At La? .ND ALBA 'V OREGON W. FREAP, My S,,ne tt Dress Goods, I5oth in WOOLKN and WASH FABRIC; -To The Ladies,- lIako a Specially of Ladies Underwear, in KiEiiED and Mcsux. My I'kichs arc lite LOWEST and my Goods tho Bkst. Am sole Ifgent for tho Celebrated T.S.F. HOSIERY, Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely fast, and Free from Poison , l. mil. Physiciai and Surgeon, OlByo cor. I- anii Frry Streets, ALBANY- OREGON TIME 80HKIULE.(ocoi)t Snnilavt.) 7uv. Alliaiiv r. )i,;Lva YaUina, 7:' ill, M L.av.Corraliis l:r, II. Leave i;c,rvaIli,10:3&A,a 4rrlr. Yaquiua, i;M t. H.j Arrive Aluanv, 11:1)1 a. h O. C. trains connect at Albany and Corrallis. Tho above trains coiineat Vaaulna with the Oregon Doveiopniont Company's Lino of Stuamsliijis botwecn Yaquina anu nan rranciBcu. DB.C.WATSSKASTOSJ Physician and Surgeon. OClco oppoKito tl-.e lin'iN'r.!. 0. ?! H. DAVIS, Physician and Surgeoi WOfflce up stairs in Strnhr.n'R Bloo Way be found at hla ollict. any anH n 1 rnoM TAqrmA. tyaiametlo Valley, March 8th ; luh ; Ulh. FROM SAM FRASCIhCO njHaaictHi Vall.y Miroli Srd l lilh I Jlt; 30th. The CoroDAn-Y 'witm tho nirnt to rhaoic Bailinu ditoa viihout notice. k, u, jfasaengora irom uu lyllinmette Vallev noinls can make close inaU.m with the trains of the Yannina mini, at Altmnv or CorTalils. and if des igned to 9n Francisco should arranireto rrlTe at ysauina tno evening Deiore oate fsstlinfr nPP ( F.rlr.M Rain lna;i ins Min-c.t ot applj to A It ChtpmtTi, Freight and Alhanr, oi:i;. O. F. ar.l P Avon , Corval.Ut. DREADFUL PSORiiiSlS Covering: Kntlro Body with White Scales. Suffering Fearful. Cured by Cutlcura. 5rr dliso (psorlanU) first broke out on my left clWk, flprendiug acroei my noM, anil altnont cov erlnif nty faco. It ran into my cyea, and iti ihyrtlclaa w.if afraid I won Id lorn my cyeniirlit altogether. It spread all over my hoad, an-J iny umr uii nil uvi, unill 1 VilUt entirely bald-hemk-d; It then broke out on my arm and vhouldera, until my arrnn wuro xiL'z 3Uflt ono oro' 11 covertd my aX f! entire body, my faco, heml, ClI " I nnd phoiililcru btlnic the worni. n., fevJ j Tho white neaha fell pouHtimtly l iron, my nciiu, unoumcru, mill i T nrnia; the nkin would tlilcki-n i i,A n'i !o red nnd very Itcliy, A n,Kl would crack ai:d blcod lr ncraU-Jied. After hpn.iiiiit fy7Ft2i-6S innny hundreds of dollarn, 1 ''f . ''' ' pronounced ineiiral.le. Ytv.r of the O'jTicu.iA Hemediei. and nftrr lining livo li.ttliv CiTiifllA ItEfOLVEST, J eonlil neon i.:vj. ; arnl aIUr I had taken foil.- bottle, wan Ai;n'ist 'iirt'tJ; a:id wlirti I hi.d um-d nix bnttln- of ( "r.'fi'.A liKoi.VKST, otif 1 (,:; of CuTift:iw,aiid - ui -ii:) of CifTirmu Hi-.p, I wan cured of tho fli-.f i !.ui lin-n-o from which 1 had suffered fnv five '!.i-. I i-miifit cxprcHdwitli a pen what I nuiiered l-'for-.-iiucihoIiUNrinns. They wived mv iifc.nnd I f.-i l 1: my du'y to recommend them. My hair li I a Ki -xi n cvit, ana fo in mv evesiiint. lturiA K:;LLV, ltockwcll City, Ivwa. DC?. G. A JHTriEY, Physician andSurgaon, Graduato of Bollevne Hospital Medical 3ol!oge Now York City. Diseases of woman a npecinlty. tSTOffio iuimi'i Brink, Alliany, Or. Utfml CATARRH rjicumittigm, IS'euralgia, Corns HEADACKX, And ALL PAIN. The California Pn!tiY and KsjatlT. ELECTRIC COUGH CUHE cunts colds, cauup. conlumpiioii. fold ay ail Dregghti. Each 25o, 60a & SI Creaalr.r a Co.. Prop'.. Los Ane.I.E, 0V STEEL IPEE3S CJ SapP'o Pcnr, uifforcnt patterns. Its sent iKiat-paid jn rixtlpt ot 10 Clevis, PERY a C3 , !.onto;.. E5tab.ic24. y. S. Clflco. 010 jtmiMi, N"" York. -tr.wfll pay tlioaborn r;l fr-r ary ea of T.trftT ' . 1 J " I i'.f'KK ji mi.u i.i;, JihIi 'e-tu.l,. (ii Miu FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Arterial Embalming Dona Scientll lcally. Cutioura Resolvent The new Jilood Purifier, lntcrnnlly (to etean?o tin l-!iuil of nil impurilie-saiid poinouounelemeuU.), and CuTii:t;UA, tho tftv'i.t Hkin (Jure-, und I'L'TicL'iiA an cxii'ilnitu t'kiit Ueau tiller, externally (to el-:ir ilia hMu and nc-alp and restore tho hair), liavo eun d tho i iHinii In of cuned where tho heddltiit of r ai.-i n,i:i"und a ijiiiirt daily, tho nkin cracked, bl.fviin-f, buniiiiir, and ttchliift almost Iwyond e-iduran 'e, h iir lifelcfH or all une, pufferiniT terrl Lie. What other rcmcdica bavumudo aueh curei? Po'd evcrj-where. Price, CfTicfRA, l0c.; Poap, 2V.; Hr.-uf.vEVT, fi. Prepared by the Pottbh DlH'O AM) t 'llE.M K'AL Coitl'DitATIDN, ltoitOII. tj-S.'iid for How to Cure Hklo lUeae," 64 p K, lllustratiot.B, uud 100 tesUmoniala. P I M black-badu, red, rouh, e happed, and rilN oily nkiu cured by C'uticuha Boac. IT 8T0P8 THE PAIN. Tlick ache, kidney pains, weak new, rlTuiiintlum, and muncuhr pain iv. UcveO In onn nilntitA by the Cutl cura Anti-Pal a l'ltr live K ACADE3IY OF Our Lady of Perpetual Help, ALBANY, - - - OREGON CondncUd by the Slatcis f8t, Benedict Tuition in aAtArtilAvathAnl 5 to 10, or terms or Hoarding Hchrol or nm liiHuaiinm rr'j vuo s9';a'jmT or. ia adeM Skier Superioreu liMtion r,r (,. ene!-s o ci:re with W.rsi'j e('i i,.,.ifi.ivL-rn,l.,v )nti (So l.roit,inm aro r.tttL'tlv -.ifli. 'I Willi. Tlu.y Me yn-r'.y Vr.-.uble. nnj aovur -il tOKlvo waUfaclJ.. Hii:r 'oai. .1K0 boxca. ti'iiu I-.khti of i'.kiuc. rfeiu, !R'I 111 .(, f.n::m,i ,itini:riiftnt-.rl ...: tiU J A dimming, AurnC HEALTH RESTORER. IT 19 TTTB TT)'F!AT.' WBTITCTrf It routes lh" Livrr nnd Kidncvs and Stomach, mrc Hcadiirhc. Isp.'pi;i, crciitcs an Apw lite, Purifies Uir Imjmrc IllooU, and fTnfcfs Tho 'U'onk Strong. :To The Men: Call and Look aj- My values in Finishing Good I liavn l.jargii Steel: st llu Lo wrdt Prices pvur ollereil is ilia Vails, 1 CMirjr v ,ii linp of tlie worM-r'navrcil Cii')AUIIEAI) tfnt uun? fjr wi'ur lini.ili. Lmij;" iiroclt vf KMHHOIDKItlltS and I'lodncisoi anil i. ccr cil tli . AUntiiy in lim l:ret t.rnjiliij point in Oregon. -:OI":- Gents : Fiiriiishing : Gooi -:VILL DU: For the Next 30 Days Call carh' and get I'argains. New York C. B. E. Store, McFarland Block, ALBMi OTEff GOOK NEW STOIfE.-iSia MITCHELL. & LEWIS CO. 1 ALfcKH In Agricnllural Implements & Vehicle omB and See Ifs Used everrrthcrn. fl a'-ottloi six (oris. Born stock of 2nd pw ;oocls In the V r, nd the most resjw ,fte prices, both 5bku. .veou'hand FURNITURE, STOVES, TINWARE TRUNKS, BOOKS, PICTURES CLOCKS, CROCKERY, ETC., ETC. door west of 8 K Yonnn'i olC siort L. COTTLILB P CDMT runiyniiii :- ALB AH. 0SI5S oy Cigar Fact J. Josegn. -i- Proprietor. WHOLESALE & BTA1 lOcljWfe'alioiE TO- land iSoBt durable faj 1 9 tare that is maniu"" lEedinthe city go THOMAS BRINKS City Meat Mark SHULTZ BROS,, Proprietort rail klo" a full line of mel ',y pro tectcd: and alT City Restaurant. Having been entirely remodeled . this old and popular reataursnt will be mada first olaaa n overy reaueot. The nnhlio trill h given good meals at all hours or only 2A oems. rjveryininH noac ana attraotive. Prira's boxes. Ojatera In every ttyle. (