VOh. ill. ALBANY. OREUON, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 25, 1891. SO 275 OF A 111 AH Y, OK prtB.nt.. OF AI.UANY. OKKlJ .N, vwallnt. .. - t ri-INS tVi President . R. K.Yol'Ml Cashier....... ' ''""W'' TRANSACTS A r.KNKItALbaiiktna Dullness. ACCOUNTS KKKl'. iiihJeU to l..k. HItiUT KXCHANOK and trl mphie tranifer, M Now Vurk, San Francisuo, Chisago and P utland tOJXKt,H". UAi'ii urn rnni9 tvnni. SiaSCTOHS JC Youna K, W, La no don L K Blum, L. Fliin Edvakd t . ttox. L l.. NATIONAL HANK, OP ALBANY UKKUUKi CAI'lTAL STOCK 1100,00'J. IYi,lM,t J L t'OWAS. vlc PrewJunt J H KALSTOS. o.nhl.r UK) E UIIAMIIKKI.AIN. AMI CuiliUr..... O A AIU'IIIIICH.D. I win..M, I I Cwti, J M lul.ton, Ueo B CtuiubtrUlii, W H U.I.I, W 11 J..l.r, i A L'r.w luril ii1 O A Archlbuld. TUANHAfTTXaeaneral hanking btl.lnew. UKAWMLli'l ItllAtTSuii Hew Yurie, 8a. . 1 1 4 i'H.i . I Oremm. LOAN MorfBYun iMifovrd iccaritjr check, B ax it of oick;o. ALBANY, OKKOON, dillnt. President Vire-I'retfidiml... Outlier $.10,000. fukkhii.l k j lannino ....Jit W J! LAIS Trni-1 a (fttnnnl I1.111l.iti'' ImiiiieM: Kxrhaiisfu IhmiM and sold on all tho principal citivit in the rriiunl States i al uu r.njfluna, iruianu, ('..llerlinna made iit all accessible p-dnts m favor- am- Utiih. Interest allowed o.i tiniB dupyjiU. B AMt OF MO, BCIO, OHKGOX. onuri;n: President J 8 M: Mm Vice-President Jwr M visas Cashier O 51 AY Jl Jlryatit dikrctous: K dolllB, .Inhii Gaines P O BinUh. I rt rf.ti.-r! lifiiiLlii's ami exchange .nwlneM. i Siirht drafu Uauud uu Albiny, Portland and Kan I " 17777 )1KTI.ASI Nl.lU HA OK JOKTIANI. OREOON. Pali) up capital ... Surplus and prulltn 60,nno . OU.UOO Intercut allowed on m rings dcnoiti irt follow: On ordinary n-ivimr hooks ...,4 percent wr annum. On term mvlnjrs book m..O per cunt per annum. On certificate ttt dupuiit. For three m.mtli per cent pr annum: For six ni'MitliH 5 Ier cant r annun.. For twelvo muni In n vr cent ikt annum. KKANK HKKUM. PreMiifent Ii. P. TIUlMtSnS Vii-o-PruiiJsnt. II. C, STilATTOX, Caahlnrj. W. C. DAVIS & CO., (Agents for Slaver if Waller.) Opposite Stewart & Sox, Albany, Oregon. -rF..M.i:i:s in- Highest of all in Learening Powers- 17. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, i&ty ltSsm rowder Machinery - and - Vehicles of Every Discription. ABSOLUTELY PWE rmnuuMrril lliipflraH Tel ftavrd. From a letter written by Mrs Ada K Hurd of Groton. 8 D, wo quote: "Wm tuVea with bd cold, which Fettled on my Lunci, coukHb let io and fiually termiuated in Cod numptioa . Four doctors gave me up saying I ecu Id lire but a abort time. I gave my self up to my Saviour oetermined if I could not htay with my friarjds en earth, I would WHATilTIMEANS, Do you realize what Palmer's election means to the people ot Illinois and the whoh- country It means that the 6rst step has been taken in a reformation which will result meet my absent onet above. My 'husband in the eicction Gf United States Sena ors wa aavisca to Ret UT iving s iew uitcnver- EMBRAClXf! THE BEST MaKES OF PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, DRAGS, HARROWS, SEEDERS, ROLLERS, MOWERS, IilXDERS, IilNDIXC TWINE, HAY I! A RES, HAY LOADERS, HAY TEDDERS, HAYFORKS, THE J. I. CASE "AGITATOR" SEPARATOR, TRAC TION ENGINES, HORSE POWERS, LAWN .MOWERS, SCRAPERS, STUMP PULLERS, ROAD MACHINES, "STUDEBAKER" WAGOXS, CARRIAGES, TRUCKS, CARTS, ETC., ETC., ery for Conttumytion, Couha ar.d Colds. 1 gave it atrial, took iu all eipht bottle; it has cured me and thank God I am a well tm hearty woman." Trial bottles free at Fo shay & Mason's drug ore, regular siza, 50u and Si. SHILOH S CATAliUH - KKMKDY a positive cure fcr Catarrh, Piphthciia and Cnnkvr-Mouth. Fushay & Mason, agents. G on The hefcroitt coUVe iithc city HEALTH 1? WEALTH Conrad Mever, PROrKHSTrit OK. STAR BAKERY Gnmer Broadaltiin and Firsfc Sta., -DEALER IN uiivil rrnils, '.niie .tleulM, reci I'nillM. Vegetable. oiHceo, C'im, Smar Sp'.i, ollfp. Tea. Eto Ut!., " v . lerythiiiK tbat is kept tn . n v and grocpry oro. Highert rkst p raid fo , ftlf.KHNDS of PRODUCE. . '.:!J TREATfENf 1II. E. C. WEST'S NVrve ar.d Ttrain Treatment a truarantued nnecilic fur II voteria. DizzinM. Convul mons, Kim, Nervous Neurali, licaiUdie, Nervous Pnmt ration earned by th use of alcohol or U.hacco. Wakefulness, Mental lepresion, SofUlihiK of Die Brain, rusnltmir tn Insnnily and lendinir to misery, drea viddcaih, premature old aire, bnrrenne. low uf Fcl t.caTined by over-exuruou o the Yn. Endi he. 'iontaiiH one nionth'ii treatment, SI u Ux or nix boi fur uut by mall prupaid ou receipt c price. WE RITARANTF.E SIX BOXES TO CURE ANY cane. With each order received by us for six Imxe, accompanied with ., vrc will kcihI tho purchaser our written iriiatantee to reiund the money ll tno treat. nifcnt doen not elTect k cure. Ouarantces Issued only by J. A. Cummin, Urugffist, Bole aent, Albany, HE CRY OF MILLIONS -ft" OH. BKCKI Y STOP IT NOW. COON IT WML BC TOO LATE. I have bfn troiibletl mMty vears with diwase of the kidneys and have tried many diiTcrent remevlies and ha souKht aid from different physician." without relief. About the 15th of Apri.' I was sufterini? frcm a very violent ettack that almost prostrated me in such a manner mat 1 wan nnuuvci. Wlien I at down it was almost impossible for me lo KCt i.p nlone, or to put on my cluthes, wlie k'nd I'roviilence sent Dr. Hculey, with t UKHGON KIUNEV TICA, to my hotel. I immediately commenced using the tea. It had an almost miraculous effect, and to the aslon Lshmt'it of nil the guests at the hotel, in a U:vr day d,I am bappy to Btate, that 1 was a new Jaati. 'T will! recjtuineiid the tea to all tfllicted a I luivu beca. C. A. TUPPER, J'roprictor Occidcnt.il Hctel. tsxniA Kosa. Cal. Ilk Albany Mamifacturors o' IE AM ENGINES CRIST ND SAW ILL MACHINERY IRON I KONTS m ALL KINDS OF HEAVY ANt) LIGHT WORK, IN IRON k?;d CRASS CASTIHCS. -ipeRtnl altBiition U a . PHlrlna " da of machines HaWns Kade on Short Notice EST ATM FOR &ALR-I have farm 01 aiu Htef . near IjOwsmi ic.r.t. on tho l.firrow Gnuiro. 10 mile V'rom Albany. All in ciilllvatliH., alr liouso and bai- .... fur atoc nd dotnentlo pnrpeaes. Flno oak jn AUnnntliArfurin ol )28 aurea. thror . . tfio.n Ijeban.in. All In cultlvatl , Fair liloime. Oooil water. Both r wheat Tav-ma. Also botiae anil tnc .uta on Fifth Arid .IfllT.irM'in atreeta, A.baur, For fur 111 er particulars call en i. Umphroy.Centei V ' . TM.nrrnL'V I f ToSDAYfMl 1 K ...m swwwf. V ctHCiHHaTi.o WJm Hli O ti ertnowlMeed the learllaa remntr tot Oonorrlupa The only wite remwlf lor ajCBCorrnvanrvToiieB. I brMcrlbe It and feel aafe In recnmmendlnc it irnro. to all mrrcroni. TlxrATlia IU. Soli Tiy nrnamaia. l'BICK l.o. 2:28 3-4 2:23 1-2 2:30. K t ding i'hotogntpliere A nny ''rrson. A o have bought all thencgativt tmadu by L W Clark and W II Green viood np to Nov 15th, 1S8D. Duplicates can he had from hem only of us at reduced lates. Wo have also, about 18,000 ueative made by our selves, from which duplicates cat? bo had at like ia.es. We carry the on y lull iiuo ot viewi ( f this atato ar.d do e:ilarg(d work at lowett rites for tirat cL-n work. V. ethall be pleaecu to seo you at our Studio in Froman's block, next door to Mnsonio XVn.ple. Kuckleira Arnica Salve, sjrhc bcit SiWs In the world foi Cun,Bru;so.Sor Ulcer, Salt Kheuin, Kaver (ore-j, rtler, Cbapp hands Ch.iblaiin, Corai, and all Skin Erupt lo. pofciliYulycuret file,or no pay required. It is guar uteed to tfiva perfect aatislaction, or money ictund d. Pric 5 cents per box. For sk'.e by Foslmy and Ua84H by direct vote of the people, and not by a purd.at.able caucus. It means that this reformation will es tablish the United States Senate as a body representative of the people, and not-of the money-bags. It means that by taking the Initiative in this reformation, Illinois has justly earned the plaudits of all lovers of govern ment oMhe people, by the people, and for the people. It meant that Ulincts is to be represent cd in the national CDngress as she has r.ever been represented since the time Stephen A Douglas, it means that in congress there is to te another implacable and formidable adver sary of tariff oppression, bayonet bills and all unrighteous nnd dangerous legislation. It means Ine beginning of the end of republican domination In Illinois and In the nation. It means Cleveland and Palmer and victory in '92 and a return of prosperity to the millions of modest homes oppressed by the concentration of wealth in the hands of legislation made monopolists. No wonder we celebrate! Qulncy Herald. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS A BurnUff City. Panama, March 16. II M S Warspiteii . at Callao. The following was gleaned from her officers: 'I he vessel left Iquiqui February 20. subsequent to the different events whirh led to the capture of that port by the rebels and the fire which caused the destruction of property valued at $2,000,000. It appears that when the rebels captured the port the Government troops took up a position some distance Irom it, Ihe rebels returned on board leaving only fifry men in charge. The troops soon heard of this and marched on the pi ce 200 strong under Colonel boto. ruing commenced, and a short fu&ilade led the ships to promptly open fire. The Blanca, En Cala da, Ksmeralda and Iluascar used heavy guns, while the transports kept their mitra ileuses busily employed. Tremendous destruction followed, and the flanes spread until the whole central part of Iquiqui, where the beat store aud building were situated, was in ruins. Up to the 6:h, when the Warspite left iquiqui, tne ruins ar4 yet ouruing. No Keett of Tronbie. Washington. March 24. The war de partment is taking advantage of the cessa tion of hostilities among the Indians of Dakota, has been encaged in Catherine authentic information as to the probability of another outbreak this spring. Cr. refill investigation nas ocen made by othcers serving as agents at Pine Ridge and Rose bud agencies, and their reports are not al together reassuring. In substance, these officers assert that there need or need not be tioublc, just as the government desire. FOR DYSPEPSIA and liver Complaint you havo a winte guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh s Vitalize. It never fails to cure, FoshAy & Masoo, agents. fcnpepny. This is what you ougnfc to have, n fact you most have ir, to enjoy life. Thousands are searching for it daily, and numroing be cause they 11 tid it not. Thousands upon thousands of dollars are apf nt annuaMy by our people in tho hope that they mv attain this boon. And vet it may he had hy all. Wo gur.uite that Electric Hitter, if used acooulipg directions and the use persisted in, w biitig you go;d digestion and oust tho demon 'Dyspepsia, tnd instnll instead Eupepy. We recommend Eltctric iiittera for Ovapc ftd all nisewe nf l iver, Stomach and Kidney. Sold at 0o and $1 per l-ottle bv ro-hay & Mnfon, drugiisls. SHILOH'S COUGH and Conun ption Our is fold by uson agnataotRe. It ri:rs tomumption. Foshay & Mason, agent, IOO F. Albany iouge No 4 holds Its rpaulnrmeetinir Wednesday evening of each week. Visiting brothers arc cordially nvited to attend. Coal Klacli, with small start cocul si7,o: In fiiU3M In IS'-codiug. 4 outoriiiiiiaoii uua Action. His breeding in tho acme of airly and extreme speed, as proved ty hlH fu'l sisters Iteuluh. 2:47), at two ycarit; jo(iit'in, k:;-.5a, ni two jeuts, anu mmting a reuoru 01 -.ju mm jui, ucienting iiaiiniuai Jr, 2lA7b, in three straiyht liuaW. Sired lv Amamovt. watron reconl. 2:2(11; s ro of; Ai.ta, 2:'J:tl, aud evtn ot)ier'2:3'J perfo'mers, and a host of other coll trotters. I Ai.tamoxt by Al moxt. that has over three hundred dcsjeiidnnts In the i!:fu Hat, including Hxli. IIaulis and JiHTiNx, double, Icl Nurle's dam Is Tkcoraii by Stradkrs, Cak- f.n-! M. Ci,AT. Jr 22, (nire of Oi ravoo, 2 2a? nnd Makm Clav, ) Sovontetn of h'ti ilaiiuhterti hae proilnced nineteen 2:30 pcrfornient. inc!uJiiiK Mav bkiN'o llAY,'2:2i, who fired the dams of Axtkl, 2:12 at S enr( Ai.mckti.s, 2.1:1 nt f.mr eani, wo of tl.e fastest Blaitioiis in the world of their acs. Trcor ah, darn by Itamroit, 2:CIV, (tire of the dam of liiNU Vilkki4, 2:221, Binj Olivkk K , 2:lti). nt:it XOIITK was bicd by Jnv Bcaih. t Vancouver. Wnah. Foaled In 1S88. tif Will make the urofion of IWtl at Trltes Itros stable, Albiny Friday and Saturday ; the ret of the time nt our farm, three milea northeast of Shcdd. lermts Season, 8J30; Insarance, !!30. Red CrownMills S0M. LANN1S0A CX. l'30rft'S. aiw mooEna n.oun nrrKHioa rok ranr.ix AND SAKBRS TBI. REST STORAGF FACILITIES. '' PHOTOGRAPHER, Crr SertiDtt andFeny St, Albany, Ol SUPERIOR werk. guaranto1 in ever; branch ofibo art. 9Kniaigig c all kind a opevially wnxcn vsuAm it bey Which fs tho tli"st, a rows or a lily? Whirh ii tlM rftietcst. a orach or a nearf Merry's coq and charming u AlUJy : Tint ( wi.titlit nnd fair. lhl Sweet as a flowor was her face when I kissed f Lora the romp.tice ana giory 01 niej Milly, m nlnymate, I love 11 like a sister," But Dora 1 choose lor my wife. That la right, young man, marry the girl you love, by all means, If she will have you. Bhould her health become delicate and irfr S. W. Paisley, Alb.or, Omn WHOLESALE DEALER IS - Tobaooo and Cigars. Pouiify Wanted, All klni1 of p.mltry, Ilva or dronMid t the WllUiimlte Picking Company', utoie, Allwny. OreKti.. FOSHAY & MASON, Druggists and Booksellers Ave; t, for John B. Aldan's piillcatJonii, dtrh fri. Me) m. oublUher', prli witi. t(tei." ALRANT. UKK4JOA QHELPS, Job Printer, XT 1st. St, Ov fii Express O Albany Movefiles In Jackets. I have received a small assortment of novelties in ladies fipring jackets, made in tne latest styles ot blazers ana Keet ers, in cheviot, diagonal and worsted. 3 expect to carry a full line of these poods, as well as all the leading styles in Ladies (Janes, beaded, crochet and in cloth Urdera taken lor special sizes and styles. ISAM L IU XOUNO noKin oiifki(,. F. M.French kayps railroad time. Kijw cream cheese iust leoeived at Conrad Meyers. Mans1, youth s oni hnvs clothin? and furnishing goods at G W Simpson's. Have you seen those mrlor auita that T Brink has just received! They are nice. Great reduction in met' fiinishins uoods for the next 20 days at W F Read'a. J W Bentley, best boot and shoe maker! in city, (hr-e doors north of Democrat oifice. To expel the impurities in the blood and give strength to the system before tha effects of warm ..eat her are felt, uso Pfuuder's Oregon Blood 1'uritUr. Briuhten tip vonr old rubbers and old shoes and make thorn took as good as dhw itli Wolff's Aimo Watornroof Polish. For saleatSimuel E Yountj's. WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspepsia and Livtx Complaint? Sluloh's Vitalizcr is guaranteed to enre yon. Piles fan be Cured. Richard Benflott, Wet (field. N 1, writes: "For thirty two ears I MifTered from pilef, both iitftru&l and external, with all their attendant auonws, and line many otheis suffered from hemorrhoids. All those 1 hirU-two year. Ihvl to cramp myself to pav doctors od druL'ttisis for stuff that was domtf mo lit le or no ceod. Finally I was uracil by one who had nan the same com plair.t, hut had been cured by Brandreth's Pills, to try his euro. I did so, and becan to impr,'ve,ar d for the pat-t two years I have lti no inumveuicuce irom that teritble ail m eat.' Money to Loan. We have plenty of money to loan on real elate security, on two to five years time. Call on us at our office, opposite in tevere r.oiife. Urn k hart S -ve&xey. iNsuna Your Stock. To tho ovners of live stock and especially those who own stallions I desire to say thai. I have received tho agency ol the Ureun Live Stock Mutual'Indemnity Aesoc.0tioi;,k3d am prepared to insure all liw stock at three-fourths their value. Owners of valuable stallions especially should in sure. Call at niv stables in Albany, cor ner Second and W ashington streets. Frank Trites. One half dollar reduction on every pair o Ludiow'a fine shoea A good line of them a 8 E Young's. A N4SAI INJECTOR free with each hoitle i bhiloh a Catarrh Uumudy. Price 50 cents. Fc4hay& Mmou, aenU Visiting Cards, 60 styles, Paisley ft Smiley. Cloaks at cost at W F Readj. twauty fadn after marriagA remember that thla la iitniallv duo tn functional disturbances. weaknesses. Irregularities, or painful disor ders peculiar to her sex. In the cure of which Pr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is sjnnram teod to give satisfaction, or money refunded. Roe the printed certificate of cuarantM ov bottle-wrapper. For overworked, M worn-out," "nin-down,H debilitated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, " shop - airlfl," housekeepers, nursinr mothers, and feeble women fener ally, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is ths greatest earthly boon, being unequsled as an appetizing cordial and restoratlrt toolo. Off Strength-giver. Cprrl(bt, USB, by Would's Dts. kfxxx AM V. Dr. PIERCE'S PELLETS rtgulats and cleanse the liver, ttomaeh sad bowels. Tbey are purely tsgeUbla and pct foetly harm Ims. On si Dos Bold by druggist. M oents a vlai. tKClCCDlCDt Runs hii;b in Alhanv r-t Fofhay & M sonV drug a'or c tr System Huilder, a everviiodv in usiig it for ('atorrh of the Stun ach, Dyitt.rpsia, Co utipntioo and Im pure Mond. Try it , 1 d tell your friends anou' it as itninst poss.ft tvonrUrful mmts wht'ii ad peak well of i. For lame lack, or tide chest, ufo Shiloh s Porous l'labttr. Price, 25 cent", A s'e cure forth'- uliisky tahit; lir f.iviptotou'a Artidote for iunl enrefs will oure Any case of tt.e Ihjuor 'tbir u noin ten to it.i.iy days, fmin the n orUritH driuker to tho d'unkard. The Antidote c- n be given iu 1 uip of crflte with tit th ki.owledge of thr 1 t-rwin taking it. Tho r nt;;r.t will not injur)- the hcaltn in any way. M:.ui:fncturcd l.ythtt Liviticeton lhemie;d t.'o , Portland, Orfc n cr from J A Cumming, ole agent Alb. y.J KHILOM'S V IT A LIZKR i- what vro need (1 Constipation, Li t Appetite, Dtz zir.cie, and all MtiiptoniN of 0t.pfpii. I' rice iu sua 7 cet.U pf r bottle. WHY WILL YOU ?ogh when Shiloh's Curo will give Immediate relief. Price 10 cents, 50 cents and $1. Foshay & Mason, agent'. Wanted, to rent an organ forptvral months. Call at th Democrat oflice. CROUP, WHOOHKO COUGH and Rronvhitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. SHILOH'SCURE will immediately re. lieve Cronp,Whooping Cough and Broochitia, Foshay & Mason; aeents. Where to Get Thrm. When wanting oriran or plana call on G L Hlackman ht-o vou ran selrt from a first class tot. gfa- ' Tha ONLY nlsce in the ty where East mn tinUnta can ha ntirchaa is of W. I, 'Jter, at the Pout hern Pacific Co V ticket offlca Freitrli Tanxy I Haft rs. wafers are a sure andsr.fet clfi. kln!snf female trouble!, ar.v w1!' all obstructions to the tnor.itl no matter what the cause. It. I'what every woman necc . ai can be i!ed with safety. For sale t tit Livingstone Chemical Co., also frcn v sole nent, J A Cumming, druggi, B11 bercb)ck, A Ibar.v, Oregon. The for a remot period are ji Just armed a full line of tad it n, chil- dronr, menl nnd boy's foot wear at O W iMmpaon'a.'wiiiuh will )a so'd at bottom orice. W, F. Red keepphhe best ascortmcnt of fancy g cd in town. Apmrnf f.Mtllack hose free with very f air of lodifs shoes costing S3 or more at 'exi Is' shoe store. Notice to Farmers. Wanted nt once chickens, ducks, geese, turkevs, dried fruit b, nutter, eggs, and all kinds of larm produce, for which I will pay the high- t price in cash or 111 exchange for good. M. W. SlMi'aoN, Aiumy, Oregon Hoarders Wanted, for table nnd one room. Inquire at Dkmccuat ofhee. DlMinlrr Ihnl nffert (lie Kldnejs Are am tm the moa orniidtib)e known Dj t.bete B right's diseartj, gravel, and other complaints of the urinary organs are not or iiinarily cured in severe enpe. hut thy msy be averted hv timely meditation. A usefu stimulant of the nrinary elands has ever ben found in Moatetter'a Htrmach Bitter, a medicine which not om'v afford the nq ntsiie stimulus when they become inactive, but h creases their vigor and secretive pow er. By i.icreiiMtiif the activity of the kidney and bladder, thismhdicine has the addition al effeet nf erpetlinir from the blood impur ities which it is the prculiir rfficenf thene orgsns to eliminate and psm i ff. The Bit ters is aiso a fori tier Sfd vtrenvthener nf the bowels, an inyiffrstor rf the stnmsoh, and a mart hies? remedy for hi'ioupness and fever and sgoe. It Kmii.tercrit a tendencv to pre mature decay, tud atlf tfins ar.d Crmforts the sgctl anpinriim ;i. I