Ii ! 1 OAUYILLC, Tlie Horticultural Sm-iutv met oh tl evening of tlie l'tli. A M Aelieaon fuvor- ed tlie society witli some remarks pruning and orclumld. Mr A. Ims luu but little experience in fruit ruinint;, yet ho understands it better thnn men who are Hindi older. Mr W 11 Crawford made a short speech on commercinl pea culture. jMrC. has had no experience in pea rniauiit lor market, nut wouli recommend deep planting and on new lanu. Mrs J U .Molir read a raner hot beds, in which she nave directions for making and planting a hot bed. After reading her paper she exhibited a sample of radishes she had raised. The meeting was won auenueii ana was very mtcretit ing. The regular meeting is held the una luesuay evening ol each month The Ilemorcst Medal contest was held in the IT 1' church on the evening of tl 20tli. There was a largo crowd present. lliere were six contestants, live were residents of Oakvillo and one of Shedd Tlte judges were (i 1) liarton, J U Gibson ana u ii mirtt. Tlie medal was award d to Miss Anna Molir, of Onkville. All the speakers did well, and exercises were splendid, especially the juvenile singers, composed ot eleven children ne- tweeu the ages of 4 and 8 vears. The banner of the YV CTU with their motto "For (Jod and Home and Nntivo Land was given a place on the platform ; also the banner of the Loyal Temperance Le gion, with their motto, "Tremble King Aiconoi, n e miuii lirow Lp." Miss Minnie Coney, of Brownsville, is visiung nermany inends here. U lad to see you "Little Hose l!ud." May your ouiiuuM never y row smaller. 1'assv, vil,!j iuu sir witti uiupcpsn ana ivivir I'nuip-aiot: sauoh c YUalizcr is guaranteed to euro you. Tew Blacksmith Sikw G .V Willis has just complctcu his blacksmith shop at tlie corner of Second and Railroad streets where a.l kinds of Iron and wood work can be had and done in first class order iiring on youi plows, wagons, etc., etc. for repa l r SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, mvle miserable by hs t'Trible cough. bhiloh'?Cure is the Il?nirtly for you. lit..iy jiari:';;. Oats- 50 ; Buttor Suf pr n. fires 20.' Hay ia,00.;to IS.Cii. Pot.-'.tOe 0,) CtM f.tic r!-(ii:i Beef on foot, 2!J to -jf. Appl(i 00 cema inr on. Port- 6io per II uv.v.-.t i-arcna hr.ms lie nhoublt-r-s To SltlKS 9.. lard 0 per lr. illour t.a, per lib). i'bieUeuj S !)0 mi d ii. t. ill I 'eed Lran. K.(,::p.:.r lod imrla, lii. middling, M Coughs, Colds. Inf.uenjn, BroncMHs, I Hoarseness. VLhooDina Couah. Crnun. Sore Ihroat, Asthma, and every ciTcction of the Throat, Lt:rtQS rnd Chest, tccluuinc Consumption. Speedy and permanent. Genuine signed "I. E'ittS," DOYOU WASTdSE'-Th) Demo ciiat will exohnX sewinc nia oMne, e in one or two. f.ir prt c in grub onk wood. C'a particulars. BOB. BOWMATJ, The Oiu-Time Painter. People wIshiuK first class work should seo him or Icavo ordeis at Julius Graiiwohl's. TI.IOR SALK Oil TKAIIK, , a Cu'ckerinir J; pmno in good conoition. Call nn Uer Spacht. at corner of I'ivlitli an.l Jefferson streets. ANTED smmi Lornl anil Trnvrllnic. A eond chance! Don't miss it! Vou need docm- ilal ' rcjircscnt a reliable firm that war rants iiur.cry stock flmt-clnsa and true to 11 lino. WOHK ALL Til K YKAI1 -ml If tol pay weekly to ervenr- tic men. Applv ipiit-k, atatiiiK atra. X. Xi. BKA.V &c CO, uiNorynieu, J-'ImisN and mtiIiiicii, m 1'mui, lllnn. (Ibis house is redpuiisitie.) ere House: fcLEASY, - . OREGON CHAS. PFEIFFEIJ I'fiOPRlETOR, ytle'i ii n in Hrnl-rlaMS stvle. Tablea Wpplled with the lot in the market. Kloo Rloepinirnnarttiienta, Simple rooin or poinuinrciai iraveiors. ALBANY ICR. WRITSMN & HULBBRT BROS., Real Estate Agents Farms and Itanches for sale. Also oity broporty in Alb&ov and Curyallif. HORSEMEN W ro prepared lo furnish your noatera ft 1181)1, in the beat style. Also BDyothorprlntlDn desired. E. G. PHELPS, Book and. Job Printer, "Tweodale Block over We la Farg A Oo'i Eipress uOlee. ALBANY : OREGON. Roth tlio method and results vliir. Synipof I'itftf i liikcn ; it is pleasant mid ri'frcl:iur to tlie tuf to, ninl nets P'litlyyot jiroiiiiti)' on tlie Kidneys, Liver iin.l liowdls, cIciiiisch tlie sys tem eiiecttially, (liiels colds, licail-iiclii-s mid fevers ninl cures linhiimil eoii!ij'M!M.ii. Pyrup of"Fij;3 is tlio ;:i!y jO'i'C !y of its kind ever iro (!;:ri"l, ;.b-:'Miij to the taslo niiilnc r tti'!it: ' tlm stomach, prompt in i'j 'it i nd truly beneficial in its -el.-, I" many excellent finalities oini:ii ii. 1 it to nil. it is for sale in f0u ninl $l battles bv all leading rtijr-ists. w.-jrArvuasD only or the CMfFG.W.1 FI3 SYRUP CO. fiiV rx.ViCicoo, cal. lO'J.'SWtC. KY. HEW YORX, K.Y LTmanentlv cum! wfthout Cut ttntr. Rnrnlnv nr TI- """H- yviivi- i.j ciiiii mm ime in. ana a yunm u. tci'd curr in ewrv uu Liattnr how L.ti to.ii,-u. Thw treat nitjiit, f ir Strietmo, of lr It txuli'a , the t;t tllSiM. rv KtlOWil In tim.lli-inti It . k...Iv.u imi coinpiduiv r,-m vci the Stricture without annur urpaiu to the patient. lift Peculiar to their Sdx, an I not iMjKTto nam a here, iiesscs, wnion uw w-miu sltrltik from dm-loaing to thtir family puyaKiai pornri'it'iitly curod in wt ne inii) win ever kn k'n to Mciik'ine before, by lr i Trent iimnt.1 It rejuvenate wll' "Sew .Svstem the enita-iinraryor,:: ii aim niAitufl veit iiuju strung " boa jMWsibie, it ii alwavn b.'it to call for oerAmal coiisultiti.ni anl viiecUl cxamlnati.ni. Hut iIkmo cannot DHH;riv e . a ion il wntti. mtt mr th.. h- iefullv. Mtfilii'ili J sent hv mail or tiiirs. uonltxl from expoouro, u all "tarta of th Pajillc Cuaat. Aiiurasi, Wm. A. liosoll, M. D. St Iuul U iMnctiMiry. I'rtlnm1. rrrnn. orner First aatl Finostroeta.Sover'l'ortUud Ii3l.j4. Ui (UU lie,KlU"lll UUH WM v V, Obtain Fatouts, t area t a, Tradej ft: iiarts. uopyrieats. sent jrct.A ViCdrM IHUNN A VW. vTSbl ii roadway. yjwyjaw lorn. Caveat?, and Trade-Murks obtained, and all Pat eiit business condncted for Moderate Fees. Our Office Is Opposite U.S. Patent Office, and we csnecruro patent in Icsb tiino than those remote from Washington, Bend model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free o! charge. Out fee not due tilt patent is secured. A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents," with n:tmes of actir.l client ri inyour State county, or town, sent free. Address, G.A.SOW&CO. Opposite Patent Office. Washinaton. D. C. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON. 1890, 1891. 'lrst Term Opened aeittetubcr l'tli. 1890. A lull corpa ofinatructora, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY COMMERoiAL AND NORMAL' Coursws ot "tudy arranjrflfl to uieot tb' And oT alt tcrados of ntuflents. Special ttiaucetncntt offered lo students from ahroad. REV. iii.ttr.itT y OM)IT THE BEST. 1. M. Fekkv & Co' Illustrated, Descriptive and Priced SEED ANNUAL War 1891 will be mailed FREE J :o all appiicantt, and to la it season si icusiomers. it is ocuer man ever. fcvery person usin i,ardett, 'iower or hitiJ St tils. should tend for it. Address D. M . FERRY & CO. DETROIT. MICH. Larpcst Seedsmen in the world I Foitmilier & Irving. llAfijI -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. j:rw Kf v v w ra Arterial Embalminp; Dona Scientii lcally. EAST AND-SOUTH, Sout era Pacific Route SHASTA LINE. Eiress Tnuii leve INirtUml Dally North Ar U:3& A Lv k U Lv U;i r M riWiic. ."i Lr VMS P H I Lv b:ltA u I Ar fori ii til Albany Suu Frii:lco Above trains tUt only t M lowing ttatUms iurlli 4 K'wetmrjf. Kiul l'ortlftnil, ttretfim Viiy, WixkI tfuwi, 8u!oii), Albany, Tni'iil, HlitHltl, lluliioy. llur kburtf. J unctlan City. Irving, Kutfuiie. KMKBI KO MAIL. PAILT. l.v IMrtlund Ar 4:00 r H p:?(1rM I Lv Alt-.nv Lv U;ii M fyOru Ar H..m. lairt: Lv I l --J0 A ALkXT UtCkU, OAILT MCfcPT StMDAT) .tiGF) p H I Lv i'ortUnJ Ar D fiQ a k 90 m 1 At Albany Lv 6:00 A M Ll HANOI tKANCII, lET I Lv Albany at I P:' i h m Ar Lebanon Lv s.-tti a u 71 HO a it Lv Albany Ar I 4:2lru Ay Ar Lebanon hi 8:40 r m PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Cars, or AcrommiHlMllon uf Moronl-4'lB.n I'hih'I Kera, Mltaclicil la Kx(ir Tritllm. iftl aide l.lvl.lon. BtTHEEH rolMLAXU AU I'UUVALLIH, &1A1L .'BAIllDAIll (Excwpt SuiKtay.) l.v Ar l.)rllKiia CtfrvdlliH Ar I Lv fi::iil r 12:56 ra 2:10 r M IXFCU TKA1X PA1LT (Kxcj! Suuilay. 41) r u 2 ra I.V Ar rrtlttii.l VI.'MniinUle I V: A u I i.ii l It 'riirouprb. 'I'iclcets Tu all polutl EAST. AND SOUTH. Foi (uii tntormatioj rciranlii's rates, tuat s, on Company Aifcnt at Al'inny . , OKIlLKK K P. BOdEHS Uaiiaer kn'l U. and P. At? THE VAQUINA mu goa Dovolopuicr.t Coipany'a 6l..n', ship Ij'.ne. 225 MIES mY&R. 20 mms less tiks uin by any other re J to. Pirst-class tlironh ptistonpor r.nil re'.L-ht line from Portland and all puinta u title Willaiuutto Valloy to and from ban Francisco, Cal. Koals make cloo connection at Altian with trains of the Oregon 1'aoitlo Kailroad T E, UOtiti, Brrrlvrr. TIMB SUUSUULR.( cpept Sundays.) LviveO'irvalliH 1:03 r, u. frtjave Crvu!liu,in:3ri,ii Arrive Albany, 11:13 A. u O. A C. trains conuoct nt Alhuny nnd 'orvallls. Tho above trains connect at 'aouinu witli the Oto'ou Dovolnpmer.t Company's Line or MioHinnnips fotwoen Voquinaanu ?san rrancisco. SAILING DATES . FROM TAQ'MWA. Villametle V.illar, March Stl. ; Klh ; '-'5th. IHOil HAS FRAXCIHCO WMl-.imctto Villey Mircli 3rd ; 12th I 31st; 30th. The Compxnv --Hvea llio rignt to ifeamrnaailina datca vihout notice. V. B. I'BMencflra from Portland and WUlamotte Valloy yioints can make close Eonneaticn with the trains of the Yaqnlna oute at Alhany or OorTallia, anil if ilon 4ned lo Han Frnnciaci ahotild arrange to jrive at Ywjina the evoninj? before t'ate f ninny "aer Aii F.elr.lil llatca alnaj-a me Lowest ftn apply ti A R Chapman, Fru-cht and Ainanjr, : Hum . O. F. ai-.l i A'eii . CorvnUa. DREADFUL PSORIASIS Covering Entire Body with White Scales. Suffering Fearful. Cured by Cutlcuru. My dleaflo (pBorlanin) flrnt broke oat on my left chcfk, nprending ncrotts my nom, and almost cov erinn my face. It ran Into my eye, and tlm physician was afraid I would lono my i-yeniifht iiwgtiniT. ii, Bjircui BJ1 ovor my notui, nnd mv nair nil icii out, until I wan entirely bald-hciulct ; It then broke out on my arms and ohmilders, until my arum were Jut one tore. It covered my entire body, my fure, hciul, and ihotiId(.'rfl tini th wor-tt. The white scabs fell rnntumly from my head, choiiliier, nn.i arms; tho nkin M-onld ihi'-'-teu and bo nd ami very Ihhv. pzsry ninny hundreds of dulhn, 1 .' " .r was pronounced Incurable. hi-i'iil of the CtrTiri'HA Uemkiue-, and after wAnu r.vo b.iules 'i.-Tirrit. Resolvent, 1 could nec a r:i.i:i:;-; and niter I bad tnken ffir bottle. I un. a!iii.-t rireil ; nud when I had u-ed six bnttic if i ii' i nx kioi.vknt, rnc i.qzi of CfTK vn.t nnd ill ! e:'l; i .f i'l'Tlfl'IIA S.IA1-, I WHS Cured nf llig ii.-i htii dirteaiM; from which I had suffered f-r live v.-1' . I rami express with a pen what 1 niffered :! 't'-iL-.r the K.:Mt:iHi:s. They M:ived my iUe.niid i f-cl I', my duty to recommend thtm. Jy bnir is restored n irt-nd a ever, and o i mv eye;lirht. Mui, U'JS.V KliLLV, liociiwcll Oily, lg.va. Cuticura Resolvent T!i. 11!o'h Purifier, Intrrnnlly (to eloanw) I of nil immiritii-s and nnU(irimiai.l........,ut "... . ...v ..I. .-aiii vme, unu l.iTK'UUA hy.w, m c(iiiM!tu Skill lieaiititlur, fxterrwlly (to c.viir ill-; tUin und hcuI utid restore tho hnirj, havo 't:r d tliiiittmU tf vsuv tvhure tho ulieridlntf of :'i .i!i H I'HJi-un-d a quart daily, tho dkin cr.trkod, l-l.i-.iiTiv', li.irninu, nnd ltrhiiij almost lifvond t'liduritiitf, hair lif.-lent or all koiic, mifffrinic terri iilv. What other rumedlus havo made Buch cures? Hold fvrry whore. Price, Crricuiu, fiOc,; How, 2 o.; Kkm.i.vknt, ei. Prepared by tho P.ffTEH lt' an:i Ciikical Coihihutidn, 1 (on ton. 4-Mfnd for" How to nre tkln 1H.paw" 04 pagcA, to iiludt rations, nnd lui) testimonials. DI MPI'KH, hlnck-hends, red, rough, chapped, and T I III oily skin cured by CuTKUKA Buap. Park acne, kidney pains, weakness, ii-iiiiiniiftm, aim muscular pains r tvpil In one minute bv th f:ti. uru ADtl-rain IMmster. VJc ACADE3IY -OF Our Lady of Perpetual Help, 4LBANY, - - - OREGON Condncted by the Slatti f fit, Benedict Tuition In select davacbool rmncAiirrnm 6to$10. Fortermi of Boarding School or tny prtlcclara ftpply at the A?ademv or id. adeM Stater tiuperiorew w V" i v A JS.ja IT STOPS THE PAIN warn J.K.WHATHESFORD. nOl.NlO AT LAW ALIiAM. m:iON W It 1HLYKU, ATTOUNK.Y AT l.AW And Solicitor iu I'liAiu rrj ALBANY. - OKKGO. Colleutlons promptly made 011 all po'nl una anxottnted ou eaoiial)ltorni. , R. H.DtUCHDCIlN, OKO. W. WKIUIIT, tLACKBURN cV WRIGHT, Attorneys at Law, Vill pnotiuo in ill tho Courtu ( thi tati, Prompt attoiitiou ivn w an uui h aatniri I t 1 1" Ol!ioa0.id Fellow Tampl Alliay O tl. C. VL'ATSUN, Attorney at Law, ALBANY -:- OREGON. (Hiiro In llir sirulian lllork. a J. MTKEY.. Co i si-tuLiCj Ana GcuESBllor At La? . ND 'OllaiV Si.JEIc. ALEAV OREGON l. mu, ind Surgeon, Physiciai Olllce cor. V ALBANY- and Ferry Streota, OREGON Cn.C.WATS3flaVAST9rj Physician and Surgoca. OlilCB C'HNt tllO JlOUinf'rut. 01?. IV H. DAVIS, PhysicUn and Surgeoi ff"Cflire un atalra in Strahnn'a RIiki May bo founij at Ilia ollir nay nnd 1 1 03. 0. A. IVHITiO, Physician and Surgoon. Graduate of Bellevue Hospital SIcdIcal College Now Vcrk City. Diseases of woman a specialty. KTOflia rumau'a Brick, Alhany, Or. PesrriyE Mm! CATARRH RIieumafi3in, Neuralgia, Corns KEADAOKa, And ALL PAIN. Tba California. FnltiTs ind H.jstlT. ELECTRIC COUSH CUBE CUH3 COLDS, CROUP. CONSUMPTION. Bold by all Droseiats. Each 26o, 80c k tl ur.atmsar fc Co , Prop's. Los Ansalas, OaL STEEL PEHS A O Sample Pcnn, cllfToront pattcrna, in rS.fn.r"!'.k'1 einloil ino(r!i nox, sect post-paid ja receipt of JO CEMs. PERRY & Cy ,Lonso;j.ES.tb.iC24. U. S. Offlco, CIO jroadM,. N Yrk. $500 BexTard I Wnwill pa ompUtnt, J th-jfthov- rnrnn for nny c-vv ot T.lm ltvcnttn v.o rnnnnt euro with Wi-nt'g " ,7 i"... ni'n mo awunm nrf strli'tlr np.iMl with Vh.-y m-o pur, y variable, and novcr tot-ivo vtixfr,,.,,,,. fi-.rro.-.t.-.! I.arya l-Mea, fcnt in laV Jou.'i r s. istfMr.trii or ftKinUTrclM itno iiiartMfartim-il onijr bj J A I'muitiinK Agent' IT T3 TITS TPTCM, MBPTCTTTT;. It rouses the I.ivi-r nnd Kitlncyx tnj Stomach, cures I Ifadii. Ik-. I)vsici'viat crc-alcs an Ajipu. titc, Purities tUc Imjiure BlooJ. and jTnVoaJTho TV'onlc Strong. r nr ii ki n r i DCIIMriC DO Csed oTcrywhcro, tl a"oltlo ili forJ. hi Store. Bcal stock or 2nd fr ;oorl In the V my, and tba moat roa laie prices, both to b aolling, I hava on hand all k!tiu FURNITURE, STOVES, TINWARE TRUNKS, BOOKS, PICTURES CLOCKS, CROCKERY, ETC., ETC. dor weatof S K Yonng's oil for Li UUI ILItK I Special Announcemei i A ok uum W. F Spring Hlwk now llio JalOHt ress Both in W'OOLKN Di -To The. Ladies,- Mako a Specialty of Lac'ies UA(ler?ear, i i it lliiiiiici) and Musi.i.v. Jly 1'uicks arc iLo LOWEST and my Cloons tlio Ukst. Am sole agent for tho Celcbralud Y. S. F. HOSIERY, Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely fast, and Free from Poison : To The Men: Call and mk at My values in Fui'iiishing l liav a X.a.?;) Sfic'; tit rin I.jv I c. ry h l it v.v or u. if) iino ot the . tiiish. JjJir; c.'.. tin AM'' .r'. l-n ii i' monlc y llin ftfid !i cot Gonts Furnishing :W'II.l. he.- SOXuS J&JT? COST For the Next 30 Days!; Call ear'y and get liargains. New York C. B. E. Store, McParland Block, ALBAN. NEW STOKE.i&a i'KALKHa In griciillnral Imgrieinciits & Vehicles v . aBi j f-rrrAaww tun. -v Pome and SbbUs." ' ' "ALBANY, W FURNITURE! THOMAS City Restanrant. Having been entirely remodeled, thisnl1 and papular restaurant will bs made tirat olasa n every respeot. The public vill he gitren good meals at all boura for only 2D ueui... uverywiiUK Doas ana attrifttiv Private boxes. Oystera in erary style. HEAD. Comi-i.ktk, Kmbr racing au JNovoltiuH in Goods, and WAoIl 1'AIiiuc cods, - fHt Trices ever utN'i-f.l th Yalltj, - . v.., I'.ItOAUIIICAD .i !.., uon' ft KuiiituciKltlKS ami laouxcixcu. ' sl (ruling oirt in Oirgon, ,i 23. u-.tTTji-za.- :OK: Gooc ear'Ev GOODS, 3 Albany Cigar Fact, J. JcBBpn. -:- Proprietor. WH0LESaLT& BETAH Only White1 abor Employed it vnn want, the best and most durablo furni ture that is manufactW" ed in the city go to BRINK'S City Meat Market. SHULTZ BROS,, Proprietors. .p a full llnr of mil of" lnj in a cool pltc, oompleialy I acted: and alwaya fresu. TITTglllMiM.nl If IIjI!!!