PulnMiwd uvory Hay In tbe vwk cx- ee t SniKiiiy. 1TITES I NUTTINIi, Editors ami Prop'rs. ..MAIMIIVS. I K1H. crrr official paper. I)OAL UMOOIM). As Ouehom Mav. The Evenl.13 Star, A( Washington, publishes n picture of Hon II Ci 1 1 lie-v, a former Oregon i;tn, and .. i "... All.-, 1 I. . 1... I .11 I it'll KIIUWH ill ilium., mill lmu iiinifwil! dice: A very important po.u.on u Lh:it L principal legislative cleik. The man iio tins ll niU'l Know a great aval aiiout aclicul BenaU-rlul legislation and no one tT accused 11 II (ii.fry of Ignorance as hi duties. Mr Gilfry was horn in !l'i I tu and socnt sk mor.llis of hU tivetiile existence in crossing the plains lo Brecon, accompanied hy Ids father and bother. Ho is Mill a resident of Oregon, pp received a clavdeal education at the tlJametle LntvcrMty, halein, (Jr., and its ti'ven tiie dtu'ree of A. M. Admitted J i the bar. Mr Gilfry practiced for some me. He is a putt grandmaster of the JJ t'e.lowsot ins Kate, lie entered the vretary'sot.ice on June n, iS7,as index ierk.and one month later was transferred I the desk hr now occupies In the Senate fi an i her. I lis duties cotntirise the Iiulort.. tjr on hacks of hills, petitions and menio- !iIb memoranda of the action or function the Senate. lie calU tlu roll of the ::iate on a'l yea and nay votes and in all ese years his never made a mistake in s results. When the chief clerk Is ab nt Mr Gilfry takes charge of a!l leisla lb;i on the dck. A Mad Kncmshnan. Real estate men 1 well as lawyers, sometimes h ive tome Sn. Yesterday an A, ban v leal estate man dok an I.. irishman, jul Iim his native Qtiuiry , over into Henton county to see lie Ktl-ay farm . They had ; utto a dis ate over the price of the land, the price iked being $ an aire, while the Kng -itlmian would have liked to have secured tlur about Sio. lie refused tohuv, amid lOtne f.'elin:; on hi- part. When they 1 'flii hed the ferry landing on their return, die boat was on this side the river. The ft man, while waiting, diovc his team into the river hra drink, a common eus-! torn, lly accident they went off intoj deep water, both getting wet u,i to the ; irmpits. The Knglishmtn was excised, and angrily yelled: "If ah, y-n va;;h ibond, you "want to drown me, do yon, because I won't buy your furju, you vaghahond. you I" The hores turned and tok them safely to the hho-e, when the KngHshman Jumped from the wagon and refused to 4c any further with the real estate man. I was seen during the remainder of the Iiiing drying his clothes beside a tire, in a very enviable state of imnJ. T y Yolk C'oi nty Taxis. Tl.ts is ft l;"t week for paying county taxes, and 11. e week when a preat tnanv waittoat d to the matter. The Sheriff looks for t le-ist $30,000 cah. Tlii;-. morning a -t-M"fiiT man run across Mr Scott with lark of gold just taken from the Exnres o See. It was the b ggest single payment of the yea, nnd contained $501379, nil in g"d hut $3.7o.comir.g from the Southern i-tri tic Co. The Democrat man was al- riled to take hold of it in order to keep TB his spirits until after harvest comes "tin. Among those who will pay this ek will be three Albany men whose Jted tax s will be about $3200. k Concxdrum Suiter will be served WCTU Hall on Friday, March 27th. 91, under the auspices of the Epworth eamte of the First M E Church. The Vttles will be set at 5 p. ni tupper to be red thereafter durintr the evenimr Thtjt bill of fare is to be something nev as wim ue Known by the copies of it published "trie papers of next Thursday evening mim rnciay morning. All are Invited. ' f Rki: Hot TiMKsi. The O 1' has com- iced digging uown the mountain along iroi'i a: k aquina City, and hlitr.g In sp.'.'-e between the cribbing an.1, the JJiuna hotel. The cribbing alom; the frr- o: the citv is to rinranned. which lake an immense amount of stone, "tlier work is projected that, if pushed as expected, will nvike limes red hot 't bur:' all (lie etmiitic wMson To- b p0., - ncci n:;tt Straw, Some s'v an ilem In some one said some paper lo the iii.H the Cnion Paciilc w.. to buy Dreg on Pacific. As the sale to tbe Grande R l fell through it is time aiioiner rumor. Where there is no smoke we ma v look for lire before Mnoke vanishes. I Mkxi'mpvt.-When lion O X Dennv cinthe Willamette vallev in June. r11 hif tnnnv vean oiourn in China and !rLa, he will find the vadey well filled V Chinese pheasants as a monument generostti' in.l ln).r..l It, n nil F wilt id so find a stuffed one on nearly rY niantle and in mauv store windows. Nt w Ministku. The Coniiresa- Pnl cliiiich. of Ihls citv. tint 't Key A I Mclweorl.'nf Grolon. Con- 'lent. Rev Shorev's eiiiiaument six PiU'iH- wpl oon eienln nod h, linda it possible to continue to sunnly the nul- AlthjiH'li earne-silv Rnllrlted tn rl,. t!ie ConLTeiaoii. New M'niVG.riooDS. I am tiniw r. v,;ig my first invoices of pprinc novel - :s 111 wash irnod. prints. uiiiLfhiuiis. seer- r-r,ei'",i etc.. I luivn ilUn tii-it r eMlt.-.l n lv line (-1 vv.-il nemitier nlr.Lt. nn,l Samukl K Youno 'n.LiNKR vOi'RSiNO.THe M iC3Ball I have ail onenlmr nf unrirw and iimmir ""ry Monday, luesd:iy nn following . S to which all are cordially invited. II' 7 ' WMit im thirff nico co to nUi r A- t".. tl.a rnly iii.a id texvn whc.o vim Wht y cu Willi nimi.il ai ri;ithoAt, Mr CharJti Warner, of Sclo. U In tUf city today. Dr E () Hyde, of Sclo. was tn thecltv over Sabhath. Mr Fred I'll er. of Seattle, was in the el'y this noon. Uev J Howcrsox will preach in the M E Church to-morrow evening, Mr v alter HiMon, of Hurrisburg, wa In the city this forenoon. V S Smith, of Shedd, has begun attend ing the Willamette University, at Salem. Mr Pengra, a prominent official of the Southern I'aeilic.lias been in the city today. Mr J M Mover, of the Albany Woolen .Mi l store, 01 t'oriianu, returned home this noon. Judt,e Heine and District Attorney Bingham began business at McMlnnvllle today . Mr McrCin'ev .Mitchell! the Gcrvais merchant who recently failed, was in the city today. Rev Uomlnger delivers his m u in my lecture at the Marquam Grand opera house in rort.and tonight. Mrs .los McDonald and child, of Port land, returned to their home after a vbit of a week or two in Alnany. Ex-ShcrifT I (J Dickey, ot I urner.came up on t lie n:on tiain on a hort visit with his-Albany friends. Mr Dickey has been ill lor several weeks. Mr Louis Milhr and wife returned this noon from a live months visit in Spokane Kalis, accompanied by Mraml Mrs Wol verton nnd children, who will return the visit for awhile. R Gla, of Glass & Prudhon.ie, litho graphers of Portland, formerly editor of the Dalljs Iteinier and McMinnvIllc Keglntcr, bus bi.cn in the city tuday on business. The nu tn" ersof the First KapiUt church will give a farewell rceepiion to their former nastor. Rev u I Irumhull and nis family, on Tuesday evening, March 2.th. Members of the congregation and other fi tends arc invited. A I'NKil K l-AKW'LI.L I'ARTV. On last Saturday evening the TJaptisl Chinese minion rooms on oecond street were the scene of a very unique and pleas ant event. The occasion was a farewell social given bv the Chinese school to their teachers, Mrs L Trumbull. Miss Rose and Grace Trumnull, previous to their departure for La Grande. Invita tions had been given to the oil'icers, mem hers of the Baptist church, and others in terested in the school, who on going to the mission rooms were surprised and de lighted hv the royal manner in which they wcw entertained by the Chinese. The er.rly part of the evening was Fpent in singing and conversation, alter which Chai-lev lov Yuen Kwonir made a nice little speech, biiunng. welcome 10 meir sts and expressing the destie of ti e bovs to show some appreciation of the kind interest their teachers and friends had taken in thtir welfare, nnd their le jret at their departure. Rev L I Trumbull res ponded on behalf of those present, and then all were invited to &it down to me tables, upon which a fine collation had been spread. Everything was elegantly served in the best of style on delicate china ware. At a late hour the company dispersed greatly pleased nnd more deep ly in'-cresttd in this form cf Christian mis sion work, which made possible uch a gathering with the spirit that was present. Among others present were Rev LJ Trumbull and fatnilv, Jason Wheeler and wif-, John I'oshay, M I" Merrill, Mr J S Dickenson and family, Miss Mary Reed, Rev Geo W Iliil, Mrs Alice Richards Miss Celia Pennington, Fred Dawson Chaney ov Yuen Kwong, Vuen Fong, Gee Wo. Jin. Gow. II S Lee Way and Jim i-th-.i1- and wife. Hlliinrj-il-lIrrUon. IIcMlquni !crs F Co, 2nd Rck'I. O N G. Albany, March 21, 1S91. J General Order No 15: The following special order lias been received at thes.; headquarters: Hriaot'tRlKKH VD llCFANTRT O. X. 0 . ) ISiltm, Or., Jl.rth IS, Special Onior No 4: 1. An election Bt wtiicfi tho Tion-eoiamlsHinneil m..em .nd .rfv.tcso( F Co 2il KeKimcnt I.ifatitry, O N tl arv entitled to rote, will be ticUl at the armory ii(Uit company in Albany on Tuesday evoitiuir, March ?4th, (orthoiurpcwof elKtinir a capwin lo till -he vacancy canwd by tiie promotion of Captain O II Irvine t be. Lieut Colonel : and any other fa eancy occurring at the timo by promotion. 2. I.ieut t'ol t) H Irvine will preside at aaiil e'ec tlon and rejtort the reanll In duplicate to these head quarters on or brtore Uirch 2i:h, . lly onl.r ol Col. U. Ij. 1.0VEM,. A. (I. Oosiht, Colnd'if -nd Infty UNO. 1st Lieut and Adjt. In accordance with the above order the non comiriusioncd ofliccrs and privates of tliis company will assemble at the innory Tn?sdav evening, March 24th, iSot, at S o'clock p n for the purpose indicated in the ruwe order. T. J. Overman-, isi ;. . ut ConidV F Co 2.1 Rec'tO N G. Attest V. A. IIi'mpiikev, c irsi oergcani. I'.b in Fashion. "As.'00(l be out of (he or'ul as out of fasliion," once sniil a f.t- iniinn mrtn. 11 "'it wotiki 11c 111 lanhion til mi Mr 1. A Si'liilller, jn L V. r.luiii'u lilorin li'i:t .tiufnr, nnd Imvu liim i.u'asutn von lor ft easoiiui)ie mit. . I.iti'l' and lino uijortnient of RUitmeii for uiiiiiS! nave nrnvcii.i'iiinriu'ing tiie latent pattern?, oiieiini! 1111 I'K'K'ani. tiippu-.y to unlect from. In the cprintta youiid iuuii'h lam'V ulwayH t'.irmi to a new puit of eloUicH.nnd Mr Hcliilller ia r'aly to drew you up in ft iiinnncr that will please the mo?t Instiuioii". Hk Ait in Min'u. That Conn & Ilendrie non keep n Hrst-clas? stock of groceries proiluce, etc. That they do their own work, Coiiseiiuciitly their expenses are light, And they can sell at bottom prices. Large rules and small profits. Courteous treatment to customers, ltest coods in the market. And tho freshest in the different de partments, Are the rules they go by. Good Work, Low Trices, Falsley & Smiley. Stop just about in the middle of the block, on First street, south side, be tween Iiroadalbin and F.llsworth, nnd you will find a place where yon ran al- wny 'get first-class groceries anil Irosh prodc.-e nt reasonable prices and lie well treated without extra price. The sign reads ' "arker 1'ros." and rvervlxxly knows the name. Their baked goods are the bist. Their stock of iroods eenerallv s kept replenished to meet the demands ot a growing trade. iiiHi-irf In Oakland. California, the C tional church take the lead with 120 member. The Presbyterians have loSo, Methodists 1000, liaptUts 570, etc. There are several old wooden shanties left along First street that should be ic placed with bricks. Will the owners strike this summer. The Portland Welcome says: No won der the special police are "fat and saucv.'' for from the Chinese gpmblers alone they gel $070 a month. The forty tan games l'y c-t wecis eacn, or a total ox $(140 a month; the thirteen lottery games pay $i ,Wa week, or a total ot $130 a month, rnue the chncfc-a-luck game?, now re duced to ten, pay $;awcek, or a total monthly blackmail of $2000 a month. G R f hrlsm&n has let a ccn'ract to F L W hitcomb at 1 2 per t housnnd for 1 he brick laid in the walls for his 50x80 brick stores at inecorncr 01 tvuianiftie and 9th streets, and has let the contract for the ether work to W II Fenton for S,4o:.;o. Work will commence about April 1. The Salem foundry will furnish the iron. The build ing will cost perhaps $15,000 to $20,000, and will be one of the finest business houses hi Eugene. Eugene Guard. The Mrs Downs, of Portland, who left her husband and came to Albany last January, afterwards returning to Portland ai.d living with lit rn. is again in trouble Last week Downs found a man named Anderson In the house with his wife, after he had broken the door in to get in. 11 thrui hid AndersDn, slapped his wife and then had both of them urrestcd. On the other hand she says Downs has made her life miserable by txces.ive drinking. Nebraska people have been writing to Uregon giving that state "pertect tits. Here-is a growl from the other side, a man from Eugene writing tu Nebraska a long letter, Gt which the lollowlng ;s the intro ductory: T thought I would write a few lines myself, and the first is about the old web-feet, or in other words the noblt and generous old gray bsarded Oregoninns I claim and can prove my assertion that they are the most selfish lot of people on the face of God s green carth.for instance the council we have here in Eugene at present have run the place, from what I can learn, ever since it was incorporated iS or 20 years ago and the county clerk held hi.-i "ollke for 18 or 20 years and they do everything else In regard to office hold ing the same way ths mavor has been in tor veais, he has plenty of monev to loan and he appoints his favorite marshal and he is a monev loaner." Only One in Oi:i:uon. Uiclumlg & Phillips, cf t li is city, have the only twisting machine for the manufacture of pressed wood ornaments in Oregon, nnd there in only one in Washington, that being at Taconia. Jt works well, and anyone wanting some fine work in that Hue should call on them. Spring Milliner v. Ida M Crush has opened the finest selection of millinery ever brought to AJbadv and prices the lowest. Will be p. eased to show goods at anv time. Millinery rarlors,in the IJIum berg ISlock. Tun S. O. Coksi:t. Imparts a most graceful shape, seeming comfort ami ele gance. Kvcry corset has tile self.onening clasps. These c'asps.siinple in construction, have double the strength of the ordinary clasps, can be hooked and unhooked in the usual manner, and have the great advant age in the ease w'.tli which they can be un hooked, by merely pulling the string, anil the corset will open like a Hash. These clasps are so constructed that they will al ways stay se:urey fastened until tiie string is pullcc. Any feeling of distress or dis coiufott from exeriion, or any other cause, can thus be instantly relieved without dis robing, allowing heathful action of tiie body, to the great comfort of the 'wearer. G W Simpson, Sole Agent. Insukk. Your Stock. To the owners of live stock nnd especially those who own stallions I desire to say that I have received the agency of the Oregon Live Stock Mutual Indemnity Association, and am prepared to insure all live stock at three-fourths their value, uwncrs 01 valuable stallions especially should in sure. Call at my staliies in Albany, cor ner Second nnd Washington streets. HANK lllITEM. FitoM now until April 1st you can buy a pair uf 3 CO Imperial Dorey kid shoes for J.i. A genuine iiaim-si tveii ?4 oil nex- inble sole shoe at ?t, and the best braiiu A Imperial kid and all other winter itooils at n like reduction, as wc imiot make room for our large spring slock, which is daily arriving at Klein I!ro exeludive boot and shoe store. Kaki: IIai'.oain'.s. Hi) doss men's latin dried white shirts at 50 etc worth if 1 00 to if I 2.L 10 doz men's unlaundrii d white shirts at 40 cts worth 7" He to $1 (". HO do. four-in-hand til at '.- eta worth 50 ets to 75 cts. A few days only, f-'ale commences to day and for a few" days only at the above prices, at W Simpson's. Wanted. A girl wants u place to work In a small family. Inquire nt thi cilice Paialoy & Smiley , The Printers, Flinn Elocl; racnio Paialey fit 3ml.oy.3ir ?m . i: WILL YOU SUKKKR witli Dyttncptiu mid liiwr C'-mp-aiut? Snil jIiVJ Vitalize l j7i.pianteel to cure you. Bcsinkss Ciiaxgr. Sul Tl, for a long time with San Wa, a licap good man w ho .aht ihi- laundry budnf, hnaboirlit out I,eei Imindry near the Revere Ilouse.and will hcrcafrer run it. Satih. action guaran tee! . Mnthews & VVftchl-urn' Ta.ii 0 "f 'v'-)i ai'd ranycp to lrtle Thpy txh tho cako. why Th i -t to Utyt no lie. or fry I onir and try, ( h ir.y, U fore you dift unit ct into tho fcy. mine aai tiutum Gi Jin & Dawson, druuj-iAts. Hay your groceri-w of.Pirker Bro Fiae j-roceriog at Conn & 1 IudricscmV Notice the New York C. R. It. Storo's ad. Pic pUnt root for sale by J II Tow net) m! . Mmi'kiw.x at cat at tho Xcw YorkC 11 H store. Gents -lo vca at cost t fcfi w Yurie C B It store. Wliito shirts at aoit at thb XW York C B it store . Buy Oasolino ttevos from Mathowa & Washburn. Ottnts underwear at cost at the New York C B it ctoro. $20,000 to loan during next ten days by N Steele, Pants ami overalls at cost at the New xorkC li K Jtore. "Billy -ml Dick'' at tho Opera Home wftriiiefla-iy tveniiiff. The wool eii mUsare pushed to their full est capacity to in cot ordvrs. Cciiioty taxes becntno dolit.ij jc-ut oa April 1. iiavo you i'.(uidatL-ti? oniuke the cowihraU'd Ifavani tilled 5 cent cigar rtt Julius Joseph's. A lar'- stock o: w ill p-ipor. with lato de signs, at ForltnilhT t Irvin s.j.ist rcgived. Hiylir-st market mice mid fr eica at tho New York C. H. Jt.Sloro. f 10,0(0 still to Innn on gotnl faim security imnu'diate!y, by 8 N Si.:ylc. Sr.e W F Read's hue of d.u gocds ami lilUa be for a buying elsewhere. A 'Box cf youkoys'' its thy funny name of an cutottuinmeut umiiiig HiU way. Gen Jos K Johnstone, tho well known con federate soldio , died Saturday night. Bargains in choice groceries cm always be secured of Allen Uroa,, Fliua Block. Wasnlnt', '503 a rinzsn, mending for men free,at Mrs Kin.jnsit east of the Demuckat cfiice. The Oregon Statesman is forty years old. There are no buzzards on tho SuUsinaa, It is alivo all over. The funeral of Arthur Tahler tnok place tliis afternoon.at tho residenetttf Mr Table rt and was weii attended. About "Ut bushels of wheat remain tin sold in tho Karn er warehouse, and 15,000 buslicls iu tlioTar.gcnt waruhouae. We want the ladi-.t to stop and look r.t onr Inr'o va.itiy of Oxinrd ti s yt received and tho latttt htylcs at Kleiu Yill & Stark have junt received a large ar.d cletai t stock cf iilynrwaro, watehttf, etc., never tetoro (f;ucih d in tins city. Tho I.ir.'efet ever att u i:i Alhany We nie-in the )arf,rs5 assortment cf ladle and misses Oxford tios in r.il hs at Khin Bras, exclusive fehco str?. Sant:n will be At t!io Preahytcriau church Saturday evening, March JS. The pregram wi.l ln int'-rapeised with attractive music. Mr S N Steele will render ''Blut Bells of Scotland, "with variationals a cornet solo. a lovers of cornet music so on Id not fail to hear hnn Admission will be 50o. Children half price. Hilly and Dick. A great many will desire to hear Mr Ralph 0 Kates' lecture on "Hillv and Dick, or life at Anderson ville," at the opera house on Wednesday ev'.ning next. 111s story 13 nu interest ing one. Santa Ana Press savs: Comrade It (' Hates' lecture at Neill's hall Friday night was one of the most successful evenint: entertainments ever inven Santa Ana, the attendance beinn contid' erably above the average. The members of the (r A li and W K C and the general public turned out in strong force to hear the adventures of Comrade Hates and his partner, from the time they enlisted in the Union army until they were captur ed, incarcerated in the worst prisons in the south, their escane, their final trip fo Washington tinder guard in the con dition ill which they entered the lines, so that President Lincoln might see how "his boys" were treated hy tho rebels. Holmes Biisinss Colleoe, of Portland Or., will open Sept. 1st. J A Wesco, the leading penman of the coast, has become a partner in this school and will make it the leading business college. Send for a catalogue. You'd Better Call on tlic Albany Furnitura Co., lUKimuro lilo'jk, ft.r FURNITURE tJ7 Tim f-lock U iaiyn 'and crunpVte, Thv.:i '.r i.a. wtiiiu Iiiif?rft hahy v.irri lire, car-jT-T wall paiKjf, and ininy g-j n c tics all for pite at litdrwk rrice.' U WANT CMr.?-TIm Dkmo- ci.ino, or any niako in (he imt k-t except ot.e nr two. f.r prr. s.M. nd tho H-Jhiic In ub o k wno1. Crtil tt tht.i ofliee lur particular.;. .. OK KKN r. E.thrr for ftMWtt nrrcl- (!pnc, tho htilMfmr ' f 1 Vnrlrk.roar ocrn'T of Hit (lM)in end Third Mrc.ni-. BOB. Q-JWMAN, Th. Old-Tiran V&Hn, Peoptn wlhln(r first c,n work should ne him or leave ordoM at Ju'Iuh Grdwohl. LIOR HALK OK tkam-: a (,'hlckprfiig n. cm (in Npitjrht, at corner JelTertoii nirpdt. of Klxhth and ANTED mmm lornl unit Trnvf Una A gnnd chri(.; Don't mi it! Vni need noe-p-ilnl to rft)iroont u nlUMe flrtn thtt wr ran'S niircrv Un:k firt-rUn nnd true Ui nuin. WOHK ALL Till-; V K.Alt, and C"l ynr v ky to rer-rrtlr TttiMi. Anplv qitik, itnttiiii n'p. 7Ca. X. TT. jflk "TPT rOn OO, nr-''i'j"ii:rii. Doi i-u find mlmi-n. Hi I'uui. uoiuu onini:uiu. F. M. French keeps railroaa time. .ojw ortain eheetie iuat leeeivod at Cobrfcd M nyer. Kati Si Auhison flie selling monmittots at Poitlaud prices. Me.11', yuths1 ai l brivs olothin; and furoiatnng goods at O W Sioipaon's. Have yon sceu thfwa parlor suits that T Brink has just received ? They are nice. Great reduction 'D-non' furnishing goods for the next 30 days at W F Road'a. J W BcuMey, best boot and shoe tnakerib city, three doom north of D km oat at office. For haa'aius in ninnuriients, headstones tto., goto Kijan & Achison, Albany,Oregon To expel the impurities in the blood and (rive strength to the system before theehVcts f war eat nor are felt, use Plunder's Oregon Blood Puritir. Brighten up your old ru blurs and old fthfws and make them 100k as pood as new with Wolff s Amo Waterproof IMuli. For sjle at Simuel E Young's. louilntc liveut. Fridny evening, March 27, at W CTU Hull, 'C'omindruni" stippcr and eoeinl, under auspices of Kpvurth Leagtto of M K Church. Suturuav eveninsr, March 2S. at the Pre&hyterian Church, elocutionary enter tainment by Miss Ella Lotta S wanton. A. voicr. i ::t;:.r. i & Ix.C,y Sislr.!e. two j T, v. V.-:i it r.inr rc-nror-i: I '. r; v:Uictvn:j:v; .1..' f.. ',' llic :.iyt il v.j y,-,in i nr ' ".::r.. :it liii't L'.n.'. r iimic': I ist ;t. Hut r...;:i!:: r :.t ! (,!.'...i.T.- Sar.:ip:i:i.I:'. in fn' t 1 aiiinc:::o. At ti c '.lice I v. !:t'.!e;:irl lhhiijiu my !.,;:: Bcriou;;y r.f,; . :.-.! 1 y n l:.r tried a .-t Liany 1.:::! . Mt.1 pn:Ii::rst') nun..'... It: IpuMiiij (Joy's Vt' UliS).:l it Ii:I:;:.t U-.-.c's! r.y djloili-.'.!... F..C 1 IVitiiitltMO v.'.Jit rt.Xi 1.1 ! aoiT rji wcli IV! ever. DR. ABOllN. AT P0!iTLi.D OTIL JULY 5T1I. DR. A 1:0 UN, Fourth aud Morrison streets rortlan i, Urciton. the most eucccaaful p. ye cian ou on tho American continent for the speedy, oo.itivt. ahaolnto and permanent euro tor Catarrh of tho Head. Asthma, Krone... I ucnmonia end Consumption Twenty-.ivo jrarssucceMful practice. In Rtf.r. t : w i rolicf and permanent cures uireu. ou ccccu upon nrsx consuiiaiion, Dr. A horn, lv hin onina, nmderp, sciec ti!ic me.htnl, t iH cis Speedy r.ud rrdical cures of tiie most ob stinate ai.d long standing cases of iSasiiT Catarrh. Ozena, DeafnoRf, chirife from tho Krs, Astlun. li t-nchitis nnvl Coiit.uifU:Uon. Al o Stomach Disorders, Bilious Colic, Gull Stones ai;d Jairt:ce. Re.-at, Liver, Kidney. Jil.iiMtT and Kerv;U5 AtlVction: Ditoifes of If.u. Also alluiimcnle pucu'ifcr to wompn. J)r. Ab;irn can bo condulteu from now until July 5, when he leaves for Europe. Note. Home treat men t.spcu rely packed re.t by express to any nart of the Pacific C 'astand 1'rritoriea for those who cannot yostiihly call in person. Thoro Is no doubt that IV 13 Slock r.f SlIiVEnWARK. cr.nsi.tlrK of options, Miiv , lurks, tnut riialic-s, etc. fold and Mivor wato!ie, j.iwel y, ft'i. is tho larhst nnd beM. in l!io cily, and y i'r tho ho--t cvi r br.niRht PRICES the Most Reasonable. Call and Sec tho GOODS rGRAMD AT OF Spring: Millinery LADIES BAZAAR. TUESDAY ARB WED?JESFjAV, SEARCH 24 AND 25 UKvcryono cordial'y invited. : F. L. KENTON, : -Dealer in- GROCERIES Near tho Post Office, Tho Application of Electricity. 1 he rapid strides hl.-h nf late has beea made in the iiraitleal duplication ot elet tricity have prenareil the wnv. In tbo public mind, for t'.ie ready ceeptanee of almost any new and striking proaoeal. in Hie p pillar belief the use of eiectrieity in curing Hie ills of the flesh, Ik an ac complished fset. To prove the Kertioa l)r liarr n -iv the lollowlng names of people who are willing to vouch for it, as they have been cured of vaiiousallmenU. Miss Nettle Keown, Hotel Portland, rheumatb m. so she could cot raise her at nt to her howl, cured. A L Hlchardson.oai Front st Portland, oeBiooss ye.rs, and ringing noises a tne head, restored W L Cone. Ka nt, Tillamook countr OrogoD, kitlnoy nnd liver trouble, cured: Andrew Douglas, S5 Oak ttreet , Porta land, deafness, cured. Lee McGrew. 145 C street, Portland, nervous debility and kidney oouiplalut, restored. J E Ilallowsy, Kewberg, Or Inflam mation noci. of bladdo.- and kidney tritiblea, cured. W Hays. I)i4 5tb street, East Portland. Or, Itiflnminution iick of bladder and sciatic rheumatism, eirr.e on crutciieato the doctor, eurtd and iefc ciutehei st the doctor's office K 1 Mi rce, Albina, Or. deafness IS years, cured. J Sj Jennings, Sellwi id. Or, (ez. nia or skin disease, 15 vears, cured. J M !lller, Hubbard, Or, dcafnese, cured in 8 m'li ut ea James Daily, New Yoik hotel; deafness 15 years, cured. Mrs II J Miller, co 5tt and Alder gtx. East Portland, neutral debility, cure aod gained 8 notiuils. Mm A U Landis. SC5 West st. Keattla. clued ol'a seiofulous sore on leg twenty earn airo oy ur uarrin. W V Hubbard, superintendent of the TJ S fih couiniissloii, Clackamas, Or. moth or liver spom over h's (-eraon, cured. Thomas Muff, Moeksburg, dizziness, kidney and liver complaint, restored. Dr Dar.io treats curable chronic, acuta anil private di. east s, blood taints, loss or faidi.g mauhocii, n-rvoi.sdebility.effects el enors, or excesses in old or young, loss ot memory, diseeses causod by nifreury iu the lmprepr treatment ot piivate diseases. omen 70J4 Washincton sb.Portland.Or. Houis l A. M. lo 8 P. M.. daily, rixaui iuation free and cotifidoutial. question bl-i"iis"aud circulars tent irratistoav address, patients curtd at home. Pfclffer Block, Albany, Stanard & Cusick. J'ROrCltTURfl. - DtlALEr.ll 1K- Druj'v," M(!irims, Clicmlcals, Fancy and Toilet rli.'.'!cs,Sionce9. Brushes. I'cr:"unirv, t'etool Hooks, nnd Ailiin' .Supplies. Iij sit'Htift' ;rcwriptio tit enre. couipoiiudcd. and a fine slock of generally, as well as jewelry, Watches clocks, etc., at II. French's, fLP.Ky.CRECOB, their own Sitrlit Drafts I h-aw on London, P.tris, Pank i"o: t-or: -ths-il ain. Berlin and all Ti-'iicipal Points in EU 3 0PE. OPENING T1IK- Albany, Oregor ... ISM?1 iMfeiWTM The in of Oregon, i ill tl