VOL. ill. ALBANY. OREGON, SATURDAY. MARCH 21, 1891. NO 272 111 lt.l T NATIONAL IUlK, ' Or ALBANY, OHKIJUH, Prusl'tMit Tic. fr..l(l.nl . Cublar U FI.INN f., rS.YillNll .....ii. W. LANUto.N TRANSACTS A (1 K N K It A L banking Ittutucu. Al l OUNT8 KKI'I' auojeit tu .'.uck. UIUUTKXC1IAM1K Mid wl r..lilo Iraml.r, Id Nw York, 0.11 FrticLcu, tiL.u ana k ntUud ieK"'l. COUEtrflOriir HADISun l.toraM. Unri, OIKMVTIIM j. B. Yousa K, W, Loo.. L a! Ulai. I. Kklk:i BllWAlD . Hill. i I.CO. ATIOAMt NK( J OF AUIAN Y, OKKOON. CAPITAL STOCK 100,000. PrtuMent J L COWAN, Vice President J M HAI-SToN. O'khivr Uo E CHAM UK II LA IN, Aat Ctthier..;.. O A A Ki ll! HOLD. p rkctorh, -J L Cotrnn, J M Ralston, 0 K Ctu.mlrla.ii, W H UuM, W H Uul.rat J A Craw urd and U A Archibult. TH A NH AOTH a reiioral l;u ikli.tr limine. UKAWblUli'l DUAri'Huu Now York, Kid nl (-.! if I ; Oreyuii. LoAN MOriZYon apfm.v-d rur.t? Kt:i,lVKdtMtsitaauLtit :&.. 3 ALBANY, OKKIUN. 4'apltitl, I'r(.f iilti'it Vice-ITeitUliml Culilr . $50,000. II FMKltltM.L E J LAN N I Ml J..Y W LLAIN TniimncU a tfnenil b uikin-' IhhIuchh: Et-'li:tni;u bought Ami 6 Jil nit nil ttio iriiiciml rttiui in ttio Ciiittil HluUJl alwi on England, Irvland, Fratiee and Curinniy. i.'olloctioiiH mat Jo at all accesilulo points on favor al.lo term. InUrejt allorud o. tims iIujKiiUa, A9IK OF NCIO, scto, oiti-:iioN. I'resMent ...., Vice- i'rvsiiluut Cah tor lUHKl-TORU: J a Mt'irli, E Coins, il Bryant .. J S Morris jKr-f Mvki.b O 8 Hat Jnlin Gaines P O Smith. I"tci a general b.uiUn,' and exchange buainM. 8i','ht drafts ituuud on Albii,. , Portland and ban i'raueUco. J)OKTiYil MAYINGS WAK, OF FOHTLANI. OKKOON. Paid up capital - .'.f5fte,0t Surplua ami itrolim ...... ....... - ... 0U.0Q0 Interest allowed on an intpi deemits ait follows: On ordinary savintribNtLH ....4 iwr cvul per annum. On ttnn navinjfii bHkH (I jk.t cent per aunum, On curtiflctitun of deposit. Tor threti months 4 per emit por annum: For nix months f pur ixtit wr aunuinl For twelve mouth fi er cent mr annuai. HUNK DKKL'M, Prenidi-nt 1. P. THOMPSON Vice-President. II. C, ST It AT TON, Caaliivr.. Albany Manufacturers o" IE AM EHGIMES CRIST AND SAW yiLLMACHiNERY IRON HiOtlTS AUO ALL KiKBS OF HEAVY AKO LIGHT WORK, IN . IRQH AND BRASS CASTINGS. jjieoiftl AUentinn Jlit iIh o! iimfhlnon o - mlrlUB .11 HaVtms Made on Short Notict BcsLMonkorUml &B" ;ooi1s 111 tho Va ifty, anil ilintnoMt roanf .ate priceu, both n fiil.iiii;. i have oq band ll )'!. FiiiJJITURE, STOVES, TINWARE TRUNKS, BOOKS, PICTURES CLOCKS, CnflCKRRY, ETC., ETO. door wast of S E Young's oli' tnn L. COTTLILB S. W. Paisley, albanj. Oraon WHOLESALE DEALEU IN" Tobacco ani Cigars. UEAL ESTATK FOR BALE.-! have a farm or .1U H(;re, near IxwSflD aeKt on tbe harrow Gauge, 10 miles from Albany, All In cultivation. Fair house and bm - tj. for eUy ind douiostio pnrpese.. Fine oak gr AlKoanotherfarm ol 128 aurex, Ihrer . '.fa tro.n Lebanon. All In cultivatl Fair honse. Wood water. Ilotli r wheat farm.. Also bouse anil twe .uts on Fifth and Jeffursun streets, Albany, For fnrth r particulars call on V (Jmphroy,Centei precinct, or oi' Uowitt it Irvine. Albany. Z A UMPHKEY. I Tllfr O Is acVnowMsea tlio lenillnr remcdr ioi UonorrhiM A umU The onlr Mia femeilT for I LeaeorrficpaorWhltcs. 1 prescribe It ana feel LTHttomCHiMi'f to all mfreir urj-i.ta safe in recnramenaiDSU . G)MIIINkTI,O.BJP"Bj A.l.oit'nr.n...v, Boll 7 DranUttb M lTn6I)AVll ..M. WIIW. I"! ST1KABB CrICK, Asnats :OF: Gents : Furnishing : Goods -:VILL sceol.:o J&J$? COST For the Next 30 Days I! Call car'y and get Bargains. Hew York C. (ftwiajnoouj NEW STOKER MITCHELL. & UCALEKA Aga'fciiUm'al Implements & Vehw foiiGtiUil See Us. HEALTH IS WEALTH! .t.C.VfJ Pit. B.C. WKST'S Nervo ar.d Ilrain Trcntmi:t a (fuarniitetil Riwcitiu fir HyU;ria, DizziiiAsa. (nvul nionn, Ki', iNvrvous Neuralmi, lloadacliu, NiTvoua rrnKtrniioti caumi by tne uae ol alcohol or umarco. WnkvfuhiKM, Mental Depression, Sofloniiik of the brain, rcultintr in insanity and loading to misery, ilecry '-uddcstli, prematuro old aire, barren nosi, V.v& di tui. i ). caused ly over-excrlum of tlio rnuii Kuch to lontuiiiH one liiimth's treat m out, $1 n b'tx or nix bo is for 4', sent by mail prepaid on receipt o price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES TO CtTltK ANY case. Willi bach order received by us for nix boxi, aocomided with $5, wo will send the purchaser ot:r wiitU iitruaianU'e to refund the money if the treat ment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only , b J. A. Onnnnitu, DrutfUt, tide aifent, Albany, Or, I jjfeS!! WOTHIWG Etlsr I tRtTlgFFFI"wiffS and get IV30RE POWER and use LESS WATER Write for our New Illustrated CatAlofrue of 1H91. THE LEFFEL WATER WHEEL&ENGIKE CO. SPRINGFIELD, 0., U.S.A. Rot. TTT trill p- thT'o-..' rcw -V rav n. T.'vt I.-vtiiin 'r c ;'.. vvae vo fin.it ctre with W. m's t'lA-!nlff i.h'i r I'i. it. v hvn t'r.' dne tini r. -etrlctty ' uplli (I V.'i'-v iiro t -t !y V ;.' tuklr . n;d nvvcr ll 10 lvti hti-ir. tl.ui. .i'.iri'.Hitf l l.a.ff tti. ontu '.' ri .itM. Howm-a of eoimtt'rffciw dtj.l In. ,tiiiiI:ii iii:iTmrinrnrd only b7 iJUJOlIW r V-TST (AiAirAV, CUlCAUO.lLa I A fuiirmittK, A'jrnt; s e s k S3 a a n Ea E 'sa . . Ttn; t i:Li:jiitATEn . & WESSON 5 VOLVERi : a ? - Ti'.s r..-:t;: Zk. Arrr.t Eier Wenufacturcd, Urr!v.-.lc;:- 0UHAe.-LIv. Tifi Wir.KV.i.'ifl'IP Cr4 ff riiKVEMCNIIE 111 LOAOINSa iil SAFETY, Bcunrr ?l clKRplron Imitntioni S.nd ftr' ii:;r.-,l:.l C.-liw.-.o l Pri:, U:i 1 SMITH (; u'::seon, r. ;.... .i.t.. vi . n - si 9 e Z P HELPS, Job Printer, lst.St.KS Albany Bli: B. B, Store McParland Elock, ALBAN. ES-XEW GOODS. LEWIS CO. IN ALE AM, OREGON. THE CRY OF rIILLIONS -ft" OH. TV E33CCK! OTOF IT NOW, SOON IT WIIL BE TOO LATE. I have bten troubled many years with disease of the kidneys and have tried many different remedies and havr sought aid from different physician without relief. About the 151.1 of Apr!' I was miflerinj? from a very violent attack that almost prostrated me in Fucii a manner that i was oeiu over. When I et down it was almost impossible lor m 10 cct i.p nloiie, or to put on mv clothe, whe kind providence sent Dr. Henley, with C UKKGON KIDNEV TKA, to lay hold. I immediately commenced using the ten. It had an almost miraculous effect, and to- the aston- ialiuitut of all the guests at the hotel, in a few days, I am liappj to state, that I was a new tuau. . will rect,m mend the tta to all GiUicted a 1 have been. C. A. TUPPCR, I'roprietor Occidental Hotel, aata fcosa. Oil. Conrad Mever, .-PlfTKlETf'lJ 0V STAR BAKERY Cni'iier Broadaltin and First Sts., DEALER IN- luaed Frails, Xaskire, rlen Fralln. obitcco, insur Codec, I'asiirit Kleuls, UlceiiBWore, fegctaliHea. eienrn, Np'.fi a. Ton, tic. li(c ' . . 'erj'lbinn that Is kept In a on ii . va land grocery orn. nigbesl o iktl p void for a KiliS OF PRODUCE. ALBANY .OR. WRITSMAN & EULBERT BROS., Real EstatP Agents Farms and Ranches for sale. Also tity b ro-arty in Alhaov and Coryallis. Highest of all in Leavening Power.-. ABSOLUTELY PURE Pronoapteetl lloprlesN, let fiaved. From a letter written by Mr- Ada E Hard of Groton, S D. we quoto: "Wm taken with bid cold, which settled on my Lune, coughs set in and dually terminated in Con utn;itinn. Fourdoctora cave ine ur Haying I ceuldlive but a short time. I jr.ve my self up to my Saviour, deter mined if I could notbtay with my frisnds cn earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My hnehand was advistd to net tr Kin'a Ktiw Dihiiover ery for Consumytion, Coughs aid Colds. 1 ffavo it a trial, took iu all ci,dit hottlep; it has cured me and thnk God I am a well nnd hearty woman." Trial bottles trtm at Ko shay & Maeon'sdru store, regular lze, "0o and $1. SHIIsOH-S CATAKUH KKMEDY a pisitive euro fur Catarrh', Dijihthtiia and Ciplfer-Mimtli. Fr.shay & M'ti-on, agents. The Iietroa:t ci-H'ro io the city C an a Muyt rj. v Alerts 1 V i (liuglMiotofrraphers A noy )reon. e have bought all thencgntivt amado by L V tJlark and W H Greer. .toed up to Nov 15th, 1SS9. Duplicates can be had from hum only of ns at reduced tatrs. Wo !.iye also about 13,000 neativcj mtde by our selves, from wbicb duplicati-c o,in he hal at Uheias. We carry the nn-y fuli iiue f viewt t f this state ai.-l do ttilaii d work at loweit rates for f.rst cJVs work. We shall to pleased to see ) ou at our Studio in Fromau's block, next door to Maon:o Jn.plo. Itncklen's Arnica Salvo. Qrhe beat Salre In tUtt world f it f,'uti1Urut83.,Sor Ulcer, Salt Hheum, Favor sorei, Ttlur, Cliajip hamls, Chilblains, Corns, and all akin Erupt 10. - v posit: Telycnrea Hile.or 110 pay rjquired. It U iruar nted tu tfivii perfect aitHfactinii, or inniifiy icfund d. I'ric crnu per Ikx, L or .'e by t'js.liy and Mnavii FOR DYSPEr.iA and iver CVjiplaiut yon have a rriuttt uarfntcn on every bfttie of t?hi!nhs Vit&lizT. it uever JV.iis to cure, Foshay & Mason, u gents. Cloaks at oit aWF Kuad's. Visiting Cards, SO styles, Paisley & Smiley. KlIUCplYa This is what you oygn1". to huve, n fact you must hav it, to eujoy Ufo. Thnn?at:ds are searching fr itd:iiy, and n curninc he cause they find it Dot. TiiT.s:n:da upon thcunanda of aoltsis art ha1 r.nnu.'ly by our people in the Impo that thov mav attain this boon. And vet it may hi! had by ail. V( guarantee that- Eleotri-' Bittern, if u:-ed accovdine dircotions and il:o vra portihted in, w biitijj ycu pood (jiycstlon wild oast the demon Dyapepsia nud instill instead Eupot'-y- Wo reemmt -nd Elccttio Hitters for Oyspt'ioa and idl niseasfc! of l iver. Stomach and Kidncyc. Huld at 50c snd $1 per liottle by Fphay & Mason, drutftiBta. IOO K Albany ixaae No 4 holds its regular meeting Wednesday evening of each week. Visiting brothers are cordially nvitcd to nttend. WHICH 1VIXL IT BE 9 Which is the idrst, n rose or a lily? Which is th eetet, u poaoh or a penrf Merry's cof.sft, and charming la JiilJy i Dora Is gentle and fair. her. Sweet as a flower was her face when I kissod (Lova i the romance and glory of life,) Mllly, mj iijijmat I lovo "like a sister," But Dora I ehoosu for my wife. That Is rffrht, young man, marry the girl rou love, by all means. If she will nave you, Should her health become delicate and hot beauty fade after marring, remembrr that this la usually due to functional disturbances, weaknesses, Irregularities, or painful disor ders peculiar to ner nex, in tho cure of which Pr. Fieroe'a Favorite Prescription lsajnaran teed to give satisfaction, or money refunded. See the printed certificate of guarantee on bottle-wrapper. For overworked, M worn-out,H " run-down, debilitated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, " shop glrla," housekeepers, nursing mothers, and feeble women gener ally, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is tbe greatest earthly boon, being un equaled as an appetizing cordial and rostoratlre tonic, or strong tb-giver. Copyright, .tat, bf World! Dm. Mzo. Aatit. Dr. PIERCE'S PELLETS regulate and cleanse the liver, stomach and bowols. Tbey are purely vegetable and peri feetly harmless. One a lloee Sold by drug gUta, i oenU a vlai. ) raiuffcrcujf V. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, j!8 Powder The disnttchet tell us that p.esident liar rison has determiaed to issue a proclamation closing our ports against all German importa tion as a retaliatory step against that country for placing an embargo against our pork. Now this is all very unreasonable. Why should , our government object to this prohibition of our pork into Germany? In fact! what right has our government to Interpose? Do we not restrict and even prohibit trade with other foreign countries without even consulting them? Was not that, in a large measure, the purpose of the McKintey bill? And yet, McKinlev did not consult foreign countries affected by his taiLT. A fair degree of consistency 'would strengthen the position of protectionists but it is impossible (o maintain protect ion irm and at the same time be consistent. Ingal'shas been "talking pol:tic" at Boston, and. from what he sa3, it is apparent that his recent experience with a buzz-saw has taught him something. Ic thinks that Cleveland and Ila-iison will mike the race in 1892; that the g. o. p. must ado;t a Irce-suver-coinage plat form, &nJ that tariff reform is the demand of the west, which shows o enthusiasm over reciprocity. Tte force of the kirk which he received from the Kansas granger has bred in him a healthy respici for the alliance, which he thinks has not yet reached the maximum of its power, and is a foe to be dreaded. And in all the talk, so far as the reports go, Mr In gal Is did not make a single reference to the golden rule or to iridescent dreams. The glucose business, or the making of sweets from Indian corn, through the remova1 of du'.ics on taw ugar,has practically received its death blow. The only demand for glucose will be from r:andy manufacturers. With corn at fifiy cents a bushel, the glucose men cannot compete with the sugar refiners, who can product: syrup tt a cost of twenty cents per gallon. Heretofore nine-tenths of the table syrun has been corn syrup. Glucose lactones consumed last year a daily average of 70,000 bushels of com. The American public aiier April I w ill enjoy cheap sugar and syrup,owing lo the removal of duties on row sweets. Fok Salb. - 5500 to $1000 of household furniture In exchange for improved real estate. Inquire at olhce 01 Oregon- Land Co. January 22nd, 1S91. Cheap Wcon. Uood fir wood delivered tn rtnv rmrt of Albany, for only $3 a cord Leave orders nt 1' V Spinks' lumber yard. A N4.SA! INJE'J'l'OK free with each (untie fblnl'ihs Catarrh Ueinedy. I'rice 60 cwil.:. Fo.nayi Mason, ueilts Safe cntl Ktrecllve- rtrandri'th'a rilVaridlin si'.n a nd most effective remedy for indigestion irregularity of the bvweif, coustii.itiun. biliousness, hfca.lache, dizziuvfes, malaria, urnuy disease srisiux from an mini-re titu of the blood Thev have been in use in this count vfnr over (ifty vearr, mvd the Inousanris of nuim ptaelinlile teftimouials from those vho have used thtim, and their c.mfcts.utly increasing sale, n lncoDlrovortihle ovidi.nco that th.'j perto'm all that isclaimi-d for them. Rriiiiilrnth's Ii la are pureiy vegetable, uV solately hsrt'.ile.s aod .a!v to take at any time. fn'.d in evory drug and mrilicioe fitorr, tithi r plain or tugur-C'iatt'd . Wanted, to rent nn nrgnn forpevt rnl monihs. Call nt tho i'kmccrat olticc. CKOUI. WIIOOriNG COUGH and tnroi'.-hitis immediately relieved hy Shilnh's Core. "K ACKaIKTAI K,1 szratll perlume. shay ii Mason, scents. histniog and 0 0)0. Earn & Ac1iiifD han-'h ttio ccfebrsted f'ortt.siirl ce'iteut walls for wtiietery lots. Thes walN cun he fnrnifhi;d nt half the cost of 'any other and urn far superior. SHI LOU'S CUKE will imme-Hately re lieve Croup.Whoopitiji Cough acd Brouchitis. 10. hay & Maion; aut. Whkreto GctThkm. Whrn wanting rcun ,r til nr, a call on G L niackman A-ht e vou can c.w.t from ft first class tUw(. The ONLY place) in t' ty hero East em tickets can l porcha ia of w. L. Jester, at the Southern Pan So to ticket otllce F re ark Tanay Uafers. wafers are a aure andsnfet- clfi. klndsof female troubles ar.t v'!' all obstructions to the tnor.u 1 nn tnatior what the cause. It. The fur a remoi lT. :. . .r.at rvrrv woman necoi . a period can bt ued with safety. For sale t tb Livingstone Chemical Co., also fron V soleogcnt, J ACumming, druggl, Bi. bergbck, A Ibanv, Oregon. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Probably Drowned, Tacoma, March 20. Fout recent arriral, lorn the east are luppoted to be in the bottom of the found. W L Bartlett and G W Freese, respectively city editor and managing editor of the Monmouth III. Atlns, arrived herd Sun day. On the way out they mst a man named Kinei, of Huron, Dak, who wal accompanied by two dauRhtcrs. Thursday at noon the two ladiei and Messrs. Iiurllett and Freese itarteo for Vashon island in a small boat, taking with them cameras etc. Since then nothing has been heard of them. liaising an Army. Ottawa, March IO. Antonio Scarpelli, a contractor, if represented as having said today that he hid received a letter from a prominent Pennsylvania Italian asking that all Italians possible be secured to join an army of 14,000 men which it was proposed to send, under certain contingencies, lo ew Orleans. The letter said promises had lech received from Italy that 14,000 stands of arms would be furnished. A Conservative Victory. LosnoN, March 20. At the election at Aston Minor today to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Kynock, conservative, Cap tain Grey Hutchison, conservative ard liberal unionist, was selected over Bea.e, Gladstor ian, by a large majority. The conservatives aie rejoicing and ilie liberals are correspondingly depressed-, which is regarded as an emphatic indorsement of the policy of the government, and especially significant, because following upon Mr Gladstone's great speech at Hastings. Lois orsloek. Pendletox, March 20. W A Delpha Is In the city from Dorman, Or, where he has been residing during the winter. lie s on nib way to lekoa, Wash. Us says that sorre loss of voting ca'.tlc has resulted In ilie John Day section, and fur ther loss is feared. Stockmen have been out of hay for two weeks, and about cigh- ii;.-ii mine, ui sii'jw yei remains. A sreat Aelor dead. New Yokk, March 20 Lawrence Bar ret the tragedian, died this evening at the w Indsor hotel. He was unconsrious but a short time before his death. Ills wife and Dr Chambers, of this city, were with mm wncn ne Dreamed his last. Defeat of Llqaor Jfcn. Lcndos March 20. The brewers re ceived another stunning blow tonight, this time In the house of lords, which has af firmed on appeal the principle that the mngislracy are entitled to cancel liquor licenses if in their opinion such action is necessary in the Interest of the common wealth. Eusinkss Ciiangr. Sui Ti, for a long lime with San Wo, a heap good man who sabes the laundry business, has bought out Lee's laundry near the Revere House, and will hereafrer run It. Satisfaction guaran eed. A pur of f asthlack hoso free with oery. rairof ladlos nhoea costing S3 or more at Seal la' shoe store. Notice to Farmers. Wanted nt once chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, dried fruits, butter, ejrgs, and all kinds of farm produce, for w hich I will pay the high est price in cash or in exchange for goody. Vr. W. SImi'son, Albany, Oregon Hoarders Wanted, for table and one room. Inquire at Democrat office. ItZuney tu Loan, We have plenty of money to loan on real estate security, on two to five years lime. Call on us at our office, opposite th.; Severe house. Burxiiart S -eexey. SLEEPLESS NKHiTS. made rnisercble l.y .hat trrrihle couh. thiloh'j Cure is tho Ht m dy for yvu. Fxrllc-mrnt Uuna hiph in Albany f-t Fechny & Ma oil's drm; sorj (cr8ttern Builder, aa every bod v ia using it tor Catarrh of the Stui no eh, Dym.pp.sia, Constipation end Im puro I'dor-d. Try it ; r.d till your friends about it as it must posswvewon'ttrful merits whun ad hpeak well of u For lame hack, or n.de rhct.t. 8i:iluh a Porous Plaster. Pi ice, 25 cent. A soe enre for the nhUky ishit; Dr i.iviDcstoii'a Artidnto for . rum cnnea will cine nuy case of tho liquor r.thit in tfrti teo to tlilrty days, fn ni the it o duratc- diiuk'.r to the drunkard. The Antidote c n bo civ ttn in i cup f'f coffee without th knowledge of th (-erMiD takiojMi. The ntidoto will tint ' injuro th hualtn in any way. Manufactured l.y the Livingston Chemical Co., Portland, ()r(yon cr from J A Cnmmiug, 'Olo agent Alhaoy.t SIHLOU'S YITALIZER is what voo need foi (onstipatinn, Loa of Appetite, Dis junep, find all ai.iptoma of Djspepi. I rice 10 and 75 cebtsper liott.e. WHY WILL YOU con-h when Shiloh'a Cure will give Immediate relief. Price 10 oem, 50 Ceuts and $1. Fr.shay & Uason, agents. fniLOH'8 COUOH and Connmption Car ia sold by tinon a uat.itie. It cures oontamption, Foshay & Maaoo, amenta. One half dnlLr nd notion on every pair n Ludlow's Hne thM. A good hue ol them i SK Young's, Jut armed a full linn rf ladiei, chil dren, men's and hoy's tt,t wear at O W Simpon's.Jh"ch will be sold at bottom price. W. P. Retd ketpsthe best assortment ol fancy goods in town.