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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1891)
w,l. in. ALU ANY, OUECON, THURSDAY. MARCH 10, 181)1. NO 370 l! HUNT NATION A I. HlMi, OV ALBANS. OKKIi'lN , .1,101,1 Ij FI.INN l. rraidsut . B.Ynr.MJ L.hlir... . LANUUO.N TRANSACTS A OKNKHAI.I-aiikliii'hiislnMa. ACCOUNTS: KKIT .illijeu lo .hack. ylG'JT KXCIIANIIK and Ul TMplilo tranfcr, "I1 New Vurk, Sau Franelsoo, L'bitmt'o and fnllsiul 'iHI. tuJAEirHON HAKE on fatoralit. Unua. DIHKUTOK9 K. YOIIKO fc, W, '..MaiMlS 1 bum, L. FLIKN ISdwaru 1 . ttux. IXNt'O. XATIO.VAl. HANK, J OP ALBANY, OHKCJO.--. CAPITAL STUCK 1100,001). kr,.l,lont J L COWAN, i,.-i'roiiK-t J H KAI.KTIIN. ,.r UIO E CIIAMIIKULAIN, .,1 Older O A AKI.'lilUULD. I) ltR(-toKH, J b Cowuii. J M lUlstnn, Geo K 'mnherlwi, W N LlI.1, W II J A Craw &,.'! Biitl O A Archibald. TKA NSAcrTS ecuend haul:ln? liuslliM.. win JMtAr'r.Soi, Now York, Bui ill .!. '. Urtv"'. LOAN MOifKY tin aiiif.,""d seeurlty Ut:(.KlVduK)nlla wli.. ANK OF (IKKLill.V. J .l.UASY, OKkUON. 4'KItllllJ, B'ri'Ia"it .... S icu-l'ruMiiiviit ,.. II FMEItllll.L ,. K J LANNIMi ....JY W hLAIN Iulil-r Trail i-icts a ginm) h.mkin b;i,-hn,i: Kxl-Iuiil'u It'.ujlit bid !( tin ml tlie i-rirtcliial r 1 tii- in thu t'liitu-l .Stutwtl ) uii England, irt'lmij. I nil ice mill tt-rinv-y. ilecti'it msuJc ut nil accvB-iible not nis 011 lavor- lft'!v Itrmit, Jtituru-il alloA-ctl 0.1 time l-3j . i. EV ink or M'lO, BCIO, oiu:oon. i'lcut J S M-nr.n , J KIT MVKlilt US Hat ,1-ilin C:iines I () .Smith. k-e- I'lX'siiiuiit ... tusliicr , J ti M'Tritt, II Iirunt nir. kit " rm: K V, oil if, Doc a tfciiTa! naul SiU'lit drufU Idt.tcJ uu r'riiieisco. .in ami exL-lnnifo linlntv. Aliim... I'urtluinl awl OKTIAM SAVIXOM BANK, OF FOJlTIANI. OIIKUUH. Paid up capital S2f;0,0O0 Surplus ami prutits OU.UOO I 1 liferent allowed on an rhtjpi doposita a followa: Ono.-tiinarv aaviwpf Imoka ....4 ier cent wr anuum. " on term aviiiir li'niki 0 ir cent ior annum, On eertillc alt of deposit. For tlue nnut1n 4 per mnt per annum: Kor ix niuMtli & P"" K,,,t lwr "": " Y'ot live1, jt) muiitlH 0 per i;cnt i;r innum. I'ltANK HKKCM.'iit Ji, 1. TlliM'SOM Vii-e-PresMvut, II. C, S l'llA 1 TON, Caalneri. Albany Mauufanturera o' IE AM EKCINES GRIST AND SAW 1ILL MACHINERY IROH l-HOHTS W ALL KIP DS OF HEAVY f.HO LIGHT WORK, l!l IRON m BRASS CASTINGS. I'friHl nttmitinn tM o pairlnu d of inahinnrt I'aVtr-iTis Made on Short Notice 2nd re. Best Nt,'it:k or'iii'.t r ,'oods In the Va ley, unci tli most rontf mm pricfm, both 'nl, fclllDK. i liuvv ou band lik'.uu. FUHWITURE, STOVES, TiHVARE TRUKKS, BOOKS, PUTUSES ' CLOCKS, CRQCXFRY, ETC., ETC. tfoor west of S E Young's oil" Btiri, L. C0TTL!B S. W. Paisley, ' Albanj, Ornn -WHOLESALE DEALER IN Tobacco and Cigars. UEAI, ESTA I K FOR &ALE.-I bve a farm 01 2u nurew, near Ix,won ilenot, on the Harrow Gatifte, 10 miles from Albany. All In cultivation. Fair house anil bai. bew ... fnr ntw and domoatlc pnrpeses. Fine oak gr 1 Alsoanotherfarui ol 128 acroi, Hirer . '.f from Lebanon, All In cultlvatl-. Fair bouse. Uooil water. Both wheal larms. Also bouse anil tvrc .otn on Fifth and Jeffurson streets, A.'hany, For furth er Darticulara call on A.. Umphrey.Contei ' . . . 1 1 ... , k T 1 PreCinOt, O " r vm-,. n i'i. j! Zll A UMPHHICY. Tin O 1.1 acknowledged the leadlnr ramerly fo (.norrhrra A tllees. The only nate remedy for LetteorrhtrnorWhitea. I Drearnbe it and feci safe In recommending it iTi to all nnr"r. A. J. UMr.i'K. n. PFI ATI'. ILL. Sold lT Ornavlat. eaica 91.00. & yVnrMlnO ZiToailAYC.ll ... sirt Sl ur.raiTtr -:OF;- Gents : Furnishing : Goods -WILL For the Next Call ear'v and got j'largains. New York C. NEW STOKE."a MITCHELL, & J'EALKU ultm 40 See Us. HEALTH IS WEALTH! 1H. E. C. WEST'S Servo and Rrafn TrtsttUPi.l a L'uani)iit!,'(l tiucillc for ilvnturia. Dizin-59, Ou.vul 8i'iii9, Fi h, Nenmis Xeurulia, Ileadiiclie, 'itmus Prostration vautcd hy tlie uv 01 Aloiti'il or tolnrci Waktfuliu-SH, Mental UtMirussion, 8"ttnini of the brain ronltfiiir in msaiu'v ninl lcnm!'i to misery. d-ca Jddo.h, premature old aire, birreiiiiert,!. lens at l ' "aui'td by over-exertion o the rrain K-ich I.;. Tontaini one iiinnthN treatment, ijl a h ix ar nix bo is (or sunt b mail rojid 011 receipt e price. WE r.i:UAXTKK SIX ROXFS TO rt'RE ANY caHo. Willi a.'ti oniur receive J by iw for six boxea, antinipaiiied ith)J', we will hciiiI the purchaser our written (ruarantre to rvtinia the money 11 tue treat tnciitdoc not effect a ture. Guarantees issued only li.v J. A. Ciumiitiu. lrnifjfit, oi a-ront, Alliiny, Or. and get EYiOE POWEn mm use bj&& mser. TTrito for our Now Illustrated i'atnlonue of 1K01. THE LEFFEL WATER WHEEL& ENGINE CD. SPniFiGFIELD, 0., U.S.A. niiiiniiii. I'v.-jf.) 1I .ijt:i-M t 1 vi iif.'i v,c ( cl-i-i.1i!? 1 !rli N.v. hv. t -tt;in! wi'h. i.i'vnre ;ir II topivo Al!f!l":i. f'lt;: 1 hr,,- .1 V. ! Ve,.-Atu!'M.:nl h.'-'it llw:,r ot ruiiiiterfciM ortlR. aikI In.... ire iiinnufurtiimt uiity L7 JOUN C- VEST CUJtrAXV.CUlL'AUU.lH-. J A Cuiimiins, Acrnt I S S C E S ii S S inv r.r.rr.K ir.n SK5.TH & WESSON w Tiio Finr-sV Sunil Arms Crr fan'i!:ir,;r:f.o. U Uari-!li''-.s '"wi" fllKX'J! Sj 5 hccJiacv,""' f ' & )'JRaILiTv, cl HI UUVhMtt in f Beware of cheap Iron Imitations. vVi' tl Send forll'.ustnlcd Catalcrruj ard Pri;i Lit to f-j ' smith & wesson, .1 tl FI'lllSliFMVI.I). .If.JK.V." a a s - '- " a -S PHELPS, Job Printer, 1st. St.,, "SITS Albany BE :- 30 Days!! McParland Block, ALB AN . JSTXEW GOODS. LEWIS CO. In ffiaiiikmeiais & Veieicles ALEAK Y, OREGON , Hf. CRY OF WIILLIONa J . ; f OH, 7-Y BKCKI Z ji j vivr 11 owvw, ff.W BOON IT WIIL BC TOO LATE. y I have bren troubled many -eor with ninny different remedies and have Rjiiflht aid from different physiciars without relief. About the 15th of Apn' I wni Ritflcrin? from a very violent i.ttack that almost prostrated me in stii::i a manner mm i was over, nl aUiuuuit was almost impossible for m? ft i.d nlone. r 10 put on my cioincs, w kind Providence wut Dr. Henley with tJKI;GON KIUN'KV TliA, to iny holtl. I iui mediately commenced tibhiK the ten. It had nn almost miraculous effect, and to the oaton- isl-.iiKutofallthe ctie?ts nt the hotel. in a few da-9,lipa uappr to state, that I was a new man. 1 will; recommend the tea to all aiilictt a? l li-iv; bctn. C. A. TUrpER, i'roprietorOrvidental Kctcl, Sauui Kosa, Cat. Conrad Mever, PIi'PKIiiT,'.t l)l- STAR liAKKliY Cntiior Broatlalbin and First 8ts., -DEAI.KH IN Uneenmrnre. lKt'lllJON, Kn'.rf a. Ten. silo., . rlen Frnllx 'obneen, initrsr 'flec( Klo 7f)yl!ilng tlint Is k'lfl In .en s,and groiHM? ore. nigbwt X aid for ii . fa o rVot p A! , KINDS OF PRODUCE. ALBANY :OR. WRITS MiH & HULBERT BROS,. Real Estate Agents Fanm and lUnchct for tale, Alan city broerty in Alhanr And Corvallia, Yrawj Highest of all in Learening Power.- HXess Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE I'muounrcil lliipejei, let Saved. From a letter written by Mr Ada K Kurd of Groton, S D, we quote: 'Vaa taken with a bad cold, which crttled on my Lunrt coughs set in and fiually tormina ttd in Con uraptmn. Four doctors t(avo me up aiying I ceuldlive but a short time. I pave my self up to my Sayiour, determined if I could not ktay with my friBnds cn earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My hunband vn advised to uet Dr King's New Dif-cover- cry for Coustimytion, C'onlis nnd Colds. Cave it a trial, took n alt ciht Iioil!e; it has cured me and lhnk Goil I am a well and hearty woman." Trial bottles free at Fn shay & ilaeoii'a drug fctorc, regular size, 50c and $1. SH1I.0H S CATAK1iH l.EMKDY a potiiive cutc fir Catarth, Piphtheiia ard Oancroat4i. 1 osr.ri ci jMfion, ayeuts, Thf Jjert rnast eoti't e :n tlie city M ytri. V ( ding riiotogrup:;erH A ai.y rcon. V. o have bought all then trativt 6 m.ido iy I It V Clark and W II Orce.- nod r.p to Nov 1 5th, 1SS9. Uuplicattis can be had from hem only of us at induced tatcs. We have Iso about lS.WO tu'ta'.ivei made by our- selvt'nt from which duj-lioatufl cvo be had at Hko ia:es. We ctv t'le w. v ftil 1 lino of viewt f this state lUin ilntr !.rt d work at lowctt rates for first cii.r c wnk. Vi e shall be pleased to s!fl ou at ourKtadio in Froman s block, next door to Moaowio Terr. pie. Bncklen'M Avnlra Salve. TfTlio best SaKe tn thu worM (of Cats.llnilac.Sor Ulcari", S!t Khi'uin, Fever H-tre., IVUer, chapn haivl. (.'htihlaina. Corn., and all Skin Ernptio. I po;:v.'ljeure. file,r no iay required. It leunr nteeil to ifive perlect itati.fa'jtion, or money letuml. 1. Prtro S& vent. er box. For s'.e by Foshuy and Uas.ii K011 DYSFEl'sJA nd -ivcr Complaint ycu have a tTiute guarantee 011 every bottle of .Shiloh s ViUhzT. It bever faila to ure, Foabay & Mason, peuts. Cloaka at coat at W F Ks.-id'a. Vieltins CartU, 53 siylea, Paisley & Smiley. Capeysy This is what ycu ongnt to have, n fact you must hivo itt to rnjoylife. Thousands are searching for it dii!y. ard irourninx le caufd they ttnd it no.. Tlnntardmipon thcuandn of i.ollava inn tpait arnua'ly by our people in tho hojje that they m:iv attftin this boon. And vet it may lm hnd hy all. Wt? cnarant'H. that lilectric Hitters, ir uwd accoidinif ditectiona and ti e use perswtrd in, w brinp you pood diteation and oust tho demon Dyspepsia Riid install instead Eupcpy. We recommend Electric Hitters lor 3vHpCr?a rr.d all niseasca of I.iver, Stomixoh and KldDey. Sold at COu and SI per Itottlo by Fonhay & Maeon, druj-sists. 1 O O F. Albany ixmae So 4 holds Ha regular meeting Wednesday evening of each w eek. Visiting brothers are cordially nvited to attend. nn isAncnEB witii shermah TO TUB SEA) Trudacd all the way on foot, over mountain and through morass, carryinir knapsack and gun, slept on brush heaps to keep out of the mud, caught cold, from the efTects of whlcli his friends thought ho would never recover. Llnitcrlnir with Blow consumption for many years, be saw Dr. Pierce's (loldcn Medical Dis covery advertised In a country newspaper, and ho determined to try It. A few bottles worked a ohamrn; six months' continued s cured him. Always too Independent to aak his country for a pension, ho now soya he needs none. He helped save his country, bs saved hlmselfl Consumption Is Luni-sorof-ula. For scrofula. In all Its myriad forms, the "D.jcovory" Is an miemialod rooindy. It clennsis tho system of atl blood--Alnta from whutver rnuao arislnnr, and cureo nil Ham and Scalp T)iies. Baft-rheum, Tetter. Bcae ma, snd kindred ailments. It la 7uarnnteel tobeneflt or cure' in all disease for w'llchH ts reeommcndeil, or monoy paid for It win be refunded. Bold by drarfjUts. Ooprrif M. lsss, by VTouLtn Dia Man Ass-. OS. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY CUM the worst casoa. no matter of bow loaf standing;. 0 oenta. by dnwgista. 1T. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889, The nations motto "E Pluribus Unum' on different United States coins, was never authorized by law to be so placed ; all hough the mint was established in i792,the use of the motto on any of the gold, silver oi copper coins was not authorized or direct ed bv any of the provisions of the act es tablishing it. None of the coins since 1S37 bote the moito until the standard silver dollars were coined. It remained on the early gold and silver coins until 1834, when It was om milted from the gold coins. From the double eagle in -1S66. In 1S36 It was dropped from the twenty-five -cent piece,and the following year f roin all silver coins, .lie trade dollar only reviving its use. The motto was first used on a half penny or cent struck in New Jersey in 17SG-7. And now iresident IlanUon comes forward nnd declares he ts opposed to any further agitation Dfihe taiiff question. This reminds us of the thief 11 ho had stolen the last pound of flour hem a poor widow, woman and who cn being told that there was great indignation among her neighbors about the ineles crible meanness of the man who would stenl the bread from a widows mouth declared that he was opposed to such agitation as it would certainly bring some one into trouble. The president evidently fears that any further dis cussion of the tariff question will bring his Mends into trouble. THE 4iOLDE9l KILE UAZAAIt, Has a large nnd complete line of goods, dolls, doll buggies, boys' wagons, ve ocipedes and many other goods- a hich gol to nmkeup a complete assortment, besiden a complete line of lamps of every description. China crockerj', fancy decorated ware, glassware, bird cages, nlush iroods. such as allmms. toilet sets. autograph books, scrap books, children's A 1 C picture books, and all goods that are carried in n Bazaar store, including Koirer Isros. 1647 Bilvcrware. e wish to call the attention of the public in par ticular to the Golden Rule, prize baking powder and tea, put up expressly for this trade, which gives the best of satis faction, as is attested by the hundreds who have used lioth the tea and baking powder ever since introduced by the Golden Kule Tiazaar. Each package of tea and can of backing powder draws a prize in tlie shape of a line piece of glass ware. I!c -sure 1.0 call, when in Albany, at the (iolden Kule liazaar, s you will be sure to iind what you, end will be shown over the store nnd Vie treated kindly by my clerk, Mr. Miller. My goods arc "all marked in plain figures so as not to deceive anyone, and I have but one price to all. , Ji'Liue Gr.ADWom . Safe anil Elfpellrc. niAndn-t'i'a I'illi are the safest and inoit eficc-ive remedy fur indigestion irrnaularity of the bLweit,, constipation, biliof.nei.s, hcartr-che, dizziness,, or any disea.e rriainir from an inur.irfl .tata of the blocd, Tl:ev 1'ftvn been in ue. in this coonlrv for over fifrv v-arr, mid the thousands of i.nim peat hililo testimonial fri-m thoewho have u'cd'hein. and their coni-tnntly increasing rale, ia incontrovertible evidence that til perlwm a'l that i.chiiiiid for them. Br.tndrcth'a Pld are jiurely vegetable. ib snlufcly harmless nod sate to take at nny lime. .So;d in every drug and wciliciuo storp, eithir plain or iugar-oated . V irr.r, to rent nn organ for several months. Call at the i'kmoch.vt office. CT.ObT, WHOOPING COUGH and nrniit hitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Coro. . 1 "HACKMKI At K,' g-Miit pe-Iune. Piice sh:y Ma-im, fgenu. i.thtaieg and ! .' 5) om Kinn St Achivm ha::''le t,.e celebrated Por-J'iid cement walls for -leiretery lota. rhe.e wall, cm he ftirnislied at half the cost of .any other and are far superior. SHILOH'S CUKE will immediately re lieve Croup, W hooping Cmifch ard Hronchitis. Fo'hy& Marnn; aeent.. Wkkreto Get TiirM. When wanting organ or plana call on G L Blackman A'hs 'e vou fan select from a fir6t class tUlA. The OSLY place is t' ty hne Esst rn tickets can t. porchai is of W. I, Jester, at the Southern Paciflo Co'stioU-.t nfllce mark Tas.y nalrr. wafers are a sure and sife 1 rlfi, alncltof female troubles ot.i v".1 all obstructions to l)e mor..- U no matter what Ihe cause. 1 1 Mwhnt every woman necc: a' The for a remo period are it can be tsed with safety. For sale I lb ' - " uTV . sum K" J " w-........,, -es- berg buck, Albany, Oregon. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS 4 Terrible Wreck, Gihraltar, Much 17. The British steam- ihi,i Utopia, from Italian porlj, bound toXew orlt, with 700 Italian immipranti nhnatri. collided toJay with the Britiih ironclad Rod ney, anchored in Gibraltar bay, and aanlc toon after. A loiithwcst gale was qlowing at ths time. Another account of the disaster attri- butci it to the fact that the British war ship Anson wis drifting befoie the gale, and rammed the Utopia abaft the funnel. The Utopia w;u impaled on the spur of ihe Anson'a ram. and almcst immediately sank. Over 500 of the passengers were drowned, the sea being too Heavy ia peimit 01 mucn assistance. A Drunhrn Driver. London, March 18. It has traaspired that Gladstone, after his speech at Ilistings yes :erday, had a narrow escape from a serious accident. The coachman who was driving the carnage which took Gladstone to the railroad station, lost control of his horses. The horses were stopped with difficulty. 7 he coachman was fined for drunkenness today, the charge against him having bee preferred by politicians. Lincoln's Law Partner. Spkikufikld, III. March 18. William II Hevndon, Abraham Lincoln's law partner, and author of the "Life of Lincoln," died today of 'a grippe at his residence near this city. He was 72 years of age. His youngest son William, died tlx hours belore from the same disease. Another FaoI dead; Niagara Falls, March IS. A man jump ed over Niagara Falls at I'rospect point this afternoon. He came from the west this morn ing and had a ticket for New York via the Lake Shore. He was about 24 years of age good looking and well dressed. Costly Lave. NeV York, March 18. It was reported yesterdcy that Misj Li'a Vane, the leading aetiess of Charles Frohman.s "All the Com forts cf a 1 Iome" Company, had received 525,000 in coo-promise of the suit for breach of promise that she brought recently against a wealtny uunaio man named King. Another General Slrk. Washington, March lS The condition of Groeral Joseph E Johnston, who lias been quite ill for the past week, 13 reported by his pnysician to De rmproveu today. Io immr diatc danger is apprehended. Notice to Farmers. Wanted at once chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, dried fruits, butter, eggs, and all kinds of farm produce, for which I will pay the high est price in cash or in exchangefor goods. ti. W. SImpson, Albany, Oregon Hoarders Wanted, for table and one room. Inquire at Democrat office. EES Money ro Loan. We have plenty of money to loan on real estate security", on two to" five year time. Call on us at our office, opposite th-t Severe house. Iil'RKIIART & CeENEV. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by rhat terriUe congh. hiluh',Curo is the llemrdy for yru. iKxettement P.una Iticth in Albmy tit Fofhay Si Ma son's dm.; stoM t. tr Syslem Builder, aa everybodv ia usiig it for Catarrh of the Stomach, Dysnepaia, Coratipation und Im pure flood. Try it tid tell your friends about it as it mast posi. ewondcrfal merits When ad tpcak rell of i. For lnme back, er k.uc ciieat. uao Shiloh s Poious Plaster. Price, 25 cents. A sue care for the whisky uabit; Dr 1 ivinston's Ai tidoto fcr . mo) etiness will cure any case of the liquor rabit in trom ten to tr.ii ty di.ya, from the 11 operate drinker to the diunkarr1. The Antidote c; n 10 r.iven in 1 cap of coffee without Ihi lir.ov. ledge of tlid person taking ii. The niiiitleto willnot injure the hcaltn in any way. Mrbiifactured l-ythe l.ivineston Chemical Co , Portland, Oregon cr from J A Cummirg, o!e rgeRt Albany.'; SI1IL0H3 VITAL1ZER is what von need foi Constipation, Loss ot Appatitc, Dia, and all aitjiptems of D)spepis. Price 10 and 73 cer.taper bottle. WHY WILL YOU cough Rhiiohs Cure will give ininirdiato relief. Prico 10 cents, 50 ceuts sad $1- Feshay & Masou, ai:euti. ffllLOH'S COUGH and Con-meption Cnr is sold by imon a cuaia ctee. It cures cotnumption. Foshay & MasoD, ayentH. One half doll.r r, dttction on every pair ft Ludlow's (iun .hoes. A good lire of them a S K Young's. Just arii.ed a full lino of ladies, cbil- iliens, men's aud hey 'a foot wear at (J W SimiKUn'stWhich will be aoid at bi.ttom pnees. W. F. Ue.d ke. paths be,t csiortn-.ent of fancy gi cda in tou. iner i,isi. Followirg is the lint r.f. Jpttrra remaining in the post ollice nt Albany, Linn county, Oregon, March 17. 1S!H. I'crpoLS calling for thee letters mti.t ive tne dato D which they were advertised. Hon.r. Thonas Kpgkofer.'B V Gillining, Srmuel F Garaet. George Gilmore. Kan est flate. Henry Howe, J M Jenkin, Mis, M Mause.Mrs Jei nie A Mol, J B Morgan, Henry ill, r. Mrs Anna Wilimna, Ch.s Norlhere, Bohet Paiterami, i.mher lioinhlat, Ike Llruse, Hu.sell lb-il. Henry Sbephard, J N Sih.fer, Arnry,, Cnrail Taylu', MiaSinithn Yaughan, G E E, TnoJiraos, P. M. IIIKAII) raifR, Aftata