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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1891)
i THE SII.VSU QUESTION. Except at the silver question aflcoied uiuic important subjects In the con gress, The World has not given it the prom, inence which many people seemed to think it deserved. As compared lth home mo or icueral supervision, with high ... iuw, Kim restriction of Industry and commerce or the r,.i r.. .i.i. . ., ...... trcc debate or gag rules, silver appeared to us w f.c.c,,! . question 01 minor consequence, cipeclally after the very liberal Increase of -w...KC piuvmra oy tne late congress. The manufacturers demanding free raw ...LC..a., lno people seeking cheaper necessaries of life, the farmer striving for conditions in which hi. . .......... j ,or thrive, not to say live, and the inhabitants ",c wisning only assured liberty to manage their own domestic affairs will u"r consent that a mere expansion of mer coinage shall be permitted to divide the great conservative .1. It will, if we are not greatly mistaken, make a much smaller figure in the next congress than It did In Hi ic .-.i .1 almost no likelihood that It will acquire Ihc portentous prominence in (he demo cratic national convention of next vear which has been so seriously apprehended. ri.iu mis seems to be tlie.viewof no less a man than Roirer Q Mills II.. i,i... upon tax refoim first and silver coinage afterwards. The one must not be per. """""" uciay or embarrass the other. He reported as follows: "The law passed last vear nrn.-f,.!.... - I a v 1 me purchase of 4,500,000 ounces of silver bullion per month, enual to hot r 000, has so far had no perceptible effect In relieving the distresses of the country. But if we had free coina ve It wnuM duce no appreciable effect for good until taxation is reduced. The first step to tale it to reduce the rates of taxation to tin lowest possible point, and Increase imports and exports to the hlcheit im. i. That will lower the pi Ice of manufactures, raise the price of agricultural products u.auiuuie tne congested wealth of the country and revive Its industries in all de partments. When we accomplish this we can settle the silver Question. I7r.Hl It I done we should permit nothing to distract Kur councils 01 divide our forces. If we w,5e,7 e win unite as one man and strike with all our force for a reduction of the tariff and an enlargement of our trade T .......1.1 , 1 . " -.uiu or 1011V lor us now to t '2?2ZL : c::?: I l. e. blain-s column row between the liiendi of Cleveland and Hit; Cleveland may well exclaim "save me from sucli friends." Some have suggested that Henry it really scheming in the intertnf v. R Morrison for ths nresiilenrv. I In tinnl,l k. far-ireinp snoui'h to,! ih.n? nni . ine tfcmn:rts. with all their bright ahead of tli-m, can elect a president whose nomination is broucht about through Initio,,. aim cuicanerv. llie nrnnlf. in th i.l Jeiitial election will be in surh a mofvl ntin brook no foolishness or trilling. Party lines are not very bindine. It would he m.,,-1. i-.t.. for the democrats to suffer defeat again Shan to tucceed by electine a president who wmtM be no credit tothrm. This it vei-v ,1 ... psnsive Country, with innumerable ini.,i many of which conflict wi-h each other. These must be harmonized on the broad of 11,. greatest good to the greatest nutrbcr. This is far more desirable than the mere tuccess of nypany. A laae majority ofthe most in telligent volcrs of the country take this view ol the mailer. rV. ' . .Vf.1t . W iickcts for AM, cast.-ru niuts, over 1 .1 "'"8 "y". 1'. Jester, at- tno ticket cfiice, TWO MEN AND ONK J!OV FOUND UKAD!! OS While trying to Crowd thcii 1 1, WAV "-" DEYOE & FROIMAN BROS Store, where lliev nlwava ll.ive m linn. I tl'.e largest Slock south of r.irthm.l ..I the latest I111 Droved Kitli'g mtil Shut Uiins; an immense stock of l ishiuir lackle of every description; Tents, Hammocks, Camp Chairs and thousands ... .... .1.1 . u. wine. uiiii 100 iiiiiucrous tonitution Xietmir Hlion .n connt-ction with the Siorv, and one lie best workmen in the State to do anv mu ail kliutt, ot work. tome on?. Lome n ; x.i iM ilJOW LfOCilS. "Small nrntU an. I " U out motto. w. an A duo stock of ho) curtail,, f,lr 00 cut. tojlO tn sii: t'u cino.-ner, at Fortmilcr I.-virg . U o are now ready for t-iii . I C? : . t ... . oiiiaey, xae mntert, Fllnn Bloc '-"jyi lllS IraUO With tllO lan'ost T I - - and best solectcd stork- Clotliing that will Lo shown in the county this season. XEW A D VE RTIS E M K7 S. lyY fON ntick - N ,.e is itlf J .i;;i J at ,,n? "rm o' rock Vi ; . o" uusinf ss will h( continued by il R Hydn, of whftta bar! gaina can bn a.cured from his la? a..l well solec-ed st k of furuliure. Albany. Man h I, lsiu, I.. T. RROfit" U. R. 11 vuk. the iii; miii 1 . u. 'iuburg. in nousent, the .aid'' o" h 1 y '.,i,"u',1 ''ire .hny'-f the ob?ig,?ion. Ze A" "i Itafa4 111 n .ouy, ursgon, March 14. 191 HCCor, W A rv. C H Uobkro. lilk coir.. Talluian, All varieties of styles Jllld nnilnn 4 .1 . r - i. in,.- most'fastidious. We have many fine makes including rORSAtE-Two fresh mi Inquire of W W Crawford, Tangling over silver and divide our own T?ORSALE OR EXCHANGE -1. 111 v . rces We are for tariff for revenue SC2wn.Si'ir.W nun, good While nu. noiine. forces nly, No one will accuse Mr Mills of lack of Intelligent interest in free coinage. He has Deen out spoken In its behalf from the be ginning. And his great name, sullied by 10 suspicion 01 any motive unworthy the purest statesmen in American historv.has gone far to nikke the cause respectable. His decUed relegation of the subject to its . minor and proper place, below the questkv.s of the time, will be accepted as a fresh evidence of his frood sene j . triotism, as well as of the single- hearted -..mun 01 tne laritt retormers and of the southern democrats, represented by him. to the fortunes of the only party which promises permanent relief from the abuses of centralization. As Mr Mills points out in the fore-going extract, no other expedient will produce any appreciable good "until taxation is re duced." When that is done it will prob acy oe lound that the pinch is over, that the distress which occasions the crv for "more money" Is beinsr relieved imate way, and that few or more will"be anxiour for further experiments. Af the sjssion of ths "centrlTrennsylvania Evangelical Conference held at Berwick in that stale the loth inst a repoit was submitted by the committee on the stale of the church cn the present crisis in the ri,r,h ...1 i.u .. - .... i.ilii was Joptcd. The reparfook the form ol a reso lution, d-.-cbring that the book of discipline U above all other authority ami jliont.P 1,. , implicitly by all, from the bishop dovrn to the humblest members; tint the proceedings o ...u,tulCr:i,ct mat suspended Uishops uowrnan and Lsher were in accoidancc with ine discipline and are therefore binding until J "i uy me next general enfer MM nn.l .1... .1.. 1. .... ., ..,. U, , uepoeu lusliops have no o lnori tii- verdicts lint disqualified them; hence no right lo preside ataryanmia! w,..t.c.,tcnrp(;,0rra ay flmction of lheJr efficc. J. H. HOWARD. count7;;;:-. ooiavby , t - ""'"lit a many, or. waon. hack lY; , "u:",,u.t.1. CO. Also cah or eiel,; I rXn.T 86l 1 for at store opposite J L,".f.??ro'tr,- c K. -. FRY. Te NOTICE. Till' i . e iimit -ri.- ? LINN must irtu,,,v;r,;"t"t ' ..roll 1891. All ,;8rKn. ; " Al"-Jl 1-t ttoov wl "."..,ct I y that dre compelled .n V..'u,.u.6.Vt .?' ' lll be collect the sainc-; tV' S.'".' '. rot mi "'.isk u'Jto latoU M,rch 6, IS71. frbetilTaacl Trx Collet-tir. nrt ( tlie Sobi. KJ ,"'".'",m h hi of km, , In China aoapslone is largely used in preserving structures built of" sandstone and other stones liable tv, crumble from the effect of the atmosnhen-- n,i n, , , iiiv WIIT- ing with powdered soanstnne 1 il, of paint on some of the obelisks in that country, composed of slone liable to at mospheric deterioration, has been the means 01 preserving them Intact foi hun urtci ot years. rrom now 1st wo will ,ell ,) ... . .. k.-, al (ir .,,, Ke.,T4;Lw,",e,l"""""rti' "ti" -I iKW l.LACKSMITII SinifG ,V Willis as just completer his blacksmith sho,. a the corner of .Second and Kallroad slree. w Here a Unit ..f imn 1 . . , , , iwn work can be nad and done in lirt clas order -.ioivs, wagons, etc., etc for repa i - A N ASA I I.N.I KtVOH free with e,cl, hnttlo OI,.l..h, C.,f,rrli i!,.,,y. IV,lC 50 cent... l'i.,n..vA: Mjsou, agents. ALBANY, OSECSff. Iraw their own Sight Drafts London, Paris. P-apv. f ort- o:: -ti w o ir, t i . ..mj, JJCUIU 1 all IVncipal Points in -i XT S o IP E. Then we have the full line of mens', youths' and boys' clothing in the A Lanv Woolc- "flfe goods, that we specially recommend to the puhlic for trial, The largest stock of Mens' Shoes in the city, ineludin many celebrated makes, Hats, from Stetson's Lest down to a two Lit straw. & WILSON, Real hkk Loan Brctai. OHIce.-BAI.TIJIOI'.K CHICK, PtilDL si. r'.iiiirtl I 1. MilhK . J.l- ?"".' r.. ,lm . , iu II., ,. AIIKXT3 FOR Anna In. u runre , ,,,, i,,,.r , , rlnrtvr peiiotual. 1.. f, ,., ru,.. . Cunnllnn Inn. t'nn.niint . l l.oii,t,,r,. p,.i ,.i li'fci-. li,locrts,wo,(w. Everyone Talks On in J mmn Larffe and Choif nioi V 'Drv Goods, Clothing, Boots. Ltc, Etc., .Etc., Iiiflmling many novelties. A fine li0 f j. ... ets, Children's Hoods, .tc., fa.' '"lis a Feat to Fit the Feet, But Ho Can do it and rj0 k BROTHERS, ALLEN Wholesale ? Retail Grocer1 IN THEIR SEASON? ' Plinn Block ALBANY, OREQOI Amn lmn Klrc Ins. Uruaiiiicd Into. cli sutia, "j Paid, 1U,COO,2W). l"htl.I.l.f,t0. Orei:oii',,i. ' ""'" COVER, TiiiMn, Cannot enumerate Turn- Goods every de partment full. shinir I intek; DiC , A GrtAWD for tii., l'miii:,-. n i, , y -- -ST WE NT Vna INSURE IN TJi;zr liirnii'i'kUyiiiiilxliivli of Albany, Oregon, Safe, Sound; Conservative M WILL. & LINK, Dealers, Xuilrr nur l.l-l ir 1'lanns ,TI;o Antki,;;tio Tfc'-'..".-.-, the EnT? Jti'. 10" Ton To-" Il?.1'-11"?; ,' W paid fuiiiir- 'V'V?.ao,,n- was prints.'. " "3" coP7 1t.(,-t 8oUliytili;,,oi;a',,jK.'', H. F. MILLER J. ISAUKH & CO. VOSK & SON Tli moil pnp.ilar pino among'iie wot!!. ( ruinous I'Unistx. . CV l 1 1 m t f - d fn i its bri I Inct. linUt and durability. ' JTlio mod in in priced piu ' '" ''! Karhnir n,M.H lrm,r rgnH. Outturn, Violin. r.. iiiniiiiiciitH is Nir!iall. 'MLtrL,",,!rT' KrIUB It. ..lo,!.nr Sowing Macbims. hu, plM f. rail k.i.,i ,,( v;w.Pl. MHchlnwi We Kllilra,-our c"Mu", rs Intcosts ami (itiarHnieo Mlislacti.m. We nl-o rrrj a full . r ,,,. .,, U)(ii Cor. Second and Ferry eta., (-'end for ctai, Ru..) Albany 0. ( ).. ..... j;, . A. Hav duriii and can ofJer gains in all my 'e usei ensii iii,;. ,.,... io'l't tunes east genuine har- dejiartments, T,Ilf",a ''"9.-in ru l.oloe.8 Cfcouiilv Ilirr-u. C"",lly 'X to .i, "?. ".""l,',S Kr "."ItlCl iDim.M. . I,,r I'.vnicnt.l ....... ..i-tre.i .. JJ.I.J , w. i; (uuu County i rosKuier. WILL VOL' SUKKKIt with l)y.cp,i ml L.v.r l. ..a.1...,t? S:i. ,l,'f 1 Vitniiior i. gnara'ateil to cum y mi. rRor-RIKTOKS op Tin- City Limy, Feed vi Site J. A H I, K Plln nniiA..) it . er..vBili. It.kt I?'. "' 'rom J. A. Cummisg. E. I5LAIX. Wall Paper,, JVMpa. "" TflTrnp nrt Minin. n.'. " Pliti.i.K rr tl, li.t of : x. I In. uorenliiT. " " lt"1 ounce ALBANY NURSERIES 3E3- C3 gsaTP-a FISST-CLASS GOODS, AT ReasonaLle : 0 Prices, of j& g-ive 15Iiiinbirff'N IJlock, JVC E conin)(ti line -A- CALL.J Albany, Oregon. ALBANY, .:. ORECOM. IIIl'MPPtl ne Han nrKiuvi.:oxHANi)totirn - n.Mua Hct,n liofciin,! Y reonihecowt. if y01I ram,.n,19 HYMANBHOWSF.I.r Custom - Chopping, 7r'h?ir!r:!ivri!'?'-'y. ...I.. " bouul,. ., nu, liought Wo are the People Who carry the most complete v.arc, Stove?, iJangcs, etc., in & lino of llard tlie market. 0I--nrmor ...I Corner I'lrst Morris & Blount amlDakor.trwts. ' -G. L. 3L.ACkM.AN - LEADING DRUGGIST A T.-HS A TTTr DRUGS, KEDICIKES STATIONARY &C