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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1891)
VOh. J Jl. ALBANY. OREGON, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 18, 1891. NO 2C9 , MUST NATIO.AI. KWK, M OP ALBA.NV, OHKUON, prvtHnt...M.. Tit rVwiuoiit Cublor..... .. I. rus'N H, B,TM'N( ..t. W. LA Mil-ON TRANSACTS A OKNKItAIi bsiilnng business. ACCOUNTS KKI'C miujt:U to churk. SKJU T KXCIIANcF. arid Ul ralilo trmtfer, 1-1 Nw Vurk, bun i'riicico, C'liitiugu situ f itland OIKRVTOkR K Yot'Htt , W, LHOtt)N L K IlLAIM, I'LIKN Howard , box. OP ALBAtsY, OHKUOt. CAPITAL stock 1100,000. PrOTUl-it J L COWAN, Vie Pre Bide l J M It ALSTON. Orblir Uau E CilA.MltKltl.AIN, Al Cashier U A AlU'UlltULO. D hsctorh, I Ij Cowan, J M lUUtim, Geo K riiaiiilicrlaiu, V H hvll, W 11 OmLm, J A Craw finl and o A Archibald. TRANHAfTTHs central hmkiiir tiliatuni. 1'tU .VSn.U I UK Arm -m Now Vurk. Sao LOAN iMWKYini acpirvi w.-urtty It El KlVliit;Kiu sutjioct titiui. i axk of oict:;. J AMIAXY, OREUON. liplllll, ! lit t'rfli(lnnt Vicu-I're.iilwit Oialii'T . II F M Kl: It I l.t. , K J I.ANMMI ,..J,v W IM.AIN TrnttMita a awun-al uiiikiii-' huiUies: Exchaniru Ih.ii 'lit ait.l soil on ill the priiifipal i ttW in tin- l iiitt-l Slutcai also mi Eii'Iaul, Inluinl, jVValllUO Rllll tilTlllltlV. t'ollt'clioiiBLiiwiuatall aec.titilo points on favor Me term. Interest allowed o.i t'niis ilt-posUs V ASH OF MJO, HC10, UKKdON. Pn.H.nt , Vice- 1'rcsiilcitt . Cushiur .. J S Mmn , Jkvk Mvritt O S .May John Cainus P 0 Smith. riUKt-T'inii: V. UoillS, J S Morr'n, II Urvant Pos a general Innkhir ami exchange biwlimi. flight dinfu UaiwJ on Alb in., I'-mlaml aii'l hau FraiieWfo. 1UTMM SVIiS BANK, I UP PORTLAND. OIlKUON. Pnitl ujt capital ., Surplus and rullLs.. 92fW,ono .............. ix'.uou Interna allowed on an rinin deooslta as follow: On or linary mvinioi lutoka ....4 iwrcont pur milium. On term imiiiif Inn ...; per ceiii per annum, O ivrlinY-att of tleKsit; Ti.r thrnnuxiLlu It rtnt per annum: Pnr -ix moittha 6 lr per aunum: For laclvo iiiuiiUh pur cunt (tor aniiuui. I'HANIv DKKUM, l'rt-Bitlont ). P. TiHM J'SON Virc-Presiilsitt. H. C, sritATI'ON, Cwlilcr;. Albany Manurr.otiir?n o"- 1EAM ENGINES CRIST AND SAW MILL MACHINERY IRON l-KONTS W ALL WHS OF HEAVY AND LIGHT WORK, IN IRON MKD BRASS CASTINGS. -pscml attntilinn M o . pirliit il of macliinor' PaU"i-.ns Kade un Short Notice Bcsi oRk oPiiid je9 ;no1s tn the Va ir Hnl tho iiuwt reiisr uio prices, both 'ji i. tullini;- J liavn oo liHn'l FUitNITURE, STOVES, TINWARE TRUNKS, BOOKS, PICTURES CLOCKS, CRfiGKP.RY, ETC., ETC. door wast of S K Tfonng's oil Unn L. COTTLltB S. W. Paisley, Albanx. Origan WHOLESALE DEALER IN Tobacco anl Cigars. UEAL ESTATK FOR bALE.-I have , a farm or zmj ni!re, nuar lyowann (lenut. on the larrow tiauice. 10 inilea froin Albnny. AH in cultlvatloc. Fair house and bi . 0.,., ...... for atof and domostlo pnrpesei. Floe oak gr i Alaoanotherfarui ol J28 acres, Ihre' . .f rrooi Lebanon. All In cuitivatl Fair house. Hood water. Both r wheal farms.' Also house and twe .uts on Fifth and Jnfforson streets, Allia'iy. For furlh er particulars call on 1. Cmphrey.retU"1 Dreoinct. or cw Uewltt A Irvln. Albany. ' A UMPHKEY. Wit n Is aAnowl1ee tho Iwwllnff rameilT lo H.norrhrra Jk tllMt. Itaeonlr wiie lor EaeorrhfMorWhltce. I presenile nana icoi safe la recnmmendlng it i (In to all anffrrprs. A. Ji BH' r.K, ni. y- . lsrTtia. Iuh SoI1 hr nrnra-tals. fait E 81.00. aTUMaRD CMICK, Jkaant . ... mw 11 TmE.usCxia" Olilt :OK: Gouts : Fiu-nishiiiir : Goods -:VILL For the Next Call ear1' and got r.arjrains. New York C. 3IITCIIELL, & . UKALKIM Pit. E . C WKST'3 Nurvc ttrain Trtaiment a LOiarjnte'tl him-ciIIo for llti'ri;i. liizii!inn. Coitvul Hions, i-'rs, Nvrtou Neuralgia, IIaiUfhe, Nervous Prostration cnuted liy Hie use of alcoliol or ttihacco, Wnkvfutiiufts. Mtintal DrprvrHHUi, Sftonili'.' of the Itntia. rc-njltiiiif in insanity ami IcaiUnjf to mirery, dt-cj id duili, premature old ae, barrennca 1km ttf I-,, ii called tty ovur-t'i:ruin of tlm lrin Kach l.o. 'Miitaini one inoiitli'i triat'iieiit, $ ft b x or nix bO'jais for Jj.'i, sent by nnil prcpnid on ryreipt. o price. WK OITARANTKE SIX ROXK3 TO C I'P.R ANY owe, WilliLiu-h order rc'fiivd hy un for k imixi-b, nccompnnuid uitliS-'s c will wnd the piirrinwiirotir u-riitt'u inintiiiil. to rofiind Die inoiie" tf tlie treat- r-ient does not effect a cure. ( 1 mrantccs ItsneJ only by J. A. Cummin.;. llru'M, f-!o a-ent, Allvui. Or. to :ni See lis. ' ALBABT. OREGON. nrVLiiu jo it ej.-mjj.ii ; and get IV.ORE POWER . and use LI TTrlln for out Km HlustrnttMl fal.HoB'io o' 1K01. THE LEFFEL WATER WHEEL&EMINE CO. SPRSFJGFIELD.O., U.S.A. r.jii; int. ! 1 C-r.- ui 1 t ii in C'.l Vl.tJl V-", ,oto i-l v rPi:K I. -I li- -(l.llnl with. TiivVfifJ 1-1 ..ii ioptvt jaitt-rp. t;t.:. S'i 'pr.-il-'i'. a:vl mr it 1.1 V'O HiiXCf, .. (f c-nii.ti-rifiM ami jiin-tl on 1 j p JOilS C V.TLX OOAiASV, ClllCAtJO. J A tuniitiitis. A cent ra 53 S E 3! S H! B R.K 171 Tit:- ::i.::rtit.iTi:n VOL 8 sis r? Bfo e 2 J? r.;i My o Tho Fliv.t S'.ioll Aims Ev;f M: SI tstiv!il' '!' an DURIHiLlT-', T) 1. T-JiNs ,1 H sxcr.uiJcEcCMrr--nV?vA ' a COUVENIENCE la W J t i lO.UINfial SAFETY.-' VTW-i B '.ware of cheap Iroa Imitation. f! M SmJ f.-.r llbjitratcd folakrw sni Mr.' li.l tejfj SMITH t- WESSCM, ,i kfl ;;,TV;; ;i.. i nju-aB-'Bisaa IHELPS. Job Printer, W .... a, 1 lst.St.E?," Albany ; BE :- COST 30 Days !! B. R. Store McFarland Block, ALBANY. tSTXEW GOODS. LEWIS CO. IN- CRY OF MILLIONS . OH, 7UtV BKCKl 6T0P IT NOW, SOON IT W1IL BC TOO LATE. I have fccen troubled many years with di sense of the kidneys and have tried many diiTerent remetlics aud havi Btniunt aid from different physician without relief. About the of Apri.' wis sintering iroin a very vioiem i-itnoic Out almost uroatrnUl me in sucli n mniititr mat I was uciu over. IVfcen I at down it was nlinost imijosibk- lor me o ret i p nluTte, or to put on my clotK-!, wiie kind I'rovidcuce sent Dr. Henley, witii t- ukHGUN KIDNEY TEA, to my hotel. I immediately commenced tisiiiK the tea. It had an almost miraculous edect, and to the aston ttluutiit of all the Rucsts at the hotel, in a few days.I nm liappi- to state, that I was a new man. - will' recommend the tea to all uniiclcdj a 1 U:x-'i Lcvu. C. A. TtJPPER, I'roprietor OccidcntaT Hotel. iSuula Kosa. Cal. rs Conrad Move PilKIKT' J UK. riTAlt iUKSiUY CPiiiBr Broaflalbin and First Sts., DEAI.EH IN uneil fruils, Cauneil J9Mtt, rleii Frntln. t'eicrlb'e, obix'co, :l n r . itiitnr ('. I iillfe, Tea. Klc Etc.. . 'erjthlng tlm. I fcepl In - r,a 1 . a ar.d groir- ore. Hlgbeal ., rk.t o raid for Ai'.K.HDS OF PRODUCE. ALBANY :OR. WRITSXAN & HULBERT BROS., t Pea! statt Agents Vrw and Rnnche for sale. Also city hnverty in Albanw and Cnryallis. il Highest of all in Learening Tower. ABSOIXJTELY PURE rronuuBced lloprfraK, Vrt Harrd. From a letter written by Mm Aila K Hun! of Jroton, S I), we quote: "Was taken . itli a bad co.ri, which settled on my Ludl'S, C)ii;;hs net in and finally terminated in Con unitiou. Four doctors yare me up siyin I cmjIU live but a ahort timo. I pave uiy vlf up to my Sayiour, determined if I could not itay with my ftiantli cn earth, I would nictt my ahient onea above. My husbaud as adv ued to cet lr Kin'a New Dii-cover- kvy lor I'linsumytino., (.Vuha ai.d Colda. 1 flave it a trial, tonkin all eil't bottles; it has cured me and thuk God 1 am a well &rm hearty woman." Trial bctth-a froa !at V'o lay & Majjon'sdru atore, regular size, 50c at.d 51. Orf- K i ding IMiotogmpliern A oiiy Oregon. Via have boulit all theneg.'itivt fctnado by i W Onrk and W H Green.vOdd up to Kov I ."itli, l.Sb'J. duplicates can be had from iium only of us at reduced ialen. vVe have tiifo 1S.O00 ueuativej made by our- fiflvtb, from which dtio.icatei can be had at ii!;e ia.e. We carry tbe on full line of viewi f this stato and do en! irg d work at loweit rttcs for brut cia" vurk. V e shall be I'le-at-ed tn aee you at our Stuilio in Froman's block, next door to Msocio IVn.ple. CATAKRH CUR ED, health "and breath ecured,by ShilutA Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. Fo thay 4i Masno, agents. This is what you ougn to have, n fact you must have it, to enjoy lift:. Tliouaarnlt are searching for it daily, arrt rcournintr be cause they llnd it not. ThouvamU upon theuaaiKa of dollars are apf ni anuudlly by our people in the hope that tbev mav attain thiahoou. And vet it mav ho hd hy ail. Wo guarantee that Electric Ilitterc, if ut-ed according direciiotm and tho ubo persisted in, vr . bring you good digestion and oust the dtMnon Dy?pepai aud iuntall instead Eupcpy. We recoinmt'ud Ekctric Bitters for .Jv'Hpciiio ar.d all niRcuse. of Llvc-r, Stomach and Kidneys. S'I1 at 50c and 81 per l.oitlo by leahay & Mason, druisla. HlirklPll's Arnirn Salve. The best Salve In tbe worM fol (.'un.Rnli9e,Sfr Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Fever s-ip, Trtler, (.'i.p hunrl!.. :liitltl.in9. Com., an,l all Skin Eriiptlo. t liitailivelveure. Pilei.or no nay reiiire-J. Itiasuar ntoeil tn'irivo perleeL aatiafaetion, or mnnev Tef-ml-d. Price i5 cenui ier box. For M,'.e by Foslmy ar.ii Mss.n FOI5 DVSI'Kl'SIA and ivcr Complaint you havfl a t riiitw juarffnlee on rvery bottle U !hiloh a Yitalizcr. It never fails to cure. Foshay & Mason, agents. Cloaks at cost nt W F Read'. lOO F. Albany Loote No 4 holds lt regular mectin:; h ednefday evening 01 each week. Visiting brothers art cordially nvitcd to altcnil. m MAuenrD with snEnjiAH TO THE SEA Tniafw-d nil tho way on foot, owr mountain and throuffh morass, carrying knapsack ana gun, slept on brusb heaps to krrp out of the mud ratiprht cold, from tlio elT?ct of which his friends thought he would never recover. Llnfrering with alow consumption for many yearn, bo aw Dr. Pierce (Jolden Medical Dis covery advertlsiM (n a country newspaper, and he determined to try it. A few bottlou worked a tuaiiffn: six months' continued usa cured him. Always too independent to ask bis country for a pension, ho now says M needs none. He befpod aavo his countrr, hs laved himself I Consumption is Luoff-scrof-Ula. For scrofula, in all its myriad forms, tbs ' D icovcry " Is an unenusled remedy. It cleansea the system of ma blood-tinU from what!ver catiso utelnr, and curt all Skin and Scalp Ditmsos, 8alt-rhum, Tetter. Rcse ma, and kindred ailments. Jt in fpiaranteod to benellt or cure in all diseases lor which II Is recommended, or money paid for It will bv refunded, bold by druijglsts. OopT right, I8S, by World's dis. Med. Ass'k. DR. 8AOE'S CATARRH REMEDY euros tbe worst cases, no matter of bow loot stSaOdioir. 60 cants, by drucgista. 4 1 s if f V. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1M9, CLF.VEIjAND and silvek Ex-PresiJcnt Cleveland has written a letter opposing the free coinage of silver, and ex pressing Ins apprehension that the result would be detrimental to the Let interests of the country. In thus expressing his views on a great oublic question, he antagonizes a Urge majority of his party, and thereby injures his chance", for the presidential nomination. II is party orgms are condemning him in all di rections. We think more of him than ever before, notwithstanding we do not agree with h m. 1 letter shos him to be a man of conviction, and not afraid to exnress them, We prefer such a man, even though we know he U against us, rather thanan offke seeking demagogue, who tries to govern his public utterances ! what he thinks is the popular sentiment, Political demagogues are the bane of the country. Men of principle, who have honest convictions ol public duty, and the courage to maintain them in the face of public clamor, are to be trusted. Such men will not disappoint us. We know where they will be found when the trial ccmes. 'IIe that swear- eth to his own huit and change! h not.' Ft nanciar. A few days since Bishop Bowman received a disatch stating that the court had confirmed bis appointments in the Iowa Conference by issuing a permanent injunction against his opponents. the ;: m 11: itiztAU, Has a large and complete line ol jioods, dolla, doll buggies, boys' wagons, ve ocipedes and many other goods which gol to make up a complete assortment, liesidos a complete line of lamps of every description. China crockery, fancy decorated ware, glassware, bird cages, plush goods, such as albums, toilet sets, autograph hooka, scrap books, children's A 11 C picture books, and all goods that are carried in a Jiazaar store, including Roger Ilros. 1847 silverware. We wish to call the attention of the public in par ticular to the (jolden Rule prize baking powder and tea, put up expressly for this tmde, which gives the best of satis faction, as is attested by the hundreds who have used both the tea and baking powder ever since introduced by the Golden Rulo Bazaar. Kach package of tea and can of backing powder draws a prize in the shape of a line piece of glass ware, lie sure to can, wnen in Aiuany, at the (ioldun Rule liazaar, you will he sure to find what you wa Jt, and will be shown over tbe store and be treated kindly by my clerk, Mr. Miller. My goods are "all marked in olain figures so iis not to deceive anyone, and I have but one prioe to all. Jm.ifs Gkadwoht.. Sufe nd Effective. drc'th's Pills are tho afct and mtt effect -ve remedy for indirection irregularity i.f tbe b.weix, const ipt lion, biliousncm, heifiache, dizzin.&s, inclam, or any disfe flrihin fnun on iuioure i-tat of the blood. Thev hfive ht en in no i-i thi country for over fifty uare, and the tl omands ;f uimn- ffeelnble testimoi'ia's from thoj-ewlio have ua?d ;!u'm, and their ci.iir.tntly iucreiiRtug BaJp.-iw iucmiroviTtihle ovidenre 'that th.- pcrlo 111 all that, ih chimed Br..Mi)rotli m rillrt.iro p jr;!y vegetaWe,al.-( hr.rm'e?fl and 'e to t ke at any time. ir'uM in every ding and medieb.e store, riiher plain nr 1 ugr-o wind . Wasted, to rent nn organ forpevtral montlis. Call at Xbf iemockat office. CKOUP, WHOOriKG" COUGH and P.nmt liitit liniv.edialily re'ieved by Shiloh't Cure. 'H ACKM KTA crnnt tiertunie. 1'iii-e i;.tiii g and 15 .") -3'fl shay iv Maon, rigrntfj, Ean Si Achiwn hasd tne c-lebratrd I'ortlaid cement walls fr Wiirctery lots. Thee wall cm be fnruici"d t half the coit ef any other ar.d are far superior. Sini.OH'S CUF.E will immediately re lieve Crnnp, Whoopir-tf Ouyh and Bronchitis. Fo-hay & Macon; agents. WnKRP.TO GetThkm When wanting n organ or niana call on G L Rlackman e you van select from a first class The ONLY pUw in the ty where Est -rn tickets can be ptirchns it of W. L. Jester, at the Southern Pacific Co ticket office French Tiy Wafers The for a remox period wafers are a sure and snte 1 n. ktndsof female tmublea arA w'!' all obstructions to the mom - h no mutter what the cause. 1 1 - 1 1 what every woman nrca 01 can b iscd with safety. For aale I tl Livingstone Chemical Co., also fron v soleoycnt, J A dimming, drugN Bi bcrgb.Kk, A Ibarv, Oregon. are ji TELEGRAPHIC NEWS Hunting mm Itaoraut Jury. Hillsboko, March 17. In the Sandy Oldt case only thtee jurymen were selected today out of the pai.el available, and deputies have been sent out for fifty more. Great stiess is laid on whether the prospective jurymen have been readers of the Oregonian; indeed great fastidiousness is exhibited in the Elec tion of jurors. Ii has, in lomti case, been impossible 10 tell w hy some have been rejected. Thursday morning is set for Sandy Okls's trial, anc it is 10 belr-p?d that by that time nine more men, who, being non-readers of the Oregonian, can be found qualified to serve the interests of justice. Another llest. UlLLSiiOkO. March 17. David RossMun roe, an old pioneer, from Scotland and through the Hudson bay service, died Sunday and was bui led today. It is supposed he was the oldest man in Oregon. In his youth he was drafted in the wars against Napoleon Bona parte tm was not in active service, as he was only 17 at the time of Waterloo. He arrived in Oregon in 1S42, and has resided here ever since. Men who are now old knew him as an old man when they were boys. Dudley Mun- roe nrs Deen supposed to he almost u living fossil for many years, though able to walk and iravei aoout until a tew weeks ago. I here can deno doubt that he was over loo years old, Tbe Grand Old Han. London, March 17. Gladstjne received a tremendous, spontaneous ovation today as he left Charing Cros. raihoad station for Hastings where on immrnrc crowd gathered at the depl, the crowd cheered itself hoarse. After Glad stone appeared the crowd broke the barriers and made a rush for the 1 Grand Old Man, cheering and waving their hands and hand khrceiefs. A numbar of extra-cnthusirstic admirers scrambled on top of the cars, ann yelled cheered and waved until the train, starting suddenly, threw several upon the trucks and platforms. Two were so seriously injured they had to be taken to the hospital Several others were seriously cut and bruised The F resident Conilnff. V. AftiuxGTOV, March 17. There U little doubt new but what President 'Har rison will go to tbe Pacific coist and ex pend his vUit to Oregon and Washington. Lieutenant Wykoff, who goes to Puget Sound to purchase the dry dock site, ex pects Secretary Tracy and the presidential party up to the Sound country in two or three months. It is rertainly Secretracy Tracy's intention to look over the coast of the Pacific Northwest and the secretary expected to be accompanied by the presi dent. A Ti rrlble Fxplusfun. Cairo, March 17. A terrible disaster oc curred at the arsenal of Omdurman. About too dervishes were killed by an explosion which destroyed numerous stores of ammu nition, and scut tc red the arsenal building and everything in tne immediate neighborhood. Tf rrlflc Mine Eplcslon. Girardville, Pa, March 17, A terrific mine explosion occurred near here today. Two men were blown to atoms, another fatally injured and others scrioimy hurt. Hoap.ders AVantkd, for table and on room. Inquire nt Deuocrat office. f-SB .Honey to Loan, We have plenty of money to loan on real estate security, on two to five years time. Call on us at oir alike, opposite th : icvere house. IlURKIIART 5 iEEN'EY. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by hat territ.Ki cough. &hifoh'j Cure is the Uemi dy for yi u. F;rllement Runs high in .Ibsny r.t Fohsy & Ma son's drug stora t er fttfin Knildtr, aa every bed v is usiic it for Caturrh of the t-nnach, Bycpepsi. Coistipattr.n uiid Im pure flood. Try it iid till your frbuds about it. as it must posr t woclcrful mrit wrun a'l epcak well of 1. For lame back, or s.uerhcst. Uio Shiloh a Porous Plaster. Price, 25ceutp, A su"e cure for (he whisky Mabit. I)r LivinLMton'a Antidote fur - run ennets will cute nnv case of the litpior 0 )it in trom ten to ii lti dhys, from tho 11 odtra t driuker to the (tinnl'ard. Thfl Aijtidote c u be given in ( cn of Cf-ffee without th ki owlerigc of tho perron taking ii-. Tho Antidote will not in jure the healtn in any way. Manufactured by the Livingston Ci.unical Co., Portland, Orriior cr from J A Cummin);, lolftgrHt Albuny. KHILOIPS VITALTZER is what v?o i:eed foi ( Vtnitipatinn, Lop o Appetite, U17-xi-ef, stid all ivmp'om of Djeptpin, t rice 10 and 75 cents per bottle. WHY WILL YOU when Shilob'a Cure will give immediate relief. Prire 10 centp, 60 cents and $1. Fcshay & MafCD, ageutc. F HILOH'H COUGH and Con-nmption Cup i sold by us no a uats -,tt. It 'jnres ooinnmption, Koshay ii Mssoti, agents. Otio half do!t ir reduction on eviry pair o Ludlow's fib rhoea A good line of them a S K Y.'ung's. Ju-t arrived a full line of ladie. chit drens inin and beys foot wear at G W Simphon'SfJnhich will bit sold at bottom price. W, , lbjd k-psthe best itssorffnctit of fancy g"cd in town. SHILOH'S C ATA IS I! II ItEMEDY a oositive cure for Catarrh, Piphthetin aid Canksr-Meu'ii. Koabay Si Mum i, ayei.ts. Tbe htht roait c th e in 1 1 1 tit a McyA Cut A