VOL. 1 JI. ALBANY. OBEUONfUKSDAY. MARCH 17, 1891. SO SC8 1HHST NATBONtl. 1IINK, 4 OF AI.HANY. OHKUOM, bHmI - L PI.ISN Tic. iWd-lit H. E.YtH'NO Chwr.... 11. W. LANGliO.N TRANSACTS A OKNKK.M, biuikuiiiuilnew. ii"ii:f.TH K K I I' auliliict to tiuilt. HUtUT KXCHAiNUK and ifl rliii transfer, 'M New York, tiim r'ntuclftcu, Chiuimu ami F 'i I land tuJXEtmoN? dADEon futurai.. lern:i. PIHtCTORJi j . E Yuma K, V, Lanoui.m L E Ulain. L. Kuan KUWARD I1 , BOX. Gents : Funiishiiisr : Good? L I NX ('. NATION. I. HANK, OF ALUAflY, OKKOON. : Wir.L BE :- CAPITAL KTUCK IIOO.OIX). Prmblont J L COWAN. rirr-1'r.ahkal J M HAI.STIIN. r.khlar ir.u K IIIAMI1KHI.AIN. Ai.t ( ulikr U A AlU.llllloLlt. II SSI'TUR, I L Cowan, J M lul.loii, Oon R duiulwrlitlii. W K Lul l. V II iiul.ru, J A Craw luril mill o A Arehibuld. TKANHA:TNritnr.il kiuiMtir business. DK.t.W frH.H'l iiitAKlr, ..11 Nuw Yurk, 8ao 11 1 t '.. ,1 1 Orwt bOAN MOSEY tin apptifil security KKl. bl VK tlepusit. tttiL iwul ctitK... For the Next 30 Days II Call ear'y aiHl get !ar Highest of all in Leavening Power. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE SANK OF OKEUOX. AI.HANY, iKUIMJ.l'. Capital, New York C. B. E. Store, . McFarland Block, ALB AN. &3D.O0O. Prt.idftit ....... Vive-1'rei.iiluil Casllt'-r II FMKIIIIII.I. K J 1.ASSIM! J.I Y BLAIN MiV STOlJE.tEa EY GOODS. Pronounced HopeleuM, Yet Buvcd. From a letter written by Mr Ada K Hunl of (ir'iton, 8 L, wo quote: "Was taken with a bad cold, which settled on my Lungs, coughs set in and dually terminated in Con numption. Four doctors cave tne up Baying 1 ceuldlive but a short time. I pave my self up to my Saviour, determined if I could not ktay with my friends cd earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband tths advised to feet UrKmn s ISow Discover-I ery for Conaumytion, CV-u-lm and Colds. 1 i;ave it atrial, took in alt eight boltlet; it has cured m and thunk God lam a well and hearty wman." Trial bottles free at Fn shay & Mason'sdrug store, regular size. jiOc and $1. The Santiam mines are declined to prove a potent factor in the near future in promoting the financial and business growth of Albany Mr Blaine if pushing his reciprocity right alone. lie will be as distinguished a free trader in 1S92 as he was a protectionist in 1SS8. He is depending upoa this scheme to make him president in 1892. Tnitmkcln n I'i'iio-nl lt;ilikiti'r lnn!i:PH Kvrh.in.-.- ....iiirlit ami wld 011 ml the prtiHpat citiu in llt; I'niio'l .Stiitw 1 ftlwi Kii'Untl, ) rein ml. t'..lluclii.nit matlc it all ad.TM.Mu points on favor- aide tenm. AKK F K 1 If KCIO, OHF.UIIN. 3IITCIIELL. & LEWIS CO. jjka lkiw In gLittsiUssral SsssI-emcBls & Vehicles r Prtiht'lciit Viw Pivsi.knt ... tV-'iiur J 8 M .rri, 11 Uiyant DIKtXT K: J S M i;ki Ji:kk SlvM-.rt o a Mav V O Smith. tliH. irciicral lmiki:.' an-l t'Xrnnnso iniiioP. Kii.kl itr:ift irtSlluil on Aloiii.. 1'urLUiid fcii'l KriiiicUvu. wi'ia-"." wj1'-" 'Wo.Vr One tiling is sure; unless the friends of Cleveland and Hill cease their wrangling.Xew York will not have u place on the next presi dential ticket. 1 here Is some excellent dem ocratic presidential timber west of the Alle- ghaney mountains. - t ding IMtotographer A any Oregon. Wo have boueht all thenecativc f madp b L W Oark and W H (ireei ood up to Nov 15th, lSSi). Duplicates can bo hud from hem oulv of in at reduced lates. Wo have also about 1S.000 negatived made by our seWe, from which duplicates can we haa at like 1a es. We carry the on y fuii line of viewi t i this state and ilo etilarj; d work at lowett rites for first clasp work. e bhall be pleased to seo you at our Studio in fromau s block, next door to Masonic iVn.plo. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS M Do Nothing. New Orleans, March 16. Things haye quieted down here now. The telegram from Secretary Blaine was sent direct to governor Nichols, and referred to Attomey -General Rogera. The attorney gereral is making an investigatian of Saturday's proceedings. Prison officials say they recognized some of the persons on the inside of the prison, and their numes, it is understood, have been for warded to the attorney general. Some indict ments may follow, as a formality, but so great is the number of people concerned in the kill ing, it would be impossible to arrange them all or to secure a conviction in case they should be arrested. Two Men Drowned. Port Ludlow, March 16. - James Buckles and Oliver S Hinsdale, both clerks for the Puget Mill Company, at Port Gamble, left there in a sailboat yesterday morning for a hunting trip to Rice's cove. This morning the boat was found on the beach a mile noith of Port Ludlow, half filled with water, and in it was Buckles' body, which had become fastened in some wpy to a seat. The Puget Mill Company, at Port Gamble, was notified at once, and the steamer Yakima is now out looking for the remains of young Hinsdale. The Springfield Union (Rep) is worrying because it sees a possibility that the democrat, ic majority in the next congress will expose itself to possible obstruction on the pnrt of the minority." Oh, bless you, the republicans in the next congress can't obstruct anything. T'.iere are hardly enough of them, when they are all present, to call for the yens and nays, and when 1l1.1t is done their obstructive power is exhausted. )OKTMNI MIYIXCIS BASK, Paul up capital. ...... ... Surplus aitit prx.Hu .... wvwo lot'oniU M ft'llo' ,4 per cent ikt annum. .0 par wiit par annum. Interest allowed on mwlnj,' Oiiorititinrv aaviwjit l-ok .. On term nivhia Ixmks cm .frtifliMtet of ilL-miflil. Tor three montlit -I pr cent per annum: For aix mouth' f' Pr wm- per annum. I or twelve month- it pur rent 'r numiu rilVNK I K h I ' , rremueui 1. P. THOMAS" iS Vii-e-Proiitletit. II. 0, HTltArroX, Caslikr, Albany IRONWORK Mnuufa(!tuv?rH of 1EAM EKC1NES CRIST AHD SAW WILLKACHiNEP.y IRON l-KONTS A0 ALL KIFOS OF HEAVY AHD LIGHT WORK, IN IRON M!D BRASS CASTINGS. iml allBution ji.iit o . palrlnit ll (Ih ol' uiaehiner Fa'nr.ns Made un Short Kotict ItenlK'.nrk 0rS1.1l ;((ln in Hie Va iVi Bnil llin iikixi niar .ki prices, Ixuh ii t, h'IIiiij;. 1 lixve ou liiin'i II t'ltttn FUllfllTURE, STOVES, TIHWARE TRUNKS, BOOKS, PiUTURES i CLOCKS, CSOCKFRY, ETC., ETC. Jo.r west of S E 'Voudk's oi' Biors L. COTTLSiS Coins :zl ?ce !Is. HEALTH IS WEALTH alb ast, mm. mm m , WEST'S N( -rve nr..t Rniin Tr.rttr.iri t lIt R L"l V..!.i. Vi.llr.it.rl-, Ill-ail ll'lt ,'l"l,ltltl , OKKGON Pntralimi eiioi hy the tin i.f aletilml or luhn-ci. Wakeful itef. .Menial lepress'n, is(toniu-; 'f the Pmi. re-uliini,' in iiinaniiy nl Icu'Hnif t' iiihcri, Jivtf, yiliieAth, pnttwture uld a'e, bArrctriet-i. lft if I., t cauneil hy uver-exerti'Hi of tlm prmii Katli U. -oiiinin- me nn-iuhV tnatimrtit, 1 a imx :p ix lo is for $.'1, iit by mail pre;i.inl on receipt o price. wk (;r.itvn:K six poxes to critE any caw. tVitheai h onler re.-ehe.l hv tw t-r nix txxt. awniianitiiwitli'i, e will winl the piir.-hiwrur wriutiiu.uaiitee to rcfiiml themonej il the trcat- tiictit dK.i not cflett a eure. Guarantee wnueu only 1 ln-.l. A.i'uriiminj. ItniL'i"!, airunt, Alh'in, Or, J CRY OF MILLIONS OH, TUtV BHCKl STOP IT NOW, SOON IT WML BC TOO LATE. T have teen troubled many years with disease of the kidneys and have tried many different remedies and hav; wiiiRht Qid from different physicians without relief. Alwut the 15th of Apn I was sutl'erinir iVom n very violent nttack that almost prostrated me in Mich a manlier tnut I was bentver. ;en I at down it was almost impossible lor me ret 1 p nlone, or to put on my clothe!, wlir m! I riivideuce sent Dr. Henley, witn t KIMN1-:y ll'.A, 10 my "r- hotel. I imiueUiaieiy cotiuucnceu Uiiinc the tea. it had on almost miraculous effect, and to the aston irlum.ut of all the Ruests at the hotel, in a few davs.I am nappy to state, that I was a new man. - will; recommend the tea to oil aftlicteul i. I li-vg been. 'THE i C. A. TIIPPER, l'roprictor Occidental Hotel. Sac la Ksa. Cat. I 9- CATAHRH CUIiFlD, l.Mh'and wed breath secured.by Shii. Catai rh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Jaaal Irijectr trea. fu shay & Mafon, agents. Te Canadian government is wrestling with the question as to what shall be done with E J ward Farrier and other annexationists It is proposed to banish them as a punishment for treason. Caesar had his Brutus. Charles the First his Cromwell, Gecge the Third his Washington, and Queen Victoria may profit by the example. If this be treason make the most of it. S. W. Paisley, Albany, ornon WHOLESALE DEALER. IN Tobacco and Cigars. KEAL ESTA'l'K FOR &ALE.-I hnve a farm ui ziu noiw, nor Lowson uenot. n Hie l.nrrow Oruko. 10 miles from Albany. All In cultivation. Fair houm nl 6ai .... fur stor". nil domestic nnrponei. Fine oak gr Al.o miottier farm ol 128 acres, (href . no.n Utbun-m. All In ouHlvatl Fair homo. Oood water. Kotli p wheal farm. Alao house anil twe .ut on Fifth n.i .I-ITuMnn streets, A.lmtvv. For tium tt partifiilar csll on . Umphrey.Centoi nrecinot, or Hewitt Irvinx. All'any. j,, A UMPHKEli Plflt o t aelrnowlir!(P!d ttio Irsrllnr retneily lo.' (lonnrrhira A- filtU Tho only who remftly for X.eacorrhipaorWbltea preHcrlue uann ieoi Mfo In reenmmending it oiiCi to all milTorcr., A. J.BIUM'.rl. PI. V 1 IFI'ATl'R. 1LX. KoTil tT Irnirirlata. mm ituNSintw Eh MfJooirM - NjarJaStti rlORE POWER WATER EiipepM'. This is what vou outrn; to have, n fact vou must have it, to enjoy life. Thnusauds are searching for it dailv, and .mourning Ve- cause thev flr.d it not. Thousands upon theuandn of uollars nre spmt annually by our pcopto in the hope that they mav attain this boon. Aud vet it may be had by all. Wo enaratiteo that Klectfio titters, it ed ncuordii't? directions and 'he use persisted in, w bring you cnod dietion and nut the demon Dvsrcasi and intill instead Euncpfy. We recommend Electric Bitters for )inriiia find all iiiseases of Liver, Stoinach'aud Kidneys. Sold at 50is and $1 p'ei 1 ottle by 1 ohay & Maaou, druyists. l.itcklen'M Arnica Salve. TTlia hort Salve in the world f.H Ctit.rtniije-.Sr.r Ulcer. llt Itheuin, Kver s -r. IVUer, Chajip t,.,,j. i i,.,Kiiii t-i.l nM Mkiti Ernt'Uo i nit:velvciireii l'ilc.or at inv rv-inre.l It l cunr ntccl to'icirs perfect natifaoti"ii, or moni-v iefi'l d. Price 5 cents per hnx. For s'e by Foihay ami Uasrn FOU DVSPKI'SIA and liver (Vm-'mnt you have a nrinT guarantee on every bottlf of Shilnh s Yit.-ilizr-r'. it never fails to cure. Foahay& Ma"n, ageuta. Cloaks ot cost nt W F Read's. lOOF Albany Loot;c So 4 holds its regular int'ctinj? Wednesday evening of each week. Visiting brothers are cordially nvited to Attend. and get and use LESS Tr.'ir, v,r. Vftw 1 1 1 ittrntcil CAtnloeue ot 1K01. THE LEFFEL WATER VHEEL&.E?iG!?i CO. SPR!NGF1ELD,0., U.S.A. 1VP v v arts I'ir. t ly VouvuIp! Ill pay ll!ft" orniMit. iW-pr;!-1: CKi'ti'hle i.lwr pr I) -iiipni-'l wlih. Th' BP ly VC Biltlr !.!! 1(i in no ;--'i'ihie innr.ufaPtiiml oiilj Iff Ziitt JOUN C. WEVi" CUif ASY, CUIU.IU, J A unmittis, Aaeiil ri't'lt . . . . Tin: j:ri:r,n.tTL t fs SSV13TH & WESSON ' Tho Fino:l Small Am? Ever UtsAtW. It Usriml!jp""g'i'ivi " IS H ri.n 1 1 .let rt'-i.!' i wr,B!M.fiSli:r' il.id I! H COSVENItSCf li W LOADING ar.ii SAFETY. Beware of clicap Iron Imilatior.s.ti u Swd fcrltlustrattd Ciialwce tri r.-; ? SMITH t: WES3CM, Ki .sTl.vr.r .-;;.. .imas." fcjHBw,n!",,,iniStBB'B Tl t. . v THELPS, Job Printer, JTist.st Evprers O Albany Conrad Mver. -.pKi.ImriT':4 OV STAli I5AKE11Y Coi-ner Eroadalbin and First Sts,, DEALER TN tuuiirriiil, C'Hnne Weiii, lansv.rr, rlen Frails. nlrucno. oCrr. tl . vs VricctalrllrM. t'lXB! . Ten. 'wylhlng that l kepi in . on TFtd irrorerj iro. Highest T aid for THE .OI.l:M It I LK B.lZ.iAR, lias a large and complete line of goods, dolls, doll buggies, boys' wagons, ve ocipedes and many other goods which &o to makuiina comoleto assortment. besides a complete line of lamps of every description, tjnina crocKery, mncy Uecoratea ware, umssware, oiru caes nhish troods. such as albums, toilet sets aulopraph booka, scrap books, children's A 15 C picture books, and all goods that are carried in a Bazaar store, including Roger Rros. 1S47 silverware. AVe wish to call the attention of the public in par ticular to the Golden Rule prize baking powder and teay put un exprepsly for this t-ade, which gives the best of satis faction, as is attested by the hundreds who have used lotli the tea and baking powder ever since introduced by the (iulden Rule Razaar. Each package of tea and can of backing powder drawa a nnze m the share ol a hue niece ot glass ware. Re sure to call, when in Albany, at the (rolden Rule Razaar, ss you will be sure to find what you wt..t,'and will be shown over the store and be treated kindly by my clerk, Mr. Miller. My goods are all marked in nlain figures so as not to deceive anyone, and I have but one pri .-e to all. Ji-i.ira GiMDWoiiii. Nitre mid Iv.rn five RinulretiiV Pi I la aro thn safest ami moot eflfectlvo remedy for indirection irrnaniarity 4,1 the b. we!,' confttip'itinn. bilioimnecw, lieft'ljiehe, d.zir.st maU:ia, or any disease Mrisintf fnm an impure r-tatu nf tha bhicd. Tliev hav been in uaoin thin couolrv for f.vcr fifty eaif, and the tl-ouinds of i:nim ptcelMblo testiinoi.iala frr-m ihonewho haxe UErd 1hem, and their c.tnttntly increasing silc. i iucontrnvrtible evidence that tin) prrfc m a;l that isclstnii'd fur item. Braudrelirt Yi ln sro purely vegetable,al -eolti'.fely hsrttil'its and r-n'o totite at ary Time. idl l in evrry druc and incdiciuo ctore, either plain or tuif'r -rotted W.'.ntkf, ton nt. an organ for several months. Call at tho Democrat office. Alt)0'llteb o. Pendleron, March 16. Delegates repre senting various precincts in the Umatilla irri gation district met representatives of the Uma uU Irrigation Company at Pendleton for the purpose of discussing the terms and conditions under which water is to be supplied to farmer on the completion of the proposed- irricattnt? ditch. The ditch will be about eight miles long, and will reclaim thousands of acres of avid lands. The estimated cost of the ditbh. inclnning reservoirs, will be upwards os $1500 000. w or on tne ditch is to commeoce as soon as contracts for 50,000 acres of lands are secured. The completion of the ditch Dromises to dounle the taxable value of property in the county. Water rents will amount to $200,000 per annum. A Vlltnge Hunted. Highland, N Y, March 16. The entire business portion of this village was destroyed by a fire tonight. Clarence Ellis, 80 years old living in a tenement house, was burned to deaih. The loss will not be less than $100, 000. Forty or fifty families were rendered homeless and as the weather is very cold there is considerable suffering. (.ambling Excitement. Paris March 16. The Monte Carlo direc tors are alarmed at the recent heavy losses. Yesterday the gamblers won 20.000 fram:s. The past week has been oie ol the most dis astrous ever experienced. The rooms were crowded with people, watching the unprece dented luck of the players. Ex-Kovernnr Robinson Vying. ElMira, N Y, March 16. Ex-Governor Robinson is lying dangerously ill at his home in this city. He is in his Slst year. Money to Loan, We have plenty of money to loan on real etate security, on two to five year time. Call on us at our o I rice, opposite in t evere nouse. BURKIIART S SENEY. For Sale. $500 to $1000 of household furniture In exchangevfor Improved real estate. Inquire at office of Oregon Land Co. January 22nd, 1S91. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made mieerable by ' hat terrible cough, yhiloh'a Curo is tho Retmdy for yt u. 'Excitement Rons hifih in llrmy at. Fofhay & Ma son's dtu(( ston v er Sfctrin Builder, as every hod v is usii g if, fur Catarrh of the St'tu. ach, DysoepMn. Coristipniion and Im pmo Mood. Try ic i d tell vour friends about, it i it must posi swuirWtful in.rits - when a-1 rpeak well of n (Us.Kl&DS OFKOCIiCE. ALBANY lOR. WR1TSEUH & EULBEBiT BROS,. Pea! stat Agents Frm ami Ranche. fur .al. Al.tt city brocrty in Alhan and Uoryallil. DB nAUCHED WITH BHERMAN TO THE SEA I Tnnlsnl nil tho war on foot, orrr rnorjntaln ami tlirouirli momM, oarrjinK knaiwii'K and gun, .lint on brush heap, to keep out of tbo niuil, cautrlit colli, from tho effecta of which hi frlitndti thouirht he would never recover. Llniritrlmr Willi .low consumption for roarjf earn ho aw Dr. l'lerco'a Oolilcn Medical Ii covery a,lverttaed in a country newpaicr, aod hn determined to try It. A few bottle. worVni a chance: six months' continued use cured him. Always too Independent to ask his country for a pension, ho now soy. he needs none. Ilo helped sovo his country, lis avcd himself I Consumption Is I,ijnir-scrof-uln. For ti rof ula. In all ita myriad forms, tb. "I).covcry" Is an uneouslcd remedy. It cleonsia tho system of all blood-taints from whatever enusn arislnfr, and cures oil Hkln and Sralp Dlseaara, Salt-rheum. Tetter, Ecze ma, and kindred allmenta. It Is (piaraiiUsad to benellt or euro In all diseases for which It Is reeomm'-nded, or money paid for It will be refunded. Bold by drugguta. CopTriiht. IBS, by Woblb's dii. id. Ass'rt. DR. 8ACE'S CATARRH MMHDY curm the worst enai s, no matter of how loaf taadimr. SO cenu, by druwuita. CIIOUP, WIIOOliKii COUGH and Mrom hitis iinitteiliali ly relievtil hy i)hil(ih's Cure. "llAOKMKI'fli h,,' iiirtsitg and (rriuil pe-fume. 1'iiee 5 ai 1 ."1 o mi sliny U Manni, PRei.ts. Kiis:i & Achion hi::' I" tne celelirnted I'ortli ml ceinmit walla f.ir !ni'etery lots. Thcue wa'l" can he furni-1,-,1 at half the cost of any other nml ara far superior SHILOM'P CUKE will Imiw-'iatelv ro lieve Croup. Whooiinc Coiiijh srrl Bronchitis. FO'hay & Jlason; aurnts. WnRRETO Gbt Thkm. When wanting an oruan or niara call on G L niackrt.an hc c you :an select from a first class - V- Th. OWI.Y iilaeo in the ty where East .intnt. can h unrcha. is of W. L Je.ter, at the t'oathern Taoifio CoY ticket office Frrarb Taasy Wafers. wafers are a sure and safer- cifi. klnclsof female trouhlet. ar.c w".' oil obstrucilons to the monit U no metier win! the cause. 1 1 i -what every woman necc , fti can b icd with safelv. For sale t tl IJvln.stone Cliemlcni Co.. also fron t" sole nj:ent, J A dimming, rlrug(ls', Bi bcrgli)ck, A Ibarv, Oregon. The for n rcmo period nre ji For lame hack, or s.iie i hest. uie ?m!oh Porous FJadter. I'rice, 2j cents. A su-e core for I he uhii:y labit; Hr t.iviuufctnn'fl Ar tiflnte for . iirn- etmess will cne nnv case of tho liquor rf l.il in trem ten ro tltltiy dtiys, trnrn tho it octriii ilrluker to tin, ililiiikairl. 1 lie Antidote c n he given in i cuuef ci-nVo witliiiit th krowk-ilge of the person takuij; il. The t nt:dr.te will not injure thr henhn in spy wsy. Mbuufsclnrcd l.y tho LivinuEton Chpmical Co.. Portland, Orison tr from J A Cummiuff, 'oiesgent Alhany.J SlULOH'fj VITAMZICR is what oo need foi (.Minstiviitiop, I.ces of Appetite, Ihz X'.os, end nil s iiiptoms of Djspcf.ir. I lice 10 snd 73 cent, per buttle. WHY V1 I.I. VOU couth when Ktiiloh'a Cure will give iir.niediate relief. Price 10 cents, CO ceuts aud $ 1 . Koshay k Mason, agents. FHII.OH'S COUCH and Consumption Cut is sold hy iinoii a pitat. t,e . It cure, consumption. Koshay .St Msson, scouts. Ono half dollar reduction on every pair o Ludlow's lin shoes A good line of them a 8 E Youtic's. Just ariived a full line of ladirs, chil dren., men, snd bey's foot wear at O W Siinp.on's,Jhich will he so!d at bottom prices. W. V, Kind k.-psiiie het actnrtn'cnt of faucy (ii cda 'i Iomi'. SHII.0HS CATAItliH IIF.M EDY a poHilive elite fur Cstiinh. Ihphthftia snd Csnkej-Mtnii. Fi'Shay & Mssi-n, nf;ebts. The bert iom t ci lh e in If.r Mey. r,. citv .11 TtABB A I1HII-K, 1H