Sltttlij democrat LOOK AT THE FKil KtS. There were two important changes in the usual proceeding! during the closing hours of the Fifty-first congress. No unanimous vote of thanks was allowed to be recorded to the retiring speaker, and no estimate was given by the chairmen rf the proper committees of the totals of the ap propriation bills. The first was caused by the universal disgust created by the rulings of Tom Reed and by his repeated resort to direct falsehood to enable his party to override publi3 sentiment. The second was due to the unwillingness of partisans equally as careless of honor to reveal at once the full measure of their profligacy. There was gall enough In the cup of Mr Cannon and bitterness sufficient In the fii ture of Mr Allison to make both these statesmen seek to hide the consequences of a degree of partisanship never dreamed of by those patriots who saw in this tend ency greatest dangers to the nation. But these be spots that will not .out at the demand of republican conspirators. One thousand million dollars is the sum named as the cost'to the people of a re publican congress. This is the amount to be raised by taxation from a people who were promised that their prosperity was assured by the return to power of a party pledged to a reduction of their burdens. It 1 (or this Tom Reed has counted quorums of members not within the municipal limits of the capitol. It was for this democrats were ousted from seats to which they had been elected. For this the precedents ofa century have been overthrown. To the picture thus presented the people w ill give due heed. They will see no hope of better times in outrageously swollen tax lists. tight dollars per capita is to be drawn from the people as the lesult of Reedism. Not to be drawn from rich and poor alike. Monopoly is to profit by tribute levied un dei the false plea of protection. Labor Is to be burdened that petted manufacturers may .amass other millions to be drawn up on for the next campaign of fraud. Turning to the details of this steal the people will find no redeemable feature. They aie not to be taxed to reduce their bonded debt. They ire not to pay now that future payments may be lessened. The pension list is mounting to alarming figures after a generation has passed since the war closed. The last of the great gen erals passes to his grav e, but the army of pensioners grows apace. There will be soon no high officers to review the ranks of pension heroes marshaled in their raids on the treasury by the Tanners,Clarksons. and Dudleys. Sixty millions Is the apparent increase between two congresses, but the proper statement of the account when the defici shall be known will pass the hundred million mark. Meantime the surplus has disappeared, and the incoming congress will be forced to the consideration of a dericit in revenues swollen to nearly $500,000,000 a year. Party organs which rang the changes on a cry that the surplus would dlsippear under a democratic ad ministration are dumb'in face of the fact that their party has offered the people prospect of increased debt and higher tax ation. Republican policy has been demon. strated to be for a reduction of revenu and Increase of taxation. It will be for the democrats In the next congress demonstrate the possibility of increased revenue through decreased taxation There will be no shirking of the issue thu framed. The party claiming to stand for honest money and casting its votes for fiatlst will not marshal the hosts that must make return to honesty and frugality I administration a pressing question. The republicans have deceived the people. Let democrats take up their canse and reform will follow. The Chicago Times. The Salem Jrmtl,in a sound moment ,says "lothe rather of Lies with misrepresentation: and prejudices for partisan purposes." , devoutly trust that this new-born zeal for the truth on the part of our cotemporary may ripen into a permanent characteristic of that paper. The reported likeness of Mr McKlnlcy to the great soldier-statesman of France' days of glory is more than a physical re semblance. History records the fact that the exile of St. Helena continued to the end to nurse the delusion of the return of his "star of destiny." If the Ohio itatcsmnn has not yet read the verdict of the Anieri can people upon his method of bulMlngup a plutocracy by high taxation he may well be left to cherish his delusion In political exile. The star of McKinleylsm has set never to rise ayain. Most of the democratic papers of the state approved Governor Pennover's veto of the wagon road bills because they be lieve they weie cleirly constitutional But it is not true, as stated by an exchangt that they all endorse his views on the World's Fair matter. A majority of them favored an appoprlation. It is rumored that our foxy Secretary of State, Mr Blaine, Is to be sued for S 1,000,- 000 by the widow of the late Gen. Barrun- dia. Mrs Parrundia evidently believes in reciprocity. She says: "You take my husband therefore you pay me Si.coo,- Palsley & Smiley, The Printers, Fllnn Block NEW A D VE KTIIS EM EXT 3. i7ORSAi E-Tvro fresh milk co's. Icquiro of W W Crawford,, tfORSALE OR EXCHANGE I. cuh, or e: Mschii -I will tell cVittp for L.E.BLAIFS COLUMN, Call at tbe Kuss huute. J. II. IKlWAItD. 'TIREa-.TJRER'S NOTICE,-!:! pu.Mi- . Knee oi an oraor or county court, holders ct county warrauts are reqtiest-d ... I'ltwut me Hums to ma ior payment, Interest will cent aftar Mirch 0. Iti'Jl. W. E CUKL. County Treasurer. rpo RENT. A store room 22x90 fee M. suitauietor business; centrally locate for particulars call at office or on Jas V Pipe. the Democra "E HONEY TO LOAN. In .mull ti,i ItJsL large amounts, from six months to nve yearn, on good Albany and Linn county real estate. Call on or address W E McPherson, First St., Albany, Or. TWOR-ES FOK SALE One sorrel M norse. years old, weight 1400. One grey norse, o years old, weight 1100. Also wagon, hack, harness, etc. Will sel for cash or exchange for otber property. Call at store opposite Kuss house. R- A. FRY. NOTICE. TO THE TAX-PAYERS OF LINN county The delinquent tax roll m nst be returned to tbe olerk, April 1st 18 M All persons owing tutes are here, by notified to make payment Immedk re ly, for if taxos are not paid by that date they will te delinquent arid I will be compelled to lerr and sell nrnruFti- tn collect the same, as the tax must be col . ected. Dated March 6, 18)1. M. SCOTT, Shenffanil Trx Collector lloi.MKs lH'siNss College, of Portland Or. will open Sept. 1st. J A AVesco, the ivuuiiiK puuiunn 01 1110 coast, lins become n partner in this school nnd will make it the leading business college. 8end for'a cniniogite. Mathews & Wahhurn's Line of stoves aud rouges, to hake They take the cake, why The best to buy, no lie. Its boss on pie or fry. Buy one and try, ch my. Before you dio anil get into the sky. m m Business Change. Sul Tl, for a long time wttn San wa, a heap good man who sancs tile laundry business, has bought out Lee's laundry near the Revere House.and win nereairer run it. Mattstactton guaran ccd. New Blacksmith Shop. G iV Willis has just complete his blacksmith shop at the corner of Second and Railroad streets where all kinds of Iron and wood work can be had and done In first class order nrlng on youi plows, wagons, etc., etc for repn 1 r A JiASAI free with each boitlo f Shiloh s Cntnrrh Itmnody. Price CO cents. Ko-riR.y,!c Mason, agents A WILL YOU SUFFKP. with Dyspepsia and Liv.r C.implaint? Slnloh'sJ Vitaliiwr is guaranteed to cure y.iu. EMORY I Mind wandering cutM. Books l..nji m omrium, To.tim,,,l (rom JjJ pnrtH of tbes oba.!- I!"AJ!J!PP1W. to Prof. A. Uwu, KJ7 Kith An. New f "Vi are now ready for Spring trade with the largest and host selected stock of Clothing that Avill be shown in the county this season. TWO MEN AND ONE l!OY FOUND .HEAD!! While trying to Crowd then DEY0E & FRGftSAN BROS Store, whire tlitv ulwa8 have on hand the I artiest Mock MMiih of, of the lateot Improved Kitles nnd Shot Gun; an immense Mock of l"ihin luckle of everv description; J cuts. I laminockti. Camp Chair and tuousaiuli oi ether thing too mimerou to mention .Repair Shop Ln connection with the Store, nnd one of he bctt workmen in the Male to do unv md ad kindi of work. Come one. Come all: No rouble to how goods. "Small pro lit mid quick nifs" ib otii motto. BOOK TO COVER. I All varieties and patterns to most fastidious. of styles please the We have many fine makes including V INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY Everyone A no I T Talks arge and Choice Display of Drv Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes. Etc., Etc., Etc., rncludini; many novelties. A fmo lino of Fcaletto JaeV "Pio 0 Fnnf tn tfif: VoQt Tint. Ha flnn rtn it. nun fin Hi 111? I 1 UUU VO XIV VllV 4 VUV VUU MW KUU VU iU UUK HJ j ALLEN BROTHERS, Wholesale s retail Grocers i...... . stfljgiillil.l.3! JlJIt . syj STKANEY & JfAGLEY," PROPRIETORS OF THE City Liveiy, Feed id Sale -S T ABL E .- Pun geaeral Hack line to and from Coivotlis. Bent rigs srii rheRpi.t ttAm la the city. Hpeeia' attention Riven tt oini oiuck. rourtn street, between "" ana i,jon, Alliany, Oregon, J. A. Cummisg. Wan Pape I3rugrs, laint. Oils. Olntsts, l'Zt(-. , Then wo have the full line of mens', youths' and boys' clothing in the A bany Woolen "ills goods, that we specially recommend to the public for trial, The largest stock of Mens' I Shoes in the citv. including many celebrated makes, Hats, from Stetson's best down to a two bit straw. Cannot enumerate Furn ishing 'i Goods every de partment full. A GRAN D iUVCa for tho Family. K-hool, c-r 1'n.f,- r-ionai l.ii'rarj Tbe Ar.thontlo Wolistor's Una. bridged Dictionary, couiprisiufr tho issaes of "it) AS '3-1, copyrighted proporxy ortuo ncucrsiii'iu, is lioutr Thoroucbly Rovisod and Enlnrced. andas adistiUKnishint; title, boars tno naato or Wobstors iutorua tional Dictionary, Editorinl wni'lc nnnn tlitv vnvititnn Has boon in notivo proftress for ovor Ton Years. Not lets tliun One Hun dred paid editorial laborers liave oeen on;ar;cu upon it. Over 8.100,000 expended in its preparation beforo tho iimt copy was printod Critical comparison witb any otber Dictionar' is invited. Oct tue Bont, G. tt C. Mi;i;l:iMt i ( ., I'nlutnlirrs. Kprlnt-ll. lil. im , V. H, A. Sold by all Hooksvllcrs. lllutruU .iLtnli: -t irur. C1CSARS, T03ACC0, APriD CHOICE FRUITS OF All KIN3S, IIM LARGS OK SMALL SQU AIMTIT1ES. IN THEIR SEASON Plinn Block -:- -:- :- n;-:- ALBANY, OREGON INSIJUK IN TJIi: ANNUAL MFETING -Notice Is here by given that tliecnnml mnetlnirnr the stockholders of the Albany HulldliiK Association will be held at tho ndt ni the Albany E ectrlo Llht Co.. or Broad albin street, in Albany, ,n Monday, March 16 1891, at 7.30 p in. for the elec Uon of directors, anil such other business as may come before tbe meeting. Baled Feb 20 lull. N II Allk. W C Twkki alk. Secretary. Previderl. & M state I Loan Brtrker. lllce. BALTIMORE BKICK. nolnsr nensrst tmiifinrs inrirm, ;rsrtlc Ali:XT8 roK Anna Insaranrr mpnr, Inrorrnrs-td 1 ,M P1'!" 1 I'ftlU III ,M0 . wo.uoo. Atu,,;o,rit.,(B, nsrtlliin Ins. ('onipsny, nt Lonilni, Enirlsml buklislMl 181 i.p.ill, 16.0110.000. lotil are Amrrlrnn lire Ins. fi.ninnnr. of TMiI..i.i.,ii. Mi,m-.i iKio. tiIUKU,ti,Mi,m. i;,,:: INlid, SUI.MIO.aW. iMts nliinitiln Fir Wnrlne Ins. 4'mnnnr. 1 .ru.n.i, ur acI., S-W.sia.w. Shiii, ,,,'s . Onvxi s Iks! ctiiiiuvs. Have used cash thisj-ear during tight times east and can offer genuine bar gains in all my departments. L. E. BLAIX. "VTOTICE TO CON"-KACT0RS.-Con tractors and t ulldera dosiriiir to bid 00 the construction ot the new United frcsDvterian church Iml k m. tnlm ort en at me ait or tho old l.uildimr, will una tne plans and spi-cilicatlonN for tl.i samo. at the wore of Stewart A .Sox. 'I lie date 01 opening bicis will bo announced ucreaner. of Albany, Oregon, Safe, Sound; Conservative WILL & LINK. Music - Dealers, Xnilrc our hM ofrinno- ALBANY!! NURSERIES I y E H AVE ON HAND at our nm-aery TT on ilie Ccrvallls road, one-half nile from town, as line a lot of fruit Tees of all kinds as can be found any. There on the coast. If you contemplate llsntlnc trees It wl,l pay yon to reeour lock snd pit cur pihfs. t ialc(iue flee. HVMAN A DHOW-NELL. Custom - Chopping, Wo iHve r.n band at all timet, bey, outs, and chopj ar.d i 1 soM in nuaii f.y to suit. Alo ', bJuubt nnd ild. fFarmers, brlnjr u yrur wi-ent, ont an 1 liny. Illghest csnh price paid. Morris & Blount, Corner Firs! nnd HakorstruiU II. F. DULLER J. ISAUEIt & CO. VOSE & SON f The most popular piano among'he worH't I I'ainous l'lanlsta. Colebrated for lta brillhncf. finlMb and durability. ' (The boat medium priced plain 1 in tuo market. I'alnre nml Earlmir Moiiho I'rooT OrRHiiN, (iullurK, Violins aad unssHBt?nsrt tt npeciany. AKentsforthe New Home, KMi-ide It. nnd oiher Sowing Machines. Supplies for all kliula ol few'nu Machiiiea. We cuard our customers interests and guaran'ee eatisfaction. We al.o carry a mil a-sorlnirnt of Mnslc and Music Hooka. Cor. Second and Terry sts., (.Vend for catalogue.) AlTaany, Or. AT Reasonable! PrioB3, KT G-IVE BIumbcrg'M Block, .Y compjeto line ol O enis li'virnisli.iiigs- Albnny, Oregon. THE JOURNAL OF SOCIETY. E. D. MANN, proprietor. rcBUSHTO (New Yoas) Etirt TnURSDiT. fwd ureal lemons o tiff. " The ncwuljst. hrlithtcst, wlttlont, M clerer est, mart oriirjnaJ, aud most entertalnlui iWDer ever ptihlUht'J. IPer A complete and perfect Journal for cnltlrated men nnd women, Mni a topical iS out. sp rten critic and chronlclo oi the evcnttT.loi" !nt.TOt onil tiwtes of tho fiwhlonnhlo world Tt U . alwjys up to .l.ito. and carrlos with it Uw atmos phere of the nii trtipolm -"jauuo- ln purity and i.wcr of literary stylo It hi on this continent. h oas A verltahlu s;poluin of weD-bred antlrei defines and daintiness of touch: strwirth Indel nendence and orliflnality of thought- S t.iiii.or) cairtio commentj plquarTev'of w art crltlclnm. and .i , ' ou The famo of lta financial Department 1 the most rrtlfihlo ...11.0.1.. Jr""."1:' We are the People Who carry tho most complete lino of Hard ware, Stoves, Ranges, etc., in the market. MATTHEWS & WASHBURN. It H equally pnUrtftinin rtr Mi.i iacri we in tmos.l.. in nil pnrtsof thmuntrv cic liv Amorfci n-ii Ktimiv Kmrt- n0n,dli ' P an I mipnly ft If rmtiPii. ,1. ' ,.V-"il L r,rJ Henlw mi nwrl i l. .-.""T.iwniea. to om v of MiMlenfi m. nrthrnnirh J...,..?r. ormihaerliion n.i-ner: ono rear f l 04. mm' i!,. Ad.lre.: TOWN Tnpirs SI Wcc -i3d M livw Vsrk tliV.s'.r, -G. L. BLAG KM AN.- LEADING DRUGGIST DRUGS, MEOiCIHES STATIONARY &C