VOL. J Jl. ALU ANY, OREGON, THURSDAY. MARCH 13, 1891. KO EAST AND-SOUTH, VIA Sout ern Pacific Route SHASTA LINE. Kxpruan Train luavo l'urtljuiu Dully Sjutli t I N'Ttli 7:Cliif. d.'f'i.v F'irtimiil " ir it:.".: m :lJp M I I..V Allii'iy I,v j:-:- a M IOiI.A H I Ar H.ii! Kr-ui-jUt-o ,v ic;.!6 r m Alnvo I'Mhh stop only at fullowifi Mttiln-tm north of (i'H-'hiir. liant i'irt!tii, .Ori'cnii Cilv, VVimmI ourn, S.i!ni, AI1:.iv, T.ui.nit, Sli.nl, 1, H:,Uuy. liar UUarg, Junction City, Inin, Kukoiio. RiViKtll'RO MUL, IIAILT. 1,'K) A M I i.v IV.rllmul Albany l(i)H"liarir Ar 4:onrM l.v I I-J-.) u l.v I 0 ;-J0 a H A I.HAN V L')C-L( DAILY KXCAI'T Sl.VJUT) iV.(VlP M Lv 00 P m j A . l'.r'l:tml Albany Ar U;00 A K l.v ft:00 A U AHiitny Li lt 111 Ml Alba-iy r :ir. a w l.v H: in a m 7;.tflA M I I.V i:K! A I Ar ' Ar H PULLMAN BUfFFT SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Cars, I'or AfCiHiimilli'i ol ht'rMiil-('ffin lneii tiers, nllm-deil ii l.xprrvh 1 ntliih. fYet M-le I.ivl-h.n. itiTUKKV roitri.twt .n ouvai.uh, Mail haindaiii (Kx-:ept Sum 3(1 A U I l,V 2:10 r h Ar t'urt'an-l C'urvallit) RxntKUH tkaix iiAlLY (IIxcjp. Sunday. 4(1 p M I Lv 2 v h I Ar Portland UuMitiuvtlle Ar a:.o a M I.V Mft A U rl?li ro u s?. li 'X'i e J i e t is To all points EAST, A?33 SSTJTH. Koift'i. inforniatio i rttranliiiK ratts, mhio, on LVntipuny Atft'iit at AI any. .. OKHLKH K P. H'XiF.KH Mar.aj;tr WtU. F. and P. Air THE VAQUIN'A'KOUTE goti Dovolopinont Company's fctoi.ti ship Linn- 225 PJiiES SH08TEH. 20 HOURS LESS hnn by any other rc.ito. Firat-cIasH throiurli nnswoiiKor end 'ralght lino from Portland and all pointa in tho Willamette Vulloy to inn irom m rranolsco, Cai. Rnrtta mnkn r.lnnn nonneellon Ht Alball with trains of theOrogon l'acllli Kailroad T B, II ;;, Receiver. TIME gullKllULB (oxrept Sundays.) Letve Albany 15::H P. u. i Lava Yaiiuina, 7:moa beav. Corvallls 1:03 r, M. Loava C-rvalli.,1t:3r,A, Arrive Yaqulua, 4:35 r. M.Arnva Albany, 11:1.5 A. O. fc U. trains conuont at Albany and OorvBllis. The abovo trains connect at Yaauina with the Oregon Develnnmoni Company's fiine of Sttiamsliips .between Yaqiuna and san rrancisco, NAIMNO DiTF.N . VROH T.qbtKA. VflllaraetlB Valley, March 8th ; ISth ; S5tli. FROM HAS rRANCI.C Wlila.ncK. Vallor March 3rd ; 12th I 2lit; 30th. The Compnv inerves ibe rignt hinra saillus dates -'lhollt nollco. i(. B. Passensreis from Portland and Villametto Valley points can make olosa nonneoHjn with the trains of tlio Yaqiiina ronie at Albanv or CorTallls, and If des- clned to San Francisco should srrunse to rrlve at Yaauina the evening before t'ate f suin?- ""er tfil F.rlKbl Hairs always ins Lowest. ci apply to A R Chapman, Freight and Ainany, v. ). lli.iil'K, U. F. arl V Asen . Corral. Il, Conrad .Mever, -PROPHllCTClt OK. STAR BAKERY Cntiiop Broadalbin and First Sts., DEALER IN liiinl Fruits, Men Fruit, tobacco, inrrnr Colter. Etc., Cmiiirri J! cuts FcKelab'es, Hn'tts. Ten. Etc.. flJa. ery thing that is kopt In u p.un yand grocery ore. H IgheH rfcst p raid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE Best stock of 2nd fV foods In the Va y, and the most reas iale prices, both 'n b selling, I have ou hand 'II ICMluc FURNITURE, STOVES, TINWARE TRUNKS, BOOKS, PICTURES CLOCKS, CRQCKF.RY, ETC., ETC. do.tr wast of S K Young's olf ator L. COTTLItB Kef d It in vour mind tht Allen Bros tirr. uss keeping the kind of groceries tl publlo -: OK Gonts : Fiirniskinsr : Goods :VIM. For the Next Call eavh' and get Bargains. New York C. B. E.' Store, McParland Block, ALBANY. NI5W STOKE.-a MITCHELL. & -i"kam:ks romfl and Sea Us.i HEALTH IS WEALTH ! LR.UIA 1 fc.VSil .Vl iV ,:..!" )V?f 1 " trt IM E M Dlt. E. C. WEST'S Nerve and Brain Treatment a iruaratiteeil uppciflc for Hysteria, DizzniH8, Con'ul sions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Heudaclic, Nervmis Fnwtratlon oaumd by the use of alunh"! or toh.icco, Wukvtuliitsrtfi, Mental lepreBion, 8(t)iiiu of the Brain, roullinir In insanity and lcadinjc to misery, dnat '-mlduaih, prt'tnatnre old ae, barrenness, loss of Poi. caused by ovor-excrtion ' of tbe I' rain Each tc contains one month's treatment. 81 a box ar six bua )9 for sunt by mail prepaid on receipt o price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES TO CUIUS ANY case. Willi each order received by us for six boxes, acconianied with $5, we will send the purchaser our written jruaiutitee to refund the money If the treat,, nient does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by J. A. Cuinmirii. Uruidt, sole aent, Albany, Or. grtaSiral. lEsapJessjcsafs & vehicles m H 1 KMSJW HI f-.'..wmkjw and get MORE POWER and use LESS WATER "Writ for our Now Illustrntel'Catnloj?ue of 1K91. THE LEFFELWATER WHEEL& ENGINE CO. SPRINGFIELD, 0., U.S.A. Albany Manufacturers o' 1EAM ENGINES CRIST AND SAW KILL MACHINERY IRON mONTS AND ALL KINDS OF HEAVY AND LIGHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS CASTINC5. special attention aiil o . rlrlim H ds of mscblner' Hatmrns Mado on Short Notiut S. W. Paisley, Albany. Onon -WHOLESALE DEALER IN- Tobacco and Cigars. m ifjl! ! ! 1!K:- rrN 80 Days!! GOODS. LEWIS CO. Is- ALB AM, OUIGON. "White You Wait" BUT CURES NOTHING ELSE. SI THE CRY OF MILLIONS OH, 7V BKCKI 8TOP IT NOW, GOON IT WtIL BC TOO LATE. I have been troubled many vears with disease of the kidneys and have tried many different remedies and havr sought aid from different physicians without relief. About the 15th of Apri.1 I was sutTerinjr. from a very violent attack that almost prostrated me in sucn a manner inai 1 was Deni over. When I at down it was almost impossible for me to Ret up alone, or to put on my clothes, whe kind I'rovidence sent Dr. Henley, with t;. OKKGON KIDNEY TJ5A, to my ibolel. I immediately commenced using- the tea. It had an almost miraculous effect, and to the aston ishmtut of all the guests at the hotel, in a few dnys,I am happy lo state, that I was a new man. 1 will: recommend the tea to all afilictedl S3 l have been. G. A. TUPPER, iToprietor Occidental Hotel, tianla Kosa, Cal. Permai.et'tlv curod without Citttlmr. Tlurnlnsr f r DU latinif A :crft;clly nafnlew) treatment Mid a Ktiaran tf.,l nrn in nverv j. se. no ciiHterhow lonjr standi t. if. This truatinunt, for Strictu e, of lr lloxcll's , is the nioKt ilincovrv known to meiliine. Udirtsotves nd completely removes the Strkturo without annoy l orpaiu lo thu patient. DISEASES OF MEN! Peculiar to their Sex, an I not proper to name here. including all tluse delicate- Infirmities and Vtcuk nesites, which sticv would shrink from dlwliwlnjf to their family phyieian, imrnmnetitly cured in less tlnio than was ever known to Medicine hefore, hy Dr Boxell's"Now Hidein of Treatment." It rejuvenates the itenttn-unr try organs and makes weak muti strotnr .When possild. It is always IkM in call lor personal consulUliun and njieclal examination. ' Hut ihoo who cannot possibly call, should writo, statinr their caie fully. Medicine sent hy mall or expro-s, sf aled, free from exposure, W all parts of the Pacific Cratst. A'ldrean, , Win. A. Boxell, M. 1. Pnnl l lapenanrjr. Portlanrt, rcn Corner First and fitentroete, iver)Forl land National Huk. Pcy'iii? Wanted, All kln,1 of p mltrv, allvo or drrssfri at tb MII niHi Pirkin,r t'ompany's stoie, AllnHiy. Ormrci CTMEBi AMY Sful Highest of all in Leavening rower. S . Powder ABSOISTEIX PURE rntiuunrcil IIitprJrKM, let Paved. Krom ft It'ttor written hy Mr Aria K Tlnrrl of (irohtn. S 1). we tjunto: "Wan taken with u had coid. which nettled on my Luna, couiih art in p.nd filially terminated in Cou sumption. Fuur doctors cave mo up Raying I cfuldlire btit a short timo. I pavo my at-lf up to my SATionr, detormintd if I could imt utay with my frisud en earth, I would inof't my ol-.Hcnt onfi pihove. My lumbaud Wis udvufd to Dr Kinc'ri N?w Discover- ry for Coitsmnytinn, t.'t.uhH and Cotda. gave it a trial, took in aii viyht hoitlct; it has cored ui and thnk (od 1 am a we'd nd harty W"inan." Trial bottle free at Ho tjhay & Mason'adrng store, regular iz., 50c nd $1. l,-1 iling i'hotogrunheifi A any Oregon. Vt e have bought all (he tie jrafcivt snude by L W Onrk and W H Green vvood up to Nov l&th, Duplicates can be hart trout hem only of us at reduced lates. We hayo also about 18,000 ueuativca made by our selves, from which duplicates can be had at like ia;en. We carry the on y full line of viewt 4 f this state and do enlarir d work at lowett rtcs for tirst clattB work. V e thall be pleased to nee yon at our Studio in Froman's block, next door to Masonic Irrcple. CATARRH CUUKP. health Sand wett broath secaid,by ShiU nNCutiitrh Remedy. rrice bit cents, rsasal luiector tree, co- shay ii Mason, agents. Eupcpsy. This in whatyou ougnt. to hvet n fict yon must have it, to enjoy life. Thousands are searching for it daily, and mourning be cause they find it not. Thousands upon thousands of dollars are spent annually by our people in the hopo that thov may attain this boon. And vet it may he had by all. We cuarantee that Electric Bitters, if ued according directions and the use persisted in,w hrinjr you jod dieition and out the demon Dvspep-i and install instead Euprpry. We rect mnund Electric Bitters for jyapepia and all rliseasen of Liver, Stomach and Kidneys, Sold at 50c and $1 per bottle by Fo"hay He Mason, druggists. IlncKlrn's Arnica Salvf. VTht bo-t SaWe tn te world for Cut..,Brutse..Sor Ulcer., Salt Rheum, Fever sore., Totter, Ohapp han. Chilblains, Corn., and all Skin Ernptto ponttiYelrcure. Piles.or no pay required. It isifuar nteed to five nerlocl satiifaclion, or tnmior ref jnd d. Pric, 36 one. pr box. For iale hy Kchay an. llan.p: eHILOH'S COUGH and Conimmption Curt is sold by tiaon a jiuaiantne. It cures contumptioti. Foshay & Mason, agents, W. F. Read keitpsthe best assortment of fancy goods in town. IOO F. Albany l.ousre No 4 holds Its regular meeting Wednesday evening of each week. Visiting brothers are cordially nvited to attend. WOMEN AN MICE. The rcaion why a woman Is afraid of a mouse Is a profound mysKTy-Indpcd, it baa never been verr clearly proven that she is. But sorno women are constantly In such a nervous. Irritable condition that the slljthtcst. thing- annoys and startles them. The cause of this unfortunate state of affairs is usually some functional tlf-.awrcment: some dlstress inj or painful Irregularity, some deranie luent or neoubsr wiakness incident to her sei ; or, it miy bo duo to inflammation, ul ceration or displacement, of some of th pelvlo Tlsocra, or to other onranlo lesions peculiar to L'-r sex. From whichever cause It mar arise, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion Is a potidee rewdl, so certain in its .i. jr,.i,- .i,-. i. m.nufaptiirers sell It, throuita dnurjrists, under a vuarantte of its snviDs; satutiacuon w erorr ease. money uald for It will be prnmpMv re- 'untltd. As a soothlnir snd strengtbonlnif nervine, " Favorite Prescription is use. duinrf nervous excitability. Irritability, ex haust.ion. prostration, hysteria, spasms ano other dlstrrnsrni, nervous symptoms com monly attendant upon functional and omnia disease of the womb. It Induces refresolrm sleep and relieves mental anxiety and de luaico anu is invaiuavit iu spondency. Copyright, 1888, by Wosld's DlS. Man, AS9H. DR. PIERCE'S PELLETS ,3 Itivn, or Cathartic, ttccordlnr, to ,i20 01 few. 11 Drug 1 1st. 23 oenU vUl IT. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 18S5, FIGS ANOTII1STL-X The man who does a1! bis praying on his knees prays very little. The devil never asks anybody to go far ther than the next corner to begin wit'.i. It is a great misfortune to be born so that all the laugh has to stay inside of you. The man who is anxious to do right has ti lends in heaven who want to help him. The more unconverted persons see cf soine people's religion the less thev want of it. A. Christian with a long face is one Of the best advertisements the devil hs on earth. One way to diive the boys and girls to the bad Is to shi't up the parlor and live In the kitchen. All that Is needed to make a man hate himself is for him to gst a good, square look at himself. The greatest wrongs ptople commit a gainst each other are these of which they are not conscious. If some people would always think twice before they speak they would keep still a good deal. You will never go to heaven when you die unless you get more than half way there .w hile you live. If you have never tried to make any body happy ycu have no Idea how ftr you are away from heaven. When your heart is so heavy that you can't laugh yourself the next best thing is to do something that will make somebody else laugh with joy. the ;oiii; uilk n.ziit, Has a large find complete line of goods, dolls, doll buggies, boys' wagons, ve ocipedes and many other goods which gol to make up a complete assortment, besides a complete line of lamps of every description. China crockery, fancy decorated ware, glassware, bird cages, plush goods, such as albums, toilet sets, autograph books, scrap books, children's ABC picture books, and all goods that are carried in a Bazaar store, including Roger Hros. 1S47 silverware. AVe wish to call the attention of the public in par ticular to the Golden Rule prize baking powder and tea, put up expressly for this t-ade, which gives tiie best of satis faction, as is attested by the hundreds w ho have used lioth the tea and baking powder ever sinco introduced by the Golden Rule Bazaar. Each package of tea and can of backing powder draws a prize in the shape of a fine piece of glass ware. Be sure to call, when in Albany, at the Golden Rule Bazaar, ss you will be sure to find what you wt.'it, and will be shown over the store and lie treated kindly hy my clerk, Mr. Miller. My goods are all marked in plain figures so as not to deceive anyone, and I have but one price to all. Julius Gradwohi. Itetleveil or kliltiey Trouble. S J Cronin, Rnsbini House, Toronto, Can ada v rite: "I hnvt- b en t ouhled with a backache for some time pKt, und preut d'liiculty in post ing prine. Three weeks sgn I applied r-n Alloel.'s Pnrnus Piaster, Mid havo done ho every live dsi 8 since. Almost, immediately I had parti.d relief, and now I nm entirely free from oain water pasii g freely and pel fm-tly clear, without burning. I owe my great ridief rn Alloek's Pnrnus Plasters and beartly lecciiimnei'd them in any case J kidrey t otlble." SLL'EPl.ESS Kil l M I S. made miserable by thh. terrible ci:ugh. Miilnh'i Cure is Ihe Uemi ily fur yi n. French Tansy Wulr wafers are a sure and sife; effi, klra'sof female trouhlet ar.. v1!' all ohfitrr.ciions to the mor, ? 110 matter what the cause. Ti 1 what everv woman neco a The for a remo periotl are u can be ued with safety. For sale L tl Livinp stone Chemical Co., also fron n sole at.cnt, J A dimming, drujfgift, Bn r berg bock, A ibarv, Oregon. CROUB, WHOOIiNG COCOH and Rnu.ilutis itnntedia'.ily ndieved h iShiloh's Cure. SHILOir.S VlTALIZfR is what yon oetd foi Ouistipaiiun, Loss of AppeHfe, Diz inns's, nd all iiiptom of Pyspepio. I'rice 10 and 73 cent per bottit . jjjd l'hlMrn KJoy The plfssant fltvot, contlc action and soot ing ftTects of Syrup of Fij! whnjn need of a laxative and if th father or mother be costive or bilious ih" most ifta'ifyiny resa'ts ollowina its use, to that it is tbe belt fam y remedy Vnown and eery fxmily ahould aye a 1 ptt!e. WHY WILL YOU oooiih when RhPoh't Cure will give lmmfriiato relief. Fric 10 cents, COcenta and $1. Foshay & Ma on, gentf. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS A Frlahirul AcrlUcnt. London, March 1 1. A dispatch from Tunis gives an account of a d-cadfiil disaster at a place called Menzel, in the vicinity of Cabez. The children's seivice was in progress in the synagogue at that piacc, hen, without warn ii R, Ihe whole congregation was buried be neath the fallen wails and roof. Within a short time fifty maimed and bleeding men and women and children were taken out and cared for, and four dead bodies, crushed out of all resemblance to humanity, were removed to the dead house. The number of killed cannot even be approqimately estimated. It isknswn the building was crowded with people, and hundreds of dcau bodies must still be buried beneath the tons of debris no, yet removed. IIiiw It lluppi'ued. Si'RiNui iei.d, 111, March u. General Palmer was elected Unitsd States senator to day on the first ballot, to succeed Charles B t-arwcll. A venhcation of the call showed that ev2ry republican voted for Lindley, every ucmocrai lor rainier; Moore and (Joakreli lor I'almer, and Taubeoeck for Streetcr. "On this the I Mth ballot." said S:,ailer Crafts, ''the whole number of votes cast is 204; necessary to choice 103, of which Joiin M Palmer has received I03 votes Idetnocsatic cheers, A J Strceter I vote, Cicero J Lindley 103 votes. And I hereby declare John M Palmer duly el.-cted United States senator." Deafening applause from the democratic side ol the galleries greeted the announcement. A Farmers' Allluuec Ylclurr. C01.UMUUS, O, March 11. The Rowlings bill, amending the tax jaws of Ohio so faa that manufacturers cannot enjoy exemption f.nm taxation on their product for one year alter production as heretofore, pasted the senate tins afternoon and is now a law. The bill mrt the combined opposition of the manufacturers. It was a farmers alliance measure and is a great victory for that organization. A Start Made. Sacramento, March 11. The legislature in joint session today took one ballot' for United States senator. Twelve candidates wete voted for. Those receiving the highest number of votes were: Estce,2; Goucher, 25: De Young, 24; Felton, 13. Necessary to 0 choice 59. Goucher, Dem, who, under the democratic caucus arrangement, was substituted today for Ostrom, received '.he full democratic strength. AlftSNlinclfs. Augusta, Me, Mar .h 11. In the house today the bill providing for state adoption of the Australian system of voting was defeated, 74 to 71 , five merrbeiS not voting. Holdout. Cokvallis, Or March II. Ex-Senator T E Cauthorn, who has been for many years one of our leadixg general merchants, has sold out his entire interest to the Capital Adven -tut e Company, of Salem. Senator Cauthorn will now devote his entire time to the manage ment of the financial interest of the agricultu ral college. Notice to Farmers. Wanted at once chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, dried fruits, butter, eggs, and all kinds of farm produce, for which I will pay the high est price in cash or in exchange for goods. M SON, Oregon One half dollar reduction ou every pair o Lndiow's fine shoes A good line of them a 8 E Young's. Just arrived a full line of ladies, ehil drens, men's and bey's foot wear at U W Simpson's, .which will be sold st bottom prices. "H ACKMETACK,' a luting aad grant pirfume. Prijo 23 aid 53 0 juts, shay aV Masou, agents. E.ran St Achison handle ton celebrated Portland cement walls for cemetery lots. These walls can he furutahod at half the cost ef any other and nre far auprior. SHILOiraCURE will immediately re deve Croup.Whooping Cough ni:d iironchitis. Foihay 4& Mason; arnta. Whkreto Get Tii km. When wanting mi organ or plana call on G L Blackman A' In e you i.-an select from a first clasa to,.. The ONLY placo in the ty w hero East ern tickets can pure It Eh is of VV, L. Jf-ster, at thu Southern Pacilic t'o'a tiukt cilice ; Excitement hiuh iu Albnoy at Fonbuv & Ma druu siorj t er Hvstem luilder. a Run every bdv is using it for ('atarrh of the Stomach, Dyvtiepsia, Constipntiou and Im pute Hlood. lry it md tell your friends ahout it ss it mast oss, swonerful merits when a"l sposk well ol u The best rrtci-rle in Muytig. ' I t 1 C 1 m For lame back, nr side chest, are S nil oh Porous Plaster. (Vice, 29 cents. A su"e Care for the whisky 'taint, Dr Liviniitdon's Antidote for 1 run e tin ess will cure any case of the Hquor-' abit iu from ten to thirty days, from the n ndcrai e drinker to the drunkard. The Artidote o;u be give n in 1 cup of rrflVe is it h nt th ki.on ledge of the iertnn tak'nu it. The r'ntirlnte will not injure tlie healtn in any wt.y, Munufiicfured by the Li vi neat on Chmic! Co., Tortlsod, Orrcon rfrinJ A Cummiug, ole aetit Albany,! - S1ULOH S CATARRH REMEDY a roi'ive cure for Catarrh. Diphtheria and Csiiket-Meuib. Kcbj & Mi:irr, 1)1.1 s. min i. gji h:ir auick ) s nno coe (