aU0 Democrat BUOWASYILLK. Marcli Oth, 1891. Tho beautiful enow 1ms disappeared Mid Biirins is hero, home are at work in their gardens and life has taken on a ditrerent phase to ttiaiassumeu one ween ago. Oregon against the world and the balance ot mankind. T S Pillsbury ia npnin down with in- nuuiuiutory rheumatism. Dick Bradley is now on the sick list. We see J I Arthurs in town, on his way to your city, lie reports enow to a depth of l)a feet between liere and his place at Mountain Home. Win A Dunn, of this place, coes to Sa lem today for a copy of our new charter, which bv the wav allows North Browns ville to bond herself for tho sum of $10,000 to be used in the construction of water works, which will doubtless be done the couiinit summer We know of no place with a better chance or location for water works than Brownsville. The hill near town will be a lino place for a reservoir and give an awtul torcc. A big time at the residence of W T Cochran tonight in the way of a kissing bee. Correspondent not luvucu. Miners here are all excited over the big strike on the Santiam, and are con tident of like developments on the Cala- pooia in the near luturc. OS THE StlllllKKX BUI'SDtUY. March Oth, 1S91. Mr John Morrow has gone to Crook county. Mr and Mrs Cnviness, of Albany, bave been visiting their daughter.Mrs Philpot. Miss Menta Bosseriuan has been visit ing her sister, Mrs Cuimuiiigs, near Hal soy. William Horn, a tlireshennan of Eu Irene, was in this vicinity last Saturday making arrangements fur threshing the coming crop- Home of our neighbors have been hav in the measles. It is reported that every member of one family was down with tliein at the same time. Clarence Taylor lost a valuable horse last week from being snagged. Mr McNary, o'. Salem, is spending a lew days with Ins son, Angelo. Mrs Locke lias moved into lier new cottage. SHILOH'S CUKE will immediately re liovr Croup, Whooping Cough m-d Bronchitis. f oihay & Mason; amenta. SHILOH'S VITALIZES is what yoa need tot Constipation, Logs ot Appetite, Uiz- suisss, ar.d all sttjiptoms or Dyspepu. frice 10 and 75 coats pc-r bottle. Whereto Get Them. When wanting si organ or m&r.p. call onbL Blackman A-hs-e von can e!r-rt from a first class to... . Wasted, to rent an organ for several months. Call at tho Democrat olhco. Allif.-.if Marittt. Wheat B7o ' Oats 6O.1. Better S5.: ;it 10 F -(?-20i Hsy-lO.Of'to 18.00, Potr.tcot 0,) els -fsr tiushi-t Bee.' on fiot,2.'s to Sc. Afiplos 80 cents per im. Pork-6lo per 1 r .irasseit. Bacons hams, He shouldors To sides. 0s ijard 10c per lb. Flour 4.26 per bbl. Chickens S 00 por doz. Kill Food bran, li.OOp-ir lou shorts, 18. nu'ddilni!!!, 2.1 'Jbor- . pI'PCP Coeofic, Colds, Influenza, Bronchitis, LLIflttl H&arsoncsfi. Whooginn C'nunh. Crnnn. Sore lltront. Asthma, and every affection of tlie inront. Lungs an-.t cncsT, including: consumption. j weedy and ucniiaiicut Gcnuiuc incti "L h'itit," EXEGUrOR'S HOTiCE. TOTICK IS IIKP.EHY GIVEN THAT THE UN- HcrsHfiu-u liiia Dciii duly ajnoliilcd cxci'Utnrof I the Inst Hill and ttbtanicnt and enttto of It C Hill, I IcctANed, Into ot Linn county, Oregon. All i to rums I navinif cinuiiHa.'nnist saia citato nrd ncruoy nutlllcd to prowMt Ihem dulv verified, winhln nix month frmii ihixdulcat my ( Ilice in Albany, Linn county, I irriron. UWd thU Qlh day of March, 1SJ1. J. L. HILL. J. K. WBATIIKRFOrlD, KxcclltOf. A ttormy fur estate . (U-J) ADM!J!STRATCP.'S H8TICE. "TOTICE 13 IlF.REItY OIVRS THAT THE I'M. Ll d' mimied n oi. the J7tli dsv of Decumhar. UU0., duly apHintd and ulifle-l i adminlittrstur I f the esUttc of Mn M. J. IturUhart, deaied, late of I uin (.immy, ureftai. am nsmoii navni)f claim i I avaiiiHt said sstare av rcrjuircd to present tliom, prop- I arly Terilted, ilhin six niuntln Ijoii. thin data to tin I nmicrstmie'l si tlx real osiaM luoe of Uurkliart A AMiu-y. tn Aibanv, uretroit. Dated tlili 7th day of March, 1M . C. V DUKKIIANT, (3-13) Administrator. 1 Eevsre House: AXBANY, OREGON j CIIAS. PFEIFFEK PnOPRIETOR, ruuwi ud in nrst-ciaM style. Tablea mpplled With the best In the market. I PI O It nrkntiwIMtrfl the lemdina ivitiMt fa. Jonorrbr, s tUt-U The onlv muia rtmiitT tVi i suvuevrrnira or n niifti i Dreerribe it and fmi Mfe In rrrommiullnr tt I IrlltlWBWW'' w !! iiiirrrrn, I 1'M ATT 'E. IU ! Sold tir Irnrrllb r jdrwn In 4-0 g UntniM aot M 1Q Kjira uraM,iv 1 JJotli the nn thod ninl results wher. Syrup 'f is taken j it js jilcnsnnt uiiJ ret'rtnl'.iii' to t'io t; niulitcts iiMitlyyct promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Hnwds, cleanses tlie sys in ellectiii.lly, dispels cold, liem! im'Ihs and fevers ninl eiuvs !: oit uid ('imtipntioii. Pyrtip of Figs is tho only remedy of its kind over pro duced, pleasing to tiio t;te miiiac ivptnblo to tho stomach, prompt in its notion ami truly beneficial in its ' ll.-cts, its many excellent qualities minuend it to till. It is for sale in aile and SI bottles' by ell leading druggists. fc-VJUPACTURfD ONLY PY TH CAUFGXMA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, lomviuz. nr. Afw youk, n.r 1 EAi ESTATE FOR &ALE.-I have l a farm ot Here, near Lowson lieoot, on the J.arrow Gaui:, 10 miles from Albany. All In cultivation. Fair house and bai - ...... for sto. and dotneatio purposes. Fine oak gr Alsoanotherfarui ot las acres, threi . from Lebanon. All In cultivate , Fair house. Hood witter. Both r . wheat fa-ma. Also house and tire ,oW on Fifth and Jefferson streets, Alhaiy, For forth er particulars call on . Uiiiphroy,Contei preoluct, or on ilewiil tt irvme. A.liny. Hiving been entirely remodeled, this old and popular restaurant will be made tirsi- clata n every respect. The publio will he iven good meals ac all hoars for osly 25 cents. bverythinic neat and attractive. Private boxes. Oystsrs in ovary style. RedCrownMills S0M, LAXNIXG & CI).. taOPR'S. taw FROCESS FLOUB 8CTBR10R FOR FAHIUS AND BAKERS REST STORAGE FACILITIES. IRRH!tatim, Nenralgl, Corns HEADACHE. And ALL PAIN. Tht Oillfcrtla Pci!tlT and KeatiTS ELECTRIC COUGH CURE CUOCi COLDS. CROUP. CONSUMPTION. ' 8ld t all Droggiatt. Esck 2Bo, 60s 11 Qraclnar & Co . Prop's. Los Angeles, Oal FOSHAY & MASON, TOL1LAI.II tHU RBTAlb frmagistsaiid Booksellers Aw km for John B. Alden'a wt)llcatJonn ALUA.KY, OttKsUOK. THE BEST. l). M, r EKHV Co s Illustrated, Descriptive and Priced Seed Annual : For 1891 will be mailed FREE I Sto all applicants, and to last season's 1 l customers, it is Deiier man ever, i tvery person using Garden Mower er h'itld Seeds, should send for it. Address D. M. FERRY A CO. DETROIT. MICH. I Largest Seedsmen in the world 1 Caveat, nnd Trado-Marku obtainctl. find all Pat cut hufiin-s rondiirtrd for Moderate Fes, Our Offlc i Onnnx te U. S. Patent Office. and we cm ernire i.atrnt iu less timo than those remote from Wnt-hlnton, nvua nuxiri, QruwiiiR or pnoio., wnn uricrii" tlon. Wc ndvlie, if patentable or not, free ot chnrtrc Onr fee not due till iiatent is Been red. A Pamnhlet. "How to Obtain J'atenta." with tnmc of iictti'il cl!nt8 in your State county, or town. Bent free. Addrea, C.A.SOW&CO. 0;posilt Patent Cffice. WashLncton. 0. C. ACADEMY -OF Our Lady of Perpetual Help, ALBANY. - - OREGON Conducted by the Histeis f St. Benedict Tuition In select day school ranges from 5tofl0. For terms of Boarding School or any Drtlcclsrs apply ntthe Acaclemv ocjf. CAuFQRHJA mz6 CAT ailess Sister Huperloress J.K. WEATHERFORD. TTOKNEV AT LAW ALBAW, OBCCUN W U BILYEU, ATTOUNEY AT LAW And Solicitor in Chancery ( ALBANY. OUFeON. Oolleutluii iromi;tl y rnado on all no' nl oausuonoilatu'l ou uasonabletorms. R. N. DIACKDUnN, ar.a.vf. wr.uuir, .LACKBURn & WRIGHT, Attorneys at, Law, v:ii n.n;n.. In .11 tl.a .....1. nf u. tAts. Prompt acta atiuu j;ivoa to all bust- OUioe Oild Follows Toiupl Albay Q Attorney at Law, ALBANY -:- OREGON. Ottlre la the Hlrulmu Blark. iHo A. WITKEY, iMuL.ey And Counsullor At La? Sotnv ' Tiibllc. ALEAit? OREGON L.HILL, Physiciai end Surgeon, Offlop cor, F" and Ferry Straots, ALBANY- OREGON GS. G.WATSON FSASTG Physician and Surgeon. Office opposite the Democrat. DR. G. WHITiSSY, Physician and Surgeon. Graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medical College Now York City. Diseases oi womaa a specialty. t"Offio rumao'i Brick, Albany. Or. J.A. CIMJIUG, "SKIIAt WttT ARTICLES' i itiii ma s b h J . . . THE CKLXIIBATBD . . . . SMITH & WESSON REVOLVER Ths Flr.sit Snail Arms Eer Hanutaclured. ! J Unnvalcdi , for suiiunnuv. i DURABILITV KM . WORKMANSHIP and ' CONVENIENCE In I LOADING anil 3APFTV ! Beware of ehean Iron Imitation. j Sond forl!!'jitra!cd Cataloguo and Price list to i SMITH & WESSON. SI-JIXXGyilLlt, MASS. a q " H S5 a s 4 C Sample Pens, different; patterns. In I Ci Nl. k'l Plated illad li Uox, sent post-paid, ja receipt ot 10 Cli.VXS. PERRY & C3 ,Lont'on. .K2. U. S. Office 810 jroadway, f- York. Uoburg Lumber. I aell the best lumber in the ceunty; also sdar posts, shinnies, laths doors and win w mouldinir, etc. Prices from $5fof22 s r thousand. Yard at Lowonn, on the Narrow Gauge. See me before purchasing esewnere. Vi W CRAvrroRn. Adresi,P O Tallmo, 0 Fortmilief & Irving, Arterial Embalming Dona Soientil lcally. P HELPS, Job Printer, lst.St.R Albany STEEL PENS -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. ASiK OK M l. SOlO, OKKOON. lTM.llt VI... I'ruslduul OullUT J 8 ll.irrla. K Coins, J ohn UainM p o ginilll. H llry.ul mm m suiiurtsi wihisiiii ---------- iitlii dmfw iMUJ ou Alum, IWlUnd and k'nuiclscw. Paid up eapltal tjurpltu and prulli ik'.ow lnterat allow! n aa riiifd daixisiU (4ttow: AuurJinarv Mvlnira Itonka ....4 iwr cont twr aiiniliu. On torn, mvinm booka ...6 Hit cant r am: hi cvrlitleatiM oi dupoBlt, r threw unnth ,,,,4 iwr font r annum: . t per cent par amitiiii: ... tiiwr cent r auiiuui. Km lx Hutttlh Fur ao: uiuntlM... UtASK PKKini, rnnini II. I'. TlloM'SopI VL-e-Prwidfiit. II. C. ai KATlON, Cashiar.. I INN i'O. N4TIONAI. HANK, J Or AI.U4NY OKR1Kf. CAPITAL Rl'OCK II W.fHK). .1 I, CuWAM, Fre'ldtnt iccl'ruaiduut.. C vhiar AsMt i'aalilir , l HKCIMHa. i J M HAI.S'loN. K HAMltKHI.AI.S, o A Ai:rm.;ou. It Cwan. J M litlst.'ti, E Chauitwrlain, W R Ud I, W II jUrz, J A craw (ird and O A Archilold. TRANBAtn'HaffBtieral hankliitr lumnwa. DUAWaKill'i I lit rxKTr on iw Y-tIi. h 4 1 i",.U 1 Orvvon. LOAN MOrJKYtm appi(-vd M'utty ULt-KlVUdtpsHiita an bird etiaci.. ANK OF OI.HiOX, ALBANY, ortKtlOX, Htno.wm. ... I! FMKKItll.L .. K J l A.NMMi ....JT W HLA1N Praaldpnl Vir-President , Caalilr Tranwta a renewal binkitiff business: Kxohaiie lkutht and ald on all tho principal cIUm in the (uitel States f atanon England, Ireland, tVantia and tJerniny. Oullectiuiia niada at all accvatM points on favor ablt turma, InWroat alttwd oj time depnsittt. .IlItST NATIOVlI, lUMi, OP ALBANY, IIHKIIIS, Prutfldunt H. I. FI.INK H, K.YcH'Ni: li, W. LAhUUUN Tien I'roiidunt . Ctutalor TltAN.-JACTO A (lENKKAMiai ittnK"buaincni. ACl HUNTS Kfcri atltijuil ti cltstlf. HlfltiT rVI'II a NTi ' K .! tail 1-B.r.liLit lrmnte. ' !i New York, 8an Francisco, t'hicsuo and P'ltland Won. CUiXKiTFlONtf tlAUEon favunit.lo terms. tJiaicron- . K. YoilW) K, W, Liait.w b K Buts, L. Flu-a dwiro I . Sox. ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON. 1890, 1801. ririt Term Opeaetl Keptemlier leil, IK9. A full corps of lntrucum CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY COMMERCIAL AND K3RMAL CLASSES. Courses oi studv Hrranuid m mout lb- nod nf nil kthiIbs of students. SpKtal tnaucetMHtt offarrd to students from abrjad. KKT. P.LRBRT N MliT VEGE1 BLE PANACEA HEPARED FROM RO( 'JSac HERBS, .THC CURE Or AMD ALL OTHER DISEASES ARISING) FROM A DISORDERED STATEoftheSTOMACH OR AN INACTIVE LIVER. FOB 3A1X BV ALL DRUGGISTS & GENERAL DEALERS. Reward I WIIirHl frny t?nn!fT rowim! r-r any of Ura 0ii'liiit.lyi-ar.p.ta,:.,c!ifiMlar!ic,iiiJUv.tiun.C3n -livip .n tr (o-t.v0i.e..a wo cannot cure witn Wfa atnMei.lY'-rlVKv hrn tho dirfotlonn Areatrlctlf -;n.(.:;ri with. Tliy arr turcl Vr.lretb, and ner H to rIv antlfa. tlrn. SiK-.-roau-i. Irpa Imioa, onta. catn.1. It wats, of itiuntorfaltn and ln.... fit -.otiiilnr. rnamifart'ir-.! only fcrj XifKJouN c rem XMi.-AMV.ciiicjuiu.iLh. J A ranmiii, Axcm ALBANY :OR. WEITSMAN ft HULBEB.T BROS,, Real Estate Agents Farm and Ranches for tale. Alto city bromrty in AlUn and Coryallia, Apomplilotof Information ondab-.f .strautof tlio lawi, ahuwuiK Mow tomf vA J't,n I'atonts, i'aveiitu, TrudeiT'Sa. vLJk llarltj, O'pyriKbti, e;it 1ru.jf s, AU MUNP4 A CO.ftW jkra3tfl Brondway, -f5 i: uP6Clai U It V.4T . A W. FE.SAB. bu My Sj) ock .mow tho latoyt ess Both in WOOIiKN Dr -To The Ladies,- Mako a Sju'cialty f LaC"ios 'jl.'.e"Xiti.e in liiiniKi) and Jlusi.ix. My i'uicios tuv . t 'OWKST and my Goons tho 1kst. Am BoUtguut for tlio Celobratod Y. 8.F.-H0SIEIIY Guarantouil Ktainloss, : To The Men : Call and Look at My values in Furnishing - Goods I liavn h .Largo Stock i;t. 1 1 i Low lcairya. ,11 lino of tlin worW-rmmvm iillOADHlClD liii la, u:jje. forweiiri Gtiit.Ii. L'lrji! stoi-lc nnd bo cor ceil th i. Albnuy i iln; THOMAS DREADFUL PSORIASIS Covcrlnpf Entire Body with White Scales. Suffering Fearful, Cured by Cutlcura. My dlflcaao (psorinaia) flrat broko out on my left hot-It, apreuiJ.iiK croaa my note, aotl almost cov. eriiiit ny face. It ran trito my cyca, and tha tliyi4lflim wan afraid 1 would hn ...i ....... i.,k. altogijhtT. It aprenrl all ovt my head, nmi my hum i an ii-ii uill, Willi 1 Wait entirely bald-bviuled ; ft tin n broke out on my ami a and phouldera, until my anna wi Jnat one aorc. It ovtnil my cntlro body, my tow, lu-ml, nnd nhoiildiT Ix inw tlio wurai. 'I'ho whito orntia f-ll rt.n-turitly from my Ir-iuI, ahouldfTH, nnd nrnii; akin would tlin-W.-n n:nl 1m red nnd wrv ililiy. n-itl would criii-k nnd bin .f If nrrati-lii-d. After fjK-t.din-many liiindieila of in,nn, 1 Mini iur-in...!.!,. t h-nnl of t!:o CiTTiruu.v lIUMKlitp.H, nnd nfn-r iiwln- oomi-t i,i:tiii:i:a kkkolvknt, 1 roitid una nt'-; u;id nfler I luid t-iken fnur bottleit, I wi.k ("tmri;l; tml w It'll h:id Hoed six bottle of - - i.iia i.Mii,vi,vr,(iii,M.oxf.l -I'TirfitA,(1ii nn e ik,) of Mtticcua I wim cured of tbo "IriM li.ii iHnnrfu from whirl. 1 Jmd nunvmi fnr nTO yi- iin. I '.-iimotexpreMHWith n pen whnt 1 miffrn d .ri.ivn-irii;tli..l.t:Mr;iiK.Theyi.ilveU mv life, nnd i r. :y duty t rerommend them, My hnr 1. rcrilf.r-d ih utKNl r ever, and mo la mv ryrniirht. .d::s. U'JriA Ki;i,LV. ItocLw. ll riiv ru. Cuticura Resolvent j T:.j iw llloncl I'uriffcr, tntnrnnlly (to rlonn.o ' III.' l.ltHt.l (ff llll ilill.llriM.. .....1 ....1 11...I l.Lrn l iiA. l.ii- ;m Skin Cure, ami 'l tiu ka :m i xiulili hKln Hiumlllt.r, eiienully (lo ;..-.r lli.i .km anil nniljumd H'.liira llie linir), liavo " l:r;"' UioumiiU ot ciimm ivliure tlio shtl.ltnir nt n ill ) liiifiiMiiri-il u qiuirt chilly, llio nkln crarlinl. ..'.i.VJ.'.'.fA . "r!,".,,'i" "'.,"" '""'' '-yii l"f" . r lll.0.-,i.r,,ll Kc, rrorltK i,rrt lilc. lulollior rciiiiillua huvu iswlu sucU cures? fold rvFTywIwrr. Price, Cunruiu, Me.; Poai 2.O.; IIi:siii vst, 1. l-ropsriKl l,y t, ' '.V " V"""" 1- ("l.l-i.BATIDS, Ho-..u,! fr ii w ,, nk M psiici, im niulrntlous, i.n.l loo tusUmaiilsls. Plill1'1'?!'3, !'!1,ckn'!,"l"ir'-'l.roimli,chniicil,anit fllll oly i un-U by L'utiuiiiu Hiiai-. IT STOPS THE PAIN. TIih.It ...1... . r l. iimntUni, and muacular pnlna rr , . a "V" nilnun hy tbnCutl- ........ .u m uuicr. aac. ADMIKISTRATOR'S NOTICE. "V-OTICE 13 HEKK1IY GIVEN THAT 1 the undersikiied has lieon dnl appointed administ ralor of the eslate of isaiiian Ifiiuiell. oeraseil. by the county court or the atatf of Oregon, for I. Inn Co. All persons havlnit claims against said estalo, are hereby nntllled lo pri-funt tho ame duly veriMnd to mo In Corvaillj. .uw.a vutiii.J u n.A IIIIJUIIIS fjom the date of tills notice; nnd all ner eons having any elfvcts of said deceased Viii aeitver tno ssmo over to me. iwted ietj , ibdi, is. k, WI LSON, (2 6) AUiiiluistraior fig taouncei Cumi'i.ktk, Kniliraciiii-all Novoltios in h 1 and WAolI FAIUtlC. 5 Warranted ahsolutuly fast, and Free from Poison rnt pricra over nff.Mi:.) U ih. V.llti cf Kmiiikuiikkiks ami I'locncimi. ht-xl trmliu point in Or'c n. Albany Cigar Fad 1 J. Josepn. -:- Proprlstcr.' WHOLE SALE & BETAI1 piiWhiffi'aborEM It vou want thek; and most durable fun; I ture that is manufaotu' ed in tho city go to BRINK'S ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICL NOTICE IS HEKEBY GIVES IB the uncleinigneil bave ili 8il;t duly njipolntiid and qualllteil b mmnlo tranr and Kdmliilstrstrlx t IbeenHJ" Frank Malnno, lata of llnn wiuni;, Ron, dooeased. All personn liavio?' nKHinsi said estato ar required tf thorn tiroperly vorifled, wilhinsiisj in.m tiiU date, lo tlio uinlenijn their plnco at llo'.ley, Linn f"1'' Ortmon. This 8th !y of January, 1891. KI.LKN MAW T J MAUISE. J K WniTHKHFar.D, AdininW" Attorney for estate. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. V'OTICK IS IIHIIKIlV (ilVKX THATTBEn X ilcTMimmJ liv Itlcl Ills Itail nccimiil "'K i.l Iho cnwie of Martin I'riiio. ilnmuol, ""'"'i ciiuntv e-ili.-t uf I.itm coinilv, On-i'ii, n n, li'h iUyi.1 April, K-Bll. at, ll'.ic k, A M, i" at tlm o.iirt Im.iiie In Allianv, Oii-ifuli, li,r '"i luiriit.lijralioim thereto mill tlio imltli'nmll" jiaiuu llim ltli uay oi I'uiiriliirr, i?-n I).' llVuEAKIS fx "I 0r.o W U'ri'iiit, Atturnvy tor Lxvrutiir. LITTLE Oliver DO NOT CRIPE, SICKEM HI CONSTIPATE. Sunt Cure for SioHm and sll troooi" ' - - , W lmproTii.lhgP1K!3; by Fanrjiim M Trio itiws run bs ntmlr ndlnrtud to "! 5rl onii pill enn nnw bfl too Uraf mAoM. . no mnrb mnr. 43 pill, put lip is "7ri' hlchrnn b-rrri. I n rtmt voek't aw -trmt I. TniT.l.rc .nd S..I..M ' iVTwtt S.1 ',rr..e..l',Tril.S.rk. Sold Kf.rywfc.f.. Jium. SAHPI.S DOSS and IIBSA BOIlk K ( DR. HARTIR'8 IRON'TONIO- 1 id KIDNHYS .nd RFSTOIirS nf J"jUf to BKALTII .nd VIOIISIII'S STSKSIIIH"'" , THE OR. HARTER MEDICINE C0.8T. LOUIS. Ciiv Meat Market. SHLTLTZ BROS,. Proprietors. Wp n full Iln.. of roeaW of " in cool piece, complowiy P tected:aiidlraysfroti Goods