r! VOL. i Jl. ALBANY. OKECON, MONDAY. 3IA11C1I , 18!) I. NO JiGl EAST AND SOUTH, VIA Sout em Pacific Route SHASTA LINE. Krc Trains leave I'lirthtitl Dally North 7onr. 5". f rortluml Ar::i am WJarM l.v Ain-iiiy jjV I ii'.TI A H 10;l.rA M 1 Ar Kmi Krii';ico Uv U;M p m Auve t'fthm xtwii only tit ft.llimiiiir btulioiikt mirth uf Itntotiiirif. b'Mt rortUiiil, Ori-m fiiy, W.mil turn, S:t!tin, Albany, T.ui.,''ut, NIhmM, Hulmy Uttr- wlmrtr, Juriciiun City, ir-in, Lujft'nu. HfWKBI KU HAIL, DAI1.T, Portland Albany ItuHt'burtr Ar 4-.mru l.v V'-.m m 1?:2 rUv (:iypM Ar ALBANY LOCAI DULY Ktt'AlT SfNDAT) I Lv OOP n LKKANOX BKANCU, AU':iny l.t-ii)un AIW.iiiy II:: a y ' u Ar l.v Arl l.v 8: in A 7:.i0 a M 1 Lv fcN a h Ar 3:4(1 p m PULLMAN BUfFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleerjing Cars, Fur jlcrAiiiiiiiHlnlioq ol ero.id4'laaw raaaen sera, nllurlir.1 lu Lircra I rulus. Ac. I ship l.lvlslon. KlllHy I'UIIILkSll l Ml I'OKYALLIK, ilAII. .'MAIN paiii (Kx.'tit8unt!,y,) 3l A M I I.V :10 r a Ar P.irt'untl O.rvalli I .'.:: t m I Via m !.v Exrasa taaix dailt (Kxcjp. Sunday. 4iim I l ra I Lv Portland alcUiniivllia I :?0 a a Ar I r..4r, a a MViclietH To All fiolllU EAST, Mm SOUTH. Foi fin, tufonralio.i rtfardina rates, on Company A-int at At miy, ... . OKtlLliK K I. ROT) KUR Mm.aL'er Kw't u. F. and I'. Air THE YAQUiXA UOU'TE gon Develop... nut Cumpany's ISto-va Hlllp 1,1116. 225 MILES SHORTER. 20 KOUSS LESS TIM! hr.n by any otlior rcito. Fir3t-clHs through iaBscii);er Riid 'nleht line from Pnrtlana and nil poluia Ip the Willnmottt Valloy to b nil from han KrAociaco, Cat. Boats make cloi"0 connrwtlon at Allian with Wains of lue Oregon i'aoifln ltallroad T E, lll.ii, Krrclrer. TIMB 8t'IIKI)i;i,K.( ocoit 8uniiy.) f.'MVe Albsuv t p. a, r,.T Corvallis 1:H3 r, u . Arrl. Ykquina, I::t5 r. a. Lvo Yaquuia. 7:0A,a Ijeave Corvlli,10:3f A,a Amva Albany, 11:18 A. N O. C. trains connect at Albany and Corvnllis. Tho above trains connect at Vaoulna with the Ornuon Development ITonipany's Line of Stuaiunbips botwoen Vaquina and San Francioo, SAI1.1NCI DATES . PROM TAQI'IMA. Wflliunatt. Vall.y, March 8th : ltlth ; 25th. TROa MA!I FRASCIgCO WlIU.TOlU Vallov Marcli 3rd: 12th t list; 30th. The Compiov mwve the npnt to ihnnce saiiitiK dates vthont notice. X. B. Passengers from Portland and Willamette Valley wints can make close gonneottcn with Ibe trains of the Yoqiilna ronto at Albany or Corvallis, Bnd If des tined to San Francisco should arrange to irrive at Yaauina the evening before t'ato fsmlntr FirlKl.1 ltt alwajrs Ijoweat. on afiply to A R Chapman, Frclitht and Albany, C. ). IIOCI lv. O. F. aril P Aijen . Corval.lfl. Conrad Mever. PKOt'KlK'n'H t)K STAR DAKBL1Y Cnmer Broadalbin and First Sts., P-DEAI.KR IN- tunStl Frotla, rlen Frnltn. obiicco, Sagar Vottee, Etc., Caunr.1 llralN, tteuNwarf pcgctnliM'.i, 'igatn. N t'.( H. Tea, tile. Terytbing that is kept in .. kn H i ra n r.Vet p and grocery f aid for ore. H lf;hv Mimus OF PRODUCE. Real stock of 2nd V :oo1s in the Va (er, nnd the most rnasr iaie prices, both n b oiling, i have on band all kMiu. FURNITURE. STOVES, TINWARE TRUNKS, BOOKS, PICTURES CLOCKS, CRQCKFRY, ETC., ETC. door wast of 8 K Yonng' olf. (tort L. COTTLIfcB Keep it in your tnind that Allen Brot pro poie keepijp the kind of groceries t pubh'o NEW ST01iU.-1a MITCIIELl j. & iKAI'KHM Agi'toullui'al f BplcmcH(s & forao mil Ses Us. ti DOWH Jackson corset. If our fit, In style and quality they are super B T he goods we carry in stock are strictly first-el as S J emcmher, the word credit is a thing of the pas T y ruler huy and under sell is our mott 0 E verybody likes our shoes, they are made of Al leatl.e P TKEY 00 SELL CSEiP- REIirlESkl3EB THE PLACE McFarlaiul Block, Albany. HEALTH IS WEALTH! 1R. E . C. WEST'S None ar.d ttrai,T Treatmeiit a ifiuranteed nciflu for Hysteria, Pizznisss, Cohvul oioiia, Fi's, Nervous ISouralsfia, Hcatliicho, Nervous rmtratloii cauvetl iv the use oi alcohol or Uihiccu. Wak-stulnes, Mviital Depression, 8tfton.njF vt the Bra, rculllnir in insanity and icaditi to misery. tUi-aj oil deittlt, tin-mnttire old axe, bai rcimeM. Urns nf Kv 1 i.crvunej ly over-exurtl.m of the Itaiii Kuch "Jontttins one tuontli'd trvattnstit, 31 a box or six boo t for ij., suut by m ill i)rotaiJ on receipt o price. WE OtTATtANTRE SIX BOXES TO CURB ANY case. With each order mociviM liy us Mr a.x Imixmi, accompoiiie! with &", we will hciiu tho purchasor our written h'uataiiteo to refund the money if tho treat- by J. A, Cummin;. Dmgirt, Bole atfent, Allnti), Or. TRYA"gFFFEL"WHEEL and get MORE POWER and use LESS WATER "Write for our Now Illustrntctl Catalogue of IKOl. THE LEFFEL WATER WHEEL& ENGINE CO. SPRINGFIELD, 0., U.S.A. Albany Manufacturers IE AM ENGINES CRIST AND SAW y ILL MACHINERY IRON MlOliTS AMD ALL Kin3 OF HEAVY AND LIGHT WORK, IN IRON hND GRASS CASTINGS. -.puma) attfliiumi )sht o siru.Mt .li ds of niaelilner Pawns Made on Short Notice S. W. Paisley, Albany. Orrnm -WHO LLCS ALE DEALEH IN Tobago and Cigars. ffsJ-JTEW (iOODS. LEWIS CO. Jn ALEAET, OREGON. it don't suit, try tho THE CRY OF MILLIONS OH. 7UIV BKCKI STOP IT now, SOON IT WML BC TOO LATE. I have been troubled many vcars with disease of the kidneys ana have tried many different remedies and hav sought aid from different physician without relief. About the 15th of Apri? I wns suflerinjr from a very violent attack that almost prostrated me in bucu n manner iiiai 1 was weni over. When I at down it was almost impossible for me to net .p ntone, or to put on my clothes, wfce kiuii Providence sent Dr. Henley, with t OKliGON KIDNEV TKA, to my hotel. I immediately commenced iisiiip the lea. It had an almost miraculous citect, and to the aston ish::, tut of alt the guests at the hotel, in a few days, I am happr to state, that I was a new man. will; recommend the tea to all aflHctcd u 1 nave been. G. A. TUPPER, i'roprietor Occidental Hotel, Santa Rosa, Cal. P nr.ai.cnlly cured wflhon! Cilttinir, Hnmlne rr PI. latixir A crU-t-tly l.in!'."' ircalinctlt anil a ttuarar iw il Mir- in every a no rul'r Iu ;l"nir atiuulb Tliin treatment, for s:rirtil e, "I I'r ll'ixullV.la tho r atest tltncivorv known t niflieipc. It t!usolvus ml completely romovia the Stricture itln.ut annoy 1 or fftlli to tli ualleill. UISEA V miliar to t heir Sex, an I not m-oper to name hor lr.chidi!ic H thsse delfcato Infirmities smi Wuak neiwcs, l4i!VW(.ul(j shrink from (llncUwii.jr to their fun! .v .hplf.n, permanently curat in less time than rscvir known to Mttticiuo l-frc, by Or IJosiHVNvw stom ofTreat-meiil.' It rejuvenates thi ireiiito-unt an-oricaimaml nmkos wwik nteiistnHiff Wivcti (.milltj,"it It alwajn lt to cntl for pritul eoMiil(att'in simI ccial eXRinliMtfrtu. Hut th-we wh e-vumt ptssiMr call, should write, statin thnir ea fully. MetHeine sent by null or exi-re, sealtM. froe fn.ni exi-rturo,ti all (arUof the i'ai-itlc C.wwt. Win. A. Raxcll, M. I- Hnal l lM-uiry. Po.Il.n.1, "rra-an. Corner Firr-t ami I'n e strcota, over 1'nilland N iliunal li.uk. Pouiuy Wanted. All kit U nf m'irv. IIVr nr iliowd M tttu -.Villa liaitM H .eking rompany'a sloie. A!twn. i ir'.irr.i . 1 if 1JLV Highest of all in Leavening Tower. B'rouuunrcil tloprlritN. Tvl Havrtl. 1 From a lcttrr written bv Mrs Ada E Ilurrl of Oroton, S D, ne quote: "Was taken with a btii coid, which ntt)cd on my Luna, couyliB tr.i in autl I'ual'.y terminated in Con suinjitinn. Four doctors gave mo up Haying I ceuld live but a short time. I avemy at'lf tip to my Saviour, determined if I could uot itav with mv frisnds cu eafth. I would meet mv ahaeiit onca nbnve. My hutbantl ns.i ;:dviaid to eet L; Kinii'a Now Discover ery for Consnmytiosi, Oiiha ai.d Colds. 1 oive it a trial, took in all tiyht bottle; it hat cured m and thank Ood lam a well nr.ri lipjrtv woman." Trial bottle free at 1 hay & Mazon's dru store, regular ize, 50 and $1. -1 K l iling Photngraiihera A any Oregon. Wo bavo boutbt alt themcativt tmade by L V Jlark and W H Greoovood Lip to Kov 15'.!:, ISS'J. Duplicatca can be Lad from he:n only of us at reduced latvs. We have also about 18,000 ucuativcj in.nl e by our- tiveb, from which duplicalcy can t had at likeia;es. We carry the na y full lioe of viewt if this state and do eiilurgtd work at loweitritos for firot clai-P work. Vi e shall be pleased to see yon at our Studio in From an e block, next door to Maouia nVniple. CATAURil CURED, rcaithrand wFtt breach necured.by Shin N'sCViiinh I'emedy. I'rice 50 cents. Nasal Iiijeett-r free. Fo -3.i&y A: Mnson. amenta. 0 i;opri-y. This is what you ougnt to have, n fict you must have it. to enjoy life. Thousands are searching for it daily, and mourning be cause they flad it not. Thousands upon thcusandi'of (iol)ars are p.nt aonuaMy by our people in the hope that they rnav attain this boon. And ret it may bo had by all. W guarantee that Electric Bitter?, if ufcci acuoidiniE directions and the use persisted in, w brinjj you good diwevtion and oust the demon Dyrrepsia ami install msteaa Eopipvy, We leeommecd Electric Bitters for jyspt-rift and all ofcease of Liver, Stomach aud Kidueys. IS'jid at 50c and $1 po 1 title by 1 ohay & 11 aeon, drugpats. fincklen'H Arnica Snlve. 'The best Sal's in tite world foi Cuta,nruise'".S')r Ulcer', 8!t Uheum, Fever S'r, rotter, Chapp hanilx, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erimtto. 1 posit! relycures Piles.or no my required. It i cnirvr. ntoed n Bjivw perfect satisfaction, or moner refund d. Price 2 emu per box. Fr sk.'.e rjr Foshuy and Uasen SHILOH'S COUGtt and Consumption Cur is fold by nana a gmva-itpe. It cures ooneumption. Foshay & Masou, agent, W. F. Ked keeps the best assortment of faacy gcodn in town. IOO F. Albany i.rnu:e No 4 holds its regular meeting Wednesday evening of each week. Visiting brothers are cordially nvited to attend. WOTIErt AND 5IICE. The reason why a woman is nfrnld of a mouao Is a profound mysu-ry-indecd. It hu never been very clearly proven that aha U. But fomo TTomen are constantly In aucna nervous. Irritable condition that shRhtoct thing annoys and startles them. Tl i this unfortunato stato of affairs Is usually aome functional doranircinent: somo dlstroso Ina; or painful Irregularity, some dcmoire inent or peculiar wmknos, Incident to her sex or, it may be duo to Inflammation, ul ceration or displacement, of somo of the pelvio viscera, or to other ""10 leoo Itmay arise, Pr. Plerce'a Favorlto Prescrip tion ft a porlllne rcmalv. so certain In its cuintivo resulu that Its manufacturers sell It, thrmiBh dnirelsts, under a ouarontee of its Blvlnir satisfaction In ovcry caw, or monny paid for It will bo rjrnP"Jf jftmitnt. As a eonthlnit ""V,n.PBnc'n5 fjfrvino, ' Favorite l'rwcrlptlon Is uno qualcd and Is Invaluablo In adlaylntr and lub. dulna- nervous exeltablllty. Irritability, ex haustion, prostration, hysteria, spasms ana other dlstrvMlnir, nt-rvous symptoms com monly attendant upon 1 iinetiimal and omnia disease of the womb. It induces refrcahlnit sleep and relieves mental anxiety and ae pondency. Copyrliht, 18SS, try World's Dit. Mid. AH DR. PIERCTS PELLETS Mxatuiror Cathartic, seeordlng to sue of dMe. liy Druggist, si cents a vial. r flif IT. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, iJSj, The Atnerhan Economist t published in the Interest of protected manufacturerb is putting forth herculean efforts to show that the McKinley bill did not Increase the prices of goods upon which the duty had been placed, while McKinley, the father I of the tariff measure, frankly admits that did, and boldly proclaims that that is the chief purpose of a protective tanff. Of course McKinley knows that if protection did not enable the seller to get A better price, then protection would be a failure even to the protected. Taking this logical and thruthful view of the matter he bJdly avows that it is not ''cheapness of goods but "dearness" that we want. These friends of protection are driven to the wail, and hence we find them making all kind of excuses for the workings of 'protection." But the hand-writing is on the wall. Protection is doomed. Friends cf Harrison arc putting them selves to the trouble of telegraphing all over the country that Dudley will not ac company him on his trip to the Pacific Ceas But no better selection could be rrudc than Dudley. Does not every one know thac Dudley, through his block-of five scheme-, (which enabled him to open ly and unblushingly buy sufficient votes to carry Indiana and New York,) secured the election of Harrison? Then why not make him a traveling companion? THE UOLDKX BILK BAZAAR, lias a large and complete line of goods, dolls, doll buggies, boys' wagons, ve ocipedes and many other goods w hich gol to make up a complete assortment, besides a complete line of lamps of every description. China crockery, fancy decorated ware, glassware, bird cageB, plush goods, such as albums, toilet seta, autograph books, scrap books, children's ABC picture books, and all goods that are carried in a Bazaar store, including Roger Bros. 1847 silverware. We wish to call the attention of the public in par ticular to the Golden Rule prize baking powder and tea, put up expressly for this t-ade, which gives tfie best of satis faction, as is attested by the hundreds who have used lioth the tea and baking powder ever since introduced by the (iolden Rule Bazaar. Each package of tea and can of backing powder draws a prize in the Bhape of a tine piece of glass ware. Be sure to call, when in Albany, at the Golden Rule Bazaar, you will be sure to find what you wtat, and will be sliown over the store nnd be treated kindly by my clerk, Mr. Miller. My goods arc "all marked in plain figures so as not to deceive anyone, and I have but one urice to all. Jl'MUS UKADWOlll. The ONLY place in the ty where Eist rrn t.eket cm bv pnrebna is of W. L. Jrsler, at the Southern 1'ucih'c Cos ticket I'filCH One half .loll ir reduction on very pair l Lul'ow's tin unites. A lood line of thtm a S K Yiuug's. Ju-t arrived a full line of ladiep, ehil rlmn., men's and boy's foot wear at U W Sitrpnin's, which will be sold at l.otloni priw-i. "H ACKMETACK,' Iiutiog n-1 aid 51 ceutt. f" c,r-iut psriume. rrice eliay .V Aiai-on, ngr-nt.. E-;Hn & Aehi.on bacille toe eeletrated Ponihiifl eeiitvnt w;.ils f..r e,.,i;,.tery lota, rhem: ua'U cm ho furuiihvd at half tl-e cost ftljtti) other Hml.aro far mperior. I'.csiNtss CiiANtirt. Jiul Ti, for n hir.g time with San Wn, a h. np good mnn who sahes Hie laundry bulnov, has bought out Lee's laundrv near the Revere Ilouse.and will I.ereafreV run It. s-nt'sfiictlon guaran eed. tli, Wliat an Avtli.l Brrnll. I Toere is bnthit'g more healthful than on . ions. The trouble i thnt perjons sie a'raid to eat them bee. n-e thev make the bifath oi,f-mr.t. Knt there is a less fragrant hr.-ntn than thai, freivhto.l with onions. M t mrn the breath of a .era wiin afoul tnnianh. Take him anavl inwardly cry when he whispers in our ear. Finns that v.-nr breath is pure. Take a few Bra. oreth'a I'liUsnd ifgnlato -..nr liver, romni h nod towels ..nd1 your breath ih betweeu SI.EKPI.BSS NIUHTS. mide miserable by lliat torrii.le coodh. Miil .h'jCure is tho Ke nxly .r yi n. WILL YOU SUFFER with T)jaepsia and l.iv. r Comprint ? Sb 1 )h's Vi'a'iz. r it Ijliaiai teed to euro ynn. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. A Train WrerL. ErEOMA, March 8. The Jacksonville & Southern fait passenger train, which left here at 1 :3o this morning, met with a terrible acci dent at Havana, 111. The train consisted of a baggage car, coach, chair car and two sleepers, and was an hour and a half late, owing to a terrible storm raging at Havana. There is a phary curve one and one-half miles from the depot, nd the engine struck the curve ot a switch and left the Hack. All the cars fol lowed, piling up in great conlusion. Two ere killcij outright, two fataly injured and several injured. K necked Ont. Washington, March 8. Senator Dolph wanted $25,000 to investigate the subject 0 artesian wells in Eastern Oregon in reference to their adaptability for irrigation purposes, hut the department havintr made no estimate lor this sum, it was knocked out on a point of order, iv nen lie presented his amendment he also gave some information which had been gathered by the agricultural department with iterance to irrigation matters in Oregon. A Fatal Free UIilc. Trinidad. Colo, March 8. When the freight train on the Fort Worth ro;d arrived, here last night, smoke was seen issuing from a refiigerator car. The door was broken open. anu two men w no were stealing a ride were found Ij in In the straw suffocated , A Ills Slain Klurm, Kempiiis, Tenn, March 8. The rainfall in this city and section o! the south for the past two days has been I'npreceilented. Nearly live inches have fallep in this city during the past lortj-eif lit hours. Specials from adja cent country report a heavy rain in generri. The Tennessee river rose seven feet in twenty four hours ot Flo.ence- Ala, and is still rising tapidly. Ailjnnraed slue Die. Olymi'Hia, March 8. The legislature ad--journed sine die this morning at 3:40 o'clock and trnight not to exceed one-fourth of the members are in tows. Nearly evary one left town on the early morning boats and trains for their homes. A KallleWoB. Paris, March 8. The French Sen-gal ex pedition has won another battle on the Niger w ith the native troops. The natives of Diena were beaten with a loss of 600 killed and wounded, including their chief. The French lest eleven killed and many wounded. Notice to Fabmehs. Wanted at once chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, dried iruits, ouiter, eggs, ana all Kinds ol tarm produce, tor which I will pay the high est price in cash or in exchange for good. U. W. Sim son, Albany, Oregon Kxelletnent Runs high in Albany i t Forhay & Ma son's drugstore err System Bnilder, as everybody is using it for Catarrh of the Stomach, Dyenepsia. Constipation and Im-i pure Wood. Try it i nd tell jour fiieuda about-it aa it must possi 8wondciful murits when ad speak- well of i. French Tana- Uafers. wafers are a sure and snfet- dB. kindsof female troubles ar.. w1!1 nil obstructions to the mom. 1 no matter what the cause. Ti. v 11 what every woman necc. , at i lsed with safetv. For sale l' th. The for a rcmot period are ii can be Livingstone Chemical Co, also Iron u sole agent, J A Cumming, druggijr. Bit r. berg brxk, Albany, Oregon. CROUP, WIIOOriNG COUGH and Itronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. I New Blacksmith Sir.:- G .V Wlllla has just complete his blacksmith shop at the corner of Second nnd Railroad streets where ail kinda of iron and wood work can be nad and done In first clasa order Bring on voiu nlows. wairor.s. etc.. etc. lor rep.i l ' A NASA! INJECrOR free with each h.ntlo fbhilohs I'ntarrh IC.-mody. Price 53 cents. Fuhay& Mahon, an'eota WHY WILL YOU eoeith when Khiloh'n I'nie Kill civo iinn;ediate le'i.-l. Price 10 Coi, 00 cunts aid 1 . Fcshay ti Masou, agents. The hestnwht coll'-o Mt-yerj-a. in ti i nCri FOR DYSPEP.-IA Mid ivor Comiilamt 'cu have a rrii.'p euar.intoeon i very t.ott-ie f hi)ol. a YitaiiZ'T. It never fad to cute. "n.Oi.iy & la8)ll, nKenta. Tor lame back, or s.de rheet. iifeSt.ilohs !..;! Planter. IMcc, 23 cent". Iitl.lren Es-Joy The i levant flivci, nen'ln aorinn pn.l onth iny f tfeets of 8yiup of Fti;, vhen in need of a laxative find if tho fvtbor or mothor be costive or biiinns the most c"atifvinu res.ilta dloA-lliir its use. so .hit it is the hr-st fam y rmne.ly known sod o.ory family ehotild ave a l'?ttlo. A sn"e cure for tho whisky -libit; l)r f.ivmtston'a Artuli'tp fi.r inn tnr.cs will pure any easu of the liquor rttbil in frnn ten to thlity fla, from the t n-1. rat drinker to tho d.nnknrd. The A'.tidoieoT l-e iven in . enp of c ffee witluui th-kr ewledire of the person tk .of it. The r' nt-. life ill not injure the healrn io any way. M. 1-uf.ietnred by the Liviniraton Chmicjl Co , P-.riland, Oreton f r from J A Cumming, ole agent Albany. SHILOH-S CATAISRH KRMEDY a positive cure for Catanh; Piphtheria and Canker-Mouth. Fcshay & Jlason, egeorj. demanur. ra:ir iitici. 11 a line one.