Mpl SHOE'S' IITHS H'TTIJIO, BditDM lid frop'ri. ktrJ alllie P"t omon at Alhany, Or rxiii. imhbuiiikI olaas inil luuUor. vi ..MlKllt, 1SI. Crr OFFICIAL j.ooat, jtKComx SisnAY Seiivickh At tlio Cint;ii-ga- liml church tomorrow, tho Hiilijccts hi-iiMU'd win "e- iiktiiiiik: ' wiukihc I'lirist. f.vfimijr, ".uyiiiK a dooii Inn inlnlinii. ihid m Ihe lonrlh in a ji-sol HTiiircH w yoinit; people, wniic uro invited, a Hpecial invitation in ii to young i'o)du to ntk-ii'l tlieso turn. Revival services ut ths M h Church th to morrow ut 1 1 a m ami 7:30 p in. pastor will preach both morning and line;. All are invited to attend these k ial services. t tlic l'.nptiel church, pruucliiiitf at 1 1 and 7 :'M in liy the pastor. Moru xuhjert: "Individual Kcsponsiliility, 1 HilVri-iice to M km'hiiih." Kvcninj.' : in witli Whom we Have to do.'1 The tiiutl oHVriiu;K for torein lniniiniH will jhrcoivcii at tho morning Hervice, and cinng Horc.ion will he lollowea liy fcfttr meeting. Wing IVoples m.'et- :it u::iu p 111. litre will he preaching services tomor at the Presbyterian church At 1 1 a m 7:30 p in. Sahbath school at 12:30 p Y I' -S O E mcctim; at 6:45 p m. Ihe ainent of the Lord's Supper w ill be ierved In connection with the morning vices. The church session will meet in lecture room at 10:30 a in. The sub : of the morning sermon will be "Christ tVay." In the evening the fourth ureo'n ChrlstlanUvidence will be given, Me. "The Credentials." All will be made gcoine to these services. ants PAimcuLAus. A Nebraska IP writing to the Oregon Land Co., of I city, is a little the most inquisitive iny inquirers yet reported. Hero are iquestionB: 1. What is land worth your county 2. Is there any govern int land vet. 3.1s it timber land. 4. hat are horses worth. What are cows ortli. 5. What is lumber worth per toasand. 0. What are wagons worth. 1 What is work harness worth. 8. Is We nlcntv of water for stock. 9. Could I rent a house until we looked over the $ntry. 10. How are you supplied with rcb'es and schools. 11. llowcold is it inter, in. now warm in summer. is the answers may interest some of Kaitern readers wo give them as Idwb: J-Jinil is worm iuco ou an f according to location, Considerable eminent land, mostly timoer. ioou k horses can he bought lor fu to ). Lumber is ! to 11 per thousand kh. Fnrm wagons are wortli about 1 work Harnesses, :su a set. rieniy water for stock. You could rent a we for about S10 nor month in Albany Hie looking about, we nave line I Irches and schools and plenty of them, legrees alxive zero was the coldest last iter, and aliout 90 degrees the warm last year. Our climate is a good one. KiFKusoN. A bridge will be built dss the rivir at Albany this year, any business men usually "get there" :n they undertake anything. Ir and Mrs Louis Seige, of Albany, a visiting Mr L Rayburn's family day. Mr Seige will take charge of section on the S P in place of L Kay irn. Iwenty-four new members were taken into the Evangelical church in this city laTlll'rwliiy. The result of the recent ir tting held here by Rev I B Fisher, of oiy, anu ucv i, H j isner, o: .fcasi Itland. Review. attle Dying lenorifrom all narts Jie country are that considerable cattle e aieu cming tlic recent storm, and arc lyinu. The old cows ond vounircatlle the most loss. The grass was poor utmncr and fall and stock entered the Iter in poor condition. A number who e of feed fost stock simply for f f shelter. No loss of horses is re tted. Eugene Guard. !' illst nboul. in tlin middle of tlic fk, on First street, south side, bc- n Ilioadalbin and Ellsworth, and find a iilaco where yoj can nl iget first-class groceries and fresh luce at reasonable prices and be well '''without extra price. The sign ' "V'arker Bros.," and everybody '' the name. Their baked goods are best. Their stock of goods generally pt replenished to meet the demands growing trade. Aesu a Momknt. If you want a tail rude suit of clothes oranv nar of one. made, of the best material to h- se- d, have W R Graham do the job for Me has just received an elegant ot sultings,of superior fabrics and dur textures. than which no better have reen seen In Albany. Helms marked ices down to bottom figures. Those ing to dress In itvle should call on Mr ham. F" Tons of salt i'jst received bv R M r'trtson, several grades, which will be N t wholesale and retail. Lime, ce- 'i. plaster, feed, oats, hsy, etc., kept on - ano sold at reasonable prices. Is ' In his new nuatters iust cast of the ''oca at office, where he also h.n n c "lock of flour for sale. A handsome 1 Points out his place of business. mm m v,w Spring Goons. I am now re- ''."l my first Invoices of spring novel. In wh gi ols, prints, ginghams, ccr etc., I hive also just received a 'one of all wjoI summer nlnlds and SiMURt. K Yonvn.' Roar e Falsley k smiley, Our Printers. MHIM ANII PEKHONAl, S M IhinieU, of Kcio, wag in tlio city today. (iovernor I'ennoycr returned from Ya quiiia Hay today, Mr II C Dunn, the efficient marshal of Corvallia, wua in tliucity today. LiceiiHo Iiiih been iHHiied for the mar riage of W S l'aul and l.illio 1) Mumlurll'. l)r ) C Aubrey and wife went to Ku Kfiie tliiH nqfih to be pone several days. The Doctor a dental oll'icca are being re modeled anil Improved generally. Mr liert Van (Jlevc is now pouring over the leaven of Hit immortal Itlankxtone in the office of lllackburn & Wright, with a view to becoming a disciple of lex. II (! Clement, of Tacoina, was in tlic city today, 011 bin way borne from a vinit to biH parenU-iii-lnw ut Kliedd. Mr Clement recently purebaHed tlio (iraml I'aeilic hotel, formerly The Abbott, of lacoma, a large, uve-Btory unck utruc lure. VIIK Iir UIIT, Tlio following cases have been begun in the circuit court, Hirceour lant report: Murphy, (irant&Coagttiibson Myer?. To recover money. I H DawBon agl Gibson Myers; Tore- cover niotiey. Aiiierionn MIl'u Co. of Scotland, agt tfdwiii Wilcox, trustee; Foreclosure. W II Shields agt T J Shields; Part ition. Dundee JItgc & Trust Investment Co agt 1 is TliompHon ; loiiiiruiuuun, Oregon agt K E I'cnnir.ston ; To keep the peace. Lena Dorris agt K I. Dorris; Divorce. Tub Y. M. C. A. Conceht. Following is the program for Y M C A concert, to he given at the opera house, on Tuesday evening, March lu: PART KlltST. 1 and 2. Orchestra. 3. Onward Marching, (grand march ing chorus), Apollo Club. 4. The Wolf is on the Hill, (hunting chorus), Messrs Achison, Littler, Miller and Hears. 5. The Message, (recitation, piano ac companiment). Misb Alice Clara Moses, (!. Peaceful be thy Sleep, (serenade), Apollo Club. 7. Ilass Solo. Mr C W Sears. 8. Wow on ye Winds, (yachting cliof"- U8), JlesBr loung, nan, i,ee aim aeura. PART SECOND. 1. Orchestra. 2. Waltz Song, (fourth grade), Ap ollo Club. 3. Jack and Jill, (tumbling chorus), Apollo Club. 4. The New Lochinvar, (recitation), Miss Alice Clara JVloseB. 5. Barvarian.Y'odle, (the water Tall), Apollo Club. 0. Clarinet Solos, Mr S Dudley, of Oberlm, Ohio. 7. Good Night, (serenade), Messrs 1 oung, Hart, Lee and hears. Miss Mildred Burmester, pianist. Navy lnr.l Kite. Morgan Bros., opposite Masonic Hall, have arranged to handle an addition to Sidnev, on Port Orchard Bav. These lots aie Inside property and are the first put on the market by the Bank of Sidney. They will be sold, for a short time only, at the remarkably low figure of $75, only $25 cash. All lots same price. Title perfect. Warranty deed by the Bank of Sidney. . Here are a few points which make it worth your while to investigate: Everybody knows That the Navy Yard has just been lo cated at Sidnev, on Port Orchard By. That the Governmenc has just appro priated $750,000 to commence work. That Sidney Is already a thriving town of nearly 1000, has sawmills, shingle mills, bank, two newspapers, three hotels, a $50,000 pottery plant, and is the only in corporated town in the county. That the fortunes made on real estate have b':en made by buying just at the be ginning of such a boom is must now strike Sidney. Remember the nrlce of these lots was flVfH hpf..r th sit nf the nnvv vards wis cstablishcd.and mav be advanced any day. You have the U S Government's en dorsement of Sidney, and If you buy five lots you ean visit the property, and your expenses will be paid and money refunded il vou are not saiisneci wnat more coum you desire? Morgam Bros., - , , ,.. 1, opp. musunit nun. Woukmkn Attention. At the meeting of the A O U W next Monday evening matters of irreat importance to every member will come up. F.very member of Safety l)dgo should be 111 at tendance Visiting brothers always welcome. Boauiikiis Wasted, for table and one room. liKiuire nt ukmocka" omcu. Men and women do not always agree, in fact thev frequently disagree and ser iously too, "causing many divorces and collapses in the matrimonial market. One mini. thoutF 1. inev Stfree on, aou inui is that Conn & llendrlcsoir keep the kind of groceries one needs In h.Misekeeplng.they treat men and women alike and giye them h.iriralns In uoods In their line. Call on them lor groceries auu prouuee. Rare Bargains. 30 jIoz men's latin dried white thirts at 50 cts worth $1 00 to 1 25. , , . ' 10 do7. men's unlnundricd white shirts at 40 cts worth 75 cts to H 00. 30 don four-in-hand tie at 25 cts worth 80 cts to 75 cts. A few rlnvs onlv. Sale commences to day nnd for a few days only nt the above prices, ui. j , -muhk,v, o. irn.n it i Allen Broj t,ro- pose keeping the kind of groceries ho public demands. Their stock is a lino one Cloaks at cost at W F Bead's. Board Wanted. A young lady wishes board and heated room. In private family permanent place. Aiidrcs", or call at. Democrat office, for Information. SHILOH'S CUKE will imnitdiately re- li' ve Crop,WhQppu,p, Cough Broudn Foihv & Mfi-oti; n;" nf. TlltS HTI DENTa' F..TKI(T11IKT. The entertainment given by the stu dents of the College, at the Opera House last evening, was attended by a lurge audience, and was, as well, a literary success. TI.e program wan opened with music bv the Collcce orchestra. enmnosed of C II Hart, Q H Acheson, II j Carrico, Clem IrviiiH.EIIiot Irvine, S It Dudley, F nrecKCHrnigc.aiac iJenny, 1'rol Lee nd Mildred Iturmester, with' three violins, piccolo, llute, clarinet, comet, baritone, baBB viol and piano. Some fine orches tra music was furnished during the even ing, and enthusiastically encored by the audience. Miss Moses recited "Aux ItalieiiB" with line effect, and was encor ed, happily responded to. The College chorus sang "i;pidce"and "Polly Wolly" at different limes, causing much merri ment, resulting in encores not responded to, MisB Kvalena Simpson recited "River mouth Rocks, "displaying great improve ment. MisB Simpson is very graceful in the uho of gestures and speaks with good elocutionary c-ueet. "Empanelling a Jury," a short farce, was quite a funny all'nir, causing con siderable laughter. Several local hits were introduced. Frank ".reckenridgo made a good Judge, OGooilman was par ticularly competent as Clerk, II JjCarrico and A I! Veal wero the lawyers, Mack Denny the Sheriff. Tho iurvmen exam ined, a'lof whom tried to be excused, wero Hugh Fisher, 11 Doughton, W Pea cock, O Turner, Clem Irvine and Ole Tobiason, all of whom proved character istic victims of the jury svstein, Mr Tobiason carrying off the honors. The (iarroters, a charming holiday Irainn. bv the famous author. W Deam liowells, was presented in an admirable manner. It sparkles with portrayals 01 human nature, particularly woman's nature. Mr Carlton Sox, as the con scientious Mr Edward Roberts, a young author, was well suited for the position. Mr Percy Young did well as Mr Willis Campliell, the ' joking brother of Mrs Kolierts.a hright character in the drama, Mr Edward N lilodgett represented Mr liemis, (sr., Mr Hugh i isher, MrAiireo Beinis. his son. MisB Pearl Vnnce, Mrs Alfred Bemis, Miss Ava Baltimore, Mrs Crashaw, and MisB Nina Ualbraith, Bella. Mr Edward Crossen was a good Dr I-aw ton, who caught on to things in tuitively. Miss Mary Cundilf as Mrs Edward Roberts, was the star of the drama, doing some of the finest amateur acting witnessed in Albany, portraying the character ot Mrs Roberts, whom to appreciate one should read the three liolidav dramas ot lHh.J-4-;. published in Harpers, in a manner that would Buit the eminent Boston author himself. ItF.AL rsTATE SALES. Granville E Parrish to A Frum,100 acres 13 w 2 1800 Geo Bogue to W F Hamlin, 411.45 acres 12 w 4 11,000 U S to David E Busey, 118.43 acreB 15 w 4 Patent Frank Shcdd to Henry B Sprenger, lots 2, 4, bl 3, Davis A,Shedd.. J R Abbey to F'anny Bryant, lot 4, bl 1 A's A Q B Skinner to II M Walier.'i lot, bl 35. H's 2nd A Geo L I Slack man to Simon Blumaur bl6, B'g A E J Lanning to M E Cougill.14 feet off lot 2, bl 111, H's A. Fredericka Healev to Louisa Kiefer. 50 100 2100 500 600 lots 5, 6, b'. 57, Albany 3500 U S to Adolph Eichmann,lG0cres 11 E 1 Fatetit 10,650 Total for year 143,557 A Boy sixteen years of age desires a plnce to work in payment for his board, while attending school. Any one wish ing such a boy will confer a favor by leaving word at the Dkmockat oliice. Paisley te Smiley, -Commercial Printers. DIED. l'FEIFFER. -On Friday night, March th. 181)1. of consumption. Miss Carrie PfeifTer, daughter of Mr Char'.es Pfeiffcr. proprietor of the Revere house, aged 20 years, 7 months and 8 days. Miss PfeifTer had been declining grad ually in health for a year or more, and only recently returned from California, where she Had been without receiving improvement. She was born in Clinton, Iowa, and came to Albany with her par ents in 1877. She was a bright, accomp lished young lady, possessing many loveable traits of character, and had many friends, who will unite with the bereaved parents in mourning her death. Funeral services w ill occur tomorrow at 3 o'clock, at the home of the deceased 111 the Pfcillor block, to which the public is invited. GILBERT. On Friday night, March Glh, at 0:20 o'clock, alter a lingering ill ness, at the home of bis daughter, Mrs A M Hammer, Prof J L Gilbert, aged i2 years. Prof Gilbert came to Oregon, in the .lO's, first locating in Coos county, where, on account of poor health, he chopped wood lor awhile, then making senooi it-iu-iiing ins pioinsHiou, lie re- Sided nt Oakland lor several years, mov- in to Linn county, where he resided nt Albany nnd Brownsville, and finally at to Ibanon, where he I, nil charge of the academy, which he bui't up into a popular school, neinga resident 01 that citv lor annut thirteen years. Ilo was county school superintendent one term. Prof 1 ilber t was a member of tho m r. chinch, nnd possessed many noble traits of character. lie possessed genuine tneti'ls who appreciated tne real worth of his character. Prof Gilliert leaves three daughters and two sons. His remains, nfter a short service at '0 o'clock, this morning, were taken to Oailand on the noon train for burial. REEVES. On March 4th, 1801, at her homo near Albany, tbewifeof MrGeorge Reeves, utter a lingering illness, ot con gumption. The deceased was born in Manico county, Ci'.l, moving Irom there to near Albany. Mic leaves devoted luisiinnd, one child, a mother and many friends to mourn her (lentil. Funeral services were preached nt the M E church, in tins city, by Key Mem inaer. and the remains buried in tho , 1 Palestine church cemetery, by the side of a child. Miner non i-rnit-or .i.,. IIOJfB AND AUKOAO SM.OOOtoloin fltirini nml. fn dv hv N StMlr. llulip & Dawson, druggists, Buy your groceries of Parkor Bro Fiaegrocorioi t Coan Si lli-ndricsou's. Tho State fair will open on September 14. Notice the New York C. B. It. Store'i ad. Pie pUut rooU for ilo by J II Townteud. Filh Doles have- hee.l IMn rivor twuinil tn. day. Genuine full envn choeae at Muller & Garrett's. Buy Oasoline itcves from Mathewe Si Washburn. Smoke tlic cnlebreted (lav-ina filled 5 csnt oigar at Julio Joseph's. Alarsc siock of wall paper, with late de signs, at Fortmiller k Irviug'sjust reoeived. See W K Head's line of dresi gocde rand silks before buying elsewhere. Bargains in choice groceries' call always be securxl of Allen Bros., Khunjislock. Highest market prlco paid for eggs at the New York C. H. It. Storo. Wasnlng, 50c a dnzeu, tnondingfor men fiee,at Mrs Kings, jint east of the Democuat office. Potatoes are 40 cents a bushel, instead of ovr a dollar as many ititicipatrd they would A room is being fitted up iu the Twecdale Block on Seccnd street for a Chioose Sab bath Sihcol. If you want any thing nice go to Muller & Gurett's, the ouly place in town where you can get what you want. Hamilton Job ft Co. of Corvallis are fore closing a mortgage aeainst Jacobs & Neugcss, on which is due $13,000 and iuterett from Deo. 10, 18SS. Brighten up your old rubbers and old shoes and makotbem look as good as onw, with Wolff's Acme Waterproof Polish. For sale at Samuct E Young's. Mr A W Best has opened a studio nDstaira in the building occupied by Stewart & Sox, and all who wish to join his class in oi! paintinz. which will str.rtou Saturdiv, March 7th, at I p in, should call and aee him. C'has H Friendly, indicted by the grand jury for buyibgder skins, appeared before the circuit court Thursday evening, plead guilty, and was fined $5 ami costs, which be paid. Eugene Guard. The revival services at the M E Church South, still continue, much interest is man ifested, and the wotk seems to develop more and moro each day. The meeting will be continued next wieic, aim perhaps longer, The hearse conveying the the lemains of Prof. Gilbert to the depot this noon, stuck in the mud at the "orner of Broadalhin and Seventh streets and being unable to get It out the remains were transferred to a dray for the remainder of the trip to the denot. A poor comment on the condition of some of our streets. The St. Paul Globe aays of them: "After a lapse of three year Lew Johnson with his Refined Colored Minstrels returns, 'i'he Grand was crowded to overflowing to see the galaxy of colored talent. The entertainment was enjoyable from the rise of the curtain to the fall. The jokes new and the songs the very latest and well tendered. " At th Opera House next Wednesday evening. Nancy Spores, one of the pioneer otren of Oregon, died at her home near Cobnrg, Mooday, at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, aged 78 years. She was born in Kentucky Feb 12, lc-1.4, moved to Illinois and was married to Frederick Trimmer in 1832. Afterwarg- in 1842 married Jacob Spores, whose death preceded hersonly a lew months. In 1847, with hor husband.she immigrated to Oregon and settled on the McKcuzie river nea. Co- burg, biing one of the first white women to hecome a resident of Laoe county. Eugene ixuard. Fine Oil Paintings. Mr A W Best, who has been conducting a large class in Salem, has on exhibitition in the store opposite Stewart & Sox, on First street, a valuable collection of the most noted and picturesque views on the Pacific coast, the result of three years' sketch ing, and which are pronounced by all who have seen them, to be the finest ever exhibited in Albany. He has also some figure pieces by Tojetti, the famous San Francisco artist, who is acknewl edged by all to be second to none in flesh tints. The object of this exhibition is to give tne public an opportunity to judg of Mr Best's work, as he is here to or ganize a class in oil painting, .and all who are interested in art should call and see him. They will lie on exhibition for the next two weeks, during the day and evening. Good Work, Low Prices, Paisley & Smiley. F OR SATE Two fresh milk coiv?. Inquiro of W W Crawford, Tulhna.i, ALBANY OPERA HOUSE. Wednesday 3Iarch 11 th. Special engagement of the FAMOUS RLACK -- ROOMERS, LEW JOHNSON'S Famons Now Colored Minstrels, America's Greatest Mlnstrol Company. Watch our fine Street Parade, led by llndj l-eclicrirr, Ilia treat Arab. DAV LEWIS, 'f lis B ack iHLTi EMERSON, ItICK CROSBY, MASTER SMITH, And others POPULAR PRICES. r-r-Soat on sals nt jnnwn Murn Will A Link1 WOaUH 1'0SIIIEKIU, F. M. French keeps railroad time. New cream oheese juat received at Cot. r ad Meyers. Egan & Aclifion are selling monummts at Portland prices. Mens', youth s' and boys' clothing and furnishing goods at ( W Simpson's, llavo you scon those parlor suits that T Brink has just received ? They are nice. Great reduction inmen's furnishing goods for the next 30 days at W F Head's. J V Bontley. best boot and shoe makerp'n city, ihrce doors north of Dkmockat office. For bargains in monuments, headstones eto., goto Kgan & Achison, Albany.Oregon Tickets for ALL eastern points, over ANY route, for sale by W. jL. Jester, at S. P. ticket offi. e, ' Kovelllca In Jackets. I havo received a small assortment of novelties in ladies spring jackets, made in the latest stylea of Blazers and Reef ers, in cheviot, diagonal and worsted. I expect to carry a full line of these goods, as well as all the leading Blvles in Ladies Capes, beaded, crochet and in cloth. Orders taken for special sizes and styles. Sam'i. E Yoi no. Will erlo. There is a nice and beautiful burrough, A city large and strong enough tocrough. That stands astride the Thomas river's Hough, A clear bright stream that runs not very slough. The citizens are not corsidercd lough .or yet Ul-natured do they seem; al though In politics and such, they want a shougb. Sometimes their aspirations burn and glough. And from the home of Linn they want to gougti, Which is a naughtv notion we nil nougb. We like them all bo well, and tell them BOUgtl. We could not bear to part, bo answer nough ! For those who look too high will stub their t'jugh And fall with pain, and then they will Blgll, ough! Jennie Lixd. A LATK L.IX3 I BOM HAYES. The Corrective Properties of the J nlces of California's Vegetable Alteratives Almost Sensational. A lady formerly of lZ!t Mission St, but now of 400 Uaycs St, 8. F., writes to the Edwin W. Joy Co. as follows: " Mrs. II. T. Ucvcrly, of Se attle resided with mo last winter. She had long been a sufferer from dyspepsia and waterbrosn. Her stomach was so weak that for months at a timo site lived principally upon milk and the white of eggs. Among other things she tried one of the mineral sarsaparlllas only to find that It gave her pains In the head and weak sinking spells. Having taken Joy's Vegetable Sarsapa rlUa myself with great benefit lu stomach troubles, I Induced her to discard the potash preparation and try your Vegetable compound. It began rclnvigorating her stomach aud In a short tfmo helped her astonishingly. It ini. proved her apiietltc and strength to that extent, that Jtut before sbo left, she was beginning to return to solid food. She authorized me to write you this statement accordingly." Ml. ABGItN, AT PORTLAND ISTIL JULY 5TH. DR. ABOUN, Fourth and Mormon ntreots Portland. Oregon, the moat anacessful plys cian on on the American continent for the speedy, positive f absolute and permanent cure for Catarrh of the Head. Asthma, bronchitis. Fnenmoma and Consumption Twenty-Uve years saccehsfnl practice. Instantanoous relief and permanent cures oiieu eneciea upon nrsi consultation. Dr. A born, by hie original, modern, scien tific method, effects Speedy and radioal cures of the mo Bt .ob stinate aid long standing oases of Nasal Catarrh. Ozena, Deafaeos, Die charizes from the Ers, Asthm, B onchit'a and Consumption. Alao Stomach Disorders, Bilious Colic, Gall Stones aud Jaundice, Heart, Liver, Kidney, Bladder nd Npivona Affection: Diseases of Men. Also all ailmeuta peculiar to women. Dr. Aborn can be consulted from now until July 5. when h leaves for Europe. Note. Home treatmeiit.securely picked, sott by express to any part of the Pacific Coast and Territories for those who cannot yossibly call in person. c I I Y DRKJ STORE, PfeifTer Block, Albany, Staid & Cusfck. raoraiSTOKS. DniRg, Medlolnrs, Cbc-micals, Kanry and Toilet Artlolos,8poin;o. Bmsliea. Perfumer;, School llrxiks, and Arllsla' Supplle. Ih Kir lams' prcnrrlptlous) care, fully compounded. -:F. L. KENTON,:- -Dealer In- GROCERIES. MB JOUIOVS UIIEAT tTUKt.TU. Aud How Be Developed Ihe Power to HM uie kin; to.. Weight or laoihor ArrossaMaw Mm floor llly-Jub.osi Waa formerly a Mrkljr Mao. and Vow fnrril bj Dr Barrln'a Elerlrlc Skill. McMi.n-aville, Or, Fob 5, 1891. Dear Dr DarrlmVn,,. i.-i t j nom. Treatm... 7 rv, .,h.Z " months, haa wrought almost a iiiiracl on me. When I first cane to you I waa about crazy from lha effecta of nervou. dobhity. spinal and kldnoy trouble". I waa wholly unable to work. Now I am strong; and hearty, and able to hand. thirty tons, weight of lumber aoross the sawmill floor every day. It is a woLdei fill and radhal cure. I thank yon with all my heart. I will stand by you and recommend you lirot, lat and all the time. My mo her (Mrs M A Johnr,i who formerly lived in f-'alem, Or. now here, has never had a return of her deaf ness of twau.y years' standintr. cuinl h you two years ago. Gratefully your, Ihahlkh L. Johnson. Dr. Uarrlu's Sjslem of Trtnluienl. Elootrici'y, tho invention of ths nln. teentb cnturv. Is well worthy the patient ?rui" - inveniigniion ana cxeriinent that have been given to it by some of the ablest and most devoted voiaritg of cionce. Galvsna. Voita. Hnmhrtirir and others equally distinguished, spent year in siuoying me pcenumeua of this won derful agent, and then our own Mors gave it a 1 hysicsl value in Ihe invention of tho telegraph. And now, as we have become familiar with the constant mira cle of lightning, bending abedient to the slightest touch of man, we eee a new wonder in the invention of Dr Damn, who, by t-khlful nxchsi.ism, dirccs this tubtilo force to the destruction of diseai and tho building up tf waning vitality. Dr treats all curable chronic,aeut and private dh eases, blood taints, loss or failing manhood, nirvousdebility.effecU el errors, or excei-srs in old or yoing, loss of iiuniotv. diseases caused by mercury in the improper treatment of private diseases Office 70X Washington t.,Portland,Or. Houts tl A. M. to 8 p. M-, daily. tSxnru inatioa free and confidential, question blanks and circulars sent gralU to a-y address patioutB cured at home. TOWNSEND C: WILSON, Real Estate i Loan Bmbs Alee. BALTIMORE BRICK, Dninir penerftl Imurince tutlrers, ' Fartlci Hiring tntmraDce will'c'o lull to tie thim. AGENTS TOR Aetna In nu run re Compear, Ir.corrora'ed charter perpetual. L r raid in 70 ye -' t WO ,000. AiMti,0,7bO,716te3, Guard Inn Ina. Conipnny, nf Lnndon, England KstablifilivU 181 . C'j.ilal, 5.0(0,(CO. lotol Art i &itl over $8,000,000. Anirrfran Fire Ina. ftimpfiny, of Fliiladrtphla, Onfaiiized Caih aMaeta, yl&42,tid0. Lone paid, $H,50e,2f.O. Colnnibla Fire A Marine Ina. C'nnipnny, o P.irMttnd, Or. Assets, JOO.ttTli.W. Thiaia quo of Oregon 'a best cotnpauies. and n fine stock generally, as well ns jewelry, Watches clocks, etc., at F. .M. Fri'SJcIs's. HI J ISo -: SPECIALIST :- ELEIEDCE BL'K, mm, CR. ppjvatTdiseases. Comultsllcn fico nnd Milrllcou on tlKi. Ida PHOTOCRAPrlER, Cor Hewnd aiiilleriy St, Albany, Ol SUPERIOR werk. gnarariteed In over; branch of ihe nn. ffiTKnlargfng Q nil kind a Kecllly DR. W II. DAVJ-5, PhysicUn and Surgeoi K(.ncn uo alaira in Strahan'a Rloo May Re found l hia olii ay and nlgl