Altai VOL. iJI. AL15ANY. OREGON, FRIDAY. MARCH C, 1891. NO 259 Conrad Mever. -r,B,Ol'Kll.T,-l OK- STAll.UAKKHY Cnnier Broadaluin aad First Sis., DKAM.K 1N- niui'd 1'riiilH, rleii FrullN. obticco, Jugar roller. Klo launcfl .. VrKelnblrai, 4ignr h. Hn'ti a. Tea. Kit... .a . verytfilng that la kpt In . rod Hi v .and grocery oro. Hlghofft s rkst p I aid for fcl!L KINDS OF PRODUCE. Ptrmai. cully cured wf.limt Cuttinir, lturtiliiff t !( Uli-tK. A .erlcclly (minium trcutmuit ami a mmrau tctil 'iir in ovlt.v 3 no, do mutter li-iw Ion if ntainli"'if. Thin treatment, fur H'-rictuu, ( Itr ItoxL-irn , ia ilie Ijr attt iliiK'ci.-tjry known t inclii'iie. It .liMH-lvus lid cmni'luttlv ri'tii'tvtn tlm StrU'ture willioutaiitiny l or to lliu mlk-tit, ( DISEASES OF ME!.! I'eculinr to their -Sux, an I not iroier tu name lure, iDi'luilinir all tli h dt'Hcato I nil mil tic ami Weak mutual, k t.ic-li tltjv woiilil Hl.rink fnnti Jin'InMii to tht'ir family, punnniiftitly curi'il in U' tiniu th:tu wa.ii ever knmvn to Mci.icit). liufnrit, by lr I.i.xell'rf "New KyaU'tit of Tru ...m.:nl." It rejuvenate the fciiito-unii.ry oriraiiHuml niitkim weak men Mtrit;r When piKnil)lu, it is alwuyn Ir-hL to cull nr K;r;-ni;.l coiiHUltati'in and M.oial examination. Itnt thins who ennnot iHMtrtihly cjiII, ulioulii write, aUlinjf their one fully. Metlicino sent by mail ur cxjiretft, btnletl, lre fmm exMiuro, all artof the FaciBe C'oitut, Addreax, Win. A. Boxell. M. I). tit Paul l l-aprunr. Port Ian... rran Corner First and I'ine 8troets,JoverH'ortlnd National lUnk. FartmiKer k frying, -FUNERAL DIRECTORS Arterial Embalming Dona Scientil lcally. YEGE1 BLE PANACEA HEPARED FROM f.:THt cure or AND ALL OTHER DISEASES ARISING FROM A DISORDERED STATEoftheSTOMACH OR AN inactive: liver. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS & GENERAL DEALERS. Red CrownMills SOM. LANMNG & CO.. I T10P.VS, WW rROOSSS FLOUR SO?KH10R TOR FAMM IS AKD BAKRRII "!SI. REST STORAGE FACILITIES. CATARRH nheKiiiRtlsm, Nenrnlgla, Cerus HEAOAOHX, And ALL PAIN. Til. Oallforala PmHIt. ud KtgatWe ELECTRIC COUGH CURE CUIUS COLDS. CROUP, COHSUItPllOII. Soli T All Drnjji.U. Etek S60, SO. II Or...ln.r AC. PrtO1.. L. An.l... O.L Uoburg JUumber. 1 Mil tha b.t lumber io the cennt) ; alio dAr poau, ihiDnl... Ilh door. nit win ot mould in, Io. l'rioe. from $5 o -22 r thootand. Yard at Lnwann, a tha Narrow Gauge, Sea ma before puichniuR 'ewhere. VV W Crawford. AdrrM.P O T.llm-i, lr( STRICTURE CALIFORNIA Steffi! ts NEW STOKE.-&H MITCHELL, & LEWIS CO. iiEALKKH In'al Implements & Vehicles Pome and See U I X ry our I n 'fit, S o come Jackson corset, stylo and in, dear friends, , no goons we carry in stock 1 R emember, tlio word ckf.dit is a thing of the pas T U nder buy aod under sell is our mott 0 vorybody likes our shoes, they are made of Al leathe R TKEY 00 SELl CHEAP. KEMEMSER THE PLAGE MeFarland Block, Albany. HEALTH IS WEALTH! 1R. E. C. WEST'S Nerve and Brain Treatment a urntitsl rciflc for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convul sloni, Ki's, Nervous Nenra1tfia, Headache, Nervous i'rostrat.011 tmuicd by the uso of alcohol or tobacco, WalMiiliitPti, Mental DupreFsion, LSoft-cniiifr of the I nrai.j, re-niniiijr in insaniiy aim icatliiiar to miierv, , decay vid death, nreuiaturti old aye, barrenness, loss hi r 1 .wtunt.-.a oy over-exuniou oi tno rrain Kach Lti. -wti tains one month's treatment, 91 a bx or six boi. n for j, sunt by prepaid 011 receipt 0 price. WK OU A RANTER SIX ROXES TO CURE ANY case. With each order received by wt nix boxefl, accomiManied with $6, wo will tend the purchaser our written iruarantee to refund the money if the treat ment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by J. A.Cumuiiiii, Druggist, sole agent, Albany, Or. TRY A" and get MORE POWER and use LESS WATER Write for our New Illustrated Catnlojjuo of 1K01. THE LEFFEL WATER WHEEL& ENGINE CO. SPRINGFIELD, 0 U.S.A. Albany i S. W. Paisley, .Mmiiifactur? n'- 1EAM ENGINES CRIST ND SAW MILL MACHINERY IRON tKQHTS n ALL KIFDS OF HEAW AND LIGHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. pocial atteMtion hA o . iwlrtn ill da of marhlnen PaWns Kade on Short Notict Pouiiiy Wanted, of pjultry, iIIts or dreaat at tba Willamette Packing Company'. oia, Albany. Oregoe. WNEW GOODS. ALBANY. OREGON. If it don't suit, try the S. C quality they are super B and price our underwea R are strictly hrst-clas a THE CRY OF MILLIONS OH. TOY BRCKI STOP IT NOW, SOON IT WML BE TOO LATE. I have been troubled many years with disease of the kidneys and nave tried many different remedies and havr suuKht aid from dilferent phytdcUr without relief. About the i.sth of Apri' I was surlerinjf from a verv violent attack that almost prostrated me in sucn a manner mat 1 was ucm over. Tien I : at down it was almost impossible for me to Kct r.p alone, or to put on my clothe, wlir kind I'rovidcnce sent Dr. Henley, with tU OREGON KIDNEY TKA, to my hotel. I immediately commenced using the tea. It had an almost miraculous effect, aad to the aston ishment of all the guests at the hotel, in a few days, I am happy to state, that I was a new man. I wil. recommend the tea to all afflict) as 1 have been. C. A. TITPPER, Proprietor Occidental Hotel, tSauta Rosa. Cal. ANY HEADACHE While YouWait" BU r CURES -NOTHING ELSE. (Albany. OrNitnii WUOI.BSALK DEALER IN - $500 Reward I v-T-iftll p" the rl-? rewsv ' f r r,- Af J.',""r otnr dijit, Py-jvpm.M'-lt lie."..:.-..'!..;,'ll.m. On l(vntin "r CnH.veiiaiMi vu r.vnnnt nn witn Wt-jt's'irPl'ii.vl'fM t'-T d:n"t!"nn n-.itHct'y i piitfl with. Thi'vnro I'ovely Vwrciablt!. :id nevr I1 toflro iwthfft.-tloi.. 8iijrarroail lmr bfnt jhtR! - 1i nawr- or count rtf.w and In . je Tonnlnw manvirnctMntl otiiy by JuUX C. WSSr(Xj.. A.Ny.CJHCAU0.1U J A Vumtntna, Aoenl ALBANY :OR. WRITSHAlf & HULBERT BROS.. Bea! sUt Agents Farm, and Ranohca far aala. AUo oily broiiarty in Albanr and Caryallia. I I. EFFEL hl Highest of all in Leavening Power.-. ABSOLUTELY FURS Kotice to Fajimkiib. Wanted at once cliik'n, (luckH, Ki'ose, turkeys, dried fruits, butter, eira. and all kindu of farm produce, for wliicli I will pay tlie IukIi- eHt iirico good. in cash or in exchange for M. V. SlMHON, Albany, Oregon - T K i ding rhotomnhent A any urcgou. e liave bought nil thencgatm t made ly L W t-'Urk awd W !1 Greenwood ip to Nov 15th, 1881). luplicates can be hAd from hum only of ns at reduced lates. We have alo abuat 18,000 negative made by our selves, from which duplicates can be had at like la ea. Wo carry the od y full line of viewt f this state and du eohrgt J work at lowett rtes for tirst clasi work. W shall be pleased to see ou at our Studio in From a a' s block, next door to Masonic i.Vn;plo. CATARRH CU11KD, health JacA weet breath Snitch's Catarrh Itemedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. Fo hay & Mason, agents. Eu peps?. This is what you ougn; to Lavp, n faut you must have it to enjoy life. Thousands are searching for it daily, and mourning be cause they find it Dot . Thousands upon thousands of dollars are spent annually by our people iu the hope that they mav attain this boon. And vet it may be had by all. We guarantee that Electric Bitters, if ured according directions and the one persisted in, w brine you good digestion and oust tha demon Dyspepsia and install instead Eupcpsy. We recommend Electric Bitters for Oyspcpia and all rtiseaueii of Liver, Stomach and Kidney, nolo at-oue ana $1 per bottle by toshay & Mason, druggists. "HACKMETACK,9 a lasting aal grant perfume. Price 25 aid 50 (nut, shay tV Mat on, agents. Ean & Achisoo handle tne celebrated Portland cement waIIs for cemetery lots. These walls can be furnished at half the cost of any other and ara far superior. The ONLY place in the ty when East ern tickets can bu purchas is of W. L. Jester, at the Southern Pacific Co's ticket office FHILOH'S COUGH nd Consumption Our, ie sold by uon a irua-fi ttfle. It cure coiifumption. Koshay & Mason, agents, W. F. Read keeps the beat assortment of fancy gucds in town. IOO F. Albany i ctnce No 4 holds its regular meeting Wednesday evening of each week. Visiting brothers are cordially nviled to attend. "O, ab, let mo wis what do yon fire for a old on tha chot? " asked Jonra. in a sort of Indifferent tons, of a doctor with whom ha wna BligiitlT araiuaintnl, aa ho met him on the treot. "Advico," win the Uoonio reply. So do wo. We ndvlTO you not to neffioct that haoklnf oouuli and drowsy feciinff, the coated tongue the fallinfr appetite, tlio indl?etlon and irenend Inwitiideand debilitr that "tired foellnir," as o many cxproaa It. Tako Dr. Pierce'. Ooliicn Modleal DHcoery, In time, and it will not disappoint. It to not only the moat wonderful altorntiyo, or blood-cleaneer, known to medical aclrnce, but alio poueaaea uporior nutrltlre and tonlo or etrenjth-gy-injt prnpertlca. For nronchial, Throat and Lung ifiaeaees. accompanied with linirerinir oounh,, the "Golden Medical DlaooTery" la abaolutely unequaled as a romedy. For Woak Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Short Breath, Consumptive Nlght-awoata, and kin dred affections. It aurpassca all other medl cinea. Ifa tlio only lung remedy, sold by druggista, guaranteed to penoflt or cure, u arory caao. or money refunded. fl!r an Incurable case of Ca tarrh In th. Head, by tha proprlotora of Dr. 8agara Catarrh Karaedy. . By , ita mild, eootblug and healing rtrrtn.ptlM. fat OUrM the Worst aaaea, no matter of how long standing. Only at acuta. Sold by druggist, arwywbat. S500B IT. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, jSSj, Baking Powder Tii? bborers In the pulp mills at Orrgon City have learned the lesson of the beauties of protectionism. Pulp is an article that has re ceived the fostering care of the government by way of protection. When the scheie of pro tection reached its climax in the passage of the McKinley bill, the duty on pulp was raised from ioper cent to pea cent. This was done in order that our laborers might receive good wages. Aid what do we see. The pulp manufacturers at Oregon Lity have re dactl the wages of their laborers about I2 per cent. It is the same old story. High wages before election when votes are needed- Low wages after elections when large profits are needed to meet the contributions of the next campaign. How much longer are men to be thus deceived by the beneficiaries of the robber tatilT. But the campaign of education is steadily doing its work. At least one person in three between the age often and forly years is subject to partial dea frees. The great majority of cases of i!caines are hereditary, and due to the too closr con.r.nguinity of the parents. Deafness is more prevalent among men than among womfn, because the former are more exposed to the vicissitudes of climate. It is thought that telephones tend to bring on deafness when cne ar wap ured to the exclusion of the other. TIIR ;OLDE.M BILE RkZVtlt. Has a lnrgc and complete line of goods, dolls, doll buggies, boys' wagons, ve ocipedes and man v other irooda which gol to make up a complete assortment, besides a complete line of lamps of every description. China crockery, fancy decorated ware, glassware, bird cages, plush goods, such as albums, toilet sets, autograph books, scrap lmoks, children's ABC picture books, and all goods that are carried in a Bazaar store, including Roger Bros. 1847 silverware. We wish to call the attention of the public in par ticular to the Golden Rule prize baking powder and tea, put up expressly for this tude, which gives the best of satis faction, as is attested by the hundreds who have used both the tea and baking powder ever since introduced by the Golden Rule Bar.aar. Each package of tea and can of backing. powder draws a prize in the shape of a fine piece of glass ware. Be sure to call, when in Albany, at the Golden Rule Bazaar, as you will be sure to find what you wgat, and will he shown over the store and be treated kindly by mv clerk, Mr. Miller. My goods are all marked in plain figures so as not to deceive anyone, and I have but one price to all. Jl'LlLS UBADWnill. FOR DVSl'lil'ilA and .iver Complaint yr.u have a nrinte giiarfintre on every bottle nf Shiioh a Vitalize. It never fails to cure. Fosbay & Mason, ngents. CBOUP, WHOOHKG COUGH and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shilnb's Cure. New Blacksmith Sihip. G V Willis has iust coin.ileteu his blacksmith shop at the corner of Second and Railroad streets where all UiniU of iron and wood work can be nad and done in firxt class order Brln on vom ilo .vs, wsot.s, etc., etc for repp 1 A N4SAI IIvJHCTC.B free Kith each rwiLtln ffahilnha Catarrh llemeny 1'rjce 50 cei'ts. Kr,rhAy& Mns'in, agents WHY WILL YOU much when Shihh'a Cure iU give immediate relit-f. Vriee 10 oeutr, 00 cents aid $1 . Foshay & Mascn, J&entr. AllVubher g.'xls at cost rt Khin Bp Tlie hast rna.t cull, e in il ' ? 1 f 1 ; Mcyrra. For Inme bank, nr ..tie hesi. ine Shiloh a Porous I'la'ter. 1'rico, 25 cents. Rnrklrn's Arnlra Sale. Th S.1-. In th. world f n Cul..llrnl.e.Sor Uk..r, :t Ithwin. F.v.r .r. r. ltr, Ch.p hnd. h.ibUln., Corn., and .11 Skin Krmitl. i p.i'.vljri:url PllM.'jr n.. iv r.-intrcl. Itlsgiiar iitwl to ivo porlect aatislacllm, r monv totand. d. Prin. J5 cenu r boa. For .'. hy Ko. hay and Mason. rrnaaaaee.! Oapeless. Tet Raved. From a If tter written by Mrs Ada K Hurd f Grotnn. S D, w.qunte: "Was tsken with a had eo'.d. which, aettled nn my Lunus, eougha eat in and filially taimiuated In Con- omptinn . Fnor dnotora gave ma nn aaying J eeold lire but a abort lime. I iny .elf op to my Saviour, determined if I onuld not atay with my fri,nda en earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband waa advised to get Dr Kins'a Now Diacnver ery for Conanmytinn, CouKhs and Colds. 1 cava it a trial, took in all eight bottle.; it haa ourcd m. ard thank tied lam a wrll and nm.n " Trial bottles free at Fo sbay & Msaon'sdiug store, regular sic, 50c and 1. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Its Appruprutluus. WAHiiMOiON, March 5 The following is n approximate statement of the appro priations made at both sessions of the fifty first congress, prepared by the clerk of the senate committee oil appropriations: Amount of regular bills, in cluding dcfiiencles and mis cellaneous appropriations for the first session 361,700,000 Amount of regular bills, lrv eluding deficiencies and mis cellaneous appropriations for the second session 405,000,000 Permanent appropriations for the first session, about 101,000,000 Permanent appropriations for 1892, estimated 122,000,000 Grand total $989,700,000 A School IftKtrlrt Flffht. Union, Or, March 5. A serious difficulty arose at the school meeting at Melocaset last Monday, Words were exchanged and a scuffle ensued, in which Louis McMuigh drew a knife and rushed towards Jasper Mitchell. Ben McKeever caught hold ol Alitcheli. and dsew him dack. The assailant made a thrust with the kn fet which was warded oft, nor, however, without leaving a long cut in Mitch ell's coat, and inflicting a slight wound in Mc- Kceveis jaw. The AHIunrc Organizer. Salem March 5. D J Cole, feoni Hutch nson, Kan, national organizer of the farmer's alliance, arrived in this city todny and will spend three n.onths in this section, and will thoroughly organize the state. It is bis pur tn visit every local cily and organize branches. He will be at Stayton tomorrow andh s start will be made there. Saturday he will take in Jsfferscn. No date is yet arranged for Salem but the route of the organize is 111 cou-se ci preparation. A too II oh Story. Chicago, March 5. A morning paper says it is generally believed by the people of Atlanta, Ga. that Rev J G Armstrong, who recently died in that city, was J Wb'kens Booth. Two old and well-informed citizens of Georgia's capital are stopping at the Grand Pacifi?, and they declare the people of AtUnta will not be lieve otherwise than that the late pastor was the assassin of .President Lincpln, How Math a Snetcss. Berlin, March 5 Official government statistics have been orepared of 2173 cases of tubercnlosis treated by the Koch method' Of the cases of internul tuberculosis 13 are re ported cured, 171 considerably improven, 19V improved and 46 died, while of the cases of external tuberculosis 15 are rsported cured. 148 considerably improved. 2x6 improved and 9 died. A New Kind ofSnll. Seattle, March 5. Alfred H Wilkes, a hotel porter, ia suing Baker, Balch & Co. in ihe superior court lor S7500 for bamoges sus tained by reason of an explosian of gas at the Diller hotel last September, by which he was badly burned about the head and lace. Ob, What an Anlnl Brealh ! There ia nothing more healthful than on - ions. 1 he trouble is that porsons are afraid to eat them because thev make the breath unfragrsut. But there ia a lesa fragrant breath than that freighted with onions. W. mesn the breath of a person with a foul atomach. Take him away 1 are inwardly cry whoo he whispers in our ear. Do see that vour breath is porn, lake a few ISran- areth's Pills and regulate your livet',stomach and bowels and your breath will be sweet. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable hy that terriLle cough. Shiluh'iCure ia tho Remedy for yi u. WILL YOU SUFFER with Bypepi.i and Livr Cnmpiniut? Shiloh'aJ Vitatizcr ia guaranteed to cure you. A su"c care for the whisky nabit; Dr Livincfctou's Artidote for tlrunl enness will cure any case of the liquor nabit in rrnm ten tn thiity days, from the n ndtralt driuker to the drunkard. The Antidote cun be given in i cup of coffee Kith'mt th knowledge of the penon taking ii. The r' midote will not injure the liealtn in any way. Manufactured l.ylhe Livingston Chemical Cu , Portland, On top r from J A Cutnmiiig, ' ole agent Albany S11IL0H S CATARRH REMEDY a pn.itive ouie fur Cutarrh, Piphtheiia and Caiikei-Moulh. Fi-shay & Mason, agents. SliILOIl'8 VITALIZER is what von need foi Constipatiou, Loss ot Appetite, Hnz 7tt oas, and all ai,iptums of D)spcpir. l nee 10 and 75 cats par bottle. 4'blldrcn Enjoy The I'lfiaaant flavci, gentle action and sooth ing effects of Syrup of Fins, when in need of a lasaiivo and if the father or mother be crMtlve or bilious the most gratifying results allowing its use, ao that it is the best fam y remedy known and every family should ave a battle. Excitement I, !.. I.. .Ik.... . I JC. 1 1 sou's ding stora i er SyMrm Builder, aa every bodv ia osirg it for Catarrh nf the Stomach, uyspepsia. .onstii.tioD ana im . j . i. pure rinta. iry l. .nil "Il Ji'ur inruu. ahnot it aa itmaat pose iwnnierful merita- wneu a'l ipcaa wen m I. Fretsek Taa.y tlnrara wafers are a sure and anfe i rlfi. kimlsnf female troublei. at.''!' all obstruciions to the mon. 1) no mstter what the cause. Il . . aahnt eve-rv snmill neco ai , The for a remot period are )i can b icd with safety. For sale t tl. Llvlnt'tone Chemical Co., also Iron r aole a gent, J A Cummlng, druggln, Bi , berg bKk, Albany, Oregon.