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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1891)
Satin gcwtocrat The New Review, of London, paid Alfred Tennyson, the poet, $10 a won lor a poem, of which the following U $631 worth ot it: To sleep! to sleep! The long, bright day is done And darkness rises tram the fallen sun. To sleep! to sleep! Whate'er thv jovs, they vanish with the day i Whateer thy griefs, in sleep they fad away. To sleep! to sleep! 3leep, mournful heart, and let the past be past; Sleep, happy soul, all life will sleep at last, To sleep! to sleep! Monr-jr to Luau We have plenty of money to loan on real estate securitv, on two to hve years time. Call on us at o ur oilice, opposii the evere houe. lU'KKHAXT i KKXEY, A Pue t-tock of lauu curuius for 90 euts toSlO to suit the euto:uer, at r orttmler v String's. A pair of f.3t Mack ho-- f ft e with every pairot laiite tjtioea cotiu t.j or more al Sea: Is' shoe store. For Sale. - $500 to iooj of liousehold furniture in exchange for Improved real estate. Inquire at oflice of Okugox Land Co. January 22nd, 1S91. One ht.f reilu-irm oti every pair rf Lndjow's line t-hoea A good line of them S E Young's. Jubt arrived a full lino of Iadicsi cliir drenF, n iit aud 1 '( foot w tar at G W Simpson's, which wiil le ac bi.toni prices. .!t!;.ilj- Jiai'Ket Wheat-(i7; Oats- 50 Butter 35;: p: tu Kay 1S.C0, Potato nix p.-.- r, Beef on fco;, li1' to Si'-Applos-OO coi:- ,or m. Poric - per I ' ,:ra fctcens hum llv shouWyr-i 7e 8tdCM.9 jrd 10..porU. yioar 4.26 per bb. t'biekons 3 (K por do.. Mill Feed bran, pt shorts. If,.' mi Mini.: Vlt'(7 V,-' r.v, i-"L' '('(V " inih tlir iiiciIi.mI iuhI icsiilts whet. Syrup "f Kit's is taken ; it is pleasant rim! ivfrcsliinu; to thctiile. nmlni'ts jriMi'lyyt-i i'iiiiiiitly on tin- Kidneys, l.ivcr an. I iioni'is, cIciiiim-s t tie gys 1 "in ello.-tnallv, (!'v.-!s mills, heivA .1 lies an 1 f.-vi'rn tiini onri s liaMtui, .1 -! .y-ii o;' i-"i;.'s is the !:!;, rempiiy of itj hii'il ever pro Ituvil. j:l(aj!i:i. t tlx- taste miilnc 1 -plat-lo to Mcniiii. Ii. prompt in us actimi ami truly nt tu fiiial in its :h-i'.;s, its luanv i-.xmioni dualities -.'! it to ail. Jt is for sale in '0e ami 1 buttles by all leading ilnig-isU VNI"FACTUnrD CKLV CY THE CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. sai rnAKc.'szo, val. toL'isvmr.. .r. A-fiir yoix H.r 3 . E. WEATHERFORD, TTOHNE AT LAW ALKtNV. OBKUON W II 15ILYKU, ATTOltNEY AT LAW And Solicitor iu Chancer! ALBANY. UltlU Colloutloan proiui'tly run Jo on all point oansuoujiiacou ou ua.'souftoininrniii , R. K.iiucitct'r.:.', iXo. w. whkhit, 1LACKBUR?J & WRIGHT, Attorneys at, Law, Vilt pr.-.c'tici iu all thj Courts of till tatj, rromptattjutiuu iven tJ all bust Hi euttuitl t' ii . OlKoo O-.Ul Fellows Tempi Allay () H. C. WAT30N, Attorney at Law, ALBANY -:- OIIEUON tllllcc Iu llir Nlrabnu Itlurk, Mt OF ftiC'IO, 8CIO, OKKOON. or ice a: si'lent .1 & v-dvi. IIVS- ITctHUfcllt .. JKVW vnicr o a May Diiutimis: S M -iris, Etioin, Jolin GaiiiM Si.-hl lrafi UaUJ :i Albiuy, I'rtUu-i and tiu ra iici-BCo. uf ruMU.u, UlthUU.. Piiid nn S-i-lO.fWVl Surjiliu and irnll'. O'J.yOo ro c Lunr.o 1 Sere Throal CoLjfts. Colds, Influenza. Bronchi Hi, Hoarseness, ivnooptng uoun, uroup, t. Asthma, and every n fleet ion of the nroai, Llinng una vncji. inuiuasnK 1 onBumpiion. DREADFUL PSORlASiS CoTcrlnS Entire Body with AVhlto Scales. Suffering Fearful. Cured by Cutlcura. My dUcuo (iworiasl) flrit broke oat on my left meek, spread tug acrou my nose, and almost cov. hug my face. It ran Into my eyei, and to iciwi woi afraid I would lose my eyeilitht aog-ruVr. It aprcad all over my head, and my unit tin iuii uui, unui 1 vnt entirely bald-headed; H then broke out on my arms and l shoulders, until mv inn -o-ci-n 1 junr, whs i-orr. 11 coveri-a my enure Douy, my face, iieud, mid shoulders Itoinir thn wnrat . 'J'ho white Hcabs fell conhtantly from my head, boulder, mid arms; the skin would thicken and be red nnd very itehy, mid would crack and ' if scratched. After Hprmlinif nmnv hundrerlti nf il,ii.ii-a 7 w . -Tt triniiunv-uu liiciiriinie, 1 ainl of the CmcritA liE-HEDiEs, and nflr tifini l-no bottler t.'i Tiri iu Kkholvknt, 1 could sec a ..i:i-jr-; nr. 1 after I had taken four bottles, 1 was i! 'i.t .-:i;vd ; and vvb.-n I h:id used six bottle of r-.-K :i;A J:i:si:i.v:nt, one box of Ci tu i ha, nnd ie tk.i of CfTlci'llA Soap, I wa cured of tho dn-iiJiuldt-e:!-- from which I had suffered for Hve f'-nrn. I . tiiinot express with a pen whrit I suffered tifftm-iiMiiiMlie IiKMi-:iif:4. They saved my life, and I feel it my duty to recommend them. !dy h.iir la rwtorvd r.-t io id n kv-it, and so is mv cyeniicht. SJiw. KOSA KICLLV, llockwell City, Iowa. mm Cuticura Resolvent Tlu n. w ltloo.1 riirlfier, Internally (to rlennse tii'.- blood of l impurities and poisonous elements), sud CrTirintA, the ftn-iit tfklti Cure, and Jitkl-ua friAi. an f.viiisitu r-kin IteautiHer, externally (to etrrtr the skin und sculp und restore the hitlr),linvo -uri'd tboitHutMls uf cases where the sheddinif of ilc muasuretl a quart i!:iily,tbe skin cracked, tlii'dliuf, burnlntj, mid itching almost beyond tiidiiniore, h.dr lifeless or all Rone, suffering terri ale. What other remedies have made such cures? Sold everywhere. Price , C'UTIcrnA, 60c.: PoaP, Jh.; kso vknt, 1. Prepared by tho Puttier imril AM) t'llEMICAU CoKlliRATIOH, lloSton. rSeiid f.r" How to Cure (Skin IHscases," 04 PKcs, &o Illustrations, tuid M Wstimouials. Plflll'I'K. black -hcndfi, red, rough, ehapjicd.aod I Mil oily skin cured by Cuticlka Soah. iT STOPS THE PAIN. Hack ache, kidney pains, weakness, heuiimtli-ni. and mnaciilur Hve In one mliiDto by the Cuti- Interest allowed on sarin'' duoosits ss follnwa On ordinary Bavin bojk ....4 per cunt or annum. n term saving ii .. U per cent per annum, on certificate of donoiit: K-r three moutUj 4 per cent per annum: for six months s per cent jwr annum: For twelve month f. por cent per annum. FKAXK PKKCH. President I. P. TM-JMI SMN Vitc-President. II. C, sntATroX, tasnien. IIXXCO. XATIOAIn.lK, J CF ALBACiY, OKEOON. CAPITAL STOCK 100,00). President M J L CO WAX, Mce-Prebideat J M RAIjsTOV. v-anir (JBO E CII AMltr.KLAIN, Asat Cashier. O A AllCHlllOLD. P atcTORg, J L Cowan, J M Italaton, Geo K Chamlwrlain, W S Lndd, W H ultra, J A Craw iora and u A Arcbibold. TRANSACTS ayeneral banking businen. DRAW 81UH1 UKAl-TS on New York, Sao i P-4'ii ' '-Oregon. LOAN MONEY on appiovsd stcurity KKC CI VE deposits sub iect check. 9 J. W!TKyt iMiUi..e; Anil Counsellor At Lan KD- A'otiiiv B'libSlc. ALBA 'it 0I1EC0N L.HILL. Physiciai 'and Surgeon, Ottloo cor. F Knd Ferry Streets, ALBANY- OREGON OH. C.VVAT33N mSTOti Physician and Surgeon. Ollloa opposite ilio Icuiicrat. B AXK OF OUEUl. ALBANY, OBEOON. opIlHl, $30,000. President ..H F MERRILL Ties-President E J LANN'INT, Cwhi-r JayWBLAIN TransactaageneHal banking business: Kxvhamte bon'ht and sold on all the nriiieinal cities in the United States also on England, Ireland, srauea ana uerniany. Oolleetionamade at alt accessible nolnt on favor able terms. Interest allowed oj time deposits. TlltST NATIONAL BANK, OP ALBANY, OBEOOH, ProaMsnt..... Vice President . Cashier....... Ij FLINS ....... 8, e,yoi;ng .e. w. la no don TRANSACTS A GENERAL banking bu sin ess. ACCOUNTS KEPT subject to eheck. B10I1T EXC1IANGE and Ul Taphlo transfer, vld Mew York, San Francisco, Chicago and Puttaml regon. COLLECTIONS HADE on fa.urahle terms. DIRRCrORII J. E. Yotma E,W, Lsnodch L E Blaih, L. Fikn Edward I . Sox. THE BEST. I. M. rEKMv at Co' illustrated, Descriptive and Priced Seed Annual tur 1801 will be m.llarl FPCC I .u ... HF"nis. ana 10 lail Mason t acusioiiierj. It is Belter than ever, i J-very person using darden. ihoulil send for it. Address D. M. FERRV CO. DETROIT Uiru t Largest seedsmen in the . EAST AND SOUTH, Sout ern Pacific Route SHASTA LINE. Kxjiri'i S.iuthf' " 7:'iiui. "ii.Ttv lO '.'l r I l.v IO:li'A I Ar Triiiiu line l"..rtln.l Dallj N.'rlli Forlland Ar II :I5 1 Alkmy ! U".'2 Nail Krn l.v I ." r n Aburo tiali'n Mi uulr t f..ll..wli.n .talloim n..rlli it Kositlmrir. Kasl r.irtiaii.l, ort'r"ii 'ily. ""l- otirn. Siilr.1, Allnny, Tuiinml, KhmlJ, llly Uuur Jutiullou I'liy, Irving, r.iK'ne. NOHKEI'llU HAIL, DAILY. t;il A I l.v ill r M l l.v VI I r Ar l'.irtland Alliany ItoHi-liurir Ar 4:im l.v r.':il Uv I 11 rjo a u .V(hi r h 00 r ALHAXY LIH'AL( UtlLY FACAIT SfNUAV) I I.V I .trllAiid Allimy Ar II .oil A K Ia I ti:iK) A LR1UNOM VltAM'll, J::aii -AMI AHvuiy l.ol'auiiil Alhiuiy I.L'lian.n :ti A X :UlA u 4:'JHr a 3:4il r u mum BUfFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Cars, for ArcoiiMiiodfttioti uf erotMi-lft' iasrn errs, itiiui'iiru iu i.prtt iriiuis. Art I Side Mvlolon. llt,THIi: I'OltlXtMs AM) IOUViIL!H, Sit A U Z:0ru SUlL 1 1 L v 'Aix daii i (i.x;ept SuiKiay.) Btn'IsnTlAI.N DAILY (K-iC.-p. SU'uU.V . 4(1 ph I Lv l'.r(l:u.i Ar I ::t) A a 2 ru Ar VrMin nillo Lv I f.4r a h To all p.-hits SST, AMD S9UT.S. Fin fm, inforciatto i retarding rait s, nit. i s, 4 on C.mi'utiy Agent at AlYusy . . OUiLKIt K P. ROCKltS VaMier Ait O. F. and P. Air 23 msms THE YAQUiXA ROUTE Con:j'huy'H IsililtLlUO. 225 rLES LESS TtSJE ir.n by ny ollmr rcita. Firat-cla-'M Hi r-mirli iinNi'miir p. nil raitrht rinof.-oiii Portland anil til unliitii b the WillAinutU Valloy to ami Iron) Nun rranciaco, Udl. Koa's mp.Irftrloso coniiftctlon at Alhan with trains of tueOroKun l'aiiitlu Kuilruail T . K, lltllili, Krrrivrr. Special W. FREAB. My Sprint,' .Stock is now C'omi-i.ctk, Kinbracii,,, h tho latest Novelties in Ral1 Dress Goods Hoth in WOOLEN nnd WAoIl rAHUIC;" -To The Ladies,- ' Make a Specially of Lat'ieS Unde.-exr, in 1; Itir.r.KD and IMrsi.ix. iMy Pkicks aro ih. '.(JWlT and my Goons tlio liKSX. Am soleant for tlio Celebrated . S. F.' HOSIERY Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely last, and b ree from Puis, uisou : To The Men : Call and Look at My values in Finishing -:- Good I have r Itftrii St.tick t thn FjOwrKt Pricrta cv-t olFi r? ' i- ilia Vi TIME S:ilKHLTLE.(fteept Siindt.ys.) WfvaAlbiiiv l.'i:) p. m. Lave CoralHs 1 ;f;t r, m . Arri Yftquina, I ::(.' r. h. L'ivo Yaitiiiia, 7;' 0a,m U-avo Corva-His.lOjarja.ii Arnve Alliauy, WW'S a. h PHELPS. Job Printer, J st. St. ,53 Albany t-ajMtii.and Trade-Mnrki! ohtslncd. nnd all Pat cot i"'1!"" tondncted for Moderate Fees. Our OtBca Is Opposite U.S. Patent Office, ana wo ran ncriire patent In Ices time than those remote from Washington. .iadFwle.'',d"l'"'i'1'' or Pn"n.. with descrlp. ih M5,lllee' lf I'"M r not, free il . "J- (i'!r.fee. not lae till patent Is secured. Pamphlet, "How to Obtain J'atents," with Qh?f" '"Jout State, couatr, or town, sent free. Adarcss, C.A.SMOW&CO. Opposite Patent Otflce. Waihinnton. 0. C. O. A C trains connect; at Alhanv and Corvallls. Tho above train connortat taouina witli the Oreiron iivoloitunt 'otnpany's Line of Steamships tiotwen a'jiuna ana ian rranciseo. SAILING DtsTEN . rRO TAQt't.. Willamette Valley, March titli ; 16tli ; 22th. rilOM As SRAXCIHrO nil:mcllo Valley Msrch 3rd; 19th Slrt; 30th. to The Comptnv nxt5ive tlie riRnt Inaoffe aailliiK tlatea v' thont notice. is'. B. PaNneiiKers from PortlaiKi and vlllaniette Valley points cau make close onnootion with the trains of tlio Yaqtiina rootoat Aiiianv or t'orTauw, anil n iles tinwl to San Francisco houlil p.rrantce to rrlve at Yiauina the evening hofore date rsatnn n a . . . . .. . o ii nr. .sit Misien nivtnjs in. MWI onapplytoA R Chapman, Freight and I entry p f ir wear a: ami ho cor ill iino of tint viirU-r.'ini.-.'(l V. It() A 1H KAI) sjimls, m,fl liiii ili. ,iii ''i Hlodf of KiiltuoiDKiiiKS ami Ki.ddxoisos. ceil tin'. A'l ary t- llm !;cht trajing poi'tt in On i;on. j Albany Cigar fad J. JosBjm. -:- Propn? WHOLESALE &nETa Only Wtiiie 1 abor Empk "er Albany, . '. IKII.I I.. U. F. anl P Aeon . J.A.CCJ1HKC, ruKM'Riprinv -i UUI 4.1.1-tT, 3 and "ta 'JJJBER L HI ; Oil G H J -w..-. . . 1.1.-. 1. ACADEMY OF Our lady of Perpetual Help. (VLBANt, - - - OREGON Conducted by the Sistu f St, Bsnediot Tuition In select day school ranges from Forterms o' Boarding Sch'ol or any prticclars apply at the Acadeuif or ij. adeas Sister Superioress. naBasBBiBBrgg, H ' TIM CET.EHRATEB . . . a 3SWITH & WESSON as. iu m n -"BaEynLVPRfiS Tho n.-cst Crrall Arms Ever r.i.niit.n.,. HJ ihi I'nrivalsc'. x m,,,i '''' rf"!! IS nccuRAcr,"' '" T. il M EXCCLlUCE tl-riJL(T ri CONVENIENCE In IJ J LOADIIiflar.d SAFETY. V-' Vli Dt'are of cacapiron Imitations lAjl g Sw forl!'r,!,Tod CaUWw and Prj LiTtnsa f!C3l stock or 2nd ;oods In tho Va toy, and the most reasf .ale prices, both in b selling. I have on hand II k!u. FURNITURE, STOVES, TINWARE TRUNKS, BOOKS, PICTURES CLOCKS, CROCKERY, ETC., ETC. west of S E Young's oh, store L. C0TTLE18 I.Tod Cata!oi;ti m . wrrssor.t i"HixfiFii:t.i,, miss H r---HIJaacj Revsre House; 4LBANY, - . OREGON C1IAS. PFEIFFEH PROPRIETOR, Pitted uo In Mrst-rlam style. Tables supplied with the bent In thn market. Nloe sleeplns apartments. tUmpleioonv tor eomineniial travelers. Uf O Is admnwlixlietl the leadlnr Mm.lf fw Oraorrhopa A nImi, ThAonW aai. Hml. In I Laeorrli4saiorWhitM. I nnarrlt). Hand feel nr. Mi. St . aeif. In reeommeodini It TMtlsaSSOwtM'PllC to all sufferer. A.I.BlUnSK, M. liSTATira. Ils. old 1t nrsissruta. PBlla. a) 190. STARABB CI SICK, A peats i AjnllAYB.ll I f I VOSClssill,0Br-JBI ISM.'SSBBBSP'aaSI mBm l A pamphlet of Infon-aatloo and ab-J l slractoi toa iawi,iDowing iioff iow V Obtain rateoti, CaTeatt, Trada.jf - uaxaa, uopynnnia, Mm jpt-A v3 Uroadway, new . City Restaurant. Illrim been entirely remodeled, this old and DODular restaurant will be made first class a every respect. The pnbllo will bt given (pod meals at all hours for osly 2 cents. Everything uest anil aUraotive, Privsse bo i.e. Oystsrs la st.ry ssyle. City Meat MarEict. SHDLTZ BROS,, Proprietors. i.oep a full line of meats of all kinds. Id a cool piece, completely pro tected: and always frnsti. STEEL FEHS 1 ? ET'S. p"-,1,,"Tnt patterns, In tent post-paid jn receipt of 10 tli.vrs). PERRY Ci ,Lonr'o;i. ESt.b.tc24. 810 jroidwsr. " Voik. U. S. Oics, HEAL ESTA I K FOR 6ALR-I have farm oi aso acres, nur t-.- yepot. on tue yarrow OauKe. 10 miles from Albany. All lu cultivation. Fair bouse and baiA.. fr atol., and domestic pn.-peses, pine oak srs Alsoanotherfann of 128 acres, thref , ea from Lebanon, Alt in eultivatl Fair house. Uoed water. Both a farms. Also house anil twe ,wts on Fifth and Jefferson streets. Aibanr. (rnr ti, r particulars call on 4. Umpbrey.Centet r..u.., ... a. arvine, Ainany. ... A l-lilmnn.. C A. WHITNEY. Physician andSurgoon. Graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medical ol!oge Now York City. ' Diseases of woman a specialty . taOfBo roman's Brick, Albany, Or. It you want the and most durable for tu re that, is nianiifaf:: Bed in tho city go to THOMAS BRINK'S ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON. 18QO, 18Q1. rirsi Term opeaed Hrptembrr loib, isso. A lull corps of Instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courses ot studv arramred tn sad of all grades of students. Sfeaai tnaucemtnU ofitrtd to Uudinti from abroad. BUT. ELBEBT If COFIDIT FOSHAY & MASON, -15iat,AVS as. Satan. Dnigeistsand Booksellers Agebia for John B. Alden's put.lIoUonI Dlohw.Mll., p-abllsher'.prWiiS -statreartilar' ALBAIT. WKHUOK SUMMONS. In theCircuil Court of the State o' Ornjonfcr Linn County. JOHN DIAMOND. Plaintiff, vs j MarRarett E Findlny, Alex- imlrr r nullev anu nunati 'indley his wife, Sani'l Find- ley, Jennio Poufado and Hen ry Potijade her hunliand, Nancv Wilson and J Wilson I her husband, Hugh Flndley, Ktta Findlev. llaltle Flndley I and EllaSanford, Defendants, j To Marearott E Findlev, Alnzaudei Findlev. Supan Findlev, Samuel Findlev, Jennie Potijade, Henry Potijade, Nancy Wi Ron.J Wilson, Hugh Flndley, Ktlii Findlev. H jttie Findler anr. Klla Sanfotd, tbo above named def judauts. I N THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon you are required to eppear and answer the complaint of tl e above narped plain'tirin the above enti tled court, now on tile with the clerk cf said court, within ten days from the date of the service of this summons upon vou, II served in lini ootinty, ureiron; out ti In tny other county in the s oio of Ore gon, then within twenty nays from tlio date of the service ot mis summons upon you; if served by publication then on or before tbe tint day of the next regular term of the above entitled court, to wit: Monday, the tth lny of Marrli. IXUI. And you are heroby notified that It you fail to appear and answer complaint, as hereby required. the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief demanded in tho cowplaint, to wit; F'or the fore closure ot a mortgage on and; an order of sale of the following desoribed premises to wit: The NEK and the E If ot the NW X and theNw M of theNWJi and the NT. 'A of the SE H of Sfotlon .11. Also the 8 a ot the N w Yt and tbe N X ot the 8W K of section 32. all In Town ship 13 S K S East of WllUmette Meridian in i-lnn county, uregon. The proceeds arising from such sale to be entitled: First. To the payment of the costs and disbursements ot tins suit, and the sum of $200 as. attorneys fees, and the further sum of IV9 for taxes advanced thereon, and tbe cost ot and accruing upon aucb sale. Second. To the payment of plaintiffs olaim, amounting to the aum of and the overplus, If any there be, to be paid to the above named uetennants as their Interests may appear, And for such other relief at may la tqnlly be ptoper and Just. This summons is pnouanea dv order ot the Hon R P Boise, iudge of the above entitled court, made at chambers in the city of Sa les, Wis araaay oi jsnoary, isyi. J a.. WBATUKKrOKD, (1 11; AUorasy forlai 1 1 SUMMONS. In the Ciruit Court for Linn Count), & Oregon: Mary E. Kmerson, Plaintifi. vs, John Emerson, Defendant. To John Emerson, the above named i ant. IN the name of the state of 0r ; are hereby required to appear sod ' the complaint oi the above piainim, " nlinvo entitled Court, now 00 tHii"" Clerk of said court, on or befott tkOT dv of the next regular term of um w .hi.-t, ..,,1 ...rm mmmonw, OO MCDllT,-l !)th day of .March. 1"JI. at the C" H1 in ihecitv of Albany, Man conoiv, v.- Aiwl w l,or..l.i, nntihnl thl. lfj"1 to spposr and answer ssid M""P'j"1 bereliy required, the plaintiff si" n . ..nrnn ..t .ni.l .nint aiisiail .11 t..i . . i 1. i n,.tnmDnf vinsiiiviuK t'lo mum ui m... i i 1 ..l.idit for her cOts and diaburscineiiU of V". . . . 7 . ... till " and Ghnnulnu platntllti name i - l mary k ri liuitman. nis sumsw-i v I1BI1CU1I1 tho ?TATK ItltlllTH " Jtk, 1 ..I.L tl.. II t U-..n MOW01 inner ui tile mill. I . I . in'0' I . said court, made t chambers day of January, lf91. W It Bn.c' Attorney for W ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. uiTl XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVI.J jm r tlie unilersignl have th' W . J Hl.ltr atinnln.nrl 7,,1 .linBd S ID 1 tratirand administratrix of Fiank Malone, late of Linn "nl!n'i,,t1 gon, deceased. Ail iwrsous hJ'I""pnJ airainst satti estate are rei...-" - them properly verified, within all .m I from !thH the nnilerig' I l.iun tv--. their place uregon Th at Ho'.ley, 3 K Wbatrbirvord. Admlnl";,'!; I NflTlP.F (IF FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE IS HEREBY OtVW fje undersigned, executor or will rnd testament and estate Rrlnoham. dRcoasei.bas filed in w .. . : p ' -i i i of tho county olork ' V"",d ..rfi) O.egon, his Anal acconnt of -at j and me oours ui . m. I0 ( March. 1801. at iu o c .- - obientlonalf any to said acoount settling said estate. T,.,xr!ofo Dated b, 1891. 8. M. gcoW- i, 4. m i i Ally ft r Eiecatsr,