Daily gemorcnt 1IL.V1XE S KKKE TRADE. James G Blaine keepi hit ear dote to the ground and is a man of great ingenui ty. It wn a habit which enabled him ts discover In advance the doom of protection and a quality that empowered him to face about wi'.hout seeming to turn. He has ubstltuted reciprocity for protection with all the deftness of a conjuror transforming copper pennies into silver quarters. What Is reciprocity Free trade based upon pro tcction principles. According to protectionists it is preju dicial to the people of a nation to receive more goods from the people of any other nation than they send to those people. Or, in the language of political economy, if ex ports and imports between two nations do not offset each other the nation which im ports more than it exports is afflicted with "an adverse balance of trade." This is a kind of afl'.lction which an individual might bear with considerable equanimity, but protectionists regard it as a species of commercial tuberculosis when the individ uals -of a country are concerned as an ag gregation ; and, notwithstanding the- fact that Ireland has a '-balance of trade in her lavor'ecuntrics are supposed to be impov erished by iinnortin- and enriched by ex porting. Influenced by this middle notion, Mr Blaine proposes tHat we be not allowed to order what we want from an- oilier country unless the government of that country permits its people to order what thev want from us. But wheiever this reciprocal arrangement can be effect ed Mr Blaine would proclaim free trade. What if our workir.gmen are thrown out of employment by the influx of pauper made goods? What if the farmer is de privej of his home market? What if cur industries are prevented by foreign com petition from diversifying? What if stetl rails do rise to $160 a ton and calico to 50 centc a yard? What if wire nails do once more rival gold in price? Every object ion to free trade disappears provided, for sooth, the free trade is reciprocal 1 As if it would not be reciprocal if protection were abolished. What virtue is there in reciprocity that does not attach in far greater perection to free trade? How can it make any differ ence to the people of this country whether their imports from Brazil are offset by ex ports to Brazil or by exports to countries with which Br&zil trades? If we import more from Brazil than we export to that country we pay the difference by means of draf'-s based on commodities shipped else where. From other countries we Import less than we export to them, and similarly they pay the difference in drafts. 80 far as current trade is concerned their is no such thing as a continuous difference when all parties to the commercial relation are considered. The people of one nation may be Indebted to those of another.but a third will be indebted to that, and inthegene'a' settlement thare Is a general balance. It is only when people in one country pay debts to those in another, or make loans to them, or make gifts to foreign friends, or remit rents to non resident landlords, that the even balance of trade '.s disturbed. And then It is not the country that ex ports the difference that is enriched. Thes principles understood, it is clear that free trade Is reciprocity. But it is natural reciprocity natural as being gor- erncd by the natural inclinations of the people instead of arbitrary rules. And natural reciprocity does not lay a founda tion for subsidizing steamship lines; while that is precisely what Blaine's reciprocity does. It is this that makes it popular with protectionists, ho are socialists to the ex tent of wanting government to bull J ships and contribute to the expense of sailing them, but individualists when it comes to ownership, management, and dlstiibution cf profits. HINTS TO IIOLSKKKEI'LKS. No article whatever in the grocery line should be put away in the paper bags In which they came. Macaroni should be placed In a tin box covered. For the instant destruction of roaches, stir Into a half pint of hot paste a dime's worth of phosphorous, adding when cool a quarter the bulk of grease. This should be placed where they frequent, and they will die w hile eating it. For small articles about htc house, such as book covers,hIottlng-cases,wall pockels and the like, a revival of the darned back grounds, once so popular, has tnken place. The design is merely ontllncd and lightly filled in, and hence Is doubly effective against the darker anJ artistically irregu lar stitches of the foundation. The work is easy, the worker's attention being main ly required to keep the lines of stitches quite straight. It Is advisable that one who has not tried the work before should run a few straight lines of darning across the material, at intervals of about three quarters of an Inch. These will serve as guides to the other lines. For linen, fine crewel wool will be round moro ef fective than silk ; bat flax threads will work in better for such small articles as postcard cases or letter pocKctn. A thin slice o! raw, far pork dusted with cayenne peper Is our best remedy for a sore throat. Hm.MKa IUtkinsh Coi.i.eoe, of Portland Or. will open t'ept. 1st. J A Wereo, the leading penman of the const, lias become a partner in this school and will make it the leading business college, i-cml forja catalogue. DEAD. The fifty-first congress is dead, bin not so dead as lis arrogrant, tyrannical speak er. In this congress he has been the greatest figure. In the next, as a member, measured by his own conduct, he Mill be a mere Insignificant one. not entitled to any of the courtesies due from one gentleman to another. In his case he was refused the usual vote of thanks by the house at the close of the session. True his parly friends voted thanks with every democrat ic vote acalnst the motion. This kind of courtesy is entirely valueless and without merit. "On their own merits modest men are dumb," but as Reed and his henchmen In the hovse are not modest, they cculd not see the force of this trlie saying. Reed is the second example where a dl; nhied congress has justly refused to ex tend the courteses of the house since the custom began. Kiefer met the same fale ten or fifteen years ago, after having, in a very mild way, domineered the house. But Reed will pass into history despised and condemedby every lover of constitu tional frcedo.11. A certain gentleman from Pennsylvania has been In our citv nearly a weok with view of locating. I.'e is financially well lived, and a shrewd, practical gentleman. Wher. questioned as to his opinion of the Willamette Vallev, he said he had travel ed over the greater part of the V'nited States and was ready Ho aumit that it was the finest body of land he had ever seen, and his only wonder was why the valley did not have ten times Us present popula tion. Corvallis Times. SIIILGH'SCUF.E will immediately re lieve CriHip.Whoopiiie. Coutjh Mid Ittorchitis, Foihay A: Mason; agents. ' XEVf ADVERTIiEMliN IS. J. A. (teiiimiog. JOrngrs, l?a.ints. Oils, Glass, Etc., ALBANY, :- OREGON. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE:! will icll chmo for cih, or Kctanife for a jrood (run, a good Whits Sewing Machine: Oall at the Rum houoo. J. II. HOWARD. STOCKHOLDER'S MEETING. NOTICE IS HEREBY UIVEN THAT there will be a meeting of the atnc holders of the Odd Fellows Hall Huilrling Association, held at their ollieo In Albany Oregon, on Monday, the Dili day of March. ISiil. at the hour of 7 o'clock p 111 of eaid day Ibr the purpose of electing seven directors, to serve tor the ensuing year, and to transact any other business that mav come lieloro said meeting. This, the 27ttf day of Feb, 18l. W. 0. T WE K DALE. E. A. Parker, President. Secretary. SCHOOL ELECTION NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the regular annual school eloctism in nohooi district No 6, I.inn eounly, Oregon, will be held at the Central school huiidimr. In said school riiRiwot on Mnn day, Mamli 9th. lK'Jl, for the purpose of vioiunK uuouireccor, os-jrveiiiree years, and one clerk to servo one vear. Said election to bepln at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day and continue until 0 o'clock p m of naid day. Dated February 25th, 1891. .. C.G. BURKHART, '& KATHBRFonn, District clerk. Chairman Board of Directors. fTIO RENT. A. store room 22x9(1 feo JL suitablefnr biit-luessicentraily localo !entra:iy localft the De mocha ror particulars can iu oltioe or on Jas V Pipe. MONEY TO I.OAN-In small and large amounts, from six months to five yearn, on good Albany and Dinn eminly real estate. Call on or adc!rss W E McPhcinon, Flint St., Alhanv, Or. I0rV-KS FOR BALK ,- Ono sorrel linnm 1 ..1.1 , H .....r.. -Biuin umi, ni'JKm l-f'7. wne im-y horse, S years e'd, weight 11(10. Ai-o wagon, hack. Imrnssn, eto. win sol' for fVIMll 1 .Tllh.ll.M fr.m ..tl.n .n at i lore opposiiu Ktiss houst-. K. -. ICY. Dtbriico Want. Ol'TOSITK Ph-mukrc P-UKK. New Itooms; -:- Seat Service; Gooil Meals, Promptly Served, for Ticenty-Jive Cents. Oysters -:- in -:- all -:- Styles. Court-out Treatment- First-clutsCooki mm IJ1 MEMORY Mind wmndfrfn pnrixl. Bonk IfiroMf in nneirnclinir. Tetimoniln from all purl a of thfflob. Prospect u post rtutK, nt rn Application to VmL A. Umif, 837 titUx Am Kaw Yarifc STUANEY & NAG LEY, I-RorHIFTORS or THB. City Liveiy, Feed and Sale -s T a n I, E .- Pun cpnf.rat llcw.tj- lino f nA CmvMli. I.et ian nnt rf In t.'ie city. Kieel.il attention oivnn t transient strek. foiirih strn-t, lictwesn E'lsworth and Ljou, Albany, Oregon. WaU Paper L.E.BLAIN'S COLUMN. V, are how ready for Spring t ratio witli tho largest and lt-st selected stock of Clothing that will be shown in the county this season. All varieties of styles and patterns to please the most fastidious. Wo have many fine makes including Then we have the full line of mens', youths' and boys' clothing in the Albany Woolen Mills goods, that we specially recommend to the public for trial, The largest stock of Mens' Shoes in the city, including many celebrated makes, Hats, from Stetson's best down to a two bit straw. Cannot enumerate Furn ishing (Goods every de partment full. Have used cash this year during tight tinns east and can offer genuine bar gains in all my departments, L. E. I3LAIX. TWO MEN AND ONE HOV FOUND DEAD!! MM While trying to Crowd theii CEYGFEOSaAN BROS Store, where they always have on hand the largest Stock south of Portland, of the latest Improved llillcs and Shot Guns; an Immense slock of Fishing Tackle of everv description; Tents, Hammocks, Camp Chairs and thousands of ether things loo numerous to mention JRepmr Shop .11 connection with the Store, and one of .he best workmen In the Stale to do any ind ad kinds of work. Come one, Come all; No rouble to how gocds. "Small profit and (Uiick 'i'f-s" is oui molto. ! WEBSTER'S lOTERNAXsOl-JAL A GRAND IKVSTr.L"f'iT for t!iu Family, School, cr 1'.-' :--. 1:1. J,:!t.im Tlio Authentic Xv'otj.rjfrr':: tJ. tii'itlf;ocl EicHornr7. coujjir i:.in-r. tun issues of 1864, '70&S4.o;.:y:i-.-.b'.td property of tho nndorniv.rcil. i.-j 7: :w Thoroughly Reviaod and lnl.-.r;;cl, and as c. distiiigiiinhiiiK title, i tho nacio of Wohutcr3 Interna tionnl Dictionary. Editorial work upon this rovisiou has boon in active yroErosn for over Ton Years, Not Ices thun Ono Hun dred paid editorial lahororj havo been ODKod r.pon it. Over 3:100.000 crocdI in inii preparation before tiio urt'j copy was priutod. Critical comp.i.r.! non t.H tls any c-'! . r Dictiosaryi3i.vi'c. Got 'iw X-o.i:, G. & c. M 1 ; . ; u 1 k7-"Ti' 11 1 u : : m 8;irinr:!i t , V. A. ANNUAL MRKTINO. Notice to hero by piven that thecnnuil incctfnc of the stockholders of the Albany Iluildlnjr AsociHticn will he heid at the oflice of the Albany E ectric Llfcht Co.. on Brad albin frtreet, in A'bany, un MondHv, March Ul 1891, fcl 7.30 p in, for the elf-c tinn of tii rectors, and auch other business as may come before the meeting. Dated Feb 20, 1MU. N H Aixkx. W C 1 wkkdaIjE, Secretary. , Preiidect. NOTICE JO CONTRACTORS. Con tractors and builders desiring to bid on the construction of the now 'United Presbyterian church building, to bo erect ed at the site of the old building, will find the plans and specifications for the same, at the store of Stewart A Sox. The date of opening bit's will be announced hereafter. ALBANY NURSERIES imrE HAVE ON HAND at our nursery T T on vbe Corvallis road, one-half nile from town, as fine iot of fruit rees of all kinds as can bo found any. rhere on the coast. If you contemplate planting trees it will pay yon to ree our lock and gc-t our prices. Calalrguo free. HYMAK A BKOWNELL. Custom - Chopping, We Imve rn hand at all lime hay, oats, and chrp; ar.d.wi'l eoll in ounn lily to suit. Also w.'.tat bought and sold. $flKaminrN, biinc us yrnr wheat, oat an i hay. Highest cash piico paid. Morris & Blount, Corner First and linker ttretti THE JOURNAL OF SOCIETT. E. D. MAXX. Proprietor. rrsusnsD (New Voiik) F.veut TnmsiuT. " n.'tirrrn th Hum r-f mMmi nnA mmIm. read great tcuaiu of life, morality and hupe." 1 no newwifst, nnrnesL, vicuest, wst, clever. .-nfc. iu r.. uuu dum enieruuainir paper ever pulilUh'Hi. A complete am! perfect journal for cultivated H(n II ! '. Iw.inn- - t . ..i.w. I 1 i-poken critic and chroniclo iif the cveuta, dotDRn. tntrfs ami lostos of tlio fashionable world. It phere or tli- metropolis. In purity and power of literary t j lo it has no c-pil on this continent. n vcriuioiu xyiiiiioKmni Or WPU-Dmi Mnilrrt deftieM and (laintlmvw of tmich: stifnatli. indel iiiltlt.rt ciiiitio comnent; plipinney of Jest IT . . : oiuit-ai. omniaiie. utcranr ud art rrltlrlam, and toploU KkeK lira. v. nn miuiiriui sfeparinicnt. m the mo relinlde. avthorltv on flnanclal mib- lis hitcnut to l)y no m-ans local: b.-ntherT. oirnlzrd journiil of American .o let. It l equally entertaininc In all pnrtsof theconntrV foraiKtmch wn-khv all flrx-clani nndaeni In Am -r!ci nn.l Kiirop.. lvrJ newy.ienler will kp ai 1 rnrnnly It If r.v,urst.-,l. c s,l. lrr J,'f h? ,An"'r,l?-1n ' 'hmhenj Mrvt N.T..rk andhvallotli.-rwwscomtMnieA JlT ,.' fMV'',,,,',,,',',n" T.l direct too. or reihllcal Ion. orllimueli .me newnie.ller orsi.lwTl,.t,oi, aaviK-v: One r, ir J ui; ,H nioutha. Ai'.-'nn: TOWN ToPlrs. 81 Wci.t si., New York C'liy, v V. We are the People Who carry tho most coiiiilotu lino of Hard ware, Stoves, tlanges, etc., in tlio market. MATTHEWS & WASHBURN. M usic - itirr our 1.1st of I'Iiiiioh 11 F. IVllliLKR lTt:ffi:,,i!",ris"l,: J. lUJIIt k (JO. V'lZZ VOSK k HON Th,i!;.l",k,,,.,,,,e.Ifi. l'iiliu mid Karhufr Mnst I'rouf OrKisiiM, diilnrN, Vlollua and Mmnll liiMtluifulM ts Nprclalljr. AKonl.i for Iho IV cw Iiii, Eldrislir It. uml oilier Sowlni; Maclilui. iSu-:iH h r nil kimlM ul Shwiik Macliirim. kuhM our lUMMiu-rx ililnicti anil Kimran:'0 K'ti-fucliuti. We al.o carry n rr.ll n-rlin-nl iif Music anil Music lluohs. Cor. Second and Ferry sts., (-end for oatB-.o,.,,,,.) Albany, Or. veryone Talks Anirr W B Largo and Choice Display of Vsk y VUMWj WdaW VAtsasVAa. wwwi Etc., Etc., Etc., Including many novelties. A fine lino of Sealette Jack ets, Children's Hoods, &c, &c. 'Tis a Feat to Fit the Feet, WHOLESALE 5 RETaIL GROCERS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, AND KINDS, IN LARGEIOR IN THEIRD Plinn Block, -: :es. g. de: k. x ses est o-1 "v m nynonj lilniiibers' IJloclc, LEADING DRUGGIST DRUGS, MEDICINES STATIONARY-AC INSURE of Albany, Oregon, Safe, Sound; Dealers. But Ho Can do it and do it Beat," CHOICE FRUITS OF ALL SMALL QUANTITIES, SEASON, ALBANY, OREGON D F.RST-CUSS COOPS;. Reasonable : : Prices, -0 .Y compJet lineo Ci ents lixi-nitsliing j o.a.x.x..-J Albnny, Oregon. IN THH Conservative Kite m