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About Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192? | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1891)
a Democrat A Peculiar IH'ii.mng, Dr Parritl., of Monmouth, lias completed a wooden building on Independence blreet, whK'li In some respects U n novelty. It U built oi boards on end and the Interior was tin. I&hed and occupied before the exterior, and now the reason i known. I he hoc tor had the outide lathed and then a coat of ctmei.t put on, consequently h" now has a fireproof nnd waterproof buiklint;, Tihlch looks like a brick buildin; nnd vet cost verv little more than wood. Ho I very well pleased with the experiment. inuependence v est hide. Huucy lo Limn, We have plenty of money to loan on real estate security on two to five years nme, can on us at our oinee, opposite mo evere house. B UK K HART 6 -CeRXEY. Keep it iu your uiiud t bat Alton Bros pro pose keeping the kind of grncrioi the publi demands. Their uti-cl; m Iiue one. A fu stock of laco curtains for 00 cents to$10 to suit the customer, at Fortmiller & Irving'. Albany Market. TVh'jat 08a. Hoc pr lb. Fgp:s-20 Hay-lO.Oi'iio 18.0t), PotRtOOw OiJ C'tt pT luisLcl Beef ou fcot, 2X to Sc. Apl'tos 10 cents p;r in;. Pork-5lC per lr Eaecns bauiH.Hv aouldurd 7o aid 04 9c lard JOo per lb. Flour, 4.15 por bb!. ('hickeas 8.00 par J'.. tJiil FfeJ bran, H.(K)L-,r mi shorts, uiiddlin:' Ohor- m. 2 . X. WEATIIE&FOILD, 'J"TO!tNE"V AT LAW ahum. oi:i;con m r -"K .'.Ivl--' l?rilMzl PI!0 Coiiefis, CoMc Ir.fluenzr, Branchitla, UVilE.0 Hoarseness, Wlocuinj Cough, Croup, &oro Throat, Asthma, am: every affection of the Throat, Lungs and Ched, including Connumptlon. wcy turn icrinuic:ii.. vacuum., iintu tii.'.t. mm Mouse; tLBANY, - . OREGON CHAS. PFEIFFEK PROPRIETOR, Fitted up iu tlrat-cia".i style. Tables ruppiicu with tho lv,t in the market, fcfioa sleeping arrartmcntE. Sample room for eomuierclartraTelora. DREADFUL PSORIASIS Covering Entire Body with White Scales. Suffering Fearful. Cured by Cutlcura. My dlsoaflo (pf-orltudfl) firt broJto out on my left check, Kprvadlng acrons my noeo, auil nluiowt cov-i-riTiv my face. It ran into my even, nod th, r-hynlcmn wub afraid T wnnlrl Inon mv v, altogether. It spread all over my head, nnd mv i uui until x was entirely tald-bcuded ; it then broke out on my anna nnd i Bbouldtra, until my arms were t just ono pore. It covered my cntiro body, my face, head, nnd nhoulikrn living the woret. The thito eciil.g fell coni-tantly from my bend, shoulder, nud aims; tl:e tkin would tliirbi-D Vj "v 'v1 imu very neny, ( otl'J wwild crark nnd bleed tjH If scratched. After Ppendlnrr many liundreiln of doll.irn, 1 he;.r.l of tho Ci;ticuii. Remedied, and after u;inrf I vii h:tliM fi-iuritA P.KSIH.VENT, 1 could Beo a tiiaico; ttii.l alter I Lud taken four liottU-n, I wn :0iuuMt nired; und wlf:n I h;id up1 nix bottle of jifisoLVEST, one Lox OI Ct'TlcirKA.niid :n? en', t f c'L'tjcuiia Soap, I was cured of tho .ir.-e.iu. ..iiMrte mini wnu-n i naa suifered for live yearn. J .-initot express with a pen whut I Buffered iti-ririMi-'iiiif the Kcmediks. They waved mv life, nod I feel It lity dlltv to recommend them. Mv hnir t:i Miw. ItOriA K15LLY, Hookwell City, Iowa. Cticura Resolvent :'v lll.)o,l I'uilfier, lTitcrnnlly (to ctennso :tol tnuinrllii-H xii.l ttni.t...itu mi eMjulMiio Skin HeuutUier, externally (to L-tir tin, fkin and ncalp nnd ientoro llie hair),1iavo it. -I I'lciirtaiidrf of taflu where iho sheddinu of i.-.LH.n.n-ii u qtiui't tlailv, tint bKIh cracked, -iir.t;, l.iiriilm.-, lt.-'lilii(f ulmost beyond e-nliirii'i. e, hair Ih'uleen or all none, u (feting terri tl'. W'h.aotiier remedies liuvumudu such cures? '3.1th tlio nictliiicl and rosu'ls wht.'. .Syntj) of l'ijrs is tuluHi ; it is jileasiint i.nd ielVes!:ii;j; t) the ii'.ste. mid ncla prcntly ytt jmnuptly on :!ie Kidneyii, Liver ami Jimvcl, c1p:'.:ics t!io sys t jmi e!loo!ii!i!ly, dispcis coliis, Iieit'.l iu lies iu; l'eviH nml ciirea .i.siktipation. Syrup of i'"i;;.- is tho (Kily remedy of 'its kind ever liro duced, pk'iising lo the taste iiinlnc fi'l'tablo to tlm stomach, prompt in iii .tction ami truly beneficinl in its ellects, its many excellent qualities commend it to all. It is forsalo iu o!o and 61 bcntloa ly all leadiug ilrugiuta. VAHUFA0rjriF3 CNLY nv THS CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAt FDMXISCO, CAl. uwisviLie. K); t;cw i".7.r, n.y W 11 BILYEU, ATTORNEY AT LAW And Solicitor iu Chanccryi ILRAIiV, .- - OKEOOtV. CoUoiitlniK oroniptly r.iNilo onnll noinl oaaintiotintsi ou a.vnablnterniH , n. N.iiuvniiiK:--, EO. W. WKHIKT, 1LACKBUKS3 & WRISHT, Attorneys at. Law, .V ill prno:ioi iu all tliu Courts of tlx tit j, 1 rouipt atiution givun to all bu mi ss eutrnr. - l t'.) tr i Office Oild Fellows Tempi All. ay q EAST AND-SOUTH, : ia Sout ern Pacific Routo SHASTA LINE. Ktprc.s Trams luavo l'orllaml l:uljr SiutST "I N,"th rtir.ZTl.i "ivrlliimi ArU:i r Lv AHmny m:liA M Ar San vimi Special Annonncemepi W. ' F READ. Ih Lv t;ut V M Above trains tip only at following btntions iirlli ( Uoaeliuri. Krvtt rortland. OroL-oii City, Wood- nurn, tjalem, Alliim.v, Tiiiiifuul, Nlmdd, lluliiuy. liur ULtui-f, Junction City, Irutiji, hu;uim. hOSKBI RO MAIL, DAILY. h M I.V ::'i!hh I I.v r.irt Lin d Albany ltt bir Art 4: P l.v l'J;H) m Lv I ii-:20A u ALBANY UK'AL DAILY KXCkl'T iSTMitY) 00 p M p if 730 A M I , A M Porlhtnd Albany LBPANOS CaAKi'll, Ar 1 It I0 A k I.V I 6;IH A M Albany iiobanou Albany Lcbojioo 8:4" A h :t: in p M AXK OF lt'IO, SCXO, OKKQOX. ofhci:rb: President J s Mumis Vice- 1'reside at Jkyy Mykks C-hicr o 8 May DiaKeroKs: JSMrrffl, ECJohia. John Galnas II llrj-ant P O Siuitb. Poos a central bankirt' and evelwn-'B hti-tlnam. Stjfht drafu isjuud ou Albiiiy, l'ortland mid fcau OF POBTLAND, OKEQOM. P.Ud ui canlinl burpliia and pruflu.... 9290,000 6U.000 IntereW allowed on turium denosita as follows: On ordinary savinifi booktf .... 4 per cent per annum. vii inu MtiMKs uookb oiwrount per annum, On emmcatus of dnooBit: For three months 4ner cont nemnnnm' ror six inouius & per cent jier annum; w io.te luoiuii n par cent per annum. r itnii iv Dr.iiLM, rresiaent 1). P. THOMPSON1 Vice-President, U. C, HTUArrUN, Cashier.. Attorney at Law, ALBANY -:- OREGON". Otllce Iu t!if Slr.:Ii:m l!ln-k, S"iuiu0.7 And GomiEBlIer At La . KD- AL8A'.!i,; OSEGQil CUI.LMAX BUFFFT SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Cars, Cur Arruiuinmlnliiiri t Hrcuiitl't'laNH I'aiifirn Kl'ra, tttlucltril tu I.xiuc'.m Iriilun. A'ct Siitr l.ivlNloli. cnncEV i-kilau au coki'Llis Mail waindaiii (Kxjut8unuay,) : si i a m I MO r v H-rt'aiiil Oorvllia Ar I.V I :3ll p it 12:6ft m rxi-iiKsn thais daily (KxciptSuiuIay. m-UuikI a u Mr a m Physiciai OiSco cor, I"' AL3ANY- 3,. (ISLL. and Surgeon, 1 and Kerry Streets, OREGON 411 r 11 1 l.v i m I Ar Tliroup;li ficlcetH To all !u'mU EASTi S9UTH. Fmftii. tnformatlo.i rcjiardina rates, maps, onuompaiiy akvM at Anany, My Spring Stock is now Comim.wh, Kinbrncincili tho latest Novelties in n 1 Goods, Botli in WOOLEN ami WAo.lI FAlljllC. -To The Ladies,- .Make a Specialty of Laches Underwear m kS, UimiKD and Musux. My I'iucks are tho LOWEST and my Hoops tho P.kst. Am solo agent, for tho Celebrated . OKULLlt Olaiiaur K 1'. nooEits Ktat U. P. anJ 1'. Ar Physician and Surgsoa. Otlice opposite tho Deiunprat. LIJiJT CO. NATIONAL BANK, OF ALBANY, OKKOON. CAPITAL BT0UK JIOO.OOO. Preiident J L COWAV 1 ioe-PresidOMt ...J M RALSTON". V "lr OKO K OH AM BE K LA IN At Cashier O A AHCUlliOLU, P'RHOTORS. J L Tnwrin. J R.l.tnn. r.nn F Clmmborlaiii, Y S Ltuld, f il (iolira, J A Craw lora ana o A Arclubold. TRANSACTS a eenoral banking bluinMB. DRAWSIOIII URAtTS on New York, Bad oiPr'.l,i I I Oregon. LOAN MOrTKY on appir.vrd Benrlly Rl!.LlV deposiu autioct check. IASK OF OREGON. ) ALBANY, OllEClON. Hiiltal, 60,000. Prwldunt H p MERRILL Prasidant E J LANA'INO Caalii'r JatWBLAI.N Tnmaacta a srenera banklnir buainera: Kxchaliiro boutrlit and Bold on a the iirinnliwil cltiea in the United States; aleo on England, Ireland, Franee and Cerniany, Colloctfotis made at all accessible nointa on tavnr. ablo terms. Interest allowed time deposits. fSlllfffsiis THE YAQUINA ROUTE gou Development Oouipr.ny Bto-a elilp Lino. 225 SaSTSR. 20 mURS LESS 1'BiE hsn by any other rcito. T. S. F. HOSIERY, Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely fast, and Free from Poison 5 :To The Men THE BEST. 1. M. Fl'KKV & Co' 8 Illustrated, Descriptive and Priced SEED ANNUAL 4 tor 1 QB1 will h mUA CD c c i Sto all applicants, and to lastseasoii'sfl cusiomtri. u is better than ever. cvy person using uaraen. i-hiM. tr cr Held Seeds, should send for it. Address D. M. FERRY e CO. DETROIT, u mt-i 1 Larp'-tt seedsmen in the world f I SB 9 FT Pirt-claH. tlironph naiisnniror p.nd hrc!;;Ut lnol'rom Foi ilanit anil nil pointa )o tiia Willarnotl Vulloy to unci fioni San F.'uncUco, Cut. Bo;il.s cuakf) close conn(H:tlon at Aitian a'.tti trains of the Oregon i'uoIUa llailroad T ; K, IIIICC, Rrrrlrrr. Call and Look at Mv values in 0 -a misfting' oods, 1 Irnvf h Larpo S'.icH lit tlm J.owiwt l'rioi-H ovi.r oirorKil i- ihn Xty T cmry o tor wmr mi and I n cor ill line of the worUl-rnowl GUOAUIIKAD (jo'nU, nexcelled I Giii.ili. Iurm Hiont of Kj:mtoii)i:itiKS ami Klodncixbs. (A tr.A tlia A.U airy i- tun !,' trailing point in Oregon, TIMESCHi:ntTLK.( except Sunday..) LKve Albany l.rj:2l p. v I Oeave U'lrvallH J :03 p. u . Irrle aquina, !::;. p. u L.ave Yjnina, 7:UIA,H Loayo Corvallis,t(l:3fi a,m Arrive Aibun, ll:i:i a. u O. &. C trains connert hx Alhnnv nnd Cortaills. The above traini roniiectat Vsuuiua with tho Orecon Pnvotni'.iuunl. t'ompany'B I.ino of Kteamships between iaquina ami nan trauci?co. SAILINU BATBS . "OHELPS, Job Printer, Jiu 3st.St.Exc;r' Albany phom Y.iri.A. reatoi TIv n .'o a evv rywhero. Price, Ccticvra, 50c.; Soap, Uk.-ioi.vkm, $1. Prepared by the Pottgk JHU U AM) ClIEMirAL Coiti'OltATION, Hontoil. .-end lor " How to Cure Hkin I )lenBe8,M C4 I'i'KcS W lilimtriilionH, und 1UU torjtiinonlrtla. PMt'r.l''S,, roiiRh, chapped, and oily nklti cured by Cuticl'KA SoaI'. IT STOPS THE PAIN. I1..l .n1 1.1.1 i , , liiuiivy -WHIP., wen K I ICS!-, i lit-uiiiiitinm, nnd tnusculnr palon ro- iie-t-eu in onn tnlnuto by tho Cutl nrii Atiti-Paiu 1'laster. Vc. 8 CALIFORKIA ITIV m RdrT mud CATARRH RLciiinatism, Kcnrnlgia, Coi ns HEADAOH.E, And ALL PAIN, Tit Oallfurila Poi'.tlts anil Ktgatira ELECTRIC COUQH CUKE CUKC3 COLDS. CROUP, C0HSUMR)I0. Bell by all DrogfiiU. E.ok 25o, 60s 1 Oraslntr ii Co , Prop'a. Loa An(Ua, Calj 1UST NATIONAL BANS, OP ALBANY, OREOON, President M t FI.TNN Vice l'realdent S. E.YOUNO Caehier E, W. LANUCON TRANSACTS A OENERALbankins-buslaees. ACCOUNTS KEPT subject to obeck. SIOIIT P.XCIIANOE and tel Tuilnc translor, sol.l New York. Ban Francisco, Chicago and P itland reyon. COLLEITHONI BADE ou tavorp.ble lerna. OIRSCTORS a. E. Yotme. E, Vf, Lamouch L E Blaih, L. Vhixx Edwaud I . Sox. J.A.CUMIXG, -KLkr ED RUGS, J;. AND i TblrrT BTrrrr;k er?tTbat'' ani Tr"de--Ml"1" obtained, and all Tat- OUT Office Is OoDOSltl! U. S. Patent IMln.. JTm "i 7" eog!re,l"""it in less timo than those Heiid model, drawing or photo., with iloscrin. cilar'm. ?i V""' " Pntcnt!lbIo or not, free it a 1 .r. . .. lullBlMI iJareni is secured. A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents," with towifs". tcfu" "S!" inyourStato.county.ur C.A.SE Opposite Patent Office. Washiwrton. D. C. ACADEMY -OF Our Lady of rerpetual Help, OREGON f St, Eenodict Tuition In select tlav ff!l(0.d rnilOCCI fvnm 9- n- fiiu, ui teriii: o' IJOttrulDg HCU0OI or flDV pritcclars apply at the Academv orjtf. VVillimctte Valley, March bill ; ICth ; 25th. VROM RAS ritAN'Gtbro WSlUmctto Valley Mircli 3rd; 12th t 21it; 30th. The Compnv .-trt-ivoR tho rurnt Hianpo Baiuni a at en v-mout notice. B. PaNneners from PonUnfj and illaiyjotte Valley nomia can make clOHe eoanection with the trains of the Yamiina touts at Albunv or Corvallia. and il dns- nned to San tranoinco should arrange to trrive at the evening boture date on apply to A R Chapmtin,Prcl?ht and O. P. ar-d p AKen . Corvahis. mi I ITTr i I II llll MM 1MB I -MIIIU IIIMI i I am Jft liiS 23 SL SSi. Albany Cigar Fact y, J. JosBjiit, -:- Proprietor. WHOLESALE & BETAIi yOnly Vhite ' abor E 2nd mr Store. ftLEANY. Conducted by the Si&tUi H 81 la ES 3 E 2D ' S . H K : xc : a Efl THK CE Llilllt ATED . . S5V35TH & WESSON Best s'.ock of arid ar jnorls In tho v ley, anil the moat reasf ,aie prices, both n o tcllintr. i have nil hand all teni'.io FURNITURE, STOVES, TINWARE TRUNKS, BOOKS, PICTURES CLOCKS, CROCKfRV, ETC., ETC. tfoor west of S E Young's oli-. otore L. COTTLSfc'B ffii M a W W I II R ROj ".T Mill iVSISIliVi GibW MikH ft; P9 eft 5u " The Finsst Small Arms Ecr BS UnrivaledfcA for e.,-,,. ACCIJSACr, uiin&uiLlir, f anufaclureJ. " uimmnlwd tiirt. EH EXCEL! T . .'OP ri WORKMANSHIP and LOADING and S.'.FETY.- t-sware ci cnenp iron Imitr.tiona. "nKca .aauqiie nml p.- ij,, ,., SMITH 6, WSRSO.v U S 0 " a r-'-q Q a ffi g'gj I (he leftdlnff rcmc-ilT foj I Uonorrhr A tilwi. 1 Theonlv hilio rempdr tor I LcacorrhiraorWhitct. I prewritm Hand feel wri ir br safe id recommonauiff it LTHtEvnwsCHtMTuno to all iufreren. ttulrt by Drainrlacc, UutrMlMd Dt W If td,BBB" A pnmpldet of Information and tjmjr 1 V, struct of the lnwa.tlhowinK Hnw toA? fP Ohtu.n Patent!, CaTentB, TratleF k. JK' Marks, CoT'trirrbti, lent frte.ML-jr V1idiitw WUNN A CO.yS&f r301 Urondway. iljr City Ikstanraiit. Having been entirely romotieleil. this old ml popular restaurant will be made tint clasa n every respect. The publie will be given good meals at all hours for only 26 cents. Everything ueat and attractive, Private boxes. Oysters in every style. STEEL PENS 12 Sample Pens, different pattonn. In So, ISf.k-l lIetit imanh lloi, sent post-paia. ju receipt of 10 t li.vrs. PERRY & Ci , londo.i. E3t.b.ic24. U. S, Oftlco, 810 jrosdwaj. New York. ULTZ EROS,, Propriotors. Wp a full line of meats of nil kinds ju a kiiui piLc., coinpiflieiy pro toctoii: and alwaya frean. DB. G. A. WHITNEY, Physician and Surgeon. Graduato of .Bellevue Hospital Medical uiiege uw ions vny. Diseases of woman a specialty. KTOflio roman'a Brink, Albany, Or 1 Pglgig i PL If j'ou 'want tlietal and most durable furni lure 1 1 1 at. is ninnnfaotiir Bed in tho city go to THOMAS BRINK'S SUMMONS. SUMMGIiS. In theCirciiil Court o the State o' Ongonfar i In the. CiruUCourlor Liim Coxmtt), SlaltH (Jftgon: Linn County. JOHN DIAMOND IJC&L, MIATK KOKe.ALP.-I bav a.' .a.., i ui w ncreti. near I ,,n jeiwt, on the farrow Gauge. 10 miles from Albany. All In cultivation. Fair house and bai U.,u ...... fnr and domestic pnrpeses. Fine oak or j Alao another farm ot 1 28 acres, t hrer 1 ea from Lebanon, All in cultivatl . Y'li- house. Good water. Both f . wheat farms. Also house anil twr ...b. nn virn. and Jefferson streets, Albany, For furth er particulars call on A. Umphrer.Centoi precinct, oro" Hewitt A Irvine. Albany. ALBANY COLLEGJATE ALBANY, OREGON. 1890, 1S91. first Term Opened gepteuber tntl:, mm A full corps of instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Couraea ot study arranged to meat tb' and of ail grades of students, S fecial waucementi ojcrtd lo stmltntt from abroad. KV. EliBEKT 0.MHT FOSHAY & MASON, Lat,ii,s iss Druggists and Booksellers AgeLta for John B. Alden'a publlcmUonj SISwSS Dub"'",er' Prto" "ItS ALBAIfT, OKCUOl rialntllT, 1 I Margarolt E Findley, Alex- I ander Fiti'llov and Sufian Findlev his wife. Sim'l Find- ley, Jennie Pon)arls and Hen ry Poujade her hualmml, Nancy Wilson and J Wili-on I her husband, Hugh Flnilley. Etta Kinilloy. llattle Findley I and Ella Sanford, Defend anta. J To Margarott E Findley, Alnxandei Findlev, Sucnn Findley, Hmrii;el Findlev, Jennie Poujade, Henry Poujade, Nnncy Wilson, J wnson, iiugH rni.iiey. i-.tta Findlev. Il jttie Findley nnd Klla Kanford. tbe above numod defendants. ; N THK NAME OF TIIK STATE OF Oregou you are required to fjppcar and answer tho complaint oi tre aliove named plain'tll'ln the atiove enti tled court, now on file with the cleric cf said court, within ten diva from the dato of the service of this citinmonM upon vou, if served in Linn county, Oregon; but If in iny other county in the stele of Ore gon, then within twenty days from the dato of tlie.-ervl(-e of this summons upon youj if served by publication then on or J before the first day of the next regular term oi tlio above entitieu court, to wit: Monday, tlieOtli Liar of March. ihUi. And you are hereby rotlfled tlut It you fail to pppear and nnxwer s-ild complaint, m nuiuuy rLijiiiri-ii , i lie iiniuiii Wlllap ply to the court for the relief demanded in tho con-plaint, to wit; For the fnre closure ol a mottgnge on and' an order of saie ot tne lonowing oecriDed p.emisos to wit: Tho S K and the E V nf tne nvy ana tne inw a of the NW w and theNB. 'A of the SR X of Section 81. Also the 8 ii of the NTV K and the N of the SW U of section 32. all In Town ship 13 S It 3 East of Wlllhinette wormian in unn county, Oregon. Tbe proceeds arisinir. from such anla in be applied: First. To the payment of thocosts and lilsoursemenis of tblsanit. and the sum of (2i)0 as attorneys fees, and tho further sum of JC8 for taxes advancer! thereon, and the costs ol and accruing upon such pal-j. Second. To the navmpnt nr nlnlnilfT.. amim. amounting to me sum or f anil the overplus, If any thorn be, to be paid to the above named delondants as their Interests mav anDear. Ami fur anxh other relief a may in tiiultv be proper and just. I his summoni is Dub hahed bv order nf ih. Hon 11 P Boise, iudce of tho above .mitl court, niado at chambers in the city of 8 -lem, the 3rd day of Jannarj, 1891. J. K. WKATHK11K0RD, 0-3, Attoraey for Plaiatiff Mary E. Emerson, PluintifT. ' vs. John Emerson, Defendant. To John Emerson, the above uameil defend IN tho name of tho state of 0regot,5 ore hereby required to appear and p!"a the complaiut nf the above plaintiff, in abovo entitled Court, now on lilajwitn Clerk of Slid court, on or before thetw day of the next regular term of said mA whifh said term commences on Mond.y,"' 9th day of March, lUl, at the Court Ho in thocitv of Albany, Linn county, Orel! And you aro hereby notilied tha. if y M to appear and answer said compLM 11 hcrohy required, the plnintilF will a dt-croo of paid oouit ngainil J01 dissolving the bonds of matrimony Wj existing between you and plsintit "J1 for her co.its and disbursements of thin and chancing plaiutifTs name to tW " Mary E E'ltufTinan. This summons ! lishedintho Stats Kiiiiits DkmocWJJI order of the Hon. II. I. Hoise. judge of . i .. -i i ,. tha aw day of January, 1891, W It nn.YKtr. Attorney for Plaintiff NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE IS HEREBY OI fcN TH! tiie undersigned, oxeciitorof 'lie'"" will rnd tostament and estate or Bringhain, doceased.has tiled l -p 1 Inn COIiniJl Olflgon, his final account of said -wag ana tne court nas nxea m - - .. March, 181)1, at 10 o'clock " '"l0JZt nhlnntlnna If n-.v. In HCC3U!lt SU'J settling sulil estate. Dated ieb 6, 1801. S. M. FB!t?" T. J. Stitkm, Exoeutor. Atty fcr Executor. . ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE I HEREBY GIVJis i . ib. iM..1opin.,.I have th s day Mf" duly appointed and qualified as idin " tratSrknd administratrix f ''18",rJ. F.ank Malone, lalfi of Linn "ounlLr, " gon, deceased. All jiersons havln K them properly vorltled, within !f m0? ,t from thl-t dkte, lo the u!1r8lg"Jty1 their place at Ho'.loy, hioa couui Oregon. . Thl. 8lh day ' Tlfe MiW J K Wkathkrfoid, (Itl) Attorney for estate.