Vol. in. ALU ANY. ORECON, MONDAY. 3IAIICII , 1801. NO 255 TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Highest of all in Leavening Power.- U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. ij, 1M9, Ha,ving bought the stock of Hardware and Cutlery from G. Swishing" to close fist, the entire stock at COST for Chas EL W. PAR Conrad Mover, -rnorKi!ST'-:i or STAIi 25AKERY Cnixipr Broadalbin and First Sts., DEALER IN iiiin'il FriillM, ;uu- 7!pkIn, rlen FrnUw, VeKetalrKvN, I'obitcco. ittr. CoHec. Tea, Ktc Elo., 'r;v . vorything tint', is Icopt In u It-i vo kiiI groceo oro. Ulgheat jirjtstp To'd for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. Permanently ciiroil without Culltitfr, Iumin.r or DI kttiriK- A yerft'ctly pain lens troatnioiit anil a Kimrait teed euro in every 310. tin natter how low? Ptamlit ir. This treatment, for K'.rtrtme. uf Ir lioxulI'M.is the gr itcM ilHcovery known to medicine, ltdiwolvi-s nu completely rvmovii tne stricture witnout annoy l or pain to the patient. DISEASES OF MEN! Peculiar to tlicirSex. an ! not i.n.nerto name here. inclwlini- all these del lea to Infirmities and Weak nesses, which tfhuy would Hhrlnk from disclosing to their family )l)ynictan, permanently cured in len time than wan ever known in Medicine tteforo, by ir iJoxeli "New KvBtem of Treatment." rejuvenates the (tenito-unrary organs ami makes weak menstrontr When (MHuible, it is alwava beat to call lor pemonal consultation ami Kitlnt Y.arr.li.:itlm. lint thine who cannot pomibly call, should wrlto, listing their "tw iu V. aiMHi-lm. it liv mill nr nvi.rimH-i'filml. free fn.tii XKure, to all parts of the WeiUe Caat. Wiii. A. Jioxell, BL D. M Fanl d Uirif ttiry. Port Inn it, Orennn. Corner Find and l'ir.0 8troets,J verl'ortlaud National Bank- -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Arterial Embalmi.ijr Dona Scientil lcally. RedCrownMills SOJI, LANNING & C!.. PaOPR'S iw fRooitsa flour ncriRioR ton FArt.i AND BAKERS CSI. TiEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Uoburg Lumber. 1 sell the best lumber in the ceunty; also war posts, shingles, laths aoors una win- nu.uldinp, etc. Prices from $5 o T22 r thousand. Yard at Low-gnu. on the Harrow (Uuge, See me before pnrchpsirg W W CitAwroRP. Adress.PO TUnvv Ur, STRICTURE ! FortmiKer & Irving, the same, we will HEALTH IS WEALTH! Pit. K.C. WEST'S Norvo .r.,1 I!r.ln T....,i airiiiimtitotdHpeiillctnr Hysteria, DizniKwa. Cmivni alons, fits. Nervous Ncuraljila, lluaduuha, Kervons cal"""u " useul aloolwjl or tol.n;a.-. Wiik-tuliicM Mental UiiprusHlwi, Hufbailiir ol tho Brain, rvKiiltlnv I" insanity and leading to minorv driiar vuldm.li, premature old am, Ihimhim li M rtf. 1 l.(mut;il liv over-exerti.in of ) l.ru. bach t,c, wiitalns mis mon'li'!! treatnient. 1 a b ix 3r SIX btiAS Iitr A.V Mi.nt .v n.il t.. . WE r.UAItANTKE SIX ROypst Tr riiir in com. Willi tacli order received liv w fur lx boxea acconiimmed wilh !,, o .ill acini tho iran haaerour rtu.... , lemim tnenionoy if tlie treat ment dun not effect a euro. GnaranUea Ibbiio.1 only tiy J. A. Uumimni, Druirgiat, aole aijent, Albanj', Or. NEW STOKE.-n Smith & Co 'ISPSFp I cures I i H lzJJSiH Whiie You Wait," I " M5Sfna 1 NOTHING ELSE. g MITCHELL, & LEWIS CO. DEALERS Ix AgricEiltiiral ffoipleiEtciits k VeSticles Pome and See Us. Albany , ManufacturerH o" 1EAM ENGINES CRIST AHD SAW y ILL MACHINERY IR01I rHOHT? AMD ALL KIFDS OF HEAVY AND LIGHT WORK, IN IRON AND BRASS CASTINCS. pectal attention JM o . iwirlnu H dii of iimehlnan Halinrns Made on Short Notice Pouiny Wanted, Alt kln.1 'tt p niltrv, llvo or driwwd at tbe WIllametiB Picking Company'! atoie, Albany. Oiitct. Stoves, Pumps, W. SMITH, and, sell until July- CASH, THE CRY OF MILLIONS OH. BKCKI STOP IT NOW. ''M BOON IT WIIL 1 W( U Ilmvenwntroublc : ti T rtiscnae of the kidne BC TOO LATE. troubled mniiv years with e kidneys ana nave tried many Giiierent remedies ami navr noiiifht nid from different physicians without relief. About the 15th of ApriJ I was Rtiiltrrinf? from a very violent nttnek that almost prostrated me in 4 Bucn n manner mat 1 was iatt over. IVhf n I nt down it waa nlmost impossible for me to kv i.p nione, or to put on niy ciutnei, wne kind providence sent Dr. Henley, with tL OKl'.UUN KIliiNl'.Y im, to my hoitl. I imiuetliately commenced lining the ten. It had an almost miraculous effect, and to the aston- i3hniLU. vf till the Rucsts at the hotel, in a few day, I am bappy to state, flint I was a new man. . will: recommend the lea to all ofllictedj i 1 llUVC LiCCU. I C. A, TUPPER, X'roprietor Occidental Hotel, bauta Kosa. Cal. t"SEW GOODS. ALBAHY. OREGON. S. W. Paisley, lAllmnr. Orxsoa -WUOIESAI,E DKAr.KR IN-- Tjii.1030 auJ Cigars. $50 Reward ? WE will pav I Vnhori reward f-r n-iT cnf of lAmt omt'iMiiit, Li.viieor-ta.lSlck lic&Ua In, l.nlijrtion, Con Ifail'H ir ('....tivonesH y,o cunnot o'iro wttli Wnt'a upvUMe i.lnr i'l.M. when tlm dimtlons nroitrli-tljr ! with. Thi-y ar purfly Vrjjptaltlp, and mftfir I1 totrlvc ftatlofa tlnn. H ijrar Coutrd. I,anr hoiot, .mti U einir. Hwa 1 m of counterfeit Mul ta. ao Totinlno nmniiriu-uiml only tty si w Joii:t 1: we. (Xuua.ny, cuiCAm.iu J A 4'iiiuming, .tjtrnt ALBANY :OR. WRITSMAN & HULBEB,T BROS,, Real Estate Agents K.tmf and lUnchea for sale. Aim city broijerty in Albaav and l'orll ,. 1 ABSDIUTELY mm XoTiCK to Farmers. Wanted at once chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, dried trims, butter, eirirs, and all kinds ol farm produce, lor wlncli 1 will pay the Inch est price in cash or in exchange lor goods. If. . MMSOX, Albany, Oregon K 1 ding Photographers A miy roifon. AVe iiavc bought all thonrgatlvi maiie by L V Oark and W H Grcer-wood up to Nov 15th, ISSy. Duplieatca can be had from hem only of n at reduced latca. We have also about 18,(X'0 neative made by onr BelvtB, frpm which dupllcatea can be had at like ia;ps. We carry tho on:y full line of viewi ti this state and do eulargtd work at loweit rates for first clairn work. V e eliaU be pleased to see yon at our Studio in Froman'e block, nextdoor to Masoaio lVuiplo. CATAKRH CURKD, health, 'and wt breath Becurcd,by Shilch'a f'atarrh Uemedy. I'rice CO cents. Nasal Injector free. Ko shay & Maorj, agents. Kupepr. This is what you o.itjtm t have, n fact yon must have it, to enjy lit':. Thousands are searching for it daily, and mourning be cause they find it not. Thousand upon thoup&uds of dollars are spent annually by our people in the hope that thoy may attain thiBboon. And vet it may be hod by all. We guarantee that Electric Bitttirs, if ued according directions and the ubo persisted in, w bring you good diyealion and outtt the demon Dyspepsia and install instead Euptp.y. Wo recommend Elcctrio Hitters for .5yspci.ii nod all nioeaset of Liver, Stomach and Kidney. Sold at 50c and $1 pei Lottie by lonhay & Mnson, druggists. "HACKIUETAOK,' n Utintr and grant perfume. IVice 25 aid 59 ceiits. shay & atoit agents. Egnn & Achison handle tne celebrated Portland cement walls for cemetery lots. These walls can he furnihd at half the cost of any other aud ore far sup-mor. The ONLY place in tho ty where East ern tickets can bo purcha- ia of W. L. Jester, at the Southern 1'aciHc Co' ticket office EHILOfI'8 COUGH otd Consumption Curt is sold by us on a gna-a ite. It cures comuiiipttnn. Koshay & iMasor, agent. W. Y, Uwd kftfps the ht-st a fort n rent of fancy goods in town. 1 O O F. Albany Unee No 4 holds its regular meeting Wcdi.CMiay evening of each week. Visiting brothers are coruially nvited to attend. mO, ah, let me ueo, what do you five for a old on the chost? " aaked Jones, in a sort of Indifferont tone, of a doctor with whom he was sliffhtly acquainted, tin ho met him on the St root. "Advice," was tho laconic roply. 80 do wo. We advise you not to neptoct that hackinff cough nnd drowsy feeling, the coated tonsrue, tho falling appetite, the Inflipestlon and frenernl lasalturle and debility tli at ' tired fccli,,, as so mnnv expreas It. Take Dr. Plerec'i Golden Metllral DiBcovcrv. in time, and It will not disappoint. It is not only the most wondorful alterative, or blood-cleanser, known to medical science, but also poMonses superior nutritive and tonic or etrrnfrtu-frlv-Ing properties. For IJronchial, Throat and Luntr Ulsoasoa, accompanied with lingering coughs, tho "Golden Medical Discovery" la absolutely unequnlcd as a remedy. For Wonlc 1, 1 in if s. Ppittlnff of lilood. Short Breath, Consumptive 'iffht-sweats, and kin dred affections. It surpasses all other medi cines. It's the only lung remedy, sold by drufrff Ista, ffuarnntecd to nenrflt or oure, In very otuo, or monc refunded. $500119 f'lr an Ineurania caao or to larrk In the Head, br ths prnptloton of Dr. Sage a Cnlarrh Ktrnedy. Br lt mild, lootblnf and healinl DroDortira. U curra the wont matter ot bow lonr atandinir. Only Sold by drucclit ararywoac. 4 0 r:0 mm, no The blind followers of the rejected "protection chemc"are stili engaged In the effort Ij extend the circulation of "pro tection literature" in the vtln hope of re- p!;.clnj the "wool" over the ejes of the people. One ot the schemes is to club the American Economist t an organ run entirely in the Interests of protected manufactur ers, with every republican and independ ent paper in the country. Rut it will not win. The out!&)k for Albany the coning season is good. But bear in mind that we are the architects of our own fortune. The cilys progress will be what her citi zens make It. Let there be union and hai- mony in every move for herein is strength the .oi.(i:n bile u.xa. Has a lar;:e and complete line of goods, dolls, doll buggies, boys' wagons, ve ocipedes and many other goods whicli gol to makeup a coiuplete assortment, besides a comnleto- line of lamns of every description. China crockery, fancy decorated ware, u'assware, bird cages, plush goods, inch as albums, toilet sets. autograph books, scrap bool;8, children's ABC picture books, and all goods that are carried in n Kaznar store, including Koger liros. 1847 silverware. We wish to call the attention of the public in par ticular to the (iolden Rule prize baking powder and tea, put up expressly for this t-ade, whicli gives the best of satis faction, as is attested by the hundreds who have used both the tea and baking powder ever since introduced by the Uoluen ltule liaxaar, tea and can of backing powder draws a ea ana several Pt0!'lc I'-owned. prize in the shape of a tine piece of glass- A Tramps Experience ware. Be sure to call, when in Albany,! ,. in,i, . a i,k . at the Golden Rule Bazaar, ss you will Lm'ENE' MaJch '--A lram? met "vh a be sure to find what you want, and will MIlous ident by trying to alight from a be Bhown over the store nnd be treated 'noving train near the depot yesterday even kindly by my clerk, Mr. Millet. My ! '"K- His scalp was laid open for about six goods are all marked in plain figures so i "idles, making a horrible sbeclaje. He was as not to deceive anyone, and I have but one price to all. Jt'Lius Gkadwohi FOR DYSPEPSIA and livor Complairt ynu havii a nrinte guarantee on ivery bottln if Shiloh s Vitalize, it never fails to cure, Foshay & Mason, agents. CKOUP,, WHOOPING COUUH nnd Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Oh, Whnt an Avrlul Breath ! There ia nothing more healthful than on -ionx. The trouble is that persons are afraid to (mt them liecause thev make the breath unfragrtnt. But there is a less fragrant bivalh than that freighted with onions. We mean the breath of a pcrsoa with a fonl itonineh. Take him away ! we inwardly ery when he whispers in our ear. Dnart that yon.- breath is pure. Take a few Bran urt th's Pills and regulate vour livor.stomach and bowels aDd yourbre-th will bo sweet. New Blacksmith Sikh-. G iV Willis has just complctet. his blacksmith shop at the corner of Second and Railroad streets where all kind of iron and wood work can be nad and done in first class order Bring on yoin nlows, wagons, etc., etc. for rcrr ir A NASA1 INJECTOR freo with each bottle f Slnloh a Catarrh Ueuiedy. Price 50 cei ts. Foflay& Maaop, aue;:ts Wll.f, YOU SUFFER with Dyspepsia and l.ivr Cmnp'.aiut? Sniloh'sJ Vitalize- is guaranteed to cure y.ui. WHY WII.l, YOU -lOMih when' Shiloh's Cure give iinin-diHti re-ief. Price 10 ceii'r, Q cents and $1. Ft-shay & Meson, aucntx. All:. bier g. ods at ens', rt Kb in Hr. The bent rna,t ci the in l Mujt . n 1 1 ) For 1 imp hnrk, or .d het. nae Smloh s Porcus I'lavtt-r. Piice, 25ci.i.t?. Ilnrklrn'ii Ainlrii Salve. The h'J'l 'ilv. I" th" ''.rl-l t'i ':iil..ltruUo.,Sor Uk'erf, S-t'.t Itliautil. F.ver a iri.. roller, Charp tmn.la. t.li.iblaliia. Corns, and all Skin Erimtlo i iM)ait!Kurea Hiloa.or no ..v riHiri"l. It la euar ntect to io (u-rtoct aatlafactlnn, "r money Ifluinb (I. HriiM iicenta kt box. For ax'e hjr F.iahay and Maaoo I'riiuennrril llopeleaa. Tel Caved. From a letter written by Mr Ada K Hurd nf (iroton, 8 D, we quote: "Wss tsken with a had coid. which settled on my Luuns, onughs set in and finally tenniiiated in Con .uinption. Futirilootors g.ve me up saying I ceuld live but a short lime. I cave my self up tn mv Saviour, determined if I oould not .lay with my friands tn earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was adiised to get Dr King's N'"w Di.cnver ery for Consumytion, Coihs and Colda. 1 vave it a tiial. tin.k in all eight hottloai it haa cared u. ard tb.nk (!nd I am a well and heartv woman." Trial bottles free at Fo shay & Mssoas Jrug store, regular sir., 80c and ?! Iiiilrieulcnec the Ileal. Sydnev, Australia, March I. The hotel are filled with dalegatas to the National Aus tralian conference, which will be onenrd hem to-morrow for the purpose ol preparing a gen eral constitution for the seven Austaalian col onies. Much preliminary disenssion o! the question involved his been indulged in throughout the day. The Tasmania delegates do not favor the scheme of federation propored, but the anxiety evinced by the representetives of other colonies attests their conviction that the plan abounds with benefits of vast import ance. A number of delegates are favorable to a constitmion similar to that of the United States, w hile many others preler the conslitu of the Dominion of Canada as the basis of the instrument to be formulated, These is a strong iccling, however, in favov of absolute indepen dence, and it is said '.he adherents of that principle w ill endeavor to captur the conven lion. frantor llrarst. Washington, March I. The funeral serv ices over the remaics of tbe late Senator Hearst who cied Saturday night will be held Thurs day at his late residence, and will lie brief and simple. The da.t of Ihe funeral was dtiayed until Thursday so as to enable mmlcrs ol t!: senate and hcuse who desire to attend to do so without interfering with the pressing business that demands their attention during the few remainsug days of congress. ZZZZ C'iairtl after It, - 12 Washington, March i. Judge W H Clageli, who is here for the purpose of con testing with Fred Dubois for a seat in the United Slates senate, has sent in a mass of evidence about the election1 in Idaho; also a lcag memorial frar.i a party standpoint, showtntr tliai the republican platform provided that there should be a senator from North aid South Idaho. "Tbe Yuuia Flood, San Francisco March i. General Man ager A N' Towne, of the Southern Pacific, tonight discredited the rumor that loo lives have been lost at Yuma by the second flood, lie slated to an Associated Press reporter that he hid been in communication with Yuma up to 7;3o o'clock, San Francisco time, and had received no such report, as he surely would have had there been a disaster. So far no lives have been lost at Yuma, except one Mexican, who was drownen last week. In Upper Gilo vauey, nowever, randies may nave been tloou- sewed up and will probably recover. Wanted, to rent an organ for several months. Call at the Dkmockat office. Has Been Tried. How to gel a home In a good country having a delightful climate, and how to assure an income of $2ooo per annum from an (investment of $2000. The Willamette Valley is the natural home of the prune. The cost of a ten ncre orchard, not In cluding interest, Is $1250, including lirst- . class cultivation fcr two yearn on the In stallment plan. Apricots, pears, peaches, plums and cherries are all prolific bearers and can substitute for any ot these the prune. We plant just such varieties as the purchaser may select. The Okegon Land Company, Salem, Oregon. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by that terriule cough. tihiloli'oCure is tho ICemedy for yon. A sure cure for the whisky -labit: Dr Livingston's Antidote for -.rruni ennesa will cure any caso of the liquor obil in irora too to ttihty days, from the a ndi ra' c driuker to the drunkard. The Antidote en lie given in 1 tup of CflTee withi nt tin know-ledge of the perron taking ih. The Antidote w ill not injure the heultn in any way. M. nufactnred l.y the Livingston Chemical Co., Portland, On-yon rr from J A Cununiitg, olc agent, Albany. SH1L0H S CATARRH REMEDY a po-i'.ive euie for Cstorrh. Diphtheiia and Canhei-Mruth. Fcshay & Motr.n, agents. SHILOH'S VITAL1ZER i. what you nctdCoi Constipation, Low ot Appolite, Diz zincas, aod all auiptoms of Djaptpij. I rico 10 and 75 cit per bottle. Shll.Iren Kajer The pl'.a.ent flivcr, gentle aoti.-in and aooth ing etltnts of Syrup of Figa, when in need ot a laxative and if tba father or mother he en.' Ive or bilious tho mosc gratifying results ollowing its us, so that it is the best fain- -y remedy known and n.-ery family shonld ave a bi-ttle. WriF.RKTO Get Tiikm. When wr.ntlng n organ or plana call on G L Rlnckmnn ivh 'e you can ae?ert from a first class toe. - -.o.-Excitement t, l : ... :.. a 11 .. - . L" I, ., .c. M . son's drug stor iierSvatom Rnihler, aa nveryl-oiiv is uairg it. lor , ninrrn m in. Stomach, Dyanepsia. Coostipntioo and Im pure Hood. Trv it -ml 'r-ll your friends anon' it as it must posa. awoodcrful mi tits when a I - peak well nf i. French Tan. Wafer. The for a emo period wafers arc a sure and s-ife 1 rln. kimlanf female trouhlei. at . '!' all obstructions to the ir.or. I no mstter what the rau.e. Ti . rwhat everv woman ncco . n 1 are can be lsed with sofetv. For sale I tl Livingstone Chemical Co., also Iron V sole agent, J A Camming, druggl.', B.t bcrgbixk, A Ibanv, Oregon.