The republican majority In the flrut Oregon congressional ditttilct, according to tiie 181K) vow, iH 3,70. in tliu accoml ireuoncoiiuroasinnnl district. 0.14"). Ex. Tlnit was ou IlorciHiin. No'v, please give us the republican ninjorilv m the I districts on Peiuiuyer. Heaey to Loan. . We have plenty of money to loan on real estate security, on two to years I lltnc. Call on us at our oilice, opposite I tn; severe nouse. fJURKHAKT i -kEHNEY. Ths OXLY pls,?o in the ty whora Eat.!: era tiokets can ba-purcha is of W. L. Jester, at tha Southern Pauiria Co s tickri office One half dollar reduction on every pair oi I.ndlow'a line shoes. A Rood line ol thol'i I a 8 r. Xoung s. Albtuy JmrXet. Wheat Wo Oala60.. Butter 85c prlu. PgRs'-iOt Hay lO.Wto 18.CX1. Potntoeo -d) eta p.- in'siv! Boot-on fool, 1i to Sc. Applae f)0 ee...a per iu, Po:-5j3 Tlirlt- !.-i.l! !('. ahouMera To aides, 9c Lard JOc per !b. Flour a.'Jo ptt bbl. Cblckons 3 .00 pir do, ralll Foed bran, U.W'.K.r tot ehoru, tt;. ntidiliin:;, :y. Cbof" ' ucudns, t.'Jit:s, innuenin, uroncimis. throi, Luittjsand Chest, includiriL- Consumption. DREADFUL PSORIASIS Covering Kutlro Body Titli M'hlto Scales. SulTerlug Fearful. Cured by Cutlcurft. My tllncftPo (jmoiii-Is) fi'iit lroko ont oa my left ri.ivk, fpread'iuj uf.o" my uoeu, and nluioot cot vritnc n.y fuw. Jt nui iuto iiiv eyes, and th phyniiiinii -was cfrald I would liee uiy eyesiylit ultugellior. It spread all over my htuJ, and my till Jill tjiii, unui I wan foil ':. 'l.?.:iB: -A tjroke out on my arms und ,iif4 u KiiouMuie, Hiitil inyarniH v.ite Ui -. .wm-Y, lust ono fore. It covered &r tV er.tiro bod v. my fare, head. 3 k " I ami T.r ,.,.K.f K.,ln,. h.. . The wiiito ecubj fell conctunilv from triy bead, ahotildere, am) nrras; the pL.u would thickeu hnd be red and very itcliv, and would crack and liWd ' tt prraiclieil. After speutlhiie llUIllIrOt'l:! If ll.tll.-liu I hi'ard of iho Citicdiia Uemehie. and alter ut-lnt; tv. o I. ,;tl-- Ci rtcui: a liE-oLvi:KT, I could wms u cl.aT.1.", aii J aiter I hnd taken iour l"ttl'n, I wi-e idi.jj-.. an.. I; iti.d vhcii 1 hail udetl kix bottle of f'fTIiTRA IttlPOIAENT, OUe boX Of CUTJl'UnA.Clld our c,i'; of Cuticuiia SfrAr, I was curcl "f the dic i l.til 'Imj.i re fior.i vhi h I Iiad ouffered for tivo '-i."r. 1 ffiimt ex profit with n pen what I Hiiftercd ((if.ri'V-iir'thf 'I'liey saved ii:y life, and I f'-il It nu duty tt recoinmeud them. Mv Itolr it. rr-t'i,!- ! ;i . tn, , n r. a':a ho 16 utv eyeMiil. lius. ItOsA KICLLV, Hock well City, luwa. Cuticura Resolvent The m-v l.l..od l'lirlfier, internally (to cln:io tit-- I i.f n'l iK'i.Mrit.i'aii'l loieouoiinek'mi-iHf), nnd Cltjclka, the jrrvai kiu Cure, uiid CUTitfiU ho.w, i x.;t!!-4!e i-Lin llcuuttliur, externa) v (to r'pTir thr okin i.nJ nrut. and re-.turc the hair),havo cured ih iiiHMi-.tla of cae vh'jre tho tduddlim n( m-iiK'n iiiuafiutni u (ju.irt dallv, tho ekiu cracked, l-'cftinaf, liiiniTiif, mill itchin uhnort Li-yuid cmlurn (!, li i'r Itfcleaiit or nil Kune, Hiifierinp terri ble. oilier reined iua have-made such cures? fjItl . v.-r wlkTo. I'rite, Coticvba, Oc; Soap, 2-.; litfotVENT, &1. Prepared by the I'ottlh IH-fJ X' CHEMICAL OoilPOKATION, KootOU. i't-r-'ii. for " How to (!).r Skin ..fMaM.'(" 04 piiKuii, .'.U illttrst rations, and luo testimonials. rjJl'hKM, black. head, red, roiiRh, chapped, and nj hkiu cureu uy utillua buAf. fl l?4 IT STflDS TUP DM5J KTj T".a lt nrhe, kidney palr.4, weaknebB, t.Vo! '"""uttiftii, and p:iinn ! tb ii1 IS H'v"il In one minute hy lln-Cuti- V in u Antl-I'uiu master. '2bc. "9 jfjSttUia. PEHS tn Sntnpla Pon". . nlf?erer.t rwitlornf". tn a tan M. K' sent ixt-paid ja ree'.-ipt of 10 FERRY & Gc , London. Eb.ic24. U. S. Office, 610 jroadwiy, Ni York. FOSHAY & MVJCW, 3i,LAva ru avrAii.- Oraggists and Booksellers Airei.ta for John B, Aldou't pwlioatloiw' tilnhwMUat outb?r'Q pricoa with ALBANY, onriur. fiTtti. nd Trtdo-Mu'lri obtained, nnd all Ta at buiinfii comlnrted for Modsratt Fepi, Our Offlct It OppmKt U. S. Patent Office, aria we ran e-ir ptnt Id leas tiiua than thov remote from Wathfrigtfm. d model, drawing or photo., with icrlp . We adTlte, Jf ;n:en:h; r not, frea ol barf. Our fee not due till patent ia aeenrrd. A Pamahlet, "How to Obtain 1'aUnta," with maanea of actual cJfeata lriyourlta;e, ooaatgr.or Uwa, Beat free. Adrfreia, C.A.SNOVV&CO. rfesKe ralsnt Oflcs. ttfaaakiitta. 1. 0. WtSa...-i-;. Both ths molliod and reitilta wlier. Byrup ?)f Fijyj is taken ; i t is p-lensi'.nt i.iidiofm-ihiugto (liota; te, Hiidiicts pentlyyet promptly on tiioKidncj'3, Ijiver and B.nvels. clotmtcs the r.ya tciu effectually, ulspla c;)lfs, lioad neliea iaud fevers nnd cm-en lmbiiual constipation. Hymn of Figs is the only remedy of 'itg kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste andac c? stomach, prompt iu its action and truly beneficial in its eilects, its many excellent quuiities commend it to all. It for sale in 50c and 61 bottles by all leadiog druggist. :s.ACTunro only ev thu CALIFORNIA F10 SYRUP CO. SAH FRANCISCO. CAL. lO'Jisvitu. nr. ntm ronx. .r. J..i.Cl.m"i(!, "JiSTj; riot v fr-U:: ,.nbtn tun jsr-ri . :'-S? PATRICKS P?;u:sT Fouiiiy Wanted. Ah kiDtlM of DJuLtr?. nliva or J mm A lot the Wlllaniette Pickinir CoinDanv'a tore Alb Aity. Orofcoc ALBA1TT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON. I860, ISOl. tirat Term Opeaed leptenther MOO. A full corpa of Instruetora, CLASSICAL, SCiENTIFiC, LITERARY COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courxea ol tudv arranrarf od of all grades of atudonta. Special tnaucenicnti ojtrtd to sludtnl$ from abroad. BKV. KLnKHT S C0NDIT ft ' .tit . A awf A M E D o 'Cures UA 6 An si 51 i:i:e'a::ir.t:r7Ti, Kenrnlgia, Conn HEAOACKI, And ALL PAIN. Th Callfortia Poi!tiT and TIigt.tlT ELECTHIC COUGH CURE Ct'.f l S CSLDS, CR0UI. CCHiUMPTIOH. Is'.i by all Drnf juk. Each 26o, 60s Is 11 Orsslnr & Ca., Prop's. Los Ancslss. Oal r.Itr o H aeknnwTeilgefl the leafjfnlr remely fo J-To-rhfi A ilect, Tbe only who lor LencorrhKa orWhites. I ureacrlbc ft and feel fafe tn rconmrnendlJigli t all SHfTtircr'. nlTi.o rWS2l A. J. faTONKR, M. D., I'ltlCE Wi.OO. M VAIll A ISK i, Aenls THE BEST. 1J. .M. r HkHV JV 1 ii Illustrated, Dcicriptive and Triced Seed annual I For 1891 Whl be mailed FREE 1 Sio all Applicants, and to last season's! a customers, it n better than ever. , tvery person uidr i,ardtnt should send for It. AJrest D. M. FERRY & CO. DETROIT. MICH. I ITEPst SeetUmen in the world 1 Eevore House: ALBANY, OREGON OH AS. PFEIFFEK 1'ROPRIETOR. Fitted tin In flrat-claaa atTle. Tablea rtipplled with the beat In the market. Nloa aleeplnratmrtanenu. Rample rooms tor tommorehil travalara. $500 Reward ! TiT will pmw theaheve revant fr ny cmm of LtrJ oir. plains. li;t,ai, fiir ItaMalarhe, lnltTatln. Con liita or lustivenean w fMnot r wltn TaCe Afvuhle I.I tr It: la. wkin h dltwettnea avftrtrtlj oriplkd wita Thff e.r rly f wtaibi,euta never All tO lT StUf4Ctal. bUr Ct) tMTf blltea, tnt!' !r.T " " ", War f manterfelie and . h (utae CMJttair4 mif feaj rjA jom c ki uuptrAxr.ciiicAuo.iUL S A Vwmmmj, Agsii j TnrfwHsC:lFlt,'', Ml KIT NATIONAI, BANK, Or ALBANY, OHKOOK, PreslilSMt , Vire HrvstJeut . Oihlor ... I, KLIN S. K.YOl'N ..K, W. L.MiPON TRANHACTS A OENKIlALbilMnusluosS. ACCOUNTS KKIT ubji't.l u ulieok. Binur .J tfl Tuittiio tranaier. K.w Y.,rk. lu VrauoUco. Chloaiio and PulUnJ "coI.LBOTIONI HADE on luurahla tenu. aiasoToaa J. K. Torva K, W, La KODCa L K buia, L. 1'Liaa Kawiaa V . Sol. IKX CO. XATIOXAI-R INK, A Of ALBANY. OIIKOOM. CAPITAL M'OUii 100,000. Proeldnt J L COWAS, Viee-PreaiduHb J M UAIahTON'. .hUr GEO E (JUAMIiilULAlN' AaatCaahier U A AUCllIUOL nuiCTOR.i. ? !. Cowan. J M Kalstou, Uco Chamber lain, W 8 Lmd. W H OoUra, J A Craw lord and (t A Archibold. TRANSACTS aroneral baukltin' biuhieea. DKAWHlUH'l IfKAKl'H.jit Now Vuik. Sao nl Pirttti ( ? Oregon. LOAN MONEY on appicvcd aacurlty KKCKlVKdeixjule suhoe( chuc. ALBAKY, OKEUOX. C'apltnlt -I- ProsJ.letit Tii-I'roiidiit ...II Y MKUttlLL . E J I.ANN1M' Gttu-i ....Jat Y It LA IN Tranwicta a irmiAral b.i. biuineHa: Kxchni;o boiiifht ai.d bold on all the primipid citieaj m tno t nttoil b latest alaoou JMiglaitU, Ireland, rratue ti.a uern my. C Ileetin4maio at all accvMibl'j poinU ou f.ivor ante ternw. Interest allowed oa time depoeiU, l .INK OF WCIO, L BCIO, OKKQON. PrtMl-ient Vice- Preaidout .. M J S Moaaia Jef Mtekb U S Mat John Gaines Cashier M. pimcroKa: E Golm, J S Morris, U U r j tui t P O bmilh. Dtee a ecnral banklnir end ezchaniro bminui gilt-tit drtfu iaauod ou Albuiy, Poniaiad and ban rraueisco. POUTS. A M K4VI;S HANK, OF PORTLAND. OltEOON. Paid np capital HH.aM Surpluaaud pru0 , tSOO.000 , 0,Jtl Interest allowed on sa rlnza donoaits as folio ra: On ordinary aaviiiyf iHHik j ....4 per cunt put attuiii.i. On ttjrm b -oVt.-j C per cent per annum. On certificate 'it deposit; For three nvmth 4 per cent per annum: For six mouth? b jwr ceui per aumiu: For twelve inonUi fi pur emit per ar..tuui; H'.ASK IK'ai:H, Presi'lent I. P.THUUr-so.N' Viee-Pruildonl. II. 0, STKATTON. Caehier.. Apanjilitetof reformation andab- i, Obtain Intents, Careau, 'rrafie.S Coiurljhta, sent frm.tSjM V.Auli. MUNN A OO.Ky" 3. E. WEATHEBF0RD, TTOHNEV AT LAW Atn.lNV, OEKCON W U BILTEU, ATTORNEY AT LAW And Solicitor" in ChDCery ALBANY. - - OREGON. Collections promptly made on all point oana aeitotiated on easonableterma. , B. K. BLACRBCH:.-, OE0. W. WRIOUT, Attorneys at, Law, Vttl prtctico in aI! the Courts of tlx tftto. Prompt attjntiou (rivon t all bnai ai entrmtort to our ca e. Otbca OJd Follows Tempi Albay q H. C. WATSON, Attorney at Law, ALBANY OREGON. Olllee In the Straliau Block. J. WKiTKEY. ai.tutaey Anil Counsellor At Lav KD- fsLBAiV ORECOH L. H3LL. Physiciai OIHoo cor, F ALBANY- and Surgeon, and Ferry Streets, OREGON DaC. WATSON GASTON Physician and Surgeon. Office oppoaite the Densocrat. S. W. Paisley, WHOLB8ALB DEALER IN- Tatiisco ani Cigars. City McaOIarket. SHULTZ BEOS,, Proprietors. lp a full line of meats of all kind) oooi piswe, oompietoiy pro- s; ana always rrtes. Tl -1t-- - - EAST AND-SOUTH, YIA Sout em Pacific Routo SHASTA LINE. RtprsM Trains leave I'ortUml UHj fcitkT " "I North T:Wir. a.TLr la ilr a I Lr rurtland Allt4iiy " San I'VAllltt-'n ArK:S a a L l.v ; r u M a Ar Abvo traliii atoll only at fol lowlnil slatloin .""'' si Koiertura;- i-irnsuu, I'tepm ' "j. aani. a:.iu, Allianr. Turnout, KIi.kU, llalsi'j liar- abur,, Juuvllwu Lll, Utlllg, LUK-'11. aaasBt-ae mail, daily. tfoja "Ly rortf.n Ar 4:00 r a U'lurall.T Allonr Lv 12:00 a :. ia I Ar llouliurr 1,T I II !W A M ALSlKr LOCAL) U1ILT SIOSTT SlKUAT) lVir'.l.iiii Ar I 0 ;M A II Lv I 6:00 a a LSBAMoa BaAKCU, It r a I All.ny Lebanon Albany Lfbsiion l:IfiA a 8:40 a a 4:'Jilr a :tor a Slhra t:IOA a S:SI A I PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Touri3t Sleeping Cars, For AerouimoilntHtn of Mcrontl-Clnaa lnaaro iter a, (tnclirit lu liprra iraina. atVrt alil Iir1vllin. item eem OltlLA.Mt AND COKVALUft, Mail 'maim PAM i (KxceptSunuay.) MJ A ti ILv Portland Corvaliii I :,:.n t at I VIM ru 2:10 PU MXPRB8I TKA1N DAILY (ExOjpt Sunday. AUf M I L I T I Ai Port lat id VoMinuviiie ::0 a H 6.4 j A M Tlironr.'li TicltctH To all points EAST, mu SOUTH. iTui lot. liiformatio i rrariHng rales, niais. on emitiy Aacnl at Al laoy. MKhLKll K P. ROflEKS tl imager tn'l U. F. and P. Ae THE YAQUINA ROUTE jail Development Company's 8to'u al.ip I.iuo. 1ES SHQSTEB. sail, l 20 mms less time ban by ny other re .its. rir.'t-clfiNa tbroiiirli riaaaouirer p.nd fs!;ht line from Portland and all pointa It tno vnismo'.te Valloy to ami rroni sun franelKOO, C'l. Boala ui..ko closo connoc'.lon ot A loan with trains of the Oregon Pacific Kallroad T : r, HOCC, R "! vrr. TIM1! Si:lIi:ilL"LK.( eaeept fiim.Kr".) Lsavo Albaoy lft:3o r. a, Lav. Cor.aliis l:i6r, a. ArrU. Ysquina, i:U r. a. L.v. Yfuiuina, 7:"0A,U LaTd eorvllll,10::i5A,u Arnro Alban, 11:;3 a. a O. tr. C. trains connect at Albauv and "JorYa!t:3. Tiie above trains connect at r.ou!::a with tuo Oregon Uovelonmont'juy'e Line of Steamships between aquma ana Kan rancmco. SAILING BATES . raoa taqoira. lYIlianuUs Vall.y, March Stb ; ICth ; 2Stll. raoa s.iit rsABciRcs VYUhmetta Vallsy Marcli 3rd ; 12th 1 21sl; eoth. The Coronanv moiYes the njot to ihansjesHilinK dates without notice. lii. B. Paaaenera from Portland and VLllaLnetto Vallov points can make cloao tonnerstion with the trains of the Yaquina route at Albany or Corvallls, and if des tined to San rranciBoo abnuld arrange to irrive at Taauina the evening liefore dato rnuiiiB'' r Ad ft'.elaht Katca alwcra the a.OTrcst. on Apply to A R Chapman, Frolcht and Ainftuj, v. j. n.lSilis;, O. F. and Anon . EAL F.STA TK FOK SALE.-I have larm ot 2iu aore, near Ixiwson depot, on the Narrow Oantrn, 10 milos from Albany. AH In cultivation. Fair house sua batu. mu fftr stoei ana domestic purpose. Fine oak ar- Aiaoanoineriarui ol ja( acres, threr . from Iiebanon. All iu cultlvatl . Fal house, tjood water, lloth e . wheat farms. Also house and twe .uts on Fifth ana jeueraon streets, Aibanv. For forth er particulars call on . Uniphrey .Center praotuu., ui um(.L ot irvine. Aioany. oil A UAH-ilKliU ; is k a e m s- a a a a : XIIJ Cl.riiUATEI . . SWiJTH & WESSOW a Tho Fine.-I Socll Arms Ever MsnulBclured. S M CONVENIENCE Is J J LOni'M anil SACETY.iw-' V? . BeWE! f eap iron iraitationa.1-' FJ Sc id r;rl::us!rat-.d Caialojoe pod Prico to SMITH f,. VVirnRr.N ' Hi':: i. vor j '..), puts W BSijonni-ajgjjg Uoburg Lumber. I sell the best lumber in the cennty; also mar puaiB, BninKics, larna uoors and win- o if ronulmnir, ate. Prices from $5 to 1 2! r thousand. xard at Lowson, on the See me before purchasing Narrow Gauge, elsewhere. W W Crawford. Adrcss.P O Tallman, Or", ALBANY :OR. WRITSMAN & EULBERI BROS,, Real Estate Agents Farms and Ranches for sale. Also city broperty in Alban. and Corrallis. ACADEMY OF Our Lady of Perpetual Help, at-BANY. - - - OREGON OondncUd by the Blsleis f St, Benedict Tuition In aelect davaehnol r.n.. r i to $10. " Far terms of Boardlnir Rnhnnl ... F"l0l" PP'y 'th Academv ortd. adeaa Sister Superlereee, Special Announcement W. F BEAD. My Spring Stock is now, Kmhraciii" a tlio latost Novollies in " D ress Both in WOOLEN -To The Ladies,- Make a Specialty of Ladies Underwear, iu Kx!T lvimtEU and Mudi.ix. My Pkicks avo tlio LOWEST and my Goods tlio Best. Am aolo ayont' for H10 Celobralod T.S.F. HOSIERY, Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely fast, and Free from Poison : To The Men Call and Look at My values in Finishing J havn a Largo Stock at the Lowest I'ricrs evor ofli-rei) i. the. Vailny. 1 cm ry a ill liiio of the wnr'il-renowed BItOADlIEAD gooila, iinnicc'l! for wear ai UniHh. Larjn slock and be cot oed that Albany U ilie THOMAS SUMMONS. la the Circuit Court of tin; Stutt o Oregon fir Linn County. JOHN DIAMOND, Plalutlir.l vs I Maraarott E Findley, AIox- nuder p'indlov 8iid Susnn Finiiley his wife, Sain'l Find- I loy, Jennie Poujarlo and Hen ry Poujade her husband. Nancy Wilson and J Wilson I her husband, Hugh Flndley. Etta p"indley. Ilattle Flndley I and Ella S.mfnrd, Defendants. J To Mar?arott E Findley, Alexander Findley, Susan Flndley, Snniuel Findloy, Jennie Poujade, Henry Poujade, Nanny Wi'son, J VVIlson, llurjh Fin.llo.v. Ktls Findloy, 1 1 jttie Findley and Ella tSnnfotd, the above named defendants. : EN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon you are required to eppoar and answer tho complaint of ti e above named plain'llt'tn tho above enti tled court, now on file Willi tho clerk of snld court, within ton days from tho date of the service of this summons upon vou, it served iu Linn county, Oroon; but if in tny other county in the s'ato of Orn (ton, then within Iwenlv days from tho dalo ot tho service ol tins summons upon you; if served by publication then on or before the llrst dav of tho next r regular term of the above entitled court, to wit: ( Monday, Ihc9;li Day of Dlnrrli. islll. And you are hnroby rotifind lhat ll vou fail to appear and answer said complaint, as nereoy requireu,tno piainiin win np piy to tne court ior tno rouei uoinamied in the coipplaint, to wit; For the fore closure ol a morliraee on and: an order of sale of the following iloncribod .vinises to wit: The NEK and the E l of Ihe NW Vk and tho Nw W of the N W i and theNb. 'A of ihe a of Section 31 Also the S !4 of the NW M and tho N A of the sw a or section a. all In Tewn ship 13 S K S East of WilUuietie Aicriuian in l.inn county, uregnn. The proceeds artsinit from soeh sale to be applied: First. To the payment of thocosts and utsnursements oi mis suit. and Ihe sum of t'0 as attorneys fees, nnd the further sum of 193 for taxes advanced thereon, and tbo costs ot and accruing upon such sale. Second. To the payment of plaintiffs claim, amounting to the sum of $ and the overplua, if any there be, to he paid to the above named defendants as their Intsrcalsmayappear. And for such other relief ar may la equity be proper and JutL. This summons is published bv order of Ihe Hon It P Hoise, iudee of the above entitled court, made at chambers in the city of S- aa, tnearaoayoi January, IWI. J. K. FORD, (1 S Attorasy for Plaiatiff Good nml WAoli FAlUtrC.- id Kmiiroidrksks and Flouncikos. C. l.iit trading point iu Oregon. Albany Cigai Fact J. Jcsepn. Proprietor. Only White 1 ahor Emplqe It you want the befl and most durable furni ture that is manufactuf' ed in the city go to BRINK'S SUMMONS. In the Ciruit Court for Liim County, Sink Oregon: Mary E, Kmerson, PlaiutifT. vs. John Emerson, Defeodant. To John Emerson, the above named defenl- ant. IN tho namo of the stato of Orccon, aro hereby required to appear ami sniwei the complaint of tho above plaintiff, in tj shove enlit'cd Court, now on lllelwitblbl Clerk of aaid court, on or before the fi day rf the next icxular term of raid eonrl. which said term commen 'us on Monrlay,tb( 9th day of March, PJ1. at tho Court Houit, intl,n.inf &ll.n,.u l.inn nnnntV. OrOPOD. And you are hereby rotiueil tns. li j to appear and answer said eomplAint, " hereby required, tho plaintiff will utl a decree of enid com I asiint J"1' dissolving tho bondo of niatrimoDy w" oxisting between you and plsiotiB, for her coats nl disl nrscnmntn of this " .J i i-;..,; t.i that 0 Mary E E Huffman. This Mimnwns liPOf" lishnl in the Statb IIiohts DkmotraJ Jl order ol the Hon. K. 1". Bnn.e, judge of tM said court, made et chamoera on "" (,ay ot January, lo'JI. Attorney for Plaintiff ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. XTOTICE H HEKERY OIVEN THAT 11 lbs undersigmd have m'w: duly apKiintnd and qualified as admuii tranrand admlnlstrntrix i.f l1188".,, Frank MhIoim, laioof Linn county."" gon, deceased. All persons'" against said ostslo are required to 1""" thorn properly voriflod, within six mon"' Irnm tbU date, tn the undersignen. a. their place at Ho'.ley, Linn cotiaiy, Oregon. This 8th day of January, ltWI. ELLEN MAl-ONi1'-T J MALOSK. J K Wkathkrfohd, Aduiinisiri Attorney for estate. HflTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. THAT Notice is hkhkbi l irf lite under.igoed, 0f J will end laatament nd estate oi Brinnbam, docea.sod.baa rtled ' '"J , of the county clerk of Ll"iil2 Oigon,hls final Kconnt of ' ?' a and the court has "xed the 7th W March. 1891. at 10 o'olock n m. '.", , objections If any to said account and aottllngaald estate. p-.-rnoTel" fated reb , J8B1. S. M. '"cutor. T,J.Strts. " Atty fcr Kxecntor.