Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, February 28, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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    p.llb1 every iy ' wook
Lt Sunday.
JlTKS i 1I;TTI'R, Ed Horn and Prnp'rs.
, Fink Coni-kiit. I'rot Ixiiilliird'H
cert at tlio Opera lIoiiHu,lHt evening,
uifli not attended by a Jurjro audience,
lit-urtt ly an uiiprvuiiitive one,
hunt much dciimimtruUon. It was a ft-iint, nllcd with clnnee iIihIicm.
- uroLTiiiii wns opened with "Ktliio-
,1 Hurlewpie," two pinnoH, with eijrlit
iiU, a Imiuitmil priHluction, well exc
,tlbv Mianes Kva Cowan, Juyee llrnw
II Kdnii and Mamie Allen, l'rof
rillanl wan then heard in "Agitation
nii 'ni!, :iuii(h'ihoi!ii. aim during
evening; in i.ove roii(, (i'renade,l
ili-nni-ii ; rttiitanie, (MuroH(-tien,) V
T i i- v.. r. I j! ! :.. ii
iltll , liiiM; iu t uim u, i iiiiinii, iu
;oult priMlurtioiiH executed witli tine
iii!, a true touch and the I'mCs well
nn exprtuuiioii, wliirli it id always a
.ttnliear. Prof lirillard was aluo
id in dueti!, "Marehe Triunphale,"
urin, with MisH Anna llouek, and
lUitirsof Heh.'ario,MHaine author, will)
-t Nora ZeyHs, liotli municul yenm.
i W !i lx-c:iHK Iliir Ken and Foa Hell,
Hi liy 11 l'onti-t, Miss Mildred Kur--teramiiniianist,
rei'civiiii; liuu-li fuv
i ! iltr comment, a nood critic at a Dr.M-
iimairK liacli remarking that the
M. did tho beat in the. latter nlie hud
r heard him. Miss Leona Willis, of
k in, naiiir" l-oviiiK Heart Trust (in,"
;t."chalk, and "Appear Love at thy
ndow," (Jreh, receiving enthusiastic
ires to each, happily responded to.
liKMocitAT will nime with Salem on
h Willis' ability as a vocaliHt. There
i lie only iiariuony on tins point. Jier
i c is wonderfully pure and gweet.willi
I compass and great flexibility, a
net ic clearness. It is a genuine treat
liear tier manipulate it.
Bin Hit. A petrilied piece of.eomo-
ng renenibling a potato for a long time
I a resting place on the counter of the
L'L'ajto room at tho h f depot, line
fc a collector of curiosities for a New
rk museum passed through Albary
the cars and during his twenty mill
's stoi' here, saw the "spud." lie was
1 that it became petrified in a field
iss the Santiam, and that a bushel of
rilied potatoes raised in the fame Held
re expected in a few days. The nius-
m man was presented with the potato
1 tola that u he would wnte when no
urned homo, the bushel of petrilied
nils would lie divided with him, and
nt oft rejoicing. That potato by this
10 is probably being gazed at in tne
w York museum.
Lono Run. Last F'riday Uamtt
fcn's two buggy animals broke loose at
larm six miles soutiiwcstol Corvallis,
d with a ton buggy attached to them
irted for Albany at a lively rate with
.' evident intention of breaking the
ig distance record of their worthy
uidsire, Alexander's obi Lexington
av reached and passed through this
iy, at a speed which bade fair toac-
miphsh their purpose, but arrange
ents for tho event were incomplete
pe ferryboat was on tho cast bank.
niUsmayed, however, thev plunged in
1 the river and headed for tho opposite
iore. The weight of tho buggy here
l ived too much for them, and but for
t'liily assistance they would have been
irownea. uazette.
No Such Insurance. A gentloman re
pntly from tho east, was talking to one
If the Salem insurance men a few days
iko. 111 reirard to insurance and wanted
p know if his company insured against
iciones in this Btato. llo was mlormed
hat thev never hud done such a thinz.
icr bad any one ever asked thorn to do
D. The centleman seemed much snr-
rised and asked if there were no cyclones
e at all. When told there never hnd
feen any to tho knowledge of the oldest
uiauiiants and tho Indian traditions
mi not even suggested such a thing, he
ought this a marvelous country, to
ive no storms, droughts or failure of
ron8. Journa'.
STOP illqt nlinnt in tlio mi.MIn of tbp
lock, on F irst street, south side, be-
een ltroadalbin and Ellsworth, and
u will find a place where yoa can al-
ay iget Hrst-class groceries anil fresh
'iwluce at reasonable prices and bo well
I 'rented without extra price. Tho sign
wis "Parker Bros.," and everybody
u i name. Their baked goods are
N best. Their Btock of goods generally
kept replenished to meet the demands
ti a growing trade.
"Foot nrinta oca ,hf n Iiva f.l
jjjery day e'r8 n.k'ing more.
S-i if
now you are in utiiery,
Go t 0HC3 to Sam Is' Shoe Btorr."
Cheap Wood. Good fir wood delivered
laiiv narl nt All,nnt, rAi.. i n
"ye orders at P .V Spinks' hunlier
Licence has been lued for the marriage
0! I F t-r-i. 1 l'i-i n
j "'Lviun aiiu .111111 u juiiuway
Ice-President Wm M Hoag and a gen
Ueman from England passed out In 1
pccial Tuesday evening. Tht visitor
straight from London,and represnt
w large capital. Business. Toledo Post,
The Odd Fellows of the Encampment
"ranch of the order, in this citv, had a
Jotahlo meeting at Odd Fellows' Hall
night. isiting lire-then from a dis
nce were present. There were thirteen
wmmntea to take through the Patriarch
"lOoWen Rule and Royal Pu rplo degrees
!e session lasted from 7 o'clock last
Wit until 6:30 this morning. Supper
Oie amount of work ilnnp um nlidiifimn-
M',.it iui v iiairmrci H HL ill Oil LM1L,
1 as every three-linker knows. It
great event nmongOdd Fellows. A
Om'iirii Notk'kh. There will be
preaching services at tho Presbyterian
church tomorrow at 1 1 a m and 7 : p in.
Miiinaiii sciiooi at r-':i;i p in. i rsch
meeting at :4.1 p in. In the evening
the third lecture on Christian Evidences
w ill be delivered, subject, "New Testa
ment Credibility." All will be made
welcome to theao services.
At the liaptlat church at nam com
munion service. The paMor will preach
on "The Feawt of Memory and of Hope.
In the evening the luhject will be "A Not
able Conversion Analyzed.'' Young peo
ples meeting ut 6:30. A.11 will be made
Services at the Congregational church
to-morrow will be us follows. At 12 a m
communion and admission of members.
At 12:30 p m Sunday school. At 6:30
Kndcavor meting, Topic, "Cods care for
Ills Own." At 7:30 the third lecture to
voun' people. Subject, "Tlei Strength of
Young People." We extend nn invitation
13 all to thcc services, thouc attending will
receive a warm welcome.
The revival services at the M E Church
Si. nth continue will. Increasing interest.
Services to-morrow at 11 a 111 and 7 :3i
p m. Reception of member at mornin;
Fki.l Fiktkks Fk-.t. At tho cast end
of First street, on the north side, is ai
uncompleted hidrv.nlk over tho ditch at
that place, referred to in the Dkmoi uat
heretol.iru. 1 he distance Irom the end
to tho erouud is about, lifteen feet. A
lav or two ago uavne ueed, a lioy eight
or nine years 01 ae, lucked o!t tlie walk,
wliile pulling a sled, turned two somer
saults and htruck on his feet, without
serious injury, though it is a wonder he
was not badly hurt. At another time
a drunken man walked olf und came out
without imv daina-'e. Such incomplete
aflairs are en eyesore to a city, and it is
to lie hoped uov that we have a new
barter, that the property owners be
compelled to finish the job.
Ai.on:i tub Link. Some of our neigh
bors over in Linn county nro preparing
to raise peas for the Salem cannery next
summer. The cannery company furn
ishes tne seed and get their pay when
the crop is delivered to them, i M
Miller got seed to plant five acres: W M
Connor, four acres; J 0 Cox, two acres.
Hon Chnrles Miller, a farmer living
near town, has a herd of very fine Jersey
cows, uno ol tlictu, only twentv-two
months old, lias licen tested und lound
to produce one and one-fourth pound of
butter per day, and that too on very com
mon Iced. Jellerson Kcview.
Accident at McCoy. Clarence Gib
son, a young man living with O G Shurt
leff, near McCoy, met with a painlul acci
dent Wednesday evening which came near
resulting In his death, tie was chopping
wood, when the axe slipped and struck hi&
loot, the blade going entirely through that
useful member. Some of the bones were
badty shattered and some of the arteries
cut. He nearly bled to death before aid
could reach him, but he Is now doing well
Rake Baroainh. 30 doz men's laun-
dried white shirts at 50 eta worth $1 00
tol 25.
10 doz men's unlaundried white shirts
at -10 cts worth 7." cte to 1 00.
30 dozfour-in-hand tie at 2o cts worth
60 cts to 75 cts.
A few days only. Sale commences to
day and for a few days only nt tho above
prices, at U w Minpson s.
Men and women do not always agree.
in fact they frequently disagree and ser
iously too, causing many divorces and
collaps-es in the matrimonial market. On
thills, though, they agree on, and that is
that Conn & Henuricson keep the kind of
groceries one needs In housekeeping, they
treat men and women alike and giye them
barcains In goods in their line. Call on
them for groceric and produce.
Mathews & Washburn's
Line of t'oves and ranges,
to bake
They take the cake,
The best to buy,
no lie.
Its boss on pie
or fry.
Buy one and try,
oh my,',
Before you dio
and get into the sky.
Pausk a Moment. If you want a tail
or made suit of clothes or any pari of one,
well made, ot the best material to be se
cured, have W R Graham do the job for
vou. lie has lust received an elegan
line ot suitmgs.oi superior ana dur
able textures, than which no better have
ever been seen in Albanv. He has marked
his -rices down to bottom figures. Those
desiring to dress In style should call on M
Ten Tons of salt just received by R M
Robertson, several grades, which will be
sold at wholesale and retail, inline, ce
ment, plaster, feed, oats, hay, etc., kept on
hand and sold at reasoname prices, u
March 1st will move from present place
at foot ot Ferry St to Strahan brick on
Second Street, just east of Democrat
Thb St Charles will, commencing Sunday
March 1st, give dinner from ui.IU to 7:3U p
New Sprino Goods. 1 am now re-
ceivinii my first invoices of spring novel
ties in wash goods, prints, ginghams, seer
suckers, etc.. 1 have also 111st received
new line cl all wool summer plaids an
beiges, Samuel b Youno.
llni.MKa Businss College, of Portland
Or. will open Sept. 1st. J A Wesco, the
leading penman of the coast, has becomo
a partner in tins scnooi unu win me
tho leading business college. Send for
lint anitel a fail lina of ladies, chil
rlrcos, tneu' and y'l foot wor at G W
Simmon a. which win lie soia oononi
ApalroffMt bison hose free with evory
pair of ladlos shoos coiling $3 or more at
Seal Is' shoe storo.
For Sale. - $500 to $1000 of household
furniture In exchange for Improved re
tstate. Inquire at olncc of
Oregon Land Co,
M F Rami. 0 A Shclbrede. A M Craw
ford, George Cuiiiey and j II Shupe, of
Hoseliurg, llouglas county, havo filed
articles of incoriorution with the Secre
tary 01 Mate lor tho Douglas county
Building tic Ixian association. Canitul
stock, $100,000.
Mcrchaiils would much lietter have
some other delivery wagon "call" than
red Hags, as a few have. People in Al
bany know what it means, but some out
siders think thev mean selling out at
oil. ana go away and lubricate alwut it,
Cloth is cheap enough so that other coi
rs cuii easily bo secured without tho UHe
ot much money.
Wo give our Roll of Honor aitain this
week. It will lie in order for the Albany
HKMocii.vr to Hgain meddle with some
thing that does not concern it Jefferson
Keview. Iliat is all right, Mr Review
It is none of our business; but what
would you think of tho merchant who
w ould publish the names of every cuftom-
who paid hi 111 a cent. It is nil the
same, and a paper has to be pretty coun
trified to do it.
A large Democratic dnilv with acanital
,f SpiiO.llOO is to be started in Portland
pril 1st. The Astoria Kxnress tavs
1 he committee got into communication
with iwtem parties and finally Mr Gray
agreed to start sucii a paper.witli a plan
and capital in sight of 6'-'00,'!OO. if Port
land would give them a guarantee of
100,001) of business tho first vcar: 5,000
subscribers at $10 each, and joO.OOO of
secured advertisements. MrT F Kane, a
well known newspaper man, was selected
to secure tho guarantees. He finished it
up two v.' eks ago. Mr Gray,a cw xork
man, will no editor.
Referring to our item about its being
Albany s turn lor a 4th ot July celebra
tion the Statesman savs: "That argu
ment may do for Albany, but Salem is
too big to take it by turns. She is a city
ndas Btich should fittingly observe tins
lay of all holidays every vcar. 15ut there
is room enough for all, and Salem is glad
her sister nrunoces havim; a picnic. Al
bany and Salem arc so far apart their
celebrations do not interfereone with the
other. cu: tins is Salem's year for a
big celebration. So say the business
men and citizens, and so says everybody,
The Democrat didn't intend to infer that
t was not also Salem's turn. Cities
should be independent in that matter.
it is our year, and we also arc big enougli
to celebrate annually.
Some Independence boys eeom to havi
gotten the same craze, dime novel no
tions in their heads which have possessed
Albany youths at tunes. The West bide
says: "Week before last Masters Peari
Cooper, Harry Christian, jr., and Willie
White, of this city, camo to the conclu
sion that "home" was too tiresomi a
place for young bloods of their ambitious
aspirations, so early ono morning they
started out to make their acquaintance ol
the cold uncharitable world. In other
words they took their feet, as well as
their fortunes, in hand and skipped out.
Their parents soon got wind of the afl'air.
and instructed Mr Wayne Williams to
overhaul the boys and uso moral suasion
to nave them return nome. Hoover
took tho runaways near McCoy and pre
vailed upon Pearl Cooper to return with
him but the other boys declined return
ing to the paternal root.
The sew Anv Yard Site.
Sidney, Port Orchard Bay, Feb. 28.
AnguB Mcintosh, President of the Mer
chants National Bank of Seattle, has ac
quired a controlling interest in the Sid.
ney Jtile a; I'ottery Co. The company
bus erected a handsome five story build
ing. and now has the most complete plant
111 their line on tne racine uoast.
Those of our citizens who observe Lent
have ceased their festivities for the pres
The establishing of the new United
States Navy Yard and Pocks at this port
is attracting nn army of visitors,who arc
looking out for investments.
The new three-story brick building, for
which the contract has been let by the
Bank of Sidney, will soon be In course of
construction. It Is to contain the bank
and three stores on the ground rloor.
rour boats now arrive here daily irom
Seattle, and another makes dailv trips to
and from Tccoma.
Nnvelllea In Jurkels.
I have received a small assortment of
novelties in ladies spring jackets, made
in the latest styles of Blazers and Beep
ers, ill cheviot, diagonal and worsted. I
expect to carrv a full line of these goods
as well as all the leading s'yles in Ladies
Canes, beaded, crochet and in cloth.
Orders taken for special sizes and styles.
RarKainsi:.!; , II itAilii" I !
100 pairs of ladies black kid gloves at
.10 cents, worm ipi.ou.
BOO pair of ladies.niisses and children's
all-wool hoso nt 23 cents, worth 35 to 75
Ladies corsets 35 cents, worth 75 cents
to $1.73.
Scotch Saxony wool 2.' cents per skein,
worth 10 cents.
Remnants in dress goods at less than
These goods and many other bargains
to lie found on our counters for 10 days
on v. Ca early to cccure the best bar
gains while the assortment is complete.
Wanted, to rent an organ for several
months. Call at tho iJiimocrat omce.
Keep it iu your mind that Allen Bros pro
pose keeping Kind ol groceries the pulill
demaoda. Their stock la a line one.
A fine stock of Hen enruins for 90 cents
toS!0 ti suit tha customer, at Fortinilltr cV
Irvirg s.
Coming Events, .
Friday evening, F'eb. 27. Concert,
nnder auspices of Prof Lorillard, nisistod
by best local talent, at opera house.
Pridav evening. March ft. The Gar-
(roters, by college students, at the opera
Hulia Ss Dawoo, druggiU,
Bay your grocerioaof Parker Bro'
Fiae groceries at Coon ic HrndricsoD's.
All rubber goods at coat at Klein Bro.
Notice the Now York C. Ii. U. 8tore' ad.
Pie plant roots for sale hy J II Townsond .
Buy Gasoline ikves frrm Mathews St
Smoke the celebrated Havana filled S nant
eigar at Julius Joseph's,
A large stock of wall tuner, with late de-
igns, at Fortinilltr t Irvinj's.jiut rooeived.
See W F Read's huo of drcm Kocds and
silks buforo tuyiug ehewhtru.
Bargains in choice grooiries' can always
be seeurid of Alien Bro., Flina Ulook,
lliuhest ir.arket uiice uaid fur eircs at tha
New York C. I). It. Hturo.
'Clalk's Dil;hthuiiaPrtventatlve"for sale
by riiiuii aud Dawson., SOc a drzen. intndirer for men
free,nt Mrs Kings, just e-t of tho Democrat
H Y Kirkpatriclf, thn Iebanon real
ostate tpciiJlJtor and cipitallst, was in the
city today.
The atlructions for the Oyera House bin2
oegotisteil are tha Ole Oleson Cuinedy Com
pany inr iiiarcn 7 or II, Carohue Gage and
Jonncons .Unstruis.
Brighton up your old rubbers and old
Mines anil make tbrm icoU as good as niw.
with Woifta Aetr.e Walert-rcf Polish. For
,!o at Ssmael L Young's.
Get your stats for the Garrotors. bv cil-
kge students at the upera House, rriuay
evea-ng of next week. It prumisea to be one
of the h3Si locHi entertiaments yet given
An agent of the Orepon Live Stock Ins,
Co. baa been in the city doing a good busi
ness As v.e never have any lihtniu
here to amount to anything and no oyclnnvs,
tlua must 01 an insurance aeainst aco.dent
and disease, all the same as that of num.
Brownsville Building & Loan Assn
toJohn CUEhman, 5.1o acres,
near Brownsville t 100
Oakville Cemetery Asan to J B Mc
Coy, 1 lot
M C MeverstoGeoE Chamberlain,
lots" 7. bl 7. and lot 5. bl 8, W's
R A 100.59
Lebanon Lodge 44, A F & A M to
T J Cockrell, 1 lot, cemetery.. 1
D W Hardin to 1 It & II Y Kirkpa-
trick,8.64 acres,ncar Lebanon. 45C
Nathan Baber to Francis E Knight-
em, lots 8,9, bl 4, B's A.Tangent 100
Arnold Soinmers to J A Zvsaett,
25.31 acres, near Scio 500
J T Beard to E V Turner. 2 lota,
Tangent auu
lohn liardman to Scott wallace,l&
acres near Lebanon iuu
Totalforyear 117,0l
A Grange Meeting.
Hall of Harmony Gbanoe,)
Feb. 21st, 181)1. )
Met in regular cession AVorthty Master
H V l'owell, m the cliair,
The minutes of called meeting were
read and approved.
The secretary not being present min
utes of last regular meeting were not
read, and no unfinished business ap
pearing, tho grange proeeded to new
business. The applications o! seven persons
seeking admission to our order were
read and were referred to the usual com
Bro's G C Dav is and J Clem were
elected as delegates to the Linn county
Business Council.
Bro's 8 A Dawson, J W Tropst and A
G Marshall Jwere elected as delegates
to the convention to select representa
tives to the state grange.
A resolution was introduced by Bro J
Clem in regard to reducing the initiation
lee, Several brethren spone on sugges
tions for the good of the order. The
worthy lecturer was instructed to make
out a program for Harmony grange for
several months ahead, and we may look
for some spicy meetings in the near fu
ture. Two candidates were initiated, and the
first and second decrees were conferred
on the same.
So you can see that the grange move
ments not dead in our neighborhood.
Come, brother grangers, report to our
county papers, so that we may see how
yon are progressing in this part of the
jurisdiction. Kkiokteh.
Fine Oil Paintisos. Mr A AV Best,
who has been conducting a large class in
Salem, has on exhibitition in the store
opposite Stewart & Sox, on First street,
a valuable collection of the most noted
and picturesque views on the Pacific
const, the result of three years' sketch
ing, and which are pronounced by all
who have seen them, to bo the finest
ever exhibited in Albany. He has also
some figure pieces by Tojetti, the famous
San Francisco artist, w ho is acknowl
edged bv all to be second to none in flesh
tints. The object of this exhibition is to
give tne puunc nn opportunity to juug
of Mr Best's work, ns he is hero to or
ganize a class in oil painting, and all
w ho are interested In art should call and
see him. Thev will be on exhibition
for the next two weeks, during the day
and evening.
Mueller & Garrett.
Custom - Cn
Wo 'ii.vo cn at all llincn hay,
oats, and chcti; act wl 1 sell in auan
lily to suit. Alto vveat buiuiht
and sold.
fiVKKTmen, bring n ynnr wheat, oata
an J liay. Highest cash priee paid.
IVIorria & Blount,
Cornor First niul linker rtm.ti
TO DENT. A r-torn room 2ixW tea
miltablefor bii'liiewjcontraily locate
For particular mil at tlm Dr mocha
' i i . r " - -
worn 11 oAiii:itiii.
F. M. French keeps railrosd time.
New cream eheese jun teetived at t'oi.rad
Egan & Achison are selling monuments at
Portland prices.
Mens '.youth 6' and boys' olothinz and
furniahicg goods at U W Simpson's.
Have yoa seen thoto narlor suits that T
o:i. 1 , mi . .. '
uriuN. una jus6 rccciveu 1 xney are nice.
Great reduction ininon's furaisluuff uoodl
for the next SO days at W F Read's.
J W Bentloy, bast bent and shoe maker in
city, three doors north of Democrat oifice.
For bargains in monuments, headstones
etc, go to Egan & Achison, Albany, Oregon
ncketa for AM. eastern points, over
ANY route, for sale by W . L. Jester, at
a. r. iicueionice.
There are three as-ioMmnnta in the A O U
W order for the month of March.
rl .-i.rif:tl !ui!i:, vri w f:m tl.o lnil(i.tii li'iic-t.
j. i "No Hu(i:iiry cci u:!"';;-0 t:o!nl Jii.nif'.'
ne To p.Mov.' uiv ii.iroo to ho vm , t.'ic 1
I i.'.L't.loii vi::i (l . x- it. i:i ;u I"r;.i
.1; :i i'.fj.i'P) I t::-.-fl Ji-v'k Vvf'-'
,i i:.i(.iti!!!a, i siifT.t man a nol'T on
iiyii ;vu!j'iiit lli'.-i, nil--r- was fo
.t,:;; ti:,a it '"ci-ifd if 1 .ni'Atlii. in
",.'Vrt i ft;i:nl Jo;tv. in tiii;t -tiic, a: 1
(," -uLi.l put mo m icy L-vt, it will cLusii
c of :.ia::y a vii'tliiu
DR. ABORN, Fourth and Morrison streets
Portland, Oregon, the Dvjettucceesfuliil ys-
e Ian on oo the Anienean continent for the
speedy, positive, absolute and permanent
care lor tiatarrn of tne llead, Asthma,
DroDchitis. roenmonia and Consumption
Twenty-rive yean successful practice.
Instantaneous relief and permanent
cures oiieu euecieu upon nrsii consuiuuon.
Dr. Aborn, bv bia original, modern, scien
tific method, ellects
Speedy and radioal oures of the moat ob-
Bimuie am long Bianuing cases
of Nasal Catarrh. Ozena, Deafness. Dis-
ohargea from the Ears, Asthm, B onchitis
and Consumption.
Also Stomach Disorders, Bilious Colic,
Gall Stones and Jaundice, Heart, Liver,
Kidney, KUilder and Nervous Affections
Diseases of Men. Also all ailmenta peculiar
to womon.
Dr. Aborn can be' consulted from now
until July 5. when ha leavea for Europe.
.HOTE. nome treatment,securely packed,
tent by express to any part of tho Pacific
(Joastand lerntonos for tnoae who cannot
ynssibly call in person.
and a fine stock
generally, as well as jewelry, Watches
clocks, etc., at
P. M. PrcHcli's.
Ei: -
f ry our Jackson corset.
I. h
i. S-.V
I n fit, style . and quality they are super B
S o come in, dear frk-nds, and price our underwea 2
Y he goods wo carry in ptock are
R emcmber, tho word credit is a
U nder buy a'id under sell
E verybody likes our shoos, they are made of Al leatho jf?
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