8; i i i) Qciuxx mnwcvat ZVal:l!u'nmK: l. e.blain's column. Ing to 9176,390,907, anil ten small towni sending the came number of representative had a total tax list of 83,069.690. The town of New llnven always sends a democratic senator who represents about 18,000 votes. Jl'ST AS BAD as TUB SHOT GUN. The state of Connecticut, In three presl dentlal elections out of the last four, has given the votes of her six electors to the democratic candidates once for Tildcn and twice for Grover Cleveland. During the same span of sixteen .years she has, in most of the congressional elections.chosen the democratic candidates In three out of her four districts. Why, then, one may pertinently ask, has It happened that dur Ing the same time, since 1S7O. she has not chosen a single democratic United States Senator, and lias chosen but two since the republican party was organized In iSct? Why, also, has It happened that exrep' once, since 1S76, all the state officers have been republicans, although usually In a minority of the votes? The answer to these questions introduces a system so fantastic, so out of joint with every just theory of popular self-government, so atrociously unjust !n its practical working that one hardly knows whether to condemn most sharply the republican audacity which perpetrates it or the democratic cowardice which has thus far endured it. In the old days the Connecticut tow- was the primal unit of representation This idea, rooted deeply in the history, tra anions and habitudes of I'uritan Connect leut, was grafted Into the present Slat Constitution when our ancestors drew. up In the convention of iStS. Thev giv each town the representation in the lowe house of the legislature which it had befor and to each new town one representative By later amendment this provision equal' Izlng the towns In the legislature has not oeen suostantiany changed. But the sen ate, which that convention left a popula body eiected by the vote of the whol state, was by amendment in 1S28 changed so as to be, like the house, a "territorial1 and "town" body rather than a reprsenta tive and popular one. The "town idea' was thus made prominent and dominent SHILOH'S CUEE will immerlistulv r W.eTe Croup.Whooping Cough acd Bronchitis. uinay cc .Mason; agents. in both hojses. The system was not so strictly unfa! tn the early part of the century, when the towns were much more nearly equal than they are now in population and wealth X he unfairness has come about with the growth of the commercial cities. In 181S there were but five cities In Connecticut, containing a little less than 10 per cent cf the total population of the state. Now the twelve cities of Connecticut contain nearly one half of Connecticut's popula. tion.' (Yet their representation as towns remains almost exactly what It was seven ty years ago. They have but twenty-four representatives out of the 253 in the legii lative lower house. These twelve cities gave at the last election a democratic plurality of about 5,000 votes, which had to waste Itself on less than a tenth part of the legislature. A candidate for a state office must have a clear majority over all, the election otherwlte going to the mlsreprcsentatlve legislature. Not once since the republican party was organized have the democrats had a leg-Is lative governor. The republicans have had legislative governors in 1S78 (Andrews,) in 1S84 (Harrison,) In 1SS6 (Lounsbury,; In 1888 (Bulkeley,) andjthey claim one this year, although their candidate, Mertvin, Is 3.6S6 behind Morris, 7,351 behind a clear majority over all, and Morris, on the face of the returns, has 26 votes over all. It was practically also by the legislature that Mar shall Jewell was put In over James E English In 1S71. Along with the state officer goes also all the appointing power and patronage. As to United States Senators, the dem ocrats have had but two by legislative choice since 1855, although they have had majorities on pluralities for their state ticket In twelve state elections out of the last nineteen. The republicans have also a complete check on a democratic governor.when the party Is so fortunate as to elect one. In deed, a democratic legislature In the state, no matter what the popular vote Is, has come to be looked upon as a genuine phe nomenon. Seme of the anomalies in representation ap amazing The town of New Haven, in iSSS, cast 17,827 votes. It cho;c tw 1 rcprcsenta lives. The little farm town of Union cast 118 votes. It has also two representatives. In that election a voter in Union cast a ballot which was the equivalent of about 1 50 votes i; New Haven. The latter town has a tax list of ?5.7.19i536! Union hasa tax list ol,i:6, 542. Kach has two members of the legisla ture. This is the relation of taxation"1 to rc resentation in Connecticut. In the election of l8S8-selected here on account of the fulness of the vote-sixiy rmall towns, with a total vote of II, 11.851, sent 76 representatives, about three-tenths of the lower house The town of Hartford, with 12,331 votes, sent two, and New Haven, with 17,827 votes, sent also two. 1 he twelve Connecticut cities, with 72, 033 votes, sent 24 representatives, and the four rural counties, with 31,669 votes, send 109 representatives. The twelve cities had more than double the population of the foui counties, yet sent to the lower house only about Tolland county sends usually two republican I senators who represent about 5,300 votes. The figures cited may be supplemented by I a few others which were compiled a few dais I ago by Prof Hubert A Newton, the well known mathematician of Vale College. His tables I show that the 134 democrats in the state I legislature now represent towns and districts I which cast last November 195,840 votes, while I 141 republican members who last Wednesday I elected Senator Piatt represet only 73, 144 votes. The change from this system can come le gally in only two ways. One is by constitu tional amendment, wlucu requires a majority I vote in the lower house of one legislature, two-thirds vote in both houses at the session ol the next legislature two years after, and. linally, a ratilication by the people. The re publicans have thisrpassage double fettered and hold'both keys. Over and over acain they have defeated the reform, and, while nosing this ycu as a "blind" they may let an mendment through the first sta :e, they will Ctake pains that it can pet no further two vears 4 hence. The other and onlv Dosxible w.iv mi. is a constitutional convention, wnich conven tion can be called by joint resolution as easily as a simple bill can be put throcgh both legis lative houses. Such a resolution will be intro duced by the democrats at Hartfoid this week. TOWNSEND Heal Estate Loan hh Oliice. IIALTIMOKK IIHICK. Ooltijr ft general Institute- tunliirn Mirititf linturttisue willfi'o wull to ie tfci-iu. -Ai.KNTS KOR- Actuu lunurnnrr Cumimnj, liienrnortvtui L'lisrUT iur-)iUri. likh ia'U til U)'o 1 I fait tin) inn Inn. fuiiiiinnr of Lmnlon. Knclftiitt J-.iUtillBlu-a ltil. Cai-lUI, tfVw.lHJU. Totul lire lotwea iuu uvor s,iiw,oio. ADirrlma Flrr Ini. 4'onipnny of I'hlUtk'lphliv I Columbia Fire A Murine tu, f'fitttni i uuiii!, i, ntu-fil", J'.CV.OiU.UU. ill Idle) (.'lie Of ureyoii v mat iviii) auus, 1 aro now ready for Spring trade with the largest and best selected stock of viunuiig mat win oe shown. in the county this season. TWO MEN AND ONE BOY FOUND DEAD!! Cloaks at cost at W Read's. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. STOCKHOLDER'S MEETIfiC. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT there will be a miwllno cf 11, a t,in . hoiilers of the Odd Fellows Hall Building nojwuoHuu, lie u ai nair niri.-o in a hanv Oregon, on Monday, the 9th day of March. 1891. at the hour nf 7 n'lw.L- n m of said day for the DurnosA nfaieniinir seven directors, to serve ibr the ensuing year, and to transact any other business that may come before said meeting. This, the 27th day a' Feb, 1891. . W. O. TWEEDALE. E. A. Parkkr, President. secretary. All varieties of styles and patterns to pleas 0 the most fastidious. We have many fine makes' including the While tr-ing to Crowd theii DEYOt & FSoitiAN BEGS Store, where they awas have on hand me largest stock south ot 1 crtlaml, of the latest improved Riilus and Shot Guns; an immense stock of Fishlni; tackle of every description; Tent6, Hammocks, Camp Chairs and thousands 01 other things too numerous to mention .Repair Shop in connection with the Store, and one of Jie best workmen in the State to do an md all kinds of work. Come one, Come all: No rouble to ihow eocds. "Small profit and nulck aimi" is out motto. We are the People Who carry the most complete lino of Hard ware, Stoves, flanges, etc., in tho niarkot. MATTHEWS & WASHBURN. WILL & LINK. ' M usic - Dealers, t iHinnus J'iaiilsts. . F. MILLER J. RADER k CO. VOSE & SON 1 Sfl Ire our tliil of Pluuos J Ths innsl tHipiilsr iino amongihe world's CnlnlirHted foi its lirllliancv llnlsh ami durability. ' The best iiieilliuu prlcfil i,iM in tiio market, , 1'niftcc and I'.arhiili' Hmiso I'ruof Orgasm, (luitam. Vlollnu Muiiell 1 iiNtttiitf lifts u rf 'ialty. AAiita for thn Wow Homo, KMritlic ! nl ojber S'ewini; Machines. Supplu' lorall kiiitls ol Sew'iia- Nlueiiines. We k uard our cui?loimrH inie rests Bnd uuranieo Natii'fHolioii. Me alfo carry n full UKnorliurnt ur HuhIc ami Munle lloulis. k Cor. Second and Ferry cts., (J-ond for oataioSu.) Albany, Or. veryone Talks ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETIKC. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO the letral Voters of er.hnnl HUl,U w 5, Linn county, Orgon, that the regular annual school meeting of said school riis- "o neia on me nrst Monday, being the 2nd ilav nf M.rh ism . hour of 7 o'clock p m, of said day, 'at the court house in the cltv or Aihunv t oounty, Oregon. Id said district, for the purpose or Bearing the reports of the di rectors and olprk nf snM HiD,rinf . i "i , a baa. lur Liif) Hiinrw,, nr hn an,Aniu for tho ensuing year. Also for the pur pose of lnvviuir a tax for tl.o r.,,.,,.,;., P pavinginterestonthabondsofsaidschool WnolpTI Arillq (rnnAa tl.ot district and the second insta.lmeLt of tte '"oolen l"iS gOOUS, that WC linocipai or said school bonds, due and Ihen we have tho full line of mens', youths' and; boys' clothing in the Albany Delmonico Rtstaufant, Oppomte BiXMBKitct Block. New lioomt; -:- Seal Service; Good Meah, Promptly Served, for Twenty-Jive Cents. Oysters -:- t' -:- all -:- Styles.' Vourb.ous Treatment- Firet-claetCooks pavableJune 15ih. lsai r,,,. .... action of any other business that may le g. ,'?c,ome before the meeting. listed this 16th day of February, A D, 1881. r ' ubkhart: ' r. BATnEBFonD, District Clerk. . umrman uoara or JJirectors, specially commend public for trial, to the STKAJTEY & NAG LEY, ROI'RIETORS Or THE SCHOOL ELECTION NOTICE. "VTOTICE IS HEREBY HIVRS that iVbMr,rictnZVn tn"v many Celebrated m&, The largest stock of Mens' Shoes in the city, including "oH.', uw uuiii hi me general scnool building, in said school disvict on Mon day, Marnh 9th. 1191. for ih r electing onedirector, to swve three years, and one clerk to aerve one year: Said election to begin at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day and continue until 6 o'clock p m of said dav. JJatea reDruary 25th, 1891. I! fi HI ' TJ 1 II rtT K WKATHEBFonD, District oler'k. unairman rJoard of Directors. Hats, from Stetson's best down to a two bit straw. PHOTOGRAPHER, Cor Second andFeny St, . Albany, Oi SUPl'.RIOH wnrk. gunranlood In over branch of the an. iel'JinlaiHiiig o all kluUaspecilty, STOCKHOLDER'S MEETtHC. TOTICE IS HHREBY GIVEN THAT the atllinsl mmttina nf tl,a olnnl. ilder'sof the Alhnnv Nti-Af ltntlu-o. fn ill be held on Wrflnnirinv fu..l,' Aih 1891. at tht hour nr?ni,i,.b , nr nnt.i day, at the office of the tecretaiy of sain company, the same in. Inn- ni iha ostnto olBee of lturkhart A Keenoy, on in nioany, uregon, tor the purpose of electing teven directors to 'r me term oroneyear n-xt ensu ing from said meeting, ami until ihpir successors are elected and qualified, and jo transHot such other business as may legally orniie before S'fld meeting. Dated February 19th, lstn J. U UURKIIAHT. Seurtaryv Cannot enumerate Furn- every de- ishing (Goods partment full. during Have used cash this year ight times east and can offer genuine bar gains in all my departments, L. E. BLAIN. Cily Livery. Feed, ard Sale -STABLE.- Kun general Hack line to and from Cotvnllis. Beet rigs and cheapei-t rats in the city. Spocisl attention given t transient stock, fourth street, between iswortn ana 14 on, Albany, Oregon, ALBANY NURSERIES riE HAVE ON HAND at our nursery T on the Corvallis road, one-half nile from town, as fine a lot of fruit xeos of all kinds as can be found any. here on the coast. If you contemplate planting troos It wl,l pay you to ree our lock and get our prices. Catalogue free, HYMAN A BROWNELL. OR. W il. DAVIS. Physici.t,n and Surffeoi SOfflce 110 iLntn in Klmkani. m Vay be found at his offim aay and nlgl I'OK SALE t One sorrel a norse. wears o il. u-n iriii. uiio groy horse, 8 years old, weight 1100. Aio "ukoii, iihck. narness, etc. will sol' for cash or exebnnce fc,r othor nro.iertv. null ... winiucJH, lliaQ IIOUHII. K. .. FKY. TOTICK TO CONKACTRS.-Con- XI iraciors and t ill tilers dosiring to bid 00 tho construction of the new L'nltod I'rosbytorian church building, tobn erect ed at the site of the old building, will find thnplnns and. Niecilli'iitioiis for the samo, nt the store ofhtewart A Sox. The ,,1 opening mcs will oe aimounced ui'rixtiier. 4 NNUAI, MKETIN'O. -Notice Is hero i. ".v uiven mac tnecnmul meeting of ..... .,,IUIl,rn i inn Aiosny Building A-soclation will beheld at the olnee of Vui a TO,rl '-'K'1' - on Broad a bin street, in Albany, n Mondav, March 18 1S91. si 7.30 ri m. f 11,- i' tli.n of director, and such other business ,r.j, timiio nnirire me mooting. K0 20' IW1' N U Al.LK!. " iWKXDALK, Secretary. Mv-r-Y TO I.OAN.-In small and Isrge amount", from six months to r .- on good Altiany snd Mnn county real estate. Call on or add res W 1. Wcl'herson, First St., Alhanv, Or. A. ' o-it .(. K a U " J.r - wa mi, 1yi NwVitk, THE JOURNAL OF SOCIETY. E. D. MASS. Proprietor. rrousrrcD (Na Yoaz) Evzsv TncBSDir. "nlmvs ln linn nf raWrrv nnif nmlrbm ta read amu kouna uf life, moraHt?andl!!! The nowslnst, hrlirhtust, vtlttlit, tot, clovr-r-eVTri'llS.1"'' U'd m entertauiu'- sP" A complete ami perfect Journal for ciiltlrated men nnil Humeri, ln-tag topical ail out wiken critic anil chmnielo of the events, iloliurs. Wrests, an.i uiMos of the faihlonnhlo world it la always up to ilcte, and carrios with It the atmos ph r.i of the metromllii. In purity and ,wer of literary stylo It has no uqiui on this continent. A vuritililf KympiBlum of well hrM !. daintliiiMi ot toueh; Mrenutli. Inrtel irar- and orterltlrUm. nnH t..ii ...... ' The faraoot Its I'lmiiirlal Uepnrtnienl. as the miwt retoliU suthorltr on Ilnonctal suh! j.ts. innwlinenls mid Bpecnhllon. Is rorl,t-wl,le Its nter-rttahyn.; means local; fc-inK tl. reS oanlzod journal or American ...rleij! Itl.equaily ento-talnln In oil portao! tlvceimtrV In Am-rl.-n ml Kimp.. Kvcry newailei-.ii-r wi'l keen and minr. V t f re,ine,l ':... 1 supplky) by thu Ainirle:in News Co . XI ('lmniler Strt. Neir VnrK.an.1 by all ,her IrarA i RVinilir Mibwrlpilons reay Bern .liivw to oill.v of puMteatlon. orthmnrb' any r.ww " ilie or nirrTi.ti-m amm One j i ar 5 1 n I: rJ .- nVouth tiM; throe monlla. ?l.a.l. Visinplca fn? lis AEIOUT- Large and Choice Display of Drv Goods, Clothing, Boots. Shoes, Etc., Etc., Etc., Including many novelties. A fine line of Sealette ets, Children's Hoods, Ac, &c. Jack- a Feat to Fit the Feet, But Hb Can do it and do it Neat," ALLEN BROTHERS, WHOLESALE 3 RETaIL G CIGARS, TOBACCO, AND CHOICE FRUITS OF ALL KINDS, IN LARGEIOR SMALL QUANTITIES, IN THEIRO SEASONc 'linn Block, ALBANY, OREGON S3. ?. jSL3ES,XSs' Blnmberg's Block, Boots i Shoes. FIRST-CLASS COOPS, EeasonablsTTPrices, 0 -A. complete line oi G o n 4s JLn r-n 1 s h i n jr s. -:- Alb.nij', Oregon. LEADING DRUGGIST XjBiq-sr - OREGON- DRUGS, MEDICINES STATIONARY&C INSIJUE IN TIIH Fni'iiiers & lifiT Jimiils liis.jTn. of Albany, Oregon, Safe, Sound: AlltT."KJ ;it.ir.i - I m