VOL. ill. ALBANY, OREGON, SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 28, 1891. NO J54 Having bought the stock of Stoves, Pumps, Hardware and Cutlery from G. W. SMITH, and, wishing to close the same, we will sell until July 1st, the entire stock at COST for CASH. has; L. W. PARKER, Manager. Albany IRON WORKS .Manufacturers of 1EAM ENGINES CREST AD SAW 5ILL MACHINERY MONTS m ALL KINDS CF HEAVY ANO LIGHT WORK, 13 IRON MHO BRASS CASTINGS. jpeclat attention ld da of machinery o i palrlns H PaUnrns Made on Short Notice Fortmiliei k Irving. -FUNERAL DIRECTORS- Arterial Embalming Done Soientil ically. EedCrownMills 8021, LANNIXG & CO., lOPIl'S nv process rxouR sptrkioh for famimi AND BAKERS B98. WEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Roal stock or 2nd plf ;oods In the Va le-y, and the niOKt roasc iaie prices, both !n L soiling. I have on hand II t'tiu FURNITliSE, STOVES, TINWARE TRUNKS, BOOKS, PICTURES 1 CLOCKS, CRGCKFRY, ETC., ETC. door west of 8 E "Young's olf. store L. C0TTLI&3 City Restaurant. Having been entirely remodeled, this old and popular restaurant will be made first class n every respect. The poblio will ht given good meals at all hours for only 2D cent. Everything neat and attractive. Private boxes. Oysters In every style. DR. C A. WHITNEY, Phys: ician and Surgeon. Graduate of Bellavne Hospital Medical Jollego Now Yerk City. Dissasea of wemaa a spegialty . WOfBo rmaa'i Briok, Albany, Or. )HELPS, Job Printer, lst.St..;?ft Albany Smith & Co HEALTH IS WEALTH! PE. E. C. WEST'S Nerve mi! nrl Ttm..,! a ioarmi.l(d npeclflofor Hysteria, lHixuiftM, t'onvul nn.uun neuralgia, IieMUftciie, INervouS Wt Z . , ' "7 me uxeoi alcohol or tobaoco, Wakrfulntsw, Mental Depression, Sofuninjr of the Brain, remit Im- in insanity anil ieaoliifr to misery, dcay Middua.h, premature old ur, barreiine Ions ot Fi i t. earned hy overexertion of the, hra.it. Each fca Tonlain oun niotvh's trvatmont, SI a b .x price b0W ,ur i BSIlt by P!'1 on receipt o WE OUAKANTEK SIX BOJES TO CURE ANY ae. With each order receive J hv m for ; lam,,,. accnmiMUued with T, we will send the purchaser our written fruaraiitee to refund the money If tlio treat ment does not effect a cure. Guarantees lamed only by J. A. Cummin, Driijrgist, sulo agent, Albany, Or. NEW SJOKE.-SJ MITCHELL, & v - A mm n$$lB jatojTW FAT W CHT i rmATO5ifiu,M,kl r k 'tni Q 9 Mf&M jM eU "mils vm Wait " m ttil W.'W IT. cr JT-W M. V t" HS tl t " ma 1 are 11 DEALEIW IN Agricultural f Bstpleiaieiits & Vehicles Pome ?n(l See Us. Permw.ently cured wfthuut Cutting, Hurnlnjr rr 1)1 folii. A nerfoctly painless tmlniunt Mid KUnr5 toil cure lii every 3nie, no matter ho lonir Untliir. This treatment, for Sirirtme, f lr 1ticHs.l the ar atest illnooverv known to mctliclne. Itil.Molvea nd complete v rrmovi the Stricture without annoy l or (tain to the paticni. DISEASES OF MEN! l'cullarvothelrSes,anl not proper to name here, incliiihni all these ilellcata Inllrmltlos and Weak wh l?h lh.y would .l.rU.a. fruu. dl-lo-4w to their i.mllr nhv.lcin, pern"i"y cua '? tin,. t ,.n .a.'..r known .o Meeiclne l.;re, hy l)r IloMirs "New System ol Tre.lm;nl. " Itrejuvmatt the eenllo-nrlr are orrtnl and m.kes weak men stroiii- eonsulLlhS i ! medal e-.tnln.ll.n. I)ut tho,. X emno? r"'T call, should rlu, stallnr Ihey eK l"ly Jledleine seot .y mall or einre-a, s-leJ, ?Mfroii! .ir"ur..toalllrtsl ! WeincCnaat. AWm,.A. Boicll, M.D. National Baok STRICTURE ! CRY OT MILLIONS OH. BKCKI STOP IT NOW, 800N IT WML BE TOO LATE. I hare been troubled many years with disease of the kidneys naa hare tried many different remedies and have sought aid from different physicians without relief. - About the igtliof Apri! I was suffering from a very violent attack that almost prostrated me in sucn a manner mat i wan iwih over. When I tat down it was almost impossible tor me to get tip alone, or to put on mv clothes, whe kind Providence sent Dr. Heuley, with C OKI-GUN KXUNRY TEA, to my hotel. I immediately commenced using the tea. It had an almost miraculous effect, and to the aston ishment of all the guests at the hotel. in a few daya.I am happy to state, that I was a new man. recommend the tea to all ali as 1 have been. C. A. TUPPEEt, Proprietor Occidental Hotel, ban La Uosa. Cal. toTA'EW GOODS. LEWIS CO. AlBAH, OREGON. Conrad Mever, -f KOl'KlKT Olf- STAR BAKEltY Cfirusr Brcadalbin and First Sis., -DEALER IN- uned rruila), Cauard Ueat, ttwKrei, (Oeensware. rlen Fralt. VeectialiM, otuco, C'tsa'S. ngr Hp'txn, Cotleic, Teat. IvsQ,. (0. ".a. rerythlng Hint la kopt In n 11 j Ta Tend groorj ore. HlgbeM n rVttp aid for &U. KINDS OF PRODUCE. THE am iJttr Highest of all in LeaYening rower. ABSOLUTE! PURE WHY WILL YOU cough whonShiloh' Cure will give Immediate relief. Price 10 oenU, 50 cents and $1. Foshay & Mason, agents. F.HILOH'S COUGH amirCoosnmntion Curt ia sold hy uson a puaattee. It cures couturnption. Koshay & Maaoo, agents, A- JL f ding Photographer! A any Oregon, We have boucUall thenigitiVitthade ,J L V Clark and W U Orceiwood up to Nov 15th, 1889. Duplicates cau be had from horn only of ub at reducod tates. Wo have alio about 18,000 negative made by our selves, from which duplicates can be had at like laies. We carry the only full line of viewt (f this state and do enlartrtd worU at lowcttratos for tirat class work. We shall be pleased to see yon at our Studio id Froman's block, next door to Masonic Jmplo. Allrubbcr goda at cost at Klein Bros. W. F. Read keeps the best assortment of fancy gcode in town. A sure euro for the whisky nabit: Dr Livingston's Antidote for lrnn) onrietia will euro any caio of the liquor nabit in trnm ten to thlrtydays, from the rrndtrate driuker to the drnukard. The Antidote c.d be given in 1 cup of coffee withcut thi knowledge of the person taking it. The Antidote will not injure the hcalcn in any way. Manufactured Ly tho Livingston Chemical Co., Tortland, Oregon cr from J A Cummiug, ole agent, Albany. FOR DYSPEPSIA Dd liver Complaint you have a printo guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh a Vitalizer. It never fails to cure, Foshay & Mason, agents. Where to Git Them. When wanting vt organ or plana call on G L Blackman rh vou can selrrt from a first class tOLi. Excitement Runs high in Albany at Foehay & Ma son's drug ator ever System Builder, as everybody is nsipg it for Catarrh of the Stomach, Dyspepsia, Constitution and Im pure Blood. Try it :nd tll your frieuda about it aa it mast possawondtrful merite when ad apeak well of i. French Tansy Wafers wafers are a sure and sifet cliu kindsof female troubles ar.i. v'M all obstructions to the motr ly no mutter what the cause. Ii I'.what every woman neco , ar can b it.ed with safety. For sale L tin Livingstone Chemical Co., also fron r sole agent, J A Cumming, drugglt, Bi berg buck, A lbany, Oregon. IOO F. Albany Louge No 4 holds Its regular meeting Wednesday evening of each week. Visiting brothers are cordially nvited to attend. Copyright, m The t?nulrftlfnt. In English monrv, of $2,500 vh once offered hy nn old Indy in London for the return of a fnvorite cat which had Btrnyod or bo?n stolen. People cnllcd her a " crank," and perhaps she was. It ii unfortunnto thnt one of the rentier box should ever frain this title, yet many do. It is, however, frequently not their fault. Often functional dernnffo menU will apparently crmnyo a woman's en tire nature. Iton't blame such utTereni If they are cranky but tell them to uso Dr. Pierce's Favorito Prescription, which is an in fallible remedy for " female weaknesses." Favorite Prescription" has cured thou sands of poor, bed-ridden suffering women of em als weakness." painful Irrefrularltlcs. ul cerations, organic displacements and kindred ailment too numerous to mention. It Is the only medicine for women, sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee that It will, In every oaas, give satisfaction or tho price ($1.00) will m refunded. World' I)inornT W am cal Associa nojr. Proprietors, Buffalo, N. T. Dr. PIERCE'S PELLETS aPnrelr Tea-stable rn Perf eetif Harm leas. Uneqikaled asaJUver JTiH. BmAl)''stl Cheapest, BatUat to Taks. Om9 Tiny, wfveeiue.1 relies a loee. Cures aisle KMtlirsi, RUIene Ifleaacbe, Coii-UUeiaj iMdivenCJao, isllloaa At tacks, and all esranremeata of toe Btomacb and Uewsls. tk eenu a rial, by drurrtsU. j.riiMjf IT. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889, Baking" The republican state convention of Michi gan a few days since adopted a platform in favor of free and unlimited coinage of silver. Great Scott! What will the gold bug editor of the Oregonian have to say about the recalci- tiant attitude of his political friends in tha1 s'.ate? Here is aremaikahle case of "principle" that in the end will be sacrificed to the im perious demands of party necessity, These grand old republicans ofthe lake state will march to the polls tn 1S92 and with threat party enthusiasm vote for at g0j bug candidate on ft gold bug platform ut the Ortg&niatt will lustily proclaim "great and immutable are the principles ol the g. o. p." THE ;lbr.N RILE niZlAB, Hue a largo and complete line of goods, dolls, doll buggies, boys' wagons, ve ocipedes and ninny other goods wlilcli gol to make up a complete assortment, besides a complete line of lamps of every description. China crockery, fancy decorated ware, glassware, bird cages, plush goods, such as albums, toilet sets, autozrapli books, scrap books, children's ABC picture books, and all goods that are carried in a Bazaar store, including Koger tiros. 1847 silverware. We wieli to call the attention of the public in par ticular to the Golden Rule prize baking powder and tea, put up expressly for this t'ade, which gives the best of satis faction, as is attested by the hundreds who have used both the tea and baking powoer ever since introduced by ttie liolden Rule Bazaar. Each package of tea and can of backing powder draws a prize in tne shape 01 it tine piece ot glass ware. Be sure to call, when in Albany, at the Golden Rule Bazaar, v you will be sure to lind what vou west, and will be shown over the store and be treated kindly by mv clerk, Mr. Miller. My goods are all marked in plain figures so ns not to deceive anyone, and I have but one price to ail. J laius Gradwohi.. ITas Been Tried. How to get a home in a good country having a delightful climate, and how to assure an Income of $;ooo per annum from an investment of 2ooo. The Willamette Vallev is the natural home of the prune. The cost of a ten acre orchard, not in cluding interest, is $1250, including first class cultivation fcr two years on the in stallment plan. Apricots, pears, peaches, plums and cherries art: all prolific bearers andean substitute for any of these the prune. We plant just such varieties as the purchaser may select. The Oregon Land Company, Salem, Oregon. Da, Jno. B. I'll. kington, Surgeon, Oc ulist and Medirnl Specialist, of Portland, will be nt the 'Kwvere house, Albany, nil day, Tuesday, March 3, 1891. All suff erers from Chronic or Nervous ailments ; all cases of Kidney, Liver or Stomach diseases will be given a specialists ex amination free. Eve, ear, catarrh, neu ralgia, rheumatic and rectal cases spec ially invited. Some hundreds of refer ences given. Tho best nmft a -the iu the city at Com Mov r s. For lnm hack, or side ' best, nse Shiloh 8 Porous Planter. Price, 25 cent. CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH and P.rmu-tiitis immcilifttely relieved by bhiloh s Cure. roof of Merit. Tht proof of the merit-j .f apltLtcr Ifce p,utrs 1 iiFt'Ctn, arc! the" voluntary tostimo uisls 'f 'ho's who have used Allcock's Por- r Pimtters durttii! the pft thirty yea 1 ununpewehshle evidence ut t Heir Mipcrioruy mid th ula convince the nv st skeptical. Self-p-if i 10 recnmnieinlation, but ccr tihcale from tliee 1 10 have una tnem are. Bentf of iu.itntintin otld do net be deceived hy muf-eprc.veiita.ioii. Ak for Alli'oek, and let uo f oliuitntin or explanation iuduce von to i-ccepi f nubstitnte. Adco. k s Cn and flu Dion Shields effect quick and cTtiii relief. Notice to Farmers. Wanted nt once Mtif-V.n durktt. wo?, turkevs. dried fmifo hntfpr eirtra. ami nil kinds of farm produce, for which I will pay tho high est price in casn or in cii irmincuji good. W. Simmon, Albany, Oregon New Dlacksmitm Siior. G Willis i1Q. iu-t comsleteu his blacksmith shop at the corner of Second and Katlroad streets where all kind of Iron ana woca work enn be nod and done In first class order Brlnir on voni nlows, wagons, etc., etc for reps 1 1 WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspepsia and Livr UompUint? SbilohiJ Vitaltier i guaranteed to core yu. 8t.EEPI.ESS NIGHTS made miiersble by thst terrible coach. Shiloh ' Curs is the IJicrmdy for yctt. Powder TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. II Fatrd Yamn, Yuma, A T, Feb 27. The water reached the highest point at 11 last night. Every business house was washed down. The con vent of St Joseph, AO U W hall, tchaolhouse, express, telegraph and postoffiice were leveled to the ground. The railroad and steamboat offices were swept into t le Colorado river. The railroad icehouse and track at the loot of Main street is washd away. Five hundred men worked last night to save the property. but met with little ruccess. The towi and property are now guarded by members of the Yurra Rifles, who have been sworn in as deputy sheriffs. The wete' is now fulling here, but repoits of further rises have pcen received from above and the east, which, if correct, will entirely sweep Yuma away. The rail roads botU ways are inpassable. All ths country eastward for twenty miles is flooded. 4 Lucky Pliuter. Astoria, Feb 27. July 1 1889, R E Feeeey proprittoi ol the Western World, at Seabavin Wash, homesteaded a seventy-three acre tract of tide land near by Seahaven. The land ap preciated in vaine and be sold lots to the amount of $3000. Parties tried to dispo- sese him, and the case ha. been in lr.i-j lion ever since. Feenev'o lawyer v.vs wired tonight from Washington, D C, !h;.t the comn.!s!oner of fit geneia'. land ofllco had this afternoon decided the case in Feenty's favor. Feeney is now setting type on the Tacoma Globe. The com missionei's decision manes him wo'th over A QUuitcr of a million dollars, Fceney's lawyer gets a fee of $ 10,000. I he Wrong Mun. London, Feb 27. It Is believed that the police ffill have to discharge Sadler, the man accused ot the murder 01 "Carroty Nell." One of the best witnesses against Sadler died suddenly the other day, and there is very little testimony on which to ask for his commitment. The coroner, in summing up at the inquest today, spoke strongly in favor of Sadler's innocence and nis charge v. 1:1 go a long way towarn tree ing him. A Cenntne Hurricane, Jacksonville, Fla., Feb. 37 Yester day afternoon the wind from the north ward become a genuine rorlhwesterlv gale, the severest since 187s. It toon reached a velocity of hfty-6lx miles an hour, and then subsided gradually. Much damage to properly in all parts of the city was done. Blackey Libeled. Paris, Feb. 27. John W Mackey has began an action for libel through his Paris solicitors against Gaiignanls Messenger. It appeais the newspaper published an ar ticle charging Mackey with the authorship of certain atracks made against his own family while residing in London. Crops BolDcd. Woodland, Cal., Feb, 27. It has been raining continuously forforty-eight hours. All the streams in the county are full, and thousands of acres of swamp and tule land are under water and the crop will be al most a total loss. CATARRH CURED, health fand weet breath secured,by Shilch'i Catarrh Remedy. rrice ou cents. JNaaal injector tree, to- shay & Mason, agents. A N&SAI INJECTOR free with each hoitlo f Shtloh s Catarrh Remedy. Price 60 cents. Foshay& Ma&on, auents- Kupepny. This is what you ongnt to have, n faot yon must have it, to enjoy life. Thousands are searching for it daily, and mourning be- . cause they fled it not. Thousands upon thousands of dollars are speut annually by our people in the hopo that they may attain this boon. And vet it may he had by all. Wb ptinrantee that Electric Bitters, if uied according directions and the use persisted in, w bring you good digestion and oust the demon Dyspepsia and install instead Eupipj-y. We reccmrnLd Eicctric Bitters for 3ypt 1 ?e and all clieates of Liver, S toiimch and Kidney. Sold at 60c and $1 per l ottlc by rohay & Mason, druftieta. "HACKM ETACK,' a lasting aid f-a ((rant perfume. Price 25 ad 60 centi. Fo shay U Matonf agentf. E.an Si Achison li.tuille tne celebrated I'ori Jhiu) cement wlls for cemetery lots . Theo wsIIh can be furnislind at half the cost of any other and are far superior. Hnrklen't Arnica Salve. Tim bMtSle In the urorlJ f'i Cut,nruUo,Sor UK-em, H!t Rheum, Fever .r, roller, Chapp hnnl, ChithUOi. Corm, and all Skin Erupt le 1 xit!velYourci I'Hen.or no (av rctqiilrod. It t ffuar ntve-l to n'ivn perfect ti.fciim, or money refund d. I'nce 2d cents per box. For Bk'.s by Foihuj and Proaeaaeetl Uupelesa, Yet Paved. From a letter written by Mr Ada K Hurd itt Groton. 8 D, we quote: "Was taken with ahsd cold, which n-ttled on my Luns, conuhs set iu and Fually terminated in Cnn lumption. Four ii-ctors Give me up saying I ceuld live but a abort time. I ftaveoiv eif np to my Saviour, determined if I could " notttay with my ftisnda ta earth, I wow id tueet my alsent oeea above. My ha band nas fldvwcd to n tt Dr Kinn' New DiCovor cry for Contuaiytion, Couha atd Colds. 1 wave it atrial, took in all eisht Loltler; it has cured me and thank God Ismawellsnd heartv wotuiti " Trial UittUi free at Fo bay k Uaaon'sdietf tlorr, regular siiw, 50o sad $i. SHILOH S CATARRH REMEDY a positive cote for Catarrh, Diphthciu and Cauknr-Usuta. Feskay ef Uaioii, aeiits. SDIUUl'd VITALIZJR is what va Dedfi ('tttstipAUett, Leaeet Aypetite, lu eiieu, si all stoau ef Djspepis.frka It see 76 irac WelWe