to p,ili:!'''l '" Nun"".!' Hiniit ami r:iih"iAi, iluy in Did tviml; ox. flTCSi XI'TriMI. IMil'ir.. ii I'roiVn. I Kilter"1' nni"1 eH'in. :,4 Mflllll'l ' ill, nt ilmii,, 't- inul ii -iti'tr. liKimv ..I'M: iti m , imn. rrr on-iciM. i':,'. I-, at .OflAIi lii'-CniM). TlIK Jl'Sl'I'HlN I'llHi. Tills ill y i)( ir knit 3 o'i'loi'l: tl i irt innriiiii;:, eallnl ilizi-im to witr.tMM tlm thiid I'uiilhiratii v.iii.-li wi'lnnis had in l h than l.'inticn 'liUlltlll. tliv lirnKi- ollt 1)11 I'mlit .mi-t, in this Utiliwuu nv.ii"d h v Jlillul'll 11 ll'l ui'i!Hilfd hy .M . ii I limit, js a miIooii. It 'im Hitiiiitcii not r.i'ivi iiiiin fi'l't nurtli of iiliimru'i! holid Nurlli if iiml uttucliwl tnllii-i Imililiii will tilt' one o.viumI l-v;JHr i!iv-Im;ii I'niii'i tin HitiiLli p irtiiiit K-in oiTiinit I iv Mr I''!' '"' i' l""t ; i ,il,w .tini.uiil tl'iL'iiuilli rlim uus Vri'mm's jewelry Hturi'. North hi tlm ji-v.i'hv slurs; svii tin' Kurri'T'H l ionic si!i n luii!ii ov. n- ,,l i iy M'tiruiitr x .Usui, tin: iinKii'..'ty. In lliiii lniililiiii.: wan John Kirk's hai-h'-i slinji. Ami Klill nnrtli of this hiiloon nan :l lusildin;; la-luliu'i:if to ( ''iis-pcr Kii'!; anl, Lnl known an tin- I :.i'!::'.!u' ' 'ni'.nii, umiiT t!n- ii!ana:.':nui.t of !'. i;.i.i !'.;.,-. Apiim'1'1 I'lirliur slioj., iln- -,j r: .vnt!v njiriKo hy T .Millioni, kus in tliin l-ul!.:-in;.'. Tlii'su writs litirnii!. Nut iii-iri: than ' ff.'t north of the Kyi1,iuij!- mlwa a ' .inis.s.'on nium ut win nil nit-r- cl:a!i' I ::- l'or a lin.c it s-''d tii"iii.'li it, too, iniisto, 1 . : 1 1 hv i svuikoiir lire i-oin';inv.ii.'"is0'il l,v i,,ni'v uf otsr ritizi'lis, bi'i:.ini:' nia-tcrs" of l:i situation. (iihui.iv'H Imti-l v.a.s on Ihv not lt-s than aix (iiilVri-nt tmits.litit i-ncti tiini' it was fxtiniriiislu'il. Tins o.i'-in of ,lii' liru i;5 unknow n, liinnii'i it iirusuijm- b!y wad uiriik-ntul. 1'ilut. I'Mitur I'UL'ui r, of Sulo, wiih in Hits eity thin iiiuriiinj.'. Tliu A.wiiihly -In t hull last cvisiiinir, is ri poiti'il an tniovahliMilhiir hv tliov w ho ii'ii'inn o. . line Hiiiiimr wan Hi'i vi'il at tin1 ( dy ivitnaraiit. 1'iof l.oi illaidw' t'oiin rt ofctirn tonight, IK' s ill las ui .ii:ti-d I y .Minis I.i ona Willi, of Sali'in, ami our htsst loral tali-nt Olio of the U'Hl niusiial treats of .tin- m aoii ill pioiuiHcil. .Air I, I ( ) ( iinniT. tin- civil (Miuiiiier arrivinl in tiio city liiht evi'iiinii on a visit t i his fainilv ami frii'inls, aiti-r ei'Vt.'i'al months ?t't'nt tit his proit'H.ion on um oi III.' limit riiKil', anil in otiii'i' luulH Wa:iliiiiL'ton. lit- will ii'iiiain t-nvi'ial l.ivrian.l linn ivtiun to l'ui Ll.unt to lin i.-ii up his woi k. ('..ii'liii'lor ( ( ki'intolv.ol the urouon I'aeitic, lias n'l'iiinl a h uvo of ahsi'iii'i' of I wo 'lay:', ami iii ilevote thu time, u M i ne' t't liiahtti of Ainanv, .Vlonilaviini Tne?ilay, hi:: lil -t experience here i n cept an In.iir or two each noon. V, e mention ihe tVct hefore hand en that uu eil:::i ns can he on their ;;uanl. Tonielil ft ven or ci.irhl. new nieinhen; w i'l he ini! iati 1 into llieivilia Kneaine aunt .No j, I nil I'. H will he nni'le an i";tva oi;-:;: ij n. i's a r-uU n law mi :. i in-r of v:.-it in, ini n1. o.-rs w :11 he pt'-c , nt ami m-i'-l thu Alhany incinhi'iH. liming thuiiiiit a n pa-t w ill he ncrvcil. Aninl. llio-e in tin- city HI" tin: i'oliow iei'. from ll:ini-l nn' i;.nceniinient.. No .s: II II Mo-rrill, I Ion .1 1 .Medio lit, A I' I I' :: nie. .'I I.i.C.M ir taken ii, 'V .1 Amlei'Hon, I ; jl..., T J Ko'.e ill!"!', V llavirt, M ,i !. i!oiris anil ;-e!i J it Carl i s, A I N'a'i- W Ciailoi'. 1, li;:.v.-. W ' i ' :y it a s'Mi liiiior l;ui.-ii:-e em!' r .lintraii'iii. i.iz re: Wilson I'avu leasn! .1 a-.'l v ill establish a i:iir.-( ry i. Y,r ICi.i.-r isa'iexjierienee'l A Di:.-I'i:kvik Cii ..kactkk. Monday evening; an indiva'.ual ell'eetu'l an en Iranee at the rear cf li ( irahain s iIi iil- store ami stole a qu.'iiitity of elotliini; and a razor lieloiiL-iim to llenrv Worlhani. A tramp who ptvi; iiis name as Walker was arrested on KiismciOii and t in razor found ir his possession. Ho was hroiis;ht before Justiee Tnrney on Wednesiiay afternoon, hut w hile holding a consulta tion with his Rttornev. nnart from the. oiiieer in oharjie, the primmer made a break for lilierty. The Httornev. who. "hy the by," is not so nuilo as 'iie was twenty vears niji.i, hastily summoned the Jlarshal. At length thu cnljirit. was re captnred, hut while hein conducted to the justice's ofliee he hroko awav n-'niii. and it was not until a long exciting cliast; nau ueen .rosecutcil tliat lie was taken into custoily and landed at the bar of justice. The evidence brougiitoutat the trial was eullicient to warrant hia ileten tion for Hiiearanee nt the next nession of the grand jury. Corvallis Uazet'.e. AiTAiiiicn. Sheriir Scott Isolds J li Hughes' well driiliui- machine uu ler an attachment, and has nbeed it in care of Mr John Maxwell, m it ia oi tsumeu those who want w ell or rock ds ill nig done should address the linn of Scott e; Max well, wiio will go to the bottom, but we hope not, as it seems friend Hughes lias, for Hughes went down to the bottom I. ike. Mcdintv in ocean. 'Till n creditor has got him, jinn aioppeu Hliort every motion. He does well when at rhyming. None make verses iniicli neater; But his cash has quit chiming His short purse does not meter. i tin- I In' new It' I Mi...r:; J. .n't- ,;i'ol:l iu 1. hat,.-!! liiiltH'il (ii o (' ib'ioe and Koht Whiti d, of thi:' j.:'.i.:-. were i'. the Cahpooia la-t week, ind they leport the snow from five to .-IX h "t ileeli :u IHll'K:eoerry, fivc miles li iin l.rownsville. Tiie eaiienters of Lebanon, to the number ot canteen or iweniy, niei .uon- day evening and took steps toward or ganizing a carpenters' association. Jas Mntchett received a telegram last Kridiiy evening informing him that his son, 1'rrraiiK I aiaicneti, was seiiourij ill. Mr .Matehett took the train MUur- dav liiorning for Koeklord, ash, tbe home of his son. A sliiniii-di occurred over in C'annda l.,t ui . lr. lietwKi n Hnht Foren and Jas llostwick, iu wliich the latter, being a weakly man, was pretty badly used up. (i W Wheeler cold Ins saw null i...,i t Messrs Preston &. Weddle week. We understand the mill will he moved to the vicinity of fcweet Home. Tin: liUEiiui: To Ltf l'itlu'(l i'rolii Ihf Time Oil. The s.pu'ial mei ling of iie City (,'oun eil to eonsidi r i::e bridge question was held at the Council Chambers last even- aud was ati aded hy the i.ieiuheri oi the Ciiiiiicil and Keveral citizens. The matter was dheu.-.sed in an harmonious milliner by tbe members of the Council and private citizens, including Judge I'liiin, II II Hew itt ami Hurl ltace. The iinauiino is expression was in favor of immediate action. On motion n com mittee oi thtco was appointed to prepare and ciicnlute a petition to the County Court a-kiiii.' it to act in conjunction with AiUuiv and Ui nton county iu the eoiistriK'tion oi a bridgv at this city. The M::vor appoinied Cotincilmen liurkhart, Tabler and Smith as such committee wil.h oov.'er to a-.! irjhit silb-eomuiitteeri. 'i l.ese pel itions liiiva ali '.'.e'.y heeu st'istcd and v.iltne eleulaleu over me eninc jiintv before the c.uvvuiiiu of the ( 'onn! v ( 'ourt. "n motion of Cii".ii':;'.li).ill riench the Tnvor and ( 'ouneilni'-n w ith one citizen liom each wafiwere aipomted a cum iii it leu to wail upon the County Court at '--ion lieu wek i.tid iiern.nallv ask the Court to mute mill the titv so locat in' a briiiv e, to he :isi 'trd bi' eolnia'tent 'le.'ine'. the iml'Miiesit i.n the site i lin: I'ikh'e to lie made at the April ten. i oi the County Court an i to be bnal. Cniiiul. .Wvor Cowan aiiiiointed rllell eonilnitll": S K YoUllLMroln ti c 1st Ward: '1 W M i-;toii, from the '-'nd Ward, and A li:ie!:'eiiuiu,iroi:i tiieoid N'aril. ( Jn u- -'.ion Cie t'eunei! adjourned. Y:.!, hows ti:ac 1 urdre.-s is meant. This eltv and county were jievi r in a lt i.t!i;::; to do (his work than bow. ii:i.;e iioiilii he no excuses and node U:-j. J.U the wotk Ins pus'ned harmo-ihoin-Iv, evei'yb'jdy wording together, .'ih'eailv a skilful engineer lias made tt preliminary survey, hieh in all jiroha i'il'ity v, ill he end . ir. ed hy whoever inves ti'ib s ids w o, k. The bridge should be s.uilt t his s-ummer. '1 hat shov.ld be the plan !.- no tiie sit.u t,:.nd it can be done. .i2!sr IT. , last IKI1IB AMI AKUOAII Unlio & l)iv; i, drujisisU, Huy your grow rim of I'ai lmr Km' rbogioerritig at Conn ii ll' iiitr.eion'f. All mol'iir cm di at c mt a, Klein Hr.n. Nntioe llie N..w V.irt. C 11. li. Hlore'n ad. I'icp'nu''. ro Vi f-r:tlj by J !! li Y, Vi'ayii n, died at SiiltiU vestoidiv at Twentv mills and factories in the New England" staters, New Jersey, New York and l'ennsylvania.linve recently reduced wages from ". loW per cent. A wonderful surgical operation iB to be performed in New Orleans soon, that of taking out the hearts of two men and excha'iicini' them. It is claimed this can be successfully done. We are not anxious to exchange hearts with anybody. The County Court should contribute liberally towards a bridge at Albany. Tbo city is entitled to it. wenivepaiu thousands of dollars in taxes to build bridges in other parts of the county and without a murmur. Now for reciprocity. Tun Knurr Man. lion. ;rsor,;o E. Chamberlain, of this citv, is being men tioned for tho ofliee of attorney general ' of Oregon, under the new "law just passed, and tho governor will ho urged ny the friends of Mr Chamberlain, who arc legion, to nanus him for the position. Mr Chamberlain is not only one of the most popular, but as well; one of the most competent lawyers iu the state, and Ins appointment would give univer Bal satintaction here, as well as w herever lie is known. The mention of Mr Cham berlain for tho position is a timely one. ineappiiintnient of a hinn cmiiitr man Air Chamberlain's reputation' would be only a iust reeoenilinn of tbe mmr..- cmtinii displayed for tiie governor at the ballot and on al! other occasions iu oi l hum. Auuny's CiiASfCs (!ooi.. If Albany were only advertised nioderalelv in the cast ami MissiJsippi valley, it would, no doubt, cause a goodly share of the tide of western emigration to How toward our doors. Although we cannot expect tiie Koierninent to pour out its millions to '". " '"!' .ui'uny, as it is about to do fo hidney, on Port Orchard bay, vet a littl wiioii'sninc "hustling," on our own ac count would at least, put us among the towns which are to Insve a phenomenal growth iu the immediate future. Scio. Horn, on Thursday, February 10th, to the wiie of M M l'eery, of this city, a daughter. Orthodox weight. l'.en Irvine of near Jordan was in town Saturday lie stated that they had caught 'and killed live coyotes in his neighborhood this winter. S II Claughton, our old time friend when a resident of Lebanon, but now a resident of Chehalis, gave us a pleasant call last Tuesday. Ail parties in this vicinity who have not vet paid their county and state taxes casj find a list of the same at the bank of Seio, where the same can be paid. This is qui..e a convenience to our citizens. John Curl received sonic fine coal spec imen's from the Carhoiidale mines Mon day. One about the sizeol a prize pump kin he s lid be was g'lisn; to send over to the O T K K at Corvallis. l'resa- Tub Gariicx Spot. J R Kirkpatrick wilting from Scuttle to the Lebanon Ex press sais: "There is only one agent here for Oregon, that we have met, w ho Is paid anything ;'.t all to belp turn this vast stream to the Willamette valley, and this gentleman Is from Eugene. All the farming hinds, that we can hear of, that are accessible and can be bought! are now being sold a', from $100 to S500 per acre, and when I tell them they can buy better fruit, garden and grain lands in Linn rountv for tfio per acre, they look at me In astonishment and ask use where is Lhsn county? I have already induced three families to start for Lebanon this weck.nnd expect some more to go next week. The n-.o.-e 1 travel and see oi tbif work:, tl'.e more thoroughly I am convinced that Linn countv, Os-egon, is the garden spot 01 ihc world, and if the proper steps were taken hv her citizens to ndvertis.' her tim ber and mineral resource", waicr power, and also her fruit and garden would not be long before her maleii'd wealth and population would place her in the front rank of any oilier part of this coasl. Monday, a reduction of wngc9frotn $2 ner day to J 1.7r) was made at the two pulp mills of the W P ti P Co. Some of the men left but their places were readily tilled with others. The hands at tbe Crown paper mill have been working for Foiiiis time for $1.75 per day. This reduc tion brings all paper mill hands down to tiie fame rate, except foreman. Oregon City Courier. Every few days some one discovers perpetual motion. The Oregon City Courier tells of another case: Fritz Iross, who lives about four miles out on the Molhila road, claims he has invented a machine that w ill run by its own mo tive power on a railroad track without fuel. He believes he has discovered tiie secret of the perpetual motion that sways the steller worlds,and that a locomotive, constructed on his plan, would only stop running when worn out. Soma grown men need a guardian when they travel. This noon a young man alsitit twenty-three year? of ago was rushing around the depot to find out what lie wanted, not seeming to have a tongue wiili which to ask. In his excite ment lie fell on his head; then rushed for the Portland train and was going ofT on that, when he learned it was the wrong train! He wanted the Corvallis train, which lie finally reached twenty minutes ahead oi time. tlld aue of til y Sue kt the uelttbr.itrd Havana filled 5 cent cigar a Julnss Jsmcpli h. A iureesttnek of '.'i'.J putter, with lute iie- irfiia, at I'lirliniller t 1 1 viiiji's,jiiMt received St W K It.'.-vil'i n) i.f ibeiia etxda and illka li .-.torts nilylug elea-here. rcir'aii in choice erecrirj can alwavs hrs Rvis-ir. it ot Aden Lsim.. riiuu rilocit. liilvli"Mt sm;rket luiiso mill for cv;:i at the N'ew York C. It. It. Store. I "Chiik 'ti Lliiihtliuria Pri.v?tiUUvi-"ior Bale by Ilalt'i mt't l;svt9nu. ' Tns, St Ciurh-s will, c.jiiiancirij Ssi'id sy, Mareii Is, j.'ive dinner from to 7:30 y no W1:!'!, M).s a si zui:, muiditig for men fr-Yit Ms K ni'n.j'ist cast of this LlUYOCIiAr office. A h-t'er fr.-mi Coif. Siiorcy xaya tiesre wiil he no -ei 1 ieis.i it tiie C"ti jtc iiii ma! Church Sh'-tnin.:' evrjiiiti an tinliosiii'.V'L YVI'.iie Air Wbliaai M.ick wan honi:: a rizul last ingiit thu lssstrni' r.t slipped and cist a severe gi:h to the to artmie. Win Cox, of the lh:n of !C-h"rg & Cox. Albany, bus l.etu ilnphived by the Sautiani LuinhuifjVrnpriyof MithCity to .Mitierisittml the ntioiur sit th vt place, The i'Vi-M r? & Mi-rcliantss laturance C'om- nary, ot tlnsciy --10J oy the J unction nre, (mens : a poncy on tiirfstneA anu hxturct. of thn nl ou if Mo.-jisi Ilnult. Duri isj the 'ant to weeks C W Waul. hums Is 3 eoid o'r Liuetaen thoiisani! hisslej't 'if The same netted hiai sizt twoeeutsa blisa'.!, or oll.iatJ. Junction I'il Y.'ih Lurg lias given notice that he will el(sseh:3 bip.'.s.esje store the last of thiBssvrek. Ileftte, Corv.dhsia not large euoeih to euu portJSJ fstablijisaient of auch i .joryalhs juncss Editor Aoanss of the Lebanon Kxpreas haa uiat been elected cssermtendent ot the oau bnth School of the ll E Church South at that city, S M W Hirsdman, Assialaut Sup.riii- dent. Miss iUzlitt, Seeretaiy acd Misa Maggie I'mkhart, Treasurer. The members of the AVomana Misaioiary society of the Virjst Prcabyteiiao Church are icqssestccl to meet at the residence ot Mia t. K trott. rsaturuay afterooon at J o clock Business of importadce ia to be brouuht be- foro tlse society so a full attendance ia de sired. By order of the president, Mrs E ijott. If another survey fur a bridge at Albaiiy 18 made it should be by a government sur vt-yor. and be final. The survey made by Mr Stewart, though, sneaks tor itself on careful irspectiors. and in all probability auy future surveys made by competeotcuuiiieers will correspond wita it. Ihe matter ot 10 cation, is an immateriaLone.just so it ia the most feasihlbe one. What Albany wants is a biidge. WDIHll 0Hljl:ltlV(i. F. M. French kcbiia railroad time. low cream chootse just received at Conrad Meyers. Kiyau & Aehi-ieu are soiling monunis.tita at 1'ortUnd prices. Mens', voath a and hnsY clothing r-.s.d furoitfhing (tooda at (t Y Simpi'ou's. Have you sttu tlsofi parlor suite that')' Brink has j jot received ? Thuy aro uice. Croat reduction iinriiin'a furnishing goods for tho next SO days at W F Head's. J VV Monthly, best hoot and shoe maker iu city, inP'O docra north of I'kmockat olnce Kor b&maiiis in nioiiumentv, hidst'ines etc, goto Kgan & Aciiisoo, Albany, Oregou Tickets for ALL eaitTo fsoints, ovot ANY' mute, for suit by W. L. Jester, at 3. r. nonet omce, It is chimed that the 0. itv. bialgo across tiie .1 sKerzie at Cobssrn is the lougest wooden tp-in ia tho United fctates aOJ test. 1 1 Jo Uiv r-n '.0, I'TW ELECTIUCITY THE ROAD TO HEALTH AND VICUI!. Wlion w: consider tho liitinii.ltle wRRttuj tJloawo ami Impaired vitnlfty.wft ("i itnnor tlmt bhU.uH only lo t'io nobJ!?t htine.V'ttrii cf onr rc. U.v thiw oiscov firy, which ormulcs Itlm lo vuii'i'j tin meiliclif h hy nieaiis ot o!pctrkltj,aHd ti fnd the lit'd curroiitt of that (;rcat Ri:Pnt through U10 dehiiuated irRnm, lHiniiays puiti, it)vtrf.ft tiio Btrongih and florid shinnrn ff ulfirlous heUh. und the elasti city and Jnynus!ii'iM cf tti iiit that aro lost wheii KiilU-rirK iroin dUcai-e of t lie or tain, or di.-,rirr isf-mont of the nervous centers, A fuw Instances of euro we give an a priof jxinitivo of tho suptilnrity of elM'liioity ovnr other methodH of euro. Mr Jwano tV inird, Centria, Va:-h. A-thni of IS yef.rh' htunrlin, restored. Jo Moorc.M Charles Hoiui llestaunmtt Portland, polypus in thj n-m fifteen, cvireii. siiKX ucy .Mornn. iMnimio:; in -roou I05-H eve, b'rraihtoiiod in w.o jninuiti. J W ltottcm, A--r,rin, l;ilnfvand her cninpuitct fur yoiis; rt:;ioryf. to jit rtixn hpaun. n 1 w nmr.aTi. -loniiicuui. ur.. iiw.uie p.nd rirK.nK coisos in tlio tars ffloivi- r.tiHH rwam-fe .v.cKCan. :;ju 4 Mrjvi(roa l;md dHafp.pKB and caiarrh frtit U.n ycv.r' stjttidin'jr, -ir'i. K K Jcslin, '1 hb Da'dew, Or..d( hnritij.- t twenty-ouo year. cuieo. Hr Iairin tr-t.4 nil curah'e r-rivato chronic and neivous tit' eases, &t-rvot hloo' and bkin ciiatff., fores find tweilinLiM orvous ibiiiiv. imr.otoiic e and otlier onkncrii-?'i cf luannor.d. Uo corrects ho t-rifrot ni youtn anu uiir terri- o c!!tfH, ! ss of vifniit, pul7.-tUit.0n 01 0 h;:?.ri, loss at n;rjnjorv, iVi-.j.ordeiKy nJ r.ther tr:nblt -h f f mind and hou. : evei.ts i;f umption.r.taj t (,,sclt linji o tin t.r-iiii and 5-iitu. intaniu iJ oihff p.J'.l:ctcns a;iAel by the errors, '-.Q'bsts and d:.-e.i.';fcs of hoj'S and meu. 1I & jptorcH losl xzt and nirnly fow-jw, remove d(!;'orm!t-fcii vnd rrt"rs tho or una to hpj.!th. Ho niso enrt.a ':eaes ntifd by merenry and ot.hvr f oionous driijrH t:---d in t! e ini)rcicr tre:LU.x-nt cr priva:e dis:-.iftf 0(li',-t' 7i"i 'Vavhinqton st.,ror;l.-;nJ.L.r. Houra 9 A. ?J. to S V. M.. diiHy. slxkui inalion froe and con!idntial, qnoMcion blitnks and circilirs sent ra.U to a.y aldros., patiouta curfd at homo. and n fine alook Pavse a Moment. If you want a tail or made suit of clothes or any par of one, well made, 01 the best material to be se cured, have W R Graham do the job for lie has lust received an elegant uns of suitings.ot superior ana dur able textures, than which no better have ever been seen in Aloanv. He has marked hie -"ices down to bottom figures. Those desiring to dress in style should call on Mr Graham. generally, as well as jewelry, "Watches clocks, etc., at P. M. French's. Ten Toxs of salt just received by R 31 Robertson, several grades, which will be sold at wholesale and retail. Lime, ce ment, plaster, feed, oats, bav, etc., kept on hand and sold at reasonable prices. On March 1st will move from present place foot ot Ferrv St to btrahan bncus on Second Street, iust cast of Democrat office. I5arisin;t !3 l-sUK'itij Viu:atv (ib (".'tits look. Farmers with w licit to aril should noiv wiiUsh the market mid strike while the iron in l,t. -Vi'c (iiintis wheat tudav lit per litisdH'l, with a i-ood nut t"r"'' J'it nhout in the Middks nt the block, on First etrei t, li.mth Hide, be tween nml Kilswnrth. mi l Jon wid liml n ,,i.,uo wheru VOll r.m . ny I:et liiHt-classi srroeerii-8 and fivh pfuilnee at reaiioisabli' prices and be well treated without extra price. The sii'ii fends "I'urker liros.," and everybody Knows tliu name. Their (iso'ds are the brut. Their stork of psnds Kenerallv " kept replenished to meet the demands ui n yrnwini; truile. A Fix! i.iAit Cask. Several days ii;io Mrs Murray, of tbe Kxehantte Hotel, had a severe i-ouiibir.,: speil. At tbe cloe be wisii aitoiiih' d to lenrn tlsat mnld nut. sie osii of her left eve, liieh illi tiie ether bail been all riubt beiore She ba.i since consulted several siirntiiiis, r.ios-'t oi whom think a blood vessel in the rear i:( tbe eye ball was hurst. The litis eosni'leti'ly R.nus troin t no eye, mid it is doubted if it can be restored. Hi-sides I'onsur.ius; i ith several A man surgeons -Mrs Murray has been to (Nilcm and will n to I'ortlainl, to icain it there is r.nv possibility uf anything being done Nbw SfritiN'O Gooiss, I am now ri-ivi s"- irsv first ins-oiccs of spritis' novel ties in was.i goous, psinti,, isitilihanss, seer suckers, etc., I b.ive also just r-sxesved a neivlinerl all wool s-.'mmi-r plaids and bei-'ss. Samuki. K Vos'.n'h. Hoi.mkh I'.rssNss Coi.i.iniK, of Portland Or., will open Sept. 1st. .1 A W'eseo.the lc-idiin.' pi'iiiimn of this coast, has become a partner in this school and will makis it the lending Imsiiicss college. .Send for 0 catalogue. 100 pairs of ladies black kid glove3 at ,5 eiiits, worth If 600 of ladii's,iniscs and children's all-wool h"se at '-'j cents, worth 35 to lo cents. Lndiea corsets cents, worth i.' cents to sl.T's. I'oteh Ssixony wool 2" : cents jxsr stein, worth 10 cents. l'cimiants in dr:sa gomls at less than cost. Tlu-se j'oo'ss and untiiy ot.icr rerjnins) to l is found on our counters tor 111 ilayy ,,nlv. Csilleai v to sei lire the b5t liar eaitss while tbe nssortisi'snl -s c-.inipiete. JIes and women do not always agree, in fact thev fiemientlv disagree and ter- ionsly toocausing many divorces and collapses In the matrimonial market. One mini?. tnout71l. inev nirree on, unu uiui i that Conn i; llendrlcson keep the kind of groceries one needs in hjusekeeplng.tliey treat men and women alike ana give tnem bargains In eooils In their line. Call on them for groceries and produce. Coming Kvents, Fridnv evenintr. Feb. 27. Concert under auspices of Frof Lorillard, assisted by best local talent, at opera uouse. Fridnv evonins. March (i. The Gar- roters, by college students, at tlse opera house. .'Ml'S'S. I' cot p-intw, Kv.iry ,I1V w - 'i if i:.ii'.' y-iu use ir o lit tuns.- to Simi 1 frn'inS?,ro whit we livo hr, 'r-t u : K rr n, lis t, Fine Oh, Faintimis Mr A V ilest. who has been con-lnct i:sg a large csass in f-'silem. lut! on cxiiibiiitir.u in tiie stor: omiosite Stewart ei sox. on First street j, vribinbli. I'olli'clion i.f the most not and picturesque vievs on tins Facilic coast, the result of three years' ski tch ing. and which are priiiiotiniTil by all -i,o bsivn seen them, to bo tho line r.v..r i'-; ii Hied 111 .-tlli'lliv. lie n;;s inso some limin e pieces by Tojelti, the famous Sim Kriincisiti nrtist, who is ncKnowi r., 1 bvsll to lie ii-eond to none in ties tints. Tiie obj.'ct of this exhiiiition is to give the public an opportunity to j'.ing' ,,f Mr'.ivnrS. in be is here to or ,mii'n a class ill oil pi'.intilil.', and all who are interested in art should call am bim. Tin..' will bo on c llbltn fortius next to weeks, during the day and c.v ning. AN'i:,:s, to n-nt r.n lors'-veral i-i'itstlis. fail at l!ie F-k'uh-iat o'liee. Ii, - f)n I ll.'.'tS "iy a jso-ket book eon' ,'r. nble pr.potf.. (Jivn, :' cm by cr.i'inir al Ibir. o;li.-,i, p and p,, i..g fjr ibi-, noticis. i.f A l!.i il.i( MSltSl iniv,; t!., . .usie perrv Jut anised a ilrss, rou;,-i '1T"1 fcii siioii'a, w hi-h pr.e-js. Isi.ii - l,:l ;')' will his s nt In f mi; &t ti bo sol.l t hi'.' vhb eli-. ( i:.:s-' Fo P. SA--K In i t of'!: i .,::sro-. cd l s Wools. i. l l oi .'. 'd'.sn oir-.i at J' I'l (il'V. ', f.i. l.l ,ii live re a cord lll'llhl. i.rsi ro !. ;si:i 1 FINE PRESSED (.'HICKEXS AXIS M.ALIj,I'.I) dfcks, AT Ml-KLLER ct (lAUllI-.TT. Real Estate I Loan Dmker Ollicc-BALTIMOKE BRICK Doinar a frenenl Iimttranco business, Partiri isirin Insurance wilt t'o well to ec t):m. AOENTS TOR Aetna Inurnnre Compmiv. Inoorponred charier itrjtual. l.' -w(.-s pa'tl In .0 JO Ciin nil nn Inn. t'omnnnv. of LomloT,. Knclancl KsUblishett 18il. Cajninl, ff.,0W,OU0. 'lotol nre loueea piu over American Tiro In. C.impariT. Orjfui'iJicd 1L-I0. Cash asecte, a. paid, $ll),0Oti2tUO. t Priiladtli'hto, CitlTiniTitn Flic A !Hnr!nc Ins. 4'nnipany, Oregon's best ct nn uiiiin, A MEV from cov; rv a TO COVER. Fully Abreast vclth tho Time. AVEBSTER'S I INTERNATIONAL V DICTIONARY A GRAND INVESTMENT for the Family, School, or Profcsssional LibrsirJ Th Authoutio Woljator'a Una brislcd Dietiosnr.ry, coaipriiiinK tho isssros of 1864, "10 & '84. copyrighted pronospsty of tho nnclcrsiaineil, ia now oroc(s;My Retrlned Bnd Enlarpeil, ntid as n distingrnlsTiiiig tivlo, boasra tho natssio of Wohstsr' Xntorna ttonal Distionary. Editorial worls npsn tbin revision has boon in aotiro progro?. for o-7r Ten Yours. Kot less than OuoHim drod paid editorial laborers Itavo boon cajzod upon it. iOn-cr SSOO.Oaa omeaded 1t its preparation toforo "tho first copy was pruiiuu. Critical com-rnr-icon uritll any other Dictionary is; irsvitod.. Got tlsso ScTt. I C. C. MKr.r.iA3i i co Pu i:his.-s, ' aprlnsllcll,Mns..,V.K.A. Soldbyallllookscllora. Ilhislrli-Jr'tisisphlfcl'i-ei. Dr. M. AU3T ELRlcSCE ELI SAUM, OS. -QPFfil PEeMTS BSSSASES, Cortu'tnlioii fifcO arul srnril con ACM .' J WX T TCTWli: HAVE BEE1 MM T8 THE8SW YOBX Try our Jaelcson cornet. If i' tioirt u:l, try t!ic S. U mi ABORN. T J'ORILAM) IXTIL JILY 5TU. DR AHOI1N, Fourth and Mnrrison stnsotB rortlun I, ()iei(0!i, this ni'iht micsi-sisfiil pi yi cin on on tho Asnc-isisisn continent for the ap'.c Iv, lH'Mtivi, nhsio'.iito ftsol pcrtnaiu-nt (S'irn for C-i'arrh d tlm Ibid, Asthma, f rorschiri". rnenmnnis rnil UuR-ninsiption. 'rsvoiity-tivo years guccefcaful practieiss. Instnctaneono relief cr.d permanent euros otten entotoa upon um cons.uiiuion. Ahnrn, hv hi nnpiud, nniili-.rii, ucien- tt'ic mothnj, c-ui.-c'.sl 3ner.(iy and milicul enrr r. cf tho most oV BMuato etiu I03!j sianuin uiii'ss of f".',h.' C.itiirl. O- ni, Di'afiiP", l)i' ch-iri"-!! from this Kirr., Al'lnrirt, 15 i nislilt n and Con-nmijUur.'. A'.ui Stoitwth I'i'-r'irH. Hi:ioun '' r: 11 Stc-ri- mil Jm-iisok. Jf.-i-t. l,iv Ki"f,y, Itl.-'iUr .nil X-r r All.c im li'.-.-Itt'. t '.'ten. Alsio di isshnus's fis-f is' to Trostli.n, Jass-.iAty ;snJ, itOJi. Dr. Ab -r l ivin -i'il Iss'v o. 5. lie i y o.s. lissp'r ua fn In fit, si yle cornet, and 'jtiality th SUPERB strictly 1-rt-l-CLASS tliiiiil of ,the PAST go corao in, dear friends, and price Tiie goods we carry in ptoet: are He-member, the vorl ckkdit is a jnder buy nr.l under pell is "V.r $?t OTTO gverylxidy likes our shoes, they are made of A3 LEATHER THEY B8 m.l SssSAP. mMlTcZsi TI'.S FLSS Mcriirlnml Bloi U, Alimiiy " F i KENTON, -Ic.ncr in- W TT 1,1 ssurof, . il i-